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  • in reply to: Jean skirts #768703

    btw sac, i heard ankle, not toes and heels.?!?!

    IIRC, it goes according to minhag hamakom above the ankle.

    popa: And why do IBM executives wear suits and not jeans?

    Please still explain why Rabbonim don’t wear them.

    How many Rabbanim (or Rebbetzins) wear hoodies?


    in reply to: Thank you #767993

    I’m not really sure if I did anything but if yes, then glad to have helped.

    Sometimes, I wonder if some posters would think differently of others if they would’ve met them in person.

    Being anonymous has pros and cons.


    in reply to: yichus in shidduchim #769703

    Everyone passes on their zchusim to their children and grandchildren.

    Great Tzadikim have more zchusim to pass on.

    Just because someone is not famous doesn’t mean they aren’t a Tzaddik. (Not that they are definitely one, just saying no yichus doesn’t really mean anything.)


    in reply to: "Like" button #967571



    in reply to: Segulos: Has This Worked For You Personally? #767509

    i heard that if u say perek yud gimmel and tell thirteen people its a segulah for shidduchim….

    FTR, I think its 13 people say Yud Gimmel on the thirteenth of the month… I heard it pretty close to the source (I think). Dunno if it works…


    in reply to: Thank You Mods & Editor #954971

    I have something due at 9AM. I’m not sleeping tonight, and I could use the distraction every few minutes.


    (Why does the ? look so different before and after its posted?)


    in reply to: Whats Going In Your Suitcase? #767954

    ICOT – they do have potatoes in israel. (and onions and eggs and pepper and salt, and even food processors) – though it might be a good idea to bring a food processor; they are cheaper in america.

    Eating potato kugel while flying must be so much fun 🙂


    in reply to: Thank You Mods & Editor #954969

    Oh, and a big thank you to whichever mod is on now. 🙂


    I have something due at 9AM. I’m not sleeping tonight, and I could use the distraction every few minutes.

    in reply to: Thank You Mods & Editor #954968

    Its a shame I’m not creative either 😉

    If it’ll make you feel any better, I got lots of weird symbols and some letters from punching in random numbers but the only musical note I got was ? (alt and 14)


    in reply to: Would you continue? #772367

    In that case I meant to say go back.

    I’m not sure what happened (I don’t read every thread and not always every post on the ones I do. And would I be correct in thinking that I wasn’t involved?) but while most people on here are very nice and helpful, there are a few who don’t always come off that way. From someone who sort of left and sort of came back, I’m siding with look away.


    in reply to: Would you continue? #772364

    If having to face that person would be a cause for stress for you then its probably not worth it. If you can put it out of your head and not think about it then go back. (A lot depends on what was said/who said it/how it was said.)

    Was this a group for purpose or for socializing? (You used the word group which sounds like a group getting together to learn something etc -and shmoozing does have purpose)

    RABBAIM brought up a very good point, btw.


    in reply to: Thank You Mods & Editor #954966

    binah- just play around, its lots of fun ?

    Someone should bring back the hangman thread.



    You want every principal to be a gadol hador. So do I, but if we would demand it, we won’t have enough principals.

    In the long term is this really better?


    in reply to: Your Favorite Chocolate #767215

    My favorite chocolate is very cold and gets scooped (or piped from a machine) into a cup or cone. Yum.

    (I never got the hype about regular chocolate. Like its good, ok, lets move on to the ice cream now.)


    in reply to: Chalav Yisroel Candy Bars #767068

    One of the things that I miss after becoming kosher (although there are so many great products out there and the decision has forced me to learn how to cook!) is pop tarts.

    I seem to remember that Alton Brown had a recipe but I have no idea what they taste like.


    in reply to: We Miss You #1075324

    Awww, Zeeskite, I’m so touched! JK, I’m just having a little fun here. I do agree with your post completely though. COME BACK!!

    (And if I can hijack the thread for a little bit, it looks like tbt has also disappeared.)


    in reply to: shidduch issue #768042

    Kapusta: yes you are missing something but I don’t want to talk about it here. You may soon be getting a message through your friend unless you want to contact me directly.

    Friend says she has no idea…


    in reply to: Need people to make my wedding B'simcha #768925

    Am I correct in understanding that you’re looking for an organized group not just people coming? You can google “twins from france”, it might not be exactly what you’re looking for, but I think they entertain at weddings etc (a routine, not singing). It looks like there are a few videos on some sites.

