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  • in reply to: Depression Support groups #688182

    Since it was really my post that inspired the new addition underneath BP Tottys name, I respectfully request that the mods add something (complimentary, of course!) under my name. 😀


    in reply to: Jokes #1201077

    Mark, the strong young man at the construction site was bragging that he could outdo anyone in a feat of strength. He made a special target of Sol, an older Jewish worker. After several minutes, Sol had enough.

    “Why don’t you put your money where your mouth is?” he said. “I will bet a week’s wages that I can haul something in a wheelbarrow over to that outbuilding that you won’t be able to wheel back.”

    “You’re on, old man,” Mark replied. “Let’s see what you got.”

    Sol reached out and grabbed the wheelbarrow by the handles. Then, nodding to Mark, he said, “All right. Get in.”


    in reply to: Depression Support groups #688175



    you were probably reffering to,

    Wolf, Bp Totty, Kapusta, and nother one that didnt come up in my brain at the moment. no?

    Now that I have stopped laughing, the extent of the compliment has settled in. Glad to see my ranting has accomplished something around here. 🙂

    BP Totty, just to satisfy my curiosity, was I one of the people you had in mind? (btw, with the news lately, your name might not get you too many compliments)

    To bring this thread back on track, (sorry!), B”H I do not know of any groups and I do recommend that s/he join the CR. There is something calming (???) and even beneficial about talking on an online forum where no one knows you and your emotional baggage. It may not replace therapy, but it cant hurt. And hey, theres a funny shidduch stories/jokes/etc thread for a reason!

    To the OP, whether your friend joins or not, lots of hatzlacha!


    in reply to: NYS Students Brace For Regents Examinations #686430

    blinky: gotcha! thanks for clarifying. 🙂

    To add my two cents on the age thing (and I’m probably gonna regret this later) but I dont really think its fair for anyone to make rules for other people, especially so if they dont even know each other. As someone recently out of high school, the CR is not all that bad.

    (yes, mods, you can give yourself a pat on the back now)


    in reply to: Please Help! #687286

    FTR, no one actually said this is for a Jewish family but even if not, (and I’m assuming it is) I dont see any reason not to vote. (I did)


    in reply to: Strengthening The Relationship #686686

    Just out of curiosity, is talking to a wife on the same level as talking to another woman? (That would be relatives, co-workers etc)


    in reply to: Any recommended Jewish novels? #1125603

    mosherose, believe it or not, not everyone is meant to be a gadol in the same area. If a big well-known gadol would read a newspaper thats one thing (and I dont really think its wrong but just to go along with your opinion for a minute) and if someone who would be reading something they shouldnt, theres a very big difference. The second one is probably getting more schar for reading the newspaper than the gadol is for not. (assuming there is actually something wrong in the newspaper) I dont think making blanket statements benefits anyone in the long run.


    in reply to: Most Moving Jewish Song In Your View #1096920

    musictomyears, thank you so much!!! Very much appreciated!


    in reply to: NYS Students Brace For Regents Examinations #686412

    To add to what blinky said, if on the multiple choice you’re stumped and the past few questions were all a/b’s then chances are it will be c or d.

    blinky, so interesting about that, I’ve usually found that in cases where they give an “all of the above/none of the above” option, that was the correct one.

    Hatzlacha Rabbah to all regent takers! Remember you just need to pass and aside from the fact that there is usually (not always) a good curve, there is a certain amount your marker can do for you. Dont worry, say a Perek of Tehillim before you start and you’ll be good to go.


    in reply to: Most Moving Jewish Song In Your View #1096917

    Does anyone have the lyrics to the song Window in Heaven by Shea Rubenstein? Thanks in advance!


    in reply to: 5 Most Important Shidduch Questions #687605

    The forgotten question: Do they use fresh ground pepper or do they buy it already ground?

    Question: if most everyone is in agreement that that these questions are ridiculous, who exactly is still asking these things?


    in reply to: Broken Engagements #919257

    Practically, I dont think its possible to work out a marriage in a case of abuse (physical or emotional) c’v. Usually what would happen in such a case, the “offender” will have the upper hand and the other partner will be walking on eggshells.

