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  • in reply to: Jan 6, the Titanic, and our Democracy #2095787

    This is the exact reason to listen to the January 6th commission.
    You will never understand that the riot was a part of the coordinated overthrow of the legally elected president.
    The riot needs to be understood in context and Trump knew it but his sacrifices didn’t.

    1)If the republican states can legally decide on their own which slate of electors to send , our democracy is over.
    2) If Trump’s VP can legally decide which votes to count, our democracy is over.
    3) His pressure on Pence to not certify Biden’s electoral votes
    4) The 174 traitors in the republican party that voted on January 6th (after the riots) to overturn the election results.

    The background of Trump’s phone calls to find votes and lawsuits to cancel election results.

    in reply to: ⚔A Call To Arms⚔ #2095691

    Trump said fight. EXACTLY.



    So everyone should just be able to repeat as many lies as their favorite news source repeated to them and not get called out? And then jump to false conclusions? And then post it ?

    I remember a very recent post where you demanded – “Still waiting for you to retract the fire extinguisher (and other 5 death) hoaxes that you forgot to respond to several times above…. Or minimally to prove that you are even one degree more rational than those you trumpees you hate so much. ”

    Looking forward

    in reply to: ⚔A Call To Arms⚔ #2095343

    President Trump retweeted a video in which a supporter says, “The only good Democrat is a dead Democrat.”

    He followed this up by referring to riots in Minneapolis and saying, “When the looting starts, the shooting starts.”

    Trump, January 6th
    “Our country has had enough. We will not take it anymore and that’s what this is all about. And to use a favorite term that all of you people really came up with: We will stop the steal.”

    “Because you’ll never take back our country with weakness. You have to show strength and you have to be strong. We have come to demand that Congress do the right thing and only count the electors who have been lawfully slated, lawfully slated.”

    “And we fight. We fight like hell. And if you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore.”

    “And Mike Pence, I hope you’re going to stand up for the good of our Constitution and for the good of our country. And if you’re not, I’m going to be very disappointed in you. I will tell you right now. I’m not hearing good stories.”

    in reply to: Biden administration overrules Trump policy on Palestinians #2095298

    Another Republican/Fox news lie.
    They did not open a “U.S. Office of Palestinian Affairs” and they did not open it anywhere else in the city.

    The Palestinian Affairs Unit (PAU), which operated within the US embassy in Israel, will now be redesignated as the US Office of Palestinian Affairs (OPA), and, while remaining in the embassy in Israel, will report directly to the Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs in the US Department of State “on substantive matters”.

    in reply to: ⚔A Call To Arms⚔ #2095296

    1) Thoughts and Prayers.
    2) Can’t he and his family just carry around AR-15’s ? According to the NRA , they are very effective in preventing violence.
    3) Schumer said this over 2 years ago.
    4) Federal investigators allege that Roske traveled to Montgomery County from California with a mission: He wanted to kill a specific Supreme Court justice, one he thought would join opinions that would ease restrictions on guns, according to the affidavit.


    Another Republican/Fox news led lie.
    Paul Pelosi was arrested and the DUI charges have not been dropped.

    in reply to: January 6th Committee Hearings #2094896

    The reason why all America tuned in on May 17th 1973 to the Watergate Hearings is because there was no Fox news.

    If fox news would have been around, the Republicans would have used every excuse available to tell America to not tune in.
    Marc, the traitor, Rubio would have said , did we hold hearing for the protests against the Viet Nam war?

    in reply to: January 6th Committee Hearings #2094889

    Mark, the president needs to tell people in the Capitol to go home,” Ms. Ingraham wrote. “This is hurting all of us. He is destroying his legacy.”

    Mr. Kilmeade echoed that concern, texting Mr. Meadows: “Please, get him on TV. Destroying everything you have accomplished.”

