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  • in reply to: The Question #642391

    to be or not to be…

    in reply to: An Eitza Against The Yetzer Harah. #639930

    areivim: your post is being repeated under my name :/

    in reply to: An Eitza Against The Yetzer Harah. #639929

    teen: this is continueds from before and I just read this part now. if someone gives u a gift u have the right to say that u dont want it…i was never givent his choice with judiasm it was “ur born a jew so now u need to b jewish” (as an aside i dont find that very fair[dont say life isnt fair]…as much as it may b better for me and an amazing gift y cant i say no id rather not have it? and its not a very good gift if bec i dont listen to it i am going to burn is it?)

    I kinda lost you at the end but that might be the 5 am thing kicking in (from my end) but I get the idea of what you’re saying. bottom line is, if you were born into a frum family thats the only way of life you were exposed to up until now. Judaism is not meant to be forced down your throat. I don’t want this to be taken out of context and have a bunch of replys about the wrongs of the school system but just one thing I want to mention.

    The point of spending 15 years in a yeshiva/BY setting is to gain the tools necessary to realize the chachma of the Torah so later on in life you’ll know where to turn when something comes up. This can be learned from Chumish/Navi or Gemarah or Hashkafa or whatever it is. It can also be learned from any life situation and one day it’ll hit you in the face. No one is making you be frum, the idea is to make you want to be a frum jew. on your own.

    Next point: we are chosen and it does make us better. We might start out equal but we have the potential to become so much greater than anyone. We are Yisrael, the highest level of creation but aside from that just think about it this way. If there is a father with 7 children. One he favors more than the other 6. Therefore he gives whatever he can thats extra to his favorite. Maybe a larger inheritance, or a better career. he is handing him the tools in which to become a better person. You are created and the manufacturer gave you a manual to navigate life with. It says what you can do because you have bechira and what the best thing to do is because you have a manual. It contains the ins and outs, and how to get out of tough situations. If you have that and someone else gets the same product without the guidelines. who would be better off? When you know the manufacturers intentions, you are capable of getting the most use out of it. Whats the benefit of having a product thats constantly breaking down on you?

    sorry mods, this took ages to write and I can just imagine reading it. Good Shabbos.

    in reply to: A Humorous Item #1172344

    I dont remember if I posted on here before but teen; all forgiven

    more Dear Abbys:

    The following are a few letters sent to Abigail Van Burin (Dear Abby) that she herself admitted she was at a loss to answer:

    Dear Abby, What can I do about all the negative language and violence on my VCR?

    Dear Abby, Our son writes that he is taking Judo. Why would a boy who was raised in a good Christian home turn against his own?

    Dear Abby, I joined the Navy to see the world. I’ve seen it. Now, how do I get out?

    Dear Abby, My forty-year-old son has been paying a psychiatrist $50 an hour every week for two-and-a-half years. He must be crazy.

    in reply to: An Eitza Against The Yetzer Harah. #639924

    teen: yes you do (and I’m in kind’ve a rush now so I’ll try to do more on this later) but if you would compare the average joe on the street and the average frum guy and see how their life differs. I was recently thinking that the goy has no aspirations in life and nothing to live for. only the present. the ones who are on a higher “level” marry, have kids, and maybe go for a career. but (from their side) why were they put here? and why would they be created if their not accomplishing anything?

    next point: do you hear or do you firmly believe the Torah was given for your benefit? lets just say the recent medical studies that milk and meat together are very unhealthy. I won’t go into extensive detail here, but just think about how many diseases are normal in the secular world that are almost unheard of by frum jews. I once saw an interview with experienced people in the medical field (it was done around 20 years ago, so they’ve definitely made advances since then) and at that point they hadn’t discovered a need for circumsicion, but they knew that the eighth day was the best day to do it. may more examples but I gtg now. Sorry for being so philosophical for so early. 🙁

    in reply to: A Humorous Item #1172340

    teen: yep totally btw, please don’t tell me you were posting on an (assuming) non-moderated (updated) forum 3 hours ago. you’re almost as bad as me.

    will hill: LOL!

    in reply to: Random Questions #1079257

    qwerty yes, sometimes and before I was doing it and trying to find the “lost g” I went to the a and counted asdfg (thanks to asdf) and got to the right letter… didnt try it with your name although I can quote it…

    since the last update we are just 4 posts away from 1500!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    asdf I thought it was called for at an occassion like this.

    in reply to: Why Fingerprints? #638011

    amazing. feivel do you work for an encyclopedia publishing company or something?

    in reply to: Post Here – So We Know You’re In The CR #904151

    present but just for a few more minutes

    in reply to: A Humorous Item #1172334

    teen why on this thread? we were just getting back on track… in answer to your wuestion its either part of the genetic makeup or lacking certain amino acids (maybe a certain food that he stopped eating a certain kind of protein or mineral or something.

