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  • in reply to: Halachically okay to be liberal? #1697973

    It is Time for Truth

    For arguments sake, since I know you will never be able to answer, where does the torah say this ?

    in reply to: Halachically okay to be liberal? #1697974

    Lakewhut ,

    Stop trolling.

    in reply to: Halachically okay to be liberal? #1697896

    Avram in MD,

    You are one of the few people who post whose opinion I value.
    You are only referring to abortion and not to the other aveira that was being talked about. What would you do with that avaira?
    Regarding abortion – I will argue with you because the debate of when life starts is at the crux of the abortion issue. Only in the Torah do we find a fetus is a human life.
    Every non-jew living in America does not need to be restricted based on the Torah’s definition of when life starts.

    in reply to: Halachically okay to be liberal? #1697842

    lakewhut and Joseph,

    Should we make a constitutional amendment/SCOTUS to outlaw toeavah behavior ?
    When are you going to stop demanding that American law be in complete agreement with the Torah ?
    Should we outlaw these Torah prohibitions – inter-marriage ? Adultery ? Avodah Zara ?

    in reply to: Halachically okay to be liberal? #1697730

    If you have an abortion , you have violated halacha.
    If you engage in toevah , you have violated halacha.
    If you believe the torah allows all abortions you are a kofer
    If you believe the torah allows toevah , you are a kofer.
    In America is it allowed to engage is these 2 activities. Therefore these 2 American laws validated by the Supreme Court are kefirah.

    If a Jew wants to live in a country where these 2 activities are forbidden, they can move there,
    We do not because we enjoy the freedoms of America.

    Liberals believe that if these activities are permitted by the Supreme Court of America than the laws should reflect that discriminating against people who engage in these activities is illegal.

    Just like discrimination against shomer shabbos employees is illegal.

    in reply to: A Serious Question for Jewish Democrats #1664335

    Avi K,,

    They believe that he is both ” lord and savior”. They repeat this phrase all the time.

    in reply to: Will Israel be the korbon of Trump’s desperation. #1664034

    This news is really surprising from the man described as an Oheiv Yisroel Par Excellence

    in reply to: Who’s going to be the one to lose out #1663946

    1 and coffee addict –

    Trump and the Republicans were just trounced in the recent election. (Besides losing the popular vote 2 years ago.)

    America elected the Democrats in congress to act logically and ethically against Trumo.

    Pelosi as the Speaker of the House is doing exactly that. She has the support of most Americans who love what she is doing.

    Stop listening to fox news and Hannity and Levin. Everything that comes out of their mouths makes a person dumber. Trump can say 2 weeks before the shutdown on national TV that he is taking responsibility and you still don’t blame him.

    And I will repeat , I do not understand how the YW mods let 1 continue with his Onoas Devorim.

    in reply to: Who’s going to be the one to lose out #1663680

    Trump has already lost . Pelosi did not do this for the fox news readers. She did it for the rest of America .

    She just wanted to remind everyone that the Government being shutdown is not a normal situation and that Trump not trying to resolve it by passing bills to re-open the Government is a disaster.

    She generated talk about the shutdown affecting people and Trump\Republicans are acting as if they couldn’t care less.

    in reply to: Palestinian Rashida Tlaib is Dem Version of Racist Steve King #1663372


    I only have to mention one word and everyone will agree that there is legitimate criticism of the Israeli Government – “GIYUS”

    in reply to: Palestinian Rashida Tlaib is Dem Version of Racist Steve King #1663364

    Coffee addict and 1 :

    I do not agree with her at all on anything she says about Israel or Palestine. She hasn’t advocated the death of anybody.

    This thread is only about comparing her to Steve King.

    I pointed out the difference and why she is not being censured.

    I don’t have to respond to stupidity like “get a clue.” Why the YW moderators allow this Onoas Devorim to be posted, I am not sure.

    You have both proven my point that she has not said or done anything that deserves censuring from the body which she is a part of – the congress of the USA.

    if Trump would have repeated constantly ” a complete and total shutdown of Jews entering the United States ” you would not be satisfied that he only blocked Jews from 5 countries. You would be rightfully mad at the anti-Semitic rhetoric that got him elected.

    in reply to: Palestinian Rashida Tlaib is Dem Version of Racist Steve King #1663368

    Zion Gate

    You posted that you were responding to coffee addict when you were responding to me.

