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  • in reply to: Deepfakes #2293657

    Lost Spark, Nisht, BY1212

    When did I ever comment on the keffiya’s in LA ? Or say anything anti-religious? Or praise “the uppity jews in LA being put in their place” Or call these people “my friends” ? Or say anything comparable to Goebeell’s?
    The 3 of you project onto me many things that I never said and that I don’t believe in.

    Everyone in the CR knows that I am a Frum Jew in a Frum community with a Frum Family (and Frum Grandchildren) that go to Frum Institutions and that I have zero connection or even hinted that I have any connection with these anti-semitic people or with their beliefs.
    That is a very deep fake. Very very deep fake. You 3 created the deep fake.

    Meanwhile there are plenty of people in the CR who are full of sinas chinam and are osim maaseh zimri and mevakshim schar kpinchas that attack and say lashon harah about kollel people, Lubavitcher’s , Satmerer’s, Hasidim in general , Modern Orthodox , Rich Jews, Poor Jews, Roshei Yeshiva, Gedolay Yisrael etc … Did you remove them from your klal yisrael?

    I am very proud democrat. I hate Trump and the Republican party with a passion. I can write a 10 thousand word article about why Trump is bad for this country and I believe that since he is bad for America he is bad for the Jews living in America.
    I am very happy that Joseph Biden is President and I hope that the Democratic party wins the presidency in November.
    I don’t defend every person in the democratic party nor defend every position in the party or even every position of Joe Biden. That is just ridiculous.

    I do not have the time to read every post or to respond to every post .

    All should have a Good Shabbos.

    in reply to: Clarence Thomas – A Supreme Court Justice who lacks any Ethics #2293622

    Supreme Court seizes control of regulatory agency decisions

    Judges now can second-guess

    – drug safety
    – banking regs
    – aviation safety
    – environmental regs
    – consumer product safety

    Courts can now take over American life — in support of corporate special interests

    in reply to: Clarence Thomas – A Supreme Court Justice who lacks any Ethics #2293443

    On a 6-3 party-line vote, the Supreme Court ruled on Wednesday that state officials may accept “gratuities” from people who wish to reward them for their official actions, despite a federal anti-corruption statute that appears to ban such rewards.

    Justice Brett Kavanaugh wrote the opinion in Snyder v. United States for the Court’s Republican-appointed majority. Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson wrote the dissent on behalf of the Court’s three Democratic appointees.

    It’s notable that neither Justice Clarence Thomas nor Justice Samuel Alito, both of whom have accepted expensive gifts from politically active Republican billionaires, recused themselves from the case. Thomas and Alito both joined Kavanaugh’s opinion reading the anti-corruption statute narrowly.

    I wonder why.

    in reply to: Elon Musk #2293250

    BY1212 has begun using the new lack of moderation by the mods to use the CR for personal attacks on others without actually discussing issues or ideas.

    in reply to: Deepfakes #2292963

    Mrs Dofi, I see you haven’t done any teshuva. There is still time.

    Mrs NishtdyanGesheft, when you leave the Lev Tahor cult, please tell us.

    in reply to: Deepfakes #2292962


    I didn’t lie about anything. I wrote it that way because there is information on the laptop that was truthful and detrimental about Hunter but nothing on it had any implications for the President.

    I will ask more directly . What info on the laptop was revealed that was damaging to Joseph Biden ? If you have it, please bring it to the republican members of congress James Comer and Jim Jordan because they have been searching for damaging info on President Biden for 4 years.

    in reply to: Deepfakes #2292008

    4 years later name me one thing on that laptop that would have made a Joe Biden voter not vote for him?
    You can’t.
    That means that the Republicans were faked out by the same right wing media that payed almost a billion dollars for lying.

    in reply to: Clarence Thomas – A Supreme Court Justice who lacks any Ethics #2291798

    The U.S. Supreme Court on Friday upheld a longstanding federal ban on firearms for people under domestic violence restraining orders. The 8-1 opinion was authored by Chief Justice John Roberts. Justice Clarence Thomas was the lone dissenter.
    Another case where Clarence was the lone dissenter was when SCOTUS Allowed Trump’s Docs to Be Seen by 1/6 Committee.

