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I’ve been angry that Obama didn’t do….anything constructive for 8 years. Being angry at Trump for finally getting around to things in his first term, whilst doing everything else is better than Obama and Biden’s moves combined.
January 20, 2021 11:41 am at 11:41 am in reply to: Thank You Donald Trump, the Jews’ Best Friend! #1940629jdf007Participantreb eliezer, tell it ot the NYTimes and CNN who has been touting this lie about him the day of the nomination, and every republican in the country, to an uneducated public that believes this garbage. They said he was a friend to the cause, loudly, repeatedly, everyday.
The guy has been in the media for longer than most have been alive, and this is all news to most of us.jdf007ParticipantThe media never gives you anything other than their opinions. What I see is this. There has been 4 or 5 other riots just this week, not in DC. This effects common folks.
The riots you mentioned over the last year, where cities were declared “total losses”, that only effects people like me or people I know.People protesting inside a public building that’s where all the reporters hang out and people think they’re royalty? IMPEACH….IMPEACH.
We’re all supposed to be concerned and care more about rich people in DC than everyone else and what they have to go through in this country. That’s the problem.jdf007ParticipantI remember when we had a president that talked about riots in the streets, getting in peoples faces, and to bring guns to knifefights. I never saw any serious outrage. And that President wasn’t named Trump.
I remember violence all over this country for years, and the media excused every instance.
What an about face from the media.Did you know, we still have no motive for the Pulse Nightclub shooting, even though the guy explained it to the 911 operator? How do we know who these people in DC were and their motivations using that logic?
jdf007ParticipantIf we’re going to discuss abortion, someone needs to point out that what’s legal in America is illegal in most of the world but for China. America has the loosest abortion laws in the entire world.
How about that?jdf007Participantemes nisht sheker ‘s comment can be translated to this tired philosophy I keep seeing. Just because a couple of Democrats keep advocating for something insane to be passed, doesn’t mean the entire party is toxic. But if it’s rumored one Republican said something, even when it never happened, the whole party and all of it’s voters must be banished.
Enough of the excuses. most of histories worse policies and bills were told to never have a chance, but did.
jdf007ParticipantYou didn’t say anything about proving who you are. Why does it take more security to take out a library book than to vote on a machine run by Biden’s Brother-in-Law that showed 800% more errors than the FTC allowed?
December 25, 2020 3:23 pm at 3:23 pm in reply to: Twitter Bans Zelenko – He Should Switch To Parler #1932031jdf007ParticipantLet’s go back to the issue. Software companies that don’t hire experts creating very generic and vague guidelines for subcontractors and contractors to follow to “police” speech that is out of their expertise.
Doctors did not close his account just as no one who is knowledgeable monitors complaints of hate speech that facebook and twitter keep telling me it is not hatespeech when I flag them.According to the platforms, you all don’t know what anti-semitism is.
December 16, 2020 8:52 am at 8:52 am in reply to: Did Trump cut off vaccine shipments to Israel? #1929084jdf007ParticipantTo charliehall, and congrats, instead now you have a guy who is appointing anti-semities left and right to WH positions (what are we up to, 4,5, 6? I lost count) , which at least distract us from his moral degeneracy (ie perversions and crookedness). That’s a win right?
December 15, 2020 11:26 am at 11:26 am in reply to: Did Trump cut off vaccine shipments to Israel? #1928771jdf007ParticipantWe have a lot of fantasy in this thread. Why do people fantasize negative conversations with Trump is beyond me.
If anything Pfizer is on record of being a little tantrum-like when it comes to Trump. Very bizarre comments about Operation Warp Speed. I’m sure they’ll still cash the check.
November 10, 2020 2:38 pm at 2:38 pm in reply to: Could someone explain it to a non American please…? #1918568jdf007ParticipantWhen all is said and done, it would not surprise me if the Supreme Court changes the rules so that the nonsense in Michigan and Georgia will never legally happen again. There are laws in place in western states where this nonsense doesn’t happen. We should not be propping up a system of legal cheating.
Also, Most Presidents were inaugurated in March, not January.Just because something has been done before doesn’t make it right, moral, or sometimes even in the spirit of the law.
