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  • in reply to: At first I thought, what are the Libs thinking (or are they?) #2126990


    (A) “Does NYC, MV, and DC not have jobs, housing, and food? ”

    The problem is that they abused immigrants and did not treat them like human beings. The migrants were in Florida or Texas where they were being given their basic needs as they need to deal with the American immigration system.
    Lying to them to remove them from such a situation, putting them on a plane and dropping them in the middle of a town that was not notified that they were coming and did not expect them, is the exact way you treat a person that you don’t care if they starve to death.

    Listen to the Avraham Aveinu in Texas – Mayor Oscar Leeser, from El Paso, TX :
    “Well, the numbers are not 1,300. The numbers are — two days ago we had almost 2,000. ( Jack K’s note – yes, that is 2,000 a day in one town) We had a little bit over 1,900. Yesterday we had — or the day before yesterday we had a little bit over 1,500. So, the numbers have been continuing to increase.

    And, you know, that — that’s continued, the rise. And that’s because a lot of the people in — probably about 80 percent of them are coming from Venezuela. And — and that — that’s where a big part of the– the — the migrant surge is coming from.
    Well, and, you know, and that’s really something important. And I have a great, incredible working relationship with Chief Chavez (ph) from the Border Patrol. And our goal, and it will continue to be our goal, IS NEVER TO DROP ANYBODY OFF IN THE STREETS of El Paso and make sure that No ONE’S HOMELESS and NO ONE’S HUNGRY.

    So we have our NGOs, which is non-governmental organizations that really have opened up their doors and we’ve gotten hotels. And in the last few days WE’VE NOT HAD ANY PEOPLE released into the streets of El Paso and we continue to work that way.

    So, you know, it’s been an incredible working relationship between El Paso, the city of El Paso, and also the — Chief Chavez and the Border Patrol. I spent about two, three hours yesterday driving to the border and talking to a lot of the migrants and talking to the Border Patrol agents that really are down here working today.”

    All Bera, Birsha and Shinav had to do was call ahead to the proper authorities and involved them in the situation. The US Government immigration system supports the care and needs of immigrants.
    In fact they didn’t even have to make the call because NY and DC called them asking them if they are sending immigrants. They refused to coordinate.

    (B) ” NYC, MV, and DC does, not have medical care and food? “. I will repeat that of course they have. But they need to be advised that there are people coming.
    Can a wedding feed even 2,000 guests ? Of course. Can a wedding feed 2000 uninvited guests ? Of course not.

    (C) “But Sedomites? Hmmmm .” Go read Parshas Vayeira again and Tractate Sanhedrin.

    (D) “The migrants are already in the immigration system and need to show up in courts in the US for their cases. They are now guaranteed to miss their court dates which is a strike against them.”
    Gee, you’re getting desperate.”
    Why is that desperate ? The lawyer for the immigrants made that accusation. If you are expected in Immigration court in Texas and you are flown to the Northeast you are 100% going to miss your court date. And I believe that is exactly what Bera, Birsha and Shinav want.

    (E) “Because they arrived when no one anticipated it?” Exactly! Adams said that it is a crisis because they were not anticipated. Here are his own words. “Let’s coordinate in that fashion like we’ve done with others — other large communities we have in New York City, where we’re able to coordinate, get sponsors, work with our nongovernmental organizations. That is what crisis calls for, it calls for coordination. ”
    Adams said that NY called the Governors of TX and FL to try to coordinate but they refused to.

    in reply to: At first I thought, what are the Libs thinking (or are they?) #2126800

    I would believe it that the 3 of them ( bera birsha and shinav ) gave the migrants stacks of fake dollar bills that wouldn’t be accepted.
    Then when the children die from hunger, the 3 will take the fake bills back and give it to the next group of migrants.

    in reply to: At first I thought, what are the Libs thinking (or are they?) #2126427


    He was responding to a post that I wrote that delineated some of the evil things that Bera , Birsha and Adma had done to immigrants in the name of owning the libs and checkmate.
    Even in Sedom the most evil practices were given great philosophical justifications. In America with the Republicans, it is just pure wickedness.

    Emes nisht sheker summarized many of them.

    We don’t need to look anything up. Treating immigrants badly goes back over 3 thousand years to the 5 cities that were overturned.
    Maybe you should do a little research into the evilness of these 3 people against immigrants.

    The support that these 3 evil people get for abusing immigrants is really astonishing.

    in reply to: At first I thought, what are the Libs thinking (or are they?) #2126395


    You obviously didn’t read what I wrote.

    in reply to: Frolicking Selichos Concert #2126257

    Does anyone know if these selichos with musical accompaniment and singing are increasing every year?