    Afterward, on their shows, Laura Ingraham spread the false claim of antifa involvement

    in reply to: January 6th Committee Hearings #2094888

    On December 31, 2020, a week before the insurrection, Hannity texted Trump’s chief of staff, Mark Meadows, expressing deep concern that Trump’s efforts to overturn the election could result in mass resignations: “We can’t lose the entire WH counsel’s office. I do NOT see January 6 happening the way he is being told. After the 6 th. [sic] He should announce will lead the nationwide effort to reform voter integrity. Go to Fl and watch Joe mess up daily. Stay engaged. When he speaks people will listen.”
    On the evening of January 5, 2021, Hannity again texted Meadows warning against Trump’s pressure campaign on then-Vice President Mike Pence to nullify Joe Biden’s victory: “I’m very worried about the next 48 hours.” He added: “Pence pressure. WH counsel will leave.”
    As the violence was unfolding on January 6, 2021, Hannity texted Meadows about Trump calling off the mob of frenzied supporters who stormed the Capitol: “Can he make a statement? Ask people to leave the Capitol,” he said in one message. Hannity added: “Ask people to peacefully leave the Capitol.”

    in reply to: N95 masks with exhalation valves #2094752


    You think it’s funny that people, who you have no idea their medical situation , or their families or workplaces, are wearing n95 masks for protection?

    Would you laugh when they die too? Or got deathly ill? Or even moderately? Or lose their sense of smell and taste?

    Would you laugh at the yidden who still are severely restricted due to Covid?

    Do not judge other people who are trying to protect themselves.

    Maybe you should also wear one.

    in reply to: BAN SEAFRIA. #2093719


    I am also appalled at the comparison between Rebbetzin Meltzer and other Nashim Tzidkaniyos, with a conservative lady who is machshil es harabim .

    in reply to: Hashem #2093379

    אִם־לֹ֨א תִשְׁמֹ֜ר לַעֲשׂ֗וֹת אֶת־כָּל־דִּבְרֵי֙ הַתּוֹרָ֣ה הַזֹּ֔את הַכְּתוּבִ֖ים בַּסֵּ֣פֶר הַזֶּ֑ה לְ֠יִרְאָה אֶת־הַשֵּׁ֞ם הַנִּכְבָּ֤ד וְהַנּוֹרָא֙ הַזֶּ֔ה

    in reply to: Should YWN, stop copy and pasting Reuters and AP? #2092846


    FYI, I have admitted I was wrong in many places on YWN.
    I am not sure why you are attacking me for what was a very pareve post. It was simply a confirmation that Durham has and is going to have a very hard time trying to prove his allegations to a jury. It is much easier to speak to the “choir” in the media than to prove the indictment in court.
    For example, I lost the Kyle Rittenhouse case big time.

    If you think that the jury is biased and got it all wrong, that is fine.

    My prediction was not based on my knowledge of the make up of the jury.

    Your fire extinguisher reference seems to refer back to January 6th.
    I apologize that I repeated the reporting put out by the Capitol Police that a fire extinguisher was used to kill Brian Sicknick. When I wrote it, I was not privy to the Washington Medical examiner’s subsequent report that he died of natural causes – i.e. multiple strokes.
    (Do I really need to apologize for repeating the Capitol Police’s reporting before the Medical examiner report was even available ? After the medical examiner report, I did not repeat that Brian Sicknick was killed. )

    FYI: Robert Palmer who attacked cops with a fire extinguisher was slapped with the longest Jan. 6 prison sentence yet – 5 years.

