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  • in reply to: Apologies by happygirlygirl #1179819

    I meant temporarily, because I understood that she wanted to relax and get some sleep. You’re correct, I should have made that clear. That said.I would still recommend an outlet of some kind in addition to dealing with the emotions in a healthy way, but it depends on the person.

    in reply to: What happened to the CR? #1189023

    I guess I was quieter around that time…. I’ve been around for a while though

    in reply to: Apologies by happygirlygirl #1179815

    Find something to distract yourself with? Even if it feels wrong.

    in reply to: What happened to the CR? #1189021

    Nice to see you around, ARWSF. Hope things are going well.

    in reply to: Apologies by happygirlygirl #1179812

    This anonymous person cares. I’m sorry about whatever happened and I hope whatever it is, it’s resolved quickly and easily.

    You are welcome to vent or share whatever you like here (as much as you are comfortable sharing). There is also a poetry thread hanging around somewhere, if you’re the poetry type.

    I hope next week is easier.

    in reply to: Feeling Down #1186175

    What is your diet like?

    in reply to: Ladies First – Is it respectful or not? #1178435

    Lilmod, I dont think it has anything to do with intelligence. As I see it, a man has likely spent many years learning intensely and expects to be the one who is more text based in the relationship (as he has been trained). In that scenario, I can see where it might be off putting for a person (who he has been told is less knowledgeable in text based learning), to start responding with sources from Gemorah and Meforshim and one-upping him on the things he expects to be the stronger one on. It’s not about intelligent or not, just a matter of using the intelligence in a way that won’t ruin everything he’s known about himself until that point.

    in reply to: Reminder! Do not leave kids locked in cars #1177245

    +1 DY

    in reply to: Ladies First – Is it respectful or not? #1178391

    Welcome back oomis!!

    in reply to: Reminder! Do not leave kids locked in cars #1177234

    The best thing is probably to put something you need, like your phone, in the back seat near the child.

    Actually you can even leave your phone in the back seat if you don’t have children with you.

    in reply to: Are ther Bedouin who didn't wear hats during Davening #1176658

    Would anyone care to explain the Bedouin connection to this issue, and the ramifications (if any)?

    Thanks in advance.

    I assume the OP meant bochurim but autocorrect changed it.

    in reply to: Kumzitz on the Hudson – 2016 – Kosher or Disgusting? #1177161

    This is an important conversation, but can we have it without discussing a particular event?

    in reply to: Regarding recent cofferoom DRAMA #1176248

    It seemed to me that much of the drama was based on the attitude and tone rather than the content. I’ve been there, and I know how easy it is (especially online, sometimes in real life) for things to come across a bit stronger than you intended, be it a response in a debate or an opinion on something a bit controversial. I’m posting this as a request because I have a feeling said posters are genuinely unaware and would appreciate being made aware of it.

    in reply to: Copying Music – halachically #1171191

    I wasn’t looking for a psak and would certainly ask before doing so, it was just something I always wondered about. Also if this happened often, it would probably shut down the whole music business. Its not uncommon for people to copy recipes for personal use from a cookbook to keep things clean. If two people shared the cost of a cookbook, can each one copy recipes for personal use?

    Joseph, the difference (as I see it) is that an mp3 is a physical thing which cant be copied or shared. As far as the book, see my example above.

    DY, is a penny considered as having the same value Halachically as $8?

    Again, not looking for a final answer, just thought it was an interesting question.

    in reply to: Copying Music – halachically #1171184

    I’m not looking for a psak, but just out of curiosity, does anyone know what happenes legally and Halachically if two people contribute 50% to the purchase of music? Can they both copy for personal use as they would be allowed to as the sole purchaser?

    in reply to: Marriage License- Is it required prior to the chassuna? #1175052

    I’ve heard that some rabbonim will not be mesader kiddushin without a marriage license though I’m not aware personally of anyone who had that situation.

    Mazal tov!

    in reply to: whos gotten annoyed with college? #1174083

    Did you look into Hebrew Free Loan Society? I have no experience with them, but know they exist. If not that, have you looked into any kind of scholarships?

    in reply to: !!!!!CONFESSION-Want To Want But Can't !!!! #1171316

    If you genuinely didn’t care, you wouldn’t have posed the question because it wouldn’t have bothered you in the first place.

    More when I’m not falling asleep, bli neder.

    in reply to: Cancelling Bein Hazmanim? #1174956

    #gettingaheadachefromallthehashtags #toomanyhashtags #maybeinmoderation #excusethepun

    in reply to: Bride's Wedding Vow to Obey Husband #1170153

    Yes, I wasn’t even sure who you were referring to but IMO we don’t know which “simple” people are tzaddikim, and even so, no bracha should be discounted.

    in reply to: Bride's Wedding Vow to Obey Husband #1170151

    For women, he just gave them a bracha if they don’t read it. That’s okay – I’ve gotten brachos from more chashuve people in my life.

    Are we ranking levels of chashivus now?

    in reply to: What to put on shidduch resume? #1170521

    If you find that the paragraph is being misunderstood to the point where it has to be revised so many times, why is it on there in the first place?

    in reply to: What to put on shidduch resume? #1170507

    If there is no age or birthdate, there should definitely be some reference to age (like the year you graduated high school, for example). When you have five resumes to choose from, its very easy to put aside the one which gives you the least information.

