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  • in reply to: “Karen” #2166867

    Everyone should have a good Shabbos.
    I find it amazing that the karen meme can lead to so much discussion.
    Similar to a lot of terms used on the internet , there is no definitive interpretation on the source or meaning of the meme “Karen.”
    Other memes that we can discuss, “Dad Jokes” , “Epic Fails” and “Doge”.

    in reply to: Pompeo #2166657


    What makes Pompeo qualified for President?

    What would Nikki add to the ticket as a VP?

    They are 2 Trump sycophant’s.

    If people want Trump, they will vote for him.

    in reply to: Shame on EVERY Democrat – re Islamist-bigot Ilhan Omar #2166167


    Your definition of “Islamist” is not the way the dictionary or wikipedia defines it. You should have used the word ‘radical’.

    She is not a radical. She is a moderate , conservative democratic member of the American House of Representatives.
    She is also not an islamist. She is a Muslim. Andre Carson from Indiana is also a Muslim. They are both upstanding US citizens and members of the US congress. They swore an oath on the koran to uphold the constitution. They did not hold the constitution and swear an oath to uphold the koran.

    “What does African by origin – Ilhan Omar have to do with the (mostly grandparents of Arab immigrants who are today called) “Palestinians”? Of course she is not “pro Palestinian” but anti Jewish.”

    That is your perception , but it is not objective. There are many members of Congress from all races, ethnicities and religions , (including President Biden and his administration) , who are concerned about the situation of the Palestinian’s vis-à-vis Israel. That is official US Policy. It has nothing to do with Anti-Jewishness.

    When you write this way about a Muslim member of Congress , you give credence to what people suspect about Jewish members of congress – that they are biased towards Israel.


    Islamism – 1) the faith, doctrine, or cause of Islam. 2)
    a popular reform movement advocating the reordering of government and society in accordance with laws prescribed by Islam
    Islamist – No definition.

    Wikipedia –
    Islamism – described an ideology seeking to revive Islam to its past assertiveness and glory, purifying it of foreign elements, reasserting its role into “social and political as well as personal life”; and in particular “reordering government and society in accordance with laws prescribed by Islam” (aka Sharia).

    Definition of BIGOT
    Merriam-Webster – a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices
    especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (such as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance.

    Regarding the JPost article, I guess all the Nazis in the world lost their internet connections.

    in reply to: Shame on EVERY Democrat – re Islamist-bigot Ilhan Omar #2166067

    What does an article in the WSJ by a notorious anti-muslim lady have to do with the Congress of the US being filled with bigots of all types ?

    in reply to: Shame on EVERY Democrat – re Islamist-bigot Ilhan Omar #2165861


    What is an Islamist-bigot?
    Is that similar to Zionist-bigot ? Jewish-bigot? White-supremacist-bigot ? BLM-bigot?
    Rich-bigot? Liberatarian-bigot? MAGA-bigot? Racist-bigot? Sexist-bigot? Christian-bigot? Lying-bigot – Ala George Santos ?
    I can give every single member of congress a nickname with a slash bigot based on their personal beliefs and biases. They could then all be kicked off of their committees .

    in reply to: Itamar Ben-Gvir #2165863


    Jews have been given the tremendous privilege and zechus to live in EY. But we are all all still in Golus until Moshiach.

    Practically speaking, Israel has enemies within and without who are ready to destroy her at the first opportunity. They must always be very careful how they act.

    in reply to: Itamar Ben-Gvir #2165764


    Not sure the Gedolim would say that the state in not ‘authorized’ by the Torah.
    Correct. No Gadol would condone sitting on their hands.
    Who is sitting on their hands ? Not the state of Israel. It is trying it’s hardest to prevent these attacks.

    in reply to: Itamar Ben-Gvir #2165591

    Baby Squirrel,

    We live in the current reality where millions of Arabs are residing in these communities . We are not living in the times of Moshe, Yehoshua, Gideon, Shimshon and Dovid Hamelech.

    Has Hashem appeared to you and revealed his will that פקוח נפש demands the expulsion of the arabs living in areas where they are close to a populated Jewish presence ?
    If not, don’t quote Him.

    Which Torah Giant of today paskened that פקוח נפש demands the expulsion of the arabs living in areas where they are close to a populated Jewish presence ?
    If none, don’t quote the Torah.

