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  • in reply to: who are the best posters? #830162

    The ones that are coming to mind:

    practical/real life comments: bpt, eclipse, oomis

    I must be a true editor

    (not gonna comment) 😉


    in reply to: HELP!! #754338

    Take a little nap (not in bed so you don’t get too comfortable). Or caffeine. Hatzlacha!


    in reply to: The Grumpy Thread:( #757996

    How could we wish someone well on a grumpy thread?

    Maybe it should be retitled “the formerly grumpy thread”.

    Papa Bear: Refuah Shelaimah! I feel for you


    in reply to: The Grumpy Thread:( #757993

    tbt: Amen, thank you. And positive feedback is always nice so thanks for that too.

    brotherofurs: virus. And I think you need a post report treat (cake etc)

    eclipse: lol, thank you.


    in reply to: The Grumpy Thread:( #757989

    I’m sick. Anyone want to cheer me up?

    (This post never really happened.)


    in reply to: do 'mazinka' dance or not? #753118

    It is questions like the OP that make me so proud to be frum.

    Mazal Tov!


    in reply to: Living With Poppa Is Hard TO Bear #756247

    I’m not really posting but eclipse, I just wanted to tell you I kept both you and your daughter in mind in my davening earlier and I do know that no tefilla is ever wasted.

    I am looking forward to (IY”H soon!!) your letting us know that she is doing better.

    Hatzlacha rabbah


    in reply to: Ciao (for now) #752302

    Sac: Had I just chosen to leave I would have left without a word. I commented about the post because I thought something should be said. I’m assuming you didn’t see the post or if you did maybe you didn’t think anything of it. When my reply didn’t go through I came to my decision but I still thought it called for a response so I started a thread. I wasn’t looking to make a big deal about leaving, but I wanted to make my point. Thats all. And I’ve been here for a long time, and with every negative here there are also certain positives, but this was too much in my book. And you’re right I wont stop anyone else from posting certain things (other than anything accomplished by this thread) but by my posting regularly I’m showing my approval for all the world to see.

    Be well, y’all.


    in reply to: Ciao (for now) #752297

    I meant the main CR page, not the main news page

    95, I understood that was why you deleted it and how it came off in the mod section and I had no issue with that. FTR, that comment was the super duper censored version and it took me some time to get to that point.

    BTW, the offending post was in no way directed at me.


    in reply to: Ciao (for now) #752290

    I’m laughing. All I did was try to say good bye and the CR does what the CR does best, argue!! (But I guess thats part of the pull.)

    I will try to explain what happened as best I can. I never said or thought I had to agree with everything posted. This is a public forum and I don’t expect everything posted to be in line with my opinion. Yes, there have been things which I’ve hated but again, everyone is entitled to their opinion just as I am. Now let me explain what I meant when I used the word disgusting: Writing something which comes out (I’m really hoping it was not intended this way) belittling and downright hurtful. Knocking someone else for a bit of fun. There are some things I can not tolerate and this is one of them. Maybe it was just me, maybe I took it to hard, but I’m sorry, thats who I am. I have nothing wrong with my posts not going through. In fact, most of the time when they’ve been deleted and I looked back to what I’ve written, I understood why they were deleted based on the wording etc. I’m trying to tell myself the post was written as a joke, but its not really working. I have a sense of humor, but there is a place to draw the line. It was pretty bad that it made it onto the board. Even worse that someone could write something like that at all. Like I said, I will probably continue reading and maybe even posting where I feel its necessary. But I really feel uncomfortable taking part in a place where making fun of someone (even as “jokey” as it may have been) could happen.