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168731

    Shopping, I’m not that great at poetry myself, I was referring more to the posters themselves than the actual poetry. But I’d be happy to read some too!

    I.M, I like those observations.

    in reply to: I am very upset at the mods #1166787


    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168728

    Still here, maybe a little quieter though 🙂

    Just curious, this thread was pretty popular a while back. I know a couple of us are still on here, but are there any other posters in hiding? We’d love to hear from you.

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168726

    Great job, Shopping!


    Actually, speaking of Rav Chaim, I think the Rebbitzin a”h worked as a bookkeeper and enjoyed math and on walks (on Shabbos?), Rav Chaim would discuss things which included math.

    in reply to: 20 Questions�Round 2! #1165618

    Is it the Kosel? Or the Bais Hamikdash?

    in reply to: Giving women car rides #1171426

    I can’t imagine how it’s possible for a couple to be “half and half” without one of them changing sides, and the non shomer (halacha) is probably more likely to win the debate.

    in reply to: 20 Questions�Round 2! #1165567

    Would it commonly be found in a garage?

    in reply to: 20 Questions�Round 2! #1165563

    Does it move under any circumstances?

    in reply to: 20 Questions�Round 2! #1165552

    Does its name start with a consonant?

    in reply to: "frum" boys who smoke #1178957

    I’m very uncomfortable using Wolf’s mother as a specific example and you can hardly compare the smoking of a friend/acquaintance who was raised when smoking was generally accepted, to a potential spouse raised in a time when the dangers are well known.

    That said, despite what I think of smokers in general, I disagree with the premise of the op.

    in reply to: "frum" boys who smoke #1178932


    in reply to: "frum" boys who smoke #1178930

    +1 Syag

    in reply to: "frum" boys who smoke #1178929

    What if the choice is a nice boy in all regards, except that he smokes,


    in reply to: "frum" boys who smoke #1178925

    Girls have no choice but to marry smoking boys because, as is well known, there is a shortage of available boys for every girl and as it is some girls will be left with no one to marry. So without marrying smoking boys, even more girls will be left at the altar unable to marry anyone.

    Vomit. On a whole bunch of levels.

    in reply to: Where you going on vacation?? #1164610

    Welcome back!

    in reply to: im a girl alone in medical office #1165326

    SGG, it seems that you already have certain doubts about the situation, both Halachic and safety, which caused you to start the thread.

    There is a specific story coming to mind which didn’t end pleasantly and based on the information you’ve posted, this is making me very uncomfortable. Please discuss this with a rav, parent, teacher, adult relative etc ASAP.

    (Assuming this is real as the mods have not mentioned otherwise)

    in reply to: Syag, I'd Like to Apologize #1160499

    Welcome back!!

    I agree about those conversations getting out of hand and it’s really a shame for everyone involved.

    in reply to: Syag, I'd Like to Apologize #1160489

    My +1 was on the apology altogether (I dont remember much of the discussion itself) and that she hasn’t posted in a while and that her voice is missed around here.

    in reply to: How to Find an Apartment to Join in Brooklyn? #1184273

    If you know any shadchanim personally, maybe you can run it past them and ask if they can think of anyone offhand (moving or looking for a new roommate). A better idea would be to find community based yahoo/google groups and see if anyone has any ideas. I know none of these are great options though.

    It’s really a shame that there no network of single girls to run this past. Maybe someone else knows something that I don’t…?

    in reply to: Syag, I'd Like to Apologize #1160485


    in reply to: Women & Tznius #1159538

    Are you in contact with a rebbetzin/mentor? So much of tznius is sensitivities in addition to the actual Halacha part, so that would probably be the best option. That said, I did not read the Gila Manolson book mentioned above, but from what I’ve read of hers, that would probably be a good place to start too.

    in reply to: How to Find an Apartment to Join in Brooklyn? #1184264

    Small one, I’m not sure if this is your thing, but I did notice two ads (I think in Yated) for dorm counselors. One specifically mentioned shifts that would allow for full time employment.

    in reply to: Depression&torahs perspective&helpful ideas #1169967

    Hi SGG,

    I’m not sure how long you’ve been seeing your therapist, but have you/are you comfortable discussing this with her?

    in reply to: How to Find an Apartment to Join in Brooklyn? #1184255

    I hadn’t thought of it in that way, but it’s certainly a good point. I was thinking more of a safety perspective considering that it’s internet. I wonder if a real estate agent might have some ideas as well… There is also the YwN classifieds, if you decide to go that route.

    in reply to: NYC Area Yeshivos for Beginners #1158813

    Maybe BJX? Or they might have some suggestions.

    Much Hatzlacha

    in reply to: How to Find an Apartment to Join in Brooklyn? #1184252

    I think I’ve seen ads in the classifieds section to that effect. You can also try to spread the word in a college or certain shiurim where single girls would gravitate toward, or you might want to find the apartment and then find roomates to join you. Luach.com may have some ideas but keep in mind that its the internet…

    Wishing you much Hatzlacha in finding the right place.

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