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  • in reply to: Abortion Decision – Less Retzicha in America #2082880

    The Jewish Review,
    Abortion and Jewish Law: An Interview with Rabbi Moshe Tendler
    Volume 2 , Issue 5 (June, 1989 | Sivan, 5749).
    It is online.

    A quote:
    Rabbi Tendler: This is a very astute and important question. As you most likely know, the Lubavitcher Rebbe took an approach based on the idea that the seven Noahidic laws are so universal and so categorically imperative on every human being that we, as Jews, have a mitzvah to, so to speak, “push” them and hence, to foster a legal system that would, for example, prevent a Gentile from committing an abortion. There is no doubt that he is 100% correct from a halakhic point of view. It is a mitzvah for the Jew to encourage the Gentile to perform his mitzvot. It is forbidden for a Jew to mislead a non- Jew into sin. We derive this from the Torah: “Do not place a stumbling block before the blind.” It is hard to second guess the Rebbe either halakhically or politically. This is, of course, an issue of public welfare, and the question is whether or not the public welfare is served by legislation banning abortion. Here, I think, I could see two opinions. My father-in-law, the late Rabbi Moshe Feinstein, felt very strongly that allowing government to legislate in any area of morals and ethics gives them a toe-hold in religion, and if you let them in a little bit, the government will begin to expand its role in this area and start legislating what is proper to teach and what is proper to do in a religious context. Now, Rabbi Feinstein had lived some 10 to 15 years under Stalin and his experience of the Russian government’s total involvement in the religious life of the Jew was so traumatic that he held fast to the idea that we should keep the government away from religion even in those instances where its legislation might seem to be supportive of the Torah point of view. For Rabbi Feinstein, the complete separation of church and state, was absolutely necessary for the survival of any minority group. What is the right approach? I really don’t know. I am a strong believer in the separation of church and state and I believe that minority religious rights are best protected if government protects the rights of each individual to practice his religion without imposing any restrictions. I don’t want to be the one making a decision between the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s opinion and Rabbi Feinstein’s opinion, but I lean in the direction of Rabbi Feinstein. Perhaps there is a little nepotism at work here.

    in reply to: Gas Prices #2082565


    I suggest not blaming the democrats or Biden for what capitalist companies are doing.

    in reply to: Gas Prices #2082356

    The oil companies making tremendous profits this year such as ExxonMobil, Chevron, ConocoPhillips, Occidental Petroleum etc are glad that people blame democrats while they laugh straight to the bank.


    This is an almost perfect illustration of how degenerate the Putin regime is Russia as.

    Just watch Tucker Carlson agree with Lavrov today.

    in reply to: Democrats Gone Full 1984 #2081161

    A federal firefighter works for a federal agency and provides firefighting services to structural or wildland fires. The Bureau of Land Management, the U.S Fish and Wildlife, the U.S. Forest Service, and branches of the U.S. Military are just some of the agencies that employ federal firefighters.

    in reply to: Democrats Gone Full 1984 #2081002

    Republicans constantly scream that everything the democrats do is socialism bordering on communism. It’s an old tactic.
    It is meaningless. It just gets the troops riled up.
    If we needed to open public libraries and fire station’s in the year 2022, the republicans would call it communism.

    FYI , Republicans in Florida have actively engaged in communism by retaliating against the Disney Company’s right to free speech.
    The R party that engaged in a coup and insurrection against the US Government , and still supports the main coup leader, is a fascist party.

    in reply to: Democrats Gone Full 1984 #2080969

    Only republicans can object to a board that was setup in order to focus on misinformation aimed at migrants. Misinformation is a problem that has helped to fuel sudden surges at the U.S. southern border in recent years.

    Only republicans can object to a board that was setup in order to also focus on monitoring and preparing for Russian disinformation threats as this year’s midterm elections near and the Kremlin continues an aggressive disinformation campaign around the war in Ukraine.

    Only republicans, whose sole focus is ensuring that the second amendment allows them the rights to purchase and openly carry AR-15’s , can think that the first amendment is under attack and America is becoming communist .

    in reply to: So you voted for Biden #2080794


    Due to time constraints, I don’t read all the posts in the YWN.
    I know that we have many differences of opinions. Some of them we have discussed in the past. Recently, in this thread , we got dragged into a difference of opinion that unintentionally went too far. I try to restrict myself (although I fail) to not read posts from people that I know I disagree with. There are many of them.
    You have your opinion and I have mine.
    I voted for Biden and I am not going to debate it. You hope that Republican’s take back the senate and house in November. So be it.

    in reply to: So you voted for Biden #2080725

    Dr Pepper,

    I am not offended and I hope you had a Gut Yom Tov.
    I have learned the hard way, from experience on the YWN coffee room, that I do not want to be in a debate. It takes too much time and effort on my part. It convinces nobody and resolves nothing. It causes Bein Adam Lachavero issues. Very serious ones. There are human beings behind every post, no matter how anonymous they are. But since they are anonymous and posting on a public website , it is easy to write a quick and snide humiliating remark. After a few serious back and forth’s in a debate, the shaming comments are almost inevitable.