    The information as we have it now. There were no police that were murdered by the insurrectionists on January 6.

    in reply to: Should YWN, stop copy and pasting Reuters and AP? #2092820


    You and your family should have a very, very simchodega Shavous with a true Kabbalas Hatorah bsoch Gantz Klal Yisrael.

    in reply to: Should YWN, stop copy and pasting Reuters and AP? #2092798

    I have won my first opinion that I expressed above.
    Sussman has win at trial.
    I expect Danchenko to win also.
    Durham has lost again. A waste of money to pacify trump.

    in reply to: Politizing tradegies #2092086

    If a weapon is so dangerous that a squad of police with body armor and tactical weapons will waste an hour before saving the lives of children, maybe it should be completely banned.

    in reply to: Politizing tradegies #2092088

    Mental health?
    Like only America has people with mental health issues ?

    in reply to: Politizing tradegies #2092003

    Because Republicans are bought and paid for by the NRA, that the only time their cold heartedness is on full display is after a tragedy.
    And they call themselves the pro life party.

    in reply to: Is abortion Murder? #2091695


    I understand the line “those mandated by a woman’s religious beliefs” not as a new category. It is the same category as “to protect maternal life”, but the Agudah does not want the courts to define what the Torah calls “to protect maternal life”. So they added this line of ” a woman’s religious beliefs” This is exactly what I quoted from Rabbi Tendler zatsal, that what the Torah calls maternal life and how the American Judicial system define it, are 2 different worlds.

    in reply to: Is abortion Murder? #2090990

    21 late term abortions in Texas yesterday.

    AR-15s are very efficient.

    AR-15-style semi-automatic rifle was used in the bloodshed Tuesday at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, which ended when police stormed a classroom and killed him. He legally bought the rifle and a second one like it last week, just after his birthday on May 16, authorities said.

    in reply to: A new low point for Democrats #2090862

    Dr Pepper,

    For a bill that received 414-9 bipartisan support, it is clear that nobody agrees to the 9 republicans.
    They should be ashamed of themselves since they knew that the bill would pass.
    They were handed a bill to assist Americans and they voted against.
    They simply hate Biden and Democrats more than they love their fellow Americans.

    I am sorry the Republican party has come to be represented by these 9 people. They can always be counted on to be traitors.
    Reps. Andy Biggs (Arizona), Lauren Boebert (Colorado), Matt Gaetz (Florida), Louie Gohmert (Texas), Paul Gosar (Arizona), Marjorie Taylor Greene (Georgia), Clay Higgins (Louisiana), Thomas Massie (Kentucky) and Chip Roy (Texas).

    By the way, I read some of their excuses. They are laughable.
    According to their excuses they will never vote for any bill in congress.

    If they can’t help the American people, they can get out of the way of the people who are working for them. They won’t because they are self-centered and pompous.

    in reply to: Is abortion Murder? #2089623

    Our Bubbes and Zeides who lived through and survived Pogrom after Pogrom and were consistently in the middle of European countries killing each other, knew exactly the koach haretzicha.

    in reply to: A new low point for Democrats #2088704

    Did the republicans who voted against the bill, do anything else, that I missed, in order to alleviate the Baby formula shortage?

    in reply to: Cotton Tzitzis #2088674

    וכן לובש הוא מתחת לבגדיו טלית גדול מבגד של צמר גפן מעשׁה רב סימן י״ז

    in reply to: A new low point for Democrats #2088569


    I am not clear how ,”on a bill to staff up the FDA to help manage formula supply.” is any different than what you put in bold and then ended with “DeLauro told NBC before the vote that most of the cash in her legislation would go to staffing up the FDA and bolstering its inspection force.”

    Since my post was copied straight off of a news website, any non-clarity was inadvertent. I myself would have worded it much more derogatory against the republicans.

    in reply to: A new low point for Democrats #2088494

    Nine Republicans voted against a bill that would help poor families buy baby formula.
    The bill is a measure that expands on a federal program to help low-income women and children.
    Separately, 192 Republicans voted no on a bill to staff up the FDA to help manage formula supply.

    in reply to: Is abortion Murder? #2088235

    The chiyuv misa is the same chiyuv misa that a man/woman gets for Stealing a candy bar or Eating the delicacy known as Prairie Oysters served at Coors Field during Colorado Rockies baseball games

    in reply to: Abortion vs Pimples #2087005


    I am not here to convince you on overturning RvW.
    You are entitled to your opinion. But you need to recognize that there are other opinions.

