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  • in reply to: I don’t like Donald Trump, but… #2115011

    Comic Material.
    All damaging evidence was planted.
    No classified material found.
    The FBI is corrupt.
    The judge has an agenda.
    It’s unprecedented.
    Our democracy is at risk.
    This is third world activity.
    Change the archaic laws.
    Impeach the head of the DOJ.
    If they just asked nicely, they would have received the information.
    There was “zero justification” for obtaining a search warrant.

    Depending on your political view I am either referring to mar-a-lago or hunter but it could not be both. (why not?)


    Depending on your political view I am either referring to mar-a-lago or hunter but it could not be both. (why not ?)

    in reply to: GAS PRICES #2114447


    Everyone is welcome to express their opinions.
    I do not consider a “Lets go Brandon” as a opinion .
    I do not consider a “food prices are high” as a response to a post about ” the 3 weeks that Biden and Democrats ( and with some Republican help) were able to seal the deal on a few bills that are major initiatives.” I never said they weren’t. I live here too and I pay the same prices as you.

    In a humorous vein, you should be careful about quoting gas prices because AAQ will double check you and if you are off by even less than a penny he will call you out.

    in reply to: GAS PRICES #2114304


    There are many benefits for Americans from the bills that passed and from killing Ayman al-Zawahiri.

    What would you like congress to do so about your grocery bill ?
    I am waiting for the R’s to stop complaining and offer a bill that will lower your grocery bill.
    Or maybe we should become communists and dictate prices for grocery ?

    in reply to: GAS PRICES #2113979

    AAA Gas Prices
    Florida Average $3.726
    National Average $4.010

    Its been a good 3 weeks for Biden.

    Biden has racked up a string of major successes in the past 3 weeks. Some of it coinciding with his being infected with Covid.

    Passage of the health, climate and tax bill which is at the center of his domestic agenda. ( This week ) Senate R’s voted against

    Passage of bill called Chips and Science act to boost domestic computer chip makers. Some Senate R’ voted for

    Passage of bill to help veterans exposed to burn pits. R’s originally voted for and then against and then for again.

    A once-in-a-generation expansion of NATO. Totally bipartisan. (the only R against it is the Senator auditioning for a position at a certain Media outlet – Josh Hawley. He needs to keep himself in the news even if it makes him look like an idiot.)

    Historic job growth numbers

    75 judges confirmed, more than any president at this point in his term since John F. Kennedy.

    The long-sought killing of al-Qaeda’s leader.

    in reply to: I don’t like Donald Trump, but… #2113865


    You think that Trump respected the FBI when he fired the director James Comey?

    Or when he hired Andrew McCabe and fired him 85 days later – one day before his pension ?

    (By the way, in October 2021, McCabe settled with the Justice Department a wrongful termination suit he had filed in August 2019. As part of the settlement, the government agreed to “rescind and vacate” McCabe’s termination, correct its records “to reflect that Mr. McCabe was employed continuously by the FBI from July 1996 until he retired on March 19, 2018 as the FBI Deputy Director” in “good standing,” restore his pension and other benefits, pay his legal fees and expunge any record of having been fired.)

    Or when he fired Peter Strzok ?

    Or when Attorney General William Barr said he believes the FBI operated out of “bad faith” when it investigated whether the Trump campaign colluded with Russia ?

    Or when Comey issued a statement in July 2016 on the investigation of Secretary Hillary Clinton’s use of a personal e-mail system in the middle of a Presidential election where she is the Democratic nominee?

    in reply to: I don’t like Donald Trump, but… #2113608

    It isn’t Dems. It’s the FBI.

    in reply to: GAS PRICES #2113349

    AAA gas prices today

    National Average

    Florida Average

    in reply to: GAS PRICES #2113249


    My point of posting is simply to point out that they are going down.

    I don’t pretend to know what will be next week’s price or next month’s.

    We should just realize that it is going down and I am recording it.