    Also, some posters are not careful about respecting others .

    We are focused now during the sefira on the deaths of 12,000 Chavrusas , students of Rabbi Akiva for an infinitesimal lack of Bein Adam Lachavero.

    I made a mistake when I started a back and forth with you on a different post and I am sure you expected a response. This is why I stopped in the middle, although I have the response ready.
    I am sure if we met is shul , we would stay up all night together on Chag Hashevuos learning Torah and ignoring politics and current events.

    I post because I want my view which is usually different than other posters, to have a part in the CR.
    Some posts I am very passionate about (Putin\Russia and war in Ukraine) and others I couldn’t care less (Musk and Twitter). It is usually impossible to tell from what I write. Some I understand are just my opinion (Like, whether a person is fitting to be a judge or SCOTUS). Some I get wrong. (Like, whether Putin was pulling back from invading Ukraine.) So I feel no need to defend my posts. I know that others have a different opinion than me. So be it. I don’t need to unnecessarily debate every issue. As I wrote above, it does not convince anybody and resolves nothing. When I post, I made my opinion heard.

    I also post when YWN spreads fake news. YWN and commenters are allowed their opinions but not facts.

    in reply to: The Latest in Democrat Craziness #2080547

    Biden is a miracle.
    The whole day , he can talk to world leaders , discuss policy with US Politicians, host the winning NHL hockey team, lead executive meetings in the white house and talk in front of the media for a half hour and then miraculously he can be demented for the 5 seconds that it takes for someone to take a video out of context .

    in reply to: The Longest Seder Contest�How Late Will Your Seder End? #2080465

    A Seder should be an event that our children will always have fond memories of, not a contest for how long it can shlep.
    אחד המרבה ואחד הממעיט ובלבד שיכוין לבו לשמים

    in reply to: The Longest Seder Contest�How Late Will Your Seder End? #2080441

    A better question is who enjoyed and felt elevated from the Seder no matter what time it ended?

    in reply to: Elon Musk Buying Twitter #2080289

    “In our private chat with only Members, several are saying the only way to save our Republic is for Trump to call for Marshall law,” Greene texted Meadows, misspelling the word “martial.” “I don’t know on those things. I just wanted you to tell him. They stole this election. We all know. They will destroy our country next. Please tell him to declassify as much as possible so we can go after Biden and anyone else!”
    This text was written on January 17th . Eleven days after January 6th.
    Republicans are traitors.

    in reply to: Elon Musk Buying Twitter #2079814

    America will suffer because of it.
    But that is what we have come to expect from somebody who became 293 billion dollars richer due to the pandemic and hasn’t paid taxes on it.

    in reply to: Airline CEOs got it right #2078950


    Well some people will have been condemned to stop breathing because of this ridiculous ruling.
    That is her achrayus.

    Already a million Americans have died and counting .

    The Aibeshter has not notified anyone via Nevua that Covid is no longer going to infect and kill people.

    People can’t keep their masks on until they are no longer medically advised for the whole of society ?

    in reply to: Airline CEOs got it right #2078877

    I don’t ask Airplane CEO’s or anybody else that is not a Medical professional for medical advice and I surely do not take their advice.
    I definitely don’t take medical advice from a 35 year old judge who was rated as NOT QUALIFIED by the ABA when she was nominated 2 years earlier. Her admission to the bar was in 2012 and she had not tried a single case, civil or criminal, as lead or co-counsel when she was given by Lame Duck Trump and his band of Republican Traitors a life-time appointment.

    Republicans can consider themselves the pro-life party from today until tomorrow but we all know that they don’t give a hoot about living humans.

    in reply to: Gruesome Evidence Points to War Crimes in Ukraine #2077597

    “If liberty means anything at all it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.”

    Animal Farm , George Orwell

    in reply to: Gruesome Evidence Points to War Crimes in Ukraine #2077403

    “The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”
    1984, George Orwell

    in reply to: Gruesome Evidence Points to War Crimes in Ukraine #2077252

    “The object of terrorism is terrorism. The object of oppression is oppression. The object of torture is torture. The object of murder is murder. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?”
    ― George Orwell, 1984

    Russians believe Putin’s propaganda because they have no freedom of the press. What excuse do the people in countries with freedom of the press have to let mini hitler commit genocide??

    in reply to: Gruesome Evidence Points to War Crimes in Ukraine #2075501

    “The key is to stop viewing it as an American and start looking at it as a Russian.”
    Would you say this from 1939 to 1945 “The key is to stop viewing it as a Jew and start looking at it as a German .” ?

