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  • in reply to: What are your thoughts about Kennedy?? #2185133


    I don’t care how she got these wacky opinions.

    The posts are so wacky that there can’t even be a conversation about them.

    It is like arguing with someone about whether the earth is flat.
    Nothing will disprove them.
    La terre est platte !

    in reply to: What are your thoughts about Kennedy?? #2184710


    I would also give him a chance if he ran for Senate, House or Governor.

    He is educated and sounds articulate.

    in reply to: What are your thoughts about Kennedy?? #2184526

    He is running for president as his very first.
    It is hilarious to think that he has a snowball chance in Gehenom.

    in reply to: What are your thoughts about Kennedy?? #2184463


    What do you find incorrect about my post?
    Regarding ujm,
    Hillary ran for Senator from NY and was immediately the party nominee. She knew she was going to be nominated from the start and was drafted by the Democrats.

    Only after being the first lady for 8 years where she was active in many parts of the administration including healthcare overhaul, Senator for NY for 8 years, Secretary of State for 4 years, did she run for President.

    Only the republicans will nominate a non-politically experienced person for president and expect that it will turn out good.

    in reply to: What are your thoughts about Kennedy?? #2183957

    Why would a political nobody run against an incumbent President? Just because of his last name?

    in reply to: Finland Joins NATO #2181599


    The following statement is 100% pure undiluted Russian Propaganda.
    “Putin is trying to re-attach parts of Ukraine to Russia — both of which had been a part of the original Russian state.”

    Finland, Sweden and the rest of NATO are 100% correct to not believe a word of it.

    Putin does not have permission to “re-attach” anything just because he “believes” it was historically his.

    I admit a millions deaths is a guzmah – so far. I should have written “displaced and destroyed the lives of”. But since the war is still ongoing and Putin appears to be ready to draft as many people as he needs, it might not be so wrong in the end.

    In terms of current events, Finland has been very public in why they wanted to join NATO now.

    No stunts. No pressure.

    In late August 2022 Finland’s foreign policy leadership gathered in Helsinki for the Annual Heads of Mission meeting to discuss current security and foreign affairs.
    Contrary to the idea that Helsinki was afraid of Russian military action against Finland, the decision to apply for NATO membership in May was based above all on proactive risk management. The always present potential of Russia’s threat had to be viewed from a different perspective after February. Finland’s previous restraints – national defense, the international rules-based order and close defense cooperation with NATO – were deemed insufficient under the circumstances.
    Hence, the conclusion was that only NATO’s article five and its nuclear deterrence could provide Finland with sufficient security.

    in reply to: Finland Joins NATO #2181517


    Why shouldn’t they become nervous after Russia invaded Ukraine killing millions of people to expand its borders?
    Russia and the USSR are totally different.

    How can an international treaty to cooperate militarily be considered a stunt? No country would agree to join NATO as a stunt.

    in reply to: Trump Indicted #2180766

    Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg filed a federal lawsuit Tuesday against Rep. Jim Jordan and others for what the prosecutor says is a brazen and unconstitutional attack by members of Congress on the prosecution and investigation of former president Donald Trump.

    Lawyers for Bragg’s office and private law firm Gibson Dunn filed the 50-page civil complaint in U.S. District Court in Manhattan seeking to interrupt an investigation launched by Jordan, chairman of the House Judiciary Committee. Jordan and his committee are trying to obtain confidential investigative materials compiled during the district attorney’s criminal probe.

    Among other things, Bragg is asking a federal judge to invalidate a subpoena from Jordan’s committee to former prosecutor Mark Pomerantz, who split with Bragg’s office early last year following a dispute over how the case should proceed. Pomerantz’s subpoena demands he appear for testimony on April 20.

    in reply to: Finland Joins NATO #2180727

    On 8/9/22, President Joe Biden signed NATO accession protocols for Finland and Sweden, moving the defense alliance closer to adding two wealthy, militarily advanced members amid Russia’s ongoing assault on Ukraine.