    From anecdotal evidence, it appear that the number of events and crowds for the first night of Ashkenazi Selichos have been growing. It might be that this type of First Night of Selichois, talks to a lot of peoples neshamos and motivates them to do Teshuva M’Ahava which is bigger than Teshuva M’Yirah.

    I would like to point out that the sign encourages everyone to realize that the purpose of coming to selichos daily is not to simply “say selichois” but the following:
    “They tremble and quake at the day of Your coming [to judge them,] they are panic-struck— as a woman giving birth the first time, from the burning wrath You carry; O’ please, wipe away their filth that they may praise Your wonders, [and] hear our cry and our prayer!”

    in reply to: Russia is losing the war in Ukraine #2125395

    “more and more fake news! The ones “deported” to Russia wanted to go there (at least, almost all of them).”
    That is why I said that there are witnesses. They are going to testify that they shelled and targeted the civilians and forcibly deported civilians. You are going to be proven wrong by eye-witnesses.

    How can you even believe that people wanted to leave their homes ? Nonsense !

    “Graves in Izum? Were those people killed unintentionally by shelling? Caught in the crossfire? ”

    At least you agree that they are civilians.
    Maybe they also ASKED to be killed ?

    Boggles my mind that you can call civilians killed as being “unintentionally” killed by “shelling or crossfire” as an excuse for war crimes. Civilians are not targets. Never.
    Women and children residing in their homes are to be protected and safeguarded. If you kill civilians you better be ready to show the world that you tried your hardest not to kill them and that there was a valid military target that you were aiming for.

    Where are the men in Horlivka?
    Why are there torture chambers in Balakliya?

    in reply to: Russia is losing the war in Ukraine #2125328

    “We want the world to know what happened in reality and what the Russian occupation has led to,” Zelenskyy said in his daily address late Thursday. “There were Bucha and Mariupol and now, unfortunately, there is Izyum. Russia always leaves death behind — and it must be accountable for that.”

    The documentation of Russian war crimes is overwhelming. In can fill libraries.
    There are witnesses to it all. Some are Ukrainians and some are Russians. Not every Russian soldier lost their sense of humanity.

    Very soon the judgement day in the International Court of Justice will come for Putin and his associates. They will all be held responsible for the Human Rights and Geneva Convention violations.

    Just the most revelations:
    Where are the men in Horlivka?
    Why are there mass graves in Izyum?
    Why are there torture chambers in Balakliya?
    Why are there hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians deported to inside Russia?

    in reply to: Russia is losing the war in Ukraine #2125060


    “How many times did Israel go into Gaza and later withdraw after reaching its objectives only to see the fake news declare that Hamas kicked the Jews out and won the war?”

    I have never seen this .
    Maybe you have a source ?

    Also, when Russia admits publicly that it lost a large swath of land, units and armaments it is not the fake news.

    in reply to: Russia is losing the war in Ukraine #2124505


    It is a total shock to Putin.
    It is a shock to his Generals who died on the battlefield.
    It is a total shock to the talking heads on the Russian TV stations.

    To the thousands of “volunteers” who had no experience, no training and defective ammunition, it was no shock.

    in reply to: Viktor Yanukovych, President of Ukraine #2123640

    Here we are 6 months later and Russia is losing the war.

    “Russia Announces Troop Pullback From Ukraine’s Kharkiv Area.” A political way of saying that Russia was devastated by an attack from the Ukrainian Army in the Kharkiv region and lost a very large swath of land, soldiers, and equipment. Ukraine is on the offensive.
    The tide and outlook on the war has completely changed.

    “כִּי הוּא לְבַדּו פּועֵל גְּבוּרות. עושה חֲדָשׁות. בַּעַל מִלְחָמות”

    in reply to: Is it the משגיח’s fault? #2123305

    100% agree.

    in reply to: King Charles and Queen Camilla #2122889


    Here in America, we understood what the royal family was in the 1700’s and we rejected them and rebelled against everything that they represented.
    President’s are employees of the citizens of this Republic and the people deserve to know the particulars of their health (and taxes too). The royal family is not elected. So the British care about their health only because they have a insatiable curiosity to know everything about them. Prince Harry made the right decision to leave the royal prison.

    ““It’s not a surprise that England is far ahead of most of the world in refinement, and proper behavior.”
    Did you write this before or after your cuppa?
    I am gobsmacked. That is some bonkers wishful thinking. Didn’t you just kick out your sod of a PM for really being a minging muppet and prat?

    in reply to: Bird Feeders #2121830


    I was responding to AAQ who went completely off topic. Did you not notice that?
    Regarding the Bird Feeder, shalom bayis and shalom shchenim, Hashem should guide you to a peaceful solution.

    in reply to: Bird Feeders #2121795

    “you may also look at Ketubos 60 that discusses how children can be affected .. these are mostly food, but it starts with a mill – whether it is sounds, vibration, or pollution. “.