November 10, 2020 8:10 am at 8:10 am in reply to: Do American Jews care about Eretz Yisroel? #1918463jdf007ParticipantWhy do we even live in such a world to ask the question? Does a Biden win effect the fate of a unified Ireland or does it result in the US endorsing ethnic cleansing of the emerald isle?
When I change the nouns, it shows just how offensive politicians and radicals really are.November 10, 2020 7:53 am at 7:53 am in reply to: Could someone explain it to a non American please…? #1918455jdf007ParticipantThe electoral college elects the president and decides the winner. This occurs in late December (Dec 23rd I believe this year).
Look at it this way. In 2016, up until late December, Hollywood and the media were pleading with the electors of the electoral college (made up of 538 people) to not vote with the voters, and go their own way. IE: “faithless electors”.
If the media was not the decider of the election then, what makes them the decider now? Why are they not asking for faithless electors on Biden?We have a system in place, it’s hundreds of years old. The editors of the AP will come and go. Their argument is what atheism gets you. Self-importance.
Also a UN delegation visited in 2012 to see the American system. They were in shock that you can vote on the honor system. No ID, no nothing. The worlds largest democracy, India, has ID.
jdf007ParticipantLast I ever heard, a few months ago, New York only had 20% infectioned. Same as Madrid and Italy. Worldwide they guesstimate that only 10% of people were exposed. You don’t get “herd immunity” at that low level.
In other words, just because an area had a horrific experience, which sadly chunks of the world refuse to believe happened… doesn’t mean it was arbitrarily over.
If you don’t want a second wave, come over to flyover country. We’re still in the first wave! Only 9x the daily infection rate from April here which is down from 20x. On the other hand people in these parts of the country have a shocking and appalling morality on life that I never realized until the pandemic. Please don’t trust anyone that even sounds like them on the topic of health, life, or disease.jdf007ParticipantIt’s not opinion. There is not more than one doctor who “doesn’t believe in [masks]” for every one doctor who does. These are not theories like global warming or other such things, these are actual scientific facts of things that actually do happen. The sky is blue. Blinds and shades block sunlight and stop people from looking in, and masks stop your viral shedding from flying 6-25 feet across the room just as it severely diminishes any viral load you inhale.
Has he? Please name what he’s done for American Jewry”I’m guessing no policy will ever be good enough. So what does he do personally? He defends them on television (for many, many years) and has always had them be his friend.? They teased his father for being supportive and called him Jewish.
The Democrats deleted Jerusalem from their platform, and is “infested” with anti-semites(to quote a word used by an Obama close friend/anti-semite).
Frankly, this is a silly question.
jdf007ParticipantA previous poster is spot on about teleworking. There are bosses who hate this, and micromanage. There’s even those who are resentful that you’re not in the office “they” pay for. There’s no reason we didn’t telecommute a decade ago, and the same characters will make it not the normal in the next 10 years.
How many years have people been complaining about the inefficient waste of time corporate activity called “the meeting”. Yet they still do it.Also, why the obsession with electing so-called “centrist” (code word for less radical democrat). You either want success, or failure. What’s wrong with copying what every other country does on immigration? I don’t see anyone protesting from Mexico to New Zealand on their immigration systems that is Trumps plan. What’s wrong with Free Trade? Why should we reverse all of the fixed trade deals and lowered tariffs? What’s wrong with lower taxes allowing people to actually spend and invest versus giving it to a corrupt government?
Centrism may as well be called hidden leftism.August 11, 2020 2:18 pm at 2:18 pm in reply to: Are the Chinese to blame for the covid-19 disease? #1891187jdf007Participant2scents – I agree, there is a lot of “coincidence” and such. Then there are people claiming this was in Madrid last fall! And what happened to the wet-market angle? It’s ashame we’ll probably never know now.
Regardless, I’m a little sore, living in a state that wants to do less than Sweden (I think you got about 30 guesses where I am!). I have state politicians who boast of wanting the entire population to be infected. I think we’re on our way. But, I know in this country, all around there were mysterious clusters of disease where no tests came back positive for anything, so they assumed it was a flu. Even though the tests said no. Morgues were busier than average with bilateral pneumonia, and it was a mystery of what caused it. What did anyone do? Move on with their day? Imagine if this outbreak was in the United States instead of Wuhan!
I remember seeing this on I think Jan 24th. Unlike the medical examiners in this country who seemed rather clueless, it was obvious something was wrong. I remember Dr. Fauci stating it’s no worse than a flu and others who said it will burn out before it got here.