    Interesting isn’t it.

    in reply to: Deepfakes #2291581

    They told me that if paying almost a billion dollars, and there is still litigation pending, hasn’t stopped them, nothing will.

    in reply to: Mods? Mods? #2291432


    Is it possible that gadolhadofi has spewed enough personal nasty attacks that you advise him to stop?

    in reply to: Deepfakes #2291377

    politifact truth-o-meter gives the Biden video a rating of False. The RNC and conservative media are pushing deepfakes about Biden because they need to deflect from the many videos of Trump showing his age while speaking.
    politifact truth-o-meter always has a short and long explanation. You can check out the longer explanation.
    In short – Videos shared by conservative media outlets and in social media posts claim to show President Joe Biden wandering away from other world leaders at the G7 summit in Italy and having to be fetched by the Italian prime minister for a group photo.
    Longer video and video from other angles of the event show several skydivers on the ground behind Biden and to his left. He turned to speak with them and gave a thumbs up, video shows.

    Many claims by Trump and Conservative media outlets get a even lower rating of “Pants on Fire” by politifact.
    1) Donald Trump stated on May 31, 2024 in remarks to reporters: “Congo, Africa, just released a lot of people, a lot of people from their prisons and jails and brought them into the United States of America.” “Pants on Fire”
    2) Former presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy and others claimed that Hunter Biden’s trial and conviction were contrived to divert attention from Biden family crimes. “Pants on Fire”
    3) Donald Trump stated on May 29, 2024 in comments to reporters Joe Biden “is letting millions of people from jails, from prisons, from insane asylums, from mental institutions, drug dealers pour in.” “Pants on Fire”
    4) Donald Trump stated on May 21, 2024 in a campaign email “Biden’s DOJ was authorized to use DEADLY FORCE” in Mar-a-Lago raid. Biden was “locked and loaded” and “ready to take me out.” “Pants on Fire”

    Some are rated False.

    1) Donald Trump stated on June 2, 2024 in an interview on “Fox & Friends”: Joe Biden wants “to quadruple your taxes.”

    Some claims are “mostly true”.

    1) Tammy Baldwin stated on May 5, 2024 in X, formerly Twitter “When I worked on the Affordable Care Act, I wrote the amendment that allows all young people to stay on their parents’ health insurance until they turn 26. Overnight, millions of young Americans got health care.”
    2) Joe Biden stated on June 4, 2024 in a speech “Due to the arrangements that I’ve reached with (Mexico) President Obrador, the number of migrants coming … to our shared border unlawfully in recent months has dropped dramatically.”


    Which Perek and which Halacha is this Rambam in Hilchos Teshuva?

    in reply to: Clarence Thomas – A Supreme Court Justice who lacks any Ethics #2291339

    Yasher Koach and Thank you to Besalel and Huju.
    I am pretty sure that there are rules in the CF against these kinds of posts.

    I actually thought that a judge who has taken gifts/bribes from billionaire conservative friends for decades and will also not recuse himself where he has a clear conflict of interest would actually be a very pareve torahdige topic to discuss. I guessed wrong.



    The Gedolay Yisroel with tens of thousands of Choshuve Yungeleit sang and danced lekvod hatorah and some people think that they are frummer than them and feel more pain for Klal Yisrael than them.

    in reply to: Clarence Thomas – A Supreme Court Justice who lacks any Ethics #2290181

    I am so glad that I did not glance at this thread since I posted the original post.

    I hope you all had an uplifting Shavuos and a true kabbolos hatorah that will inspire you until Purim when we have another chance.