    Do you realize the פקוח נפש repercussions of such actions ?
    Do you realize that all the Jews in the world would suffer the consequences of such actions?
    Do you realize Israeli’s are living in the same Golus as the diaspora Jews?

    in reply to: Shame on EVERY Democrat – re Islamist-bigot Ilhan Omar #2163333

    Blind obedience to anything results in its constituents losing their ability to think critically. Nobody is blindly obedient to the democratic party. For sure, no Jew is blindly obedient to Ilhan. This is a straw man argument.

    “….many police are in fact criminals as well as racist bigots.”
    The data DOES support this. So do the thousands of dead innocent Americans who were killed over traffic tickets and the like.

    Reportedly Omar has a Palestinian map in her office which has Israel completely erased from the middle east

    Reported by whom ? Why believe in conspiracy theories.

    The past 2 years , a Democratic President and Congress have shown to the eyes of all the non-believers of the Jewish Republican party that supporting Democrats, is totally consistent with supporting Israel. Netanyahu’s administration, and Bennett before him, has a great relationship with Biden and American/Israel relations during his tenure have been outstanding.
    America has consistently condemned violence and terrorist attacks and supported Israel 100%.

    It behooves long-time Jewish republicans to face the reality of what the democrat party of today is.

    All the quotes from square root are from over 3 years ago and are referring to a tiny fraction of a fraction of the democratic party.

    If you want , we can brush the whole republican party with the actions of a few of the real meshuganes in the party.
    Anyone want to buy a cheap , barely used , almost new , Jewish Space Laser ?

    And socialism is not some random package of ineffective programs like public education. Socialism is Venezuelians bringing toilet paper and light bulbs to the hospitals treating their loved ones.

    This is another straw man argument.

    in reply to: Dental Insurance #2163076

    Yes. health insurance companies are greedy.

    On this I am in complete agreement with Ubiquitin. The insurance companies are part of our capitalistic system. There is nothing stopping them from raising premiums and lowering coverage. All this was happening before Obama. Individual Americans have no recourse.
    The insurance company lobby will destroy all dissent.


    As printed in flatbush jewish journal – week of parsha beshalach 5783




    in reply to: Dental Insurance #2162900


    I thank you for going back and forth about taxation and healthcare with DrP. He is getting answers that are very close to what I have written but I simply do not have the patience to go back and forth.

    My 2 cents are that the Government has an infinite ability to spend money that it does not have. It simply prints it.
    When it does , it is called a deficit. The current deficit is 31 Trillion. If we wanted to pay it all off, the government could raise taxes on everyone this year to raise it. That would never be done, because it would cause the economy to tank, impoverish everybody and cause a civil war.

    The standard options to pay for what the government spends are either raising taxes or let the deficit grow and hope that tax revenue will also grow without the need to raise taxes.
    There is never a one to one relationship between new government spending and raising taxation.

    in reply to: Shame on EVERY Democrat – re Islamist-bigot Ilhan Omar #2162227

    Republicans need to look in the mirror to be ashamed.

    in reply to: WANTED — Looking to Hire Immediately #2162187


    I wish you and your family much Gezunt, Parnasa, Nachas and Bracha.
    I don’t respond usually because as I explained I am not posting in order to change anyone’s mind.

    This whole post is a troll.
    Joseph is not hiring anybody.

    I tried once to get Joseph to stop but he continued. So I posted my own little troll. The description of a republican bible when there isn’t any at all, is obviously coming from my imagination. I have applied for a trademark on the moshol of a republican pope and bible found in sedom.

    Our Torah Hakedosha, which we all firmly believe was given to us at Har Sinai 3335, is not followed by any political party in America.
    The American constitution and Bill of Rights contain many elements that are direct rebellions against Hashem.

    in reply to: Arrogance at its best! #2161993


    No desantis and trump are different people I’m sorry whatever you think about two people being the same is ridiculous .

    I was discussing the topic of Ben-Ghiat’s view of DeSantis and the danger she sees in authoritarian arrogant politicians. Trump, who lead an overthrow of the government, and DeSantis who, as I pointed out, acts unilaterally and squashes debates on issues and people that he disagrees with are the same. It is not a republican vs democrat issue. All other republican politicians do not act in this manner. The issue is that the republicans will continue to vote for someone who acts in this manner.