The more I think about this recently, the more I’m in awe at the wisdom of how the world is run. I cannot fault them. They did what every organization, communist government, and corporation does. Hope it goes away and ignore it, but then they did something. I feel that this should be pointed out for perspective.August 11, 2020 12:29 pm at 12:29 pm in reply to: Are the Chinese to blame for the covid-19 disease? #1891158jdf007ParticipantI live very far away. My county was one of those mentioned in the New York Times about this very topic.
First, I saw an article last week that said China alerted the WHO in January (I think it said January)when they had a mysterious unusual cluster of people dying of pneumonia with no explanation. Most people will now say (yeah, but they lied and covered it up before then!). HOWEVER, back to that New York Times article!In January/February the coroner in my county was one of many around the nation that said they had a mysterious and unusual spike of people dying from pneumonia. They all tested negative for the flu and no one knew what it was. I have many friends who had a real bad flu this year, and all tested negative. I lost count of the #. Non-Jewish, I live very far away. It was a mystery, and everyone moved on. I don’t recall hearing anyone notified the WHO.
Think about this the next time. And think about China trying to eradicate the virus, while America goes and…wishes it away? This isn’t fair, as really, we are pinning our hopes on vaccines and treatments to save the country.
jdf007ParticipantIf there is one thing the pandemic and the nationwide riots (which are still happening, day 50 something Portland I hear) have taught us, it is that you cannot shut out the world. Some of the theories on the origin of the virus, if true, is straight out of Torah. But, the original origin theory is iffy at this time.
jdf007ParticipantWhen the world discussed the need for masks, at the same time the CDC said no. I didn’t trust them then, but I wanted to know why so I went on the CDC website, dug around the thousands of links until I found their bulletin. It gave me two reasons. A) I shouldn’t buy or wear a mask because I don’t know how to put it on. Many infectious disease hospitals in east asia have very good 1 minute videos about how to seal the mask. So that’s not an issue to me. But then, there’s the reason you said. B) The CDC says masks don’t work, but we should save and donate masks, or even fabric masks to doctors and nurses. I had no clue we hated doctors and nurses so much.
I tell everyone I meet its a big world out there, and since we’re on the internet, follow someone elses CDC where the virus isn’t running out of control as though we’re as helpless as a little Iran.jdf007ParticipantIn my part of the world, the hospitals are full, and we worry what happens to car accident victims when they can’t find a bed.
jdf007ParticipantWhy are people talking about slavery in past tense? There are more slaves – people owned today than in the 19th century. That does not include women who are trafficked, aka white slavery, which is a pandemic as well.
Also, imagine? We have facilities named after, and monuments to Nazi’s in this country. Who do you think got us to the moon? There was a small protest about 2 years ago about it. The response was this: But he did great things for the community and local area. We need to look past those old crimes (of the 1930’s and 40’s), while also worrying instead about the 16th century.
There is only one group that matters in the US’s perception of “diversity”. Otherwise, I wouldn’t make sense.July 2, 2020 12:18 pm at 12:18 pm in reply to: Anybody else suffering After Recovering From the Covid-19 #1878855jdf007ParticipantI read these articles articles and examples all the time, and studies as well. I think what you are experiencing must be pretty common. An Israeli study said 50% of people don’t fully recover, but by how much I’m not sure, I didn’t get far into it.
I want to call your doctors names, but I will not. You know what gives me anxiety? That I get the disease, and have issues, and I have unlearned doctors that know less than me. I’ve already read about a few of them via CBS. That’s a pandemic in itself as well.jdf007ParticipantThe rest of the Jewish world has no clout either. I think about this, especially as today as my former secular university is going to give a humanitarian award to a very outspoken anti-semite. They keep streets named for such, statues etc. I see hypocrisy everyday. Why should it be just the frum world, why not all Jews, and quite honestly, all Americans??? There are Jews out there who are disconnected and see it too.
I think it’s because in 3 or so generations, there’s no one to transmit values, culture or “religion” to them anymore. It’s one thing to have a parent or grandparent from the old country. But someone who is 15 or 30 today, who doesn’t go to Chabad and keeps to theirself?
At least in the beginning, when Hollywood was still Jewish, I saw an amazing interview that everyone, even the non-Jewish people spoke Yiddish!
