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  • in reply to: Your Favorite Composers #900345

    Baruch Levine, Abie Rotenberg, Yossi Green, Country Yossi

    Original, aren’t I?


    in reply to: Countdown to the Meltdown #737572


    Do we have any say in this?


    in reply to: signed … ? #881857

    Regents? Lol, that was a looooong time ago, wow. Ahh, nothing like a good trip down memory lane.


    in reply to: signed … ? #881855

    There we go! Much better!!

    (This late night shmoozy convo is making me think about the good ol’ days in the CR!)


    in reply to: signed … ? #881853

    Hey, no need to be sad. I never said not cool, just that those who had one are cooler… But hey, if you were trying to make me feel guilty it worked. And hey, the CR is cool so obviously the people who post are also, right?

    πŸ˜€ (hint hint)


    in reply to: WhatοΏ½you looking for? #741287




    Most of the other stuff is there once there are Middos.


    in reply to: signed … ? #881850

    I still think those of us who had subtitles before the “subtitle special” are still way cooler than you folks who got it on sale. (Sorry to whoever is was I stole that line from.) πŸ˜‰

    As far as the sig, there probably is a way to do it, but I write mine out every time. I’ve become so used to it that when I post on a different forum I need to stop myself from putting it at the bottom. (That goes for the end of emails etc.) Haaalp!


    in reply to: Jokes #1201540

    What does the barber do to your hair? Eclipse it (sorry) πŸ™‚

    I heard it as “what does a barber do for a living? eclipse”. Of course every time I see a post from our local (former) watermelon I think of it. πŸ™‚


    in reply to: The roads are getting smaller #736655

    Double park? Where?! The main roads are like one wide lane shared by traffic going in two directions.


    in reply to: Thread For Perfect People Only #735309

    (practice makes perfect but nobody’s perfect so why practice)

    “Nobodys perfect. I’m nobody.”


    in reply to: Thread For Perfect People Only #735307

    Finally! A thread for me!



    in reply to: Can My Teeth Be Killing My Ears? #734383

    eclipse, I think its time for a vacation.


    in reply to: To whom is it proper to text to? #734908

    I think its ok to text someone you speak with on a regular basis. Family, friends, co-workers etc. Authority figures should get a phone call, (unless told otherwise). They are different than a friend and should be treated differently than a friend. I will add to what aries said that couples should not text while dating or even during an engagement (but thats a separate discussion). Men and women (married or single) should not be texting each other for social (or even for business. Thats a very easy way to get into social texting.)


    in reply to: Another CR column/category? #732867

    I am. And sometimes a mod will edit a post (a note to the poster or something) instead of a new post, any way to put some sort of notification if that happens? Maybe the “last poster” could change colors or something…


    in reply to: gambling cure #732212

    Try contacting Rabbi Moshe Meir Weiss.


    in reply to: Fairly Clean Comedies #731957

    DY (and mod),

    I decided it would be a good thing to handle my decision change instead of having the mods fix it up for me. And I did that in the last week or so, and I didn’t want to get the “most troublesome poster” award. (So instead they had to mod a bunch of extra posts. Oh well.)


    Not really on the level of ILL (its not really a comedy, not sure how it would be classified) but from what I’ve seen its pretty clean (for the most part) and good, but try The Wonder Years.


    in reply to: my brother is off the derech #733260

    riki, would you consider doing it through email?


    in reply to: Fairly Clean Comedies #731951

    I cant talk for you but now I’m starting to wonder if I am… I posted something and then decided to delete it…



    in reply to: In town vs. out of town #732106

    Yup. Thanks mod.


    in reply to: In town vs. out of town #732104

    I’m confused. How does living in NY make someone closer to Hashem?


    in reply to: Fairly Clean Comedies #731949


    Hey, isn’t that the point of the edit option? πŸ˜‰


    in reply to: Fairly Clean Comedies #731945

    Changed my mind. Sorry.


