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  • in reply to: Election 2024 #2105616

    Trump’s rally in North Carolina has been canceled because Trump and his daughter Ivanka Trump are scheduled Friday to provide testimony for an investigation out of New York into Trump’s finances. Ticket holders were told in recent weeks that the event was being postponed and that their tickets would be honored for an event next month in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

    in reply to: Maricopa county audit #1985917

    Michigan Republicans Debunk Voter Fraud Claims in Unsparing Report

    The report, produced by a G.O.P.-led committee in the State Senate, exposes false claims made about the 2020 election by Trump allies in Michigan and other states.
    A committee led by Michigan Republicans on Wednesday published an extraordinary debunking of voter fraud claims in the state, delivering a comprehensive rebuke to a litany of accusations about improprieties in the 2020 election and its aftermath.

    The 55-page report, produced by a Michigan State Senate committee of three Republicans and one Democrat, is a systematic rebuttal to an array of false claims about the election from supporters of former President Donald J. Trump. The authors focus overwhelmingly on Michigan, but they also expose lies perpetuated about the vote-counting process in Georgia.
    The report is unsparing in its criticism of those who have promoted false theories about the election. It debunks claims from Trump allies including Mike Lindell, the chief executive of MyPillow; Rudolph W. Giuliani, the former president’s lawyer; and Mr. Trump himself.

    in reply to: Constitutional Rights? #1979558

    CTLawyer: Did your family ever belong to the Orchard Street Shul (Congregation Beth Israel)? My grandfather lived around the corner from the shul and davened there.

    in reply to: Is being “eco-friendly” a value that means something to you? #1942087

    ujm: What are your great great great grandchildren going to do when all the trees are chopped down?

    in reply to: Trump vs the Constitution #1934951

    The U.S. Supreme Court is the ultimate determiner of the constitutionality of a law. Not the President, the attorney general and not the congress.

    in reply to: Why Trump lost #1920029

    Trump told his followers to vote in person because vote by mail is a fraud. Democrats voted by mail early and in large numbers. The in person ballots were counted first which showed Trump ahead. The vote by mail ballots were counted later and were mostly Democratic.

    in reply to: Election Fraud #1919532

    “If someone voted absentee for Biden but decided to change his vote (it was the most googled question up until the election) and decided to vote for Trump in person, his vote would be counted twice and cancel each other out because as usual with government bureaucracy the left hand doesn’t know what the right hand is doing ”
    When you appear in person to vote, they have a record if you had a Vote by Mail ballot and if it was sent in. If you don’t produce your Vote by Mail ballot, you will be required to vote Provisionally.

    in reply to: Finding out who won the presidential election 2020 #1916890

    According to Fox News, Biden has Arizona already for 264 Electoral votes. Nevada would give him 6 more for a total of 270. Any of the other undecided states of PA, NC, or GA would put him way over 270 Electoral Votes.

    in reply to: Is hydroxychloroquine really proven ineffective?? #1912976

    When Trump had COVID-19 the doctors did not give him HCQ + Zinc.

    in reply to: Trump says no more stimulus #1907674

    Trump is acting in his usual transactional manner by trying to bribe people to vote for him. He is implying if you don’t vote for him and he doesn’t win, there will be no stimulus after the election.

    in reply to: To peeps that are voting Biden #1907552

    When Pam Bondi was Attorney General of Florida, she stopped investigating Trump’s phony “Trump University” after he gave her a campaign donation. In terms of nepotism, how much have Trump’s children profiteered from his presidency. In addition to Kushner and Ivanka being his “senior advisors”?

    in reply to: Leftest are reshoem? #1899942

    Do you think that all the women and their partners who had the 61,628,584 abortions
    since Roe V. Wade are all leftists or did they become leftist after their abortions?
    Do you believe that Republicans never get legal abortions?
    How many of those abortions may have been medically necessary? Also how many
    dangerous illegal abortions would still occur without Roe V. Wade?

    in reply to: More Hypocrisy from the Democrats #1893539

    I think each of the 170,000 + people who died from COVID-19 should be able to vote against Trump.

    in reply to: The Damage that Biden/Harris will Cause #1892315

    9/11 occurred while George W. Bush was President, not Clinton.

    in reply to: Charges against Derek Chauvin #1868915

    According to the owner of the club where they both worked, they worked at different times and probably never shared a shift together. Also the owner said that Chauvin was much harder on black clients vs other races.

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