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  • in reply to: Have the Evangelicals Gone too Far? #2105223


    The reason you believe that the democrats are far worse is because until now the evangelicals have not been able to establish their religion into law. They have just realized that with time and political pressure, they can control the SC and do away with laws that are against their religion.
    Just wait until their next moves.
    We already had this argument and I know that you are not concerned.

    in reply to: Have the Evangelicals Gone too Far? #2105123


    The Posuk that is the source for this Inyan is Mishlei 21:1
    פַּלְגֵי־מַ֣יִם לֶב־מֶ֭לֶךְ בְּיַד־יְהוָ֑ה עַֽל־כׇּל־אֲשֶׁ֖ר יַחְפֹּ֣ץ יַטֶּֽנּו׃

    This Posuk might not be referring to judges and therefore judges might still have complete free will.
    But, as we all know, Hashem runs the world while allowing humans free will.

    in reply to: Gun Control #2105116

    “Rav Bender trained his staff.”
    That is a proof against your opinion.
    Did all of Rav Bender’s talmidim suddenly purchase guns and carry them wherever they go?

    How do you ignore the fact that a Jewish girl is a orphan from both of her parents on July 4th because of an assault style weapon ?
    How do you ignore the fact that other Jews were permanently wounded from the shooting on July 4th?
    Be Mispallel bishloma shel malchus, or else , Ish es Rayahu Chaim Belao.
    Carrying a gun will not protect you against a AR15 shooter wearing protective gear or even a small group of attackers.

    in reply to: Gun Control #2105113

    “jackk thinking it’s not Jewish to own weapons-ignoring every chapter of tanach”
    Sorry, I learned TaNach and some Talmud and history too.

    Explain these.
    1)Avraham Avinu thrown into the Kivshan Haesh.
    2)Avrohom and Eliezer against the 4 Melochim. The miraculous dirt which turned into arrows.
    3) Yehoshua against Amalek .
    Vki Yadav Shel Moshe Osos Milchama ?
    4) Moshe against Sichon and Og
    5) Yehoshua against Yericho and Ai. Achan’s sin
    6) David and Golyas
    7) All of Sefer Yehoshua and Shoftim

    It was never about weapons.
    It was always about Closeness to Hashem.
    When Hashem was close the Jews won.
    When they lost the closeness, they lost the wars.
    Aycha Yirdof Echad Elef ?

    in reply to: GAS PRICES #2104939

    She can collect directly from Putin.
    Might take a while to actually get paid.

    When Russia loses, they will be made to pay to rebuild Ukraine and reparations to all the people they transferred.

    in reply to: Musk pulling out of Twitter deal #2104816


    I will not let anyone stop caring about Trump until he is no longer around .
    He continues to have rallies that draw thousands,still has millions that he stole from his supporters, and he is still a major candidate for POTUS in the Republican party.

    Plus, he still has not been punished for all of his illegal actions.

    in reply to: Gun Control #2104470


    You have police in the town, county and state where you live. They are ” big brother “. (We actually do not need to reference “1984” in this discussion.)
    The country you live in has a military. They are ” big brother “.
    They protect you.
    Jews in countries with strict gun laws rely much more on ” big brother”.

    The Jewish idea is to be mispalel bshlomah shel malchus and if a county descends to ish es rayahu chayim blao to leave it.

    There is absolutely no jewish idea that every citizen must have assault weapons. If you can find me a source , I would be happy to hear it.

    in reply to: GAS PRICES #2104449

    Illinois has had the second-highest motor fuel taxes in the nation since Gov. J.B. Pritzker doubled them to 38 cents per gallon from 19 cents in 2019.

    Today’s AAA National Average
    $4.721 Price as of 7/8/22
    Today’s AAA Illinois Avg.
    $5.199 Price as of 7/8/22

    in reply to: trump serving idols #2104363

    A few weeks before the feds came knocking Donald Trump removed himself and his son Donald Trump Jr. from the board of his social media company.

    The Sarasota Herald-Tribune reported:

    Donald Trump removed himself from the board of his Sarasota-based social media company, records show, just weeks before the company was issued federal subpoenas by both the Securities and Exchange Commission and a grand jury in Manhattan. Trump, the chairman of Trump Media and Technology Group, was one of six board members removed on June 8, state business records show.

    Among the board members removed were Kashyap Patel, Trump’s former point man in the White House; Scott Glabe, a former assistant to Trump who was counsel for the media company; and Donald Trump, Jr.

