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  • in reply to: nails that are cut off and pregnant woman? #786427

    BY94, wouldn’t cutting on thursday night and friday be considered the same day?

    Never heard the thing about the wood. Could someone explain (a little more)?


    in reply to: Is Levi Aron crazy #786491

    bomb, do you really think someone in with full mental health would do something like this? A history or not, I think everyone would agree that he is mentally ill.


    in reply to: Bedrest :) #787453

    This might sound a little nuts but maybe theres a Chessed organization that could use your help with making calls, organizing things or something else you can do while on bedrest.

    Teach yourself to do something on the computer. Or maybe its time to knit a sweater… And Tehillim never hurts.

    B’sha’a Tova Umutzlachas!


    in reply to: Listening Pleasures #786859

    bor, listen to YWN radio (link at the top of the page) while you’re reading the CR (or doing anything that doesn’t require 100% concentration). You can listen to full songs from many different singers and maybe it’ll help you get an idea of whats available that you would enjoy.

    I also think you should give the Avraham Fried stuff another shot but thats JMO. (Oh, did I mention I’m a fan?)

    Did you hear anything from Eighth Day (at least the new one)? (Dont get turned off by Ya’alili)


    in reply to: "THE EVIL MONSTER" is still a yid #786474

    ILT: During the search, I think many people thought they would find him alive and well. Maybe lost or confused, but still alive. Also, in a case where someone is lost, the point is to find them and every little bit helps. Most people would agree that “panicking” like that is not the norm.


    in reply to: Why did Hashem take Leibby HY"D? #786090

    Its interesting, even though it was actually a translation of his Hebrew name, he was called Leib. Its so similar to the word lev, maybe thats also part of the message.


    in reply to: What can we learn from a tragedy like this? #787009

    Instead of pointing fingers at what may have been the reason, lets use this thread for ideas of how we can improve both as a Klal and for each person in their own personal Avodas Hashem.

    In Wednesdays Shiur, Rabbi Wallerstein read a story about a young businessman driving his new Jaguar when suddenly someone threw a brick at it. He got out and walked over to a young boy who had thrown it and started yelling. When he calmed down, the boy pointed to someone lying in a heap on the floor; his brother had fallen out of his wheelchair and was to heavy for him to lift on his own. He threw the brick because no one else would stop.

    “Hashem threw a brick at us.”

    ruxadin, agreed 100%


    in reply to: Update on missing girl Golda bas Mazal #786062

    Nothing yet unfortunately.

    If you google “find lauren” the first link is a site with some info.


    in reply to: "top boys" #787168

    You could look like Frodo, and have the personality of a cabbage

    Excuse me?


    in reply to: Feel bad having a good time #786012

    Medicine doesn’t always taste good. For some reason, it needed to happen and it needed to happen specifically in the way it did. Don’t think for one minute that even one Tefilla wasn’t answered. It was. Maybe not in the way we wanted, but every single Tefilla was put to a different use. Clearly a better use.

    May the tremendous Zchusim of the Chessed and Achdus, combined with the massive kapara that this no doubt brought be what puts everything over the top to bring Mashiach now.

    Imo Anochi B’tzarah.

    It happened for our good.


    in reply to: Does anyone care? Are we so stupid? #785957

    Just a thought: Ever notice that when something like this happens, we all come together. No one cares anymore about Yeshivish, MO, Chassidish etc, we just get together to do what we can. Hashem wants us to be b’Achdus, but why does it have to be this way?!

    Its so close to the three weeks, isn’t this galus long enough already?


    in reply to: Thanks Mods #1085416

    AYC- Lol, thanks. 🙂

    And where is 80 anyway?!


    in reply to: Just good? #1021368

    It was really his problem, you said good, (which, the last time I checked meant good,) and he understood it to mean just OK. Now you can ask him why he is “just OK”. Good/B”H are both great answers.


    in reply to: Does anyone care? Are we so stupid? #785936

    Agree. Except for one thing.

    WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hashem doesn’t want your 10 Kapitlech tehillim if you are going to go do some mega aveiros later in the day!

    Hashem wants the 10 Kapitlech Tehillim even if a person will do the wrong things later. Its not all or nothing and no one should feel that even if they do the wrong things their Tefillos wont be accepted. Please, do Teshuva! But please keep davening.


    in reply to: Queensite? Bronxer? Lakewoodian? #785035

    Droid- “Meshugena” is one of the Yiddish words that have become part of English.


    in reply to: Bucket List #786198

    1000 things??? Things like “do the laundry” don’t belong on bucket lists.