    Goq, you came the closest but it was not your post.


    in reply to: Ciao (for now) #752268

    Just wanted to thank whichever mod was kind enough to delete the post.


    in reply to: When the MODS fall asleep…… #1209563

    What happens when the posters fall asleep? This place is getting a little quiet lately.


    in reply to: Is it true? #751194

    “Kol haposhet yad nosnim lo”. When a person sticks out their hand for money, we don’t look, we just give without asking questions. When a person “sticks out their hand” and asks for something, Hashem doesn’t look, just gives (if its best for the person).


    in reply to: Talking During Davening — and My Failure. #751006

    There are two separate issues here. One is telling him something about talking during davening. The other is telling him anything at all. In regard to the first issue, you were completely right. If next time he has something to say during davening and then decides not to because you asked him not to, it goes on your “record” that you stopped someone from talking during davening, and the people around him were actually able to daven. Thats an A+ right there. The second part is another issue entirely. Everyone is allowed to make a mistake once in a while. And losing control is a temporary thing. One more thought: often feelings of guilt will make someone be extra careful in the future. Not so terrible.


    in reply to: When young adult leaves to be Frei #776696

    We are not talking about baalei teshuva. We are talking about the opposite — frum people that became mechalilei Shabbos, etc.

    For some reason, I automatically assumed becoming frei was used to mean temporarily and returning to Yiddishkeit and only that. Sorry about that.


    in reply to: When young adult leaves to be Frei #776693

    Someone who was never frum might be a tinok shenishba. Someone who was frum and became frei is a rasha.

    “Bemakom sheba’alei tshuva omdim…”


    in reply to: Please Make Me Laugh #750910

    Did you see the Kommon Kiruv Blunders video? It was pretty good.

    The last one reminds me of:

    A guy walks into a dentists office and asks what it costs to pull a tooth.

    Dentist: $500.

    Man: That much?!

    Dentist: Yep.

    Man: Cant you do it for any less?

    Dentist: Not really. The only way is to do it without using any novocain but most people cant handle that. You would need a pretty high tolerance for pain.

    Man: Oh, dont worry about that. How much would it cost?

    Dentist: Without novocain it would be $50.

    Man: But you can do it, right?

    Dentist: Well… yes. But again, most people wouldn’t be able to handle it… Are you sure about this?

    Man: Oh, yes. Show him which tooth it is, dear.


    A man awaiting test results from a doctor finally gets a call.

    Man: So?

    Doctor: Well I have good news and bad news.

    Man: Whats the good news?

    Doctor: You have twenty four hours to live.

    Man: And…

    Doctor: I forgot to call you yesterday.

    Sorry, joke telling isn’t really my thing 😉


    in reply to: Purim #750600

    Ok, StuffedCabbage, who are you?

    And for your question, Shalach Manos has become in some form or another a bit of a status thing.


    in reply to: lighting shabbat candles in memory of family murdered #750119

    Thank you, anonymrs.

    Just read through some of the posts. No words. Mi Ke’amcha Yisrael!


    in reply to: teens and texting #750775

    I say very careful monitoring on texting. IMO taking away the phone will accomplish nothing because unfortunately plenty of kids go out and get phones on their own. This way at least there is some control over the texting.


    in reply to: When young adult leaves to be Frei #776655

    I’m thinking do whatever it takes to keep the lines of communication open. If it means keeping quiet (maybe easier said than done) or taking an extra step it wont hurt.

    The Pintele Yid never goes away. Hatzlacha!


    in reply to: lighting shabbat candles in memory of family murdered #750112

    anyone? (See earlier post)


    in reply to: lighting shabbat candles in memory of family murdered #750103

    Thats really amazing.

    I’d love to see the page, anyone know what words in a search would pull it up?


    in reply to: How to stay upbeat when times are hard #749814

    I hope this wont come off the wrong way, but Tehillim can be the best form of therapy around. Music is also good, but not just anything.



    in reply to: Dinner Ideas! #885459

    Vegetable parmesan (eggplant or zucchini)

    I once saw something along the lines of lasagna but with mushroom caps instead of noodles. (One layer of mushrooms, tomato sauce, shredded cheese)

    Meatloaf/meat lasagna

    There are plenty of things to do with chicken. When you say you’re bored of it, do you just mean you want new recipes?