    Trump’s Social Media Company Is Under Federal Investigation As A Potential Scam

    Donald Trump’s social media company came under federal scrutiny almost immediately as his potential merger partner and Trump himself appeared to be running a scam to bilk investors out of their investments in his social media company.

    Trump later brought in his son Donald Trump Jr. to fix Truth Social even though Jr. has no experience running a technology/social media company.

    It appears that the one person that Trump has not tried to protect is former Rep. Devin Nunes, who left the House to take a job as an exec.

    in reply to: trump serving idols #2104282

    As part of an ongoing investigation into Donald Trump’s potential criminal interference in the 2020 presidential election, several of the former president’s closest advisers — including Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.) and Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani — are being subpoenaed to testify before a grand jury in Georgia’s Fulton County.

    The subpoenas, which were approved July 5 by the judge presiding over the grand jury, summon senior members of Trump’s legal team, including Giuliani, Kenneth Chesebro, John Eastman, Jenna Ellis and Cleta Mitchell, all of whom are believed to have knowledge of Trump’s attempts to tamper with the election process in battleground states such as Georgia, according to the documents. The conservative pundit Jacki Pick Deason was also subpoenaed.

    in reply to: trump serving idols #2104276

    What a tremendous coincidence !

    James Comey and Andrew McCabe were audited by the IRS in a program that is supposed to be random and extremely rare.

    2 of the people that were involved investigating Trump.

    The rot of DJT is deep and is mayim she’ayn lahem sof.

    in reply to: Gun Control #2104021


    Are you explaining how we got to the situation in 2022 that mass killings in America are an hourly occurrence or are you saying that it is historically for our benefit so we will just have to continue dying ?

    in reply to: Gun Control #2103985

    Why are the options to do only one or the other suggestions above?
    Do them all !!!!!! Now!!!!
    Improve mental health, ban assault weapons, ban bullets, destroy the NRA etc …
    Why in America does a Jewish child go to a July 4th parade and come home a yasom?

    Why in America where they just banned abortions do they do nothing to protect tzelem Elokim’s already living outside the womb?

    in reply to: trump serving idols #2103564


    I have no idea what your circle of friends discuss. But none of what I wrote exists only in my mind.

    And since you didn’t specify what you are referring to, there is nothing that even needs a response.

    When Trump is running for the Republican nominee and verbally assaults and destroys every one else, but still has tens of thousands of adoring supporters, you can refer back to my words .

    in reply to: trump serving idols #2103515

    Syag thanks for inviting me to post.

    There are many fanatical evangelical christian trump supporters who worshipped trump in a religious way since day one. This goes hand in hand with their belief that America is a white Christian nation.
    There is plenty of video evidence of this.
    They had excuses for everything he did. Everything.
    Trump’s life being focused on money and wealth and never going to church was not a contradiction but a confirmation that he must pray privately everyday or else how did he become so wealthy ? (That Prayer leads to wealth is actually a very kosher logic.)
    They still have excuses for everything he has done.

    On a similar topic, there were even some Yidden who bought into this philosophy of trump being “appointed by Hashem” more than any other president of the US.
    Somehow trump losing in 2020 hasn’t caused them to rethink their beliefs.
    Why they do not believe with the same fervency that Biden has been appointed by Hashem is a mystery to me .
    Hashem appoints every leader and Lev melachim are byad Hashem.

    in reply to: Sensible gun laws #2103259

    Another boring 4th of July, where republicans can celebrate their love of life while watching their love of guns destroy hundreds of lives.

    Let’s all congratulate the NRA for a job well done.

    in reply to: GAS PRICES #2102346

    Republican tend to fantasize that they have all the solutions until they actually have to govern and show that their hands are empty.
    No healthcare.
    Insulin costs can keep rising for a drug that people need to live.
    All drugs can keep overcharging.
    Trump’s deficit that went up by trillions of dollars.
    More wars.
    More guns.
    More americans dying.
    No wall at southern border.
    Deny pandemic.
    Lose an election and then attempt by all means possible to stay in power.

    Republicans love Russia . Trump was Putin’s disciple. Let Russia conquer AND WIPE OUT Ukraine, Finland, Sweden, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania etc. Republicans would never fight Hitler in 2022.
    AntiFa is a derogatory term to the republicans.