    It might go up, I don’t know.
    I doubt anyone is going to vote Republican, who isn’t already a Republican, due to inflation.

    in reply to: GAS PRICES #2113161


    Current natural gas prices is 7.28/MMBTU.

    You obviously understand that american’s and politician’s are not looking at the esoteric spot gas prices but instead focus on the price of gas at the pump.

    in reply to: GAS PRICES #2113109

    AAA Average Gas Prices

    Current gas prices.
    Florida 3.76
    National 4.05

    in reply to: GAS PRICES #2112195


    I am also sorry.
    In the spirit of the nine days I wish you and all the CR a meaningful fast.

    in reply to: GAS PRICES #2112143


    I meant exactly what you have just done. Made a comment which adds no value except to attack a person.

    in reply to: GAS PRICES #2111808


    “To create so much pain for the country”. That is your opinion based on your politics.
    “and then to start pointing out to every little improvement off the bottom you reached is really irritating.”.
    That is not even an opinion. That is complete politics.
    It works for fox, newsmax, OAN and other garbage media. They make a lot of money off of selling people “outrage” and ignoring facts.

    in reply to: GAS PRICES #2111466

    I have stopped reading your posts directed to me because you obviously have no idea who I am or what I think.
    I do not enjoy arguing.
    I enjoy making points.

    Reporting current gas prices is a fact.
    It’s not necessarily positive or negative.

    That Republicans think that high prices is a bonanza is taken directly from the CR.
    Read some of this thread and other threads.


    in reply to: Predictions: Democrat Rout 2022 #2111352


    All the issues you mention have nothing to do with the US being a superpower.
    The US is a superpower due to it being a Financial Power, Military Power, and a Power for Democracy. Those don’t disappear because the 2 parties can’t agree on anything.

    The UK has it’s own major issues.
    BREXIT is a total financial disaster for the UK. Even after multiple votes and delays.
    Boris Johnson and his government totally collapsed a few weeks ago.

    in reply to: Liz Cheney for President #2111043


    Liz is a member of the Republican party. She is a strong believer in everything the Republican party believes and has always voted together with them.

    Wisconsin and many other states have destroyed the Republican party and are really the TrumPublican Party. Their loyalty is to Trump and not to America.

    Only if you are not loyal to America do you believe that indicting and convicting a former President for a conspiracy to overthrow an election is somehow bad. Only if you are not loyal to America do you believe that you have to get revenge for indicting and convicting a former President for a conspiracy to overthrow an election.

    Liz has gladly removed herself from having anything to do with the anti-american trumpublicans. In her own words , they are a stain on America and will be remembered as seditious traitors.

    in reply to: GAS PRICES #2111019

    Today’s AAA
    National Average


    Today’s AAA
    New York Avg.


    Today’s AAA
    Florida Avg.


    Price as of

    This is very depressing for Republicans who see high gas prices as a bonanza for them.

    in reply to: Liz Cheney for President #2110270


    The “forward party” is a great example of the stupidity of a third party.
    Anybody know any of the actual positions of the Forward Party on issues?
    How will they govern?

    Or will they just say “lot of democrats don’t like the current democratic party and a lot of republicans don’t like the current republican party – ergo just vote for us”. That is idiotic!

    When they actually reveal their positions , they will be the same current positions of either most republicans or democrats.

    They don’t even have a candidate who has the potential to be appealing like Ross Perot.

    in reply to: January 6th Committee Hearings #2110053


    Please have the other side told under oath.
    So when it is proven to be perjury, they can go to jail.

    There is only one side.The one told under oath.
    The one told by the phone logs and text messages.The one told by the video evidence.

    The one told exclusively by REPUBLICANS who were members of the administration and Trump’s inner circle.

    All those who want to lie, have lawyered up . One is already on his way to prison.

    in reply to: January 6th Committee Hearings #2109469


    Sorry, current events is not called being fixated. It is daily in the news as the committee does it’s work and republicans who were the closest to the president testify to congress under oath.

    I can understand why you want to ignore it. It is devastating to the republican party that in the over 240 years of this country we have had a peaceful transition between presidents except for one.
    Think about that for a few minutes.

