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  • in reply to: The YWN Coffee Room Welcome Wagon #1064379

    MP- I’m sorry you’ve come to the decision to leave. I once tried leave and IIRC, it was bpt who said very well that when things point toward (in this case) leaving, its time to really start. I can not tell you what to do but I will say this; even though I haven’t always agreed on things with you, your comments are always pleasant to read and that’s worth a lot. I would also add that you’ve given many people (especially on the poetry thread) support and I’m sure it’s noticed. Lots of Hatzlacha with everything.


    in reply to: loud amen #845651

    i.e. when someone comes up to me and says I should be zocheh to marry off my single kids this year. I guarantee you that NO one says amein

    louder than I do, in that case. 🙂

    DY got to the bracha before I did (but I had the same idea. Honest!), and you’re obviously older than me but I’ll give you one anyway. May you be zoche to marry off your single kids to the right one (for each) at the right time which will be soon IY”H.


    in reply to: seminaries!!!!!!!!! (I know, again!) #845631

    789jkl, if you contact Rabbi Wallerstein (or Ohr Naava, they’re online) they may be able to give you some places to look into.



    in reply to: 20 Questions #936893

    Are you a book?


    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1167756

    having someone listen to you helps even if they can’t change anything.




    in reply to: Those bumper stickers that say "My Kid Is An Honor Student…? #847217

    72, you may be onto something with the poster of the week thing.

    I think the “honor student” bumper sticker is more for the “shtick” of doing it than actually having an honor student. Its wonderful that Mr/s. Random Driver has a kid whos an honor student, and good for them, but it doesn’t make much difference to me (and probably not many other people either). Sorry.

    Theres also “your kid may be an honor student, but you’re still an idiot.” Whoops, wrong thread.


    in reply to: Where's the snow??? #850107

    when I leave and come to NY- no snow

    You gonna be here over the weekend?


    in reply to: Anti Virus Anyone? #844547

    kapusta: Did I what? (I’m slow these days…)

    I thought CA’s line about “a virus” was your type of line…

    Happy to hear you’re feeling better.


    in reply to: ethics #846874

    I take it you are taking a break from taking a break, taking a break?

    “The only problem with not doing anything is that you can’t take a break from it.”


    in reply to: Anti Virus Anyone? #844534

    try teshuva (a virus = aveiros)

    Did you just ZK ZK?

    Refuah Shelaima!


    in reply to: Shul in Louisville Kentucky #844110

    Extra points to Syag and BTGuy for a civil and respectful discussion.

    Points can’t be used for much (or at least not in this world anyway) but I was impressed and wanted to mention it.


    in reply to: swallowing pills #844580

    Baruch Hashem my kids came out healthy.

    …even if they can’t swallow… 😉


    in reply to: Random Question of the Day #947564

    I guess to each his own but I for one don’t think I would be able to swallow something which goes by the name of baby wipes. Pencil shavings and toothpaste don’t rank too high on the list either. I would love to know how they pair flavors and names though. (And how they come up with them!)


    in reply to: Random Question of the Day #947560

    I like baby wipes and pencil shavings. But beware of rotten egg.

    I’m feeling really out of the loop right now.


    in reply to: Name That Tune! #1193995

    “…with a tin can at her feet…”

    Beggar Woman, Eighth day

    Good song.


    in reply to: Girls High School Curriculum: Maybe all the schools need to do this #870074

    I replied but it didn’t get through. The group is what you mentioned before. No idea who you are…

    Ever google the “letters”?

    If you figure me out, let me know. 🙂


    in reply to: Yahrtzeit of Yehuda Leib Horowitz #843511

    Good detective work.


    in reply to: Depressed (teenager!!) #844820

    This may shock you, but not everyone loves school Shabbosos. Divide it into parts mentally so the whole thing is easier to “digest”. If you get stressed out, and doing your own thing (reading, sleeping) isn’t an option, think of a funny story or picture yourself at home relaxing. Unless you have reason to think your friends will understand, it’s probably better to avoid the whole topic.

    Hang in there, you’ll make it out ok. 🙂

    And the ones who aren’t- should be.

    Which category do you fall into?


    in reply to: Girls High School Curriculum: Maybe all the schools need to do this #870071

    I’m getting confused… *scratches head*

    About the expansion- I think so.


    in reply to: Your children are like you #843385

    not2bright, I’m not sure why you call yourself that. That was very deep. Thanks for mentioning.


    in reply to: Girls High School Curriculum: Maybe all the schools need to do this #870069

    Guess you’re younger… Are you (or someone in the “group” related to someone -actually two someones- well known? (Or was everyone in the group related to someone well known? Lol)


    in reply to: chulent making tips and secret ingredients #843016



    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1167742

    MP- thank you.


    *like* 🙂


    in reply to: Girls High School Curriculum: Maybe all the schools need to do this #870067

    I don’t think we ever got them… who was Chessed or GO your year? (or if you could figure out another way to get the message across without direct names… Was Eddie there all four years?)


    in reply to: General Shmooze # 6 #1217314

    blinky- Mazal tov! Nice to see ya around.


    in reply to: Girls High School Curriculum: Maybe all the schools need to do this #870065


    (Can I say that really quietly so no one else hears?)


    in reply to: Girls High School Curriculum: Maybe all the schools need to do this #870063

    Hm, were you ever involved with it? ‘:-)

    Were you?

    It was fun almost knowing you. 🙂


    in reply to: Yehudah Tzvi UPDATE #847250

    I’m sorry.

    I don’t know what to say. I can only tell you that I will bli neder continue to keep you in mind in my Tefillos. May Hashem shower you and your family with the all Yeshuos you need and much more.

