Forum Replies Created

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  • in reply to: Turners Syndrome #772354

    After starting the blog, I think we need more of a forum where everyone can post their own questions / comments/ concerns – I just was a bit busy with work so didn’t get around to it – whadya think?

    in reply to: Turners Syndrome #772350

    please hep me out with the blog – please put your opinions in the comments so that we can turn it into a functional social network for jewish/frum ts girls & families.

    in reply to: Turners Syndrome #772349

    ok – here goes:

    (and that stands for Jewish Turner Syndrome Network blog)

    in reply to: Turners Syndrome #772344

    i dont know. mods?

    in reply to: Turners Syndrome #772342

    leah222-how did you meet them? I would love to be in touch with others.

    in reply to: Turners Syndrome #772338

    berney – care to share how it’s going for your daughter here? I’m not sure if the mods will share our emails.

    minyan gal – thanks! I’m so happy that your friend has a normal productive life. that’s why I want to meet other people in our community & hear success stories of the normal lives they have. For now my daughter is doing great (socially no one would guess she has any issue) & I want to know how it goes for others.

    anon for this- if she starts to display any learning delays I think I would tell the school so that she can get whatever help she can to succeed in life. If her learning seems ok – I was thinking that she should just be a regular, typical kid who can enjoy life- she’ll have enough headache later when it comes to building a family. however, this is my opinion before experience & was wondering how others have managed.

    in reply to: Turners Syndrome #772332

    why would I tell her school at that point? Do you mean I should tell her then? I think she will want to know what’s going on way before then – she gets growth hormone shots everyday & see’s a variety of specialists on a pretty regular basis. Her sibling also see that she obviously has issues that they don’t – I dont think I will keep it a secret for her or her sibling – I dont want them feeling as if they have some terrible issue to hide & then wallow in self pity.

    in reply to: Turners Syndrome #772330

    I would… where to start? my daughter is still a toddler, already had cardiac surgery, has never ending ear issues, is on growth hormones for a year&half already(daily injections), had tons of feeding issues, tons of therapy, yet anyone who meets her would never know what she goes through & thinks she is the cutest happy go lucky kid. Everyone comments how she’s really catching up & I bite my tongue & hold back from saying – yeah, growth hormones are wonderful!

    Now she’s still little, and so are her siblings, but I cant stop worrying about how this will all play out – I want her to stay happy, I really dont want her to have self-pity as she grows up.

    Also-for now it’s basically a secret-only grandparents know about it-& it’s only so that she’ll develop without the world pitying her – but I keep wondering if thats good or not? is there ny reason for her school to know? wold that be a benefit or disadvantage?

    whatever, I an keep going on- but what’s anyone else with experience have to say on the matter?

    in reply to: Turners Syndrome #772327

    I’m not sure how to contact the mods but you can ask the mods for mine.

    in reply to: Turners Syndrome #772323

    Health- seeming to be new doesn’t mean a thing – I’ve been reading the cr for years & just posted for the first time. Additionally, some threads are for the purpose of general discussion & others aren’t. I wasn’t trying to just shmooze – I really am trying to find out if there are any groups/networks for jewish ts girls or their families.

    Anyways, I don’t see any medical discussion going on here & usually people involved in such a condition wouldn’t come to the cr for medical advice from anonymous posters who may or may not know what they are talking about. we do a ton of research & try to see top medical professionals for such advice.

    in reply to: Turners Syndrome #772317

    my kid is still little – there r a lot of other issues aside from fertility issues involved with ts & therefore wanted to be in touch with others

    in reply to: Turners Syndrome #772294


    in reply to: Growth Hormones in Children #770700

    it’s not bad – my daughter is almost 3 & has been getting them for about a yr & half already. she’s now in the 10th percentile.

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