    Fox news can stay fixated on the really big issues like Hunter Biden.

    The only who needs help are the people who still support Trump.

    in reply to: Liz Cheney for President #2109426


    The 2 party system that the US has now is very well established and is a fact.
    There are no other parties that stand any chance of winning.

    If a candidate runs as a third party spoiler even though they have no chance of winning, it will be to the detriment of the other 2 and cause one of them to automatically lose the election.

    Parts of a party can be woke or maga but they are still part of the 2 party system.

    in reply to: January 6th Committee Hearings #2109395

    The House has voted to hold Mark Meadows in Criminal Contempt of Congress.
    It’s the first time the House has voted to hold an ex-member of Congress in contempt since the 1830s, according to the AP.
    Nobody is above the law. Especially traitors.

    in reply to: Monkeypox — The new AIDS #2109353


    That was my point .
    To compare AIDS which killed people to monkeypox is a terrible analogy because of what you wrote.
    Also, by AIDS , we have a mesorah from R Miller zatsal to be toleh it as onesh min shomayim for this behavior. At least on the level of Frum Yidden seeing Mishpat Hashem in this world.

    Ujm is looking to see Hashem’s Mishpat similarly for these people in 2022 with monkeypox. Zal zein azoy.

    in reply to: Monkeypox — The new AIDS #2109153

    Comparing a deadly disease to chicken pox is a gigantic stretch.

    in reply to: Lakewood #2109151


    I thought you were answering humorously, but you seem to seriously suggest this place Tip Tam Camping Resort.

    Have you ever stayed there?

    For 50$ you can camp out in a tent.
    Even for more, the cabins appear to be bare bones.
    Does it have any conveniences for frum people ?

    in reply to: Liz Cheney for President #2109091


    The 2 parties are Democrats and Republicans.

    in reply to: Liz Cheney for President #2108831


    I remember the last time a third party candidate ran (twice) and had a successful campaign but was obliterated in the elections.
    Most people don’t even remember the name Ross Perot.
    It is impossible for a third party to win.

    in reply to: Liz Cheney for President #2108715


    She might lose her election, but she definitely will not be on the unemployment line.

    She will be remembered in American history books together with Sen. Sam J. Ervin Jr. D-N.C who was the chairman of the Senate Watergate committee in 1973 and Sen. Howard H. Baker Jr., R-Tenn who was vice chairman of the Senate Watergate Committee.

    All the republicans that cooperated with Trump on Jan 6th and that continue to refuse to investigate his malfeasance will find their place in American history in the same paragraph as the twice impeached president and Ashli Babbitt.

    They are loyal to Trump but traitors to the United States.

    Many of them are going to jail when AG Garland and Georgian AG complete their preliminary investigations.

    You keep looking for Hillary’s emails and Hunter Biden’s laptop.

    in reply to: January 6th Committee Hearings #2108143

    DJT JR tweet to Mark Meadows during the 187 minutes when Trump watched his people attacking the Police and the Capitol.
    “He’s got to condemn this Asap. The Capitol Police tweet is not enough.”
    Meadows tweets back: “I am pushing it hard. I agree.”
    DJT JR “This his one you go to the mattresses on. They will try to (expletive) his entire legacy on this if it gets worse.”

    “Going to the mattresses” is an actual word for word reference meaning “going to war” in the movie the Godfather. How perfect!

    Trump was being advised starting from his family to his closest staff members, and being pushed hard, to stop the violence during those 187 minutes.
    Who did he listen to instead? The idiots like Giuliani. What traitors they both are.

    After they described the messages, the panel held Meadows in criminal contempt of Congress for refusing to testify to investigators.
    I wonder why? Innocent people don’t refuse to testify!
    The matter now goes to the full House, which is expected to refer Meadows to the Justice Department on Tuesday.

    in reply to: January 6th Committee Hearings #2107947

    Today the big question remaining in all republican minds will finally be answered.

    What did former president Donald Trump do and not do over 187 minutes as the U.S. Capitol was under attack ?

