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akuperma is referring to something much more modern, or much more small town. I come from a big city where my public school classes were almost all Jewish. My teachers were almost all Jewish as well. My parents come from a Jewish neighborhood, and it was more Jewish then. My grandparents even more so, and if you go to my great-grandparents, forget about it. Finding a non-Jew in the neighborhoods of 3 of those generations would’ve had the same odds as winning the lottery. Everyone in my line is Jewish, as well as all of my ancestors neighbors.
Neighborhoods were much more balkanized in ethnicity than they are today.Conversely, in small southern towns. There was and is some mixing, but it was still not the norm. Southern history shows that Jews would send their kids from all corners of the state to meet each other and get married. It was not an impossible chore as it is today to not mix.
Lastly, I claim akuperma’s post about how all non-orthodox Jews should be considered goys is wrong for one more reason. I never even really heard of this whole intermarriage deal in any really serious manner until I I moved to what’s supposed to be a state with a lot of Jews and I started meeting tons of people who claimed to be “half-Jewish”. I’ve never heard of that one growing up.
There wasn’t much chance of mixing as there is in the last few decades. If all of your neighbors and classmates are Jewish, you’ll probably marry Jewish. If you can’t find any Jews around because everyone scatters, the kids probably won’t marry that way.jdf007Participant“Higher taxes? Open borders? No embassy in Jerusalem? War with North Korea? Obamacare? Nuclear deal with Iran? Funding for abortion? ”
I surmise this would be just the start. You’re quoting 8 years of misery and tragedy which was only the beginning!
jdf007ParticipantThe North/Northeast is a different type of liberalism than the mid-west and west. Austin competes and tries to outdo Portland, and then there’s San Francisco. Any one of these three cities will make you miss Philadelphia in under a minute.
The northeast is based more on cronyism than ideology.jdf007ParticipantInteresting this thread appears after I posted about this a week ago.
De-regulate. Gas prices are are higher at 50 bucks a barrel today than they were at 50 bucks a barrel 10 years ago. Why? Because of all those regulations they added during the Obama years. Source: Wall Street Journal study.In other words, if you want the democrats to drop the price of gas, a commodity they campaign and ran elections on making expensive, you best just outlaw the party and deport them to Mexico and Canada. Gas prices will go down then.
April 8, 2018 1:23 pm at 1:23 pm in reply to: Amazon is great – they’ve created tens of thousands of jobs!!!!!!!! #1503506jdf007ParticipantThe media has been reporting for years that Amazon does not pay their fair share for postage. It costs the USPS per package.
The Donald reads the news.
The reporters don’t read their own news, and go unhinged stating this is Trumps claim.
This is the standard operating procedure of journolists.
jdf007ParticipantBuy a newspaper, get a subscription.
You quickly learn which columnists don’t know what they’re talking about and which do. Now you will only focus on certain articles, instead of this internet reality where everything is believed just because it is online, with no reputation whatsoever.Second advantage, once you finish, you finish, and you got to pick and choose what was worth reading. Without instant 24/7 access online, and in paper form, once you’re done you’re done.
Third Advantage. I get to read so many more interesting things that the big google doesn’t consider “news”. All of those special interest stories, goofy things, and even LOCAL stuff. I point this out because, I can’t believe the amount of people who haven’t a clue what is going on anywhere at all, even at home, because their only outlet is the CNN website or otherwise. They’re clueless. The biggest local thing in the universe could happen, but it’s not national news, and an entire city doesn’t know of it.
Another problem with internet news, they all cut and paste from each other. There is no value-added, and a lot of it is quite trite. There is really no research, and on the net, and even in print, you get a lot of conflicting stories. Sometimes even on the same page if it’s not big publication.
Another way to get off being hooked on “news”? Watch these press conferences with the White House. If the top reporters have such low IQ’s, imagine the talent of the regular wire writers? Or even those “lectures” (as they should be called) on 60 minutes. That’ll cure you.
Three weeks ago I read that it is illegal to buy a handgun if you are under 21. This was the most shocking thing I have ever read. There’s tons of “kids” out there with guns who are under 21. I mean, you could’ve fooled me. That law is working wonders.
Todays newspaper says that a bullet was found on a hallway floor of a local high school. I guess charging me more taxes and having me do more paperwork would’ve really solved that one!