    I am glad that you left off what the Gemara is referring to. Pas nisht for the CR.
    That you even try to explain the Gemara about windmills with sounds, vibration or pollution is very difficult. Because the Gemara is specifying a windmill and only a windmill. And the next line in the Gemara is about the earth.
    Also, this Gemara has nothing to do with this topic. So why did you bring it in ?
    Why are you so sure about your understanding of the Gemara that you will say – “Thinking on a good side, maybe children will be good in music.” ?
    Don’t jump to conclusions from a Gemara that we don’t understand.
    We don’t understand the Gemara before it about the foods that stop/make cloudy mother’s milk either.

    I have been following Syags discussion with you about Kollel and I would have added my support to her but she was doing a terrific job of debating you.
    I am sure that if she learnt daf yomi and saw what you wrote , she would have debated you here also.

    The Jewish People need the Kollel community. All of them. Every single one. And Halevai Ken Yirbu.
    They are the source of life of the entire universe. At the Adirei Hatorah event we got a glimpse of the enormous power of the people who are sustaining the world.
    There was the story of the Kollel wife who sent her kids to sleep early friday night so that they won’t see them eat only sardines for the Seudah on Shabbos. Mi K’amcha Yisroel.
    When Reb Aharon started Lakewood, he was asked by a government official what the purpose of the Lakewood Yeshiva is. Someone started to write that it is about making Rabbis. Reb Aharon told him to change it. It is solely about Torah Lishmah.
    The Kollel life is for everyone . All the Gedolim have said that. It is not for a select few. It is not a result of losing 6,000,000.
    Klal Yisroel always had people learning full time. There always was Shevet Levi and Yissachar.
    And there always were Jews willing to sacrifice every comfort on this world for the next world.

    in reply to: The infamous club at YU – gone? #2120447


    You think it is trolling to quote a Chazal ?
    You seem to think it is mutar to speak lashon hara.
    Stop acting as if you are better and know more than everyone else.

    You did this on the retzichas ubarim thread also.
    Only you get to decide what is mutar and assur, or politically mutar and assur, and any Rav that disagrees gets thrown in the waste bin.

    in reply to: The infamous club at YU – gone? #2120444


    It was said to you because you agreed that is is preposterous to imagine that Rav Gorelick would say such a thing.

    in reply to: The infamous club at YU – gone? #2120424

    Part 2
    Faq from Rabbi Dr Ari Berman

    Do the same expectations that apply to the undergraduate schools, apply to YU’s professional and academic graduate schools?


    The way Yeshiva University applies its Torah values to the graduate schools is very different than its undergraduate schools.

    We are very clear about the type of environment that exists on our undergraduate campus, and every undergaduate student who makes the personal choice to come here is choosing this environment instead of other college experiences. The undergraduate experience at Yeshiva is intentionally designed to be an intensely religious one during the formative years of our students’ lives. Its fundamental purpose is to faithfully transmit our multimillennial tradition to enable our students to integrate their faith and practice in lives of enormous professional success, impact and personal meaning. The daily schedule of our undergraduate students requires hours of Torah study. The campus experience fosters a deeply religious experience including two single sex campuses, multiple prayer services throughout the day, Shabbat regulations, kashrut observance and extra Torah study opportunities in the evenings.

    As students move from their formative years to our professional graduate schools, there is a shift in focus towards professional training and academic research. These schools, comprised of Jews and non-Jews, excel in their scholarship and education of excellent professionals in their respective fields. These schools also embody our core values to “Seek Truth, Discover Your Potential, Live Your Values, Act with Compassion and Bring Redemption,” in their respective learning communities. They also follow a Jewish calendar and maintain kosher standards to facilitate an accessible experience to our Orthodox Jewish students. But the focus is wholly different and so are the assumptions of student life.

    Is Yeshiva University accepting of LGBTQ staff and personnel as well?


    As a religious institution of higher education, can Yeshiva University accept government funds?

    Yes, it can. In fact, almost all religious universities and colleges receive state and federal funding. The Supreme Court has ruled repeatedly—as recently as this June—that, when the government makes funding generally available, it cannot discriminate in the distribution of those funds based on religion. For example, it can’t offer Pell grants to students generally but then deny them to students who want to go to a religious school. That would be religious discrimination. We do not lose our religious status just because we participate in public life on equal footing with everyone else.

    Why is the university defending this right and appealing all the way to the Supreme Court?