    Divorce is a 4-letter word in a Jewish household

    Yes, it should be. In a case where the wife feels her husband is not helping out enough at home or not paying enough attention to what she wants or something along those lines, divorce is definitely a four-letter word. Today, there is an attitude that if its not perfect right away, thats it.


    in reply to: Kitchen Sink Smell #686081

    Try something strong like (as suggested) vinegar or bleach. This might be a long shot but maybe drano. If it can push whatevers there to unclog a drain, presumably it would get rid of any smell at the same time.


    in reply to: Any recommended Jewish novels? #1125547

    anonowriter, do you mean “Forever and a Day” by Libby Lazewnik? (It was about a family living in California, the father was away for business…) In any case that was a very good one, definitely recommended.


    in reply to: Broken Engagements #919199

    Kasha, I think the benefit to short-term dating, is that there is very, very extensive research before the couple meets. (I once heard something like 6-8 weeks, but that would be dependent on the specific community) and the families meet before the couple does (and often they know each other from before). In addition to that, the meeting is monitored and kept to a specific amount of time and the mindset for the duration of the meeting is marriage. I’m not sure that everyone goes on a date with the specific purpose of marriage (although there is an overall mindset) but somehow when theres a date for five, six, or seven hours, the marriage part somehow takes a back seat.


    in reply to: Broken Engagements #919197

    I definitely agree with oomis. Today, its become the norm to go out for six or seven dates and then get engaged. Someone I know did the quickie-dating thing (divorced after less than a year, not her fault) and she said had she spent more time dating him, she definitely would have been able to see through his act. I do understand that Hashem had the best in mind for her, and that in certain cases dating for longer periods of time wont help the situation at all. But for the times that it will, is it worth not taking extra precautions, especially when they are rather simple in the general scheme of things?


    in reply to: Chasseneh Attendance #685864

    oomis, so interesting that you say that. On the contrary I would think that they have to draw the line at some point, and they wanted me there enough to be invited rather than not invited. I dont think I would go and come back, though. Either choose the Chuppah, or the dancing depending on my schedule/when it would be appreciated more.


    in reply to: Falling asleep #685786

    I am probably one out of a million people who this works for but I find if I cant fall asleep and I do exercise in bed (some sort of stretching. And I dont think this actually qualifies as the real stuff, just a way to fall asleep) I fall asleep within ten or fifteen minutes. Always works for me. (The problem arises in trying it for the first time ;))


    in reply to: Non-Jewish Jewish Music #688433

    With all due respect, (this question is sincerely curious. if that makes any sense) could someone please explain the purpose of this thread to me?


    in reply to: Have You Ever Googled Yourself? #686156

    nurse, you mean the one you met in the Rockland Psychiatric Center that you introduced me to?


    in reply to: Have You Ever Googled Yourself? #686153

    nurse, if the ages were correct should I assume the criminal record was too? (ok, you get one free tomato for that)


    in reply to: Inexpensive Family Vacations #769219

    Check on chabad.org if theres a shul in the area.

    As far as food, when my family goes away its not for the food. The good stuff is at home. Going away means anything that can be put between two pieces of bread or can be eaten raw. Breakfast and lunch shouldn’t be a problem and since this is Memorial day weekend thats being spoken about, theres only one supper to consider.

    Keep us posted!

    (and of course enjoy whatever you decide)


    in reply to: Honesty In 'Redding Shiduchim' RE: Weight #685644

    No. If a size two is something important to you (as opposed to a general “good appearance”) than you should/would have made it a point to ask the references. If you were to meet someone for (say) a business reason would you hear in advance something that may affect the business deal? Probably not. (and no, I’m not equating shidduchim with a business deal even though thats what many people think of it as) If you had an outstanding feature that was the first thing people notice when looking at you, would you want a shadchan telling someone in advance?

    More than the fact that you would have said no had you heard her size, (not gonna harp on that) but the way you say you had already decided there wouldn’t be a second date before she was down the steps seems much worse. Saying no in advance is one thing. But buddy, once you saw her and were out on a date with her, and still didnt give her a chance, thats just plain not fair.


    in reply to: Inexpensive Family Vacations #769193

    No real info, but two suggestions to throw out.

    1. Newport, RI

    2. Mystic, CT (I’ve heard there are attractions there. Dont really remember what exactly right now) I searched on mapquest NY, NY to Mystic, CT and it turned up as 2 hrs, 45 minutes. (not really sure how reliable the timing is, you would probably know better than me)

    A few minutes invested in calling different hotels and getting some basic info which usually they wont mind sharing with you (if you’re a group, ask if theres any place in the are that will give you a better rate) and about local entertainment. Ask about state parks, where you can rent a boat, (have a picnic lunch?) which are have a family friendly budget.


    in reply to: Looking To Move To Community In Tri-State Area – Need Ideas #685503

    One thing to realize, while all the communities you mention are very nice, fine communities, they all cater to different types of people.

