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  • in reply to: If You Were Discovered… #799836

    bb, I just tried the same thing. It didn’t work 😉



    in reply to: tinker, tailor, soldier, sailor.. #1011911


    golden mom, I was just thinking about jj cholov yisrael…

    (do you get a welcome btw?)


    in reply to: Wish me luck this week #800425

    Horrible, I put my foot in my mouth and right off the bat said I can’t work on shabbos

    “aint gonna work on Saturday, aint gonna…”

    Hatzlacha. May the right job (in hours, location, salary, environment) comes along very soon.


    in reply to: Teenage girls and older chewing gum on the street #800893

    Like several people mentioned, there is chewing gum and there’s doing jaw exercise. I don’t like the way it looks but someone chewing gum, mouth closed, is not so bad. The other just makes someone look… not very good.

    AYC- agreed. http://www.theyeshivaworld.com/coffeeroom/topic/the-kiddush-hashem-thread


    in reply to: I caught someone doing something right :) #799458
    in reply to: Wish me luck this week #800410

    What happens next week?

    Anyway lots of hatzlacha to you and whoever else needs (that would be everyone).

    (Will you at least tell us if our good wishes worked?)


    in reply to: Hello #798768

    Welcome. Glad to have ya aboard. (From a former queen)

    yossi: Lol, I was thinking that too…


    in reply to: Today Is The Day! #797894



    in reply to: Muffin Delite Muffin, want similar recipe- no sugar- 45 calories #797971

    Any recipes you want to share?


    in reply to: Dear CR member, #798025

    In that case it was fun almost knowing you.


    in reply to: Photos in the CR #1121575

    If there are no actual pictures, I think its a great idea.


    in reply to: New Lipa Song For Leiby #797946


    Wow, I guess like they say, people believe what they want to believe. I seriously doubt anyone forced R’ Kletzky to say anything about the song. If he didn’t approve, he wouldn’t have said anything!! On top of that, the family gave pictures. People do not contribute to things they don’t agree with.


    in reply to: Muffin Delite Muffin, want similar recipe- no sugar- 45 calories #797969

    Apple sauce (or any fruit puree) is a standard substitute for a fat. IME it didn’t change the texture at all. I agree with tomim tihye that its probably easiest to start out with a base recipe and then change it to fit the requirements you want.

    Sugar also has long term health risks, you have to decide which can be more potentially dangerous.

    tomim, do you find that baked goods come out heavier or with an aftertaste when using ww flour?


    in reply to: Young, newly-married couples making shidduchim #797503

    I think its a great idea but both sides need to have a clear understanding that friendship and shadchan are two separate things.


    in reply to: I moved! #797739

    I don’t know if this counts but I would guess a place that wouldn’t make it into the top 10 most popular guesses.

    More importantly, did you take your car with you and how open minded are the people in this place?

    State. And city.

    How exactly would you move states without moving to a different city?


    in reply to: Dating in the Rain #799270

    Its a little funny to me and I think I would be very uncomfortable. The only exception I would make is if something came up in conversation (just got _____ today, what do you think?) which would probably be on a later-stage date.

    Oh, and I really don’t understand what the whole rain thing is about…


    in reply to: Dear CR member, #798023

    Can’t get your email without some serious questions. I’ll try it this way- it was your aunts wedding (and I know another aunt).

    arwsf, firstly, I’m honestly sorry I “bothered” your Shabbos. Second, I mentioned several times that I’m not sure it is her, but it could be. My point in starting this thread was not to “get” anyone, but to say that if I thought this way then anyone can and thats not a good thing for keeping anonymous.

    As for your other point, I hear, but I think a lot depends on how well you know the person. (Or certain things about them.)


    in reply to: which tehilim should i tell her to say… #797322

    Unless this cousin is Israeli she wont be able to read the hebrew

    Why not? Many not-yet-frum people read Hebrew. In regard to your second point, I’m all for talking to Hashem, but the words of Tehillim are very calming in a different way.


    in reply to: Dear CR member, #798017

    In fact, my dream would be for us to get together – there are so many of you that I would love to meet.