    My goal is that you should open your eyes to the possible consequences of overturning RvW.

    I read my post again and listened to Rabbi Breitowitz again.

    Nowhere in my post did I suggest what Rabbi Breitowitz’s opinion is regarding overturning RvW. I have no idea where you got that idea from.
    By the time I got to reading to the end of your posts , you put more words in my mouth and his that were never said.
    Here are some examples.
    You wrote, “He isn’t saying “don’t mix politics and halacha” in principle. He misspoke.”
    I never said that and neither did he. In fact, he said the exact opposite. In his beautiful words he was saying that the Torah guides us in this area.

    You wrote.” No rosh yeshiva advocates an ideology where torah is not complete primacy and that everything else is subservient to dvar Hashem zu halacha.”
    Neither he nor I said not that way.

    I completely stand by my understanding of Rabbi Breitowitz’s words and I personally hold him in very high regard. So please do not accuse me of being Motzi Shem Ra on him.
    You wrote, “He ends it with saying clearly “Many people would say that’s wrong”.”

    He ends it with saying clearly “The net result of all of this is that your halachik position does not automatically dictate your political position. But that is a bit of a subtlety and many people would say that’s wrong, but that is something to think about.”

    There is such a view point and he explained very clearly the basis for such a view point.

    The view that we need to worry about the secular law infringing on halacha is the exact view that you disagree with and that you hold is so wrong that you can’t stand than any Rav would even say such a view in a lecture. He explained clearly in the lecture that overturning RvW will cause that secular law will be infringing on Halacha. He gave an example. It is one in a million examples that he could have given.You don’t seem to be concerned with it. He is saying that there is a basis to be concerned with it.

    Lchvod Hatan Haeloki Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai.
    The Gmara Shabbos 33B
    They emerged from the cave, and saw people who were plowing and sowing. Rabbi Shimon bar Yoḥai said: These people abandon eternal life of Torah study and engage in temporal life for their own sustenance. The Gemara relates that every place that Rabbi Shimon and his son Rabbi Elazar directed their eyes was immediately burned. A Divine Voice emerged and said to them: Did you emerge from the cave in order to destroy My world? Return to your cave. They again went and sat there for twelve months. They said: The judgment of the wicked in Gehenna lasts for twelve months. Surely their sin was atoned in that time. A Divine Voice emerged and said to them: Emerge from your cave. They emerged. Everywhere that Rabbi Elazar would strike, Rabbi Shimon would heal.
    Rabbi Yaakov Ruderman Zatsal asks. What happened in those 12 months that after they left the second time that Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai was no longer burning every place but was able to heal?
    Rabbi Ruderman Zatsal answers that being able to countenance in other people what appears to you as if they are ‘abandoning eternal life’ is a very high madreigah. They only reached it after a 13th year in the cave.

    in reply to: Abortion vs Pimples #2086808


    An additional point is that the christians on the court will no lony be able to rely on RvW after they overturn it.

    They will have to rule on the legality of cases coming from all 50 states. On some of them, they are going to have to decide, will I rule as per my religion or according to the constitution of the US.

    in reply to: A new low point for Democrats #2086759


    WSJ requires a subscription. From the tiny paragraph I read, it is clear that they are reporting that one of the source of this issue was the batch of formula that killed babies.

    The WH announcement was posted as is to show that is what it is. YWN did not report it.

    I have no way, nor do I have any plans, to verify it.

    To accuse Biden of ignoring or causing the issue is slander.

    There is real bipartisan energy building to do the right thing for babies and their parents right now.