    1) Hospitals, medical personnel, civilian housing, older men, women and children are not military targets and there is no military value in killing/destroying them.
    2) Read the article from RIA NOVOSTI which has clarified Russia’s plans vis-à-vis Ukraine.

    in reply to: So you voted for Biden #2068405

    Dr Pepper,

    I am working on answering you. But meanwhile, I want to reiterate that I have no qualms with any Jew that prefers always voting Republican if they believe that, al pi haTorah, they are the best for America.

    However, the following statements are the ones that I don’t know what the source is in the Torah.

    1) Democrats Love Crime

    2) “Why are democrats okay with this?” Because they need the votes of the criminals and those who support them. Because BLM
    3) I won’t vote for any because the system is rigged. (Parroting Trumps claims that the election was stolen.)
    4) Well it is true that Biden and his propaganda left wing news machine are using this ( The Russian Invasion of Ukraine) to distract us from the terrible job he’s doing.

    5) This fake president approaches every issue the wrong way. Like Carter, terrible on foreign policy, high gas prices, short supply. The guy is clueless Joe.

    6) Biden Admin To Fund Crack Pipe Distribution To Advance ‘Racial Equity’
    7) Anything the Democrats Touch Gets Worse . But hey he doesn’t send mean tweets

    8) Democrats have Egg on their Faces

    9) Joe Biden is mind-bogglingly incompetent. What else is new?
    10) Biden can’t stand up the extremists in his own party; he’s weak. Doesn’t carry anything.

    11) Can Someone Help Me Understand Why Biden’s Approval Rating is so Low?

    in reply to: So you voted for Biden #2068359


    Republicans do not have any idea of how to save us from inflation. Historically , they have never saved us from inflation and always brought about a recession.

    in reply to: So you voted for Biden #2068281


    A) So we should just pick a Rav and call them before an election? Almost like pick a Posek to call.

    B) You are correct that we need to interact with Democrats and that is a reason to not pigeonhole ourselves as a community.

    in reply to: Zechiras Amolek #2068119

    Avirah Darah,

    האם בּרור לך שיש כּאן מחלוקת ? אולי הנציב אינו מדבּר על מלחמת כּיבּוש גוים . עיין תוספות שם

    in reply to: “Cancel culture” as a weapon of war #2067793

    Reb Avram,

    I am not sure if you are seeing the daily documented war crimes being committed by Russia in Ukraine.
    The following are all documented with videos, photos and eyewitnesses.

    Innocent civilians massacred, Hospitals destroyed, Residential building razed, usage of mines on refugees fleeing, using weapons that have been internationally outlawed, using Ambulances to transport weapons and other crimes.

    There is also documented human rights abuses that Russia is committing on it’s own citizens.

    When everyone has a phone with a camera and video on it , it is very hard to hide these abuses.

    I extend my hand to you to retract your support of Putin today or you can wait for the War Crimes Tribunal.

    in reply to: Biden or Carter? #2067672


    Was Bolton a professional liar before, during or only after Trump fired him?

    in reply to: So you voted for Biden #2067588

    “Also, are you saying that since this was regarding a personal relationship he shouldn’t have been removed from office for committing perjury? ”
    The impeaching of Clinton was minimally about the laws of perjury. It was more about his moral character.

    “Would you also say that if he shot Monica when he was done that he shouldn’t have been removed from office since it was part of a personal relationship?”
    Is murder considered Treason, Bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors ? It probably depends on the political climate. I am sure if Trump did it, the Republicans would have excuses not to impeach just like you excuse Trump’s impeachments in your next paragraph because of some Democratic statements made beforehand.

    “Regarding the two recent impeachments- Democrats made a mockery of the process by saying that they were going to impeach him before he was even sworn in- they just needed the numbers and once they got that after the midterm elections they went for it.”

    It is not the Democrat’s fault that Trump tried to overturn a lost election and bribe Zelensky to find dirt on his political rival. Those are treason and high crimes and he only has himself to blame.

    2) I defend the Democrats forcefully in the CR. They have positions that a Frum Yid should agree with and the Republicans have some positions that a Frum Yid should reject.

    If everyone in the CR respected that there can be different views, I would barely have what to say. I am defending the Democrats from the views of those who believe that they are completely Evil and that Republicans are completely Righteous, and that it is assur to vote Democrat.

    “I haven’t read through all you posts but I don’t think you ever said that you strongly disagree with them trying to force society to recognize relationships that the Torah call an abomination or that you disagree with the notion that unborn babies should be killed at the whim of the mother but we should continue voting Democrat as it’s the lesser of two evils (because they give generous handouts).”