We can’t have islands of different factions. Even if its hard to re-educate people who know nothing except western/christian drama’s on television, anything is better. I heard a Rabbi say that if all of this was lost in just 2 generations, imagine how easy it would be to get it back in 2!jdf007ParticipantThis is a good Democrat party thread. Let’s argue, and maybe revise 19th century history (and 15th century) while we have a plague in the 21st century that we ignore……until the “peaceful” “protestors” succumb. Then we can blame racism for that in a few weeks too.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen such ridiculously misplaced priorities before.jdf007ParticipantNo one mentioned if all the major corporations were giving money to looters and rioters back then like they do now. They talk a lot about “mother nature”, so the plague will take care of it soon.
jdf007Participant“Well the Democratic Party voters rejected all the anti-Israel candidates for President this year and decided to nominate Joe Biden, a man with a decades long record of support for Israel ”
By saying the first thing he will do is re-instate payments for “pay to slay” programs to the terrorist.
He doesn’t sound supportive.
May 25, 2020 4:30 pm at 4:30 pm in reply to: $1200 for the Public but Trillions of Dollars for Corporations #1864619jdf007ParticipantThe Kennedy Center for the performing arts deserve the money more than we do. I should do the math again before I post, but in 4 or 5 stimulus bills, last time I counted, 6 trillion. Divide that by the number of people in the US, and how much should you have gotten instead of 1,200? Enough money that the economy could’ve been kept afloat just on the usual consumer spending.
So, why do we stimulate the middle man instead?Also, check the records. I didn’t see Trump ever mention reopening the way he does now until the first time Pelosi refused to pass a stimulus. It was at that moment we all know there was not going to be an economic pause, and no American Royalty was going to give us multiple checks as promised to help us ride out the virus. It took China 2 months to eliminate the invisible enemy, “we” couldn’t bother in the first weeks. I follow a conservative/libertarian whatever you want to call it, but an emergency is an emergency and a pause with temporary UBI would’ve saved a lot of lives and still counting.
May 22, 2020 9:52 am at 9:52 am in reply to: Can someone explain to me why some frum people are cavalier about corona virus #1863504jdf007ParticipantDoing My Best is right on, but missed a few
11) Masks are a sign of submission to the government
12) masks are unconstitutional editedAnd so forth. I can’t believe, this far along, that we still have to have a discussion about odds. 10% chance of hospitalization, 5% chance of ICU. 1% chance of death. That’s outside of NYC which have higher stats. And, I thought if you did show symptoms, you really really show symptoms. Are my odds of winning a lottery so great?
Car accidents really? How do you drive? They have defensive driving classes.I could never figure out the point of viruses, but now I finally see it. There is something to say for infinite wisdom. Something so easy to prevent, and people don’t because of their nature. Amazing.
jdf007ParticipantWe have a large group in this country who doesn’t believe there even is a pandemic. have you seen the images of the protestors for one small example? We have another large group in this country who believes the virus never ever touches a “young” (undefined) and “healthy” (very undefined). If we take these facts, and combine it with the participation rate of other newer vaccines which is actually relatively low (Hepatitis, HPV, and some others I never heard of) , I don’t expect a lot of people will be getting the vaccine. Then there are the other people who might be reasonable and don’t want to be first for a vaccine that was rushed to market.
There’s a lot of people from Maine to California who refuse to cover their mouth and wear a mask. I don’t expect them to get an injection. If they wore a mask, we’d be in a position where I wouldn’t even be forced to get invasive injections. Why is this preferable to a mask? That is my own opinion, however.
America, land of individualism and me me me. Leave the Jews out of it for once. There’s too many others out there.May 6, 2020 9:32 am at 9:32 am in reply to: What is EY doing in fighting Covi-19 that NYC can learn from” #1857571jdf007ParticipantIsrael has a border.
Does New York have a border? Remember when they were restricting New York travelers in Florida and Texas because they were still traveling during the height of the disease in the city?Can an infected person from Chicago go to Israel? (I’m assuming its a no). Can they go to New York? Most definitely. And they can fly there too!