    Biden’s approval followed overwhelming support from both chambers of Congress earlier this summer, with the Senate ratifying the agreement last week. Efforts to welcome the two Nordic countries to the treaty have received bipartisan support, with Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell last week calling their admission a “slam dunk” for national security.

    in reply to: Arkansas Gov. Sanders signs law loosening child labor protections #2180259

    “I’ve been across our state since Friday, surveying damage, meeting with survivors, and discussing recovery efforts with local leaders, emergency personnel, and volunteers. It’s clear that the cost to clean up the damage those storms created will be substantial,” said Governor Sanders. “The federal government is currently covering 75 percent of all costs incurred during our recovery process, but that arrangement must go further to help Arkansans in need. Today, I’m asking the federal government to cover 100 percent of all our recovery expenses during the first 30 days after the storm.”

    The tornados and severe storms caused extensive damage and an intense financial burden for the affected communities.

    in reply to: Trump Indicted #2180073

    This is the first count.

    There are 34 of these.

    THE GRAND JURY OF THE COUNTY OF NEW YORK, by this indictment, accuses The defendant of the crime of FALSIFYING BUSINESS RECORDS IN THE FIRST DEGREE, in violation of Penal Law §175.10, committed as follows:
    The defendant, in the County of New York and elsewhere, on or about February 14, 2017,with intent to defraud and intent to commit another crime and aid and conceal the commission
    thereof, made and caused a false entry in the business records of an enterprise, to wit, an invoice from Michael Cohen dated February 14, 2017, marked as a record of the Donald J. Trump
    Revocable Trust, and kept and maintained by the Trump Organization.

    in reply to: Trump Indicted #2180052

    To all the MAGA supporters :
    Please prepare a list of all the people connected to this trial (judge, jury, lawyers, etc …) that you have already decided are democrats, or biased, or soros backed, or trump haters and those that you feel will give Trump a fair trial.

    in reply to: Trump Indicted #2179448


    Influence peddling is not a crime. If it was, Ivanka, Jared, Jr and Eric would have been indicted a long time ago.

    Trump will be indicted for what many other people were convicted of and are currently sitting in jail for. It’s not a novel crime, nor a novel indictment.

    in reply to: Arkansas Gov. Sanders signs law loosening child labor protections #2179070

    “So basically a useless law to have a useless form was knocked out.”

    So basically there was a great law on the books for a century to protect children and the current Governor, for no good reason except inconvenience, reversed it and is not worried about the adverse repercussions to the youth it was meant to protect.
    Mazel Tov.

    I understand what worries the Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families and all the opponents to the bill and I agree with them. As a result of her new law, employers can take advantage of 14 and 15 years old and get away with it.

    “So basically he’s saying that it will make a prosecutors job slightly easier if you have this form. ”

    Laws are made with the goal that they be enforced and not have violator’s feign ignorance. Nobody trusts people to keep the law when there is a monetary advantage to break it.

    Read the following republican hypocrisy from the Arkansas Advocate.

    Eliminating this requirement would “restore decision-making to parents concerning their children,” the bill states. Rep. Rebecca Burkes (R-Lowell), the bill’s primary sponsor, repeated this on the House floor Feb. 22.

    Rep. Andrew Collins (D-Little Rock) took issue with this clause.

    “Parents have to sign off [on the permit] under the current law,” he said. “If this passes, the parents won’t have to sign off, and I think that’s a pretty important distinction.”

    in reply to: Lock him up #2179072

    Dr Pepper,

    Quick Answer – I don’t know.

    Quick questions- all I’m asking for in the answer is either “yes” or “no”.

    Has Biden called for Trump to be locked up before he was indicted or even investigated ?
    Did Biden have rallies where there were constant shouts of “lock him up ” to thunderous applause ?

    in reply to: Lock him up #2178886

    … and he now has the exclusive record of being the only former president to be indicted in a criminal case.

    He keeps racking up firsts and exclusive records.

    There will be a lot more dishonorable records that will be attached to his name in the history books.

    If you think it is good for the Republicans that he now has a bigger lead against DeSantis, then you are living in a different reality than the rest of the world.

    in reply to: Judicial reform poll #2178848


    Then we agree.
    Have a Chag Kosher V’sameach.

    in reply to: Judicial reform poll #2178797


    Please explain why YWN wants to know this info ? This is not an election where everyone gets to vote and the result of the poll is worthless.

    in reply to: Judicial reform poll #2178722

    CA and Besalel,

    Anonymous posters who don’t live in Israel and don’t have to deal with the current situation, need to realize that their vote on this matter is not on the same level as Israelis. The poll results are thus inconsequential until you divide the Israeli’s and non-Israeli’s.

