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  • in reply to: An Eitza Against The Yetzer Harah. #639991

    how about a nice crisp salad? with trios as croutons? jk

    in reply to: Inspiring Quotes #1083801

    anyone who has something to offer can really be called a chacham, no? so if someone learns something then why wouldn’t he be a talmid chacham?

    ames great quote and lol

    in reply to: General Shmooze 2 #676906

    mod 39 if youre the one whos modding now youre doing a great job! keep up the good work! (if its not you, but I think it is, then whoever it is it goes for you too)

    in reply to: An Eitza Against The Yetzer Harah. #639990

    qwerty good point I forgot about that

    in reply to: An Eitza Against The Yetzer Harah. #639986

    mods what did you do with my post? mod 39 I know your number (name) yes its 39, see? 39 39 39 39 I would write it 39 times but I feel bad for whichever moderator would have to go through it, and me who has to type it

    in reply to: Hangman! Join the fun! #1127247

    I dont check this thread to often but congrats on hitting 1000 posts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (that was for my good buddy asdf, I was so in the mood.) can I continue? !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Wow that was so much fun no wonder asdf loves it so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    in reply to: Random Questions #1079383

    an open book there are 2 extended topics for the “newest threads” page, shidduchim and moish beg to differ?

    in reply to: General Shmooze 2 #676904

    yay I was right!

    in reply to: General Shmooze 2 #676903

    havent checked this thread in ages glad to see we made it to 17 am I the new/old captain? what ever happened with the color war? the curfew was 11:35 for the past few days but tonight there was a major improvement maybe its our new mod… (sorry I fogot your number, maybe 39? someone help me out on this I still need a name in the CR)

    in reply to: Post Here – So We Know You’re In The CR #904306

    Im here screaming at moish 😉 jk, but I wish the mods were btw qwerty I was just thinking that I havent seen one of your ms. kapusta her royal heinez’s in a long long time I think were overdue for one.

    in reply to: Mazel Tov Moish!!! #640973

    moish: yetzer hara thread NOW!!!

    in reply to: A Humorous Item #1172438

    anonymisss btw welcome back because I dont think I ever gave you a proper one and both of those were great!!!

    in reply to: An Eitza Against The Yetzer Harah. #639985

    I guess your just the lucky one 😉 ok, when I originally wrote the post I actually phrased it differently and I put in a thing over there to the CR public, but I took it out because it just sounded wierd. am I all that good? I dont know but I definitely try to be. no I am well aware that I am not perfect and I’m also far from good. I know that this will sound very much holier-than-thou but before I posted it I asked myself that question and I only submitted it when I had an answer.

    I’m being rough on you today so I’ll try and make this one light(er) 1. no one can remain at a stationary level spiritually. You dont have to tell me or anyone else but just ask yourself if your going up or down? I think the answer might surprise you.

    2.make yourself a sort of cheshbon hanefesh at the end of each day, but dont make it a regular one with the pros and cons. just tell yourself three things you did that made you or will make you a better person. you have a very negativa attitude toward yourself and regardless of it being true or not, a positive outlook will give you much better results than anything your getting now.

    now I’ll let you chill a little; make yourself an oreo milkshake

    in reply to: An Eitza Against The Yetzer Harah. #639981

    I was thinking about this and I decided that I will respect your right to privacy (I dont know why) and if you feel that you cant right now then dont. but two points. 1. you’ll give the idea some thought and maybe one day do it. 2. do something that you will commit to. something other than modah ani (even though I’m all for it) that even in the middle of the day you’ll think about it. maybe making one a mezonos on all the “mezonos” products you eat or maybe washing on bread or whatever.

    I’m waiting for an answer to this and my last post.

    in reply to: Mazel Tov Moish!!! #640968

    moish, youre generalizing every kid comes along with their own package and for some kids you would be a great friend and probably pull them up. and now head over to the yetzer hara thread

    in reply to: Mazel Tov Moish!!! #640965

    probably most of its isnt but I think theres a certain factor, maybe present in every relatinship, that is.