    Whoever actually tried to discuss the issue of taking millions as a judge without publicizing it or ruling on cases where your wife was part of the case, I appreciate the discussion.

    in reply to: Trump Verdict #2290007

    Happy 78th Birthday to the convicted felon. May he celebrate many more birthday’s with his fellow criminals.
    It is really amazing that his VP, COS, AG, Defense Secretary , White House Aides and Counsel, White House communications director, National Security Adviser and many others in his administration will not support him for President. You do not find a single exception with President Joe Biden.
    All those who have worked for Trump realize that he is totally incompetent and does not have the middos to be the leader of the US.

    in reply to: Thank you for your advice but….. We have to do what we have to do #2289184

    “I think Israel made a very big mistake,” he said. “I wanted to call [Israel] and say don’t do it. These photos and shots. I mean, moving shots of bombs being dropped into buildings in Gaza. ” Donald J Trump. Now go vote for him and see what happens next.

    in reply to: The Real Issue Seems have with Trump #2289141

    He saw the weakness in the Republican party and the Evangelicals and he took full advantage of them because he is an experienced snake oil salesman. He realized he could never fool the Democrats.


    advising, cautioning, alerting , warning, dissuading, counseling, encouraging, instructing, pointing out, and urging are what countries that are friends and partners do all the time.
    Israel is the final arbiter of it’s military needs and America is it’s needed partner.

    in reply to: Trump Verdict #2288793


    I will listen to what you say. I will not listen to what you copy and paste from people or media with a republican right wing bias.

    I will not listen to Elon who is trying to get a job in the administration if Trump is re-elected.

    The number of unauthorized immigrants in the U.S. remained mostly stable from 2017 to 2021. It hovers around 10 million. Just goes to show you that the whole “illegal aliens” and “build a wall” is just a campaign slogan.
    Fox news can repeat 24 hours a days the words “illegal immigrants” , “drugs” and “invasion” as if the Republicans have a plan and will to resolve the issue. The Republicans in congress just showed that they do not want to fix the issue. They prefer it to remain an issue and therefore they won’t even vote on the Senate’s bipartisan legislation. But you know who took the initiative finally ? Joe Biden. He just signed an executive order to deal with the issue.

    99% of them are here to have a better life than in their home country. They are willing to work as hard as Elon Musk – even harder than him.

    Criminals, spies and terrorists are all bad hombres whether they are immigrants or not. That is why we have a government and police.

    in reply to: Dems vs Repubs on this site #2288724

    No topics are started about Trump’s wife and kids either although they are in the news all the time.

    in reply to: Trump Verdict #2288476

    Donald Trump and Elon Musk have discussed a possible advisory role for the Tesla leader should the presumptive Republican nominee reclaim the White House.
    The immigrant who bought Twitter, and has lead it in steadily declining number of users and revenue, is eyeing to gain as much power as he can in the American government.

    in reply to: Michael Cohen #2288307


    This is part of the bluff.
    The prosecution proved with evidence and testimony, and this is quite obvious , that Trump was repaying Michael Cohen because Michael laid out $130,000 in payments to the person Trump had an affair with. That $130,000 payment was part of a scheme to prevent shame to candidate Trump.
    None of that is a Trump Organization business expense. Who cares what the classification was or if Trump even knew how the ledger was written? He knew why he was paying Michael Cohen and he signed the checks !!!

    I would like all the people that think they have great defenses for Trump to please contact him and tell him that he should have used their defenses. I am sure that the convicted felon and his lawyer team led by Todd Branche and Susan Necheles would love to discuss it with them.

    in reply to: Michael Cohen #2288406


    I thought you didn’t want to get into the nitty gritty. I gave you the top level overview without all the fluff. It is exactly what the Jury saw and convicted him on.

    “The first is that he was clearly paying to keep a story quiet. unequivocally, that is not illegal and was never the issue.”. That is an issue since it is part of the illegal scheme.
    “Paying Cohen” and “false business entries” were all corroborated by direct evidence.

    Here is a small summary of what the 34 charges were and the evidence and testimony.

    The $130,000 payment was made by Mr. Trump’s fixer/lawyer, Michael D. Cohen, in the final days of the 2016 campaign. It was done at Mr. Trump’s direction.
    Pecker testified that he schemed with Trump to hush all the stories of his affairs. We see how important this was to him that he was will to pay big money for it.

    While “hush money” payments are not necessarily illegal, Mr. Trump reimbursed Mr. Cohen during his presidency. (Isn’t it great imagining Trump sitting in the oval office , signing a Trump Org. Business check because of an affair he had , at the same time that he publicly announced that he renounced his position in the organization and given everything over to Jr. But, that is a side point ) In internal records, Mr. Trump’s company classified the repayment to Mr. Cohen as legal expenses, citing a retainer agreement. There were no such expenses or retainer agreement.