    The opinions of anonymous non-Israeli’s are nowhere near the level of actual decisions that Netanyahu and Ben-Gvir, who are responsible for what goes on in Israel, had to make.
    I am sure Netanyahu and Ben-Gvir are laughing at the poll.

    in reply to: Judicial reform poll #2178332

    I want to know how many of the responders are Israeli.
    If they aren’t, then please stop meddling into Israeli politics.

    in reply to: Arkansas Gov. Sanders signs law loosening child labor protections #2178023

    That republican federal government office collects money from the NRA, thoughts and prayers and caskets.

    in reply to: Arkansas Gov. Sanders signs law loosening child labor protections #2177939

    It’s better than the current federal government office for republican thoughts and prayers.

    in reply to: Arkansas Gov. Sanders signs law loosening child labor protections #2177866

    Frost ripped Republicans as “cowards” who “wasted our time” passing a Parental Bill of Rights and who didn’t give “a damn about the rights of children to go to their classroom without the fear of being gunned down due to senseless gun violence.”

    It was likely that “at this moment, the next mass shooter is planning their shooting,” he warned.

    “What will this chamber do about it?” Frost asked.

    Frost last week introduced a bill to create a federal office of gun violence prevention.

    “Three kids are dead today and every day that we wait, 100 more people die,” he said. “I pray to God that there are some Republicans in this chamber that can help support my legislation to save lives.”

    in reply to: Et Tu #2177763

    As others have mentioned that the phrase Et Tu Brute refers to betrayal, I would posit that a better phrase for surprise would be “הֲגַ֥ם שָׁא֖וּל בַּנְּבִאִֽים”. This is an ancient Yiddishe Mashal and is brought in Nevi’im.

    Shmuel Alef , Kapital Yud.
    “When all who knew him previously saw him speaking in ecstasy together with the prophets, the people said to one another, “What’s happened to the son of Kish? Is Shaul too among the prophets?”
    But another person there spoke up and said, “And who are their fathers?” Thus the proverb arose: “Is Shaul too among the prophets?”

    in reply to: Why did the Brisker Rav zt”l call giving brachos “shtusim”? #2175950

    It is better to ask Rav Brog what he meant. I am sure he will have a great answer for you.
    I have heard many of his shiurim. Always filled with Taam Vdaas.

    There is a famous story of the Brisker Rav’s minyan, when he lived in Jerusalem, waiting during Chazaras Hashatz for a Kohen to come and bentch Birkas Kohanim . Asked why he is makpid and will wait so long until they find a Kohen ,he said that people wait on line a long time for brachos from Tzadikkim, so Kal V’chomer for a Birkas Kohanim.

    in reply to: Lock him up #2175569

    The Republican’s “Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government” is totally living up to it’s name as McCarthy, Jordan and other members have intimidated, harassed, and attacked the Manhattan District Attorney in order to prevent him from completing his criminal investigation of Donald Trump.

    Total hypocrites.

    in reply to: Lock him up #2175434


    I cannot tell if you are serious.
    If Trump would have accepted the results of the election and conceded then ALL THESE PEOPLE WOULD BE FREE.

    in reply to: Lock him up #2175212


    They tried their hardest to lock Hillary up. She was under investigation until 2019 when her investigation for her email server ended. The investigation found “no persuasive evidence of systemic, deliberate mishandling of classified information.” If they had found something , she would have been locked up.
    Before that she was under investigation for Ben Ghazi. She testified for 11 hours to the committee. Trump has not testified publicly for a single minute.

    Democrats only want him to be convicted of crimes that he committed. Most of them he has loudly admitted to and publicly dared the justice system to get him.
    His running for office was not a crime but a few things he did during the campaign and after winning might have been.

    A lot of people are sitting in jail because of him and one is dead . He has not expressed any regret or requested forgiveness for ruining their lives. Michael Cohen was one of his closest lawyers who he then proceeded to destroy when Michael no longer wanted to commit perjury for him.

    That people feel sorry for him that he might sit in jail is astonishing. He never expressed that feeling for hundreds and maybe thousands of people going to jail because of him.

    Tish James is doing what she was elected to do – investigate Trump. Similar to what Trump promised to do with Hillary.

    in reply to: Lock him up #2175093

    Hillary Clinton, Dr Fauci, Hunter Biden, President Biden , and Nancy Pelosi are all not being indicted this week and will never be indicted.