    in reply to: Name That Tune! #1193967

    kapusta- it’s shwekey ad bli dai


    FTR, its official name is Music of Forever.


    in reply to: Seminary acceptances???? #939713

    I’m past seminary so maybe I’m not really qualified for this thread but I’m not gonna let that stop me. πŸ˜‰

    1.I know of one class in a certain school (not sure if its every year or only one class) that decided amongst themselves not to discuss seminary or getting accepted (among classmates/friends) for 2 days after getting letters. Believe it or not, it really helps. And just because you got in to your “choice” sem doesn’t mean the person you are asking did. If you are in a position to initiate something like this, know you will very likely be saving someone, somewhere, a lot of heartache. Even if only amongst your friends, its a big help.

    2. Its a big deal now but in 10 years it probably won’t make a difference. More importantly, you will end up in the place which you will be the best for, and which will be the best for you. A certain well known rav said his daughter applied to her first choice sem but didn’t get in. He had connections in the school and tried from every angle but couldn’t get anywhere. She went to a different sem where she ended up helping someone who needed it.

    Looking forward to hearing good news! Hatzlacha!


    in reply to: Writing A Comedy:What Scenario Do You Find Funniest?? #731846

    An office full of people with a crazy boss. And “misunderstanding” conversations are always very funny.


    in reply to: texting while driving #732136

    Nope. Too many stories have made me incredibly scared too. (That, combined with being straight out stupid and against the law.)

    Before texting behind the wheel, a person should think of what to answer after 120, after knowingly putting many lives (driver, passengers, other cars, pedestrians) in danger.


    in reply to: Name That Tune! #1193953

    Right singer, wrong album (and there was more than one english song). We’re getting somewhere though.


    in reply to: Engagement Rings #944382

    A few questions:

    1. If this does happen, I would think it would be in a situation where the boys family can not afford a real ring? If this is all they can do, is that anyones fault? Are they supposed to steal a ring for the new dil?

    2. Say it really does happen, what is there to do about it?

    3. Would a treated diamond pass inspection? Why is it different?


    in reply to: Name That Tune! #1193950

    blinky, lol, that about summed up the line. πŸ™‚

    Should I tell or anyone still want to guess?


    in reply to: Name That Tune! #1193945

    The first one was from Anachnu Amcha.

    No one got the other one yet (its more recent than solid gold)

    “And we’re singing in the palace of our King”


    in reply to: tznius to wear skirts that just hit the knee or are above the knee? #730958

    dunno, just to set things straight, the short uniform skirt thing did not start in Masores. I could give you the name of the person who started it in a different school (another well known school). She is a good friend of mine (and a very good girl). Interesting enough, we were once discussing trendsetters in high schools and how certain things came to be and she mentioned the short skirts and honestly had no idea she was the one to start it.

    As for the OP, I think a lot of the issue is society. As was mentioned, some people will not go outside in a jeans skirt, but have no problem with a skirt that barely reaches the knee. A short skirt (read: a too short skirt) is a big problem in Halacha. A jeans skirt was made out to be a big problem. If the community would make noise about short skirts, you can bet they would be gone in a snap. On the bright side, I think slowly, things may be starting to improve.

    Disclaimer: I have nothing against anything thats tznius, jeans skirt included.

    Disclaimer 2: I didn’t read the entire thread, I apologize if I repeated what someone else said.


    in reply to: Worst Chore #731717

    Kitchen cleanup. But I guess that would fall into the dishwashing category.

    Re leftovers, just because its not a fresh cooked meal, no one else needs to know that. For most chicken and meat, you can add some veggies/rice/potatoes/sauce (tomato sauce from a jar is good but probably most sauces would work) and turn it into a completely “new” dish.


    in reply to: Name That Tune! #1193913

    I think the Destiny song is called “Moishe Online”.