    Once we were brought to court, this no longer was about an LGBTQ club, but our ability to make decisions for ourselves about our religious environment.

    The plaintiffs have argued that YU is not a religious institution and, thus not empowered to decide matters pertaining to religion. In its ruling, the lower court pieced together an argument that creates a threatening precedent. The implications of this decision are deleterious to the very fabric of our educational system and we need to defend ourselves to protect our future.

    What is at stake with this case?

    Historically, the Jewish people have had deeply negative experiences with government interference in religious matters. When a court can decide that Yeshiva University is not religious enough to administer its own religious environment, then it’s not just our institution’s future that is being threatened. In truth, this is not just a Jewish issue. Leaders of other faiths and leading legal scholars are similarly deeply concerned with this ruling. They understand that the consequences of this legal decision have severe implications for faith in America.

    Hopefully we will be able to restore a just sense of religious liberty and return to a constructive dialogue with our students to work together to build an even more inclusive, loving campus environment that is a blessing to all of our students and a model of discourse and harmony to our society.

    in reply to: The infamous club at YU – gone? #2120421

    Part 1

    A FAQ from Rabbi Dr. Ari Berman President, Yeshiva University that was recently emailed.

    My Dear Friends,

    Many of you know that Yeshiva University is defending its right in the Supreme Court to make its own religious decisions. Due to the significance of the matter, I share with you below a number of the answers we have posted to the questions we have received these past few days. For further updates, please visit

    Rabbi Dr. Ari Berman

    President, Yeshiva University


    Why is this case in the US court system?

    Yeshiva University was brought to court based on the claim that it is not religious enough to be allowed to make its own decision on religious matters. The court case is solely about YU’s freedom to act according to its values without government interference.

    What are the consequences if Yeshiva University loses these court rulings?

    Yeshiva University will no longer be able to govern itself according to its principles of faith as it will be subject to any claims of discrimination. If, for example, a student wished to form a Jews for Jesus club, Yeshiva would be required to allow it. Sabbath observance on campus, the hiring of Orthodox rabbis and educators and maintaining our separate gender campuses would all be open to potential lawsuits.

    How did this situation arise?

    Yeshiva University has a long-standing policy to officially approve student clubs that are consistent with its Torah values. For this reason, it has not granted official club status to many other club applications in the past, including a gun club and a Jewish fraternity, as the names and activities associated with these clubs were deemed not fully consistent with the values of YU. A similar conclusion was reached on the application of the YU Pride Alliance.

    Does Yeshiva University welcome LGBTQ students in its undergraduate schools?


    We welcome, love and care for all our students, including our LGBTQ students. We place a specific emphasis of importance on supporting our LGBTQ students. There are a number of ways we express this support, including hosting an LGBTQ support group, requiring LGBTQ sensitivity training to all of our rabbis and faculty and presenting public events so that all of our students better understand the experience of being LGBTQ and Orthodox. And, of course, we uphold our strong anti-bullying and anti-discrimination policies. We understand that a number of our LGBTQ students think YU should be doing more for them including establishing a student club. We had been engaged in a constructive dialogue with our students to work on building an even more inclusive campus experience.

    However, when we were sued with the claim that we do not have the right to make our own decisions, the matter changed entirely from an LGBTQ discussion to defending the future of our institution.

    in reply to: The infamous club at YU – gone? #2120413


    “Though it is probably Assur to believe that a Talmud chocham or any frum yid for that matter compromised their beliefs for “parnossa”

    It is also Assur to get paid a Parnossa for teaching Torah.

    Avot : perek 4 Mishna 5, “and don’t use it as a spade with which to dig”
    Rabbenu Ovadaya MBartenura : “And do not study Torah in order to make from it a craft from which to earn a living, like a spade to dig with. As one that does this misappropriates the sanctity of the Torah and is liable for the death penalty from the Heavens, like one who derives benefit from hekdesh. And teachers of small children receive payment for watching the children … ; and payment for breaking up the cantillation …. But payment for teaching is forbidden to take, as it is written, (Devarim 4:14), “And Hashem commanded me at that time to teach you statutes and ordinances, so that you should do them in the land to which you are crossing, to possess” – just like I [was taught] for free, so too are you [to be taught] for free.

    in reply to: GAS PRICES #2120399

    The difference between Trump and Biden is the difference between a person who acts as the President of the United States and the person who acted only out of petty allegiances and grudges.

    Mississippi Republican Governor Tate Reeves just thanked Biden for approving emergency relief for his state in order to assist their water crisis — just DAYS after Reeves attacked Biden for approving student debt relief to struggling Americans.