    Allen Weisselberg, Rick Gates, Paul Manafort, Michael Cohen, George Papadopoulos, Roger Stone, Michael Flynn, George Nader, Elliott Broidy , Steve Bannon and hundreds of January 6th participants have all been indicted and most have also gone to jail due to their connections to Trump.

    in reply to: I don’t like Donald Trump, but… #2175055


    The logic of “However, I think the justice system system should leave it up to us to decide that. ” and “Don’t they trust the American citizens to elect the right person?” was used by Republican Senators – specifically Mitch McConnell – who refused to impeach Trump the second time.
    That is EXACTLY why he is being prosecuted by the justice system. The republicans did not have the courage to impeach him which would have prevented him from ever holding public office.
    The republicans who despise him now should regret not having begged their Senators 2 years ago to impeach him and that would have been the end of him.

    in reply to: Murdaugh Verdict – Circumstantial Evidence without Motive #2175051

    After it having been proven that there is one murderer in the Murdaugh family, the Smith family is going to dig up Stephen Smith who died under very suspicious circumstances .
    It was a “hit and run” with zero signs of a hit and run.
    This time it is connected to Buster Murdaugh.

    in reply to: Looking for a song #2174528

    You can go to Jewish Moments in the Morning with Nachum Segal: Playlist from December 13, 2021
    It is the first song of the day at 10 minutes in.



    I am not trying to argue with your reality, I am trying to understand your scenario.
    Please lead me through what happened according to you.

    It sounds like Arabs planned a pogrom and Israel was doing nothing to prevent it . Why?

    in reply to: Arkansas Gov. Sanders signs law loosening child labor protections #2173191

    “if someone wants to open a factory with child labor in a remote Bangladeshi village and save those kids from starvation, would you object on principle?”

    That is seriously misguided and evil. The defense of using child labor is what capitalist’s dream about.
    It is anti-torah , totally corrupt and completely unethical.

    in reply to: Silicon Valley bank and the economy crashing #2172958

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    Congressional Directed Spending Requests
    Senator Sanders logo

    NEWS: Sanders Statement on Silicon Valley Bank
    March 12, 2023
    BURLINGTON, Vt., March 12 – Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) on Sunday issued the following statement on Silicon Valley Bank:

    “Let’s be clear. The failure of Silicon Valley Bank is a direct result of an absurd 2018 bank deregulation bill signed by Donald Trump that I strongly opposed. Five years ago, the Republican Director of the Congressional Budget Office released a report finding that this legislation would ‘increase the likelihood that a large financial firm with assets of between $100 billion and $250 billion would fail.’

    “Unfortunately, that is precisely what happened. During the debate over the legislation I said: ‘Are our memories so short that we learned nothing from the 2008 Wall Street crash? Have we learned nothing from the Savings and Loan disaster of the early 1990s or the thievery of Wells Fargo over the last couple of years or the dishonesty of Equifax or the accounting fraud at Enron and Arthur Anderson or the failure of Long-Term Capital Management or the billions of dollars in fines that financial institution after financial institution has paid out for illegal or deceptive activities?’ Sadly, the Republican Congress and the Trump Administration answered all of these questions with a resounding NO.

    “Now is not the time for U.S. taxpayers to bail out Silicon Valley Bank. If there is a bailout of Silicon Valley Bank, it must be 100 percent financed by Wall Street and large financial institutions. We cannot continue down the road of more socialism for the rich and rugged individualism for everyone else. Let us have the courage to stand up to Wall Street, repeal the disastrous 2018 bank deregulation law, break up too big to fail banks and address the needs of working families, not the risky bets of vulture capitalists.”

    in reply to: Silicon Valley bank and the economy crashing #2172940


    Is your real name Yehudah or Shalom or Sam?
    You copy/pasted from this site directly to another one with a video of Ira Zlotowitz under multiple names .

    in reply to: Silicon Valley bank and the economy crashing #2172909

    The bank tanked because after being flush with billions extra in cash, it made a terrible decision to buy securities and bonds that lose value when interest rates go up.
    They lost that bet because the economy needed to raise interest rates due to inflation. They rolled the dice with investors money and lost it all.

    in reply to: Silicon Valley bank and the economy crashing #2172855

    Regarding #1, “Hashem promises anyone etc…”
    There is no such promise. Do not speak for Hashem or make things up.

