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  • in reply to: Ibs :( #830112

    The number on their fb page is 877 275 9245. Looks like they also have an “askzahler” section on their website with a 24 response time. I know she used to take questions during certain hours, if you call they can probably tell you when. If you’re in Brooklyn, you may be able to set up a real consultation.



    in reply to: A poem for ayc #915010
    in reply to: CR Posting Tips #882492

    onegoal, thanks for doing the run through.

    254… *whew*


    in reply to: Ibs :( #830102

    I don’t know much about this but maybe contacting someone like Mrs. Zahler would be helpful? (She’s a nutritionist, they have a line of vitamin supplements etc.) If you want, I can probably get you the number.



    in reply to: OK, Who's Left? #864774

    Me, for now.


    in reply to: Partial Credit #829490

    I’m gonna say yes. When you get one part of a test wrong does that mean you failed? Hashem created humans, not angels, and He doesn’t expect us to do more than we can. Your best is perfect.


    in reply to: Welcome Back AYC!!! #829467
    in reply to: Welcome Back AYC!!! #829463

    Now when I come to the CR, the first thing I do is scroll down to see if AYC was the last poster on any thread. Nothing yet.

    I miss AYC 🙁


    in reply to: SHIDDUCHIM #829499

    Nice to see you around, triplet.


    in reply to: What does OP stand for? #829352

    Lol, oomis!

    mik5, ask away! If no one would ask (or start threads) this place would be totally flat.


    in reply to: journal article help #829501



    in reply to: Possible to change Mazel? #829343

    I don’t know too much about it, but I think there are people who pour lead to remove a possible ay”h. I’ve seen an advertisement in Mishpacha with info of someone from Israel (they say they have haskamos).

    I believe there is also a Tefilla (possibly from the Chida) that serves a similar purpose. Maybe someone else would know more about it.

    pouring lead for ayin hora,

    (There is probably at least one more thread on it which I cant find now)


    in reply to: Possible to change Mazel? #829338

    Firstly, you are definitely in my Tefillos (and I’m sure many others as well). For practical stuff, I’m no rav, but two things come to mind.

    One, did you ever consider doing the thing with lead to remove any possible ay”h.

    Two, there is a wonderful organization called Daven for Me which matches people davening for a certain thing, based on “Kol Hamispalel be’ad chaveiro…”. It basically means saying a few Perakim of Tehillim a day for someone else. Its completely free and you can even do it anonymously. If you’re interested, they’re online.

    Lots of Hatzlacha. Hang in there, IY”H it’ll be good.


    in reply to: Od AYC Chai – Apology and Explanation #839854

    the name of a poster who was, arguably, perhaps the most popular and loved poster in the CR over the past few months. AYC was a friend, and a virtual shoulder we all leaned on. We enjoyed AYC’s wealth of compliments and help.


    AYC: As someone who has learned, gained very much x2 and is possibly one of your biggest fans, I must say that while I would completely understand if you choose not to post anymore, I’m still hoping you will. You’ve contributed so much to the CR, and I think everyone would love to see you continue posting. I don’t want to push you to do something you don’t feel comfortable doing, but know that if you choose to stop posting, you will be sorely missed. You add(ed) so much around here.

    I must say, the CR has changed a lot over the time I’ve been here, and the thought to stop posting was definitely there. When I heard the good news, it added a lot of points to the “stay” side.


    in reply to: tinok shenishba #829615

    I might be making this up, but there is a concept of yeridas hadoros which basically means that every generation is on a lower level than the one before it. Now we are so far, we are all just considered tinok shenishba. (Whats the proper dikduk?)


    in reply to: 1990's #828639

    BH, a lot of things I remember is school related etc.

    Anyone remember tamagotchis? (sp?)


    in reply to: Disappointment #828269

    I’m assuming “other side” was a hint.

    Don’t blame yourself. I think the very idea that you got your hopes up is actually a good thing. It shows that like a normal, happy person, you have dreams. As for the practical, try to keep busy with other things to keep your mind off it until it takes a back seat to daily life.