    The records related to the reimbursement underpin the 34 counts of falsifying business records: 11 counts involve the checks issued to Mr. Cohen, 11 center on monthly invoices Mr. Cohen submitted to the company, and 12 involve entries in the general ledger for Mr. Trump’s trust.

    ( If Trump would have been honest , he probably would have never gotten indicted. But he is a dishonest, backstabbing, cheapskate, as Mr. Cohen and all the Trump associates who are currently in jail can testify to. )

    in reply to: Michael Cohen #2288168

    It is quite simple.
    No research needed.
    Trump’s defense team never put together an alternative explanation of the facts, much of which are not in dispute.
    Jury was shown solid pieces of evidence.
    Michael Cohen’s testimony, together with other witnesses’ testimony, explained everything to a T.

    The defense had no other reasonable explanation because it is obvious to the entire world that he was hiding the affair before the election and was making false entries in the business ledger to hide the fact that he was paying off Cohen to hide the affair.

    In all the cases that Trump is charged with, he never disputes the facts. He admits that he committed the crimes.
    He simply has many reasons why he should get away with it. He has the Republican party and Fox news 24/7 bluffing the American people with reasons why he should be allowed to have committed crimes and get away with them.

    That is why he has lost the first 3 cases and will lose the next 3 also. Because when you are in a court of law, propaganda is not admissible.

    in reply to: 34 x GUILTY #2287254


    What does Biden have to do with a Trump who had excellent legal counsel and a jury of 12 individuals in NY?
    Answer. Nothing.
    He also has nothing to do with EJean Carrol, the lost fraud case, or with his Georgia, Florida and Washington DC cases coming up.
    Trump committed crimes and as the Senate leader who refused to impeach him said, we have a justice system in America where he can be tried and convicted.

    in reply to: Chasidus Filling a Void Within Modern Orthodoxy #2286907

    Chasidus fills a void within the heart of every Yid. Exactly what the Besht was sent to this world for.

    in reply to: The Good Biden Has Done #2286894


    “Are we doing so much better now under him then we did under Trump?”
    Yes and many Americans feel the same way.
    There was no red wave in 2022 although all Republicans and Right Wing Media were predicting it,.
    I predict the same for this year.

    “You are so blinded by hating a man you turn a blind eye to what is really going on. ”
    That is very ironic statement for someone who writes – “throughout time everything that goes wrong will be tied back to the Biden administration until the end of time. “

    in reply to: Israeli War Criminal Netanyahu #2286390


    Interesting that you commented something ridiculous in this thread showing you do not even read what I post , when this thread should really be directed at you.
    UJM should have asked you the question he asked me because you are one of the biggest haters of Netanyahu on YWN and I am sure that your hatred for him means that you would love to see him dragged before the ICC and thrown into prison as a war criminal.

    This is what you posted in October
    Netanyahu must resign as Hamas built up during his 12 years of leadership. Furthermore, he never stood up to or replaced the corrupt military and legal establishment so their failures are his failures.
    Netanyahu must be replaced now or thousands of soldiers lives will be lost for nothing, and the state will be in existential danger in short order. And the empty words – ‘never again’ will be shown to be empty words in a practical way.
    Netanyahu is chicken waste.

    in reply to: Israeli War Criminal Netanyahu #2284605


    You know that is a ridiculous comparison and that I would never compare Netanyahu to Putin or Israel to Russia.

    in reply to: what do you think of daf yomi? #2284450

    I am trying to fathom how The Siyum© is a most egregious example of using the Torah as a kardom lachpor bo and not an example of a major Kiddush Hashem .

    I eagerly await The Siyum© every 7 and 1/2 years. It is a gathering of hundreds of thousands of jews – men, women and children – rejoicing in learning Torah together with the Gedolai Yisroel.