    The issue with regulations in general and our taxing foreign imports is a separate discussion.

    in reply to: Abortion vs Pimples #2086653

    Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz beautifully explains how your Halachik Position does not necessarily dictate your political position in a video from Ohr Somayach titled How should we view the possible overturning of Roe V Wade? Q&A- Vaping, Zionism & Roe vs Wade (Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz)

    in reply to: A new low point for Democrats #2086451

    Regarding the tiny amount of Baby Formula that is in the Federal Detention Center that has caused the Republicans to go apoplectic, as if Biden himself decided on where to ship Baby Formula, I will repeat myself.

    The republicans do not care about babies outside of the womb. Once they take their first breath, they can starve to death.
    The religious republicans have their minds in a tizzy because some children who were brought into the country illegally are treated as human beings. Yes, they received formula. They will now live and not die. How terrible!

    in reply to: A new low point for Democrats #2086230


    Maybe Biden should be a prophet and have known that there was going to be a bad batch causing baby’s to die thus forcing a recall and have prepared in advance?

    in reply to: A new low point for Democrats #2086228


    I understand what you mean by over-regulation.

    What I meant by safety regulation is – unless you have been living on Mars the past 2 years, you will know that the republicans have been fighting tooth and nail against the CDC Covid advice, Vaccines and Mask Mandates.

    in reply to: A new low point for Democrats #2086225

    President Biden has directed his administration to work urgently to ensure that during the Abbott Nutrition voluntary recall, infant formula is safe and available for families across the country. Today, President Biden spoke with retailers and manufacturers, including Wal-Mart, Target, Reckitt, and Gerber, to discuss ways we can all work together to do more to help families access infant formula.

    On February 17, the largest infant formula manufacturer in the country—Abbott Nutrition—initiated a voluntary recall of several lines of powdered formula. This came after concerns about bacterial contamination at Abbott’s Sturgis, Michigan, facility after four infants fell ill and two died. The federal government—including the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Department of Agriculture (USDA), Department of Justice (DOJ), Department of Transportation (DOT), U.S. Trade Representative (USTR), Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Department of Commerce (DOC), and the White House—has worked diligently over the last few months to address the shortfall in infant formula production while the Sturgis plant remains offline, including working with other infant formula manufacturers to increase production, expediting the import of infant formula from abroad, and calling on both online and in store retailers to establish purchasing limits to prevent the possibility of hoarding. As a result, more infant formula has been produced in the last four weeks than in the four weeks preceding the recall — despite one of the largest infant formula production facilities in the U.S. being offline.

    Families across the country remain concerned about the availability of infant formula—especially families that depend on specialty formulas for which the Sturgis facility is a key supplier. These 20 specialty formulas are used by about 5,000 infants as well as some older children and adults with rare metabolic diseases, and Abbott Nutrition is the only supplier for some of these formulas.

    Today, President Biden is announcing additional steps to bolster our work to get infant formula onto store shelves as quickly as possible without compromising safety. These steps include:

    Cutting Red Tape to Get More Infant Formula to Store Shelves Quicker: Manufacturers typically produce many different sizes of the same type of infant formula. Simplifying product offerings allows manufacturers to increase the speed and scale of their infant formula production, stabilizing the overall volume of formula available in the market. The type of formula that companies make and distribute is impacted by the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC), administered by USDA. About half of infant formula nationwide is purchased by participants using WIC benefits, based on both federal requirements and additional rules set by individual states that have a large effect on the availability and distribution of infant formula in a given state.
    To help further increase manufacturers’ ability to meet demand and distribute formula, USDA is working with states to make it easier for vulnerable families to purchase the formula they need with their WIC benefits. USDA is urging states to allow WIC recipients to use their WIC benefits on a wider variety of products so that if certain sizes or types of formula are out of stock, they can use their benefits on those that are in stock. And, USDA is urging states to relax their requirements that stores keep a certain amount of formula in stock. This will offer relief to retailers and allow companies to manage inventories to meet demand. Some states are already doing this. All fifty states should. These actions will make it easier for vulnerable families to get the necessary nutritional support for their infants.