    I will repeat what I just posted a few minutes ago that this thread is exclusively about comparing her to Steve King. That is what I was referring to.
    It is not a debate on her views of the Israel Palestine conflict or who is in control of Gaza.
    It is not a debate on Hamas or Hummus. It is not a debate on ISIS . Not is it a debate on authoritarian dictatorial governments that kill people – like Putin, Saudi Arabia and Erdogan.

    Since people might suspect me of being on her side – I will say again that I disagree with her about everything she says regarding Israel.

    But everyone here who lives in the malchus shel chesed in Galus USA , needs to remember that for the next 2 years there is a Palestinian/Muslin lady in Congress who will be giving her opinion and taking the Palestinian side of this conflict.

    in reply to: Palestinian Rashida Tlaib is Dem Version of Racist Steve King #1663084

    Trump and his supporters chanting for a ” complete and total shutdown of Muslims entering the United States ” is a perfect description of “rabid anti Muslim white people. ” Do you support him ?

    1 – Which murderers does she support ? Please bring proof.
    She probably considers Israeli soldiers murderers . I support every single Israeli soldier.

    I answered the question. She only needs to be sanctioned when she says something that deserves sanctioning.

    You have to start looking at things from her perspective and not from your own.

    Do we live in Israel , Saudi Arabia or the USA ?

    in reply to: Palestinian Rashida Tlaib is Dem Version of Racist Steve King #1663031

    coffee addict –

    You do not like Tlaib because of her views on Palestinians vs Israel.
    As she is a Palestinian and has family living in the Gaza Strip, her views on the Israeli/Palestinian conflict are very understandable.

    She is doing exactly what all the Jewish congressmen who vote constantly in favor of Israel and can never find a single fault with what Israel does.

    How can you compare that with King who wants to further his racist agenda against minorities in America ?

    in reply to: The Southern Wall #1661301

    Here is A Houston-based structural engineer’S assessment on the wisdom of erecting the 1,954 mile barrier proposed by Donald Trump .
    – the project would run up against a variety of problems, including landowner challenges, potential ecological damage, and higher flash-flooding risks.
    – constant maintenance requirements and unexpected glitches would obliterate original cost estimates
    – the effectiveness of the wall is in no way guaranteed. “I could, right now, purchase a 32 foot extension ladder and weld a cheap custom saddle for the top of the proposed wall so that I can get over it,” she writes.
    And, she adds, the wall could be easily breached by next-generation drones that could pick up and lift people soon—let alone by the time the project is completed.
    – the prototypes they came up with either do not do the job ( how long does it take to drill a hole in these walls or dig a tunnel underneath ?) or are impossible to build.

    How can Trump shut down the government over this ?
    Open the government and have a discussion with congress on money for the wall.

    in reply to: Voting Democrat #1644755

    Sorry I confused you with what someone else said.
    Your 2 examples are the exact exaggeration I am referring to.
    Cortez is a first term congressman from 1 district in NY who just got elected and hasn’t done anything yet , and somehow she represents the whole Democratic party. Absurd.
    To all the democratic voters all over the country who have voted over the past decade , she is a nothing. no matter how much press she gets.

    In the Kavannaugh hearings, the Republicans had the exact same herd mentality. Even Republican women that understand the gravity of the accusation voted for him.

    in reply to: Voting Democrat #1644756


    Republicans also have abortions. The SC ruled that it is legal. It was not decided by either party.

    in reply to: Vote Republican #1644605

    “The 2016 Republican platform (you can read the full, detailed text online) is pro-life”

    AviK ,

    They are not pro-life.
    Hundreds of Americans have been killed in mass shootings in the past 2 years because the R’s are in bed with the NRA.
    The Afghanistan and Iraq wars have been started by Republicans with millions dead.
    Trump continues to support SA despite the killing of civilians in Yemen.
    The R’s couldn’t care less once the baby is born . No health insurance .
    You live in a conflict zone – sorry we don’t care. No immigration for you.
    An American resident was murdered in Turkey. Sorry we don’t care about you.
    Pro life is the self-righteous baloney that the Republicans spout to make them feel good.

    in reply to: Voting Democrat #1644279

    Curiosity ,

    Not everything that comes out of the mouth of a politician with a D after his name is the policy of the democratic party. Nor should it be a paslus in voting for democrats. That should be pashut and agreed upon by all. There are many different personalities and views in the democratic party.