    Me too.


    in reply to: Spending Shabbos Nachamu Where? #797145

    Staying at the kapusta hotel, IY”H. A number of Minyanim within walking distance, good food and a nice heimish atmosphere.

    I just need a “do not disturb” sign for my bedroom door and its all good.



    in reply to: Things to do in Lancaster ,PA #796926

    The Kreider Farms is AMAZING. And you get a smaple of Cholov Yisrael milk (chocolate or regular) or ice cream. Highly recommended!

    Maybe its just me, but I would think a farm is the worst place to get a sample of milk.


    in reply to: Commiting to two dates?? #797647

    It IS derech eretz that she give up a little comfort for Torah. It is derech eretz that he learn more rather than less. And learning shouldn’t be given up for comfort, comfort should be given up for Torah.

    Its really nice if she wants to be mentchlich about it, and she should be, but that doesn’t take away his responsibility to act like a mentch.

    And speaking of dates, he has many more the she.

    *gasp* ?


    in reply to: Will rogers=Joe #796916

    I think you may have missed out on a couple.


    in reply to: Mazel Tov! #1223657

    kylbdnr, mazal tov! May you and your chosson (?) be zoche to see Bracha and Hatzlacha in everything and build a Bayis Ne’eman B’Yisrael!

    photogenic, mazal tov!! (and btw I don’t think I welcomed you yet)


    in reply to: New Lipa Song For Leiby #797936

    If I get an opinion, I really don’t like the way this thread is going and it should please be closed.


    in reply to: which tehilim should i tell her to say… #797320

    Maybe she would appreciate a good song? The one thats coming to mind now is “You’re never alone” from Avraham Fried but anything along those lines, really.


    in reply to: New Lipa Song For Leiby #797930

    Who said anything about making money? How are they supposed to cover costs? It would be very nice if people would give their services free of charge but thats their business, not ours…


    in reply to: How To Raise My Self-Esteem #797593

    Lol, Goq!


    in reply to: Dear CR member, #798016

    I babysat at a wedding… (a few years ago)

    [email protected]?

    Help me out here, would ya?


    in reply to: Dear CR member, #798013

    I said I didn’t want to name names…

    Not specifically ignoring you, sorry.

    I’m not sure that its you. I’ll tell you what I’m thinking but could we keep this thing quiet (if it is you)?


    in reply to: How Did You Break Your (Musical) Fast #796975

    Don’t mean to intrude on anyones conversation, but in answer to the OP, it was Memories (from Journeys?)- somewhat Tisha B’av related.


    in reply to: Dear CR member, #798011

    Not you, ursula. I’m working on it, though. 😉


    in reply to: which tehilim should i tell her to say… #797316

    Lamed bais, gimmel, and the next few kapitlach have some very “comforting” (for lack of a better word) pesukim. I would recommend going through it if you’re looking for something that can’t be mistranslated.

    (I found those very helpful when I needed it.)



    in reply to: Seminary Advice #796871

    Ms. Critique, I think to sum up your comment, you can say “don’t expect to put a son/daughter on a plane and expect them to grow up in ten hours. Immaturity is not location-specific. (I’ll also add that I enjoy your comments.)

    b_h, I got a kick out of your post. Welcome back.


    in reply to: Dear CR member, #798000

    You most probably wouldn’t remember me (your head was on other things then- a good thing) and your behavior was fine, it was mine that was umm… I’m not sure if its you, but it could be.

    I wasn’t trying to out anyone here, just tell you that from certain posts you gave enough details about yourself to possibly give yourself away and my impression is that you would like to stay anonymous so just be aware when posting.

    I can’t take much more of this, Kapusta 🙁

    Just out me already! (Just kidding, please don’t)

    I’ll send a man to Shomer Shabbos. Get back to me in a month. 😉


    in reply to: In Eretz Yisrael?? #796103

    Just five more minutes. Pleeeeeeaaase?!


    in reply to: YWN meeting #796514

    I’ve met one CRer and have had contact with two others (did not know IRL before). Definitely up for a CR get together, I’d love to meet some posters.


    in reply to: In Eretz Yisrael?? #796099

    5:16 to be exact.


    in reply to: to life to life . . .lchayim? #798461

    Look at all the divorces/broken engagements/unhappy marriages of today.