    Her opinion might have value on this issue since she is a professor of history and Italian studies at New York University and wrote books called “The formation of a Fascist culture: the Realist movement in Italy, 1930-43” and “Fascist Modernities: Italy, 1922–1945”.

    I actually do not agree with her on DeSantis. He is much more grounded in following the constitution and the law than Trump. Trump will do whatever he wants and then hire a hundred lawyers to stay out of jail.

    in reply to: Dental Insurance #2161963


    I’m also sorry to hear about your hardship.
    We should not be discussing the ACA.

    We are discussing basics of government’s responsibility to ensure that Americans do not need to travel to Hungary in order to get dental care because insurance is too expensive, does not cover everything and the premiums are through the roof.

    in reply to: WANTED — Looking to Hire Immediately #2161937

    When you find the republican pope and ask him to show you the 2 pages you will find the first one blank and the second covered over with dollar bills.

    When you ask him where it is from, he will tell you that is was found in the dead sea area.

    in reply to: WANTED — Looking to Hire Immediately #2161936

    So the answer to why are you trolling is to troll some more?

    Go ahead spend your life believing in the republican bible.

    It is 2 pages long and ignores every word of Torah Shebiksav and Baal Peh.

    in reply to: WANTED — Looking to Hire Immediately #2161787

    Why are you trying to troll?

    in reply to: Dental Insurance #2161688


    Ask your son a simple question. Remind him of any friends or acquaintances that have special needs.
    Does he believe that society should just abandon these people since they are incapable of taking care of themselves or does he believe that he should contribute together with other people in order to enrich their lives?

    Then ask him if he feels that it is fair that he should contribute the same amount as bill gates and elon musk.

    in reply to: Dental Insurance #2161662


    To add another 2 cents on taxes:

    1) The idea that taxes means “taking away from one (rich) person to give to another (not rich) person ” is a tragically flawed and selfish view of taxation. It benefits everyone that we have a functioning government and society.

    2) The idea that republicans are against taxes is absurd. Republicans love taxes or else they wouldn’t be able to pay for anything that a functioning government and society needs.

    Rich republicans have hoodwinked people to believe that 1 and 2 are true.
    They have built a system over time where the rich people do not have to pay their fair share. They have brainwashed people so that every time they are demanded to pay their fair share they claim that it is unfair.
    The tax rate for rich people has gone down drastically. Before 1986 the tax rate for married filing jointly was 50% for 175,00.
    Now it is 37% for 687,000

    They have also hoodwinked people to believe that red states aren’t bigger takers in federal funds that they give back.

    in reply to: Dental Insurance #2161314


    I have read ubiquitin’s responses and he has clarified the crux of the issue. He has also described every day scenarios where nobody was willfully negligent but still was caught in the death trap of our capitalistic system of healthcare.

    To add my 2 cents.

    I do not understand how anyone can believe that government is NOT supposed to help the population.
    I do not understand how anyone can believe that Selfish Capitalism is the Torah view.

    in reply to: Looking for a quote #2160806

    If there is a quote, it is not a quote about “benefiting from electricity on Shabbos”.

    The reference to the Hazon Ish is referring to benefiting from the electricity produced by Israeli Power Plants that have Jewish non Shabbat-observant employees working on Shabbos.

    The Hazon Ish writes (Orah Haim 38:4),
    If the electricity was produced by a Jew who is not Shabbat-observant, it is forbidden to benefit from it. Even if it is a situation in which Halachah technically permits benefiting from the electricity produced, it is [still] forbidden since its use constitutes a chilul Hashem (desecration of God’s name)… because it is a public service, and the worker who [maintains the power plant] on Shabbat does so in a rebellious manner. One who benefits from the electricity produced in this manner indicates that his heart is not pained by the desecration of Shabbat [by other Jews]. May it be God’s will that everyone should speedily commit to a complete teshuvah (repentance)!

    The moshol (whoever said it) is referring to the callous lack of pain at Chilul Shabbos and Chilul hashem shown by using electricity produced with the assistance of a Jewish person on Shabbos.

    in reply to: WANTED — Looking to Hire Immediately #2160827

    I suspect a person who is looking to be hired by a website and claims to know what is “Daas Torah” clearly does not have “Daas Torah”.

    I was at a TU convention and Rav Pam zatsal was called up to give over “Daas Torah.”
    The first thing he said in his humility was that “I am giving over “Daas Avrohom”

    in reply to: Arrogance at its best! #2160485


    This topic is about Trump since DeSantis and Trump are the exact same.