    Calling on the FTC and State Attorneys General to Crack Down on Any Price Gouging or Unfair Market Practices Related to Sales of Infant Formula: Parents looking to feed their child should not be taken advantage of by unscrupulous retailers unfairly jacking up prices. There have been several reports that actors are purchasing formula at retail stores and reselling it online at a markup several times the retail price, especially specialty brands of formula that have experienced the most disruption. These actions not only are costing families hundreds of dollars for formula they need, but drive scarcity on the market. Since February, the FDA has worked with companies, calling on them to issue purchasing limits to help limit such predatory behavior. Many responsible retailers have responded to that call. Now, DOJ is engaging with state attorneys general to encourage them to use their powers to monitor and address price gouging in the infant formula market, and urging them to devote more resources to monitoring predatory behavior in the market for infant formula. And, the President today asked the Federal Trade Commission to use all its available tools to monitor and investigate reports of illegal and predatory conduct.
    Increasing the Supply of Formula Through Increased Imports: The U.S. normally produces 98% percent of the infant formula it consumes, and trading partners in Mexico, Chile, Ireland, and the Netherlands are key sources of imports. But given the production and distribution issues leading to local short supplies of infant formula, the FDA will, in the coming days, announce specific new steps it is taking concerning importing certain infant formula products from abroad.

    in reply to: A new low point for Democrats #2086188

    Ongoing supply chain disruptions tied to the coronavirus pandemic have fueled shortages of a wide range of consumer goods, but the lack of baby formula worsened in February after manufacturer Abbott issued a recall for products made at a Michigan plant and sold under the Similac, Alimentum and EleCare labels. Four children — one in Minnesota, one in Texas and two in Ohio — fell ill with bacterial infections, and two died.

    The FDA said the bacterium Cronobacter sakazakii “may have contributed to the cause of death for both patients.

    Republicans hate safety laws. They would rather have children die. But not in the womb.

    in reply to: Abortion vs Pimples #2086178

    Part 3.

    SCOTUS think that if they just overturn RvW , their jobs are done.
    Well the job that they were hired to do will be complete, but they are not done.

    Sorry to disappoint members of SCOTUS. It will be the beginning of SCOTUS and the courts becoming more involved in the intricacies of Abortion than they ever have been. Now they have to decide every new law and every new case that will arise from their decision.
    I wish them much hatzlocha.

    in reply to: Abortion vs Pimples #2086171

    Part 2.

    Let’s start with the fallacy that, as Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr. argued in the leaked draft, overruling Roe would “return the issue of abortion to the people’s elected representatives.”
    Alluring as this may sound, it won’t happen. As Harvard Law School professor Richard Fallon wrote in a 2007 law review article, “The notion that by overruling Roe the Supreme Court could extract itself from controversial assessments of the constitutionality of state antiabortion legislation is not just a fallacy. It is a delusion.”
    If anything, overruling Roe would expand court involvement by inviting action in state courts, testing the scope of what is protected under state constitutions. This isn’t imaginary: In Michigan, Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer recently asked her state’s Supreme Court to preemptively address the question.
    Meanwhile, federal courts, no matter how much they might want to get out of the business of deciding abortion cases, would face complex questions of constitutional law. Under Alito’s draft, abortion restrictions must only have a “rational basis” to pass constitutional muster. Permissive as this is, it will still present questions: Would it be rational for a state to prioritize fetal life over the life of the mother? Does protecting the fetus take priority over serious risk to maternal health? Is it rational for a state to prohibit contraceptive methods, such as intrauterine devices or morning-after pills, which prevent implantation of a fertilized embryo? Can a state prohibit in vitro fertilization because it involves the destruction of such embryos?

    in reply to: Abortion vs Pimples #2086137

    It is typical of Republicans to act without considering the consequences of their actions.
    They do it in all areas.
    Going to war with no idea to pay for it and no plan to assist veterans of the war.
    Spending indiscriminately and Raising the Deficit.
    Enacting policies that discriminate and are racist.
    Lowering Taxes on Rich with no plan to replace the lost taxes.
    Lack of Infrastructure Spending.
    No Health Care Plan.
    No plan for Immigrants.
    Ensuring Voting is as difficult as possible.
    Build a wall that Mexico will pay for.
    Electing a corrupt businessman for President.
    Losing an election but claiming that it was stolen.
    Attempting a coup against the America Government.