    Biden didn’t make him beg like a dog, publicly regret his attack or sweat it out until he declared allegiance to him. He did what is in the best interests of the people of Mississippi.

    in reply to: GAS PRICES #2120389


    “so this seems to be a case of low self-esteem. You expect that others do not respect your opinions and, thus, you can post nonsense.”
    Not true at all.

    I believe everyone, besides you, who has read Jack K’s posts understood exactly why I posted the Rasmussen poll. I enjoyed that a poll showed Biden with such great numbers and I posted it. As my post continued from there, it was also a dig at YWN that posted Biden’s low favorability ratings with astonishing headlines “How Low Can He Go ? ” and repeats the low favorability polls numerous times.

    “I am explaining to you plain halachic reasons that explain what gnivas daas/ misleading is. ”
    I already knew what it was and I don’t need you to explain it to me. As I explained , I disagree with you and I don’t think that it applies in the current situation.

    Give me the benefit of the doubt. Being Dan People LKaf Zechus is a mitzvah. Fulfilling the mitzvah in the Torah of judging favorably is especially important during Elul when we beg Hashem to judge us favorably.

    If you have substance to argue with what I write on my posts , and I know that you do , please be my guest.
    If you feel that I mislead you or others , I beg forgiveness. It was never my intention for anyone to think that all the polls show him at 47%.

    in reply to: The infamous club at YU – gone? #2120175

    ujm, avira,

    If he did say it in a meaningful way, it was said because of great anivus and self-deprecation.

    in reply to: The infamous club at YU – gone? #2120070


    I don’t believe the story. Doesn’t make sense at all. Nisht the hava amina und nisht the maskana.

    in reply to: GAS PRICES #2120081


    I enjoy when you add divrei torah to your posts.
    I would compare my case of quoting the Rasmussen poll as a case of “misleading himself”. There is no logical reason for anyone to think a single Rasmussen poll quoted by Jack K is cited for any reason other than because he is a strong Biden supporter and found one poll that shows he is up at 47%.

    FYI, Rasmussen poll today is Biden is at 45%.

    in reply to: The infamous club at YU – gone? #2119986


    You criticized three Rebbeim staying at YU because of the infamous club and even said that YU should simply disappear.
    You are now pivoting to other criticisms.

    “I didn’t say that a prohibited thing is allowed for parnosa. We allow less than ideal things for parnosa, and several rebbeim justified their presence in YU in those terms, including rav yerucham gorelick.”

    Unless you heard that from Rav Gorelick zatsal , I highly question that parnossa was a reason, if he even needed a reason.

    Do you think Rav Gorelick , or any of the other rebbeim, felt that the torah they were teaching was less than ideal?

    Again, none of the Rebbeim need to farenfer zich on being Milamed Torah Lamo Yisrael.

    They taught Torah to yiddishe kinder who were going to college and enabled them to get an excellent Orthodox Yeshiva education filled with Yiras Shamayim and Ahavas HaTorah.

    That is not so different than other Rebbeim who give shiurim in Yeshivas where the Bochurim get a secular education (Landers) or go to secular college at night (Others).

    In America, all high schools have an english department where the talmidim learn for a few hours a day.
    Is being a 12th grade Rebbe in an American High School less than ideal?

    in reply to: GAS PRICES #2119918


    The truth is you must love giving mussar because I read my post and I cannot see any misleading.

    I quoted the Rasmussen poll. I didn’t say anything else.

    You really should reserve your mussar for people who straight away lie.

    It is ubiquitous. Don’t even need to be a Bochen Lev VClayos.

    in reply to: GAS PRICES #2119915

    Current AAA gas prices
    National 3.844
    Florida 3.622

    in reply to: The infamous club at YU – gone? #2119849


    The Heilege Rebbeim in YU do not need your approval for their being marbitz Torah there and they don’t need to farenfer zich to you either.

    When was the last time you walked into the YU Beis Medrash and heard the Kol Torah?

    I don’t understand what the heter for Parnossa is , if it would really be assur.

    The whole matter of the clubs is blown way out of proportion.
    The machlokes about the clubs is good for newspapers but doesn’t have much to do with the students daily life.

    in reply to: what advice do u wish you’d have received when you were younger? #2119456

    The post is about advice to a 12/13 year old, but the truth is as Rav Miller zatsal said regarding Abaye in Shabbos that every mishna, halacha , nach etc the earlier you learn it- even if you are already an old man – the better off you are.
    The Gemara relates that the Sages said this halakha before Abaye in the name of Rabbi Yirmeya and he did not accept it.
    However, subsequently, when Ravin came from Eretz Yisrael to Babylonia, the Sages said this halakha before Abaye in the name of Rabbi Yoḥanan, and he accepted it. Then Abaye said regretfully: Had I merited, I would have learned this halakha from the outset. The Gemara wonders: Didn’t he ultimately learn it and accept it? What difference does it make from whom and at what point he learned it? The Gemara answers: The practical difference is with regard to knowledge acquired in one’s youth, which is better remembered.
    If Abaye was on the level to not accept a halacha , it is obvious that he was already a mature leading Amora of the generation. And still the Girsa Dyankisa is advantageous.

    in reply to: Goodbye Fauci, Democrat Operative, Destroyer of America #2119449

    He has been the director for almost 40 years.
    He is no more in his peak power now than 40 years ago.

