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  • in reply to: Wolfishmusings=Kapusta #773698

    OK, you got me.

    The Wolf



    in reply to: House Keepers #728204




    Do young married couples get house keepers for a day a week??

    Where is a good place to look for someone reliable in E”Y??




    ya. there’s nothing wrong with it!

    Am I missing something here?


    in reply to: Do Not Read This Thread #894610

    I know a few people in real life from the CR. I also have a feeling one or two other people check/post.


    in reply to: rhetorical question #728052

    My response:

    B”H better than expected (which is really the way I feel about things)

    If its better than expected (most of the time or all of the time) why do you still have such low expectations?

    That was half serious.


    in reply to: The Joseph Thread #734413

    What about myfriend?


    in reply to: Screen Name Subtitle #978162

    Wow, I’m so honored. I got lumped together with blinky!! Sorry blinky, better luck next time 🙂

    baron, first step would probably be to post more. Right now, from the posts of yours that I’ve seen (I dont check every thread) there isn’t enough of “you”. Come around more often, show us what you’re about, and then you’ll be more in the running for a subtitle. (Did that make sense?!)


    in reply to: Do You Have A Picture In Your Mind? #1003879


    Early to mid 40’s. Average height and average weight. Low maintenance type (thats a good thing). Very caring person who always looks for the good in everything.


    Late 20’s, on the shorter side, weight is somewhere in the middle. Sweet voice. (sorry, thats the best way I can come up with now to describe it. Its one of those either you get it or you dont things :-/)


    Early to mid 20’s, likes to dress well with a strong fashion sense. Thin, average height. Dark hair, lighter coloring.

    I ask mechila if I offended anyone.

    I’ll keep away from the people I actually have seen pictures of 😉


    in reply to: The Coffee Oscars! #992306

    I actually liked (like?) the memberette thing, but Cedarhurst, who were you? ames hasn’t been here in ages!

    (I cant decide on one SN which you could be.)


    in reply to: Shpitzel #727074

    I think the biggest difference is who it is worn by. They are essentially both replacing a shaitel.


    in reply to: Eating Disorders Developing In Seminary? #1007383

    SJS and others:

    Sorry for the confusion. I used ED to mean eating disorder and it looks like it was understood as that. Hey, you have a better abbreviation? 😉


    Just to clarify, if you refer to my original post, you’ll see I did not really equate overeating with a regular eating disorder, more with forms of unhealthy eating. Sorry for the confusion.


    in reply to: The Coffee Oscars! #992280

    Hmm… I guess theres nothing to be said for “never stuffed”…


    in reply to: Eating Disorders Developing In Seminary? #1007344

    If someone asked me, I would think the ED was not as much to do with seminary as it is just being away from home. I know someone who had anorexia and it started in camp. I’m sure shes not the only one. As far as staying safe, I think education and awareness are important. (This can even be helpful if friends and roomates know enough to realize an ED when they see it.)

    Anything thats not generally healthy eating can probably be called an eating disorder, so overeating would qualify. IMO, overeating is a lot easier to catch than anorexia or bulimia and though they are all bad, overeating is probably on the “lesser” of the bad.


    in reply to: Did You Ever Quote A Post In A Real Life Conversation? #1211877

    Sometimes things come to mind but depending on who I’m talking to I might not say it. I was once talking to someone though and she quoted something written on a new, “popular” thread that was not in line with the general opinion. I almost asked for her SN.


    in reply to: "Please Get Outta Here" and other Polite Rudeness #726928

    As far as the thread title, one of the best I ever heard was “go away so I can miss you”. Not that I would recommend actually using it though.

    Or the good old, “close the door please. From the outside.”


    in reply to: The Coffee Oscars! #992225

    If I can make a new category of “most helpful poster”, I nominate ICOT.


    in reply to: Double dating #725505

    Bad idea for a few reasons:

    1. I know this is not a very popular opinion, but you’re friends do not need to know when you’re going out unless it somehow comes out (meeting each other on a date) or maybe if its right before an engagement. Girls (and boys) who are single dont make good dating mentors for various reasons.

    2. You dont want your friend forming his/her own opinion of your date and then be the “helpful” friend later on and talk you into or out of something you aren’t comfortable with that you may come to regret. Like I said before, single friends are not people to discuss dates/dating in general with. (Thats also why shmoozing about a chosson/kallah is not either the best thing)

    3. This is really an opinion thing, but once you are at a stage where you are comfortable with your friend meeting him, it means you’re at a “chummy” stage which is a bad idea for dating in general. Dating is a path to marriage, not a path to having fun. (Just dont lose sight of the goal.)