    OK, back to humor!

    in reply to: An Eitza Against The Yetzer Harah. #639920

    Moish dont you think that G-d created you and wants you to have the best life possible? thats why He gave you the Torah. Do you believe the Torah was given for your benefit or just as a general outline for life?

    in reply to: General Shmooze 2 #676745

    I hereby relinquish my duties as captian to whoever’s next. Im sure I will be re-elected for this job. Kol mi sheoskim btzarchei tzibbur b’emunah HKB”H yeshaleim secharam.

    Moish LOL not anymore tomorrow is only 17 minutes now

    in reply to: A Humorous Item #1172331

    Top Twenty Flight Advertising Slogans

    1. BadAir: When you just can’t wait for the world to come to you.

    2. BadAir: We’re Amtrak with wings.

    3. Join our frequent near-miss program.

    4. On flights, every section is a smoking section.

    5. Ask about our out-of-court settlements.

    6. Our staff has had lots of experience counseling next-of-kin.

    7. Are our jet engines too noisy? Don’t worry. We’ll turn them off.

    8. Complimentary champagne during free-fall.

    9. Enjoy the in-flight movie in the plane next to you.

    10. The kids will love our inflatable slides.

    11. If you think it’s so easy, get your own plane!

    12. Which will fall faster, our stock price or our planes?

    13. Our pilots are all terminally ill and have nothing to lose.

    14. BadAir: We may be landing on your street.

    15. BadAir: Terrorists are afraid to fly with us.

    16. Bring a bathing suit.

    17. Some airlines are content to fly thousands of feet over landmarks. We try to get as close as possible for the best view.

    18. That guy who crashed into the White House was one of our best pilots.

    19. Fly BadAir and enjoy a free two-week hospital stay on us.

    20. BadAir: A real man lands where he wants to.

    in reply to: Inspiring Quotes #1083722

    an open book: lol!

    in reply to: Making a Fist, sleight of hand #637871

    feivel, they dont! something wrong with me?

    in reply to: Nuclear Weapons Lab Missing 67 Computers #637360

    thats just wierd! 67? funny number… maybe its due to the recession, people need to catch up on their ma’aser (excuse my very very very lame humor, its all I have for right now)

    in reply to: Random Questions #1079225

    your talking about a scroll wheel on an optical mouse or the bottom of a bally-type mouse? (what else do you call it?) don’t I sound smart?

    areivim: does captain Kapusta get a part?

    in reply to: 3 Boys in Japan #656225

    cherrybim: not trying to start anything but what is the purpose of of their being innocent or guilty. Point is they are 3 boys who are jewish just like we are, and that means we are willing to extend a hand to one another. If it was your child who took something for someone (or maybe not your child, but someone you know very well) it would hurt more. and wouldn’t you want someone to be supportive and continue to collect for legal fees?

    in reply to: The “Come Back to the CR” thread #653629

    asdf, I’m happy, it seems you’ve adopted my way of thinking. and I would make the list if I would know whos still out,(haven’t been checking in to much this week and didn’t yet make up for lost time) other than the obvious squeak and ames, completely lost. oh yeah, and brooklyn19… but those are the main ones…

    in reply to: YWN CR Board Meeting!!!!!!!! #659387

    I got the joke, while I was writing it. or did you miss that part?

    in reply to: Post Here – So We Know You’re In The CR #904104

    wow Moish, its great! how long did it take you to do that? (and do you still have the letters of the word cabbage on your keyboard in working order?

    in reply to: Post Here – So We Know You’re In The CR #904096

    hmmm better… I want a banner of some sort. how’re you at artwork? I think I’m enjoying this…

    in reply to: General Shmooze 2 #676728

    ya know mods, I was gonna give you a compliment a few minutes ago that you were doin great… I’m seriously reconsidering now…

    asdf thank you for your warm (?) welcome, now why isn’t anyone else disappionted at the captains absence?

    in reply to: The “Come Back to the CR” thread #653624

    could we make an official list of exactly whos still missing?

    in reply to: Daven With A Hat BeYichidus or Without it with a Minyan #1082208

    areivim lol!

    qwerty- any end in sight yet?

    in reply to: A Humorous Item #1172297

    I vote for silver (as in silver dollars) hair and gold fillings…jk I don’t know how old you are, but you always struck me as being on the younger side…

    in reply to: Post Here – So We Know You’re In The CR #904092

    qwerty- thanx for the vote of confidence

    asdf what? no welcome back? and you were just getting back on my good side…

    in reply to: YWN CR Board Meeting!!!!!!!! #659381

    to an anonymous poster, its asei lecha rav, knei lecha chaver, did I just miss a joke? think I got it…

    btw, this is completely off meeting topics…

    in reply to: A Humorous Item #1172292

    areivim: please repost. thanx

    in reply to: General Shmooze 2 #676722

    asdf awwww…

    this thread needs some serious stimulating. what are your issues with seminaries in Israel and the shidduch crisis?

    in reply to: An Eitza Against The Yetzer Harah. #639882

    charlie -I was just pointing it out, no hard feelings, and I am only to happy to take back my position.

