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  • in reply to: Gee thanks, anti-vaxxers #1156096

    Of course I meant to take it over. I only wrote that so I can use it when someone complained that I took it over. Haro’eh es hanolad. (Sarcasm continued)

    in reply to: Gee thanks, anti-vaxxers #1156092

    So you admit that it’s not a fix-all? 😉

    In my experience, much of the effects of the “crisis” (for now, that would be unmarried singles) are being blamed on the age gap without looking at other factors. Perhaps that would have been a better way to phrase it.

    Can we do this on another thread? I was enjoying the discussion here.

    in reply to: Gee thanks, anti-vaxxers #1156088

    It was a surface comparison but everything should be assessed on an individual basis. I don’t have very strong feelings about vaccines in either direction but I’m always happy to oppose a very questionable age gap fix-all. In both cases though, I would suggest people doing their own research instead of just following the crowd. Didn’t mean to take over the thread.

    in reply to: Gee thanks, anti-vaxxers #1156086

    Thanks. Now we can debate the definition of the word might and why you would put your neighbors possible needs before your own definite needs.

    in reply to: Gee thanks, anti-vaxxers #1156083

    More like:

    but it might cause your downstairs neighbor a lot of water damage.

    Why you should vaccinate and date closer in age 101.

    in reply to: Do you come here to talk or to listen? #1195836

    Or listen to yourself talk? Kidding, I hope…

    in reply to: Forgiving the thoughtless or well intentioned #1150811

    It was sweet and certainly with good intention but it doesn’t take away from the fact that I didn’t ask, want or really appreciate it… And as far as I’m concerned, it would have been better had they not been so “thoughtful”.

    in reply to: Forgiving the thoughtless or well intentioned #1150809

    No, the sweet too thoughtful thing (or totally thoughtless) that will never be apologized for (it was “nice”) but I always associate with the person and makes me cringe when I see or speak to them…

    in reply to: Forgiving the thoughtless or well intentioned #1150807


    in reply to: my daven for me partners engaged! #1150322

    Mazal tov!

    DY, I didn’t read thru the whole thing, but this looks like it might be it (or one of them).


    in reply to: Can't Eat By In-Laws Who Eat Gebrochts on Pesach #1149983

    I don’t believe anyone is defending Torah unless they are clear that that is what they are doing. Sarcastic jokes and remarks toward a PERSON who made a heretical remark is not the same as defending Torah

    *applause* (and perhaps a chillul Hashem as well)

    in reply to: Can't Eat By In-Laws Who Eat Gebrochts on Pesach #1149975

    Mw, I didnt quite get the beginning of that post but I just wanted to thank you for the tones of shalom.

    I was very upset by the feel of certain posts (not mentioning names) and as a spectator, the holier than thou becomes very unpleasant sometimes “in the name of Halacha”. A personal request to please read and reread to see how some posts look to everyone else.

    Ok, back to cleanup

    in reply to: Need Suggestions – Our Son Needs Yeshiva #1149020

    Depending on what your son is like socially, it might be easier to find a smaller yeshiva where he would feel more comfortable as well as work along with you financially and academically while he adjusts to a school setting. Possibly he can do work in the school (kitchen help?) or tutoring a younger child if hes good in math or another particular area to help cover the cost of tuition. Depending on the area, you may be able to find someone for him to board at (also for exchange of a service if applicable). You didnt mention if the reading difficulty is in general or only with English or kriah or the level of difficulty but if necessary, it’s probably easier to work on before hes in a completely new environment.

    I’m not sure this fits your situation specifically but I believe there is a Dr. Rosenshein (?) who helps to place children who need schools, but I dont have contact info.