    Who wants to be remembered for having mountains of dirty laundry?


    in reply to: Thanks Mods #1085406

    I think it looks funny and it helps keeps my self esteem in check.


    in reply to: Jokes #1201747

    This is old. Sorry if its a re-post.

    The Importance of Walking!!

    Walking can add minutes to your life.

    This enables you at 85 years old to spend an additional

    5 months in a nursing home at $7000 per month.

    My grandpa started walking

    five miles a day when he was 60.

    Now he’s 97 years old and we

    don’t know where the heck he is.

    I like long walks,

    especially when they are taken

    by people who annoy me.

    I have to walk early in the morning,

    before my brain figures out what I’m doing..

    I joined a health club last year ….

    spent about 400 bucks.

    Haven’t lost a pound.

    Apparently you have to go there.

    Every time I hear the dirty word ‘exercise’,

    I wash my mouth out with chocolate.

    I do have flabby thighs,

    but fortunately my stomach covers them.

    The advantage of exercising every day

    is so when you die, they’ll say,

    ….’Well, she looks good doesn’t she.’

    If you are going to try cross-country skiing,

    start with a small country.

    I know I got a lot of exercise the last few years,……

    ….. just getting over the hill.

    We all get heavier as we get older,

    because there’s a lot more information in our heads.


    in reply to: Tzedaka Recogniton #784814

    Goq- When will the plaque be up?

    Dr. P- Those stories are very impressive. MK”Y.


    in reply to: When you change but your friends don't #1051995

    Try to find some neutral conversation (the weathers always good, no?) work, clothing, or a hobby that you both enjoy. (am I correct to think you’re a ms not a mr…?) Take the road in between closest friends and no contact at all.

    Good luck!


    in reply to: Blackberry addiction #784746

    Set up “off” times. Between certain times, have someone else hold it or turn it off completely. After a week or two do that twice a day etc.



    in reply to: I'M BEING PUBLISHED!!! :D :D :D #787786

    Mazal Tov!


    in reply to: Thanks Mods #1085402



    in reply to: Ice Cream Machines #785000

    kapusta: If it cost more to make homemade ice-cream than to buy ready-made C”Y, then by definition it is obviously more than ready-made C”A (which is cheaper than C”Y).

    Huh? I was trying to say that making C”Y ice cream costs more than buying ready made and using C”S products to make it would probably cost more also than buying C”S ready made (especially since major supermarkets usually have it on sale). What was your question?


    in reply to: Ice Cream Machines #784998

    If you make it yourself, and you use good ingredients, (read: fat and calories and not so cheap) it’ll be great. At the end of the day, if the cost of ingredients went up, either you pay when you make it or pay when you buy it. You can also use it for ices or sorbets.

    lakewoodwife, Do you have a recipe for chocolate with no eggs (or no raw eggs) or anything good in general? TIA

    Pac- Definitely C”Y but probably both.


    in reply to: Frustrating #786365

    minyan gal: If its worth anything, I really enjoy your posts. Don’t let one persons comments bother you. (Easier said than done, I know.)


    in reply to: passionate people #1105638

    Very passionate about some things, but I think everyone is in some ways.


    in reply to: Frustrating #786350

    msseeker- Recently Rabbi Horowitz was interviewed on Talkline. One caller said he’d been abused but never told anyone. I don’t think this was one story, I think it happens more often than we realize (or maybe I should say happened, B”H there is more awareness now). I don’t think most people go around with a sign saying what they went through, and I’m not sure that everybody gets help for it so theres no way of knowing even if the numbers (from therapists) are the actual numbers.

    And congratulations. You got me to talk to the computer screen

    (actually twice). It might be a good idea to keep in mind that part of Torah is Bein Adam L’chaveiro.


    in reply to: a pain in the neck! #783777

    I think strep might be going around now. If its a problem, maybe look into a vitamin…?

    Refuah Shelaima. Hope everything comes back good.


    in reply to: Caring about other people needs- Where to draw the line #791501

    The purpose of Cheesed is to do a kindness for the person, enabling someone to be more lazy or to become a user is not a chessed and in fact is a non chessed to the person. It is not beneficial for the person. So you haven’t done a chessed and in fact you have been cruel to the person and made your own middos worse.