    It takes the Democrats to think these things through and show the shallow thinking of Republicans.



    Do you agree with this?
    “I’m waiting for a leader that will put the fear of G-d into our enemies. Better yet, I’m waiting for a leader who will wipe our enemies off the face of the earth once and for all.

    in reply to: Abortion Decision – Less Retzicha in America #2084994

    The 4 cases I mentioned are on the fanatical, radical Christian right’s list of goals to accomplish after overthrowing RvW. They have already publicized them. And they will not stop until they accomplish their goal.

    Those who helped them out, will not be able to stop them.

    modified a bit

    in reply to: Abortion Decision – Less Retzicha in America #2084968

    etc …
    Griswold v. Connecticut
    Loving v. Virginia
    Plyler v. Doe

    A Louisiana House committee approved a bill this week that defines a fetus as “a human being from the moment of fertilization”.

    in reply to: Reb Shayala Kerestirer #2084212

    The Famous Mouse Story-

    Affectionately known as Reb Shaya’le (Rabbi Yeshaya Steiner of Kerestir), the Kerestirer Rebbe lived around the beginning of the 20th Century. He was a very pious man and extremely humble, always referring to himself in the diminutive (Shaya’le). He was known as a “miraculous” person. His greatest pleasure was to host a very elaborate Melave Malka, the meal that follows Shabbos, on Saturday night. Often he would have his chassidim shecht fresh chickens for his meal.

    One motzo’ay Shabbos, while Reb Shaya’le was eating this special melave malka meal, a chossid came to him with an urgent request. He was a man who had a warehouse full of foodstuffs and he made his living by buying an selling food. For the past number of months, his warehouse had been taken over by mice who were eating his grain and other commodities and his entire livelihood was threatened. He asked Reb Shaya’le for a blessing that the mice should leave his warehouse. At that time, each small town in Europe was ruled by the local church pastor. Some of the pastors were kind towards the Jews and others were very harsh. Reb Shaya’le asked the chossid if the pastor of the town he lived in was kind or harsh. The chossid replied that he was very harsh toward the Jews. Reb Shaya’le then instructed the chossid to go to his warehouse and to tell the mice, “Reb Shaya’le says to go to the estate of the pastor.” The chossid followed the Rebbe’s advice and instantly hundreds of mice raced out of the warehouse all heading in the direction of the pastor’s estate. The chossid’s business was saved and ever since Jews who have been plagued with this problem have used Reb Shaya’le’s picture to accomplish the ridding of mice from their homes.

    in reply to: Abortion Decision – Less Retzicha in America #2084020

    How can you say that he is misunderstanding the pro life position among goyim when he is referring to a case where the pro-life community went to war against the Jewish family to prevent them from performing an abortion and saving the mother ?
    There were some from the pro-life community who agreed in the Klein case that they should be allowed to perform abortion because the Doctors felt that the Mother’s life was at stake. But there were others, who held exactly the way Rabbi Tendler described, and they hired very expensive lawyers and sued to prevent it. It is possible that if this case would have been before RvW or in a post RvW world, the pro-life people would have won and murdered the mother to prevent the abortion.

    Rabbi Tendler also critically said that the definition of saving the Mothers life Al Pi Halacha is not the same as the Goyim’s definition.

    Regarding Rav Tendler extrapolating from Rav Moshe, I already agreed that is a possibility. But you also are only extrapolating.