    Much Hatzlacha

    in reply to: Natural vs dutch cocoa #1145661

    I think Dutch processed is when they remove the bitterness from the cocoa and when you would use it depends on the specific recipe (I think Dutch processed goes with baking powder and regular goes with baking soda, but its a while since I checked.) I’m pretty sure you can get the Dutch Processed on Pesach from Leibers etc.

    in reply to: Pesach for the First Time #1149714

    Also if you normally leave lights on a timer, reset appropriately and a shehechiyanu for the second day (if applicable).

    in reply to: Pesach for the First Time #1149700

    Off the top of my head: make a list of things you will need for the seder, verify any minhagim related to cooking and keep in mind which fruits/vegetables require checking.

    in reply to: What Did He Gain? #1145531

    Agreed. I was just reiterating the point with a verifiable story from a tremendous person who understood it from both sides.

    in reply to: What Did He Gain? #1145526

    Just here to add an interesting point on the tochacha thing. The story appears on page 257 of the biography of Rebbetzin Kanievsky. In a nutshell: a baalas teshuva who frequented the Kanievsky home would come to help clean up on Shabbos, including washing dishes which were not needed for use on Shabbos. A grandson noticed and mentioned this to Rebbetzin Kanievsky, who responded that the woman is very sensitive and that she would try to explain it to her over the following few weeks. Someone asked Rav Chaim about this and he responded that the Rebbetzin knew what she was doing and would find a way to tell her the correct Halacha.

    Carry on.

    in reply to: Israel Seminary for FFB College Student #1144944

    I dont know much about it, but I think Neve has a summer program geared to a FFB crowd.

    in reply to: Geography Updated Version #1144317

    Thanks! Hope that post wasnt the exception though, please stick around!!

    in reply to: Geography Updated Version #1144315

    Wb Goq!!!

    (You totally just put a smile on my face btw :))

    in reply to: Piha Pascha song- Sheker Hachein tune? #1141941

    I don’t remember it specifically, but when I read the thread title, the Mendy Wald tune jumped into my head followed by a Sheker Hachein, so I assume I’m thinking of the same one. I did some hunting on youtube and didn’t come up with much… Only a few different versions of the low and middle parts. It seems to be an Israeli song or at least popular in Israel if that helps at all (but again, its not the high part).

    If you have access to any head counselors, camp directors etc you can try there or maybe ask someone like Malky Giniger, Chayala Neuhaus or I know of someone who teaches music in Prospect (I guess theres only one) who might be able to help you. Even better, someone along those lines from Israel. (Miriam Israeli?) If not that, or the band player/your chosson does not have a female relative who you feel comfortable asking to listen/resing, maybe you can find a piano and play it by ear enough for him to get the general tune… Sorry there isnt much here in the way of practical help…

    Mazal tov! And its a beautiful song btw.

    in reply to: The purpose of mechila #1139800

    Thanks for that post, Syag.

    Nice to see you around btw 🙂

    in reply to: Song Lyrics #1155266

    illuminate the night

    And thanks, now its stuck in my head.

    in reply to: Laundry #1142057

    As far as matching socks, I’ve heard (but never tried) to use a safety pin before it goes into the laundry, saving the search time on the other side.

    in reply to: Giving Negative Information About a Shidduch Candidate #1142781

    Thanks. The side I’m closer with has since gotten married B”H (to someone else). I was not involved in redting or giving information.

    in reply to: How do you address people of the opposite sex? #1138085

    I’m wondering if it’s correct to be quoting a small portion of a Sefer which some people seem to be unfamiliar with in a public forum during the week of Shiva. And personal shailos are always best asked directly to a rav.

    in reply to: Giving Negative Information About a Shidduch Candidate #1142777

    A few general points from a single:

    If you have information which you are not sure about (such as a medical issue), ASK the single/family when you are first asked to be a reference or you can broach it gently later on (“I’m very happy to answer questions, I’m sometimes asked about ______, is there anything specific about it that I should know?” or you can ask them to update you about several general things, and include that particular issue in the list).

    I once had an idea for a shidduch and was aware of sensitive information on both sides (one side pertaining to the single, other side to the single’s family). I asked a shaila about what to say and while on the phone, I asked if it would be ok to give the name and info to the side I know better (the side with more sensitive info, relating to the single specifically). He was very happy with that idea until I got to the next issue, that I was unsure if they would say everything. He was very uncomfortable at that point and did not give me the go ahead.

