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  • in reply to: For Princesseagle and anone who thinks "the grass is greener" out there #808828

    Emunas, I’d love to hear the story too. Can I add myself to the list? (I completely understand if you don’t want to send it to a bunch of people)


    in reply to: Rabbi Wallerstein #808001

    I’ve never emailed him myself, but I can imagine that he must have a lot of email to go through so it may take a while (and maybe a few tries) before getting a response. Did you want to email him specifically or a rav?

    The email is on the Ohr Naava site.

    (adorable might be able to help you out about emailing him, IIRC she once said she did.)



    in reply to: What is the value in giving others a bracha? #808005

    and lets not forget the dedicated staff as well

    Of course. A Yeshiva can’t run on its own.


    in reply to: The other kids dont let my son play #808456

    I didn’t read the responses, I apologize if I repeated what someone else said.

    I don’t know if this is possible or practical but maybe you can approach your sons Rebbe or teacher (or a former teacher that looked out for him and you had some contact with- that may be even better) and ask to institute something like that for Elul or as a project for the year without involving your son directly. (A teacher would know right away but it won’t be at the school level and maybe he can avoid the “stigma” for future years)

    Now hows that for a run on?



    in reply to: What is the value in giving others a bracha? #808002

    Very nice. Thanks for sharing.

    I remember reading once that when a person gives someone a bracha, Hashem gives us more bracha. Maybe someone else can clarify.


    in reply to: I put up a new song! #877583

    It has a very pleasant sound. (Thats a good thing)

    I like the one titled “song 4”. I’m just an average listener, but IMO its very good (and also pleasant).


    in reply to: Ranting #807472

    Thanks for the ideas, everyone.

    FTR, I have siblings B”H


    in reply to: Stories about mechanchim/shochtim #807437

    kapusta: only fun if you’re not the one suffering, I guess.

    You’re right. That part shouldn’t have gone in. I apologize.


    in reply to: Need a push #807978

    QB: I feel that sometimes davening gets a bad rap because someone davens for something and they never saw the results. Try davening for the little things. Ask for a good day, ask to get where you’re going safely etc. Try it, it works. (Maybe most of all, ask to be able to daven!)


    in reply to: Ranting #807463


    The non-answer in my case wouldn’t really work. (For example) how should an only child answer a question about siblings?

    The post above has some very good suggestions, thanks.


    Glad to hear I’m not the only one. A question like the example you gave can also add stress to someone recently unemployed etc.


    Great point. I don’t believe most people do it to pry, and sometimes (often?) even from a genuine interest. Its really a mindless thing that could so easily be avoided if someone knows not to.


    in reply to: Ranting #807458

    Thank you for posting this because now I will be super careful with what I say and what I ask people…

    happiest, you should put that line on a shidduch resume. IMO it says more about your middos than any reference can.


    in reply to: Need a push #807975

    Maybe start by talking to Hashem in your own words and then build up.



    in reply to: Review of "English Grammar for Dummies" #807774

    deiye, that was great!


    in reply to: parents and lashon hara #807185

    Many people have learned two Halachos a day in Shmiras Halashon as a zchus for something. Maybe ask them if you can learn as a family for a zchus?




    Thanks, HaLeiVi.

    What about making an “X” with the fingers?


    in reply to: Ranting #807457

    Thank you, happiest. It makes me think about my life which isn’t always a good thing, but more than painful its very uncomfortable. I obviously didn’t choose to have things work out like that, and if I had the option, I would love to answer differently.

    Its so nice to know that someone cares enough to do something about it. 🙂


    in reply to: Stories about mechanchim/shochtim #807433

    Ooh, this looks like fun!

    One teacher of mine was told from the higher ups that she couldn’t “mechaneches” me because she was being too harsh. (She probably was. Only time in my life I was kicked out. I wasn’t paying attention.) She was one of those teachers who taught because it was a nice thing to do not because she was a “born teacher” type. (I think in recent years she has lightened up.)

    A different teacher decided to make me her Chessed case for the year (not needed, not wanted). At least it makes a good story today.

    (blabla, to show you the other side of the coin, she was one of the teachers who went way too far with the “story at home” thing.)

    I really do appreciate having had some of these people though, they’re perfect examples of what a teacher should not do.

    Just to balance things out, I have had my share of amazing teachers, some who I still keep in loose contact with. I think it comes down to the fact that they are not just good teachers but good people.

    I’m trying to picture a 9 year old pba.


    in reply to: Dear Teacher, #806678

    ursula, +1


    in reply to: "Wearing Perfume" #814227

    nail polish is a totally diffrent parsha

    You’re right. I should have put something after that line to show that I was kidding. If you read some threads, you’ll notice nail polish seems to be a favorite joke topic of bpt.


    in reply to: Ranting #807455

    happiest: I don’t want to get very specific, but in one of the examples given above (thanks, AYC), someone is asked if they’re pregnant. Questions like that (maybe yenta style) when they need to be answered are awkward to answer. Imagine someone who doesn’t have children being asked that, not only is it awkward, but can also cause pain. (I would hope no one would actually do that, but things of that nature.) B”H I’ve been put in a position where I’ve been asked this type of question a number of times, and by not asking, you’re saving everyone stress.

    Hope I made myself more clear.

    thanks! 🙂


    in reply to: What do you think? #807336

    Excellent post.

    (sort of related)

    People ask why they are tested with certain things when they fail anyway. A child first learns to turn over, then crawl, then stand, and then he takes two steps. And then he falls. The people standing and watching start clapping. The child is thinking (well…) of all times to be clapping?! Just after he falls?! He doesn’t realize the parents aren’t clapping because he fell, they’re clapping because he managed to stay steady for two steps.