    I understand that Chessed is to help someone but isn’t a part of Chessed about improving ones middos? Even if they don’t actually need the help, why would I be “harming” (and not improving) my own middos by helping?


    in reply to: Computer Question #783585

    Thanks everyone. A little while after I started the thread I saw on Youtube to try adding an s so the URL reads “https…” and B”H it worked.

    Dr. Pepper- When I searched for a specific video on YT and got the black box, there was no menu. The videos they had under the help section worked fine and those had the menu…

    Thanks again.


    in reply to: Names in Shidduchim…. #783916

    RB: No, I meant Joseph. Yosefa isn’t so common (at least not around here) but how many girls do you know named Joseph?


    in reply to: Names in Shidduchim…. #783908

    Like RB said, if it works out, the name will become a non-issue. Another thing, most people have “something”. A name that takes some getting used to is probably the best “something” you can get.

    Was the name Joseph? ? JK



    in reply to: What Constitutes Abusing Hatzolah #784349

    3 as – What does inusrance have to do with it?

    If someone doesn’t have insurance to cover a doctors visit, it’s a lot easier to get a free visit from Hatzalah. (They don’t even need to go anywhere.)


    in reply to: Caring about other people needs- Where to draw the line #791489

    One thing that many people dont know is that its not a chessed to help someone who doesnt really need your help at all and can do the thing on their own but are just lazy and want someone else to do it for them or help them. It isnt a chessed to enable someone to be a user.

    I’m not advocating using someone or allowing oneself to be used but isn’t a part of Chessed to improve ones middos? (So whether the person is capable of doing something for themselves or not wouldn’t really have anything to do with my doing the Chessed.)

    Welcome back btw.


    in reply to: Goodbye 2 all my CR "FRENZ"!!! #783470

    How will the Mazal Tov thread stay active?



    in reply to: Yoely Greenfeld #783161

    I think its part of the mix on YWN Radio.


    in reply to: Quitting Smoking #784130

    I should really quit smoking too…



    in reply to: Buying A Computer #784595

    Another vote for LeNoVo.


    in reply to: GOOD MIDDOS?!?!?!? #782960

    “Middos are the way we act and how we think and feel…”

    I say Middos that need work.


    in reply to: Singles Support Group #791741

    Re giving advice, I’m not sure its a single/married thing. I think most marrieds who give advice were probably the same way as a single. Its a certain personality type.

    (Now that I’ve commented, am I allowed in here if I’m pre-dating?)


    in reply to: Yummiest Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe #782892


    Tip for making chocolate chip cookies (that I never tried)

    Shape the dough into a log and freeze. When you’re ready to make them, pull it out of the freezer and make slices.

    (It would probably work for other cookie doughs too)


    in reply to: Frustrating #786302

    I think Rabbi Yakov Horowitz had a video recently about speaking to children. (I think its on his site)

    happiest, agree with you.


    in reply to: Yummiest Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe #782878

    What kind?

    Alton Brown has some recipes. I’ve never tried them myself but from what I’ve read/seen his stuff is usually pretty good.

    (Oh, and once you decide on a recipe, how would I get some?)


    in reply to: JBlogosphere is a Cesspool #783099

    “I’m not sayin’ it but I’m thinkin’ it real hard.”

    Chein, do you get a welcome?


    in reply to: shhhhhhhhhh #932854

    Looooong URL.


    in reply to: Infringing on my freedom of association #782575

    I find it interesting that in a Starbucks of all places someone would greet a customer in a way that needs a response. People who start their day with coffee are not known to be the most cheerful before they have it.


    in reply to: Gabbai Tzeddakah and your home #1189228

    shein: Its not about doing one Chessed, its about teaching it. Sometimes people think the Chessed should be done but don’t really want to do it, so they ask someone else to. Its a lot easier to ask a kid to give up his bed than do it yourself. Would you define that as teaching Chessed? I define it as being lazy.


    in reply to: website info #786908

    Sometimes (often?) sites will have a “hechsher” on the bottom with the rating and/or approval that checks if the site is legit.


    in reply to: what Should i Do?? #782586

    I’d love to see an update on this thread when camp is over. There is a good chance you’ll end up with another best (or close) friend that.

    Have fun in camp! Thats the idea anyway, no?


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