    It’s not easy, but hang in there and keep your chin up. Yeshuas Hashem K’Heref Ayin.


    in reply to: chulent making tips and secret ingredients #843011

    Welcome back, BPG


    in reply to: Girls High School Curriculum: Maybe all the schools need to do this #870060

    OneOfMany, just saw an earlier post. I didn’t realize you were the first one to mention apple-swans. Still have no idea who you are but I’m really curious…


    in reply to: Jokes #1202010

    Morris and Lenny are strolling home from shul one Saturday morning. Suddenly a cab speeds past, and their friend, Irving, is running frantically behind it, flailing his arms wildly.

    “Well,” said Lenny, “I never imagined our good friend Irving was a Sabbath violator! Look at him running for that taxi.”

    “Wait a minute,” Morris replied. “Didn’t you read that book I lent you, ‘The Other Side of the Story’, about the command to judge other people favorably? I’ll bet we can think of hundreds of excuses for Irving’s behavior.”

    “Yeah, like what?”

    “Maybe he’s sick and needs to go to the hospital.”

    “Come on! He was running 60 miles an hour after that cab – he’s healthier than Arnold Schwarzenegger.”

    “Well, maybe his wife’s having a baby.”

    “She had one last week.”

    “Well, maybe he needs to visit her in the hospital.”

    “She’s home.”

    “Well, maybe he’s running to the hospital to get a doctor.”

    “He is a doctor.”

    “Well, maybe he needs supplies from the hospital.”

    “The hospital is a three minute walk in the opposite direction.”

    “Well, maybe he forgot that it’s Shabbos!”

    “Of course he knows it’s Shabbos. Didn’t you see his tie? It was his paisley beige 100% silk Gucci tie from Italy. He never wears it during the week.”

    “Wow, you’re a really observant! I didn’t even notice he was wearing a tie.”

    “How could you not notice? Didn’t you see how it was stuck on the back fender of the taxi?”


    in reply to: Girls High School Curriculum: Maybe all the schools need to do this #870055

    I did something during your year…? You’re ahead of me?


    in reply to: 5 Most Favorite Healthy Foods #843196

    WIY had the best list. Well, the first four anyway.


    in reply to: Girls High School Curriculum: Maybe all the schools need to do this #870052

    Ma’ayan. No hints? C’mon…


    in reply to: Girls High School Curriculum: Maybe all the schools need to do this #870050

    No, not yet…give me more time.

    No way out of this? What makes you think we’re similar in age? And what made you mention… yeah…?

    Try to figure out who I am.

    Giving out hints?


    in reply to: smoking cessation #843090

    The lecture on cessation of smoking alone kinda makes you want to go out for a cigarette break, chas veshalom.

    My dinner almost went out instead of in. Thanks.


    in reply to: Girls High School Curriculum: Maybe all the schools need to do this #870047

    So you know me? And how did you figure me out?

    Fair enough.


    in reply to: General Shmooze # 6 #1217309

    Kapusta sure you can use it,

    Thanks. Just googled, looks cool.

    Trivia threads are no fun, because people just make stuff up.

    Which people, exactly?

    Your wish is my command, kapusta!

    Wow! Before I even asked! Gotta get it going now… (And some non-stalker friendly stuff would be fun too.)


    in reply to: Inspiration/Personal stories regarding Shidduchim #996492

    I know two people who got engaged in the past number of weeks that, for different reasons, were likely not at the top of a shadchans list. G-d has a different list.

    I am -at the moment

    I love the way you wrote that. Its so… optimistic.

    Good thread, btw.


    in reply to: Girls High School Curriculum: Maybe all the schools need to do this #870045

    As for my writing style – there were some specimens of it in the ?????…eheheh

    I guess that means I know you…? Can I have a hint?

    Oh, btw didn’t think the class was so bad. Definitely better than a double english or math.


    in reply to: YehudaTzvi? #886459

    Looking forward to good news!

    (Sorry for spelling your name wrong.)


    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1167738

    SaysMe- Thank you.

    ICOT- Amen! Thank you.

    blabla- Thank you.


    in reply to: YehudaTzvi? #886457



    in reply to: bad guy?bad girl? #842666

    We all are Baal Teshuvas in some ways.



    in reply to: Girls High School Curriculum: Maybe all the schools need to do this #870039

    learning to make apples into swans is ridiculous

    I only know of one school that has that. ?

    Kapusta, did you figure out what HS I went to? 😉

    No, would I have a way to? And something about your style of writing reminded me of someone who used to post here.


    in reply to: General Shmooze # 6 #1217301

    Lol! I’m rather honored to be addressed by name in that post, btw.

    And in this case I’m happy you couldn’t resist. 🙂


    in reply to: General Shmooze # 6 #1217297

    Goq, can I try the pen? Sounds cool.

    For the old-timers (and newish-timers) here, a CR trivia thread would be fun.


    in reply to: Girls High School Curriculum: Maybe all the schools need to do this #870022

    OneOfMany, have you ever posted under a different name?


    in reply to: Very disturbing, please only kind people read. #842355

    always runs-

    I’m very happy to see that you contacted Shalom Task Force. The first step is the hardest. But as other people mentioned, don’t just stop now. Hatzlacha with everything. We’re rooting for you! (And davening for you!)


    I’m sorry you went through what you did. You should just know that (at least from the CR) you seem to be completely normal (that would be a good thing) and an all around great person. Keep up the good work.


    in reply to: How would you rate Machon Bais Yaakov Seminary? #859397

    “i am here” said it very well. Its a great seminary for someone who will appreciate it. There are some (many) great teachers and they cover a lot.


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