    Any friend (or other reference) wants the single in question to be happily married. Discovering a bottle of pills, cigarettes etc during Sheva Brachos is not generally helpful in starting a happy, healthy marriage. Despite any temptations to “help” someone by not giving info correctly, you are providing an extreme disservice and finding a great way to hurt them (as well as likely going against Halacha).

    Note to singles: If you’ve been in the system for a while, you may want to check or change your references.

    in reply to: pool in flatbush #1097145

    I believe Shulamis and/or BYA may have a pool, but I don’t know if/when they’re open to the public.

    in reply to: How to act around an older single friend when you get engaged? #1095361

    I speak from experience on the issue in general, not specific to engagement, although I think it would follow the same lines. The best thing is honesty, with sensitivity and empathy. Oddly enough, its a lot worse to hear that someone showed pity rather than just talking openly and honestly. Don’t make her feel like a nebech, just show her that you care and can still be friends. (This may be very important depending on her circle of single friends and her past experiences with single friends getting married.) Tell her that you will keep her in mind for dating opportunities (and actually do so) and in davening. During an open moment, (if its ok with you) you can also ask if she’d like to hold your jewelry during the chuppah and see how she responds. Basically, be open and honest, sensitive, and take cues from her.

    Speaking from experience, there is a very fine line between sympathy and empathy and its a VERY easy line to cross, so IMO, being extra sensitive is always a good thing.

    Practically, you may want to give her a bit of a heads up and tell her that you’re dating someone seriously so its less of a shock.

    I commend you for your sensitivity and thoughtfulness to your friend. Much Hatzlacha.s

    in reply to: BT in need of help!!!! #1091197

    There are two organizations called Partners in Torah, one through Aish, and another one based in Passaic, NJ, as well as TorahMates through Oorah. You can also ask Aish/Chabad/Oorah what other resources they have that would be appropriate for your location/interests and if they have other suggestions for you in addition to a learning partner.

    Wishing you much success.

    in reply to: Torah Anytime Shiur Recommendations #1091215

    Choosing to Care — a Tisha B’Av shiur by Rabbi Yissocher Frand

    This was originally from a CCHF presentation and reposted (with permission) on Youtube. I found it to be very spot on and of course, very three weeks appropriate.

    in reply to: What is mandated in NY for private schooling #1086686

    FTR, I can think of a number of people who grew up in English speaking homes and are fully licensed to work in Yiddish and/or Hebrew, and I believe there is a test given in Yiddish and Hebrew that can earn up to 15 (16?) credits toward a Bachelors degree and qualify someone as bilingual. And it may be less common than female special ed teachers, but I’m told that there are male special ed teachers who work with a Yiddish speaking population and that its becoming more popular.

    in reply to: Carrots from Israel #1086386

    I don’t understand. What’s the difference which batch?

    If you look at the bottom of the opening post, this thread was originally posted two years ago.

    in reply to: The real reason for the ban against chassidish women driving? #1086851

    I’m not loving this thread too much either…

    And I’m taking apy’s bracha even though this doesn’t bother me all that much. Amen, thanks.

    in reply to: Carrots from Israel #1086383

    I’ve heard that peppers and some produce from Costco can be problematic.

    in reply to: Getting Wealthy from Mechalel Shabbos- What Happens? #1087932

    he may very well be a shogeg

    (This too which I wanted to mention earlier but I’m already halfway out of this discussion)

    in reply to: All Under One Roof vs Replacement on Demand #1086389


    in reply to: Help – need a summer job #1086526

    If you’re already in Touro, you might want to try there. Its possible that some staff will have less hours or take vacation and they’ll need replacement. Also, I’m assuming you’ve already considered tutoring on the side at a high school or college level.


    in reply to: American Pharoah: Kiddush Hashem or Not #1093347

    Just until I know it was verified with a rav. Then feel free to discuss it.

    in reply to: Getting Wealthy from Mechalel Shabbos- What Happens? #1087926

    WADR, I can appreciate your Halachic knowledge but I think its unfair to expect the public to trust the “prerequisite Halachic knowledge” of an anonymous person as a final psak just as it would be to tell someone to eat at a certain restaurant because the owner has a long beard. You are certainly correct about ona’as devarim and I wish people would adopt that policy across the board, but I saw something I felt was wrong, and chose to make a comment because I can say it directly (as opposed to starting a forum of my own and posting my opinion there for example… effectively the same thing?), though I think you would agree ona’as devarim and public lashon hara are not the same thing. I didn’t tell you not to post it, I simply told you that because its public, it would be best to verify with a rav. Once verified, I have no problem with it.