    I don’t expect the party that despises democracy so much that when they lose an election they do everything they can to overturn it, to understand the dangers of arrogant people like Trump and DeSantis.
    That is the very definition of what Ben Ghiat is talking about.

    DeSantis embodies the hypocrisy of Republicans, picking and choosing which parts of the Bible they decide to listen to, when he took immigrants and shipped them away without food or shelter.
    I quoted her tweet because I dislike the right wing media taking things out of context in an attempt to make fun of them.They do it all the time. Like they just did with gas ovens.

    in reply to: Arrogance at its best! #2160167

    Arrogance at its best!

    The State Bar of California intends to seek the disbarment of former president Donald Trump’s election attorney John Eastman for his role in trying to overturn the results of the 2020 election.

    In a statement, the office of California bar Chief Trial Counsel George Cardona said Eastman faces 11 disciplinary charges, all arising from allegations that he was behind Trump’s plan to obstruct the count of electoral votes.

    Per the statement, Eastman is accused of making false and misleading statements regarding alleged election fraud — including claims he made at a rally at the Ellipse outside the White House that preceded the deadly riot at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. In the explanation of the charges, the California bar directly connects Eastman’s speech to the insurrection, saying he “contributed to provoking a crowd to assault and breach the Capitol to intimidate then-Vice President [Mike] Pence and prevent the electoral count from proceeding.”

    Eastman is charged with knowingly or through gross negligence failing to support the U.S. and California constitutions, which he took an oath to do. The allegation that Eastman is guilty of ‘moral turpitude’ is an attack on his very character, in other words that he is a bad man, not merely a bad lawyer.

    in reply to: Dental Insurance #2159861

    Dr Pepper,

    Do you think that the Republicans and Democrats in congress can come together and figure out a plan with the Insurance companies that will make dental coverage affordable?
    Does it make sense that Americans should need to travel to Hungary when they need dental care since they are paying out of pocket even with good dental coverage?

    Can congress do something to help Americans or is the Insurance lobby too strong ?

    in reply to: Judge fines Trump and his lawyer Alina Habba for frivolous lawsuit #2158459


    Thank you for the clarification.
    The fines were assessed by the Judge not because of the original frivolous lawsuit which Democrats are also guilty of filing.

    They were assessed because the lawsuit was pursued by Trump and Habba even after it was dismissed. That is real Chutzpah and mal-practice.

    Trump does not have any Grade A attorneys anymore.
    He can only hire novice attorneys who know very little about what they are doing but look good on Fox news.
    These low grade attorneys agree to represent him because they are publicity hounds and believe that any publicity is worth it for them.

    in reply to: George Santos – NY District 3 #2157800

    There is new information with pictures showing that he was a drag queen in Brazilian beauty pageants 15 years ago.
    A perfect fit for the Republican’s.

    in reply to: Sitting on info #2156829


    It is not worth responding to a thread when you do not regret or even acknowledge your own hypocrisy.
    Posts like square root’s also don’t add to the seriousness of the topic.

    in reply to: Dental Insurance #2156737


    but to stay within the cost limits the Administration had to agree to obtain the needed votes, they were excluded.

    As everyone knows the budget is not about costs. Not for Democrats or Republicans. Republicans have zero problem giving wealthy individuals tax breaks which caused the debt to go up 5.9 Trillion dollars. They have no issue sending 800 Billion dollars to the military every year when we are not at war and have not been in a real war for decades.
    If Americans would demand from their representatives that the Dental Insurance system be fixed and reverse the need to go to Hungary, then they would. If we have a dental system that is too costly for the average American , then American’s deserve that it be fixed.

    <blockqoute> The costs for adding dental coverage to Medicaid would run into the tens of billions of dollars in a CBO “cost” estimate.
    Tens of billions of dollars is small change overall. And it would benefit Millions of Americans.

    in reply to: Dental Insurance #2156218

    Reading this topic, I was sure that someone would have brought up the question of why do American’s allow the terrible state of dental care to continue .

    All the people commenting have the same experience – Dental Insurance Coverage in America for real dental care (not preventative) is not worth it.

    As CTLawyer excellently put it,

    the fact that most dental insurance is not that good, pays little and has annual caps and exclusions.

    . I would say

    All dental insurance


    Real dental care costs American’s thousands of dollars out of pocket. Jews , Boruch Hashem, have large families and have large Dental needs.