    I’m not sure exactly what “picture” youre talking about, the general scheme of things, your friends etc when you tell me that I can answer you.

    in reply to: An Eitza Against The Yetzer Harah. #639979

    should I tell you that I basically am with mine? I’m asking you again, so maybe not for a month, maybe just two weeks. and btw, your title of “is always nice to girls” is in jeapordy.

    let me just make one more point and again I’m not trying to challenge you or anything just explain something to you and prove a point. if mashiach would come tomorrow and he would ask you if you think you deserved to be saved, what would you have to show for yourself? I’m sorry the question is so direct but theres no other way to say it.

    in reply to: Ripping Letters #894629

    I’m waiting for my answer on the yetzer hara thread. thats why

    in reply to: Mazel Tov Moish!!! #640962

    I didnt think I was losing my mind, but I hope I didnt worry you too much lol and btw, I’m always right, you didnt figure that out yet?

    about the guys who are more outspoken I think its a show but think what you want. my guess is that all of you are looking for a little change.

    in reply to: An Eitza Against The Yetzer Harah. #639977

    ok, you can not answer if you want but just admit that its a good proposition and its not indefinite so you can go back to do whatever you want. and btw, maybe you dont want to admit that you want to or something but I really think you do want to do it. something tells me your not so happy in your position right now and youre looking for a way out. btw, this was not intended as a challenger just to prove a point and this was the only way to say it. sorry

    in reply to: Ripping Letters #894627

    moish was I not supposed to see this lol

    in reply to: An Eitza Against The Yetzer Harah. #639975

    moish I was looking for an answer and I dont think b’seser isn’t too much better then b’galui but I’m not a rav

    in reply to: A Humorous Item #1172422

    this used to be a humor thread. it seems theres been some sort of identity crisis though

    in reply to: Inspiring Rabbi Stories #658556

    kiruvwife and charlie thanx

    in reply to: Hangman! Join the fun! #1127202

    ICOT is that guy gonna end up doing a headstand or are you planning on losing?

    in reply to: Mazel Tov Moish!!! #640958

    moish I dont know this but my guess is that theres no official “dragger” everyones just stretching a little more. and btw, I can guarantee you (if I knew how to spell it, is it right? it still looks funny but maybe its just that its late) that your modeh ani counted 1,000 times more than anyone elses did who just did it out of habit, you did it from bechira and I’m sure G-d cares very much what it was said out of.

    teen where did you go? you just disappeared

    qwerty I’m getting better at this flash typing thing, although it tends to be better when I’m more awake

    in reply to: Shidduch Segullah! #1150444

    syrian you were included in ames bracha and in mine too. and if you want a specific one I wish that at the right time your zivug should come and you be zoche to build a bayis neeman b’yisrael!

    just a girl firstly dont be so cynical, I cant imagine its helping (dont take that the wrong way) and secondly, the shmiras halashon, I’ll repeat to what I told areivim, shmiras halashon is good as a segula or not, it may have brought your zivug closer, and it may have not, but I’m sure it didnt hurt you. May you be zoche to meet your zivug at the right time and build a bayis neeman b’yisrael

    in reply to: An Eitza Against The Yetzer Harah. #639973

    asdf that was great. I think I once heard that tefilos on shabbos are stronger (if thats how you would say it) and btw, thanx

    moish I cant imagine that not tearing letters is just a bunch of hype over nothing. maybe someone could help clarify it.

    This will hopefully appeal to your sense of guilt, but the entire shabbos at totally random times I kept on davening for you. I dont think I ever really understood what it meant not to be shomer shabbos until I read about your phone. I guess I never really thought about it before but it made my davening much stronger for you then it ever was.