    Similarly, there are many statements that come from politicians of the Republican party that are anti Torah and I am sure you do not agree with. Does that pasul them ?

    A favorite tactic of right wing radio hosts is to find the one idiotic politician/celebrity to say something stupid and to make believe as if every normal democrat holds this way.

    Most of what is assumed to be the opinions of democrats is based on this generalization.

    The quote: “every time they are in power, they try to shrink Israel’s borders, force them to ceasefires, etc. Don’t forget.” is simply false and inflammatory.
    Both democrat and republican presidents try to make peace in the region and save lives.
    They both want the 2 sides to come together for an agreement.

    The policy of democrats is not that Israel has to give up land or force them into ceasefires willy nilly.

    in reply to: Voting Democrat #1642672

    Ubiquitin ,

    Thanks for the laughs.
    There are a few users who repeatedly post against the Democrats. Do a search and you will see every few weeks another anti Dem, Pro Repub , Pro Trump , Anti Obama, Anti Hillary … post
    No matter how many times the other side is explained to them they will post again and again.
    At least we can have a good laugh in the CR when they do it.

    in reply to: Election Results 2018 — Republicans Do Better Than Expected #1624157


    What was predicted? Please tell us whose predictions you are referring to.
    The Republicans were not planning on losing the house. They lost it big time.

    Governorships of Florida and Georgia have not been called yet. You do not get to count them.

    Obama had consistently better approval ratings than Trump has ever had.

    in reply to: Election Results 2018 — Republicans Do Better Than Expected #1622890


    Why do you need to type like this “p-u-l-e-e-e-z-e” Or repeat the same thing over and over nada….semmi…nula ….. ?
    It distracts from your posts and it makes it seem that you do not respect your readers.
    Stick to your arguments and don’t add the fluff.

    All of your points about the dems and republicans are just spouting opinions without facts.
    “No longer monied Repubs who looked down at lower classes. ” There are many rich republicans that do not want to share any of their money.
    “Dems want resistance, destruction, litigation and power”. That is exactly what the Republicans did the last 8 years before Trump .
    “An opportunity for even seniors to get a shtikel job…” Nobody is hiring seniors to learn new skills for 8 hours per day manufacturing jobs.

    in reply to: Election Results 2018 — Republicans Do Better Than Expected #1621420

    Coffee Addict:

    You cherry picked 3 to disagree with.
    At least we agree with the other 5.
    On2) : I used that example just for such a response. A failed campaign promise is not usually considered an outright lie but a failure. When Obama promised that you could keep your doctor it was not a lie. The Congress and the reality of the current health care system resulted in the failure to implement that particular promise.
    On 3): This one is hard for me to believe that you disagree with since Trump himself admitted after being forced to admit that he had zero evidence that there were middle easterners in the group.

    On 4) There is a current immigration and border security system in place. Nobody can just emigrate to America. Building a wall on the southwestern border is ineffective and a waste of resources. We do not need to protect the border by putting children in cages. Read the bipartisan immigration bill that Schumer authored that had $40 billion for border security.

    in reply to: Election Results 2018 — Republicans Do Better Than Expected #1621427

    As time goes on, the headline to this thread is becoming falser and falser.
    Some of the undecided races have gone to the democrats – they have built on the majority in the House and have lowered the losses in the Senate.

    in reply to: Election Results 2018 — Republicans Do Better Than Expected #1620597