    Hang in there 🙂


    in reply to: od Avenu Chai #829014

    Shticky, I tried to say that but it wasn’t coming out. Thanks.


    in reply to: BP Clothing Stores? #827246





    *The site has no clothing so maybe they can send you a catalogue

    Disclaimer: I’ve never bought online from these places, (or anything, period) but they seem to be popular.

    Good luck!


    in reply to: Yalili #827276

    Like it, love the CD.


    in reply to: Look up ( some more chizuk) #827971

    I still say you should start a blog.

    This one man gave me so much inspiration. He was in so much pain, yet he didn’t let it stop him.

    It’s interesting. He may have been in a bad mood, bitter etc, but you took a beautiful lesson from him. Sometimes we have no idea why things happen, but even people we never saw before or don’t even know exist can benefit.



    in reply to: always here and Syag… #827243

    Lol, Syag!

    Thank you, Goq. 🙂

    Boy, this is turning out to be some party…


    in reply to: always here and Syag… #827238

    by one of the famous and beloved posters!

    Wow, what did I do to deserve that?! Thank you!

    I brought some chocolate chip cookies to share, what should we talk about?

    You have chocolate chip cookies! Whats better to talk about than chocolate chip cookies?! Are they chewy? Mmmmmmm.

    always- I don’t remember when the cocoa room idea came up but I agree with you. There is one poster who has given out a lot of info (mostly little stuff) who I’m sure I know, and who else has access to the info…?! I can’t imagine how it could reasonably be done anonymously but I’m all for it. As for the party, bring yourself and your favorite food. 🙂 Have you ever tried virtual cleanup, btw? Its awesome.

    Goq- Glad to have ya!

    And I guess I should say I’m making this my early or late birthday party (not gonna say which) so if this thread can stay nice and fun, great!! Please pick up a birthday hat at the door.

    BH, you’re invited too 🙂


    in reply to: wrong to be a sports fan? #828679


    (Not trying to make trouble, just asking)


    in reply to: Who are you? Who am I? #828407


    Wait, that actually gets +2.


    in reply to: 1990's #828629

    Thank you BH, I’m so honored!

    Does Y2K qualify as 90’s?

    And those old Nokia phones with a green screen that everyone had…


    in reply to: ah ah ah #826588

    The Chanukah album is now on AOL music included in the holiday songs available. There were articles on several Jewish music blogs about it.

    (I’m not recommending any other stuff on there)


    in reply to: brooks brothers #833611

    If you don’t want to wait for a sale, google a companies name and “coupon” you can usually get a coupon code.

    (I never did it myself)


    in reply to: Info on Yeshivos Requested #826608



    in reply to: New And Returning Members! #856370

    gefen, you around?


    in reply to: top 20 most common passwords #826629

    I really don’t mean to offend anyone, but I’m with Goq. This place is different than it used to be (and not even so long ago).

    Btw, JFTR you left out Oreck. 😉


    in reply to: wrong to be a sports fan? #828677

    to compliment, flatter or to praise a non-jew

    To ones face? To discuss it…?


    in reply to: Why Mods Sleep.. #827051

    Welcome back, MG. I was thinking about you earlier.


    in reply to: Dear Mods, How Many Approved Pots do I Currently Have? #828094

    Thank you, mik5. 🙂


    in reply to: What Would The Title of Your Autobiography Be? #885981

    Shticky, that was excellent.


    in reply to: HELP!!! How do I make a shidduch resume?!?!?! #915165

    I never did one but I’ve seen a couple (a long time ago) so this probably isn’t perfect but its something to go on.

    Name (you can include a middle name in parenthesis if you like)


    Age (some people right the month/year they were born to keep things easier)

    Parents names and jobs (write your mothers maiden name if you like)

    Siblings (including ages and schools/what they do now and spouses if applicable)

    Your school/seminary/college/what you did summers (possibly with years)

    What you do now

    A short paragraph about yourself

    A short paragraph describing what you’re looking for

    References- two friend, one former teacher, one family friend

    My personal opinion- Don’t include a picture but it’s best to have one prepared. For the friend refs, its best for everyone to give married friends.



    in reply to: Car Lease #826243

    There may be holiday sales coming up, so maybe look into that.


    in reply to: soliek im writing this book… #851958

    Congrats on reaching 40K. Just read the excerpt and its very easy reading.


    in reply to: Anger Management? #826216

    Then in times of emergency think “How could a … get mad?”