    Re#2, Your words are taken out of thin air.
    You are not a Navi . You do not know why things happen, nor how to rectify them. Every Yid can make their own cheshbon hanefedh and increase their Torah and Mitzvos.

    The economy is not bad. One bank tanked.

    Yidden do not bow down to money. But we all realize the need for parnassa which allows us to support our families and communities.

    Re: 3, True emunah and bitachon is hard, but does not take 30 years .

    It takes constant daily repetition and living with Hashem and Tefillah.

    Hashem has many ways to wake up Yidden. We pray that he always does it by giving us extra good , so that we experience tremendous gratitude to Him that leads to closeness and love of Him.

    in reply to: Arkansas Gov. Sanders signs law loosening child labor protections #2172209

    Better that Americans get a real education than get force fed lies and right wing propaganda from Fox “news” and all of it’s appendages. Then they won’t grow up to become Governors of failing states that remove safety protections for minors and allow AR15’s to wipe out students.

    in reply to: Arkansas Gov. Sanders signs law loosening child labor protections #2172145


    The benefit it served is so that the government ensures that the business is not taking advantage of the situation.
    That is why the law was enacted in the early 1900’s.
    How many kids worked in the coal mine’s before child protection laws?

    And that is the answer to your second point.

    It boggles my mind that Republicans want to make voting as restricted and regulated as they can, but child safety gets thrown in the garbage because of inconvenience.

    in reply to: Murdaugh Verdict – Circumstantial Evidence without Motive #2172075

    Rmo are from live castrated bulls.

    in reply to: Murdaugh Verdict – Circumstantial Evidence without Motive #2172008

    Rocky mountain oysters is ever min hachai and is served at Colorado Rockies baseball games.
    It also has other names and is served in Canada too.

    in reply to: Rabbeim- ditch the drink #2171965

    Everyone has to use their own Da’as to use the obligation of “l’bsumey ad d’lo yada” to bring them closer to Hashem and not as an excuse to get drunk and act in a way which is the complete and total opposite of Purim and Kol Hatorah Kulah.

    in reply to: Murdaugh Verdict – Circumstantial Evidence without Motive #2171896

    He killed his 22 year old son. Just consider it a late term abortion and all Republican’s should demand capital punishment.

    in reply to: Rabbeim- ditch the drink #2171584

    In Slabodka I had two rebbes, zichronom livrocha, and boruch Hashem they were both inspirations to me. I will describe to you how different their behavior was on Purim.

    On Purim it was a minhag of the bnei hayeshiva to go to all the roshei yeshiva and menahalim of the yeshiva. We went to the homes of the roshei yeshiva and to the mashgiach and we went to all the important people of the yeshiva. And these two rebbes of mine were different in the way they behaved on Purim. Pay attention, because the ways of tzaddikim we have to learn; both of them are ways in avodas Hashem.

    One rebbe—I won’t tell names—when he sat at the head of the table and the yeshiva people were dancing around the table, he was watching to see who was a little wild, and those were the ones he gave wine or a glass of schnapps to. He poured fuel on the fire in order it should burn more brightly!

    The other rebbe was an old misnaged type; a cold misnaged. When we were dancing around his table, he looked at the boys suspiciously to see if somebody was ungeshikert, intoxicated, and anyone who was drunk and a little wild, his face turned unhappy and sour. That was the other rebbe.

    Now, which rebbe I followed you can understand yourself! The rebbe’s face that was sour, that’s the one I followed. And this rebbe said two separate schmoozen. One schmooze was that you shouldn’t get drunk on Purim; you should drink but don’t get drunk. Because gedolah deiah – how great it is to have daas! It means Awareness of Hashem. It’s always good to have daas. You drink עד דלא ידע – until you don’t know. עד means עד ולא עד בכלל; it means just before you lose your deiah, that’s when you stop. You should drink עד דלא ידע – until you don’t know. When you reach that stage, you’re yotzei already the mitzvah, more than that – stop. That was one schmooze; that whatever you do, you shouldn’t lose your deiah on Purim.

    Because Purim is a time of deiah; Purim is time to gain Daas Hashem, Awareness of Hashem. נודע השם משפט עשה בפעל כפיו נוקש רשע – Hashem becomes known when He does justice; when the wicked is ensnared in the work of his hands. So when Haman was hung on the same eitz that he made for Mordechai, it was בפועל כפיו, it was the work of his own hands, נוקש רשע, that ensnared the rasha, and that’s when נודע השם – that’s when you get daas Hashem awareness of Hashem. That’s when you get real emunah. When you see בור כרה ויחפרהו ויפול בשחת יפעל, that the wicked falls into the same pit that he himself made for somebody else, that’s when people get daas of Hashem.