    I have a bit of a proposition for you but before you answer just keep in mind that this week is Rosh chodesh Adar, and remember what happened a year ago. Take for a month, or establish some other sort of time limit, and take an hour every week (when youre up) to live as a completely frum jew. That means brachos, davening, kissing the mezuzah, (maybe even learning) whatever it is, just the basics, remember this is not indefinitely, just for a month, and only for an hour at a time and for the rest of the time, continue exactly as you are.

    in reply to: An Eitza Against The Yetzer Harah. #639968

    curious glad to hear that

    moish and so what if its not assur deoraisa and only derabanan? its still a start.

    and btw, that wouldn’t help you it would just be machati

    to the general CR public: last night I checked the CR really late and when I was in bed, right before falling asleep, I did a kind of “bulk davening” for all the CRers with problems, ones that are off, need shidduchim etc. just thought I’d let you know

    in reply to: Shidduch Segullah! #1150416

    moish the whole point of that post was that you do care because it hurts you so much, you dont want them to have to go through the same thing.

    and btw, chill

    in reply to: Inspiring Quotes #1083791

    yoshi!!!! you havent been here in ages! youve been missed!

    ames that very funny whenever ive heard the word used (outside of the CR) it was always haazita and i was wondering why everyone was saying it without the a at the end.

    moish maybe to help prove the point (even though language wasnt one of the three r’s) lets say achshav ani iluy(a) mamash

    could we go back on topic now?

    in reply to: Inspiring Rabbi Stories #658548

    I dont know what kind of story this qualifies as but anyway,

    A rav (possibly R’ Aryeh Levin -maybe someone could confirm it) once went to a doctor with his wife, who hurt her foot. When the doctor asked what the trouble was he replied, “Doctor, my wifes foot is hurting us.”

    I think this is the way this story goes:

    A man walked into a store and saw the owner working and his two sons learning with much enthusiasm. he asked the owner why he was zoche to sons like that and he answered with a story. he was known as a popular philanthropist and many years earlier he went to a certain rav and said he would like to do something to merit sons who would learn torah. the rav told him there were two boys, both learning in a local yeshiva who had “outgrown” the learning at a very young age and needed to be sent somewhere else. unfortunately due to lack of funding they were unable to go, but if this philanthropist would put up the money then he would merit sons as he wanted. the man put up the money and his sons were learning torah, just as he wanted. the listener asked who the boys who received the money were. oh it was, (R’)Moshe Feinstein and (R’)Ahron Kotler (I have also heard a variation with R’ Yaakov Kamanetzky)

    in reply to: An Eitza Against The Yetzer Harah. #639964

    thanx for the double mention, I’m happy those posts accomplished something.

    in reply to: Shidduch Segullah! #1150410

    a few points:

    AL2 I completely second the bracha. May you, (and everyone else still unmarried) be zoche to meet their true zivug VERY VERY soon and build a bayis ne’eman biyisrael and raise healthy children who are true ovdei Hashem.

    areivim (I think it was you) who mentioned that segulos may have been given to specific people. one comment that Shmiras halashon is a pretty safe segula and to my knowledge cant hurt anyone. I’m sure practicing it too, is a good segula.

    moish regarding your debate with squeak, the idea of davening for a friend is that you know what they’re going through. if a friend tells you something and you yourself are going through the same challenge, you feel worse for the person. the point you bring bothered me in the past and I’ve come to the conclusion which btw is completely mine that the ahavas yisrael may be what puts it over the top. take the organization Daven for me the idea is based on two people, who dont know each other and it bothers them that there is another jew somewhere in the world who is going through the same thing they are. I dont know how its humanly possible to love someone to the same extent as yourself but you know basically what a person would/wouldn’t want done to them and you know what hurts and what doesnt. if a person knows what its like to date repeatedly and still come back unmarried they know how to cry for themselves and feel the other persons pain bacause they’re experiencing it firsthand.

    squeak theres someone else on this board (sorry I forgot which thread) going by the name of anonymouse. would that by any chance be you?