    Torah learning is for every Jew. If Daf Yomi fits your derech, then follow it. If a different learning program is better suited for you then don’t follow it. There are no klalim. We do not have neviim nowadays that can tell every Yid what their shoresh neshama is and what their tafkid in learning is.

    in reply to: Who’s Worse: Democrats or Hamas? #2284449

    Catch Yourself,

    I agree with your position regarding Torah Jews identifying as Republicans or Democrats or even Americans and also regarding
    no American political affiliation is inherently consistent with the Torah, and no American political affiliation is inherently opposed to the Torah.

    I would like to hear from you a coherent Torah argument to support an American politician who has shown his disdain for American democracy by trying to stay in power after losing an election. I don’t think that there is one.

    in reply to: Trump “wealth” #2283816

    Pardon me for my cynicism, but Trump will never use his own money when he can collect donations from supporters, people who want favors and countries who want bigger favors.

    in reply to: Trump “wealth” #2283628


    Is it called humbleness when all I have learned is to never bet against Trump? I do not play the market.

    in reply to: Trump “wealth” #2283590


    Glad I put in a disclaimer before.

    Who knows why Trump’s stock is going up ?

    Surely not because the underlying business is doing any better.

    in reply to: Who’s Worse: Democrats or Hamas? #2283491

    catch yourself,

    I understand Jews voting Republican. This is an eminently defensible position despite the fact that I disagree.
    However, many American Jewish Republicans currently support the current candidate for President. This candidate after he lost the last election wanted to keep himself in power and have congress declare him the winner. Supporting Trump this election is not a defensible position. How can American Jews support a candidate who attempted a violent coup to overthrow the American government? In this cycle , he hasn’t and will not commit to admit defeat if he loses again. There are many eminently electable Republican politicians who pledge allegiance to the Constitution and to American democracy that are supportable for President.

    The excuse that they offer is “get over it”. Some of them actually want him to overthrow the government if he loses.

    in reply to: There’s Nothing Moderate About the Democrat Party #2283363

    741 ,
    Are you a prophet?

    in reply to: Democrats = Today’s Brownshirts #2282731

    These are the 55 topics that lakewhut has started in the last 3 years that are exclusively to show his displeasure at Biden and the Democrats.

    Approximately once every 2 and 1/2 weeks he starts an Anti-Democrat post.
    He never seems to get tired of starting new topics like these and he will probably start another one this week.
    To call Democrats “Nazis” or similar to Hamas is twisted and dangerous and emboldens the Republican crazies who are already chomping at the bit to kill them – including the Jewish ones.

    Democrats = Today’s Brownshirts
    Who’s Worse: Democrats or Hamas?
    How Can Any Jew Who Isn’t a Self-hating Jew Still Identify as a Democrat
    Bidens Failed Foreign Policies
    Democrats Helped Iran to Get to this Point
    Bidens Two Face Policy on Gaza is destroying the World
    Are we really in the 3rd Term of Obama
    Most Democrats are Against Israel
    Democrats Interfere with Elections
    The End Game for Medinas Yisroel and the Decline of American Power
    Obama: Fraud and Destroyer of America
    Biden Working on Creating a Palestinian state
    Obama: Sonei Yisroel Par Excellence
    VP Harris’s Stepdaughter Raising Money For Gaza’s Children,
    You who vote Democrat
    More than One Type of Toeiva
    Imagine if Trump removed IRS Teams for Investigating
    After Biden sent $1 billion to the PLO, Israeli deaths rose 900%
    Biden pursues nuclear deal with ayatollah’s regime
    Who You Enable by Voting Democrat
    Rigged Election
    The Fix is in for 2022
    New Lows in Democrat Marxist Propaganda
    Husband of House Majority Leader, Nancy Pelosi Gets Away with a DUI Offense
    Biden administration overrules Trump policy on Palestinians
    A new low point for Democrats
    The Violent Dems are at it
    Democrats Gone Full 1984
    The Latest in Democrat Craziness
    Biden or Carter?
    Biden Admin To Fund Crack Pipe Distribution To Advance ‘Racial Equity’
    Democrats Love Crime
    Anything the Democrats Touch Gets Worse 1 2
    Democrats have Egg on their Faces
    Aaron Keyak, Water Carrier for Biden says Jews, Take off your Kippahur
    Democrats: The Party Against Israel
    Biden tries to claim credit for cease-fire between Israel and Hamas
    Welcome Back to the Carter Administration
    Where’s The “Shomer Yisrael” Democrat Majority Leader
    Thank Biden for the Gas Shortage
    Biden omits the word ‘God’ from national prayer declaration
    Thank Biden for Helping Hamas
    Any of the CR Dems Want to Defend Kerry?
    Did Democrats learn About the French Revolution?
    Democrats aren’t Right on Any Issues
    The Democrat Playbook
    Biden administration renews $15m. in support to Palestinians
    Biden calls his second-in-command ‘President Harris’
    Who is the Real President?
    Foolish Democrats
    Climate Change and the Environment
    Biden Bringing in 11 Million Illegal Immigrants to Import More Democrat Votes
    Andrew Yang Mayor 2021?
    Biden announces restoration of U.S. relations and aid to Palestinians
    Biden Appointee Confirmations

