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  • in reply to: cant get the guys to give a yes :( #859432

    Wow. I’m sorry it happened, but I’m happy its something that can be fixed. I hope the right guy comes knocking on your door (or ringing your bell) very soon!

    And I don’t know you very very well but from what I do… Well, if a CR reference is worth anything… 🙂

    Hatzlacha with everything!


    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1167983




    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1167980

    Think first-


    PE, MP, thanks so much for asking. It was a hard week but I hope Be’H I’m on steadier ground now.

    RedNails, lol. And one person here who would love to see your writing.

    SaysMe, it’s great to hear that! I hope things continue to get better. (And your earlier post was amazing!)

    MP, lots of Hatzlacha with everything. I hope things get better soon.

    blabla, hang in there! *hug*


    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1167968

    Thank you SaysMe, MP. After a hard night today is better B”H.

    SaysMe, sorry you had a hard night. Sending a bunch of hugs your way. I hope Purim is the beginning of Simcha and Bracha in everything! Hang in there 🙂

    Wishing everyone a freilechen Purim and hoping that it bring all the Yeshuos needed, in every area.


    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1167963

    I could use one myself now :-/


    in reply to: Google Is Annoying #935915

    OOM: Aside from the content being lost on me, the blog looks nice. 🙂 (And the background!) I also noticed some other details which I sort of recognized 😉 (Any way to… uhh…?)


    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1167958

    Lol, thanks, RedNails. I needed that. 🙂 I’ll give you a credit for a real life hug but until then, *hugs*. That better?

    Oh, welcome to this thread.


    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1167955

    SaysMe- I know the feeling (sort of, anyway) :-/. Hope things get easier soon. *Hugs*


    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1167950

    MP, I haven’t been posting too much but I’m still here.

    mods, anything you can do about the email?


    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1167945

    SaysMe, if that was addressed to me, it absolutely still stands.

    Hope tomorrow is better. *Hugs*


    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1167934

    blabla, that was great!

    Think First, great news! Lots of Hatzlacha!


    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1167928

    Thank you, MP. It means a lot coming from someone such as yourself.


    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1167925

    Sorry to hear that. I hope starting tomorrow things get a lot better. Sending you a bunch of hugs. Hang in there, we’re rooting for you 🙂

    (and g’luck with the homework!)


    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1167923

    I don’t mind hurting cuz it means I had something good, if that makes any sense.

    Makes perfect sense. To me, anyway.

    bygirl, I also have things I wrote (for school) which I actually did very well in. Now when I look back the only thing I can think is, “I really wrote that?!”. That said, your stuff is good. Keep writing. 🙂

    SaysMe, nice to see your name around. Hope you’re doing good. 🙂


    in reply to: New And Returning Members! #856384

    I know I haven’t been here so much lately, but I haven’t seen gefen, QB, or Emunas Itecha in a bit. You folks still around?

    Oh, and of course the one and only AYC. 🙁


    in reply to: cant get the guys to give a yes :( #859411

    I have nothing to go on other than my own opinion but I would say a good number of shidduchim come from friends and relatives who “get involved” as opposed to “official” shadchanim so you may want to try that if you haven’t yet. The second thing is to check your references. Yes, that means have someone call them. As bad as it sounds, its better that you know in case they need to be changed. (My own thing is not to give single friends as references simply because they’re in the same parsha.)

    Hang in there 🙂

    Lots of Hatzlacha! Looking forward to good news soon!


    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1167913

    Syag, I just wrote a post which I accidentally deleted. I’m sorry for the hard times, and I hope it will get easier soon IY”H. You’re an amazing person with an unbelievable attitude (and so right!), and even though it’s not always easy, keep up the good work. I hope tomorrow is easier. *hugs*

    SaysMe, hope you’re ok. *hugs*


    in reply to: Random Acts of Kindness In Honor of AYC #1023211


    POST IN!



    in reply to: Tehillim for Rav Yisroel Belsky Shlita ('CHAIM' Yisroel ben Chana Tzirel) #854316

    Last I heard, the name was changed to Chaim Yisroel ben Chana Tzirel. Maybe someone can confirm?

    May he have a Refuah Shelaima b’karov.


    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1167906

    MP – If it wasn’t for you I would swear I am invisible.

    FTR, I might not say it that often, but I love your posts. Keep ’em coming!


    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1167892

    Goq, I read your first poem yesterday but was in a rush so (stupidly) didn’t take the time for a response. I’m not sure what to say other than I’m sorry for what you went through, and that whoa, did you come out on top! You’ve got a lot to show for yourself and keep on going.

    You’re very talented, keep writing!


    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1167889

    SaysMe- I haven’t been here in a bit but I’ve been thinking about you (and actually just signed in to write this). I’m sorry things are hard now, I really hope it’ll get easier soon. I hope you have a good Shabbos. Sending some hugs your way. 🙂

    The email offer still stands. I can’t promise too much, but you can rant and vent all you like 🙂

    MP, thanks for the shout out.


    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1167826

    blabla, please check your email.


    in reply to: Please help. #849675

    May he have a Refuah Shelaimah b’karov. I’ll say some Tehillim.


    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1167822

    blabla- keep going, we’re rootin’ for ya! #teamblabla

    SaysMe- how’s everything? Thinking about you. 🙂

    ICOT- great poem, as usual.

    (Edit: SaysMe, your post just went up. Refuah Shelaimah!)


    in reply to: The YWN Coffee Room Welcome Wagon #1064415

    Thank you, my loyal subjects!

