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  • in reply to: Why Are Men More Intelligent Than Women? #1138473

    The op made a very big assumption – namely that higher iq = more intelligent.

    in reply to: MUST READ- Real Solutions to the Internet Challenge #922574

    A man told us:

    I always wondered about my neighbor who had teenagers in the house and a computer with internet access. I actually liked the fact that when I needed internet access from time to time I could go to his house and use his computer. However, I often took the father to task, warning him about the dangers of the internet, and questioning his awareness of the perils it posed in a home. He always waved my concerns away, assuring me that he knew all about how to protect his children. He was himself computer-savvy and controlled the amount of time they spent on it. He would also explain that his children were good, ehrlich and obedient and were not even interested in the bad stuff. In short, they would not be hurt by the computer.

    This story says the problem was computers – how do we know that at all – this is the ultimate blind assertion and a classic case of blaming otd kids on the internet while ignoring every other possible problem in our society. i could go through most of the booklet but im sure you are capable of seeing the same thing that I am seeing. In order to have an adult discussion about the internet exaggeration and hyperbole need to be taken out of the picture. You are the only person I know who actually had a positive reaction to this mess. As i have said before whoever decided not to hand out this booklet by the asifa was very smart – the flatbush internet asifa had none of this stuff in their booklet which i also think was very smart.

    in reply to: MUST READ- Real Solutions to the Internet Challenge #922571

    While i happen to think the internet is a huge problem i also think that this booklet makes lots of assertions which are simply not true and people who read it will not come away with the assumption that the people who wrote it were trying to be reasonable at all.this booklet to me is symptomatic of the past problems rabbonim have had connecting with people in regards to the dangers of the internet.

    in reply to: Why Are Men More Intelligent Than Women? #1138466

    It is not demeaning to “half the population” this is a classic percentage versus number flaw – not all men are smarter than all women. i happen to disagree with the premise anyway as the iq test is a poor judge of over all intelligence anyway. women are smarter than men in ways that do not show up on iq tests. i could cite many examples of people who tested low on their iq tests who are absolute geniuses – a person who was dyslexic for example would be more likely to test low but would be also just as likely to be as smart if not smarter than you or i. this is just one in a group of many flaws in the test and it is not that well regarded by psychologists or researchers today to be an accurate depiction of a persons intelligence.

    in reply to: yeshiva/college #909581

    @RABBAIM Ner Yisroel is a nice yeshiva with a great learning atmosphere but is impractical for a lot of college guys – they only allow guys to take two classes per semester and the only program they have left is with towson not university of maryland. Their college program is not nearly as good as it used to be. Thats why I suggested the landers, ohr hachaim and shaar yoshuv options as those still allow 4-5 classes per semester and allow guys to finish college within a decent amount of time.

    in reply to: yeshiva/college #909570

    Depends on your hashkafos but your best options are ohr hachaim, landers or shaar yoshuv. ohr hachaim has the added bonus that you can go to queens college if you want and yeshiva credits taken there are considered to be full touro college credits and not transfers.

    Landers has college every day instead of second seder while ohr hachaim and shaar yoshuv are two nights a week instead of night seder.

    in reply to: Hat during meals #880085

    @fedup11210 @ohr chodesh it does not mean 2 coverings – it is ok to just wear the hat without the kovea katan according to the mb you just quoted. this is commonly misquoted.

    in reply to: Soft drink ban #882036

    @Sam2 first of all its not legislation it is something that was decided by the mayor and was passed off to the health board – if it was ever put to a real vote it would never pass. the rationalization behind outlawing recreational drugs is also, (similar to smoking)because it affects other people and is generally bad for society in ways besides for the drug users health (i hope i don’t have to explain this). there is also a major difference between outlawing drugs and mandating personal health choices. the government can advise and incentivise but mandating is a very poor idea. also according to this logic the government should ban beer and other alcoholic beverages above a certain size in food service establishments which they are clearly not.

    in reply to: Can someone with unfiltered internet be a ???? ?????? #1134176

    @uneeq i guess you are right since they don’t appear to be reading anything besides for the first two sentences that i write anyway

    in reply to: Can someone with unfiltered internet be a ???? ?????? #1134170

    @Loyal Jew now your just making things up at least Tomche and Baalsechel were trying to come up with halchich arguments (albeit in my opinion incorrect ones)even the debreciner never said a word about poresh min hatzibur about tv even thought there is way more of a consensus about that. A community or shul has the right to decide who should be a shatz based on whatever qualifications it wants. Halacha however does not in any way mandate such a choice in this situation. Yes you argue a narrow point and it is not based in halacha or the gedolim what so ever. I am sure that if you called up the actual gedolim (many of whom are extremely accessible) you profess to be supporting they would vehemently disagree with you.