    I’m pretty sure there was another reason, but can’t think of it right now.

    Can I ask what benefit there would be to meeting this way?

    In effort to avoid any tomatoes that may be thrown at me, this is just my opinion.


    in reply to: I Know This Is Trivial,but… #724551

    ROTF (and ROFL/ROTFL) has been around for a while, maybe even since the late 90’s. It became very popular more recently.


    in reply to: Kol Isha #723316

    the issue of kol isha is that maybe it will give you hirhurim when you hear it…but there are those who hold that this only applies of you know what the woman looks like, and if it’s live. according to what you said its not an issue…plus when you go to the supermarket you arent going for the kol isha youre going for teh sale on cheese…

    Now lets do the Jewish understanding of this. I would say its pretty uncommon (if it ever happens) for a frum store to have music with a female singer playing. So lets assume someone is going into a major chain supermarket. But, most non-Jewish stores wont have chalav Yisroel cheese on sale. The real question here is why hes eating chalav stam cheese.



    in reply to: Boys Who Learn & Go To College At Night #724361

    Im ain kemach ain torah just means that if you have no food, you cannot learn. If you are supported by your parents, in laws, Yeshiva, or wife, you are not in a situation where you have to steal, and you have fulfilled the Chazal.

    I’m wondering why you think this is not stealing. If the parents/in laws will be forced to take on a second source of income, is that not stealing their time? If someone holds up a gun and asks for money, is that not considered stealing? The victim gave the money willingly…

    That being said I am in no way opposed to Kollel or learning in general. But the way the Kollel system is today is set up for failure. What will happen when the next generation wants to marry Kollel? And how many girls wont want to “settle” and marry someone “not as frum” as their father? And if less and less people are working for a paycheck than how will any tzedakah organizations be able to continue doing what they are?

    bombmaniac, agree completely.


    in reply to: Coffee Room Topics!!!! #721672

    Agreed. The CR used to have good debating, not fighting, attacking and name calling! ok, maybe some, but mostly not.

    I for one want the good old CR back!


    in reply to: Begin a Gemach #737998

    Feif Un:

    Well I just saw your post, better late than never, I guess. I definitely hear what you’re saying, but I don’t agree. A rental is something done for ones own benefit. She is not making any money from loaning the shtick, she is doing it as a chessed. To make the mitzvah even bigger, (and I’m assuming also so her gemach is not totally abused), she takes something for tzedakah. She is still providing a service which she is making no money on for the sake of the chessed. That to me is a gemach, even if she does take something for tzedakah.

    (As a side point, I’m not sure if the tzedakah part is mandatory or optional)


    in reply to: failing the driving test #944005

    yeshivaguy1, the benefit of lessons is that you learn to do exactly what they look for. Experienced drivers may be fantastic at driving, but they may not be so fantastic at road-test taking. (At least this goes for NY.)


    in reply to: what would you do #718699

    Like aries said, make sure you actually saw what you think you saw. Once you have established that (and only after you do), ask a rav.


    in reply to: If you decided to stop visiting the Coffeeroom…? #721471


    I have the feeling that I am somehow (even indirectly) responsible for your leaving, and for that I ask mechila. I don’t think I’m the only one to feel you added a certain something around here. Even though I sometimes (and maybe more than sometimes) didn’t agree with you (and voiced my opinion), I still hope you do check back at some point. Lots of Hatzlacha in everything!

    (And I hope you will let us know about a Mrs. WIY IY”H!)


    in reply to: More on Gender- a study #720849

    My theory: (no one said anything about it actually working)

    Women take more cheery, friendlier names (like smile, smiley, hello etc)

    Men take more “lomdish” names, in Hebrew or Yiddish. And names of foods. (Although that wouldn’t work with kapusta)


    in reply to: yiddish owner, open Shabbos #719198

    Please, please ask a rav before you say anything. And please, please make sure firsthand the information you have is completely true.


    in reply to: failing the driving test #943986

    Not passing a road test is in no way a reflection of your driving. Like someone told me, its a matter of being able to fool the examiner in seven minutes or so that you know how to handle a car. No one can actually show how they drive in such a short time.

    Its a good idea to take with an instructor, because they can tell you the little things they look for (like in NY they can take off as much as 15 points for not doing hand over hand correctly).

    Good luck!


    in reply to: What I Learned From My Troubled Teen #718546


    stuffed cabbage in Hungarian 🙂

    (but I hear there are other languages that call it the same thing)


    in reply to: Deep Question #718274

    pba- You’d leave out kugel? Please tell me you’re kidding.

    1. Modeh Ani- I think it says a lot about us as a people and how important appreciation and being thankful and general hakaras hatov is to us.

