It is Time for Truth

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  • in reply to: Quotes #1220921

    The Queen is most anxious to enlist everyone in checking this mad, wicked folly of ‘Women’s Rights’. It is a subject which makes the Queen so furious that she cannot contain herself.

    Queen Victoria

    in reply to: Quotes #1220920
    in reply to: Quotes #1220919

    “A nation, as a society, forms a moral person, and every member of it is personally responsible for his society.”

    Thomas Jefferson,

    in reply to: Arguing with Rishonim and Achronim #1158369



    in reply to: Arguing with Rishonim and Achronim #1158368



    We wouldn’t say the Rishon is wrong ( unless the position stated is an abberant one by their own standards)

    ,but neither does that mean are we necessarily wrong

    And to be glib and flippant about them, besides being adolescent, is playing with/bordering on the edge of K’firah.

    .. “The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time …


    On practical issues, at present, it would be as,”

    R’ Dovid Feinstein told me once ??? ????? ??? ?? ?????? ?????

    in reply to: Can a bad person create good art? #1158487

    Probably,Ford’s diislike of Holywood,The ‘red Scare’ and the Bolshevik revolution were all elements too

    in reply to: Can a bad person create good art? #1158486

    ‘Why would you defend such a rasha?”

    Considering what he published you’re correct.

    Be that as it may,

    Henry Ford was in origin a real yankee (so straight ,as be crooked)

    He still had some jewish neighbors,with whom he got along .One of them was an Rabbi.

    Prior to the the WJC fight ,he used to send a free car annually

    This american Rabbi always blamed the WJC for ford’s change.

    in reply to: Is "Haredism" a Movement? #1207077

    Are they

    heading in identical directions in their goals ,aspirations,

    destiny etc.?

    OF Course [one would hope]

    Has their been change in ,say, that their mode of Life was more “in their bones” (some would call it mimetic) than today ,rather than an overemphasis on superficial externals;in terms of lingua franca ; and in a host of other sociological ways?


    On the one hand,

    still, “the only constant is change”

    However, is it relevant?

    COuld anyone say that about most of the others?

    Some go through the daily/weekly motions, while barely keeping/giving fealty r”L the 3 Chamuros!

    yeshaya 1:10-15

    in reply to: Monarchy vs. Democracy #1158099

    Or How about?


    Rule by a system of governance with many bureaus, administrators, and petty officials


    Ruled by a singularity of all human minds connected via some form of technical or non-technical telepathy acting as a form of super computer to make decisions based on shared patterned experiences to deliver fair and accurate decisions to problems as they arrive. Also known as the “Hive Mind” principle, it differs from voting in that each person would make a decision while in the “hive” the synapses of all minds work together following a longer path of memories to make “one” decision.


    Rule by thieves(Mafia state); a system of governance where its officials and the ruling class in general pursue personal wealth and political power at the expense of the wider population.

    in reply to: Monarchy vs. Democracy #1158098

    “The tyranny of the majority, is worse than the majority of tyrannies”

    in reply to: Can a bad person create good art? #1158482

    Henry Ford originally was far from an anti semite.

    It was the WJC’s fight with him in 1920 that turned him that way

    in reply to: Arguing with Rishonim and Achronim #1158365



    And when push come to shove , you should heed it l’chumra.

    Unless you could somehow explain the sugya in a way that would obviate the need for the postulate to be an absolute

    in reply to: Is "Haredism" a Movement? #1207066


    For sure

    in reply to: Is "Haredism" a Movement? #1207063



    in reply to: Is "Haredism" a Movement? #1207062

    Usage in North America

    in reply to: Is "Haredism" a Movement? #1207061

    Chareidism is indeed an import from Israel

    The term only started receiving usage (often pejoratively) in the ’90s

    in reply to: Arguing with Rishonim and Achronim #1158363


    R’ Dovid Feinstein told me once ??? ????? ??? ?? ?????? ?????

    If your cognition tells you otherwise, that is what you need to rely upon while devoting your years , struggling and wrestling inwardly how to fit with the words of the rishonim


    If you have a problem with what they said,

    that’s wonderful!

    Once Again,

    A savvy four year old who comes with proofs against their parent,and they may have some validity in a vacuum

    But only an idiot would side with the preschooler OR tell the child HE SHOULD rely on himself

    If,however,he comes in 40 years,and tells you he really was right when he was a child , probably you would give him some credence

    Similarly, if someone “plugs” for 40 odd years on it ,and THEN still contests ,there’s what to talk about

    .. “The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time …

    in reply to: Is "Haredism" a Movement? #1207047

    “‘I see a child enveloped in flames. The bystanders are afraid; they do nothing, or else they are only trying to save the building. I see the child. I rush in. Should I first ask my neighbor whether he, too, sees the child? Should I worry whether, in my haste, I am jostling someone, or perhaps hindering the salvage of the building by running in? Perhaps I am causing a draft, fanning the fire?