    So Purim is a time to recognize Hakodosh Boruch Hu from what happened on Purim and to be mifarseim the nes, to publicize what Hashem did for us. And therefore Purim is not a time to lose your deiah, no. On Purim you have to have deiah, you have to acquire deiah. Only you drink up till then, as we said before, in order to get more hislahavus in deiah; more enthusiasm in this knowledge of Hashem.

    However, the other time we went to him he said as follows: Since Purim is a time for deiah, therefore we have to know that there’s a rule that the Mesillas Yesharim teaches us: החיצוניות מעוררת את הפנימיות – The outward acts of a person awaken up the inner thoughts. By doing certain outward actions, you stimulate your inner machshovos, your emotions.

    “Therefore,” he said, “on Purim when we dance—we were dancing around his table—every stamp you make on the floor—the floor was shaking from that—every stamp you make, you have to know that you’re stamping emunah into your neshama.”

    Don’t think it’s not so! You may be thinking also of a good time; why not? You like the exhilaration of dancing; you can let go on Purim. But if you’re doing it with a little bit of lisheim shomayim, you have to know that you’re imprinting emunah onto your neshama. That’s what you’re doing. “Every klop that you knock with your foot,” he told us, “you’re knocking the emunah into your neshama more clearly.”
    From the Rav’s Purim Mesiba, תשמ״ה, March 7th 1985

    in reply to: Rabbeim- ditch the drink #2171583

    What should be our attitude towards those who become shikur on Purim?

    We have to know that the purpose of our lives is to acquire da’as, not to lose da’as. When a person becomes very intoxicated so he is already b’geder beheima, he’s in the category of an animal, and that’s no praise for him at all.

    However, sometimes in order to raise the airplane off the ground, you have to put high octane fuel into the tank to help get liftoff. And therefore, in order to make yourself more enthusiastic it’s the proper thing, there’s nothing wrong with imbibing a certain amount. But to get out of control, that’s a mistake. It’s not a kiddush Hashem; you make yourself look disgusting. No, I don’t approve of that, it’s very wrong, very wrong.

    And therefore, although it’s a mitzvah on Purim nichnas yayin yatza sod, you have to be very careful that nichnas yayin, the wine should come in to you, and yatza sod, and the secret of the Jew comes out. יין is gematria seventy, and סוד is also gematria seventy. So the seventy of wine comes in and it pushes out the secret that the Jew keeps inside him.

    So the Jew has in his neshama a love of Hashem, only that he’s too bashful to talk about
    it. He’s enthusiastic for the Torah and mitzvos but he’s embarrass to show it. But when the wine comes in, so the truth comes out and it shows his real pnimiyus. When he’s a little bit intoxicated the Jew shows the real enthusiasm that he possesses, things that he never showed before.

    So therefore, Purim is a great opportunity for people to demonstrate their loyalty to the Torah, their emunah in Hakodosh Boruch Hu, that He’s protecting us at all times, and that eventually we will conquer, we will outlive all of our enemies. All this and much more we can demonstrate on Purim; and we are able to do it when we evoke, we elicit, the greatness of which we are capable. We have it in ourselves! And a little bit of mashkeh helps out, no question about it.

    Of course, Purim is a great day of da’as in general. And we should try to make it as much as possible important in the eyes of our children, and in our family and in our community. Make a big fuss out of Purim! And the Purim seudah should be a very important affair, a very important seudah. And by making Purim very prominent in our lives, then it becomes one of the jewels, one of the most beautiful tachshitim on the luach of the Jewish year.
    TAPE # 867 (March 1992)

    How do I utilize drinking עד דלא ידע in order to serve Hashem?

    עד דלא ידע בין ארור המן לברוך מרדכי. I’ll tell you one peirush. It means עד ולא עד בכלל. You drink up to the point of losing your da’as. You drink just enough. But not enough to lose your da’as. On Purim you have to have da’as. You have to have more da’as on Purim, not less.