    Go to Hungary ? Mexico ? Israel?
    Is that what American’s should be doing???

    Let me put an idea in your heads.

    All Americans have teeth. Even with brushing daily – which needs to be done correctly and not a 1 minute throwing of toothpaste on your teeth – those teeth need repair.

    The Democrats have been trying for decades to resolve this issue. Starting from Clinton and continuing through Obama. Biden has not gotten to it yet.

    Maybe if the Republicans really cared about Americans they would have joined the Democrats in fixing this once and for all.
    Instead they call any attempt to fix the system as socialism, communism and worse. They even want to destroy the ACA system that has already helped millions of Americans and roll it back.
    The Republicans are the reason America still has a Dental system that is unaffordable and that causes millions of Americans to suffer in pain.

    in reply to: George Santos – NY District 3 #2155868

    On Wednesday, at a press conference in New York, Santos was condemned by the chair of the Nassau County Republican Party, the Nassau county executive, and Anthony D’Esposito, the newly elected GOP Congress member from a neighboring district — they all demanded that Santos resign. This was followed by the New York Conservative Party demanding that Santos resign in a press release that described him as morally disqualified from serving in public office.

    in reply to: Speakerless #2154224


    In my observation, McCarthy will not get it and will never get it.
    This is not normal political posturing which happens behind the scenes and before the nomination.
    This is an all out war between 2 parts of the Republican party.

    in reply to: Speakerless #2154069

    For the second day, the House remains speaker-less and no new members have been sworn in.
    It is clear that even after the hurdle of electing a speaker is over, the republicans in Congress are going to be divided for the next 2 years.
    As Lindsey Graham said,
    If we nominate Trump, we will get destroyed…….and we will deserve it.

    in reply to: George Santos – NY District 3 #2153056

    Current List of George Santos’ lies, deceptions and fabrications.

    His religion

    On his campaign websites, Santos noted that his “grandparents fled Jewish persecution in Ukraine, settled in Belgium, and again fled persecution during WWII.” His biography on his campaign website has since been changed.

    Santos described himself as “a proud American Jew” in documents to pro-Israel groups. But six weeks after he was elected to office, he admitted to misleading voters about his cultural and religious background. Santos told The New York Post during a Dec. 26 interview that he “never claimed to be Jewish,” only “Jew-ish.” He said his grandmother told him she was Jewish but had converted to Catholicism.

    The Forward looked into ancestral records, and found evidence that Santos’ maternal grandparents were born in Brazil before the Nazis rose to power in Europe.

    His education

    Santos told the Post during the Dec. 26 interview that he never graduated from college, retracting previous statements claiming that he received a degree in economics and finance from CUNY’s Baruch College in 2010.

    When he ran for Congress in 2019, Santos claimed on his campaign website that he graduated from the prestigious Horace Mann School in the Bronx. Ed Adler, a spokesman for the school, said officials there “checked all the records and all the aliases. He (Santos) did not attend Horace Mann.”

    His work experience

    On the campaign trail, Santos billed himself as a “seasoned Wall Street financier and investor” and claimed he worked at Goldman Sachs and Citigroup. But during the Post interview, the soon-to-be-lawmaker clarified that he “never worked directly” with either of the financial institutions.

    Around the same time Santos claimed that he was working his way through the financial sector, a Times investigation shows that he was a customer service agent at a Dish Network call center in Queens.

    His real estate portfolio

    Santos tweeted in February 2021 that he owned 13 rental properties where tenants had not paid rent for a year. “We worked hard to acquire these assets. Now it almost feels like we are being punished,” he wrote. But in the Post interview he admitted he does not own any real estate and lives at his sister Tiffany’s home in Huntington.

    Santos’ tweet railing against his fictitious tenants came four years after he was evicted for at least the third time in Queens, according to housing records surfaced by The New York Times.

    In court eviction records, he claimed to have been mugged in 2016 on his way to pay $2,250 in back rent on his Queens apartment. The NYPD says it has no record of the attack.

    His mother’s death

    As of at least October, Santos’ campaign website stated that his mother, Fatima Devolder, was “in her office in the south tower” of the World Trade Center on the day of the 9/11 attacks. The website stated “she survived the horrific events of that day, but unfortunately passed away a few years later.” An online obituary shows Santos’ mother passed away more than 15 years after 9/11, in December 2016.