    I said multiple times that we are not arguing about the Torah.
    Do I have to write that I put on Tefillin every day and keep Shabbos? Since I didn’t write it, can you make an assumption that I don’t ?
    I will say it now for you. I strongly disagree with anybody trying to force society to recognize relationships that the Torah call an abomination. I disagree with the notion that unborn babies should be killed at the whim of the mother.
    Most Democrats can make the exact same statements. Most believe in Hashem and are religious.The head of the Democratic party currently is a very religious and church going man. There have been Jewish Orthodox politicians who ran on the Democratic party ticket.

    The head of the Republican party currently is a very non-religious and non-church going man.

    As far as I know, it is not the Democratic party platform to “force” society to “recognize” relationships that the Torah calls an abomination. Nor that babies “should” be killed at the “whim” of the mother. Furthermore, those 2 issues are not relevant in every election.
    We should vote for the candidate that we feel is the best for our community. Fabric of society issues are one factor but there are many others. It is not black and white.

    I will skip 3 and 5 for now because you make very good points and those are very long discussions regarding the positive and negative outcomes.

    There are outspoken and politically active Liberals that are working to destroy the moral fabric of society. But the term Liberal is not synonymous with Democrat.
    There are also a lot of Liberals who are not working to destroy the moral fabric of society. They just want to be left alone and not discriminated against.

    The freedom to be a Frum Yid in America or to be completely non-religious and immoral in America are freedoms that are based on the constitution.

    “The Roshei Hayeshiva, as far as I know, never said that it’s assur to vote Democrat”
    “ they provide guidance on how a Frum Yid should vote in each election.”
    Which Rosh Yeshiva provides guidance on how a Frum Yid should vote ? The only one who did this was HRH”G HaRav Avigdor Miller Zatsal.
    The Moetzes and the Agudah have a long standing policy not to make such pronouncements.

    “Do you mind if I ask if you consult a Rov before voting Democrat?” I assume that you do not live in NY City or in Lakewood and were not around for the last election. In NY , the republican had no chance and in Lakewood there was a fierce controversy.

    in reply to: Biden or Carter? #2067559


    ” Imagine if a month ago there would be 100% sanctions, all european MIGs would be flying Belorussian border and all Javelins in place. Putin would have ended up saying – what are you talking about? I told you this was an exercise, why are you overreacting. Western leaders would look silly, apologize, maybe even lose elections, but there would be no war.”

    Have you been listening to him this past few weeks ?
    Have you been watching him destroy Ukraine and his own country’s economy and place in the world ?

    The more likely scenario would be that Putin would say, “I told you that NATO and the Ukraine are a threat to me. They keep provoking me. I am going into Ukraine to remove the threat from my border.”

    America’s exit from Kabul having anything to do with Russia invading the Ukraine is pure speculation, mostly propagated by Republicans who seize on anything to denigrate Biden.
    Trump being able to prevent Russia from attacking Ukraine – if he even wanted to prevent it since he might have been willing to just let him have it – is pure wishful thinking.
    John Bolton claims that Putin didn’t attack Ukraine under Trump because Trump was weakening and dismantling NATO for him. Whether that is true is also pure speculation but it is just as valid.

    in reply to: “Cancel culture” as a weapon of war #2067446


    And the complete reversal of the Republican party from a healthy distrust of Russia to a almost adulation since the 2010s has really taken me by surprise.

    in reply to: Biden or Carter? #2067443


    Response of oil companies to what ?

    in reply to: Biden or Carter? #2067433

    Oil companies are recording record profits. They really don’t care how much you suffer when you pay them at the pump.
    In the third quarter of 2021 alone, 24 top oil and gas companies made more than $74bn in net income. From January to September, the net income of the group, which includes Exxon, Chevron, Shell and BP, was $174bn.

    Psaki was speaking directly to Fox news’s Doocy when he brought up the same issue.
    “There’s no question” the price hikes are a “direct result of the invasion of Ukraine,” Psaki responded. “Federal policies are not limiting the supplies of oil and gas,” she added.

    When Doocy interrupted her, Psaki fired back: “Peter, let me give you the facts here. I know that can be inconvenient, but I think they’re important in this moment.”

    Biden administration officials have been “clear” about the need for the U.S. oil supply to meet demand while also pushing for a shift to renewable energy sources, she said.

    Psaki pointed out that the U.S. is one of the world’s largest producers of oil and gas, noting that oil production in the nation is at “record numbers.”

    Meanwhile, there are “9,000 approved drilling permits that are not being used, so the suggestion that we are not allowing companies to drill is inaccurate,” Psaki added. “I would suggest you ask the oil companies why they’re not using those if there’s a desire to drill more.”

    TL;DR, Facts can be inconvenient.

    in reply to: “Cancel culture” as a weapon of war #2067274


    I never heard of Jeffrey Sonnenfeld and his spreadsheet.
    The size and amount of international companies that are partaking in this boycott and the speed it was done leads me to believe that they had good intentions and were not forced by fear of a backlash.