    There has been testimony that he knew everything that was going on right down to the second through watching it on TV, text messages, phone calls and aids speaking directly to him.

    Everyone else in the world already knows what he did. He was cheering on his minions as they broke into the capitol, created chaos and searched for Mike Pence. He was like the godfather watching, together with his underbosses, as his soldiers fulfilled his wishes. Everything was going according to plan. Except Mike Pence did not get into the car with the Secret Service. Mike Pence remained at an undisclosed secure location and as soon as the mob was under control the process of Pence certifying trump as the ex-president resumed.

    What did he not do ? Act like the President of the US. Which is a great summary of the 4 previous years.

    in reply to: רחמנות on a mass murderer #2107891


    Read the Eight and Fourteen Amendments.

    in reply to: GAS PRICES #2107925

    Price as of
    AAA National Average

    New York Avg.

    Today’s AAA
    Illinois Avg.


    in reply to: רחמנות on a mass murderer #2107826


    It comes from the same place. The place is called the constitution of the US.

    in reply to: Supreme Court Rules – States Can Ban Abortion #2107262


    This is a run around.
    Rav Ruderman Zatsal (and many others ) are being proven correct and you are being proven wrong.
    How can you trust and assume that the Christians will follow Jewish Law when they are following their own laws and making laws forcing them on everybody ?

    I have said yes to this question at least 10 times in the YWN. I will say it another 100 times.
    “I hope for Congress to pass a law that firmly and completely bans abortion nationally in all cases which will be defined according to Jewish Law and not Christian Law. Other than when the mother’s life is at risk which will be defined according to Jewish Law and not Christian Law. When the mother’s life is at risk, which will be defined according to Jewish Law and not Christian Law, the law shall strongly and completely protect the right to abortion, which will be defined according to Jewish Law and not Christian Law , but in all other cases it will just as strongly ban it.”

    Now let me see you agree to what I just wrote!

    This is my declaration :
    “I am an Orthodox Jew living in Galus. I advocate for laws that will allow me to live as an Orthodox Jew is Galus. I will advocate against christian abortion laws which will force women to die.
    I am not a democrat, republican, christian or any other religion.”

    in reply to: Supreme Court Rules – States Can Ban Abortion #2107079


    Now I am even more surprised that you did not say BH and still can’t give Biden credit for following the Torah.

    Maybe on this 19th of Tammuz 5782, there are no states, but the Republican states will eventually have them. Definitely and positively. Because that is already the Republican platform in Idaho. They are not going to ask the Frum Jews what they think.

    Further, the consequences of states banning abortions has already caused Hospitals and Care givers to not provide adequate care to mother’s having miscarriages and other pregnancy issues because they are afraid of being sued and other legal issues.
    They are watching and waiting while the mother’s life is at risk.

    This is all well documented.

    in reply to: GAS PRICES #2106831


    “I think you are projecting values from individual nuts to Republicans overall”.
    You are 1000 percent correct.
    “I am sure we also over-react to the Democratic nuts”
    You are 1000 percent correct.
    You continued showing some exceptions . I agree there are exceptions to everything said.
    There is a style in the CR which many with DDS and BDS syndrome use and that is to paint everything with a broad brush.
    And I was responding to your broad brush.
    I disagree with everything you wrote below. The whole post is a mistake. Some of it is factual errors and some are errors in logic.
    It was easier to post my own broad brush than to argue with you.

    “Dems tend to think about their social priorities, relegating other goals to “good enough” – oil prices not too high today, Russia is not starting WW3 … Eventually, they mis-calculate, inflation stops being “temporary” and everyone is focused on what was the last mistake that caused the disaster. The strategic error came earlier when focusing on wrong things. Flood the world with cheap oil, surround Russia with NATO troops, make our economy strong and enemies weak, and then there will be enough money for all social equity and green innovations. As it is now, Republican administrations accumulate wealth and strength and Dems are spending them.

    in reply to: Gruesome Evidence Points to War Crimes in Ukraine #2106825

    The last post on this thread was over three months ago.