    I have asked many times on the CR for the republican answer to all the problems that they blame on Biden. Crickets. Or more fantasizing. (Like somehow surrounding Putin with NATO that never attacked him, was the reason for Putin to risk everything on an ill-conceived and worse carried out war.

    in reply to: Lead the charge to the Capitol on Jan 6 #2102308

    Trump did not need the military to support a coup. He didn’t need a single military personnel. In fact, all the General’s told him that they are not helping him.
    Neither Trump, nor any Republican, believs that he needed the military. If he did, what was going on January 6th with Trump being very disappointed with Mike Pence ?

    He was doing everything through a very illegal and unconstitutional plan without firing a single AR-15.

    The plan, as has been stated a million times, and is very clear from the hearings, was that Trump wanted Mike Pence not to certify the legal electors that the states had sent him.
    He wanted Pence to use the “alternate” (i.e false) electors sent by the state’s republican party.

    Once that happened, the legal atomic bomb that Mike Pence had dropped, was going to cause a legal civil war.
    SCOTUS was going to have to get involved and who knows what they would have done. In fact, I am sure that Ginni promised Trump that her husband was completely onboard and he would get the other 2 Trump nominees on board also.

    Congress would also have gotten involved and we know that the Republicans were going to side with Trump.

    Currently in 2022, the court (made of some judges who are supreme and many who are really not ) has just decided to take on a controversial election-law case. Depending on their decision , the next election will be easy-peasy for the Republicans to steal. It is the independent state legislature theory.
    In its most extreme form, the independent state legislature theory was invoked — unsuccessfully — by Trump advocates in an effort to sidestep the legitimate outcome of the 2020 election. In Arizona, for instance, some Trump supporters used the theory in calling for the decertification of the state’s electors. Among those seeking decertification was Virginia Thomas, the wife of Justice Clarence Thomas.

    in reply to: Lead the charge to the Capitol on Jan 6 #2102169

    Mick Mulvaney, former acting WH COS:
    Cheney’s closing is stunning: they think they have evidence of witness tampering and obstruction of justice.
    There is an old maxim: it’s never the crime, it’s always the coverup.
    Things went very badly for the former President today. My guess is that it will get worse from here

    in reply to: Lead the charge to the Capitol on Jan 6 #2102086

    Was there a judge in the courtroom to object to hearsay?
    Because it wasn’t a courtroom , there was no defendant, no prosecutor, no lawyer defender and no judge either.

    Besides, there are a gazillion exceptions to the hearsay rule.

    in reply to: January 6th Committee Hearings #2101331


    He wasn’t trying to overthrow the government. Nobody says he was trying to do that.
    He was the government.
    He was overturning the results of an election to stay in power.

    in reply to: Supreme Court Rules – States Can Ban Abortion #2100744

    Gefilte Fish,

    Please do not minimize Rav Moshe who was the Posek Hador and his psak by saying that current events has anything to do with it.
    On the thread where I mentioned the discussion with Rabbi Tendler zatsal , it is clear from Rabbi Tendler , that Rav Moshe held that his psak on abortion was Daas Torah. It was Daas Torah in the year 2448 and the same in the year 5782.

    in reply to: Supreme Court Rules – States Can Ban Abortion #2100738

    “In situations where termination of pregnancy is necessary to save the mother’s life, it would be offensive to claim that such a basic humanitarian concern is uniquely tied to a particular religion. ” ?

    Great line.
    You should check with the religion that has been demanding abortion bans before you answer for them. You might be offensively surprised.

    in reply to: Supreme Court Rules – States Can Ban Abortion #2100712

    Israel Loosens Abortion Regulations In Response To Roe
    The new rules, approved by a parliamentary committee, grant women access to abortion pills through the country’s universal health system and remove a longstanding requirement that women appear physically before a special committee before they are permitted to terminate a pregnancy.

    Who could have foreseen that?

    in reply to: January 6th Committee Hearings #2099956

    3) Jeffrey Clark, whose home federal agents searched Wednesday in a significant development that reflects the increasing legal jeopardy faced by Trump’s allies and perhaps Trump himself.

    Herschmann said ,“When he finished discussing what he planned on doing, I said: … ‘Congratulations, you’ve just admitted your first step you’d take as attorney general would be committing a felony and violating Rule 6(e). You’re clearly the right candidate for this job.’”