    I agree there are late comers that are doing it for fear of backlash and it could potentially be used against any country including Israel.
    But, I think that this is a clear case of an aggressor doing very bad things and it would be very hard to enact where this isn’t the case.
    So far, it has not stopped Putin.

    in reply to: “Cancel culture” as a weapon of war #2067094


    These are terms that only conspiracy theorists and their ilk use.

    “The world elite”
    “War mongers”
    “George Soros”
    “One world government agenda”
    “lgbtq agenda propogated by world economic forum”
    “covid scam.”

    By the way , on your statements previously in other posts, you owe Klal Yisrael an apology:
    1) You stated that “The idea of Gadol Hador itself is very questionable, and has no source in Jewish tradition.”
    The term Gadol Hador is not ‘questionable’ and has been recognized since Moshe Rabeinu. In every generation Hashem has put leaders of Klal Yisrael.

    2) Your statement, “Why do we care what the Satmar Rebbe said? ”
    You should care about everything the Satmar Rebbe said. His Torah, Tzidkus and Chesed are legendary.

    3) Your statement , “The more “farfrumt” the community, the more ignorant the women are ” is ludicrous and preposterous. You owe Klal Yisrael an apology.

    in reply to: “Cancel culture” as a weapon of war #2067035


    Your new Post has hit the target.

    However, I disagree with the position that the media created the narrative either by not covering each side equally or by not covering the cause for the buildup.

    The reality of the situation has created it.

    And the global “cancel culture” is not due to any pressure but due to what the world sees as a Megalomaniac Dictator who after having bitten off Crimea and other Ukrainian lands, decided he wants the whole country no matter how many people will die and suffer.

    I reported on the numbers of refugees that this invasion has caused (over a million and a half) and the countries that share a border with Ukraine (Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Moldova , Romania ) and others (including Israel) that have graciously taken them in.
    It is not due to any pressure, media or cancel culture. It is due to a fellowship of humanity.

    The world does not want a WW3. Putin definitely wants a WW3. Or at least doesn’t care if he is the
    cause of it.

    I also disagree with your definition of cancel culture.
    Sanctions on enemy countries has been a long standing policy in Foreign Affairs. There are many countries that it is illegal to do business with. (Iran, the Taliban , NK for example.)

    Sometimes the situation might be complex and have a long history but the current affairs are very simple. An evil psychopath unleashed an invasion that has caused an enormous amount of harm in the world.

    in reply to: “Cancel culture” as a weapon of war #2066959


    In the universe that the rest of the world lives in – also called the real world – attacking civilians and then blaming everybody else is called psychopathy.
    The only people that believe it are other psychopaths and people who have become accustomed to the persons psychopathy.

    in reply to: “Cancel culture” as a weapon of war #2066946


    You usually hit the target, but this post has missed it completely.
    If you would have written this before the first day of the attack , I could understand your questioning about a “balance” , but we are already 12 days into the war and we have seen the atrocities that Putin has committed. Plus, the media has covered Putin’s public pronouncements. So , they have given his side of the story.

    If NK would attack SK would you expect the media coverage to be balanced?
    If NK attacked SK and started killing civilians , caused millions to become refugees, and destroyed cities do you think the media should be fair to what Kim’s reasons for wanting SK ?

    Putin is the exact same dictator as Kim. THE EXACT SAME DICTATOR. I call him the mini-hitler. Actually he is far worse than Kim because Kim likes to talk a big talk but actually has not attacked anybody.

    The countries taking in refugees and penalizing Russian Oligarchs, companies that buy and sell from Russia that have stopped doing business and the entire world media (besides Russian controlled ) all see this attack for what it is. An unprovoked attack against civilians by a Rasha.

    in reply to: So you voted for Biden #2066261

    Dr. Pepper,

    1) “Can you please address that point?”
    I am not a Constitutional scholar and I cannot point to the actual verse where the role of the senate in impeachment is not to simply judge whether the law was broken.
    On the constitution.congress.gov website they say that “Because impeachment is a political process largely unchecked by the judiciary, the role of the Senate in impeachment proceedings is primarily determined by historical practice, rather than judicial interpretation.”
    “What’s your point? “
    My point is that it has been made abundantly clear by the last 2 impeachments in the Senate that they do not simply rule on whether the law was broken as you say.
    I can point to the verse why Trump was impeached after he was out of office – Article I, Section 3—”subject to disqualification from holding future office if convicted”.
    2) “Yidden should vote for the party that has values that are closer to the Torah.” As I answered to Amom that is a very important consideration but not the only consideration.
    “A Frum Yid should not stand behind that party.”
    A Frum Yid should not stand behind either party!
    3) I understand that you see a correlation between the democrats ‘ not allowing the thieves to be arrested for stealing less than a certain amount and allowing violent offenders to get released that same day without having to post any cash bail’ and shoplifting . But I will need more evidence of this. Bail was not instituted so that rich people can get out of jail immediately and poor people can’t.
    4) Yes.
    5) “No- there’s no modification that would have helped it. It needed to be fully repealed. The US is not in a place where universal healthcare (or any type of health care for everyone run by the Government) can work.”
    Well, it wasn’t repealed and Obamacare is still helping people get medical coverage.