    in reply to: Democrats = Today’s Brownshirts #2282018


    I did it so that you can show your TRUE COLORS.



    You are more my buddy than any of these people.
    These people have nothing to do with the Democrat party. CTL’s silence is not a proof .
    If you are saying that voting republican is seeing the light than you live in darkness.

    in reply to: Democrats = Today’s Brownshirts #2281417

    The judge just warned Trump that since he violated his gag order 10 times and the penalties are not working , the next time he violates the order he is going to JAIL.


    in reply to: Matza complaint letter #2281168

    As today is Rav Miller zatsal’s yahrtzeit, lzchuso everyone should open an apple and take out the seeds and marvel at the wonders of plan and purpose in creation testifying to their Creator.
    Also , a lesson he said from matzah is that just like Kohanim mostly ate matzah in the Beis Hamikdash, so too every Jew is part of Mamleches Kohanim.

    in reply to: Democrats = Today’s Brownshirts #2281164


    That is terribly offensive. I am sorry that you feel this way. But anybody who reads my posts knows that you are living in your own alternate reality. I have never ever said a single word in support of the pro Palestinian protesters who are shouting antisemitic slogans and would love to kill Jews. Neither has any Democratic official.

    I don’t understand lakewhuts post. Too many typos. Seems to be another one of his million attempts to confuse Democrats with other people . I don’t know where he gets the comparison between the current party in POTUS, majority in Senate, and almost majority in House to Sturm Abeilung.

    The only Brownshirts I can think of are the ones who attacked congress on January 6th and want Trump to become the Dictator in 2024.

    If he meant the UPS brown shirts then he is correct as Biden and the Democrats have been promising and delivering for the American people the past 4 years.

    Meanwhile the Republicans have done absolutely zero the past 2 years due to the guidance of the indicted and soon to be convicted former POTUS.


    Lakewhut doing the good work in changing hearts and minds on YWN

    in reply to: Bidens Failed Foreign Policies #2280405


    No I am not. If you can’t tell the difference , you lack basic understanding of who they are.

    in reply to: Democrats = Today’s Brownshirts #2280372

    Lakewhut doing the good work in changing hearts and minds on YWN

    in reply to: Trump “wealth” #2278958

    To be fair, it is up to 33.19. Someone must be pumping and dumping. Soon will return to below 20.

    in reply to: Bidens Failed Foreign Policies #2278419

    From the title of this post, I am not sure whether lakewhut is a MAGA supporter or a AOC,Ilhan,Rashida,Ayanna and Jamaal supporter.
    Most Americans – both Repubicans and Democrats are very supportive of Biden and his highly successful Foreign Policy wins.
    Israel is a major win. (Mike Johnson who is toast and will be gone very soon needs to let the votes come to the floor.)
    Ukraine is a major win.(Mike Johnson who is toast and will be gone very soon needs to let the votes come to the floor.)
    The border bill is a major win. (Mike Johnson who is toast and will be gone very soon needs to let the votes come to the floor.)

    Trump and his minions have only failed foreign policies. They love Russia. RUSSIA and PUTIN. THEY HATE NATO AND ALL OF OUR ALLIES.

    in reply to: Bidens Failed Foreign Policies #2278260

    Lakewhut doing the good work in changing hearts and minds on YWN

    in reply to: Trump “wealth” #2277940

    It is down to 22.75

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