A few months ago, I read an article of a “child” under 21, who was buying guns from the trunk of the car. This was behind a new supermarket, and a gentrified area, 1 block from my current work location. Deal went bad. Kid got shot, and made a dramatic run before collapsing in the middle of the busy street during rush hour.
Maybe they should ban back alley sales before I’m bothered with the whole “do anything”, and “feel good” nonsense that will do absolutely nothing.
Last I checked, you can’t use a gun in a crime, or shoot someone. Reminds me those billboards for that really great Florida law. 10-20-LIFE.
Pretending you are going to “regulate” (lol) guns does nothing but make yourself feel good.March 13, 2018 10:08 pm at 10:08 pm in reply to: Should Donald Trump be Crowned King of the United States? #1488966jdf007ParticipantEmoluments clause means, simply:
You cannot ever have been in any type of business, ever.
Remember the problem with Dick Cheney. He used to work for Halliburton. Years after he left, the government Halliburton got a contract. They (you) had the same argument then for impeachment and citizens arrest calls.
Only community organizers who have never had a real job, nor understand the ways of the world or peoples problems are allowed to become President.
March 12, 2018 11:20 pm at 11:20 pm in reply to: Should Donald Trump be Crowned King of the United States? #1487802jdf007ParticipantSome years ago Woody Allen was in total agreement with the US media and most of Hollywood that suggested bluntly that Obama should just be made dictator. The d-word was used, and it was clear.
So I don’t see why we can’t make him King then. Maybe he can get more done without the constant obstructionism.
February 21, 2018 5:31 pm at 5:31 pm in reply to: Is the fact that 40% of the public school is Jewish any less of a tragedy #1473927jdf007ParticipantIf this were an affluent area, and being South Florida, I don’t know exactly how many parents would pay to send their kids to a private school no matter the cost. But I could be wrong. But this has me thinking in the opposite direction. About how many of us would’ve been sent to a private school to get out of a really deplorable crime-ridden public schools if it were available, and maybe on a full scholarship. But none were available in my area.
Some of the comments here reminds me of an article I read last year during the JCC bomb threats. One day school in a smaller city (doesn’t go up to 12th grade) was about 30-40% non-Jewish. I infer this may have been for a kindergarten. The non-Jewish parents seemed to be up in arms, and wanted to have more inter-faith conversations and wanted politicians to speak more. They didn’t change their tune even after we all found out who the perpetrator is, which makes me think it was more about socializing and smoozing with the elected elites. But just that student ratio had me surprised.
But, again, I have to disclaim, I don’t know if that was the ratio up through all the grades, or just a kindergarten program. And secondly, our newspaper isn’t even the best, so I wouldn’t fret about 40% for the moment.February 20, 2018 11:04 am at 11:04 am in reply to: Is the fact that 40% of the public school is Jewish any less of a tragedy #1472701jdf007ParticipantWhy are Jewish schools 400% more expensive than the typical catholic school? Even though some Jewish parents are so ultra-liberal that they would believe in public school above all, I’ve always wondered the difference. There are parochial schools all over(with many of them now closing), but not really Jewish schools, and the price difference seems steep.
jdf007ParticipantIt’s interesting that we’re talking about costs and finance in a thread about doctors. Has anyone ever asked a doctor or dentist office how much something simple cost? Sometimes I can’t even get a quote. They bill a third party payer, who has the rates set, normally based off of Medicare set rates. Then if you are lucky enough to have worked in health insurance, you can discuss things with the rude and snobby receptionist who billed wrong, although she can do no wrong, although you were the professional who denies her bills for doing them clearly wrong.
If time = money, and no one knows the value of their services or money as it just gets typed into a computer with a code (that’s usually wrong), then who knows the value of time?
jdf007ParticipantI see we’re still going on about IBM (no longer exists). For example, Do you see RCA products in stores? The RCA name exists in name only licensed to Chinese manufacturers. They’re not really RCA, at least to me.
Then there’s Bayer. You can buy their stock on the open market. Do you think the people who own the stock are the same as the people in the 1930’s? These companies are way too big and diluted to even talk about forgiving. I think the cells of the company have all been too reconstituted and diluted.I am not saying go ahead and buy VW, or Mercedes (their best rated, and most important plant worldwide is in my metro, in the United States, with American Workers). I am saying, instead of arguing about the faint ghost of Nazi’s in some companies that only share the name, let’s go after the current ones.