    Regarding your shita that a Frum Yid must vote Republican, I have a question for you. Do you have a Rav or Posek who told you that you can never vote for a Democrat and that you must vote Republican?

    Gut Shabbos

    in reply to: So you voted for Biden #2066227

    “And of course taking a look which party best aligns with our values.”
    So you have watered down that charge of ” how can you vote for the party that wants to keep abortion legal? ” to “which party best aligns with our values.
    I agree that a factor in who we vote for is which party best aligns with our values.
    But that is only one factor in a complicated decision on who to vote for. Sometimes there are other factors that should be taken into consideration.

    in reply to: So you voted for Biden #2066226

    Dr Pepper,

    About the SCOTUS nominee, we can have a separate discussion.
    1) Impeachment is much more complicated than you are making it. And since we have had 2 impeachments after Clinton that did not result in removal from office , I am sure you know that.

    2) How can I support any party in secular America ? Both of them are not the Torah party run by Rabbanim. America is not defining the Torah’s marriage. The word “marriage” with a marriage certificate is not mentioned in the Torah.

    3) I am not sure what you are getting at here. What does videos of people stealing in front of security guards have to do with anything ?
    I just want to know where Democrats have made it that there are no consequences for stealing.

    4) “If so many jobs were created- has the cost of Government handouts gone down?” Definitely . But I don’t have the numbers.

    5) “I’ve seen the numbers first hand and can tell you that it had no chance of sustaining itself the way it was designed.” So it had to be modified but Republicans decided it needs to be repealed without replacing.

    “I answered that you know good and well that no matter how right wing a government is they will never abandon them.” I do not trust republicans to do the right thing if they can’t gain from it financially.
    The republicans will abandon them. By cutting the budgets from the social programs they have already abandoned them.

    6) How do you live in America when the Supreme Court decided that a lady has the permission from the constitution to kill their unborn baby? How come you are only discussing the current nominee for Scotus but not the 9 justices who decided Roe v Wade? Were all 9 of them leftists democrats?
    I despise discussing the topic because I don’t want to make light of the serious issue of Retzicha.
    I answered your question in general on the first line. We are not arguing about the Torah. We are arguing about America.
    If you have decided that you can only vote for the political party that shtims with the Torah, you can stay home on election day. No Torah person believes that it is the Torah’s hashkafa that everyone should be able to easily own assault weapons.

    in reply to: So you voted for Biden #2066216

    (You know I can’t listen to fox news for even 2 sentences.)
    “there are no Hannity and Tucker republicans”
    I used them as an example of how people get to second guess everything that Biden does and blame it on his not listening to anybody or having less-experienced advisers.

    “On no-fly zone. I don’t have a good answer. “. And you don’t have to give a good answer, because you are not POTUS. POTUS is responsible and he has weighed the 2 sides.

    “Note that the west is already behind with every measure – all sanctions now go as punishment for the things that happen rather than deterrent. And as it is inadequate punishment – you bombard a city, we arrest your yacht; you level a city, we will stop buying vodka – it creates an impression that we will never respond in kind. Right now a powerplant is burning with wind towards west. How is that not a threat to Nato that requires a response?”

    AAQ, I detect that you are willing to send American Jets and Soldiers to fight against Russia and die in Ukraine.
    It is easy for us to say this because we are not ultimately responsible for the lives of Americans. If the public in America on both the right and left would agree to encourage this action , then we can think of it. Right now, I don’t think the American public wants to send American Jets and Soldiers to fight Russia and die in Ukraine.

    in reply to: So you voted for Biden #2066212


    They are successes. He made the very best decisions based on his information and based on his ability to react to the enemy. That is not an excuse. It is reality. And it is what everyone expects from him to do.

    I imagine that you do not have any inside info on Biden’s decision making processes. Nor into the discussions that go on behind the scenes. So your post is pure speculation . You also didn’t tell me who you think are his less-experienced advisers.

    “Media is making it worse – they do not criticize him until it is a total failure.”
    You are projecting your ideas onto what you want the media to do. There is no lack of people criticizing him. Maybe he should get the benefit of the doubt since he has intel info that nobody in the media has.

    “We learn from this how happy we should be that Hashem punishes us for every little error, while other nations only when fail fully.”

    We need to strive to be on a madreiga to be able inculcate happiness when Hashem is punishing Klal Yisroel for every little Aveirah , whereas , he lets the Goyim sin and sin for thousands of years without punishment.
    It is very good thought for Adar and Purim.

    in reply to: So you voted for Biden #2066033

    1) “Are you saying that it’s OK to lie under oath if it’s about a personal relationship?”
    No. I am saying that it is not an impeachable offense.
    Impeachment is for Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.