    Do you do any slow cooker recipes?


    in reply to: Dropoff for clothing in fair/good condition #749051

    Just saw an ad for a clothing donation drive to benefit the Shelly Cohen A”H Bridal Fund. They accept (clean, gently worn) clothing, shoes and sneakers, handbags, linens and stuffed animals. (In great condition only: furniture, appliances, books and working computers.)

    Pickups available in Brooklyn and Deal area. 732-747-0083


    in reply to: bnos chava! #749414

    If you go there, can you take my sister a package?

    So how far is Bnos Chava from BJJ anyway?


    in reply to: womens effect #748871

    Oops. Next time I’ll have to read the OP instead of just the first few words.

    (sheepish look)


    in reply to: womens effect #748867



    in reply to: Truth is stranger than fiction #1085534

    Life reads like a novel,except you can’t skip pages!

    Is that yours? Great line!


    in reply to: Snoresville #748467

    Yup. Maybe people are too busy looking for parking because they came late to write anymore.



    in reply to: Questions to Ponder #748233

    ICOT, next time warn me in the beginning not to eat anything until I finish reading the post!


    in reply to: Jealousy #748212

    I hear where you’re coming from but think of it this way: you’re friend may have something which seems amazing, but she also has a different tafkid in this world than you do so maybe theres no need for you to have that specific thing. Example- someone has a huge house and ends up hosting people for neighborhood Simchas. Her friend who delivers packages for Tomchei Shabbos doesn’t need all that space, so even though she might like it, its not connected to her purpose on this world. (Am I just rambling here?)


    in reply to: Questions to Ponder #748231

    Who was the first one to milk a cow?


    in reply to: teenagers world #836215

    You are not being cruel. (I’ll go easy on everyone and not write that 500 times for you.) Cruel is something done by a nasty/mean spirited/evil/completely insane person, none of which you seem to fit. More likely that you’re trying to feel a certain sense of normalcy.

    Mishenichnas Adar Marbin B’simcha. IY”H for you, this Adar.


    in reply to: Corny Jokes #1208915

    that should put her out of her Missouri

    Isn’t that why she sipped on Minnesota?

    Wheres the rest of the song?



    On the youtube video, there was a link to a site with more info about the whole case. Maybe theres a way to contact someone through the site…

    Good luck!


    in reply to: teenagers world #836213

    Kapusta-Its good to know SOMEONE understands! Anyone who was never in the situation can’t and that’s why everyone tells me I’m cruel.

    A huge thank you to everyone!

    Cruel? I think accusing someone is stupid and often wont help things but that one just doesn’t make any sense. First, there is nothing wrong with you, second, there is nothing wrong with you third, there is nothing wrong with you. And it is not a hopeless case.

    I would really love to help you any way I can. I’m not sure what exactly I can do (other than understanding you and where you’re coming from) but if theres anything, even just listening, say the word. I did keep you in mind in my davening earlier, and will bl”n continue to do so until you let us know some good news IY”H. Depression gets a bad rap as someone not being able to deal with things, and that can be the case but not always and in this case I’m guessing its very far from the truth.

    Please define what you mean by doctor.

    I really believe that things not only can, but will IY”H get better for you very soon. The very fact that you bothered writing anything is already a big step in the right direction.

    Hang in there. 🙂


    in reply to: teenagers world #836207

    I know what you feel like. (I almost feel like in certain ways you’re describing me exactly not too long ago.) About people being insensitive, heres a tip for life: some people are just plain stupid. My thinking is that most people aren’t trying to be mean, it just happens that way. (And believe it or not, they might not even realize it.) Yes, its very annoying. And as many times as you might hear that everyone has their little package, and everyone does, because you are going through yours (which is tailor made for you) it might seem harder. And its part of human nature to compare. If it helps you to know this, I do feel because I’ve seen what I have in my life (B”H) I’ve come out a better person from it (and I don’t think I’m the only one to say that).