What is the connection of Teresa Heinz (currently living) to the Heinz corporation? She and her Husband Secretary Kerry have no issues fundraising for anti-Israel initiatives.
Are we boycotting Mercedes and Bayer while buying Heinz pickles for example?Lastly, maybe if we were talking about a company that is family run through the generations, I could understand. Maybe. But it looks like you’re using big, faceless, corporations as your examples, while ignoring current threats.
Lastly lastly, who are we asking for forgiveness (while ignoring the current hatemongers). The retirees with their 401(k)’s, or the shift supervisors from Texas to Tennessee?jdf007ParticipantI know, or at least thought, that IKEA is family owned. However, for most other companies you talk about, they are owned by shareholders, and run by a board of directors. Then you have factories in America and China. They are really as diluted as can be. How many levels of people and generations do you have to go through to get to the original Nazi? Or even IBM? You mean Lenovo, a China company.
As for the goods at Ikea, I like going, it is like a mini trip to Sweden (at least the ones I get to see). The goods are international. I never see furniture imported from Finland, notebooks from Lativa, etc. at the Wal-Mart or Dollar General. It’s fascinating.What about we focus on present day Nazi’s? There’s a good facebook story going on out there, you can have dozens of genders, but Israel doesn’t exist. Or what about Heinz? You have Kerry going to meet and reinvigorate Abbas to keep doing his old games and tricks, while he’s married to an anti-Israel activist right?
And so on down the chain.
Boycott Mercedes while we buy New Zealand wool? It doesn’t seem to be consistent.January 29, 2018 7:51 pm at 7:51 pm in reply to: Chabad Shlichus – Risk of Sacrificing Own Family’s Ruchniyos? #1459095jdf007ParticipantTo go with what out of town yid says, I don’t understand everyones obsession with forcing people to work on Saturday’s. For some reason this one day out of the week is such a sore point, even if you’re available around the clock the other six days a week.
Actually, I have learned one thing working all around, and in major corporations. “Diversity” does not have much of a meaning. Companies have websites for diversity. Diversity Officers who make in the six figures per year. Diversity career fairs. Etc. But if you cannot work on Saturday, or even on some religious holidays, they do not want to hear that, and this doesn’t count. The diversity is only for photographs and statistics. If we can get a picture of you at the bar wearing a cute little headscarf (the muslim one only), you are in. If you need a day off, sorry, we found someone “more suited” to our business needs.Maybe we need a reverse BDS for these companies that are total and complete hypocrits.
jdf007ParticipantI didn’t grow up this way, but my Chofetz Chaim a lesson a day says that Lashon Hora doesn’t have to be negative, it can be positive as well. And secondly, if it is just opinion and not an issue that should not be an issue after marriage, that is lashon hora too.
Sounds like it on both levels imo.January 7, 2018 12:11 pm at 12:11 pm in reply to: Is the ‘Fire and Fury’ book on Trump lashon hara? #1443993jdf007ParticipantIf that’s the one that has a warning label about it being fiction, then it’s slander which is worse than gossip.
jdf007ParticipantIf the across from me at work makes .25 cents less an hour for having less experience than I, I need to make less money in the name of equality.
This sounds as brilliant as Sweden with their feminist snow plow routes that shut down the entire city.
December 26, 2017 9:01 pm at 9:01 pm in reply to: How can people live in America? It’s so scary and dangerous there #1437099jdf007ParticipantI always lament how I don’t hear this mockery of the United States anymore since Europe has fallen into a crime ridden gutter. I remember when British television comedies (the PBS variety anyway) would mock the US, but those shows were produced back when I guess Europe had a very short golden age.
I get sad just thinking about it.December 19, 2017 7:17 pm at 7:17 pm in reply to: Attending a work “Christmas Party” vs. a “Holiday Party” #1430386jdf007ParticipantAccording to my daily email:
“Happy Holidays [your name here]
‘Tis the Season
As the holiday season approaches, …
We hope that your holiday and New Year ”Holiday is always singular and is never given any thought to being inclusive or broad. Holiday never includes “New Year”.
Other holiday emails seem to always be after Hanukah, and way after in some cases.