    2) “When it comes to redefining what marriage is- that’s when it becomes everyone’s business and any G-d fearing Yid should not stand behind that party.”
    You are correct. There should only be civil unions because marriage in secular America is not the Torah definition of marriage. The Torah does not recognize a marriage certificate. It recognizes 2 Bnei Noach living under the same roof.
    America complicated the issue by defining marriage and making laws associated with it. According to Torah , a Ben Noach cannot “marry” a Bas Yisroel. In America, it is called a marriage.

    3) “The lawlessness that I was referring to is the laws that allow people to steal (in full view of security guards and police) and not face any consequences. ” Please bring a source that there are no consequences.

    4) “President Donald Trump knew it very well and had great policies to bring jobs back the U.S. thereby decreasing the dependencies on Government handouts for many able bodied people.”

    So do Democrats.
    Biden’s first year was the greatest year of job creation in American history, with more than 6 million jobs created.

    The unemployment rate dropped from 6.2% when Biden took office to 3.9%, the biggest single year drop in American history.

    The average number of Americans filing for unemployment has been near its lowest level since 1969. When the President took office, over 18 million were receiving unemployment benefits, today only 2 million are—also the biggest single year drop in history.

    Nearly 5 million Americans have newly gained health insurance coverage.

    The number of households reporting that they sometimes or often did not have enough food to eat dropped by 32%.

    5) “I think we both know good and well that no matter how right wing a Republican government is- they will still take care of those that simply can not take care of themselves.”
    Why do Republicans keep trying to deny Americans healthcare coverage and to defund the social programs that rely on the Government ? You know that people die without healthcare coverage?

    6) I neglected the rights of the unborn because:
    1) It was hinted to when I wrote that we are not arguing over what the Torah says.
    2) I despise writing about it.
    The American law should be that whatever the Torah allows is legal and whatever it doesn’t should be illegal. If you can write an American law that says that , I will give you great credit.
    3) The republicans are a little hypocritical on their concern for murder when they vote against any sane laws to limit access to weapons. How could a G-d fearing Yid vote for a party that wants assault weapons to be easily attained?

    Coffee Addict,
    Everyone in the CR knows that I have answers to these questions since what I wrote above is not new.

    in reply to: So you voted for Biden #2065922


    Regarding a no fly zone.
    If you are for it that means that you approve of an escalation of the conflict with American jets shooting down Russians. (Or the opposite.)
    That would put America as part of the war.

    Is that what you want?

    in reply to: So you voted for Biden #2065918


    Everyone gets to second guess him and right now Republicans can’t even make up their minds what they want.
    Hannity and his followers want Putin killed and America to be more aggressive. Tucker and his followers wonder what Putin has done that is so bad.

    Biden is not a prophet and in a war the enemy has a say in what happens. In war it happens all the time. Just ask Putin if he expected his invasion to go this way.

    – Biden’s intel was that the Afghan army would be able to hold Kabul. They surprised us by folding in half in record time.

    – Limited sanctions – there are many other republicans saying the opposite. That Biden by his antagonizing of Putin through NATO and declarations against him, gave Putin no choice but to go in. The opposite, by supporting Nordstream he gave Putin what he wanted and removed a reason for him to attack Ukraine.

    I don’t see a single failure in all the cases you mentioned. They are all foreign policy successes.

    Where do you get that his foreign policy team is inexperienced?

    in reply to: So you voted for Biden #2065803


    Bob Gates wrote about the 40 years in his book. Moderate and Mild but not incapable of stupid and meaningless politically motivated statements.
    It was quite a stupid and meaningless “summary”. I would call it a criticism which reflects more on Bob Gates than it does on Biden.
    “60% of US population” . So what ? Trump voters view Putin more favorably that Biden. Why should Biden care about what they think ?
    He is doing an excellent job as President. Everyone gets to second guess him and right now Republicans can’t even make up their minds. Either Biden is doing too little in Ukraine and they want America to lead our EU allies and show strength by sending troops to Ukraine or Biden is doing too much and we should just sit back and let Putin conquer and “take back” his Ukraine.

    Maybe you can explain what is meant by 40 years ?

    in reply to: Ukraine Fundraisers #2065670


    I agree that we should confirm need before donating to Tzedaka, but I also agree with TLIK that there is a great need to donate to those that have trustworthy Gabbaim who have direct testimony of the atrocities and destruction. YWN has several of these, and they should be taken seriously.