    I’m a native flatbusher, its probably as in-town as you can get, and if not, then close to it. In town means peer pressure (in a more adult form), but having a 24 Kosher supermarket not too far, and minyanim for the most part of 24 hours a day.

    How about a place like Queens, (very generic, I know) from the little I know about it, it seems to have a nice mix where everyone can find what they’re looking for. As does the 5 Towns area.



    in reply to: Don’t Judge Someone Unless You’re in His/Her Shoes! #685109

    Great thread. I’m gonna try to do this as best I can, omitting/changing some details.

    Someone once called my house (worked for a company) and left a very very nasty message asking why something hadnt been taken care of (information that they needed) and that it was really a chutzpah that it hadnt been etc. I remember on that specific day being very very upset just that and her message only made it so much harder. She was totally right in saying that it needed to be taken care of, and totally wrong in giving her opinion on it. True, she had a point, that it should have been taken care of earlier but no one asked for her opinion. I dont know the womans name but I remember the place and when I think of it, this comes to mind. (I know, I know, its wrong but its a fact of life)


    in reply to: Jokes #1201022

    anonymisss, that really you?! A face from the past!! and hey, a joke is a joke and thats that. Long as its good, who cares??


    in reply to: Wife has an issue… #685452

    Call your LOR asap. Right now # 4 is the safest. No issue of the situation doesnt exist.



    in reply to: Antivirus #685142

    ICOT: I have not yet done the steps in the link you provided for lack of time. Question: will using the system the way it is now affect it at all (or will the virus “change/get stronger”)?

    Question 2: just out of curiosity, if you looked at the steps, do you know how long it would take (for someone not very computer literate) to go through the steps?



    in reply to: Antivirus #685136

    ICOT: I’m sorry for going in circles here. I downloaded the ad-aware, ran it, and it didnt pick up anything. The AVG seemed to have an issue with connecting to the internet (this happened more than once and it was downloaded more than once.)

    Is there any way to avoid going through the steps to actually remove the virus? In case theres more than one thing, wouldnt it be easier to just get something that would get rid of everything in one shot?

    Is there anything that will get rid of anything on the system?

    Thanks so much. I apologize for being such a tough customer.

    Have a good Shabbos!


    in reply to: Where Do You Buy Your Challos For Shabbos?! #686364

    bored123, the white whole wheat flour is the same as the regular whole wheat. It has the same health benefit, and can be used in recipes for challah or bread (I found that in regular baking, it had a sort of aftertaste. You can probably find it in a major supermarket (like shoprite), and I’ve seen it in several local/frum supermarkets.


    in reply to: Antivirus #685134

    ICOT: I never ended up doing it. I turned on my computer, but the “box” never appeared. The only reason I have some faith in this is because something like this has happened at least once before. The only remnant of “my security engine” are pop-ups (the pop-ups are all in IE, my regular browser if firefox) and several times (only audio) ads come on. There is no way to shut them other than altering the volume.

    I appreciate your help, thank you! Have a wonderful Shabbos!


    in reply to: Antivirus #685132

    update: The “my security engine” seems to have disappeared. Right now, the ads are happening more often and its getting very annoying. Any ideas on what to try?

    Thanks and have a wonderful Shabbos!


    in reply to: Antivirus #685130


    1. Basically, when I turn on my computer, something that looks like a legit program called “my security engine” comes up. It never has before. When I go online, every few minutes, the window will close (never has before) and I restart it, (happens a few times) until an error box comes up (basically says theres a virus program, dont remember the exact wording, that has failed. It looks the same as a notice from firefox, or IE, that something failed and gives me an option to alert microsoft.) Once this came on, the window stayed open.

    2. While online, I will hear random things which sounds like an ad or video, no windows were open for it to have come from.

    Your patience is very much appreciated. (I’m sure it must be entertaining for you to be explaining and re-explaining and re-explaining yet again the same things to someone like me whos so well-versed in computers)



    Just watch out for that deadly one that comes out in the early springtime, known as the Achash-virus.

    congrats. You just won the oomis pun achievement award for the month.