Ergo, they can call it whatever they want, but in context it always means the same thing. It’s just an insult to my intelligence when they use the singular “H” word instead of the “C” word.Like others have said, I doubt there will be a Mass or anything remotely connected to a real holiday. Maybe if they exchange presents?
jdf007ParticipantI hope RebYidd23 was either responding to me, or on the same subject. Since on the 26th, is when I get the emails and advertisements that the holiday season is over. So happy holiday (singular) doesn’t even include the new year anymore!!
Of course, if I want to keep going into the new version of this whole season and expression, I find the term “Black November” appalling and depressing too.I don’t know if it’s good or bad, or sad that everyone here seems more versed in the holidays of December than everyone in Marketing or out on the streets seem to.
jdf007ParticipantThis thread now contains that word “Christmas” or Xmas more than anywhere else in this country. I’ve only heard the “C” word 4 times on the television now. Zero times in Email which has been spamming me about some holiday since October 31st now.
In the emails I get, they tell me to get my “holiday gifts, under my holiday tree, by 12/25”
And on 12/24 every year I get the flood of politically correct, and cryptic emails about having a “Happy Holiday” “We wish the Holiday is good for you” yada yada, never mentioning what holiday they are talking about.Congratulations for bucking this trend!
December 12, 2017 1:15 pm at 1:15 pm in reply to: Spiritual Significance of Jerusalem and embassy announcement #1425395jdf007Participant“RSo”, you are answering almost to the point or question that I have. You’re asking if the person (the subject here) dies on the East Coast, where do we declare the date.
For Jerusalem, the city does not move no matter where we are talking about it. Would we not go by the date of the subject (the City in Israel), over where Trump gave the signing? In other words should it matter if he were in Hawaii or the Moon?This I am interested in (although I’ll probably ask for a second opinion offline).
In a few weeks, it will be Christmas, the Santa Tracker goes by local time. And then there will be the world-wide fireworks, which I find amusing, because Asia, and every other part of the world had their New York, but everyone still does something on Jan 1st. So on and so on.
December 11, 2017 5:57 pm at 5:57 pm in reply to: Spiritual Significance of Jerusalem and embassy announcement #1424534jdf007ParticipantI don’t understand, if it is the late afternoon in the United States, what is the date in in “Biblical Israel”? considering that I thought the date changes at nightfall.
In other words, if it were not hte 19th of Kislev as I had previous though, am I going to light my “holiday candles” as they call them on the wrong day tomorrow too?December 11, 2017 12:07 pm at 12:07 pm in reply to: Spiritual Significance of Jerusalem and embassy announcement #1424333jdf007ParticipantThis thread has fallen off of the point.
You must remember that when one person says something in the negative, the other will invent their own positive. Claiming that Jerusalem is not the capital of Israel means that it is islamic land to other people. Not that it is just in a holding pattern of some sort in waiting. Stating the obvious, that this is not true, does not invite Jewish blood to be spilled. They were doing it long before 1948. Secondly, I do not understand this thought that Jews aren’t allowed to live there at the moment but squatters can just come in.
The only thing this declaration says is this. By not stating the obvious fact, that everyone throughout history has always known, has not contributed to the so-called “peace” process which has been going on for GENERATIONS. The only thing that fake reality does is to keep some people in nonsense jobs who spend their days analyzing the “peace process” for pundits as so-called “experts”. It doesn’t advance peace or stability, it’s a job’s program.I’m born unaffiliated, but even I know enough to know that the Rebbe was not against stating the obvious, and was not against the state of Israel. He stated that Jews live in the land, and therefore we, to paraphrase, we can’t ignore that fact. Then there are the miracles of 48, 67, etc. Doesn’t matter if you didn’t want Israel, it has already miraculously happened and you need to accept this. There are Jews there.
You can keep ignoring it’s existence, and pretend that Jerusalem is as islamic as Ramallah or Rome, it won’t make it so.jdf007ParticipantIf he were standing elsewhere, and in response to Jeb Bush’s speeches about big families of another group some years ago, you wouldn’t be seeing any debates over free speech, you would see national press coverage of the one man and his tiny sign.
This is not about free speech. This is about double standards. Free Speech only applies when you are against certain groups of Jews.December 5, 2017 10:48 am at 10:48 am in reply to: What about American Jews? Where can we escape to in case of emergency? #1418774jdf007ParticipantThe South. I don’t see any issues and we need more kosher restaurants and supermarkets.