    Donoghue recalled a meeting that involved both Trump and Clark:

    And so I said, ‘Mr. President, you’re talking about putting a man in that seat who has never tried a criminal case, who’s never conducted a criminal investigation. He’s telling you that he’s going to take charge of the department — 115,000 employees, including the entire FBI, and turn the place on a dime and conduct a nationwide criminal investigations that will produce results in a matter of days? It’s impossible. It’s absurd. It’s not going to happen. It’s going to fail. He has never been in front of a trial jury, a grand jury. He’s never even been to [FBI Director Christopher] Wray’s office.’ … ‘It’s not going to happen. He’s not competent.’

    in reply to: January 6th Committee Hearings #2099954

    1) The pardon requesters:
    Reps. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.) and Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) — In a Jan. 11 email from Brooks, he said he and Gaetz were suggesting pardons for everyone who objected to the election results in Arizona and Pennsylvania. White House lawyer Eric Herschmann also said he believed that Gaetz had requested a pardon.
    Rep. Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.) — Hutchinson testified that he requested a pardon.
    Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Tex.) — Hutchinson testified that he requested a pardon.
    Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) — Hutchinson said that she had heard that Greene had asked the White House counsel’s office for a pardon from deputy counsel Pat Philbin but that Greene hadn’t asked her personally.
    Rep. Scott Perry (R-Pa.) — Hutchinson testified that he requested a pardon.
    Hutchinson also said that Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), whom House Republicans tried to put on the committee before Democrats objected, talked with the White House about congressional pardons but that she was unaware of him asking for one.

    2) The committee indicated for apparently the first time that there might have been coordination in the plotting between Trump’s legal team and certain members of the Justice Department.

    in reply to: January 6th Committee Hearings #2099911

    Trumps claim has been entirely debunked.

    Statements from the Pentagon and testimony from the former House sergeant-at-arms show Trump did not request 10,000 troops ahead of the rally. The speaker of the House does not even have the power to reject that type of request.

    Pelosi is not in charge of Capitol security. The Capitol Police are overseen by the Capitol Police Board and committees from the Senate and House of Representatives.

    The claim does not even make common sense.
    Why would you need 10,000 National Guardsmen for a peaceful rally, where people hear speeches and carry signs and then go home?

    in reply to: Issues 2022 #2099754

    Do you know the difference between the Fed and POTUS?

    in reply to: January 6th Committee Hearings #2099695

    Mind boggling ? No.
    Nothing Trump does is mind boggling.
    Just illegal and sad.

    Not sure why you think nobody is watching it. So many people are watching that Fox news changed their sick minds and started showing it.

    in reply to: Issues 2022 #2099703

    Gadol Hadofi,

    “No, inflation was high before the war in Ukraine broke out”.
    Exactly. So what did Powell do the past year and a half to help lower the rate of inflation?

    in reply to: January 6th Committee Hearings #2099633

    “The president of the United States is supposed to represent every American, not to target one. But he targeted me, Lady Ruby, a small business owner, a mother, a proud American citizen who stand up to help Fulton County run an election in the middle of the pandemic.”

    in reply to: January 6th Committee Hearings #2099614


    A judge dismissed conservative cable news channel One America News Network from a defamation lawsuit filed by Ruby Freeman and Wandrea “Shaye” Moss after the two sides reached a settlement.
    The two women had also sued former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, a lawyer for former President Donald Trump, saying he amplified the lies about them during frequent appearances on OAN.
    Moss and Freeman also filed a separate defamation lawsuit against The Gateway Pundit, its owner Jim Hoft and his brother Joe Hoft, a contributor to the conservative website. That lawsuit is pending in federal court in Missouri.

    in reply to: January 6th Committee Hearings #2099612

    The House committee investigating the Jan. 6 Capitol riot revealed that Johnson’s chief of staff tried to deliver to Vice President Mike Pence a slate of fake electors backing Trump, raising questions about the Wisconsin Republican’s role in a deliberate and coordinated plan to block Biden’s win and give Trump the presidency.

    in reply to: January 6th Committee Hearings #2099216

    Shaye Moss’s life forever changed on Dec. 10, 2020, when Rudy Giuliani, then President Donald Trump’s top campaign lawyer, publicly claimed that she and her mother, a fellow poll worker in Fulton County, Ga., had rigged the outcome in her state.

    Moss’s supervisor suggested that day that she check her social media accounts to see if she had received any threats, as others in the office had. She was stunned by what she saw when she pulled up her Facebook Messenger account.