    Mazal Tov!!


    in reply to: What makes your blood pressure go up on a scale of 1-10? #765865

    “People who don’t think. (Not that I’m so brilliant or anything, but there is a difference when someone is naturally not so smart and someone who just doesn’t think)”

    I hear you loud and clear about that, but then think about all the times YOU yourself don’t think (me included) everyone’s human, and it’s an avoda to have that not get to you (that people don’t think not that everyones human)

    Very true. Everyone can make mistakes, but I was talking about people who have a motto of “don’t think”. Like people who don’t think about a possible aftereffect of doing/not doing something.

    (I’m not sure that made any sense.)


    in reply to: shidduch issue #768036

    Kapusta, do you believe in what you said enough to hold on to it if situations requiring such a saying were to happen to you?

    This question is not meant to be read in an antagonistic or judgmental manner. It is meant to be more of a lead in

    Am I missing something about the lead in thing? And I think I would say the same thing. Especially with regard to shidduchim, the clear Hashgacha is doubly amazing.


    in reply to: Researching potential shidduchim? #1200372

    One more thing. Whenever its possible try to find your own references. The ones given will not always give you the truth (for positive and negative).

    (If you are looking into someone from a different place, call someone who can connect you with other people, even someone you don’t know, and just ask for the name of a rav in the area, or someone who would know people in the community. You don’t need to get into names, but usually when people hear its for a shidduch they will try to be helpful.)


    in reply to: subtitle #771650


    better stuffed than hungry

    Was that you 42?

    Whoever it was, its very funny! Thank you!!


    in reply to: is health gone forever #914289

    Better late than never. Health, welcome back!


    Because Mommy said so!!!!

    am yisrael chai:

    “There are other posters who consistently make me laugh & smile at the screen…”

    And they are…

    I’m not AYC but if it makes you feel any better, you would make my list.


    in reply to: subtitle #771648

    mods- i love the subtitle under binayeseira…. its great!

    adorable – me too.

    me three.


    in reply to: shidduch issue #768026

    As annoying as this will sound, if its meant to happen it will.




    in reply to: What makes your blood pressure go up on a scale of 1-10? #765858

    People who don’t think. (Not that I’m so brilliant or anything, but there is a difference when someone is naturally not so smart and someone who just doesn’t think)

    Hold button music

    People who are downright nasty through complete lack of consideration or for their own enjoyment.

    People who walk around with an attitude that the world was created to serve them.


    in reply to: Researching potential shidduchim? #1200365

    kapusta, I haven’t seen you post in such a long time.


    I’ve been around here lately… But thanks for the welcome back, still appreciated.


    in reply to: Researching potential shidduchim? #1200359

    Middos are number one. Is s/he a happy person? Any medical issues in the family? Is s/he a calm person? Does s/he have a rav/mentor (is this person willing to listen to someone elses opinion)? Does s/he have good relationships within his/her family?

    Do they buy regular or super gas?

    Hatzlacha Rabbah!!


    in reply to: Teenage Girls Infiltrating CR? #765121


    Mazeltov for your 3rd birthday. Is that all? It sure seems like you’ve been around much longer. (Queen Kapusta and all that…) I’m just over 4 but didnt do serious posting till a year or two ago. Btw Teenagers are when they’ve reached thirteen years on ywn so you’ve ten years to go, Princess.

    Thank you. The three years thing sounds pretty accurate. And three year olds get unlimited junk, a nap during the day, and spend their working hours having fun. Yup, three sounds good to me.

    (Btw, is there anything like a Bas Mitzvah in the CR or only Bar?)


    in reply to: ATTENTION alwaysrunswithscissorsfast #790475

    You’re right. I’m embarrassed.

    Tell ya what, I’ll take care of the regular kapusta and you take care of the kapusta stacia?


    in reply to: ATTENTION alwaysrunswithscissorsfast #790472

    Kapusta-you are much more than heimish. You have chandeliers hanging in your bathrooms!