    Another queen? Oh, well. 😉

    Anyway welcome back, triplet! Hope that was a little more personal than the first one.


    in reply to: 3 Shadchanim in BROOKLYN #849320


    Any real answers?


    in reply to: 20 Questions #937016

    It’s a fulgurite.



    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1167809

    SaysMe- I hope today was a little easier. Just wanted to mention that the “just engaged” and around the time she gets married will probably be the hardest. Things do settle down though and will get easier. Different timezones are just that but such a close friendship is likely here to stay. No matter what. Keep going, you’re doing great. 🙂

    Good Shabbos


    in reply to: The YWN Coffee Room Welcome Wagon #1064412

    Shows how much this place needs AYC


    MP, I’m not sure where that came from, and I wish it were true, but thank you. I appreciate it.

    Goqie, Syagie…?! *scratches head*

    Welcome back QB! (I hope you didn’t copyright that line or anything…)


    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1167807

    Kapusta, you really enjoy cleaning?!

    Definitely not in the top three fun activities but not always terrible. Making a mess is lots of fun though. 😉

    (Some people do clean for pleasure or just as a way to get rid of stress which I definitely get.)


    in reply to: The YWN Coffee Room Welcome Wagon #1064403

    I’m still here but haven’t been posting much. This place has gotten kinda quiet lately.


    in reply to: Great news!!! #849088

    Good work! May it be a zchus for you.


    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1167800

    ICOT, that was great!


    in reply to: wow what a story #847657

    Syag, thats amazing. Like they say, “the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree”.


    in reply to: The YWN Coffee Room Welcome Wagon #1064401

    Welcome back, MP.


    in reply to: The party's on! #848330

    Welcome back RedNails19. You are not, I hope, an alias for bpt…???

    Not last time I checked. (Although admittedly it’s been a while.) 🙂

    Welcome back.

    And of course a giant happy anniversary and thank you to 20. I’ll bring the kapusta for the party.


    in reply to: 3 Shadchanim in BROOKLYN #849317

    bpt, tomim: LOL!


    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1167796

    I care. And many others on this thread do as well.

    I’m sorry yesterday was hard, I hope today is a better day.



    in reply to: Who is your role model and why #847465

    I don’t know if this fits exactly into the category of role model but if not it’s close enough. (There are others who I won’t mention now.)

    AYC, whos posts, IMO, had the perfect blend of humor, friendship, middos, a good word, good sense, practical advice, and some good old fashioned caring. AYC if you’re reading this and if I can have the chutzpah to say this, I so, so, wish you would come back.

    blabla, who’s nothing short of an amazing person and I’ve learned so much from.

    Thank you both.


    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1167790

    kapusta – you do that so well!

    Hmm? What did I do, I’ll do it again. Thank you 🙂

    Thank you, MP.

    SaysMe, even though this is the poetry thread, use it for regular writing just to talk. I hope today was a little easier.


    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1167784

    My email is definitely available, whatever you want is fine.

    If you’ve had some experiences in the water, then use this thread as a life jacket.

    IMO, writing is a good, healthy release of emotion, but that said, I think sometimes the best answer is an escape where you can walk away from the emotions for a little bit. Maybe thats a book, listening to music, cleaning (!) whatever it is, something that will keep your mind off things. And then once you’re calmer, you can write to get the emotion out. Just my opinion.

    I hope today was a better day, and tomorrow, better still.


    (I wrote this before I saw you’re last post- gonna add a little now.)

    I also know the feeling of close friends getting engaged/married. Right now is probably when it’ll be hardest because she’s in a just engaged mode and you’re (very reasonably) in a “losing her” mode. Things will adjust (and get easier IY”H) soon. Change isn’t always easy but it doesn’t have to be bad.

    I’m sorry, I know that sounds very cold. Keep in mind that the way He sent you such a close friend, He’ll send you another support system.



    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1167780

    I’m sorry for what you’re going through.

    You don’t sound like a bad friend, you sound like a normal person. A long time ago, I used to take private swimming instruction and when I was learning how to float, the instructor would “hold” me. When she switched hands, I reached out to grab her. Right now a support system that you’ve come to know and trust is “switching hands”. Its completely normal to feel what you are.

    Writing is a release of emotion, but if you have an “emotion eraser”, that would be great. Maybe thats music, exercise, drawing, cooking etc. but something that gets your mind away from the serious things. If you are looking for a “pick-up” song, one of my favorites is “You’re Never Alone” by Avraham Fried.

    Wish I could give you a real hug now. I know PE already offered, but my email address is available too.

    Keep going. It can and will IY”H get better. 🙂


    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1167774

    If thats the case, I’m sending over a virtual oversized suitcase of hugs.

    Thinking about you. 🙂


    in reply to: Seeking Help From Motivated Posters #869935


    Hows it going, Goq?


    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1167769



    I wish I knew what to say to make it all better. Hope tomorrow (literally and figuratively) will be easier. Hang in there. 🙂

    (Not quite at MP or AYC level but maybe something.)


    in reply to: Mazel Tov! #1223879

    Mazal Tov!


    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1167767

    Did you ever get to exchange your email addresses?!


    Thanks 🙂


    in reply to: favorite gift you loved :) (please help) #846649

    What price range?

    Maybe get something personalized, that’s always nice.


    in reply to: Seizures #869840

    yenting, don’t take it personally. (Easier said than done, I know)



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