    I will give you a few examples. I tried to pick the obvious ones and ones that don’t require so much research. But there are hundreds of his lies – many that he continues to repeat.
    1) “We will build a wall along our Southern border and Mexico will pay for the wall.”
    2) “We will get rid of the Affordable Care Act.”
    3) “Criminals and unknown Middle Easterners are mixed in” the caravan. ”
    4) “Democrats oppose any effort to secure our border.”
    5) He didn’t cancel a political rally after Pittsburgh Shabbos Terrorist attack because after Sept. 11, “the New York Stock Exchange was open the following day.”
    6) “We had a massive landslide victory in the Electoral College.”
    7) “No administration has accomplished more in the first 90 days.”
    8) “There is “no system to vet” refugees from the Middle East. ”

    in reply to: Election Results 2018 — Republicans Do Better Than Expected #1620376

    Ben L,

    “Pre-existing conditions” was understood by all to mean existing before you were covered with health insurance. That was never a lie.
    The ACA has been the law for 8 years. Republicans were forecasting that it would die on its own accord. It hasn’t. It is still healthy and robust and working. That is why the Republican’s are no longer running to repeal or replace it.
    Lie 3. I agree that was a lie. But healthcare costs were going up anyway. So what it your point ?

    Are you saying that since Obama lied about the ACA so Trump gets a pass whenever he wants to lie ?

    in reply to: Election Results 2018 — Republicans Do Better Than Expected #1620303

    Ben L,

    Everybody, including Republicans, want to reign in healthcare costs.

    It is time for truth:

    I do not understand your response.
    Please quote what I said and your response to it.

    in reply to: Election Results 2018 — Republicans Do Better Than Expected #1620211

    Ben L,

    BH , you are healthy now.

    Obama’s lie is not glossed over and he acknowledged it and did apologize exactly 5 years ago- “I am sorry that they are finding themselves in this situation based on assurances they got from me,” he told NBC News in an exclusive interview.

    in reply to: Election Results 2018 — Republicans Do Better Than Expected #1620168


    I don’t remember calling them entitlements. Thanks for the explanation of how the 2 systems were set up. My point was that the benefit that American’s enjoy from the 2 systems was legislated by Democrats.


    Many Jews are under the false impression that the Republicans are the only party that represents the Torah’s moral values. My point is that Democrats represent many of the Torah’s moral values.

    I do understand if people are of the opinion that the anti-toevah stance of the Republican’s trumps the Democrat’s assist all humanity stance. I just politely disagree.

    in reply to: Election Results 2018 — Republicans Do Better Than Expected #1619961


    You have never heard of a rhetorical question?
    I use them to open your eyes to the truth of the Republican party.

    The Democrats.passed the ACA bill. The Republicans voted 100% against it.
    They get zero credit for pre-existing conditions

    The Republian’s recently tried to repeal the ACA without replacing it. If you repeal the ACA- the law on pre-existing conditions is gone.

    I do agree that the Republican’s realized after the Democrats passed the ACA that American’s love parts of it like the provision on pre-existing conditions and also the provision on insurance including dependents under 26.
    The Graham-Cassidy bill got the closest to the new Republican view on the two. It kept the under 26 provision but allowed states the ability to opt-out of requirements that insurers charge the same premiums for healthy and sick customers.

    Medicare and Medicaid were also passed by the Democrats. Once the Democrats passed them, the Republican’s realized their value.
    Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell recently said that to get the federal budget deficit under control — the deficit grew to $779 billion in fiscal year 2018, the largest since 2012 — Congress needs to reform entitlements such as Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security.
    In laymen’s terms That means that they are spending too much on them and there have to be cuts.

    My point is that a major amount of the chesed that the malchus shel chesed does is because of laws that the Democrats have passed – not the Republicans.

    in reply to: Election Results 2018 — Republicans Do Better Than Expected #1619672

    It is time for Truth,

    Please tell me the end of this posuk and the next posuk in Yechezkel.
    Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned …

    in reply to: Election Results 2018 — Republicans Do Better Than Expected #1619237

    It is time for Truth :

    Who told you the pyramid for America ?

    Murder is one of the big 3. How good are the NRA and the Republican’s at preventing it?
    Avoda Zara is also one of the big 3. Any laws preventing it ?

    The Republican platform does not punish or even make illegal the toevah behaviors! They are not more moral. It is a bluff.