    “It was just a lot of horrible things there,” Moss said at a hearing Tuesday before the House committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol. Many of the messages were racist and “hateful,” said Moss, who is Black. “A lot of threats wishing death upon me, telling me I’ll be in jail with my mother and saying things like, ‘Be glad it’s 2020 and not 1920.’ ”

    Both she and her mother, Ruby Freeman, were forced into hiding.

    Moss said she was speechless when her supervisors showed her a recording of Giuliani’s statement to a Georgia state Senate committee investigating the 2020 result. Giuliani claimed that Moss and Freeman had plotted to kick out observers at the State Farm Arena, where the county had set up a ballot counting operation. They had brought in suitcases filled with fraudulent ballots for Biden and scanned them through the tabulating teams multiple times, he said. He described surveillance video from the arena that he claimed showed the two exchanging USB memory sticks, presumably containing fraudulent vote counts, “as if they’re vials of cocaine.”

    “I mean, it’s obvious to anyone who’s a criminal investigator or prosecutor that they are engaged in surreptitious, illegal activity,” Giuliani said. “And they’re still walking around Georgia. They should have been questioned already. Their homes should have been searched for evidence.”

    Rep. Adam B. Schiff (D-Calif.), who led the questioning at Tuesday’s hearing, asked Moss: “None of that was true, was it?”

    Moss’s answer: “None of it.”

    Schiff then asked about the USB memory sticks.

    “What was your mom actually handing you on that video?”

    “A ginger mint,” Moss said.

    Trump also attacked Freeman and Moss personally in a phone call with Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger (R) just days before the Capitol attack, mentioning Freeman 18 times and describing her at one point as a “professional vote scammer and hustler.” The Washington Post obtained a recording of the call and published it last year.

    in reply to: Issues 2022 #2099172

    Biden, unlike Trump who politicized the Fed, respects the independence of the Federal Reserve.

    President Biden never communicated to the Fed what they should do. Never did he tell them to do nothing regarding inflation.

    (In fact, if you are a Biden hater, you could accuse him of shifting responsibility to the Fed for inflation. )

    Inflation is not an American problem. It is a global issue. Inflation in the Eurozone and UK is over 8 percent.

    In April, the U.S. Department of Energy announced that it has awarded contracts for all of the initial 30 million barrels it put up for sale as part of President Biden’s historic Strategic Petroleum Reserve Release. These barrels will be delivered in May and June, and are the first U.S. sale in the largest release from reserves from both the United States and the rest of the world in history. Together, these releases will put more than one million barrels per day on the market over the next six months, and will help address supply disruptions caused by Putin’s further invasion of Ukraine and the Price Hike that Americans are facing at the pump.

    in reply to: We must stop the hostile takeover of YWNCR #2099073


    If you never realized, sarcasm doesn’t work too well on the internet.

    in reply to: We must stop the hostile takeover of YWNCR #2099015


    I am surprised that the CR allowed you to start a thread about doxxing other tzelem elokims.

    I am very happy to be on your list because neither me, nor any of the others, have done anything that you are accusing us of.

    in reply to: GAS PRICES #2098641

    The gas companies love that video. They love it to the bank.
    They can raise prices up and up and up, and the republicans will continue to blame Biden.

    in reply to: GAS PRICES #2098522

    The gas companies already have enough land to frack on, if they wanted. They don’t want to. They are all enjoying the billion dollar profits that they are currently making while the America consumer suffers.
    Finishing building the Keystone XL phase 4 pipeline is a republican fairy tale that it would significantly lower gas prices.

    in reply to: GAS PRICES #2098400

    Please tell us all what the republicans are going to do to bring down gas prices?
    Magat’s love to complain. But they have zero solutions.

    in reply to: Whats your favorite Parsha Sheet? #2098239

    Jcn daily sends out an email weekly with 50 beautiful parsha sheets to download .

    in reply to: BLM RIOTS VS. JAN. 6 PROTEST #2097656

    “That declaration of Donald Trump as the next president would have plunged America into what I believe would have been tantamount to a revolution within a constitutional crisis in America, which in my view, and I’m only one man, would have been the first constitutional crisis since the founding of the republic,” Luttig testified.

    in reply to: BLM RIOTS VS. JAN. 6 PROTEST #2097589

    There is zero comparison between BLM riots and Jan 6th Protest.
    Apples and Oranges. Es klep zich azoi vi abus tzu di vant

    Complaining about the BLM riots is a deflection and diversion to the JAN 6 Committee findings.