November 27, 2017 11:22 am at 11:22 am in reply to: The Canarsie Tribe Swindled the Dutch out of Manhattan! #1412401jdf007ParticipantI want to say that I’ve read that this tribe wanted to move, or they took the money and ran upstate. I remember something about Mohicans being connected. I thought I read this in the Wall Street Journal, but I can’t find it without doing some heavy duty searching.
Since everything I learned in Public School has turned out to be a lie, I wonder how long these concise and nonsense textbooks can circulate for.November 22, 2017 12:42 pm at 12:42 pm in reply to: COLLECTION AGENCY NIGHTMARE PLEASE HELP!! #1409119jdf007ParticipantUnless they already have your phone number, I would never call the collections company with my own phones. They automatically update and call you while you’re already talking to them, and then lie that the phone number you gave them was always on file and they’ve contacted you hundreds of times. I tried to settle a small bill once that was some oversight from my wifes family, and was fully ready and willing to pay. The collections people gave me all sorts of run-arounds and couldn’t even stop lying in such a case. If they can’t function within the confines of the law and business in a simple non-contested thing, I wouldn’t bother in another time by myself.
There are consumer lawyers, in theory, who are supposed to handle this. (I say in theory, because I never found one interested in the federal fair debt law that they advertise on tv).Sounds like a Breach of Contract or Breach of warranty, and tons of other claims.
I second the idea of disputing it with the bank. However, that won’t fix the “diversified” nonsense automatically.
October 8, 2017 3:40 pm at 3:40 pm in reply to: Vegas Massacre: 59 Good Reasons to Outlaw Automatic Weapons #1379057jdf007ParticipantI’m becoming more convinced everyday, as far as motive, that “59 reasons to ban assault weapons” was the reason and motivation of the shooter, and probably the quote he had in his head as well. Especially taken into account the killers profile, demeanor, and the really staged (fake) way his room appeared in photographs.
So at least some of you appear to be on the same page.October 3, 2017 2:51 pm at 2:51 pm in reply to: Vegas Massacre: 59 Good Reasons to Outlaw Automatic Weapons #1378145jdf007ParticipantWith automatic weapons being outlawed a long time ago, and with murder, actual and attempted being outlawed a long long time ago, and terrorism being illegal… what is the point of this thread? Other than using a guy who was insane about being anti-trump, and possibly that’s what this thread is about too?
jdf007ParticipantWasn’t it, and still is, a bit near to the holiday for so many to argue based off of nothing more than heresay and web-blog gossip? I didn’t see anything in his 10 minute speech victory that is aligned with half of these posts. Nor did I see such things when I actually read some of his opinions, which are actually quite good on a religious freedom angle. Although I have not read ALL of his opinions, I’m not sure anyone has, but the ones I have seen were quite sound.
September 11, 2017 12:06 pm at 12:06 pm in reply to: Why is the frum world seeing more divorces while it’s dropping by the secular? #1360484jdf007ParticipantIt doesn’t help any, but I question numbers regarding marriage and divorces for the nations or states population at large. Out there, people just move in together, and then move out. They don’t always get married, and aren’t counted. The sample size of divorce is smaller, because you actually have to get married first.
Like the NYTimes and Time said on a cover headline: Marriage is dead.September 8, 2017 11:23 am at 11:23 am in reply to: “Marriage counseling hastens divorce far more often than it saves a marriage” #1358960jdf007ParticipantI’d like to have a job/license in something where the government mandates people to come to me. I wonder if there’s a wait-list or quality concern of the services at all.
jdf007ParticipantApparently there’s a southern soda called Grapeco!
And, for what it is worth, until they get rid of the LAST decent juice flavor they sell, making the product almost useless, I enjoy the Sodastream Welch’s Grape juice. I recommend this stuff if you have to deal with an apartment, walking, lack of space, etc.September 3, 2017 4:54 pm at 4:54 pm in reply to: The key to ending intermarriage in the Jewish world #1353813jdf007ParticipantI grew up non-observant, in a neighborhood that was probably the same. I always claim half of my public school, or at least my classes were Jewish, and all of my teachers were. We learned a lot of black history, and no Jewish history, just like any other regular Public schools.