    Russia’s devastating attack on Ukraine continues. He has decimated Jewish communities.
    Ukraine has not been defeated and both sides are still fighting and killing each other.

    The evidence of War Crimes, Human Rights Violations and Crimes against Humanity that have been perpetrated by Putin and the Russian Army grows by the second.

    This includes the June 27 strike on a shopping centre in the Ukrainian city of Kremenchuk,
    The shopping mall was directly hit by a Russian AS-4 cruise missile, which carries a 1000-kilogram warhead.

    This includes the suspected 900,000 and 1.6 million Ukrainian citizens, including 260,000 children, that have been detained and forcibly deported from their homes to Russia.
    The 1949 Geneva Conventions define international legal standards and protections for humanitarian treatment during wartime and explicitly prohibit mass forced transfers of civilians.

    in reply to: Supreme Court Rules – States Can Ban Abortion #2106806


    1) If you had read the EO , you would have known that it is written with the advice of WH Counsel ‘s office.
    According to Laurence Tribe, professor emeritus at Harvard Law School, the president’s actions “have been carefully vetted within the White House Counsel’s Office and at [the Department of Justice] and are assuredly within the president’s legal authority.”

    2) I am surprised that you are protecting the states rights to ban abortion even when the mother’s life is at risk.
    I was sure you would applaud it and say Boruch Hashem.
    I listened to Rabbi Shmuel Bloom shlit’a interview and he was clear that Harav Ruderman Zatzsal was emphatic and stressed multiple times that the abortion law must include protection for the Mother’s life.

    In Idaho, the republican party platform adopted at the Twin Falls convention includes the language that there is NO EXCEPTION FOR THE LIFE OF THE MOTHER.
    They VOTED to specifically include the language.
    By a nearly FOUR-TO-ONE margin, they REJECTED an amendment to the party platform on Saturday that would have provided an exception for a mother who has an abortion to safe her life.

    Aizehu Hachacham – Haroeh es Hanolad.

    in reply to: Supreme Court Rules – States Can Ban Abortion #2106398

    President Biden’s executive order because states have already gone too far.

    “If a state law prohibits abortion and does not include an exception for the health or life of the pregnant person — or draws the exception more narrowly than EMTALA’s emergency medical condition definition — that state law is preempted.”

    in reply to: January 6th Committee Hearings #2106017

    This text exchange between Brad Parscale and Katrina Pierson on the night of January 6th.

    B: “This week I feel guilty for helping him win”

    K: “You did what you felt was right at the time and therefore it was right”

    B: “Yeah but a woman is dead”

    K: “It wasn’t the rhetoric”

    B: “Katrina. Yes it was

    in reply to: Musk pulling out of Twitter deal #2105825


    You can buy popcorn because this back and forth between Trump and Musk is going to get better.

    in reply to: Musk pulling out of Twitter deal #2105677

    Trump responded:
    “When Elon Musk came to the White House asking me for help on all of his many subsidized projects, whether it’s electric cars that don’t drive long enough, driverless cars that crash, or rocketships to nowhere, without which subsidies he’d be worthless, and telling me how he was a big Trump fan and Republican, I could have said, ‘drop to your knees and beg,’ and he would have done it,”

    in reply to: Musk pulling out of Twitter deal #2105675

    “It seems that “what he does best” is annoy and expose democrats ”

    He is also excellent at annoying and exposing Trump. In his recent twitter battle with Trump, he suggested that it’s time for him to “hang up his hat & sail into the sunset.”

    in reply to: January 6th Committee Hearings #2105670

    An important revelation of the hearings are that Trump’s lawyers during his impeachment were total liars.

    The light that the Jan. 6 hearings, and Hutchinson’s testimony in particular, have shed on Donald Trump’s response to the 2021 impeachment process warrants attention.

    These hearings show that Trump, through his lawyers, lied to Congress about the events of Jan. 6 in his second impeachment trial in denying that the then-president had meant to spark violence. In so doing, he undermined the constitutional process of impeachment—as well as the peaceful transition of power.