    Now, a little bit of da’as can be gained by drinking. A little bit. Oh yes; it’s like an airplane that needs high octane gas to get up in the air. A little bit of alcohol helps your spirit go higher. Yes, a little bit of mashkeh. But too much alcohol will sink you. And therefore, there’s no use in falling asleep in the middle of Purim like a drunken goy and then they have to call Hatzalah. On Purim you should be gaining da’as and if you utilize the day properly, it’ll be a day of da’as. And you won’t be gaining any da’as lying on the floor waiting for Hatzalah to come.
    TAPE # E-225 (March 2000)

    in reply to: Rabbeim- ditch the drink #2171551


    As a talmid of Rav Miller zatsal, you certainly know that Rav Miller was the happiest person alive on Purim , but was nowhere close to drunk.
    FYI – He was probably the happiest person alive the other 365 days of the year too.

    in reply to: Rabbeim- ditch the drink #2171213

    For those who follow Daas Torah, here is their message

    An Appeal to B’nei Yeshiva & Ba’alei Batim
    “One is obligated on this day [of Purim] to have an abundance of simcha, and to eat and drink To contentment. However, we are not commanded to become drunk to the point of diminishing ourselves through the simcha, for the simcha that we were commanded to have is not one of frivolity or foolishness but one of spiritual pleasure that brings us to the love of Hashem and praise for the miracles He performed for us.” (Meiri, as quoted in the Bi’ur Halacha, Orach Chaim 695.)
    In recent years, the problem of dangerous drunkenness on Purim, especially among b’nei yeshiva, has reached alarming proportions, and has led to sakonas nefoshos and chilul Hashem.
    Medical doctors as well as representatives of Hatzolah have reported numerous instances of bochurim having to be rushed to hospital emergency rooms, some of them even placed on life-support systems, because of over-drinking on Purim.
    To address this intolerable situation, we call upon the entire community that seeks to fulfill the mitzva of Simchas Purim properly, and especially our dear yeshiva bochurim, to take special care in drinking practices, and to adhere to the following suggested guidelines.
    1. The mitzvah of “Chayav adam l’v’sumei b’Puria…” is preferably fulfilled with wine, as is stated In Kitzur Shulchan Aruch (142:6). Unrestrained use of whiskey and other alcoholic beverages is entirely inappropriate and absolutely contrary to da’as Chachomim.
    2. Ba’alei Batim should not serve any alcoholic beverages, including wine, to groups of bochurim visiting their homes.
    3. Those who drive under the influence of alcohol endanger not only themselves but also their passengers and other members of the public. Drivers must therefore not consume any alcoholic beverages, including wine, and must take extra care to drive safely, observing all applicable Laws and safety procedures.
    4. Nobody should enter a car if there is reason to believe that the driver is under the influence of alcohol, and all appropriate steps should be taken to prevent such an individual from driving.
    In the merit of fulfilling the mitzva of Simchas Purim properly, may we be privileged to see haromas keren Yisroel.
    Rabbi Shmuel Berenbaum
    Yeshivas Mir
    Rabbi Eliezer Simcha Lieff
    Yeshiva Gedolah of South Monsey
    Rabbi Yehoshua Schiff
    Mesivta Bais Shraga
    Rabbi Chaim Boruch Wolpin
    Yeshiva Karlin Stolin
    Rabbi Mastisyahu Salomon
    Beth Medrash Govoah, Lakewood
    Rabbi Yisroel Plutchok
    Yeshiva Derech Chaim
    Rabbi Shmuel Mendlowitz
    Mesivta Bais Shraga