    I don’t know where you see a contradiction in his words in the article.

    in reply to: Abortion Decision – Less Retzicha in America #2083880

    I am adding a part of Rav Tendler zatsals interview that might add some insight because it started off referring to a specific case. It is worthwhile to read it entirely.

    The first question was:
    Jewish Review: Rabbi Tendler, the recent Long Island court case where a husband sought to terminate the pregnancy of his comatose wife on the theory that such action might help the wife recover created a huge stir in the media. Could you comment, from the point of view of Jewish law, on this case and the court’s eventual decision to allow the termination of the pregnancy?
    After a few questions and answers Rabbi Tendler says the following.
    Rabbi Tendler: It is important to point out that the thrust to defend the Klein fetus came from the Pro-lifers,who are largely Catholic, and who follow the edict of their Pope, who has been resting his prestige on his ability to prevail on the abortion issue. We must realize that, in the Catholic Church, fetal life takes precedence over maternal life, because in their view, a fetus, unlike the mother, is yet without sin. This is a fundamental difference with the Jewish point of view on abortion.
    Jewish Review: And I suppose this is why we don’t see Jewish groups joining the right to life movement.?
    Rabbi Tendler: Correct,and this is why a person such as I, who is as opposed to abortion as anyone, will not partake in a joint statement with such groups, for they are actually prepared to commit murder according to our halakha. To sacrifice the woman in order to save the fetus is an act of murder according to Jewish law.

    I agree that it is possible that Rav Tendler might have made a tzu shtel based on his understanding of Rav Moshe Zatsal’s views of laws that affect religion, but not heard directly from him, his opinion regarding the US making laws regarding abortion.

    in reply to: Abortion Decision – Less Retzicha in America #2083694

    The Gemara asks: Does it enter your mind that everyone descends to Gehenna? Rather, say: Anyone who descends to Gehenna ultimately ascends, except for three who descend and do not ascend, and these are they: … and one who humiliates another in public; and one who calls another a derogatory name. The Gemara asks with regard to one who calls another a derogatory name: That is identical to one who shames him; why are they listed separately? The Gemara answers: Although the victim grew accustomed to being called that name in place of his name, and he is no longer humiliated by being called that name, since the intent was to insult him, the perpetrator’s punishment is severe.

    in reply to: Abortion Decision – Less Retzicha in America #2083442

    The current topic of SCOTUS’s current ruling which possibly will completely reverse the Rowe Vs Wade ruling regarding abortion does not need to be made into a inquisition of Rav MD Tendler Zatsal who is no longer alive.
    It so happens to be that the Abortion Teshuva In Igros Moshe in Choshen Mishpat Chelek Sheini was written directly to him.

    in reply to: Reb Shayala Kerestirer #2083413

    ,פעם נכנס הגה “צ גאב “ד אודווארי זי”ע אל הרה “ק רבי משה מרדכי מלעלוב זי”ע וביקש ממנו ברכת הקודש
    אמר לו הרמ “מ וכי נכדו של הרה”ק רבי ישעי’ מקערעסטיר זי”ע נצרך לברכתי… אח”כ אמר הרב מאודווארי
    להרמ “מ את דיבורו הידוע של רבי ישעי’לע שכל הצדיקים עוסקים לפני ה ‘תקיעות’ בראש השנה ב’רזין דרזין’ ואני
    עוסק ב’שובע ולא לרזון,’ כידוע לכל גודל עבודתו בהאכלת יהודים – גם קודם התקיעות היה מחתך מיני מזונות
    למתפללים למען תשבע נפשם… אמר לו הרמ”מ , אפרש לך, פירוש תיבת ‘רזין’ – לעשות מהגוף נשמה, ופירוש
    ‘רזין דרזין’ – להבין שגופו של הזולת הוא נשמתי ממש

    in reply to: Abortion Decision – Less Retzicha in America #2082979


    I only quoted part of the article. That is why you got that impression.
    If you would read the article, you will fully understand what he was was having an issue with.

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