    He is behaving like a 81 year old who has decided he doesn’t need the lies and ignorance that the trumplican party has given him the past 2 years.
    He is not afraid of testifying to congress.
    He can testify for weeks and make fun of all the congressmen and senators who think they know better than him.
    None of them have dealt with infectious diseases for 40 years. They can talk all they want but it’s just a show for the cameras for them.
    I am sure Dr Fauci wants that the next person in his position will follow in his footsteps that he paved for 40 years. Who wouldn’t?
    The question really is when will the trumplican party wake up and decide that they need to listen to science?

    in reply to: Goodbye Fauci, Democrat Operative, Destroyer of America #2119432

    Dr Fauci became director of the NIAID ( National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases ) in 1984, a position he still holds. He is 81.

    He was director under 4 Republican Presidents and 3 Democrats Presidents.
    He was director under:
    Ronald Reagan (R)
    George HW Bush (R)
    Clinton (D)
    George W Bush (R)
    Obama (D)
    Trump (R)
    Biden (D)

    He did his job with excellence for decades and was at the forefront of U.S. efforts to contend with viral diseases like HIV/AID (1980’s), Anthrax (2001), SARS (late 2000’s), the Swine flu (2009), MERS (2012) , Ebola (2014), and COVID-19 (2020).

    He saved millions of peoples lives and improved the quality of life of millions of others that were affected by these pandemics. Millions of people owe him their eternal gratitude.

    Until 2020, he was not called a “democratic operative” (LOL) or “destroyer of America”(ROFL). That is when Trump and his cult decided that whenever they don’t like science they will simply ignore it, fight it and make things up.

    Jan 2020, Trump was told that Covid was killer pandemic and how it spreads via the air.
    On Feb 7th 2020 in a call that was recorded (hear it yourself) to Bob Woodward he says, ““You just breathe the air and that’s how it’s passed,” “And so that’s a very tricky one. That’s a very delicate one. It’s also more deadly than even your strenuous flus.”
    “This is deadly stuff.”

    At that time, Trump was telling the nation that the virus was no worse than a seasonal flu, predicting it would soon disappear and insisting that the U.S. government had it totally under control. The Jewish Community in the NY/NJ Area was hit with the devastating consequences of Covid right after Purim – around March 11th .
    March 10th Trump said, “Just stay calm. It will go away”.
    It would be several weeks before Trump would publicly acknowledge that the virus was no ordinary flu and that it could be transmitted through the air.
    March 31, Trump said “But it’s not the flu. It’s vicious. When you send a friend to the hospital and you call up to find out, how is he doing, it happened to me. Where he goes to the hospital, he says goodbye, sort of a tough guy, little older, little heavier than he’d like to be, frankly. And you call up the next day, ‘how’s he doing?’ And he’s in a coma? This is not the flu.”

    in reply to: Entitlement central #2118237


    I don’t think you mean the national debt.

    The national debt increased by almost 36% during Trump’s tenure

    Republican candidate Donald Trump promised during the 2016 presidential campaign that he would eliminate the nation’s debt in eight years.

    The national debt stood at $19.9 trillion when President Trump took office in January 2017, and it reached a high of $27 trillion in October 2020.

    in reply to: The Elul Medley from Naftali Kempeh’s New Album – Zman Elul #2118178

    His nigunim are mamash meishiv and michayeh the nefesh.

    in reply to: Entitlement central #2118148

    Medical Debt,
    Mortgage Debt,
    Bail/Incarceration Debt,
    Education Debt.
    Republican’s love to keep people in debt.
    Until they gamble and lose and then Bankruptcy.
    Or on a national scale – the 2009 WALL STREET BAILOUT.

    in reply to: GAS PRICES #2117627

    “Let’s go Brandon” is not an opinion. It’s an infantile and immature slogan.
    Saying “I disagree with Biden’s bill that now allows medicare to negotiate drug prices in order to make them more affordable” is an opinion .