    Rabbi Asher Kalmanowitz
    Yeshivas Mir
    Rabbi Akiva Grunblatt
    Yeshiva Rabbi Yisroel Meir Hakohen
    Rabbi Yisroel M. Kagan
    Yeshiva Toras Chaim, Denver
    Rabbi Yaakov Abramowitz
    Yeshiva Gevoha D’Chassidei Gur
    Rabbi Chaim Leib Epstein
    Yeshiva Zichron Melech
    Rabbi Simcha B. Ehrenfeld
    Mattesdorfer Rav
    Rabbi Dovid Kviat
    Yeshivas Mir
    Rabbi Shloime Mandel
    Yeshiva of Brooklyn
    Rabbi Mordechai Rennert
    Yeshiva Derech Chaim
    Rabbi Yaakov Schnaidman
    Yeshiva Bais Moshe, Scranton
    Rabbi Yoseph Rosenblum
    Yeshiva Shaarei Yosher
    Rabbi Moshe Wolfson
    Yeshiva Torah Vodath
    Rabbi Dovid Schustal
    Beth Medrash Govoha, Lakewood
    Rabbi Yeruchim Olshin
    Beth Medrash Govoha, Lakewood
    Rabbi Moshe Green
    Yeshiva D’Monsey
    Rabbi Yitzchok Paler
    Yeshiva M’kor Chaim
    Rabbi Yosef Frankel
    V’yelepoler Rebbe
    Rabbi Yehuda Svei
    Yeshiva Gedolah of Philadelphia
    Rabbi Zecharya Gelley
    Khal Adas Yeshurun
    Rabbi Chaim Stein
    Yeshivas Telshe, Clevaland
    Rabbi Moshe Glustein
    Yeshvia Mercaz Hatorah, Montreal
    Rabbi Yekusiel Bittersfeld
    Yeshiva Harbotzas Torah
    Rabbi Yitzchok Feigelstock
    Mesivta of Long Beach
    Rabbi Aharon M. Schechter
    Yeshiva Rabbi Chaim Berlin
    Rabbi Eliezer Gross
    Yeshiva Gedolah of Los Angeles
    Rabbi Aharon Feldman
    Yeshivas Ner Yisroel, Baltimore
    Rabbi Yitzchok Sorotzkin
    Rosh Yeshiva, Telz Yeshiva, Lakewood
    Rabbi Chaim Steinwurzel
    Yeshiva Shaarei Yosher
    Rabbi Avraham Chaim Levin
    Yeshivas Telshe-Chicago
    Rabbi Eliezer Eichler
    Tiferes Mordechai Shlomo, Boyan
    Rabbi Elya Ber Wachtfogel
    Yeshiva Gedola Zichron Moshe
    Rabbi Eliyahu Kanarek
    Yeshiva Ohr Hameir, Peekskill
    Rabbi Henoch Leibowitz
    Yeshiva Rabbi Yisroel Meir Hakohen
    Rabbi Shmuel Miller
    Yeshiva Gedolah Bais Yisroel
    Rabbi Aryeh Malkiel Kotler
    Beth Medrash Govaoha, Lakewood
    Rabbi Naftali Jaeger
    Yeshiva Shor Yoshuv
    Rabbi Yisroel Perkowski
    Yeshiva Bais Hatalmud
    Rabbi Yechiel Perr
    Yeshiva Derech Ayson
    Rabbi Chaim Dov Keller
    Yeshivas Telshe, Chicago
    Rabbi Shimon Alster
    Yeshiva Gedola of Cliffwood
    Rabbi Binynomin Zeilberger
    Yeshiva Bais Hatalmud
    Rabbi Tzvi Spira
    Bluzhover Rebbe
    Rabbi Lipa Margolis
    Yeshiva Torah Temimah
    Rabbi Yaakov Busel
    Mesivta Rabbeinu Yaakov Rabbi Yosef Eichenstein
    Yeshivas Rabbeinu Yaakov Yosef
    Rabbi Shmuel Kamenetsky
    Yeshiva Gedolah of Philadelphia
    Rabbi Dovid Harris
    Yeshiva Rabbi Yisroel Meir Hakohen
    Rabbi Reuven Feinstein
    Yeshiva of Staten Island
    Rabbi Levi Dicker
    Yeshiva Mercas HaTorah, Belle Harbor
    Rabbi Yaakov Bender
    Yeshiva Darchei Torah
    Rabbi Yochanan Zweig
    Yeshiva of Miami Beach
    Rabbi Shmuel Shmelka Leifer
    Yeshiva Toras Chesed
    Rabbi Dovid Feinstein
    Yeshiva Tiferes Yerushalayim
    Rabbi Refael Gettinger
    Yeshiva Toras Chesed
    Rabbi Meir Stern
    Yeshiva Gedolah of Passaic
    Rabbi Yaakov Perlow
    Novominsker Rebbe
    Rabbi Yosef Harari-Raful
    Yeshiva Ateret Torah
    This message is published as a public Service by Agudath Israel of America,and has been publicized regularly for close to twenty years.

    in reply to: White History Month #2167956

    This is the current sad state of the republican party.
    Let’s make fun of Black History Month because there is no white history month.

    in reply to: White History Month #2167854

    Do you feel a need for White History Month?

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