Subways? Do what the rest of the world does, clean them. Lower the passnger load. Even the 3rd world can do that.
jdf007ParticipantWe all think the grass is greener on the other side. Of course it is sometimes, and sometimes it never is. As someone who has gone around the red states for quite some time, although this is confirmed by the news, they did nothing. Not a single one followed Trumps 14 days to slow the spread guideline. None are opening per White House Guidelines either. Some were even shocked that other agencies had the power to close restaurant dining rooms when they refused to give the order. Some are now passing laws to strip and move their authority so that their states will not “close” again, and to grant immunity to your employer for forcing you to work in unsafe conditions.
Here is what we heard. It’s just China, no one knows what goes on over there! Iran is despotic, that’s not a fair warning about the disease. Italy isn’t so bad, don’t listen to that. We’re not Europe. We’re not New York. We’re not California. We’re not….we’re not….we’re not. And deny ourselves right into the epicenter.
Some of the red states have a higher virus rate than whole countries have. Whole countries will re-open virus free and have an economy. No one is going to the reopened malls in the red states. The workers don’t even know why they’re sitting there waiting.
How are we going to compete with healthy countries? This is Hope and Change personified!
Secondly, they disinfect cities and hose down all the trains overseas, from Mexico to Moscow. Why is New York just starting sanitation in May?jdf007ParticipantIf everything I hear is true about masks, if we all wore masks, we wouldn’t need a vaccine for this or even the flu.
A study in Australia found when they examined masks, 40% of them had viruses on it, cold, flu, covid. But 100% of the people who were wearing these masks did not shed any of these viruses, the masks captured it. Austria made masks compulsory, they are almost virus free. Other studies have shown the same thing. Then theres this image going around that says if two people wear a mask, it stops 98.5% of viruses?
This is just my theory, from all the things I’ve heard put together. But if true, that means I didn’t have to deal with the flu all of these years, and I don’t need lab mixtures shot into my arm if all we had to do was wear some fabric. That doesn’t sound that invasive to me.jdf007Participantakuperma you interchanged the words “seriously ill” and defined it by the death rates.
You can get seriously ill and not die. You can be a young person and get the covid toe from all the blood clotting. You get a heart attack and stroke.
But even more worrisome, you can be seriously ill and not die. And you can lay on your stomach for 3 weeks with trouble breathing, which feels serious enough to me.This is too basic.
May 1, 2020 8:55 am at 8:55 am in reply to: Time to cautiously reopen schools, Shuls, & most Businesses. #1855790jdf007ParticipantChina has tracking and tracing – probably one of the most “invasive” in the world. There are miniature outbreaks and they quickly lock down blocks or neighborhoods. Technically, a lockdown in China means you do not go outside at all. If they let you, you go out once every 3 days and this gets logged. Similar in other places too.
Regardless, China’s problem is other nations not wanting to bother to contain the outbreak in 76 days. Can’t sell things if there are no buyers. That shows the dependency if anything in my opinion and their real problem. No one else eradicating the disease. They can produce, no one to buy. And then there’s the retaliation, tariffs, etc.April 30, 2020 8:27 am at 8:27 am in reply to: Now What?? post pesach covid thoughts. Entitled generation being challenged #1855218jdf007ParticipantAs an outsider of sorts, I liked the start of the thread. I notice a lifestyle and high end attitude that I am not accustomed to myself in certain circles. At first I thought that maybe some of you guys are brought up with a higher aspiration than I did in my neighborhood.
Regardless, my point is in the replies which concern me. Someone made the joke about new versus old cars. Same here in my secular high school, college, and so on. Why did they drive new cars and not 10 year old ones? The non-Jewish world is even more entitled! Look at the “I want a haircut” people outside of New York. It is going to upset you to hear, but a chunk of them do not believe that the virus is that bad, and some don’t believe it even exists! Yes, that is not a typo and what you have to deal with out there. You are talking in a way that the worst is behind you and the future. About half of the nation is so entitled, that they’re just going to deem it safe, and ignore the consequences to return to normal (for them) as quick as possible. This thing is far from over. Maybe it is in other countries, but not here. The more I ponder this the harder time I have. Entitled for going to school versus entitled with silly expressions I won’t type out and going to a parade or concert during a pandemic because you feel like it, and whatever happens happens.