    3. I get random pop-ups with different ads. Always the same few ads at different times.

    Whats your take?

    If I were to start the computer in safe-mode, what would I look for to get rid of the virus? (assuming there is one)

    The computer is less than a year old.

    in reply to: Cholov Stam #685180

    While its very nice to have only cholov Yisroel (provided one is in an area where products are generally available in cholov Yisroel) there is nothing wrong with cholov stam. If there are two companies that produce (for lack of a better word) chicken and meat, and one has a better hechsher (for a higher cost), while its very nice to buy the more expensive company, if kashrus-wise the cheaper company is fine, then there is nothing wrong with buying the less-expensive one. NOTHING.

    nurse, I’m with you 100%.


    in reply to: Antivirus #685127

    ICOT: Am I correct in thinking that what the above-mentioned programs will do is block the virus altogether?

    Is there anything you can recommend as a way to get rid of anything that might be on the computer already?

    could you put that in siiiiiiimple english please?

    Thank you so much for all your help, it is very much appreciated.


    in reply to: Your Feedback: New YWN Website #992853

    Am I pushing my luck if I put in a word for a different font? I must say, the size has gotten much MUCH better. Thanks everyone!


    in reply to: Antivirus #685125

    ICOT: thanks for all your help. I have not yet turned on that computer since downloading the programs. How can I access the program now that its downloaded?

    If necessary, how do I start the computer in safe mode?

    If your system is already infected it gets tricky.

    once its downloaded and working, if a system with the above-mentioned programs gets infected, would it be a problem to remove?

    Thanks again.


    in reply to: Antivirus #685117

    ICOT: As of now, I’m downloading the first two (AVG and ad-aware), I read through the other thread that you linked, my question, do these downloads have any effect on my wireless internet or vice versa? Thanks a lot.


    in reply to: Antivirus #685116

    ICOT, I must say, you never fail me in the computer dept. Thanks so much for the info, I’ll try it bl”n tomorrow.

    Question: would the programs mentioned above get rid of anything that may be present on the system?


    in reply to: Your Feedback: New YWN Website #992828

    Not sure if theres a way to fix this, but I’m using firefox now and when there are only a few posts on a page, only the latest one appears.


    in reply to: Jokes #1201019

    but, hey, d a, all Ford air conditioners do say Low, Norm, Hi, and Max…


    in reply to: Antivirus #685111

    I have a feeling theres a virus on my computer. In general it still works, but a couple of times my window decided to close etc. I have spy sweeper but it hasnt really been effective (I had a virus in the past and gave it to someone to fix. Supposedly they had better luck with the spy sweeper than I seem to have.) So basically, I need something that will get rid of anything now and will help me in the future, should the need (c’v) arise.

    d a, sorry abt the signature part! Glad to see someone remembers me! (this better?)


    in reply to: TIPS for NYS Regents Exams #684311

    Doing old regents is really the best way. You learn to take a regent and get used to the sort of questions that are on it, and know the teachers test. Many teachers use old regents as a guide when making up tests. It will also teach you the course once you get the hang of the questions. You can time yourself, and improve your goal so when you’re actually at the regent, you dont feel as pressured.

    For english, you can use anything, not just major works. Megillas Esther is ok too. (supposedly)


    in reply to: Things Kids Said/Did #1185145

    I walked past my 4/5 yr old neighbor and he waved and said, “I know you! You’re <mrs. kapustas> son! (ftr, I’m a daughter as opposed to a son :))

    (english is not his first language)

    in reply to: Your Feedback: New YWN Website #992772

    I find the gray background on the side and the YWN symbol on the top kinda dreary. Much harsher (for lack of a better word) on the eyes. I also liked the home page better the way it was, now it looks very busy and all the stories are too small, and I like one section of general news instead of the all the categories.

    The Kotel-cam is great, and the little CR feed on the main page is nice.

    in reply to: "studying" :D #683950


    Ill be.. hey look a bird!


    attention defe… hey, look, a butterfly!

    in reply to: Cleaning Your Computer #682073
    in reply to: Number of Participants in the Coffee Room #921517

    lol, thanks. I take it only special people get welcomed back. (My brain interprets everything as a compliment).

    Does this mean this place might get another dose of fun?


    in reply to: Number of Participants in the Coffee Room #921514

    nurse, just for that, you’ll have to buy your own birthday present. Sorry :-/



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