    in reply to: An Eitza Against The Yetzer Harah. #639963

    you said a while ago that you dont do things l’hachis but I wanted to know if you will look out for the stuff that might not be pulling you. (I chose that I assume it wont be of great importance to you to tear letters on shabbos) but why not take something like that, which is definitely not habit and try to work on that. simple and not forcing you to do something you dont want (and btw, it’ll make some people here very very happy)

    in reply to: Mazel Tov Moish!!! #640938

    areivim its creepy how much you sound like me

    moish if you have an issue with modeh ani then say shema anything along those lines would be a gret idea.

    about the phone on Shabbos issue whatever you do is a big improvement whether its easy for you or not. compare this to a dieter, who so desires a piece of cake (or an oreo) sometimes he will slip and have it and sometimes he wont. G-d doesn’t and neither should you judge yourself on the nitty gritty details, the big picture is what counts. He wants to see you be a good jew but keep in mind the little things is what’ll bring you there. but dont look at all your evils and give up, you wont help yourself or anyone else lie that.

    and btw, head over to the yetzer hara thread

    in reply to: An Eitza Against The Yetzer Harah. #639959

    teen and moish:

    Just one time, when you have a “small” yetzer hara to do something you know you shouldn’t be doing. something small that will not have a direct impact on the rest of your life. don’t do it. even just to be able to come onto the CR and tell us all that you battled succesfully (just think of what that would do to areivim) again, not something major.

    BTW, when you open a package of food on Shabbos, do you specifically look to make sure not to tear any letters?

    in reply to: General Shmooze 2 #676770

    asdf tell me whos on each team and I’ll decide then. but yes. I definitely want to be captain.

    in reply to: Inspiring Quotes #1083744

    copy from one; its plagiarism. copy from two; its research.

    in reply to: Inspiring Quotes #1083743

    teen- must be

    ames those are great thanx!

    in reply to: Funny Shidduch Stories #1226290

    jothar that was great! how did you discover you had the wrong day?

    in reply to: An Eitza Against The Yetzer Harah. #639945

    nossond- I was referring to something simple, (well nothing is really so simple) but not something a person would have to work over an entire lifetime to fight, like not speaking loshon hara. but I was simply saying that once a person fights the yetzer, they build up “antibodies” to help fight the next battle and usually it gets easier if you make a definite hishtadlus.

    in reply to: Post Here – So We Know You’re In The CR #904172

    here. but I think the mods aren’t

    in reply to: General Shmooze 2 #676763

    I think until our next captain comes back, I should continue my job. just because I’m so experienced.

    in reply to: An Eitza Against The Yetzer Harah. #639940

    oh and btw, Moish, one thing I forgot to add before, if you have a yetzer hara to (I’m assuming not, but lets say) to turn off a light on Shabbos. you fight it for the first three or four or five weeks and after that it doesn’t exist anymore. which brings us to the idea of hishtadlus which is definitely not for now.

    in reply to: Inspiring Quotes #1083735

    A word to the wise isn’t necessary; it’s the stupid ones who need the advice.

    in reply to: An Eitza Against The Yetzer Harah. #639938

    Moish you just contradiced yourself. If you go down so low than why would you even care enough about fighting the yetzer hara. But is that the way you want to live your life? Knowing you got rid of the yetzer hara by just giving into it so you wont have to deal with it anymore? What would life be worth then?

    in reply to: An Eitza Against The Yetzer Harah. #639935

    Moish: Kol hagadol mechaveiro yitzro gadol heimenu. You cant remain stationary. You have to choose between up or down. Dont you think that the Gedolei yisrael (I mean real ones) also went through their teenage years and had a yetzer hara. True, the world is on a much lower standard than it was all those years ago and things are much more readily available. But they had a different yetzer hara then. This is the bracha “sh’asa li kol tzarki” that you fight your yetzer hara, the way it is, now.

    in reply to: An Eitza Against The Yetzer Harah. #639934

    thank you qwerty or qwertz (which do you prefer? I think the latter makes you sound like a clock)

    nossond: good job!

    in reply to: An Eitza Against The Yetzer Harah. #639931

    wow that thing is long. mods what happened to my first one?

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