I think the reason for intermarriage is twofold. One is, neighborhoods are no longer ethic based. I can go for years without ever seeing another Jewish person personally. Second, in typical American spheres everything is about “diversity”, without going further on this fetish.I assume that my growing up, and my fathers growing up, was a lot like Europe. You didn’t have to be “orthodox” or hassidic, or religious. Everyone around you was Jewish. It would be natural that you marry Jewish. In 8th grade, everyone I sat near was Jewish, with maybe…MAYBE one exception.
It would have taken a lot of work, if one lived in such a situation, not to marry Jewish just naturally. Conversely, if I am the only one, or maybe the only 5 Jews out of 100’s of people, of course it’s going to go the other way. For example, my friend, of a Jewish mother and baptist father, was just re-baptized within the last few days I found out. I think his knowledge of Judaism was probably what mine was a few years ago. Nil. Religion and Jewish jokes on the television do not appear to give an accurate description of Judaism at all. So no wonder he doesn’t tip the other way. Plus, I might be the only Jewish person he knows in the area. Therefore, no exposure. Frankly, if I were younger, there would probably be no hope for me here. And I like this southern city.I think the downfall occurred during mass integration and the downfall of the old ethnic neighborhoods like they used to have in the northeast. If you want the non-observant to meet and fall in love, they have to meet each other or even be around. It’ll probably have to be a watered down version of what you’re talking about. Summer camps, after school or weekend activities similar to what the churches did in the 1800’s or like what the Jews in Mississippi did many years ago since the community was spread out. They had chaperones too, so I wouldn’t call them that immodest. I don’t think anyone is really going to spend that much money, especially on private schools, unless the local public school is completely bombed out.
jdf007ParticipantCan you really imagine someone without a decent uniform, or shoes, picking up their rifle, and marching in the winter or summer through the hills of Virginia or Tennessee just to keep some strangers in slavery?
Has anyone else around the world volunteeered to fight and die over a strangers slaves, or is this uniquely American?
Let’s compare this to the small percentage of people who wanted independence in the 1700’s. The Revolutionary War wasn’t universally wanted either, with New York being a Tory stronghold. If people didn’t want to fight for their own independence, their offspring are going to fight for others slavery?
I’m not even going to ask the rhetorical about why people in the northeast didn’t run at the opportunity to fight in the war if they were so opposed to slavery either.They didn’t write thousands or millions of volumes on the war for it to be summarized on one sentence that in essence defies human nature.
jdf007ParticipantThe President has an appearance to talk about rebuilding the infrastructure, so the trains aren’t falling apart, the roads aren’t crumbling, and people and goods can get around. The Press, always finding their political slant more important than American people, start yelling at the president questions about the “confederacy”! The President calls people with helmets and clubs being bused in as thugs, and pointed out that at least the original group had a PERMIT and were legally and constitutionally allowed to be there. However small that group is, I don’t care. I don’t follow alt-radical message boards of any persuasion. I didn’t follow the lead-up to the riot. I am not on leftist email lists or craigslists ads. The press missed the points about law and order, aka the rule of law, peace, and not glorifying violence. The same press that has called every riot, every car burning, every cop injured as “peaceful protests” for years. Now I see that, somehow, Trump is the bad guy, as framed by “journ-o-lists” (recall the email list of journolists who made it their mission to put Obama in a good light in all articles) who care more about party than principle.
So lets go see the alternative. Was it better with Hillary who had conferences with thugs and rioters and couldn’t go a speech without going on about race and prisons, not roads, schools nor jobs? Bernie who allows the thugs to rush him off stage and steal his microphone? Except he seems quick to single out one nation in the world for his ire! Or, I know, Kaisich, who goes to a matzo factory and teaches the staff there about whats really in the Bible! Maybe we can bring back Obama, and have the Muslim Brotherhood back in the whitehouse, blame the recent attack in Spain on Israelis living in apartments, while calling them just “random folks” that were not at all targeted for being in a kosher establishment. Remember Paris. Yea, let’s for the that tired old nonsense again.
The ease of this anti-Trump brainwashing, anti-any-Republican really, but especially anti-Trump over such nonsense is really enlightening about how things in history so easily occurs. Maybe I sinned myself here, but I didn’t mention anything that used 12 “anonymous” sources like the articles about Trump does. Record amount of leaks per day is happening I read. And PS. this has gone so over the line I created an account to post.