    This might belong on the inspiring quotes thread, it fits here too. “I am careful not to confuse excellence with perfection. Excellence I can reach for; perfection is G-ds business.” -Michael J. Fox

    in reply to: Post Here – So We Know You’re In The CR #904089

    Ok all, captain Kapusta is here, with pearls of wisdom but it seems the mods are not.

    btw, whatever happened to my inauguration party?

    mods, what was wrong with the thread(s- dont remember how many) I attempted to start? theres a conspiracy of some sort against me? have I been blacklisted from all my 2 or 3 deleted posts?

    in reply to: An Eitza Against The Yetzer Harah. #639870

    ahhem, Kapustas here, just keeping quiet for right now…

    Well maybe not, basically I’ll add in my vote that someone with guilt is on a higher madreiga then someone with none. Eventually the guilt may turn into something and if we didn’t have any guilt we would just go lower and lower. Sometimes you have to go back a step to take two steps forward.

    BTW, charlie, this is wierd I know but just curious why you spelled charata 2 different ways in the same post. I know I’m the captain of this ship, so lets get back on track.

    in reply to: Post Here – So We Know You’re In The CR #904080

    to get in the 5 minute window- I’m here! yes its me, in the flesh (in the computer?) gnite all.

    qwerty I didn’t see what happened to your wrist, but refuah shelaima!

    in reply to: CR Anonymous #637813

    I think the mods are helping the “addictees” in question by just not updating, although it has improved, drastically.

    in reply to: Bread Dipped In Vinegar #638982

    something in megillas rus maybe, (not sure) Boaz gave her (maybe bread) something with vinegar to cool her off

    in reply to: General Shmooze 2 #676700

    just to prove that I’m a good captain, I logged in. now who is honest enough to say they’ve missed me? hope to return fully soon. but not tonight. its ok, you don’t need to cry anymore. there there…

    in reply to: Not So Smart Comments #637345

    re SJS and Itzik: shiviim panim laTorah, maybe one you don’t agree with, but it doesn’t mean its wrong.

    re Mazal: I understand your side very well, and I just want you to know that your comments were/are very much appreciated and showed good old fashioned sechel. I hope you will continue to post.

    mods if the fighting continues, please close this thread.

    in reply to: General Shmooze 2 #676671

    no asdf I’m here and I don’t need any training but I can’t stay for long I am hereby annointing myself captain of page 14 anyone who wishes to post must get my permission for the next 50 posts (or however many posts fit per page)btw, I want an inauguration party and whoever starts it gets one free post. sniffle sniffle, that took a lot out of me to offer that.

    btw moish, I did that without notes! aren’t you proud of me? (only if it worked, if not it was someone else who no one knows)

    in reply to: Post Here – So We Know You’re In The CR #904010

    asdf what ever happened weren’t you leaving? here but wishing my loyal subjects a good night for the second time, it seems we’ve made a habit out of this.

    in reply to: Random Questions #1079120

    moish I must say I’m impressed, you were (almost) right…

    in reply to: General Shmooze 2 #676640

    only 2 and the mods are off already? whats this world coming too?

    in reply to: A Humorous Item #1172226

    could we get this thread to 1000 posts before random questions hits 1500… this one is cute and unfortunately true. people spend money they dont have to buy things they dont need to impress people they dont like (there was a longer version, but I forget the rest right now.)

    in reply to: Smoking vs. Bochurim on the Internet #638957

    no please dont, they belong inside you… where they were originally put…but you get the point, maybe don’t go into such detail but give us a basic idea

    in reply to: General Shmooze 2 #676638

    you think… some of us know better…

    in reply to: Random Questions #1079119

    its hungarian and it means cabbage, its a family joke…sorry asdf (actually maybe I’m not so sorry, did we officially make up yet, or rather, did you officially apologize yet?)

    in reply to: The Laboratory II – Try Your HTML & ASCII Art Experiments Here #1053525

    at least maybe a royal amateur? and btw, believe it or not, I would consider myself to be pretty computer savvy.

    in reply to: Daven With A Hat BeYichidus or Without it with a Minyan #1082139

    famous for 15 minutes, sorry buddy

    in reply to: General Shmooze 2 #676632

    asdf I am seriously getting insulted here, twice in one night. when I get my own page to mod, lets see how many of your posts get on there…a shout out to everyone else, be nice to me

    in reply to: Random Questions #1079115

    teen whoever actually experienced it did probably not live to tell the tale from first experience

    to those who were inquiring about my name, I apologoze, but I only saw it now. lets see if some of our chashuva CR can help us out, if not I will bl”n

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