    His Health History

    In a March 2020 video episode of the Empire State Conservatives Podcast — which has since been made private on YouTube — Santos tells the hosts that he “battled a brain tumor a couple of years ago.”

    “I had radiation done, which really, really lowers your immunity in general,” Santos said, recounting his experience with COVID-19 in the early days of the pandemic.

    Santos’ campaign did not respond to questions about when he was diagnosed, what treatment he received and where.

    His Charity

    The political newcomer claimed not only to be an ex-banker but also a lover of animals: Mr Santos previously claimed to have founded a charity group called Friends of Pets United, taking credit for supposedly saving thousands of dogs and cats. But no IRS records of the group could be found, and Mr Santos himself even backed away from the claim that he founded the group, later telling reporters that he only campaigned for the group and tried to find foster homes for some animals.

    in reply to: George Santos – NY District 3 #2151697

    He claims when he said he was Jewish, he meant jew-ish.

    I can’t believe the Republicans have found someone dumber than MTG and Boboert.

    in reply to: George Santos – NY District 3 #2151107


    “When vacancies happen in the Representation from any State, the Executive Authority thereof shall issue Writs of Election to fill such Vacancies.”
    — U.S. Constitution, Article I, section 2, clause 4

    If he resigns , then as is the law by all vacancies in congress due to death, resignation, declination, withdrawal, or House action, the Constitution requires that they be filled by election.

    Nobody gets to appoint the loser as a permanent replacement.

    in reply to: George Santos – NY District 3 #2150963


    Nobody says that Zimmerman should be declared the winner.
    That the loser gets to be declared the winner is only for deranged Trump and his band of anarchists in the Republican party like Kari Lake in Arizona.

    But that there should be zero consequences from Santos’s party for the amount of lying that he did ?

    in reply to: GAS PRICES #2150221

    New Jersey.
    Not one of the national brands.
    From checking online I see that there are some cheaper stations.

    in reply to: GAS PRICES #2149967

    Bought gas today for 2.89 a gallon.

    in reply to: Who said tachanun today? #2148160


    You are a troll because you decided that you are a bigger Talmid Chochom than all the Tzaddikim who have the minhag of skipping tachanun.
    As Rav Schachter shlit”a would say “It is not mechzei K’yuhurah . It is mamash Yuhara.”

    in reply to: Pandemic amnesty #2148106


    You must have more evidence than a talk show segment that by Trump in 2016 saying to black voters “what do you have to lose”, they all became republicans.

    in reply to: Who said tachanun today? #2147984


    Do some research!
    Call up a Chasidishe Rav for mekoros.
    Check a few seforim that talk about it .
    The seforim of the Shefa Chaim from Klausenberg discuss the minhag and it is based on solid sources from Tzadikim.
    How you can be mevatel a minhag that millions of Jews keep without doing any research?

    in reply to: Going down the wrong street #2146999


    That is why it is good to read the original and not a bias review of his words.
    He never said the word judge.
    I assume that the website that used the word judge was davka in order to offend you. Some Jews think that it is great idea that there should be a constant conflict and opposition between Israel and the American Government when it is run by a Democratic President.

    Here is the quote.

    Israel recently held free and fair elections with robust participation and a new government is expected to take office in the coming days. We fully respect the democratic choice of the Israeli people; we again congratulate Bibi Netanyahu. We welcome his commitment to make this a government that, in his words, “will work for the benefit of all residents of the State of Israel, without exception.”

    As President Biden told Mr. Netanyahu when he called to congratulate him, we expect the new Israeli Government to continue to work with us to advance our shared values, just as we have previous governments. We’ll continue to express our support for core democratic principles, including respect for the rights of the LGBT community and the equal administration of justice for all citizens of Israel. (Applause.) We will gauge the government by the policies it pursues rather than individual personalities. We will hold it to the mutual standards we have established in our relationship over the past seven decades. And we will speak honestly and respectfully with our Israeli friends, as partners always should.

    in reply to: Going down the wrong street #2146838

    The J street conference and Blinken being the keynote speaker already took place last week.

    His speech can be found online. (The applause in my quotes are from the summary by the US State Department. The bold is my addition.)

    Maybe it is worth a few minutes to read what he said.

    My summary is that there were no chiddushim and it was simply a repeat of the long standing policy of the US vis a vis Israel, the Palestinians , Peace , Security and improving the lives of everyone in the region.