    Consider the closing argument delivered by his counsel, Michael van der Veen:

    “[Trump’s] entire premise was that the proceedings of the Congress should continue.”
    “Mr. Trump did not spend the weeks prior to January 6 inciting violence, he spent those weeks pursuing his election challenge to the court system and other legal proceedings exactly as the Constitution and the Congress prescribe” (emphasis added).
    “[T]he gathering of January 6 was supposed to be an entirely peaceful event.”
    “All of us, starting with my client, are deeply disturbed by the graphic videos of the Capitol attack that have been shown in recent days. The entire team condemned and have repeatedly condemned the violence and law breaking that occurred on January 6 in the strongest possible terms. We have advocated that everybody be found and punished to the maximum extent of the law.”

    in reply to: January 6th Committee Hearings #2105627

    What Trump’s gonna do, is just declare victory. Right? He’s gonna declare victory. But that doesn’t mean he’s a winner,” Bannon, laughing, told the group, according to audio of the meeting obtained by Mother Jones. “He’s just gonna say he’s a winner.”
    As it sits here today,” Bannon said later in the conversation, describing a scenario in which Trump held an early lead in key swing states, “at 10 or 11 o’clock Trump’s gonna walk in the Oval, tweet out, ‘I’m the winner. Game over. ”
    The nearly hour-long audio obtained by Mother Jones is new evidence that Trump’s late-night diatribe—which came a few hours later than Bannon had anticipated—followed a preexisting plan to lie to Americans about the election results in a bid to hold onto power. The new recording stands out for the striking candor and detail with which Bannon described a scheme to use lies to subvert democracy. Bannon also predicted that Trump’s false declaration of victory would lead to widespread political violence, along with “crazy” efforts by Trump to stay in office. Bannon and his associates laughed about those scenarios at various points in the recording.

    in reply to: January 6th Committee Hearings #2105582

    The infamous Oval Office meeting held by Trump’s inner circle in December 2020

    Sources previously described the session as one that began as an impromptu gathering but devolved and eventually broke out into screaming matches at certain points as some of Trump’s aides pushed back on Powell and Flynn.
    Rep. Jamie Raskin, a Maryland Democrat and member of the January 6 select committee, said on Tuesday that the December 18 meeting was “critically important because President Trump got to watch up close for several hours as his White House counsel and other White House lawyers destroyed the baseless factual claims and ridiculous legal arguments offered by Sidney Powell, Mike Flynn and others.”

    in reply to: GAS PRICES #2105496

    And as GAS Prices get lower and lower , the republicans will do anything to not credit Biden.

    It goes with gas prices and children’s formula and gun laws and vaccines and voter rights and insulin and new bridges etc …, they will give any reason but the President and Democrats.

    in reply to: Have the Evangelicals Gone too Far? #2105378

    Evangelicals are עובדי עבודה זרה מסתמא. They don’t get to choose which ones of the ז מצוות to keep.

    in reply to: Have the Evangelicals Gone too Far? #2105325


    You know that I don’t listen to either of those 2 media outlets.
    Nearly 25% of the US are evangelicals. Compared to about 2% of Jews.
    They have tremendous political clout.
    They are part of the political process and they vote.
    They are a major part of the republican party.
    They vote per their religion.

    They are the source behind the current membership of the SC.
    If the evangelicals/republicans hadn’t given Mitch the green light to pull all the unethical shtick to steal 2 SC nominees, and also the green light for the SC nominees to basically lie under oath in order to get elected and then to immediately overturn RvW, RvW would never have been overturn.

    in reply to: Musk pulling out of Twitter deal #2105297


    FrumStat wrote that Musk is going to lose. He is going to be forced to pay out what he agreed. That is 44 billion at 54.20 a share.
    Twitter right now is selling at 32.65.
    And since he is going to run twitter into the ground , he is probably going to lose most of the 44 billion.

Viewing 50 posts - 351 through 400 (of 1,217 total)