    The committee is not setting down the law regarding the protesters at the protest. That is being handled by the justice department. More than 840 people have been arrested for storming the U.S. Capitol building on Jan. 6, 2021, with charges ranging from obstruction of an official proceeding to assault. Only around a quarter of those arrested—185 individuals—have received criminal sentences, while the rest are waiting for their trials or haven’t yet reached plea agreements.

    The committee is examining the communications between Trump, his administration, his lawyers and other Republican Political officials who were part of the plot to overturn the election.
    It has received verbal testimony, videos, texts , emails etc …
    It has subpoenaed hundreds of people. Most testified . The few that refused, some of them are being held in contempt and probably going to sit in jail.

    in reply to: January 6th Committee Hearings #2097156

    “I don’t remember why he called me,” Herschmann said. “He started asking me something about dealing with Georgia and preserving something potentially for appeal.”

    “I said to him, ‘are you out of your mind?’ right. I said, “I only want to hear two words coming out of your mouth from now on—orderly transition.'”

    “I don’t want to hear any other words coming out of your mouth, no matter what, other than ‘orderly transition.’ Repeat those words to me,” he said.
    Asked how Eastman replied, Herschmann said that “eventually” he repeated the words.

    Herschmann continued describing the conversation, telling the committee he advised Eastman that the “best free legal advice you’re ever getting in your life,” is to “get a great criminal defense lawyer, you’re going to need it.”

    “Then I hung up on him,” Herschmann added.

    in reply to: כח דהתירה עדיף #2096514

    Noda BiYhudah I, Even HaEzer 29
    ועדיף לן כח דהיתרא להתיר העלובה הזאת אחרי שעל זה אנו מצווים ועומדים להמציא כל צד היתר שאפשר כדי להקל בעגונה

    Toldot Yaakov Yosef, Shoftim
    וכמו בחורבן ירושלים, שהיו נביאי אמת מוכיחין בשער לעשות טוב פן יחייבו לממ”ה, ונביאי שקר היו מקילין להם, ובישרו שלום וצדק, שלא יאונה להם כל און, ובוודאי כח דהתירא עדיף הי’ להם לשמוע, עד שגרמו בעו”ה לבית מחמדנו לחרוב ונפלה עטרת ראשינו, כמ”ש (איכה ב, יד) נביאיך חזו לך שוא ומדוחים ולא גלו על עוונך

    in reply to: January 6th Committee Hearings #2096245


    And Trump’s li(n)e to his maga supporters that gave him millions of dollars after the loss to determine that there was fraud boils down to, “you know how you can you know there was fraud? Because I said so”

    in reply to: January 6th Committee Hearings #2096183

    Jan. 6 Committee Vice Chair Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) said Monday that former President Trump was urged by his campaign advisers to not declare victory on Election Day, that he knew before the election that the counting of mail-in ballots would not be complete until days after the election, and that he declaration of victory came at the urging of a drunk former mayor.

    “President Trump rejected the advice of his campaign experts on Election Night, and instead followed the course recommended by an apparently inebriated Rudy Giuliani to just claim he won and insist the vote-counting stop, to falsely claim everything was fraudulent,” Cheney said in previewing the day’s testimony. “He falsely told the American people the election was not legitimate. In his quotes, ‘a major fraud.’ Millions of Americans believed him.”

    in reply to: Opulence Worshippers #2096111


    The reality is that Hishtadlus is necessary and Hashem gives the bracha for Parnasa.

    in reply to: Jan 6, the Titanic, and our Democracy #2096062


    Did you even do basic research into the motivations of Roske? Or into the circumstances of his attempted “assassination”?

    Do you judge everything by the NY Times Paper Edition? Or your local newspaper whatever that is ?

    Did you follow up and see if there were further updates ?

    Did you know that there were 2 deputy marshals in front of Kavanaugh’s house?

    Did you know that Roske called the Montgomery County Emergency Communications Center and said he was having suicidal thoughts and had a firearm in his suitcase ?

    Did you know that Roske believed the justice that he intended to kill would side with Second Amendment decisions that would loosen gun control laws ?

    Do you know that it is not illegal to protest in front of SCOTUS’s house?

    in reply to: Opulence Worshippers #2096040

    I find that in some Jewish publications the traif hashkafa of Kochi Votzem Yadi asah Li es hachayil hazeh seems to have invaded.

Viewing 50 posts - 401 through 450 (of 1,217 total)