    A few short clips.

    He repeated the US view on Iran.

    The regime’s actions have only deepened our conviction that Iran must never be allowed to acquire a nuclear weapon. (Applause.) We continue to believe that the best way to ensure this is through diplomacy. (Applause.) The benefits of this approach are borne out by the facts.

    Here is what he said about Jerusalem and the 2 state solution.

    The United States continues to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. As the President also said in his visit, Jerusalem is central to the national visions of both Palestinians and Israelis, and must be a city for all of its people. (Applause.)

    Anything that takes us away from two states is detrimental to Israel’s long-term security and its long-term identity.

    We know that, at this moment, the prospects of a two-state solution feel remote, and that may be an understatement to some. But we are committed to preserving a horizon of hope. That means holding firm to the values that have anchored the friendship between the United States and Israel across countless transitions in government in both of our countries.

    in reply to: Systemic Rot Within the GOP #2145966

    the rot is a disconnect lack of awareness of how to appeal to a national electorate. Trump won because he ran as something different than the old republicans who don’t do anything.<br><br>

    I do not understand what you mean.
    Also, many of the candidate’s that lost were Trump picks.
    As everyone knows, Jack K has been publicizing the systemic rot in the GOP for a long time. I am just trying to figure what GOP supporters now mean by ‘systemic rot’.
    Losing elections is not ‘systemic rot’.

    in reply to: Pandemic amnesty #2145673


    It is defined as mesirah. Just like every other time a Jew calls the non-jewish government on a fellow Jew.

    Are we talking about a specific case during Covid that I am unaware of ?

    in reply to: Systemic Rot Within the GOP #2145624


    I read your post and I am trying to understand what exactly is the systemic rot within the GOP?
    They won back the House.
    They still have many voters, fought very hard campaigns, and came very close to winning many races.
    The GOP candidate in NY did much better than anyone expected.

    in reply to: Pandemic amnesty #2145613

    My Merriam-webster’s definition of draconian is “cruel” or “severe.” It is usually used to describe harsh laws, rules, or regulations.
    In my mind, although I could be mistaken, the term is usually used in a negative context when the policy is not supported.
    For example, would you add the adjective ‘draconian’ to police shutting down a highway for an hour due to an accident ? Nobody likes it, but everyone understands the need for it.

    I believe that the crux of the issue is whether the people ordering the draconian measures had a good faith belief – at that time – that the measures were justified to save people’s health and lives.
    Just because there were other alternatives or mitigations in no way refutes, disputes, counters or proves that the reasoning behind the draconian measured was incorrect.

    Mesirah has the exact same connotation as draconian. It usually is used exclusively when the mesirah is not allowed.
    A Jew calling non-Jewish authorities on a synagogue is straight up mesirah. But if the synagogue was serving poisoned fish it would probably be allowed.
    The pikuach nefesh argument can be applied because the mesirah was done in order to protect lives not to harm the synagogue. Unless someone had been trying to close down the synagogue previously and found during Covid the perfect excuse to call the authorities.

    I do not deny people being bullied. I was bullied myself and I know of many instances of the Mitzvah of “bein adam lachaveiro” that metaphorically was flushed down the toilet.
    It was a very big nebach of the whole situation.

    “Much of the criticism of these policies is not being made now with the benefit of hindsight, but was made early on during the pandemic and was suppressed. And the criticism goes way beyond the aspects of the response that require knowledge of the virus itself. Knowing whether Covid is transmitted by aerosols, droplets, or from contact with surfaces doesn’t inform us on whether it’s a good idea to bully, scapegoat, deceive, or ignore the impacts of policies.”
    I understand and I will repeat my previous sentence.
    I believe that the crux of the issue is whether the people ordering the draconian measures had a good faith belief – at that time – that the measures were justified to save people’s health and lives.
    In order for us to get through Covid, we needed one plan of action. During the pandemic, the people responsible in the government had to decide a course of action. I probably would want the advice of the person who has been at the head of infectious diseases in the US for the past 40 years.

    The people who were not responsible could criticize all that they want. It was not their responsibility to safeguard the health and lives of the nation, and nobody would be blaming them for any deaths.
    There was one man who shouldered the heavy responsibility and accepted all the criticisms. He did not shirk it although he knew that he would be castigated and made into the Republican’s party scapegoat.

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