    “where do you find in Jewish books permission to mislead other people?” I find them in the same books that the editors of YWN read to allow them to not only print misleading info but to editorialize the info with adjectives like “shocking”.
    (Ergo, unless it’s an argument in politics, I would never do it.)
    I 100% agree with you about multiple polls and I never consider any them of too much value.
    I am not optimistic or pessimistic about November. I will deal with the reality when it arrives.

    To paraphrase Rush Limbaugh (a person I despise) after Bill Clinton won the election in 1992 – Doesn’t make a difference we lost. Either way I will have a lot to talk about on my program. ( And in a wink off air to bo snerdley “and we will make tens of millions of dollars “.)

    in reply to: GAS PRICES #2117431

    Today’s AAA
    National $3.901
    Florida $3.528
    New York $4.248

    President Biden approval rating by the conservative Rasmussen –
    47%. I can’t wait for a title from YWN – How high can he go?

    in reply to: Liz Cheney for President #2117402


    “goyim have a mitzvah to have just courts and we should assist them” . What does that have to do with the January 6th committee ? (On a different thread you were defending the killing of the Rosenbergs based on the testimony of a relative , a nogea bdavar , who was trying to save his own life How does that shtim?)
    McCarthy(ism) has nothing to do with this conversation. The government is required to get to the bottom of an attack on the capital – who was involved, why they were involved and what their ultimate goals were.

    in reply to: Liz Cheney for President #2117399


    Please explain 3 Wyoming Republican issues on which you would have rejected Liz Cheney and instead have voted for Hagemen because for you she was better on those issues.

    This is all based strictly on the issues.

    I am assuming that you are saying that even if Liz Cheney, who has Republican values in her blood from birth, would have propagated Trump’s lie , continued as the 3rd spot in Congress, been supported by the National and Wyoming Republican parties – you would still have voted for Hageman because of her promises on these issues.

    in reply to: Will Trump ever go to jail? #2117351


    If you are in a protected area of the capital and are arrested, you need to prove your innocent.

    So far, the excuses have not worked for a single one of the over 800 people arrested.

    All the excuses so far have been rejected by judge and juries.

    in reply to: Will Trump ever go to jail? #2117120

    The current Republican party just said the quiet part out loud . We are all insurrectionists.

    in reply to: Liz Cheney for President #2116632


    “Other than pure hating Trump what reason did Cheney give for anyone to vote for her?”
    She lost in a REPUBLICAN PRIMARY. She lost to the people who voted for her 2,4, and 6 years ago!
    Not because she hadn’t delivered for them.
    She voted with Trump and the Republicans over 90% of the time and she has delivered for them.

    The National Republican and Wisconsin Republican parties had abandoned their support for her.
    It is very hard to win an election in a primary , if your party does not support you. Hageman was supported only because she was now a supporter of the BIG LIE.
    Hageman, a former Wyoming Cruz delegate, who advised Cheney 2014 and campaigned for her in 2016, once openly described Trump as “racist and xenophobic,” and the “weakest” contender the Republicans could put forth.

    Hageman had already lost and election and has never delivered anything. So she was a terrible candidate compared to Liz Cheney.

    The only thing that changed is that Cheney wouldn’t let the Republican party lie about losing and overthrowing the election and Hageman did.

    in reply to: Liz Cheney for President #2116628


    That is not what a committee hearing is about.
    I am sure that you understand that there is a difference between a congressional hearing and a court case. As I have noted before on the CR that this is not a court case is poshut. Where is the defendant, prosecutor, Judge, Jury, Attorneys for the defendant, and what penalty is going to be given to the non-existent defendant ?

    A committee hearing by congress is to gather information.
    Many of the January 6th insurrections have already been dealt with by the Legal system. Many are still waiting prosecution.
    Almost all of them have regretted participating in the attack.

    And even in a court case, you want choshen mishpat in the Goyishe courts of America? Would you apply that to every law in America? Marijuana possession? Geniava ?(Conservatives love throwing these guys in jail for decades.)

    in reply to: Liz Cheney for President #2116387

    Smerel and AAQ,

    Sorry, there is no universe that the National Republican Party, the Wyoming Republican Party , or a majority of Wyoming Republicans would have ever supported her again no matter what she did.
    (Maybe you can define what the January 6th committee would look like if it was conducting a good faith, fair, unbiased investigation. You must know more that all the Republicans who testified under oath to the committee. That is exactly who Liz is fighting. The gross idolatry of Trump over the basic American principle that nobody is above the law. )

    The only way forward for her was to completely give up her principles and renounce her fight against the big lie and the most dangerous Liar in American history. There was no other way forward for her.

    A small timeline.
    She was against the big lie way before January 6th. On January 6th while congress was under attack, Liz Cheney slapped GOP Rep. Jim Jordan’s hand and said ‘get away from me, you did this’ when he tried to escort her.
    The republican party removed her from her leadership position of number 3 in congress on May 12. This is after she had voted together with Trump over 90% of the time during his presidency.
    The January 6 committee was only setup on July 1.