I disagree.Maybe the problem here is, I don’t see what’s so different or exclusive other than the fact that we have the option to go somewhere as great as Israel. But then, these entitled I want a haircut folks travel too. In some countries it’s called Gap year and they take a year off from college, that’s their culture, a years vacation during college! So, maybe the problem isn’t so much that you wanted to marry someone pretty, and then calling that entitled. Maybe it has to do with the world at large. Should we have this near libertarian “to each their own” mentality for the world? Have you seen any American politicians or groups apologize and say they were wrong to ignore and downplay the virus and do nothing. The mayor of NY, the MTA head, anyone else. Or are they all entitled so as to pretend they’re some quick thinking savior? So far I’ve seen the head of France apologize and talk unity and that is it. Everyone else is taking credit where they failed.
There’s something wrong in this society and its views towards life, and they’re going to give you a second wave of covid if civilization isn’t exported somehow. I thought I saw international unity and cooperation with no borders 2 months ago. Now I see protests, divisions, and haircut battles in the US. A pandemic can’t even bring these people together!April 29, 2020 1:51 pm at 1:51 pm in reply to: Time to cautiously reopen schools, Shuls, & most Businesses. #1854936jdf007ParticipantI was on this board, and everywhere else I can find, warning people back in Feb and Jan about covid-19 while so many people here were saying it was nothing, or its a cold or its a flu, etc. I sincerely hope that at least a few had thoughts and doubts and listened to me.
Israel took it seriously. New York did not.
New Zealand is reopening, they have almost no transmission. They locked down early. Australia. China has schools about to reopen. South Korea tracked and tracked from day 1. Austria came late, made it a law to wear a mask, now they have almost no virus and are re-opening.
In America? Almost all 50 governors ignored the virus and ignored Trump’s 15 days to stop the spread. We did not track anyone. We did not defeat the virus. So what should we do? Pretend it doesn’t exist, pretend to reopen and whoever dies, dies. Whoever is 20-50 who gets the disease, and gets the blood clots? They’re just be classifed as strokes and heart attacks, not covid-19 which caused it. The Young get it bad, just because their “death” stats aren’t impressive doesn’t mean anything.
Ignoring that, generally speaking for the nation as a whole, 22 meat plants are shut down due to the virus, not lock-downs. Wal-marts and grocery stores shut down when their employees die, who are not old people. And no one in their right mind will want to congregate and go out to these closed business if they were even open!Let’s talk trade. The factories are in the south and Texas. Why should China, Japan, Europe, etc. keep their factories open and invest in new ones to a county with a plague and lack workers, when they can do it all elsewhere without the problems?
The “civilized” world has, or will defeat the virus, and their economies will be whatever it is. Pretending we’ve done so too in the United States is exactly what will bring us economic woes. We can’t function with this contagion going around. I’m pretty patriotic, but I don’t know what makes us so special that we can survive diseased and sick, while the rest of the world can go to their whatever fests happy and healthy.
It only takes 4-6 weeks to defeat the virus if you try. It is not a “shutdown” for a year, or even six months unless you let it.
My suggestion? Leave this failed state and lets go to Israel. At least there I might be too busy to come on in six months saying “I told you so” again.April 3, 2020 1:03 pm at 1:03 pm in reply to: Why do so many continue to ignore restrictions on gatherings and travel #1846699jdf007ParticipantLet me give you another perspective. From coast to coast in America, on neighborhood bulletin boards, and all social media, I see people complaining that that they’re not complying. Families are going shopping like there is nothing going on at all. Kids in playgrounds where it hasn’t been taped off yet. I see it on youtube too. We still have (non-jews) who don’t believe in the threat. I’ve even seen these complaints happening in East Asia.
I say this so no one gets the mindset that its only some Jewish people giving a bad name to their complying neighbors. That is not true whatsoever at all. In actual reality, the question should be why are some people not listening and being a rebel. Not that we should be embarrassed because of our neighbors around the world who also are ignoring everything (including even some of the Governors!) are pointing us out. Also, In some countries Muslim groups have been defying their bans too.March 29, 2020 1:05 pm at 1:05 pm in reply to: Is America doing enough to deal with coronavirus? #1844267jdf007ParticipantWhat is America doing? I say it sarcastically since every city and every state is doing something different. You may be shut down, but in other places, its business as usual, or just quasi-restrictions. And those from your shut down city, and travel freely to those that aren’t shutdown and vice versa. And compared with the rest of the world? I don’t think America as a whole is doing much. It just depends on your mayor or governor.
jdf007ParticipantI didn’t expect anyone to relay my cries to shut it all down back in mid-February, but to continue to ignore it past March 3rd screams of some deeper issue.
jdf007Participant40% of those in the hospital are young and middle aged. I never had a fever for 1-2 weeks from a flu.