    In order for a person to learn to dance, they need to learn to walk first.

    (from Rabbi Orlofsky)


    in reply to: "Wearing Perfume" #814218

    No comment on women. Sorry, outta my leauge.

    How about nail polish?


    in reply to: A change in "Good Shabbos" in Borough Park? #806412

    (kapusta, you’re being referenced again!)

    I think this may be my new favorite thread.

    In some of the older posts/threads you can figure out some original SN’s.

    (Gosh, I’m not even sure what is listed, let alone how to look it up.)

    When you log in, click on welcome, bpt and you can look at the threads you started and the ones you commented on.


    in reply to: Ranting #807453

    I don’t think anyone is trying to be hurtful in any way. Some of it may even come from a good place, but sometimes its a yenta/trying to make conversation thing. Like in the example you gave (first question) if someone isn’t married, answering that they aren’t married is a fact. I can understand why it would make someone think about their situation more, and (admittedly) sometimes I take that route too, but by simply not asking, they avoid a (potentially) very embarrassing situation.


    in reply to: Watch out!!! someone is looking!!! #806106

    I was under the impression that that dubious honor was restricted for Hashem’s use only.

    Me too. I think Rabbi Wallerstein once said that the embarrassment is from the person himself watching.



    in reply to: Whats a good cellphone family plan thats reasonable? #806002

    Verizon has good service and good customer service. I think a SP needs a data plan.


    in reply to: Dear Teacher, #806668

    bomb, that was amazing.


    in reply to: Please be mochel me #806007

    Amen. I’m not really sure why you’re asking for mechila.

    I find that the people who have nothing to apologize for, do, and the ones that should, don’t.


    in reply to: Cshapiro- how did your shabbos/ present go? #806067



    in reply to: majority? #806438

    gefen same here I am from the midwest and live in good old flatbush now too

    Welcome. Glad to have ya.


    in reply to: Friends #805993

    I know what you mean. Is something like Ohr Naava (or something similar) an option for you?


    in reply to: For Princesseagle and anone who thinks "the grass is greener" out there #808806

    bomb, that makes three great posts on this thread.

    Princess, you can ask anonymously on asktherabbi.org (and possibly on aish).


    in reply to: A lesson from the storm #805728

    That was amazing. Thanks for posting.


    in reply to: DO I SMELL? #805947

    Does your nose run?

    Its not you. Sometimes theres a lot of action and threads fall off the main page very quickly. My profile has plenty of “no replies”.


    in reply to: Does Anyone Else Find This Short Story Disturbing? #840651

    Is this the best we could do in Elul?


    in reply to: Heels on Dates #1126016

    coffee: 🙂

    Does that mean two people agree? Wow.


    in reply to: Do you know families that do this? #805914

    Sort of, I think. I was kinda shocked myself.


    in reply to: Do you know families that do this? #805912

    It sort of bothers me too but I’ve come to the conclusion that its actually a good thing. 1- they recognize where Shabbos is and where it can be. 2- (as mentioned) If it means everyone stays calm, its worth a lot. Maybe not ideal, but getting there, and thats a big thing.


    in reply to: Heels on Dates #1126013

    It’s whats behind the heels that I am looking for.

    So lets be realistic here. If you’re not willing to compromise on her dress (to the extent of her not wearing heels on a first date!), you’re not looking for a wife, you’re looking for a trophy to show off to your friends. Good luck with marriage, pal.

    who here thinks that heels are tzniusdik?

    i think they are not.

    Wow, theres someone else who agrees with me!


    in reply to: Dear Teacher, #806626

    Teachers are just too cruel 🙁

    In (slight) defense of teachers, I don’t think they mean to be cruel, they are tired and fed up of dealing with huge classes that won’t keep quiet and not being paid on time. They’re trying to deal with the class so thinking about a students life outside of school is the farthest thing from their mind. (Not that it really helps you 🙁 Not excusing, just explaining. But thats for another thread.)

    (Again, if you feel comfortable, there are some great teachers -and amazing people- but you need to find ’em.)


    in reply to: Who believes the Talking Fish Story from 2003? #805811

    Pomegranate has talking fish. (ya’alili)

    (someone had to say it)



    Agree with AYC.


    in reply to: Eruv Rav #805646

    coffee, lol.


    in reply to: Dear Teacher, #806622

    How about they just be somewhat sensitive?!

    Totally true but not gonna happen. (Speaking about most teachers, not all)


    in reply to: Dear Teacher, #806621

    Could you do it without getting into details? Is there one teacher who you feel more comfortable with that could just explain to a few others that schoolwork is not the primary focus for right now without mentioning why?

    Even if only one knows, that makes it one less.

    (I’m not trying to push you into doing something you feel uncomfortable doing, just want you to keep an open mind.)


    in reply to: life stories… #805637



    You started a trend.

    According to your profile you’ve only been here a month. Hmmm.


    in reply to: Dear Teacher, #806608

    I can not imagine what you face every day and I have nothing to say to try to make it better so I will simply give you a bracha that Hashem bentch you with the Menuchas Hanefesh to face every day and the knowledge that you can get through it.

    Hatzlacha with everything (and everything with school)


    in reply to: Heels on Dates #1125946




    in reply to: Saying Tehillim on Shabbos #805462

    Thanks, AYC.

    Anything else aside from names of cholim that shouldn’t be mentioned on Shabbos? Is it different to think the bakasha?


    in reply to: ***UPDATE*** Refuah #805537

    B”H. Thanks for sharing the good news.


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