    Btw, I have a weakness for kapusta stacia.:)

    bathrooms? Come on, we have chandeliers in our cars!

    btw, whats kapusta stacia??


    in reply to: Growing Shots…. #765006

    I’m surprised no one said “good things come in small packages” yet. (FTR, I’m very un-petite. Like I said, good things… JK)


    in reply to: ATTENTION alwaysrunswithscissorsfast #790465

    Stuffed cabbage your name’s not bad but did you ever consider hulupshes? It’s more heimish!

    ahhhhhem *cough*


    in reply to: Food Processors= Help!!!!!! #764591

    Are you using a blade or a disc? If you are using the blade, maybe try cutting the food into smaller pieces (quarter potatoes instead of one cut down the middle). I’m not sure if it would make a difference but its worth a shot.

    Good luck!


    in reply to: Checkout Line Busybodies #818879

    So next time you go shopping pick up a can of deodorant (or something like that) and if someone starts staring, buy it, and before leaving hand it to them and say “here, I bought this for you”. Kidding!!

    Btw, can I join the pretzel and mustard party? I’m so in the mood now.


    in reply to: Teenage Girls Infiltrating CR? #765089

    kapusta-when the number ends in teen…do you qualify?!?!?!

    Sounds fair. For right now I do anyway.


    in reply to: Teenage Girls Infiltrating CR? #765087

    How old is considered teen? (I just wanna know if I still qualify or not.) And I just had a third birthday here so I’m saying I don’t count in the “all of a sudden” thing.


    in reply to: My New Subtitle #993364

    princess, maybe the mod had the song “You’re watching me” in his/her head…? “Ooooooh, Hashem……”



    in reply to: What Do You Do When You're Angry? #764473

    Depends on the source of the anger. Sometimes vent, sometimes just get involved in something else to get my mind off it.


    in reply to: Getting Married & Trying To Decide To Have TV Or Not #764335

    “i think kids who dont have a tv think its a very big thing to watch so when they could, they watch as much as possible. a kid who is allowed to watch whenever he wants doesnt think its such a big deal, so they dont end up watching as much.”

    You’ve got a fascinating perspective on chinuch. You apparently feel that whatever is bad for our children, we should give them more of, so that they should get less of it.

    I think the poster is referring to “forbidden fruits taste sweet”.


    in reply to: Wireless Routers And Privacy #764623

    I think there is a way (ways?) to completely secure the network. Maybe if you call the company or the company that provides your internet service they can help you.


    in reply to: Men and Makeup #766816

    Maybe when the herring comes out say “She’asani Kirtzono”. I’m kidding I’m kidding!!

    If he doesn’t mind you wearing it, then as other people mentioned, do it in a different room (or when hes out of the room).


    in reply to: Getting Married & Trying To Decide To Have TV Or Not #764297

    IMO, there is sneaking and there is sneaking. For a kid who grows up without TV/DVDs, watching anything is sneaking. For a kid who grows up with TV, there might also be “sneaking” but the content will be very different. Most kids (and maybe adults too) know when they might be crossing the line but realize that the “lines” are in very different places.

    If you are thinking you might need to watch (for whatever reason) my suggestion is to get shows which you may enjoy but forget the TV.


    in reply to: Apartment in Queens or Far Rockaway #1016100

    There are sometimes listings that go up on onlysimchas. You can also try luach.com or the Jewish Press classifieds (online).

    If you know anyone in the community, ask them to check local publications, ask in Shul etc. The “quieter” stuff can be very helpful.



    in reply to: What does your Cr name mean…?? #762990

    Stuffed: I also think a cabbage (related) SN is very cool.

    On second thought cookies aren’t too bad either, but I’m still voting for the cabbage.


    in reply to: Clarity? #761944

    Clarity to me means two things. One, whatever needs to come out, should. Two, the clarity to really see whats going on and not just get caught up in the excitement of a possible engagement/marriage and meanwhile pushing real issues aside.

    In regard to the OP, some people say they knew right away, but not everyone. I don’t think there is one right answer.


    in reply to: Joseph #955915

    Looks like there might be some new members in the family…


    in reply to: Magazines in host's house #763270

    Toughie. Usually I go with “not your house, not your rules” but this is different. Maybe come up with another use for them (what obviously wouldn’t work, but something along the lines of holding up a bed which was broken). Or (provided the content was not an issue) tell her they looked interesting and ask to borrow them.


    in reply to: What did I miss while missing the CR? #762031

    Hello. 🙂

    I also noticed a lot of new names… Am I the only one who found it a little interesting that so many new people appeared over Yom Tov?


    in reply to: QUOTES #850293

    “The sunlight can’t come in a dirty window” -Rabbi Wallerstein


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