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  • in reply to: We Miss You #1075461

    Hmmm… anyone see superman lately?


    in reply to: General Shmooze 4 #1100900
    in reply to: Truisms and guidelines that only we know #890800

    c- If you’re not wearing makeup you either

    1. are making a statement about your opinion on how untzniusdike makeup is

    2. had 3 minutes from the time you woke up (late) till you had to run out of the house

    3. are suffering through a 3 day yomtov

    4. Do not believe in wearing makeup unless you’re off to a wedding.

    (I don’t think its a tznius issue (usually), I just think its a waste of time/effort)

    momma, I think you described it well.


    in reply to: Funny Shidduch Questions Asked About a Boy/Girl/Family #914098

    KKH, which is better?

    Of course the correct answer would be that the maid does the shopping.


    in reply to: Just need to share this!!! #797505

    Mazal Tov!!


    in reply to: Thanks Mods #1085424

    Thanks to whoever was modding tonight.

    Now if only it would happen more often…


    in reply to: Most embarrasing moment outside #1041959

    I’m sorry I asked. 😉

    I want to ask another question but I wont.


    in reply to: Funny Shidduch Questions Asked About a Boy/Girl/Family #914094

    Welcome, zen!


    in reply to: Why do we judge each other? #792774

    I think you mean bashing, not judging. You’re completely right.

    I might hate some things you do, but that doesn’t mean I hate you.

    (you in a general sense)


    in reply to: Espionage in the CR #793044

    ames is a she.

    Just curious, who else here was around when this thread was popular and is still posting?

    I would guess not to many.


    in reply to: Wedding Dresses – Woman Only!! #796601

    Even if it does have a “built up” look, that doesn’t make it an ugly gown. A lot also depends on the gown itself and how its done.

    Good luck!


    in reply to: TEXTING ON SHABBOS #815513

    NOS: I haven’t read read most of this thread so I may be repeating something said before. Firstly, I don’t know that this is always the case but IMO, its not, “I want to text now”, its “I text 99% of my free time and now since I don’t know of something else to do, I have a need to text.” Not because they have a need to text specifically, but because they have a need to do something. In their book, something means texting. Very sadly, I think Shabbos today is sometimes viewed as something to get through. (But unfortunately that could probably describe a lot of things today.)

    Meaning there’s an essential part of yiddishkeit missing in them, chilul shabbos is a basic that any orthodox kid is supposed to be afraid to violate, if he/she has any yiras shmayim at all.

    I call it a yetzer hara.


    in reply to: Tipping Counselors #793278

    do you think its fair for the head counselor to pool all the tips and then dole it out as she sees fit?

    Not for everyone. Its the same as a teacher giving a project to a group of five students. There is always that does more than their share and one that does less.


    in reply to: Most embarrasing moment outside #1041957

    borte, thats hysterical.

    BTW, what does your name mean? (If its not private)


    in reply to: Very nice idea L'iluy Nishmas Leiby Kletzky a"h #792410



    in reply to: Funny Shidduch Questions Asked About a Boy/Girl/Family #914080

    I sure hope hes a good driver…

    Please buckle up when you get into a car.


    in reply to: Tipping Counselors #793268

    As a former counselor (in the city), heres a few things parents may want to keep in mind:

    -Use the number the camp recommends as a guide and work around that. Most people understand that tipping can add up to a lot (especially for people with several children in camp). Its also different to knock something off the suggestion because you cant afford to give everyone (very legitimate) than not giving (when you can) because you feel they’re getting from the rest of the bunk, so its ok if you skimp a little.

    -I remember one parent gave me $5 with a very nice thank you card. Somehow the money didn’t seem as important anymore.

    -If you want to be smart: go up a dollar or two. Like it or not, all counselors are human and the tip you give will very much affect how your child will be treated.

    To all counselors: General rule, the kids that involve the most work will usually tip the least.


    in reply to: Dear Friend, #792206

    For those speculating, let me add this: It was a touchy situation and she knew that very well. I’m pretty sure my number was given out before and I mentioned something but on the chance that I’m wrong/she forgot I’m trying not to think about that.

    This was the first contact I ever had with the person.

    To everyone reading: In case the number/email address you want to give out belongs to someone who might not like their info being passed around, ask first.



    in reply to: Should the coffee room be split into two? #792282

    I think this one is working well and if people can discuss things in a respectful way, its fine. Once the part about keeping it civil goes out the window, the argument (and the person behind it) loses a whole lot.


    in reply to: Dear Friend, #792196

    No, I intended to post it here. It was part rant/part non-confrontational message.

    (I did try to speak with her but it didn’t work yet.)

    (Btw, Friend, if you read this, there is a reason I didn’t address you by name)


    in reply to: Why is evil striking us? #792036


    Nice thread. Very nice.


    in reply to: Chasidish-Litvish Intermarriage #1043898

    I really don’t like the title of this thread. Can a mod please change it?

    Thank you.


    in reply to: Singles Support Group #791771

    What is termed the shidduch crisis is human perception (and reaction) of Hashem running the world, IMO.


    in reply to: Is Moshiach almost here? #801193

    Oh, I certainly hope so. The sooner the better.


    in reply to: Why is evil striking us? #792029

    observe, I hear you, but maybe that was a tad much?

    Anyone have any specific ideas to improve?


    in reply to: Too Fast #791823

    Oh, and thank you for the compliment. Wish it was true… ?

    mustang: glad to be of service.


    in reply to: TEXTING ON SHABBOS #815411

    Shabbos is not supposed to be boring and one should have a need to text to give them something to do. If it is, we’re clearly doing something wrong.


    in reply to: simcha halls #792051

    Mazal Tov!!