    In truth, Democrats and Republicans are similar in that both have representatives with strong family values and some are sewers.
    Do not hold up the Republican party as a paragon of morality.

    in reply to: Election Results 2018 — Republicans Do Better Than Expected #1618848

    The Little I know:

    Republican’s have a monopoly on morality ?
    Do they show concern for healthcare for all ? Even with pre-existing conditions ?
    Do they want to take care of people needing SS, Medicaid and Medicare? Or take away their benefits?
    Did they lower taxes for the rich and drive up the deficit?
    Are AR-15’s in the hands of mass murders a good idea ?
    My Torah has a lot of laws that deal with a moral code – not dealing exclusively with the toevah part.

    in reply to: Election Results 2018 — Republicans Do Better Than Expected #1618790


    The Republican talking point was that they were not going to lose the house. So Losing the House is a Major Loss and a sign that the Blue Wave has begun.
    “Republican National Committee (RNC) spokeswoman Kayleigh McEnany said last Thursday that she believes the GOP will likely lose House seats in November’s midterm elections.
    “I do think we’ll lose seats in the House. I think we’ll end up keeping it,” McEnany told Hill.TV’s Krystal Ball and Saagar Enjeti on “Rising.”

    The Democrat’s won the House and also 6 (so far) Governor’s mansions.
    The Blue Wave has changed the dynamics of this administration.
    Trump is no longer going to be able to do whatever he wants with a complicit House rubber stamping everything.
    Investigations are going to be real and get to the truth.
    The checks and balance system that this country was founded on will finally be back in place.

    in reply to: Liberal conspiracy #1617583

    Coffee Addict,

    I find it hilarious that you can bring up examples of things that Obama did but are blind to the fact that Trump has already done 100 times worse.
    Shoes on the table?
    How about running Chinese foreign policy from the dinner table at Mar O Lago while surrounded by a crowd?
    How about spending vast amounts of time playing golf? Or only working 3 hours a day and spending the rest on “executive time” ?

    Condescending tones to Netanyahu ? Netanyahu 100 % deserved it. And you admire Trump who “fights back” (which is another word for being unable to control his baby self.) If Netanyahu did to Trump what he did to Obama , Netanyahu would have a knickname already and if you know his current knickname it would not be hard for Trump to mimic it.

    Trump has alienated so many allies. Canada, China, Britian, the entire EU for examples.
    If while speaking in the UN , there would have been laughter when Obama spoke , the Trump supporters would have never let him live it down. Well, I will never let Trump supporters live the laughter at him down. He is the laughing stock of the world. Even Saudi Arabia is not happy at how he reacted to killing a resident of America.

    One final question: What adjective did Trump call the terrorism in Pittsburgh and the terrorism against the 11 Democrats ?

    in reply to: Liberal conspiracy #1615068


    Thank you for confirming to me that you are stuck in your ignorant belief that Obama is an antisemite and nothing will ever change you. You should stop mentioning your belief on TYW until you are at least open-minded enough to debate it and change. It makes sense since I think you still believe that Obama was not born in Hawaii, USA.

    Coffee Addict – you are correct. But for some reason, I did not feel personal fear due to those attacks. Whereas now I say a prayer before going into a shul, yeshiva, school, kosher restaurant …

    in reply to: Liberal conspiracy #1614563

    Liberals live in the real world. The first and largest attack against Jews was committed a week ago.
    It could have been any one of us commenting here.
    All any good American cares about is that it should not happen again.
    Whatever caused it needs to be prevented and not giving excuses or “thoughts and prayers.”

    in reply to: Liberal conspiracy #1614558


    If you can’t remember any, can’t you do a little research?
    Call any one of these people, I dare you, and then come back and confirm that you were wrong.

    Rahm Emanuel Chief of Staff to the President
    Ben Bernanke Chairman, Federal Reserve
    David Axelrod Senior Advisor to the President
    Elena Kagan Solicitor General of the United States
    Jack Lew Secretary of the Treasury
    Eric Lynn Middle East Policy Adviser
    Daniel Rubenstein Ambassador to Syria
    Dan Shapiro Ambassador to Israel

    Obama never was and is not an antisemite. It was not hidden. It does not exist. Just like Trump isn’t.
    Your accusation of him is false.