    Lehavdil Elef Havdaolos , here are the countries that are taking in Ukrainian refugees.
    The numbers are astounding.
    The UN said that more than 830,000 people had entered these countries from Ukraine.
    1) Poland has so far taken in over 453,000 refugees, according to the UN. The Polish government says a further 50,000 are arriving every day. Poland is also preparing a medical train to transport wounded Ukrainians, and has drawn up a list of 1,230 hospitals to send them to.
    2) Hungary had taken 116,348
    3) Moldova 79,315
    4) Slovakia 67,000
    5) Romania 44,450
    6) Russia 42,900
    7) Belarus 341

    in reply to: Simple Solution #2065639

    There are many Putin apologists here, but I haven’t heard a word of empathy or sympathy for the Jewish communities in the Ukraine that are suffering terribly now.
    It’s all about how righteous Russia is and evil the rest of the world is.

    in reply to: Simple Solution #2065638

    Here is how world companies reacted to the war in Ukraine:

    • Apple Pay — a complete blockage for Russian Federation;
    • Apple — complete exit from the market;
    • Adidas — stopped cooperating with the Russian national football team;
    • Audi — exit from the market;
    • AMD — a ban on the supply of microchips and soon a ban on the supply of video cards;
    • Amazon — a full block of all retail will be for dessert;
    • Adobe — turned off their services;
    • British Petroleum – withdrew 20% of shares from Rosneft;
    • BMW — closes factories, blocks the supply of cars and spare parts;
    • Bolt — € 5 million in assistance to Ukraine;
    • Chevrolet — leave the Russian market;
    • Cannes Festival — block of the Russian delegation;
    • Cadillac — leaving the market;
    • Carlsberg — export restrictions;
    • CEX IO — crypto-platform ban users of the Russian Federation;
    • Cinema 4D — the application does not work;
    • Coca-Cola — out of the market;
    • Danone — exit the market together with its subsidiary Prostokvashino;
    • Dell — exit the market;
    • Dropbox — stops working in a few days;
    • DHL — leaves the market;
    • Eurovision — disqualification;
    • Ericsson — exit from the market;
    • Exxon Mobil — recall all specialists from Russian oil companies;
    • Etsy — block of all balances on Russian accounts;
    • Facebook — a ban on Russian media accounts;
    • FedEx — complete ban on supplies;
    • Formula 1 — cancellation of the Grand Prix in Sochi;
    • Ford — closes all stores;
    • FIFA — disqualification of the national team for the World Cup and a ban on holding any international matches in Russia;
    • Google Pay — partial block;
    • Google — $15 million in humanitarian aid to Ukraine;
    • Google Maps — a block of information for Russians;
    • Get Contact — mass distribution of truthful news;
    • General Motors — stops exports;
    • HP — leave the market;
    • Harley Davidson — termination of supply;
    • Instagram —blocking propaganda;
    • Intel — ban on the supply of microchips;
    • Jaguar — leaves the market;
    • Jooble — removed the job search service;
    • KUNA — impossibility of mining crypts for Russians;
    • Lenovo — exit from the market;
    • LinkedIn — preparing for full exit from the country;
    • IOC — cancellation of all competitions;
    • MasterCard — suspension of card production, disconnection of several sanctioned banks;
    • Maersk — stop deliveries to / from Russia;
    • Mercedes — exit from the market;
    • Megogo — delete all Russian movies;
    • Metro — 10,000 employees per exit;
    • Mitsubishi — employees of 141 service centers — for exit;
    • Microsoft Office — “a wide range of activities is being discussed”;
    • Mobile World Congress — the Russian delegation was not accredited;
    • NFT — block of funds of users of Russia and Belarus, transfer of their money to Ukraine;
    • Netflix — a block for Russian subscriptions, stop production of Russian TV series;
    • Nike — closing of all stores;
    • Nintendo — a ban on purchases in rubles;
    • Nestle — closes all 6 factories in Russia;
    • OnlyFans — closure in Russia;
    • Paysera — blocking;
    • PayPal — freezing accounts for withdrawals.
    • Paramount — block of film distribution;
    • Parimatch — revoked the franchise; • PlayStation — cannot be paid;
    • Porsche — exit from the Russian Federation;
    • Renault — exit from the Russian Federation;
    • Samsung Pay — blocking the service;
    • Snapchat — a block of applications in Russia and Belarus, $ 15 million in assistance to Ukraine;
    • Scania — exit from the Russian market;
    • Shell — termination of the contract with Gazprom;
    • Spotify — subscription cannot be paid;
    • Sony — a block of film distribution.

    in reply to: Simple Solution #2065523


    And even in 2022, the Ukrainians will never accept being Russian and will terrorize Russia daily.

    And even in 2022, the world has united to ostracize Russia and will never let go of the economic, financial, political , military , and social sanctions that it has imposed on Russia. Russia is no longer a member of the world community.

    Russia has already lost big time and will continue to lose big time.

    in reply to: Simple Solution #2065299


    We demonize Putin because he invaded Ukraine and started killing innocent civilians.
    That earns him the title mini-hitler.

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