    in reply to: Can someone with unfiltered internet be a ???? ?????? #1134161

    @rabbiofberlin there is a machlokes as to what shirei agovim is so i am just using the moniker “inappropriate” instead but according to most you are right.

    in reply to: Foul Mouth Can Cost You Cash. #879386

    i am not aware of any conflicting first circuit decisions and i am sure it will be challenged by the aclu amongst others if it is passed.

    in reply to: Can someone with unfiltered internet be a ???? ?????? #1134157

    @shlishi we are talking about in a case by case basis over here and i am telling you heteirim have been given out by respectable rabbonim – primarily for business purposes and not to be used by children. this is not something which is broadcasted obviously. i personally asked my r”y before taking my present job which required having unfiltered internet and he told me to take the job.

    in reply to: Foul Mouth Can Cost You Cash. #879384

    It is unconstitutional based on a ruling in the The 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Manhattan in 2004 i forget the name of the case but unless they specifically specify what the foul language is by specifying the exact words that are an issue, it is considered to be infringement of free speech. also in a similar case State v. Samantha Elabanjo, a similar law was ruled to be unconstitutional.

    in reply to: Can someone with unfiltered internet be a ???? ?????? #1134155

    @BaalSechel i dont agree with you i think the Debriciner is very clear on multiple places inthat tshuva that there is tnai of bfarhesya and from his antenna remark amongst others seems to imply that that is a necessary condition. the shulchan aruch is talking about the chazan singing inappropriate songs in a shul or in a beis hmishtaos etc. (look at the beir heitev and likutei megadim amongst others) – the point is that he has to be oiver an averia brabim in order to become pasul as a chazzan. it is very clear from the debreciner and from the other poskim and i dont know how u saw otherwise. i think that tv is different from internet halchically as there is no heter to have a tv and there are plenty of rabbonim who will give you heterim to have unfiltered internet. That particular issue is a more protracted one (internet v. tv) but i can assure you that a majority of american poskim do agree with me – it is a bigger nisayon and the pitfalls are greater but that does not make the person who has it a bigger baal aveira – which is what is necessary in this case.

    in reply to: Facebook #890861

    I got my job through facebook

    in reply to: Can someone with unfiltered internet be a ???? ?????? #1134143

    @BaalSechel The mechutzof was responding to the op who misread the beer moshe. also after rereading the tshuva i must respectfully disagree with you – “He also says that if a person’s aquaintances know it is considered common knowledge.” while the Debreciner does say that (he actually says that the guy has to know that the rabim know) he makes additional qualifications. he says that since anyone who walks in (kol boeh baiso) can see it it is therefore considered bfarhesya. in addition he says “shei efshar lehastiro” which is again not the case with the internet – everyone just knowing it is not good enough, as the qualification is that he is being oiver bfarhesya which in the case of internet he is not – certainly over the question of whether he has a filter or not. the part about a person who has unfiltered internet in their house not being able to be chazan is your own opinion and is unsupported by the beer moshe or any other posek that i know of.

    in reply to: Can someone with unfiltered internet be a ???? ?????? #1134137

    @Tomche also how can it be bfarhesya – having the internet is ok just without a filter is a problem and that part is for sure not done bfarhesya – just because everyone knows you have the internet doesnt mean anything

    in reply to: Can someone with unfiltered internet be a ???? ?????? #1134136

    @Loyal Jew there is a vast difference between a shul deciding on its own for the qualifications of a shaliach tzibbur that fits its values and saying that no one in any shul can be a shatz in such a case.

    ” Please cite any SH’UT that disagrees with this SH’UT on what the requirements for a Shaliach Tzibbur is.” come on you have to see the flaw in that – yes everyone agrees that this is the qualification but you dont honestly think that most rabbonim hold this way even in regards to having a tv in the house.

    in reply to: Can someone with unfiltered internet be a ???? ?????? #1134128

    The Debreziner logic was because there was an antenna on the roof it is considered bfarhesya so it is definitely private in the case of internet – also cite me one litvishe rav now a days who agrees with the Debreziner rav – you will be very hard pressed to find one. i am not going to say i am at all an expert in every shaalos utshuvos sefer but i have been around some great rabbonim who were clearly not noheg this way.

    in reply to: Can someone with unfiltered internet be a ???? ?????? #1134122

    @yichusdik i think the op was not being serious as his logic doesnt even fit into what the Debreziner Rov said at all. there is not a rov in the world who would say such a thing and he is a daas yochid in that respect – besides for maybe in the chasidish community because there maybe you would be considered a poresh min hatzibur. Although i do agree with the op on one thing – w3schools is a great learning tool.