    “With love for our brother…” (hardish one. And I haven’t heard the song in years)

    “And we’re singing in the palace of our King”


    in reply to: Name That Tune! #1193868

    “So bring on the day when there will be only joy”

    “We’ll walk together hand in hand, till we reach our promised land”


    in reply to: The Joseph Thread #734507

    Sender Av:

    Fair enough. I always thought it was obvious from my posts, but I guess thats from my side after all. In any case, welcome to the CR. πŸ™‚

    (Just out of curiosity, what about the ** is more likely male than female?)


    in reply to: The Joseph Thread #734497

    Sorry to disappoint everyone, I’m not The Wolf or any of his relatives, nor am I Joseph or any of his SN’s/relatives.

    (at least not one that I’m aware of)

    Oh, and I’m female for anyone who thought otherwise.

    Jack Daniels, how long have you been around to know about the queenkapusta thing? That was a looooong time ago.


    in reply to: Good Movie Idea Inspired by the coffeeroom #729914

    cutie pie, I’m flattered!!

    eclipse, looks like we can be flattered together πŸ™‚


    in reply to: Name That Tune! #1193839

    2. Sunshine from Miami BC

    4. MBD- Yerushalayim is not for sale…?


    in reply to: Name That Tune! #1193835

    snapplegrl, is that “dont hide from me, Avraham Fried”?


    in reply to: Good Movie Idea Inspired by the coffeeroom #729898

    Only gonna be one Joseph?


    in reply to: Wolfishmusings=Kapusta #773743

    Is that the way it happened? I honestly dont remember… I think maybe ames wrote something about having a good attitude or something and I started… I think there were other people too with signatures. qwerty and maybe asdf. And did AOB have one?

    Thanks for the trip down memory lane, 42.


    in reply to: Leftover Boiled Chicken #933726

    Add some to lo mien. Toss it in with the veggies so it can pick up some of the flavor. Or instead of making a salad, add the dressing and grill or fry and coat in salad dressing.

    Probably most things (if not all) you can do with raw chicken cutlet you can do with it when it comes out of soup.


    in reply to: Wolfishmusings=Kapusta #773730

    You might know me in real life but I wouldn’t know if it was you. I am vouching based on the days of GS 1 and 2

    That scares me. Nice to see some faces from the good ol’ days though.


    in reply to: What to do with leftover Challah & bread?? #728098


    How do you make garlic oil?

    Heat some oil and put in some chopped garlic. (Garlic tends to burn very quickly so watch it. The whole thing should take about a minute.)


    in reply to: What to do with leftover Challah & bread?? #728094

    80, garlic powder and salt? And margarine? Who are you really?!

    Smartcookie, make garlic oil and then transfer onto bread. Add dried parsley for color. (and maybe a drop of salt but I’m not sure its necessary.) But please, please, do not use garlic powder.

    Oomis, I didn’t mean gefilte fish, I meant meatballs and then separately ground fish, but I think ground was the wrong term. I meant something in the way of a fish patty.


    in reply to: Gown Gemach #969962

    Anyone know if Berkowitz is still around?


    in reply to: What to do with leftover Challah & bread?? #728080

    garlic bread?

    When you say you dont use breadcrumbs, do you ever make meatballs, shnitzel, anything with ground fish?


    in reply to: Screen Name Subtitle #978171

    No Kapusta it is I who am honored to be lumped with YOU πŸ™‚

    Why thank you for the compliment, o awesome blinky. (bow) πŸ˜‰


    baron, see theres your issue. Whats more important, the CR (applause) or school (boo-hoo!!)?! JK!!


    in reply to: Wolfishmusings=Kapusta #773708

    I couldn’t tell you because I’m not a mod but whatever it was, they didn’t like it so I changed it.

    But no ones stopping you from doing the same thing on your posts.

    ron, which one of us is superman?


    in reply to: Wolfishmusings=Kapusta #773704

    A long time ago I used to put a πŸ™‚ at the end of every post. Sort of a signature thing (which many posters had at the time). Some of the mods said it was slowing things down and *kapusta* happened.


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