    About the attitude thing, I know maybe you can’t believe me right now but I’ll say it anyway. I have no idea what specific challenge you’re facing right now (and I’m not asking). I’ve gone through certain things, and some of them haven’t changed too much but B”H my attitude has. Did I think it could at the time? Absolutely not. But it did. Even if it means indulging yourself (good food, a good book, a new cd etc) once in a while, if it brings you up, its probably worth it. I’ll say it again, talk to Hashem. If you ask me its better than any anti-depressant (any kind) around.

    (filled rant quota for the day)


    in reply to: Emotions/Feelings #747837

    I think life is really about being happy. Yes, there are some things that aren’t perfect but when you weigh the options of being happy (most of the time) or not feeling anything, what would you choose? And how often does pain translate into good things? It might not be fun while its happening but so often it triggers positive things.

    And what would be the purpose of life if there were no emotions? So many things (especially in a frum lifestyle) are based on emotion (Yomim Tovim, Shabbos, Simchas and for c’v the opposite).


    in reply to: teenagers world #836201


    Been there, done that. I know what it feels like, but dont fool yourself. Attitude is everything. Maybe even more than the situation which you are put in. Anyone can talk about having a positive attitude from today till tomorrow but until you come to the realization yourself, it wont help. I know from experience that a situation doesn’t need to change to feel better. It might seem like a completely foreign concept right now but know that its possible. Depression or a negative attitude is not anyones fault but its something to overcome. What I’m understanding from your earlier post sounds like anger more than depression (or anger coming out in the form of depression). Am I right? (Just trying to help).

    When the hardship is in YOU its impossible to escape. It follows you around which makes you not be able to have relief, even in school.

    Just like you said. The hardship is in you. It is not you. People are not cookies. There is no all good and all bad. Every person (yes, you) is good with certain things that need a little polishing. Dont put yourself in the wrong camp because there is something making you look at things through broken glasses.

    As was already mentioned, talk to a friend. Friends are very good, but let me go a step further. Talk to Hashem. Not just during Shmone Esrei. He is the best listener around and your best friend. Go into your room (or a quiet place) when no ones around and talk to Him. Tell him exactly what you would tell a friend. And think of something good that happened (in a related area) and thank Him for it. Guaranteed results.

    Getting the idea I have a lot to say on this? 🙂

    Lots of hatzlacha!

    (end rant)


    in reply to: Shidduch Issue #746943

    How long a break are you talking about?


    in reply to: I baked cupcakes for the first time today…… #746919

    observant: feeling better?


    in reply to: Mazel Tov! #1223425

    Yup, email.


    in reply to: How the CR/MODS works #1140521

    Now we know that the head honcho at Y.W. is named Ed. 🙂

    Hmmm… Any relation to Mr. Ed?




    in reply to: Mazel Tov! #1223423

    Am I correct in thinking that post was really addressed to me? Last I heard, a mod was trying to contact yossi but never got a response. With facebook being what it is, I feel uncomfortable about it, even if its just to transfer info.



    staten island, particularly mariners harbour “SI2” on the locations list, is the easiest place if you want local. dont take road tests in brookly, they are retarded. starett city has a lane change and a bunch of traffic.

    havemeyer avenue in the bronx is probably the easiest place to go, but its an hour and a half drive so most driving schools dont go there.

    I’m pretty sure MH has at least one place to switch lanes and Havemeyer definitely does.


    in reply to: Mazel Tov! #1223415

    Was that a compliment? Well, thank you. Anyway, since you’re the mod who bothered answering, maybe I could pick your brain on a way to do this…?

    Or if there are any other nice mods out there…?



    Even if something goes wrong, don’t give up.

    Try to schedule the test for earlier in the day. Most people don’t feel like doing their good deed for the day after a day of a bunch of people trying to prove they can drive when they cant.

    I’m pretty sure theres another thread about this, maybe even two…

    Hatzlacha Rabbah!!


    in reply to: Good Forwards (Emails) #1059606

    You called a friend and then completely forgot what you were gonna say

    …you called a friend and then completely forgot who you called…


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