    HARDLY MOdern Orthodox ,unless very right wing MOdern Orthodox

    in reply to: Is "Haredism" a Movement? #1207046

    “but is charedism a movement as wikipedia”

    Who’s writing wikipedia?

    There’s a modern fellow in Los Angelos who been sitting for years writing “authoritive” articles/posts on these topics with his slant

    in reply to: Arguing with Rishonim and Achronim #1158343

    My Rosh Hayeshiva does it all the time (argues with achronim)

    Does he ,in practice, act accordingly ?or just …?

    When did the era of Achronim end?

    Some say 1940,Some say at least those who reached stature before 1940

    Some say earlier, some say later

    in reply to: Why people become OTD (with the focus on the "why") #1164757

    A rebbi who worked for years with boys who went OTD said

    There are 3 that boys go off ( whatever their alibis):




    in reply to: Monarchy vs. Democracy #1158091

    Few people ,besides half maskilim or disguised maskilim

    gave the Moreh much weight prior to the Mid 19th century.

    in reply to: Monarchy vs. Democracy #1158090

    Rambam also says (ibid, Hlalacha 8) that if a navi appoints someone from a different shevet to be king and he keeps the Torah he is considered the king

    But he also says that Only Davidic Monarchs have a right to sit in the Azara,


    read the Hakhel

    P.s Eh.. Everyone is aware what he says in the Moreh,and that everyone else strongly ( and more)disputes it.

    AND that some try to reconcile it with other conflicting ,and arguably more authoritive positions

    in reply to: Arguing with Rishonim and Achronim #1158339

    Most of the names mentioned previously, belittled(at the minimum)or just ignored those who argued with Rishonim

    A savvy four year old could also come with proofs against their parent,and they may have some validity in a vacuum

    But only an idiot would side with the preschooler

    If,however,he comes in 40 years,and tells you he really was right when he was a child ,you probabky would give him some credence

    Similarly, if someone ‘plugs’ for 40 odd years ,and THEN still contests ,there’s what to talk about

    in reply to: Monarchy vs. Democracy #1158088

    Rambam also says (ibid, Hlalacha 8) that if a navi appoints someone from a different shevet to be king and he keeps the Torah he is considered the king

    But he also says that Only Davidic Monarchs have a right to sit in the Azara,


    read the Hakhel

    in reply to: Monarchy vs. Democracy #1158087


    Rule by banks; a system of governance with excessive power or influence of banks and other financial authorities on public policy-making. It can also refer to a form of government where financial institutions rule society.


    An electocracy is a political system where citizens are able to vote for their government but cannot participate directly in governmental decision making and where the government does not share any power.


    An regime type where power is not vested in public institutions (as in a normal democracy) but spread amongst elite groups who are constantly competing with each other for power. Examples of anocracies in Africa include the warlords of Somalia and the shared governments in Kenya and Zimbabwe. Anocracies are situated midway between an autocracy and a democracy.


    Rule by a government under the sovereignty of rational laws and civic right as opposed to one under theocratic systems of government. In a nomocracy, ultimate and final authority (sovereignty) exists in the law.

    in reply to: Monarchy vs. Democracy #1158086

    How about


    Rule by the intelligent; a system of governance where creativity, innovation, intelligence and wisdom are required for those who wish to govern. Comparable to noocracy.


    Rule by the honourable; a system of governance ruled by honorable citizens and property owners. Socrates defines a timocracy as a government ruled by people who love honour and are selected according to the degree of honour they hold in society. This form of timocracy is very similar to meritocracy, in the sense that individuals of outstanding character or faculty are placed in the seat of power. European feudalism and post-Revolutionary America are historical examples of this type; the city-state of Sparta provided another real-world model for this form of government.


    Rule by the “haves”; a system wherein governance is indebted to, dependent upon or heavily influenced by the desires of the rich/ensconced. Plutocratic influence can alter any form government. For instance, in a republic, if a significant number of elected representative positions are dependent upon financial support from wealthy sources, then it is a plutocratic-republic.

    in reply to: Monarchy vs. Democracy #1158084

    “Perhaps a possible reason behind slavery, a dependent personality, has been sufficiently eradicated.”