    I disagree with Avram on this . A lame duck act committed after 8 years in office regarding the state of Israel in the UN, as payback to Netanyahu who had shamed and embarrassed him publicly – in the US Congress also – for many of those years is not a sign of antisemitism. Just remember what Netanyahu did – all you people who think now that it is a chilul Hashem of the highest proportions and a lack of gratitude to criticize the current president.

    Who do you think Israel has to thank for the Iron Dome ?

    Israel , under Obama, received more than $20.5 billion in foreign military financing. Unlike President George W. Bush, who rejected Israel’s request for bunker-buster bombs, Obama became the first president to approve the sale of these advanced weapons,

    Under Obama’s 8 years , the U.S voted against resolutions in the General Assembly condemning Israel, cast the only “no” votes on five anti-Israel measures in the Human Rights Council, and worked to ensure that the General Assembly hold its first-ever session on anti-Semitism. Obama also prevented the Palestinians from unilaterally declaring an independent state.

    in reply to: Liberal conspiracy #1613760

    Here is an example.
    I quote from a tweet from DJT. These are his own words. “The very rude elevator screamers are paid professionals only looking to make Senators look bad. Don’t fall for it! Also, look at all of the professionally made identical signs. Paid for by Soros and others. These are not signs made in the basement from love! #Troublemakers.”

    DJT accuses Soros of being behind the Anti-Kavannaugh campaign.

    Why did he need to mention Soros ? The point of the tweet would mean the same whether he mentioned Soros or not.

    After he tweeted this, the neo-Nazi website the Daily Stormer wrote this and included a screenshot of DJT’s tweet: (Do not look at that website unless you want to get chizuk to move to Eretz Yisrael today or pray for Moshiach to come soon)

    “It is impossible to deny that subversive anti-American Jews were the primary force involved in a sinister plot to destroy Kavanaugh,” Lee Rogers wrote on the site a couple of days later. “These Jews do not represent the interest of America. They represent the interest of their diabolical and evil race first and foremost.”

    Avram is correct that Trump has spread (probably unwittingly ) the antisemitic conspiracy theories of the Nazis.
    Soros’s name has also been used to vilify the caravan walking to our southern border as a Jewish conspiracy to overrun America.

    If you want to know about Obama , talk to the thousands of Jews who interacted with him daily for 8 years. Don’t develop a theory based on a picture.

    in reply to: Liberal conspiracy #1612551


    You are correct. It wasn’t removed.
    Can you see a distinction between what an elected politician says from what a stupid, idiotic, and low-life celebrity says ?
    Can you show me where the democrats didn’t care about any of these statements ? (The Chazon Ish famously said that if he would refute everything said in his name he would be spending the whole day). There is no official democratic department called the “let us show we reject the stupid statements of celebrities.”
    Where does the op-ed writer get the audacity to put false words into democrats mouths? They didn’t care about a shooting at a concert ? Or the shooting of Steve Scalise ?

    This author believes that all democrats want innocent people at a concert to die? Or for a Congressman to die?
    The writer is full of hatred towards democrats and will, just like Robert Bowers did about Jews, attribute the vilest motives and actions towards all of them.
    Assassinating Trump is not a democratic goal – never was and never will be.
    I wish TYW would remove the op-ed because it is so full of lies and hatred. There is one small step by an unhinged individual from reading that op-ed to actually doing harm to democrats.

    I will also remind all the peace loving , genuflecting to DT, republicans of the 8 years of Obama when they couldn’t get enough of mocking and degrading him. (Remember in the middle of the State of the Union speech – “you lie”). There were also many real assassination attempts against him and his family. Nobody ever thought that the republican party was behind them.

    in reply to: Liberal conspiracy #1612336

    I disagree.
    I saw the post yesterday on YWN ( that was removed) that had a completely false and disingenuous attack on all Democrats saying that they have been calling for assassination.
    I read how people on YWN write against all liberals with loathing and detest.

    Why believe in a conspiracy theory over the straight facts?