    I second 80.


    in reply to: Too Fast #791821

    For the record, IIRC:


    For bold replace the x with “strong”

    For italicized replace the x with “em”



    use “blockquote”


    in reply to: Exceptions to the Rule? #791080

    who says shes sharing him…maybe he’s just hanging out and messing with girls…does it make it less of an issue because hes married?

    He would probably act the same way, single or married. It isn’t a very good reflection of him if he doesn’t mind hanging out with single girls. (Or any girls other than his wife.)


    in reply to: I don't deserve her #795392

    Kapusta, I shall be there with bells and whistles on – also with very modest clothing on and something nice for the couple. B’H’ that should be in the very near future – if that is what you want.

    Amen, thank you.

    (I’m trying to think of what to say about the last part. The wording isn’t coming to mind now but I like it.)


    in reply to: Maybe I'm Jealous #791289

    Hey, you givin’ out brachos?


    in reply to: Caring about other people needs- Where to draw the line #791512

    IMO, any healthy relationship needs to be both giving and taking.


    in reply to: Exceptions to the Rule? #791077

    he’s actually a he

    *scratches head*

    adorable: IMO, even worse. He would be the same way, but add a wife to the equation.


    in reply to: Too Fast #791814

    One more thing (just because I think it’s applicable here) and then I’ll try to keep quiet. (uh huh)

    When I was learning to park my parents told me to do go slowly. Hitting a car at two miles an hour does a lot less damage than hitting it at ten will. So I’ll say the same thing here, two miles an hour is a lot safer than ten.

    (Sorry, I know I’m coming on really strong, this was for the other people reading that it might apply to. ? )


    in reply to: Exceptions to the Rule? #791073

    I hope this doesn’t count as tooting my own horn.

    Tznius Recommendation (for Women)

    (Rabbi Wallerstein mentioned a story there of someone who also thought they were the exception.)

    Rabbi Orlofsky also has a Shiur on TorahAnytime called “platonic relationships”.

    They say when the subject was being discussed (not sure if it was at this specific Shiur) only the girls were arguing that platonic relationships do happen…



    in reply to: I Also Want One!!!!!!! #1017486

    kapushta- I need a hint…

    It starts with a “j” and ends in an “h”.

    Btw, whos kapushta? ?


    in reply to: Too Fast #791811

    Can I be really honest here? I think 6 dates in a week is crazy. No wonder you’re feeling rushed!


    in reply to: Tznius Recommendation (for Women) #791540

    Ms. Critique-

    I found this shiur to be different than the average teacher trying to get her class to choose longer skirts (or looser clothing) by doing an army drill of “this is Halacha, now do it!”. It was more than the ABC’s of tznius, it was the feeling of tznius and why someone would want to do it on their own (aside from Halacha). A lot of the stuff most schools wouldn’t go near.

    I feel like contacting Ohr Naava and asking them to redo a similar Shiur (or show a video of that one) since it was done a while ago.


    in reply to: Reform Jews #821196

    And yes, it bothers me to see the halacha so distorted by this “rabbi” to make it appear that cremations are OK.

    It bothers me that sadly, there are Yidden who don’t know any better.


    in reply to: saying HI :) #791053

    Welcome back, yossi.

    Welcome, unclesam


    in reply to: Belt Buckle #790198

    Is there any way to find out who ran the sale and contact them?

    Good luck


    in reply to: Too Fast #791796

    As my mother would say, “buckle up for the ride”. Seriously though, IMO such quick shidduchim are scary. (Not in all circles) dating for such a short time might mean the person is excited to have found the one and wants to hurry up (not a good thing if the person is looking to get married just to be married) or maybe s/hes just enjoying the moment and not really thinking straight. I also think its better to go out a few extra times (within reason) to make sure.

    (Btw, how many times did you go out in a week?!)


    popa: It’s exciting to get engaged/married. Sometimes people forget what its really about.


    in reply to: Tznius Recommendation (for Women) #791535

    It wouldn’t be the same.


    in reply to: Do I tell the parents about kids being mechalal Shabbos??? #790547

    Kapusta, I dont know about undeeded stress, but I sure know these kids will get potched. I think they still potch them because the mother once complained to me how her hand hurt from doing so.

    Unneeded stress; assuming the parents already know about it, why add the stress of knowing their dirty laundry was aired in public. On second thought, it doesn’t sound like the kids were trying very hard to keep quiet about it so the parents probably wouldn’t care… I still think that the best way to help them is to talk to them directly.

    Am I correct in thinking you don’t live in NY? Most people don’t walk outside (or sit outside) at 1 AM around here.

    popa: I guess you’re talking from experience…?


    in reply to: Child Abuse #790109
    in reply to: Derech Eretz Kadmah LaTorah #789540

    The spoon is not more nourishing but the only way to get the nourishment of the soup is to have the spoon.


    in reply to: I don't deserve her #795374

    Everyone is waiting for the first ever CR Vort. Get a big place because we are all coming. Because I am Conservative, I have been to many, many engagement parties, but I have never been to a vort – and I really would love to. (I also give nice gifts)

    Soon as I find the guy, you’re invited. (If I have a vort that is, if not then you’re invited to the l’chaim IY”H.) 🙂


    in reply to: I Also Want One!!!!!!! #1017463

    I have an idea for some new subtitles. They would all say the same thing. Let me know if you need a hint.


    in reply to: What is the funnest thing you'll be doing this summer? #794986

    My wife always says she wants to go somewhere. But I’m a homebody.

    Old joke:

    My wife told me to take her someplace new. I took her to the kitchen. ?


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