    Again, my intention is not to mock publicly and I sincerely apologize if you feel that I have or if you felt my tone was too intense. I still feel very strongly about this but I said my piece and frankly I think we’re basically going in circles at this point.

    in reply to: Getting Wealthy from Mechalel Shabbos- What Happens? #1087923

    Which incorrect assumptions have I made? I could certainly be wrong, but reading off of the way you posted, it appears a question has not been asked. And I don’t have to ask anything because I never said it was ok. I simply said that I was very uncomfortable with the public play by play analysis and that it would be in your best interests to ask a question before continuing, for your sake.

    I’m not trying to attack you in public, and I sincerely commend your sensitivity to Kovod Shabbos, I just feel that that sensitivity may be coming at the expense of real Halacha and I suggested that it be verified. Thats all

    in reply to: Getting Wealthy from Mechalel Shabbos- What Happens? #1087918

    Honestly, I saw the first line of that post when it was up originally and I was willing to give you the benefit of the doubt. However based on your completely nonchalant attitude, I’ll assume you haven’t asked anything. And do you seriously believe that public doesn’t make a difference?

    I respect and commend your sensitivity to Shabbos, however I think that violating other Halachos without specific direction from a rav is hardly the way to go about it. Again, I very strongly suggest that you ask a question before continuing the public armchair analysis while you guess at details.

    in reply to: Getting Wealthy from Mechalel Shabbos- What Happens? #1087914

    I’m not sure I agree that an anonymous person offering an (uncomfirmed) opinion behind a screen name qualifies as making a public statement. And I do not believe Halacha differentiates between “stating what feels wrong to you” in public and attacking.

    Actually, since no one appears to have asked for your specific opinion (certainly not in public), I think we could call your reaction a (well intentioned) sensitivity to Shabbos as opposed to clear outright Hilchos Shmiras Halashon.

    I would strongly suggest that you ask a shaila before continuing, and at least have a warning be added to the thread title.

    in reply to: Getting Wealthy from Mechalel Shabbos- What Happens? #1087908

    Considering that Yom Kippur doesn’t cover Bein Adam L’chaveiro and this is a public conversation and that posting under an anonymous name does not put someone in any official capacity to comment on the matter, (even taking into account possible good intentions) I certainly do think it should pass without comment. And I sure wouldn’t want to be the one making the comment unless told explicitly by a rav.

    Not that I’m c’v advocating any lessening of Kovod Shabbos, its simply beyond me how discussing open lashon hara (and unconfirmed suspicions no less!) is helping Kovod anything.

    in reply to: Getting Wealthy from Mechalel Shabbos- What Happens? #1087903

    Maybe but not in this specific context.

    in reply to: The real reason for the ban against chassidish women driving? #1086793

    WADR, I disagree with the OP’s assumption. Its pretty standard by chassidim that women don’t drive, and whether you agree with it or not, they’re certainly being consistent.

    This is what Belz chose for their community. You don’t like it, join the less strict Belzers, they exist. This is what the community wants.


    in reply to: Getting Wealthy from Mechalel Shabbos- What Happens? #1087901

    Apparently English isn’t clear enough and common sense is not so common.

    Thanks for trying, 127.

    in reply to: Thanks Mods #1085439

    Ok. So if you prefer you can tell me your real username. Would that be better?

    in reply to: Thanks Mods #1085438

    Indeed you did. I guess I’m consistent in the things I complain about. 🙂

    And uhhh you’re still anonymous btw.

    If I signed my number, I would still be anonymous.

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