They never had to dig mass graves in Iran over a flu.
Baltimore has never had to plead with gangbangers to stop the shooting because they’re about to run out of hospital rooms for covid-19.Stop this garbage now!
jdf007ParticipantHow come I see these statements randomly posted on various boards at the same time. Is there some cut-and-paste email or tweet blast out there?
And what is with this fascination with death? How many fatalities would impress you. A big mass grave like in Iran?
How many should have the trauma of being in intensive care? Well, that’s if you have a million hospital beds available to them all at once.jdf007ParticipantI hope you all listened, and not to rumors and waving off that I am sure you heard in your own circles even to this day, the day after the emergency and prepped yourselves. Better safe than sorry, and “guarding ones health”. Keep up the hygiene, and keep everything scrubbed.
jdf007ParticipantWhich is probably the reason why only East Asians wear masks all the time culturally and they tell Americans not to. A problem of messed up values. But I speak of the nation as a whole, not those on the board here.
jdf007ParticipantI don’t listen to Limbaugh and I know that 2% is bunk. I go straight to the source, most countries have electricity now and video cameras fyi. It’s 2% or less than 2% IF you can lock down a city for weeks and not allow citizens to go outside, and fly in hundreds of military medics to put everyone with a 99degree fever into a military hospital. You won’t get this type of treatment over here. We’ll see what the real number is when someone gets more cases than China or even Korea.
Furthermore, why does everyone focus on the fatalities, what about getting sick? That does not look like a barrel of laughs. How many weeks out of work and in isolation is that? You haven’t followed how slow that recovery number ticks up versus the new cases?
And don’t forget, while everyone else says to wear a mask, the CDC says to only wear them if you are sick. Although you won’t know if you are sick for 2 weeks, which is the period you are spreading it. That’s if you even show signs. And oh yeah, it might be as mild as a cold. Though I never had a fever with a cold, and since in infected countries they only pull people aside with fevers, I’d like some more background on this.
Washington Post says transmission is difficult, the rest of the world says the R factor is a 4 versus the usual 1-2 as the flu.
CNBC ER doctors says they’re still waiting on test kits. They wanted to test 100’s but only got to 30 something people. So, again, who is sick? Mail your complaints to them and everyone outside of the US who keeps giving us contradictory facts.I thought I understood the Torah to essentially say to guard your health. Wash your hands, clean the doorknobs, and don’t touch your face should be a habit already.
jdf007ParticipantThe infection rate of this thing is many many many many (4x) higher than the flu. Even though, while I saw 4x, I also saw that one person here infects 400-500 people versus 40 people for the flu on average. But anyway, fatality rate? Who knows. In Asia, and China, they disinfect the entire cities, the buses, the subways, the stores, the trees, the sidewalks, and if you get it, you end up in those military hospitals where the doctors work themselves to death right there in front of you.
Do you think your city is clean, disinfected, or has enough doctors and equipment? I’ve been hearing about doctor shortages and room shortages since Obamacare needed to be passed. And those sidewalks and trains? yuck.
I don’t think we know anything realistic as it pertains to us over here until it spreads really good in a western country. I just heard cases jumped 50% in Italy today.jdf007ParticipantBunch of open anti-semites. Except for one newcomer who I thought was supposed to be a so-called Republican. But even so, I have to question him for the company he is now keeping if he won the nomination.
February 5, 2020 2:14 pm at 2:14 pm in reply to: Is Shmiras Shabbos the answer to climate change? #1829145jdf007ParticipantRemember those emergency days where they tell businesses to send people home to save energy? I think my couple of LED lights etc take up less energy once a week than all of these office towers leaving their computers on 24/7 and all weekend.
I bet if this were comprehensively looked at the one day a week would help.jdf007ParticipantIn China they are using plastic bags to cover their shoes in the hot zone. There’s not enough equipment to comply with the civilian quarantine laws.
What are you going to do if the coronavirus spreads? Put all your infected items, used tissues in reusable bags? Put paperbags on your shoes and hands when your gloves run out? -