    in reply to: Can someone with unfiltered internet be a ???? ?????? #1134116

    I am assuming this is a really bad joke

    in reply to: Psak Halacha on Internet Access #878803

    @Tomche please read the whole discussion before you comment

    @DaasYochid I dont know you at all but i am sure you can see the fallacy in that logic – many people who dont have the internet would say that if they could survive without the internet anyone could. i am not sure what makes you a better barometer of what people are willing to do. ultimately i think the success of the asifa lies in the fact that awareness of the problem and possible solutions was vastly increased. hopefully people will talk to their rabbonim and craft a solution that works for them.

    in reply to: Psak Halacha on Internet Access #878800

    @DaasYochid my point was for most people who actually use the internet for college or for business that has not proven to be the case leading to as i have mentioned before a lot of people to turn off the filters. your view is that the annoyances are irrelevant. my view is that your view is presently a minority view. if things remain this way you will see low adoption rates and of the people who have decided to filter a lot of people will turn it off. Yes it works for you but we are not talking about you specifically right now we are talking about what the general klal is willing to do.

    in reply to: Psak Halacha on Internet Access #878796

    @DaasYochid first of all I appreciate the fact that you actually responded to my comments as opposed to the labeling that some other posters tend to do. The problem I’m referring to is not simply inconvenience. There is a well known study that was done on people who pirate music and they found that the main reason people pirated was not cost rather it was convenience. this is why itunes has been so successful. The reason why many people buy iphones is again because it is smooth and uncumbersome. There also have been many studies on how even changing a couple of seconds in a computers startup time had a disproportionately large affect on people. We are not talking about the same kind of annoyance – davening is difficult to do but it is not nearly as annoying as trying to use a smartphone where the touch screen doesnt work properly which i think is a more apt analogy. If there are real solutions created by the Jewish community with its multitude of needs in mind then maybe it is possible. However this has not been done that well in the past – the kosher phones in the US are a perfect example of a good idea which is poorly managed. It is highly unlikely that there will be many new ones created in the secular world based on the present attitude by tech companies.

    in reply to: Soft drink ban #882015

    @coffee addict basically. what i meant was anything labeled as a food service establishment is restricted. I would be very surprised if this is not challenged in court.

    in reply to: Psak Halacha on Internet Access #878791

    @DaasYochid ultimately the success or failure of the asifa will only be determined a couple of years down the line. I know many people who have had filters in the past who disabled or removed them for one very simple reason – they are really annoying to use. most of the people i know who had filters installed are the ones who didnt need the internet all that much anyway. an overwhelming majority do not have filters and i think that is unlikely to change.

    in reply to: Soft drink ban #882011

    @coffee addict there are some types of establishments which are allowed to carry the above 160z drinks and some are not

    in reply to: Soft drink ban #882007

    Its actually unconstitutional because it violates the 14th amendment as it is not being applied equally. If it would apply to everyone i could see them getting away with it – i am sure this will be challenged in the courts.

    in reply to: Psak Halacha on Internet Access #878763

    @avhaben what i am saying is based on a speech he made before the asifah in bmg which implied no such thing. also you have to understand that the poresh min hatzibur thing is one of the most commonly quoted things in yeshivos – it was not meant literally.

    in reply to: MUST READ- Real Solutions to the Internet Challenge #922514

    @MorahRach this is one of the most important issues of our generation and you think that it is foolish that people are discussing it? You can keep your condescension.

    in reply to: Psak Halacha on Internet Access #878739

    @avhaben that was rhetorical and i can tell u that if u were to ask rav mattisyahu directly whether he believed that to be true he would likely say no. he would agree that everyone should ask their own rav what is the best solution for them. If you would like I can have someone ask him directly.

    in reply to: Psak Halacha on Internet Access #878732

    @Chulent it happens to be that many of the rabbonim by the asifa privately disagree with rav wosner – their being there does not mean that they endorse his position nor believe that it is at all practical. Even Rav Mattisyahu did not take that position – he may wish it were possible but i would not say that it can be at all considered to be psak halacha for all. In fact I have spoken to rabbonim in Lakewood who do not go nearly that far – i think you should talk to whomever your rav is about what is the best solution for you – and i think that this is what the people who made the asifah had in mind – not to make generalized psak halachas or bans.