    2. Shabbos- I would talk about the whole idea to take an entire day to connect to Hashem. Also ties into the idea that Shabbos is M’ayn Olam Habbah

    3. Tefilla/Power of a Neshama- how “just anyone” can accomplish the greatest feats by davening, and the great nachas Hashem has when we do something to come closer to Him, whether Tefilla or a Mitzvah. Also ties into how much Hashem loves His children, that He listens to us.


    in reply to: On A Much 'Light' Er Note #717703

    I hope I wont be discovered this way but anyway…

    I was with a friend of mine going to a wedding in a (pretty) new hall. We both knew where the general vicinity of the hall but not the exact location. We were walking down the block and saw some young guys standing outside shmoozing, so we walked a bit further and tried a door but it was locked. My friend bravely walked over to one of the guys and asked where the womens entrance was. They pointed to the next block. Apparently we’d found a nice yeshiva on a break. 🙂


    in reply to: Sounds Like A Good Idea, Right? Uh Oh, Maybe Not! #718162

    First two posts (BPT and blinky) were hysterical!!


    in reply to: Does Everyone Have Their Own 'Peckel' Even Though They Look Happy? #717615

    I think everyone has their own pekel, but its relative. Like its said, Hashem will only give a person a nisayon they can handle. So what may seem like a very simple thing for someone will really be harder for them then someone who has a “real” tzara. Off the top of my head: If someone lives in a society where they must have the newest gadgets, constantly be taking several week vacations and needs to drive a brand new car but cant afford that. They live there because it is the only job they can find, and every day they drive to work in a beat up jalopy with parts falling off and makes more noise than the ice cream truck. Is anyone to say they are going through any less of a tzara than someone in need of a shidduch who is able to walk outside with their head held high? Its really impossible to compare, but the point it everyones pekele is tailor made for them. And Hashem acts as a tailor would, making sure everything comes out perfect.

    And as aries said, no one knows what is going on behind closed doors.


    in reply to: Disturbing driving skills of Yeshuva Bus Driver #717651

    I would say to contact the school but maybe dont give the exact bus number, or location where you saw the bus. All bus drivers could use a reminder from time to time about safety, as can all drivers.


    in reply to: What Exactly Do The Mods Know? #720549

    What exactly do the mods know?

    *Haunting voice*


    Mods know where you live, and what you’re wearing. They were trained working for the FBI.

    Seriously though, after a while of two screen names with the same IP coming on at exactly the same time, making the same sort of comments, it probably becomes obvious.


    in reply to: Setting Clocks A Few Minutes Quick #814623

    Like smile said, it has to be a funny number. When you’re in a rush, you wont bother actually figuring out the time, but it’ll make you move quicker. I think its one of those things that either you love or you hate.


    in reply to: What I Learned From My Troubled Teen #718543


    For some reason I get the feeling you misunderstood my last post, and its a shame that happened because it wasn’t intended to restart the whole debate. If you have a chance, please re-read what I wrote, if not, thats also ok. Just know there was some misunderstanding involved.


    Nice to see you back!! Stick around!


    in reply to: What's Your Pet Peeve? #982741

    People who confuse can and may.


    in reply to: One Bashert? #718169

    I’m no authority on this, but I remember hearing (from a reliable source) that a person has two basherts, and it doesn’t make a difference which one the person marries. I would imagine the name called out forty days before birth is the person they end up marrying.

    In regard to the second question, (and this is just my feeling, no source,) I remember on more than one occasion people have told me that so-and-so is dating someone and it was at a serious stage, and to daven that it work out. I never understood that, because just because it got to that stage, didn’t automatically make it right. You want to marry your bashert, and you would like for your bashert to have certain qualities. Does a person really want to marry someone who looks good (as far as shidduchim) if that isn’t really their bashert? Safest bet, daven that Hashem send your (or whoever it is you’re asking about) bashert and that s/he be a good spouse.



    in reply to: What I Learned From My Troubled Teen #718520

    Smile E:

    I’m a little late with this, but I just wanted to add my two cents. I have no idea what your life is about, but Hashem has given me my own pekeles in life. When a person is faced with a nisayon, they decide to go the route of “Hashem loves me”, or the opposite way. IMO, it is not always the persons decision, but may be based on outside factors (including which types of people are around at which times in the persons life). I will tell you from experience, when a person realizes Hashem loves them, (and I’ve touched maybe just the tip of the iceberg) it makes things a lot easier. And it makes life a lot better, and enjoyable. I wish I could put into words just how much Hashem loves you, just for being you.