    In 2021 and 2022, she also voted almost always with the Republicans. And she has taken care of her constituents.
    The only thing that changed was that she was not letting Trump get away with his lies.

    She lost to someone who has no political experience and lost the last time she ran. The only thing Hageman has is that she idolizes Trump.
    Hageman joins Lauren Boebert and Marjorie Taylor Greene in lowering the average IQ of the Republican congressmen.

    But there is a silver lining for Liz, and a thorn in the side of the Republicans that voted against her, is that she plans to run for President. This means she gets on stage with Trump and other Republicans during debates and call them out with facts.

    in reply to: Liz Cheney for President #2116116

    “Tonight, the nation marks the end of the Republican Party. What remains shares the name and branding of the traditional GOP, but is in fact an authoritarian nationalist cult dedicated only to Donald Trump.

    “Liz Cheney stood up to the lawless, reckless attack on our nation led by Donald Trump and millions of Americans saw leadership that transcended ideological boundaries. For standing up to Donald Trump and working to hold accountable those responsible for his violent insurrection, Liz Cheney risked and lost her political career as a Republican.

    “The Wyoming GOP, supported by millions of corporate dollars from Kevin McCarthy, nominated a reality-denying conspiracy theorist who promotes the “Big Lie” and bends a knee to Donald Trump.

    “Liz Cheney showed America what a dedicated public servant driven by principle is like; it’s no wonder today’s GOP hates her. She remains an essential leader of the pro-democracy forces in the United States today and we encourage her to continue to engage in the fight to save our Republic and protect our democracy.

    “The way she fought this race has only increased her stature among people setting aside their partisan differences to fight for democracy. We thank her for her service, and look forward to seeing her next chapter. America needs her and more people like her.”

    in reply to: Liz Cheney for President #2116114

    Who would have thought before 2016 that an American Political Party would throw people out who hold the President to follow the laws of the country ?
    Defund the FBI. Defund the CIA. Repeal the espionage act.
    Attack congress. Kill the VP. Overturn the election.

    The only people who are actually governing and passing laws that help Americans are the Democrats.

    in reply to: Julius & Ethel Rosenberg & Donald Trump #2115814


    You are getting personal because the Rosenberg’s were Jewish.
    So the American government killed 2 Jews.
    The Rosenberg’s were not the cause of Russia getting Nuclear weapons. Nobody claimed it.

    If you don’t believe the FBI at mar-a-lago, then you should equally suspect what they did to the Rosenberg’s.

    in reply to: Julius & Ethel Rosenberg & Donald Trump #2115702


    This question is moot because I very rarely believe in capital punishment in the American Justice System. Prosecutors have abused the system too often. There are so many people on death row today who should not be there.

    The Rosenberg trial was a prime example of prosecutors abusing the system. It was the 1950’s and America was at war with Russia/Communism. We didn’t wake up until after the 1970’s , Viet Nam and millions of deaths that we couldn’t win the war and we were never going to lose it.

    Ethel definitely should not have been put to death for her part.

    in reply to: Julius & Ethel Rosenberg & Donald Trump #2115663

    The Rosenberg story is a tragedy. Even though they had 2 boys and could have both been sentenced to life, or at least sentenced Ethel to life, they were killed. The family members who were the prosecution’s witnesses were clearly trying to protect themselves.

    in reply to: Julius & Ethel Rosenberg & Donald Trump #2115298

    Gadol Hadorah,

    If you were a member of America’s spy network in a foreign enemy country (or if you were personally responsible for one of these spies family safety), would you feel comfortable in Trump having a record of top secret documents in mar-a-lago ?
    The laws were made in order to keep people safe and there are no exceptions for “well , why would he do that” or “he never considered doing that ” !

    That he would bring these documents out to show off or for financial gain is exactly the reason why he could never ever be allowed to keep these documents in mar-a-lago or anywhere else in his jurisdiction even for 1 second. You seem to trust that whoever he would show off these documents to could be trusted to not sell the info to enemies.
    Nobody in law enforcement would allow ANYBODY to SHOW top secret documents to ANYBODY other than to the people who have clearance.

    in reply to: Julius & Ethel Rosenberg & Donald Trump #2115285

    The warrant lists three potential criminal violations that investigators suspected they would find evidence of in the search: concealment or removal of federal records, destruction or alteration of records in a federal investigation and transmitting defense information.

    The most serious of the charges, the one involving destroying records in a federal investigation, carries a maximum possible sentence of up to 20 years in prison.

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