    Jew so it is better to not do pru urvu and be single rather than marry a guy who uses the internet – wonderful made up hashkafos.

    in reply to: MUST READ- Real Solutions to the Internet Challenge #922511

    @AZ “I think the content of this extensive booklet will be VERY agreeable to all.” you have to be kidding me my faith has been renewed in Rav Mattisyahu Solomon assuming he was the one who rejected this the beginning about filters is fine but the rest is anti-internet propaganda it is not helpful at all and would be a very big chillul hashem it does not appear to me that you read the whole pamphlet – this would have turned off a lot of people from looking at solutions.

    in reply to: Taking on Chumros #877149

    @Naysberg R’ Belski disagrees with you as does R’ Heineman

    I have personally spoken to many rabbonim and roshei yeshiva on this issue and not one agreed with you

    in reply to: Internet asifa – facebook woes #877270

    @Guter yid thats a silly statistic – i am sure the cell phone is involved in 99.9% in full or in part for affairs and marriage breakups so lets all ban cell phones

    in reply to: Unfiltered Internet #876601

    why exactly – u assume that u are aware of everyone’s business needs – todays workstations are more than capable of handling many tasks in a secure environment through virtualization in addition much of my testing is done on a workstation especially at home.

    in reply to: This weeks Yated Chinuch Roundtable #875452

    i do not get the yated but i would like to know what R’ Yaakov Bender answered as he is typically a voice of reason

    in reply to: Is K9 Filter Reliable? #875534

    they are very easy to knock out – install an overzealous antivirus and poof there it goes. this will only work for one time.

    in reply to: Unfiltered Internet #876596

    @shein i understand from your answer that you do not work in the tech industry – the way a scraper works you may never know if or why something is being blocked by a filter unless you carefully analyze the results and a lot of deals are extremely time sensitive if you speak to someone who works as in the tech industry they will probably do a better job of explaining it to you.

    @DaasYochid try telling your boss/investors that you want someone looking at your history and see how far that gets you. (especially if you work for a data aggregation company)

    in reply to: Unfiltered Internet #876585

    Lets say i am running a web scraper and the filter decides to filter out a site – can u not see how that could cause a huge monetary loss. i need to deal with a plethora of new sites and correcting the filter every time is highly impractical. in addition the market moves very quickly and there have been plenty of times where huge losses would have resulted if a website had been mistakenly blocked.

    in reply to: Unfiltered Internet #876583

    if you work in IT it is very hard to use a filter – i know that in my case using a filter could cost me thousands of dollars if it decides to block the wrong site at the wrong time. i do a lot of my work from home so i dont have the luxury of being able to filter.

    in reply to: Where to go on my next date? #903117

    not sure which number date but i would suggest in no specific order

    chelsea piers, new roc city, world financial center, dave and busters, which are all popular spots.

    in reply to: Major Jewish Music Labels Delaying mp3 Releases #873925

    @hello99 i think what derszoger means is that if you assume its not gezel then zeh nehne vzeh lo chaser would make it not masig gvul and therefore not an issur

    in reply to: Major Jewish Music Labels Delaying mp3 Releases #873922

    @ hello99 @ YW Moderator-42 this has nothing to do with the producers – they take the same cut either way and so do the artists – and keeping the prices high will just create more piracy. again the only thing that makes sense to me is that the seforim stores must have asked for this. I have a friend who owns a seforim store so i know how much they pay for the cds – it is not worth the investment for them if everyone can just get it much cheaper online. This has nothing to do with piracy in my opinion although i think it will cause more piracy.

    in reply to: Major Jewish Music Labels Delaying mp3 Releases #873915

    @The little I know this has nothing to do with the artists – sameach sells the cds to the retail stores for around $11 – when they sell it in mp3 format they are basically making the same profit per album also mp3 albums generate more sales so the original artist is not losing out – the only one losing out here is the retail stores.

    in reply to: Heteirim for Copying and giving out Music #876327

    @yitayningwut i think the op’s original question was not necc the proper way to ask it but that does not make this thread a chillul hashem as there were some very good halachic points that were raised and i for one became much more educated on this matter as a result of this – unless u assume that discussing halacha in a public forum is a chillul hashem in which case there is not much i can say. also discussing something that is illegal according to american law’s status in halacha is a chillul hashem? since when?

    in reply to: Major Jewish Music Labels Delaying mp3 Releases #873909

    i think what happened is that all of the retail stores ie eichlers etc. asked for this as they probably saw a huge drop in cd sales

    in reply to: Major Jewish Music Labels Delaying mp3 Releases #873908

    this is precisely what the major labels came to realize in the secular world – however there arent as many jewish albums especially new releases available to be pirated online but if this continues that may change

    in reply to: Having Respect for Your Elders, Kohanim and Rabbonim #898090

    according to the yaaros dvash which i mentioned previously the inyan would apply to an older sister too.

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