    It is clear to me that Robert Bower’s hatred for Jews led him to believe the most unbelievable conspiracies against Jews. He honestly believed that we are committing genocide to his people.
    He is not mentally incompetent or crazy. He is filled with hatred and it was fed and nourished by others in social media (gab) with the same views.

    We should realize as frum jews that we do not follow an R or D but Hashem and that we are in Golus.
    The spokespeople for the R’s and D’s are not our idols and we do not worship what they say.
    They are politicians and the Mishna says – אל תתודע לרשׁות שׁאין וכו׳
    The constitution and all the amendments, including the second, were not given to Moshe Rabbenu on Har Sinai.

    in reply to: Liberal conspiracy #1612207

    To all the conspiracy theorist believers, please do a cheshbon hanefesh and determine if your hatred for “liberals” has caused you to lose the most common sense interpretation of an event. השׂנאה מקלקלת את השׁורה

    in reply to: Liberal conspiracy #1611445

    To all the conspiracy believers (or can I just call you Michael Savage listeners since he was the one that thought up and promoted this whole shtus) It is not looking good.

    in reply to: Liberal conspiracy #1611235

    RebYidd23 ,

    The excuse was ” his being a Trump supporter is part of the conspiracy.” It is an excuse for when the terrorist is discovered to be a Trump supporter and not a Democrat.
    Why can’t you admit to the truth and reality if he is a Trump supporter?
    I will admit to the truth if he is a Democrat.
    Why are we even having a bizarre thread before the authorities catch the terrorist and tell us who he is?
    The answer is because Trump supporters need to get ahead of the story. They are so afraid that this is from a Trump supporter that they need to plant seeds of doubt in people’s minds that it is a conspiracy from the left.
    A reasonable reaction is that we should all wait and see who the terrorist is and then we can discuss it.

    in reply to: Liberal conspiracy #1611180

    RebYidd23 ,
    First, I will hold that answer for you. Please do not use any other excuses from now on.
    Second , when I tell you that Trump is a Russian puppet, how will you prove me wrong? Any evidence that you present, I will say that is part of the conspiracy.
    This is what is called gaslighting. It is the defining term of the Trump administration. Reality means nothing. Only what Trump and fake fox news tell you to think and believe is true. Nebach.

    in reply to: Liberal conspiracy #1611110

    To all the believers in the liberal conspiracy theory, please tell us all right now what your response is going to be if it is discovered that the bombs were sent by a Trump supporter.
    I would like to know right now so that you don’t have time to watch fake fox news or listen to Lying Sean Hannity etc to figure out what to say.

    in reply to: Dems and Libs, Please explain your Ideology #1575442

    whitecar – We have discussed this before. Democrats do not favor higher taxes. That is not part of the party platform. You are using a slur that the Republicans use against Democrats to justify themselves.
    Do you know how much the wars that a Republican president (Bush) started has cost the USA? It is in the trillions. Who is paying for it? You. I am not discussing the merits of the war, just that it is hypocritical to blame all higher taxes on Democrats.

    in reply to: Dems and Libs, Please explain your Ideology #1575181

    whitecar –
    ‘Also a school funded by taxpayers are getting state of the art equipment, and redesigning the property with trees, why is that something that taxpayers have to cover? ‘
    Funding Public Schools is a local issue. Property taxes pay for most of the cost of public schools. Although public schools get a very small percentage of their funding from donations and parent and student fundraising efforts, by far the greatest proportion of the money comes from state and local governments.
    If you live in a wealthy community, you want the school to give a better education, have modern devices with a beautiful campus. Public schools are probably the best investment of property taxes there is.
    How is this connected to Democrats, Republicans or Liberals ?

    in reply to: Why dont dems adress economy? #1572171

    Yungrman – Do you remember the financial collapse of 2008 ? Lehman Brothers? Lehman Brothers went bankrupt. Merrill Lynch, AIG, Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae, HBOS, all came within a whisker of doing so and had to be rescued.
    Republican leaders, who for years boasted about the self-evident benefits of light-touch regulation, had to sink trillions of dollars to prevent the world bank system collapsing.
    Those are the facts.
    Obama steered the economy through the recovery which continues under Trump.

    in reply to: Why dont dems adress economy? #1572173


    A wish list is not an economic plan of action.

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