    Just between you and me, how many heads of cabbage do you know that get angry?

    soliek, exactly what I was getting at. *bang*

    Thanks, everyone.


    in reply to: The "share your personal info" thread #966691

    can anyone think of more???

    Seriously, I’m curious how many SN’s hes had…


    in reply to: Easy dessert ideas #826201

    Fruit. Easy, quick, healthy, always good. You can even try something with cooked fruit if you like.

    Mazal Tov!!

    (I almost signed your page btw :))


    in reply to: Dear Mods, How Many Approved Pots do I Currently Have? #828080

    What does pots mean?

    Do you mean posts?

    On the chance that you did mean pots, pots is the plural of the word pot. A pot is often used for cooking purposes (such as kapusta-making) but can also be used for other things like to catch water from a leaky roof or to be used with a large metal spoon for making noise when your next door neighbor has a headache. ?

    (The above is in no way a recommendation or suggestion of carrying out such activities)


    in reply to: I am very sick. Please daven for me. #920141


    Keep sharing good news and lots of Hatzlacha with everything.


    in reply to: Be aware of stalkers/info stealers #827486

    I really, really hope this is a big misunderstanding. I could easily be wrong in thinking this way but the AYC posts that I’ve read hardly seem like they came from someone who could play such a sick joke. At the same time, until its sorted out, I must give credit to the mods for keeping this place safe.

    I always assumed AYC is a he as opposed to a she, but I guess the account has a female name…?


    in reply to: Dear Mods, How Many Approved Pots do I Currently Have? #828079

    I think I personally approved of quite a few of your posts 😀



    in reply to: The "share your personal info" thread #966678

    Welcome back ICOT. We missed you.


    in reply to: Buying A New Camera – Suggestions Please #826335

    Their site is bhphotovideo.com


    in reply to: Are you serious? #826167

    Maybe he meant to say “to”.

    Plain crazy.


    in reply to: CR Posting Tips #882471

    You can press alt and any number (on the keypad, it won’t work on a laptop) and get a symbol. Alt/500 does this ?. (I don’t know what it is either)

    These aren’t new but I’ll post ’em anyway


    To get italics, replace “t” with “em”

    To get bold, replace “t” with “strong”

    To get


    replace “t” with “blockquote” (whats it called anyway?)

    To get to the last post on a thread, click the time posted instead of the thread title.

    To get on the bad side of the mods, post enough things that won’t even have a chance of getting through. (not recommended)

    To get back on their good sides, (I told you not to!), bring some coffee and donuts. That would probably help you get on us posters good sides too. Oh, and maybe you’ll want to bring some fermented plum juice. (although I really don’t know what thats about…)

    I just reread this. How strong is that plum juice?


    in reply to: Acknowleding something good/nice that someone has done for you. #825968

    I’m sorry I’ve taken so long in answering. I had a medium-sized post up last week which got lost (it never made it in).

    I’m not sure what to answer. It bothers me when I watch someone hold open a door for the person behind, lend a pen etc and not get a thank you, so I’m kinda with you on this one. The only answer I can possibly give you is that people are human, and forget. I’m not saying its right, but it’s the way it is. I don’t believe people mean to be nasty or hurtful, but thats what happens. I don’t have any real practical solutions other than when you do something, do/give it in person so at least you get a thank you (which is probably better than nothing) and you won’t feel like your hard work went unappreciated.

    One more thing; just because they didn’t call doesn’t mean it isn’t hanging on their dining room wall and they look at it every day. Even if they don’t say anything, don’t instantly think all your work was for nothing.

    (Btw, you sound like an amazing person to do that. Do you do Pesukim specific to each person? If not, may I also suggest that you record the Pesukim for certain names instead of having to look each time.)


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