    Look at how many people are happily married today? Its not everyone, but its many.

    A broken engagement makes it no harder for Hashem to get him to you. This may also be a good time to daven that he, (whoever, wherever he is) has Siyata Dishmaya in his Avodas Hashem in general and in the specific areas you found were problematic the last time around.

    Please let us know when there is a Mazal Tov.




    i wanna place a question here. i read about mommas issues in past and also here. yaela too and all the others. while if we use our brain some seem less of a big deal then other but its how each individual reacts to it. i feel my issues are chocking me(shulem bais, depression, some yiddishkeit issues, issues with parents and some minor abuse from someone as kid which i call not abuse but using)but when i read here what people went thru i feel i dont have the right to even think of complainin. does anyone else feel like this? is it normal?

    Don’t they say that if one had to choose a “pekelah”, he would choose his own?

    In any case, lots of hatzlacha with everything.


    in reply to: Bracha #796554

    Amen! I know I’m a little late, but that was very nice/sweet of you. May all your tefillos (for yourself, and everyone else) be answered l’tova.

    A (belated) happy birthday to SB and MP!

    (I’m also very flattered to have been mentioned by name!)


    in reply to: Chofetz Chaim Heritage presentation this year #796318

    one thing i don’t understand is the singing, who needs music on Tisha b’av the rabbonim prohibit acapella so why do they put it on the dvd?

    I didn’t see it but I guess it was just voices…? They probably asked a shaila (in previous years), but to answer your question, music (or singing) has a certain power and can touch a person in a different way than just talking would.


    in reply to: Wedding Dresses – Woman Only!! #796646

    cshapiro, I don’t know about the bridal gowns, but the other dresses at DB need to be ordered which means you need like six weeks or so until they come in. If you decide on that route, do it ASAP.

    For anyone reading: I’ve heard (more than once) that people who used the seamstresses at DB weren’t happy with the finished gown.


    in reply to: A Lack Of Sensitivity #795213

    msseeker, please be mochel me. In no way did I c’v intend to hurt or embarrass you. I was a little (maybe more than a little) upset and I went too far.


    in reply to: music in the 9 days #794852

    R’ Yisrael Belsky has a teshuva on this. I believe he says not to listen to upbeat acapella music. The issue is that music will bring you to dance. Upbeat acapella can do that. Slow music, even with instruments, is allowed.

    Could someone define dancing?


    in reply to: Jokes #1201840

    BPG, Lol!



    I’m sorry, but, Zeeskite, if that was your worst tragedy, you have been very blessed. May you always be blessed with things that feel major, when they’re really minor (and may you realize, not through experience, how minor they really are…).

    Maybe that was the worst she was willing to speak about?

    Amen to the bracha.


    in reply to: A Lack Of Sensitivity #795208

    I will also put in a motion that this thread be closed.


    in reply to: A Lack Of Sensitivity #795207

    I agree with the OP in general, but one point; by discussing something it does give it legitimacy, but the first step in fixing the problem is awareness. People can only look out for something if they know to look out for it. (I should also add that I didn’t read the texting on Shabbos thread for the same reason you mentioned.)

    Lomed Mikol Adam: Yeah, and look at the results. 50% of their teens are texting on Shabbos r”l.

    A. When did it become “theirs” vs ours? Aren’t we one nation?

    B. To use that terminology, its ours too. (very sadly)

    THAT POST DID NOT GO THROUGH! Why? Because some mod was probably afraid to “insult” the MO. Yet the most vicious slandering against chareidim gets through with no problem. So who are the bashed and who are the bashers?

    At this point I would normally say something. Since I don’t really know what to say anymore, instead I give you a bracha that Hashem let you see the beauty of all Yidden. Even those that you may not agree with.


    Dear mod that deleted that post, thank you for saving my blood pressure from going up.


    Why does it seem like every thread turns into bashing MO Jews…

    I was wondering that myself.


    in reply to: Kol Kevuda Bas Melech Penima #1077574

    so are you saying Rosa Parks was not tzniusdik?

    If you take into account societies morals and values being a lot lower nowadays, she was probably a lot more tznius than the average woman on the street today (one with good tznius).


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