    I’ll give you the same bracha I gave eclipse. May you always be zoche to feel Hashems love, and Hashems presence (and His presents!) throughout your life.

    Should I assume you’re female? If my assumption is correct, and should you ever need a little pick-me-up, I give the mods complete rishus to give you my email address. (Or just say the word here!)


    in reply to: What I Learned From My Troubled Teen #718519


    As I wrote above, I thought your comments and position were not really called for. And then I read your last post. One part of me was very, very happy to see it. Another part of me had a question. Dont answer me, just answer yourself. Why did you apologize to her? Is it because she wrote what she did about her personal life? Or maybe that she is eclipse, and many people asked her to come back…? Maybe what I’m really asking you is if someone else had come on and started the same thread, but not said anything of their personal life, would you also have apologized? Like I, and others said before, it was not so much what you said, but how you chose to say it, and in response to what you chose to say it.


    in reply to: What's Your Pet Peeve? #982731

    ok, nurse. I just signed in to write the same thing. No kidding.

    There is no word alot!!!

    Peanut Butter, what are you doing using butter instead of peanut butter on bread?

    People who insist on saying words to make others uncomfortable. s*x

    People who get annoyed when other people use certain words 😉


    in reply to: Calling ECLIPSE !! #716982

    Um, whats this business about eclipse leaving? I’m not really liking this…


    in reply to: Would you stop and pick up a penny? #719959

    It depends where it is (how many people are around) but being female, in general I feel uncomfortable bending down in the middle of anywhere to pick up a coin (even more so a penny than a quarter which is flatter and thinner). This is JMO, but I do understand why someone would bend down to pick it up.


    in reply to: What I Learned From My Troubled Teen #718469

    eclipse, you really have your head in the right place. I once heard from a certain speaker/therapist what he told his child (who went through a rough stage) when she realizes he loves her more than she will ever be able to defy him, she’ll come back. In my head I compared this statement to a persons relationship with Hashem, if someone understands how much Hashem loves them, theres no way they can go in the wrong direction. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. May you always be able to feel Hashems presence, and His love, in everything.

    WIY, I will try to say this in the most civil way possible, but WADR, while what you are saying may be completely true (and that is debatable, since there are many different situations and no one right answer), eclipse wrote a comment (and a beautiful one at that) about Hashems love for His children, not about her daughter. Lakol Zman V’ais.


    in reply to: Over moderation #760856

    I’m a longtime reader/poster here and I think a little while ago the modding level went down (things were not moderated as much) but now theres been an improvement and I think its perfect. What fun would a forum be if all the SN’s would be the same person talking to him/herself? And I know I’m generally ok clicking on a thread that it will not have lashon hara, and considering the huge range of backgrounds posters have, I can only imagine what people attempt to post. I think they’re doing a pretty good job. (Now I’ll wait for my next post to be deleted :))

    FTR, if you still maintain your position that things are over-moderated, would you rather that or under-moderating. I’d rather more than less.


    in reply to: Universal Laws #717433

    Law of Dieting- Ppl always say you lost weight when the scale is the highest!

    When people tell me that I always think to myself “what did you think I looked like before?!”


    in reply to: Guitars/Musical Equipment #771042

    BEST IMA, contact me through a mod, I can give you some info.


    in reply to: The Maccabeats #834860


    I hear where you’re coming from. I’m wondering why you don’t consider it Kosher though. If the Maccabbes would listen to most of todays music, they probably wouldn’t be happy. Is this the only song you would say that about, or would that go for much of the current music?

    My (limited) understanding of music is that if a song brings someone closer to Hashem, that is the ultimate. If someone lit Menorah over Chanukah because of it, would that not bring Kedushah to the song?

    I apologize if this came off as an “attack”, it was completely not intended as such.


    in reply to: Tefillah #716105

    Firstly thanks for all responses.

    Secondly, allow me to clarify the second question. I understand that Hashem is very interested in my life, and I must say He’s running it perfectly. Maybe I’m answering my own question here, but I understand that part of Hashems greatness is that He runs everyones lives. The big and the little, the important and the unimportant. But while I understand that I was put on this world for a purpose, and I’m a child of the Ribono Shel Olam, there are lots of other things more important than me, and many more people who deserve to have Hashem so much in their lives (I talk to Him a LOT) than I do. I understand that He created the world, and He watches it all day, every day, but why should He be interested in me? I’m not (c’v) denying that He is, I know that firsthand. But again, take one person compared to the whole world and its a drop in the bucket.


    in reply to: Yaakov Shwekey – Libi Bamizrach Album – Rau Banim #725195

    Anyone else wanna start a Rau Banim fan club?

    Or maybe a support group for people who cant stop listening?



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