    Keep it going further:

    kosher was for hygiene

    sacrifices were because of primitive practices

    Shabbos was economic progressivism


    in reply to: Monarchy vs. Democracy #1158083

    Avi K,

    Can anyone be absolutely certain about anything?!

    amazing ,is it,how you people cherrypick who you choose to subscribe to on any given subject ?

    Who wrote ??? ??? ???? ??? ????? ????? ??? ????? ?????? ?????

    in reply to: Monarchy vs. Democracy #1158081


    You can’t make halachic decisions concerning social tenets from the Torah or Gemora. Slavery is sanctioned by the Torah yet nobody in their right mind would say that today slavery is OK.


    Are we both part of the same religion?

    IT WAS assuredly for all eras and climes or it’s nothing at all !

    However when/if slavery or servitude is practiced poorly overall ,then it is different

    A slave would go free with the displacement of even one of his teeth.

    Sh’mos 21:26

    One could contend that on a continental scale ,slaves as a collective, had their teeth knocked out,

    and therefore were deserving of an abolition of slavery

    in reply to: Monarchy vs. Democracy #1158080

    What about Lords and Princes?

    in reply to: Monarchy vs. Democracy #1158079

    It is a mitsva chiyuvis, not kiyumis.

    There are others, who hold the second

    in reply to: Monarchy vs. Democracy #1158078

    This is an old ,old discussion

    Lord Sacks,for one ,has some speeches and articles on this

    While there is a broad spectrum ,

    Abarvanel is an outlier


    do they have to be in complete contradiction?

    People ought to define what each term means

    p.s.Check out David Holtzer’s Conversations, where the Abarvanel is given short thrift

    Eh ,two years ago you chose to translate it somewhat differently..

    However,since you also invented this one:

    It is a mitzva d’Oraita to serve in the IDF (Ramban Sefer HaMitzvot Mitzvot that Rambam “forgot” Mitzva 4, Rambam Hilchot Shabbat 2:23 and Hilchot Melachim 7:4, Mishpat Cohen 143, Tzitz Eliezer 13:100)

    Should we continue or call it a day? 😉

    in reply to: which is frummest? football, baseball, basketball or hockey? #1139559

    Avi K,

    He was poetic,and he is deserving of

    poetic license.

    But then, you often take an awful lot of it..

    Where you’re attempting to go is a slippery slope .

    It goes as far as absurdly thus….

    (Thursday, January 22nd, 2015 09:30 PM)

    in reply to: which is frummest? football, baseball, basketball or hockey? #1139558

    But we digress……..

    in reply to: which is frummest? football, baseball, basketball or hockey? #1139557

    Avi K,

    ( As has been pointed out, he did not agree with any anti-Torah or even non-Torah observant philosophy or behavior.)

    He was consumed with love for all and that love ignited a fire in him to try to bring as many back as possible.

    It was

    ???? ?????? ?? ?????

    He certainly realized some of his mistakes as evidenced by his reaction to the Bible Criticism course taught at HU, commenting that Rav Yosef Chaim could not be fooled.

    He was hopelessly soaring with his head above the clouds,

    as many of his closest associates came to realize ,some earlier, some only later.

    He himself seemed to be coming to that realization in his final days

    He ,nonetheless, was a tremendous Talmid Chochom and tzadik

    iirc Your crowd cherry picks what fits your agenda of the Day,yes ?

    in reply to: What do men learn? #1139122


    Wisdom is


    As long it is valued as a “handmaiden”

    Always you ought to ask yourself -honestly-

    What is your real goals?

    in reply to: What do men learn? #1139121


    If /when one wishes to, they’re abl to rationalize anything

    in reply to: Make America Good #1138780
    in reply to: which is frummest? football, baseball, basketball or hockey? #1139553

    Regarding OP’s choices, football is a barbaric sport (the goal is to knock down people) as is NHL hockey (college and European hockey have a different atmosphere). Baseball is very strategic and is more brain than brawn. Basketball is not so good for someone who is not very tall.

    Well Said

    Singing the praises of the IDF and the Defense apparatus for protecting the jewish people is akin to praising of hard snow (e.g. to build an igloo) for saving one from the cold (cf. Chazon Ish to ben Gurion).


    What about when one is obligated to serve other governments such as frum yekkes who serve in the Swiss army?

    p.p.s. Excerpt from Ruth Blau, famous convert to Judaism, in her autobiography Trail to Truth.

    Chapter titled My Disenchantment with Religious Zionism

    ” Was the mi sheberach started for political reasons so that Zionism can be injected into tefilah under the guise of hakaras hatov? Possibly, but I don’t think it matters.”

    Really ?!?!

    “Now it’s said by many people in a genuine fashion, which is a beautiful thing… Your patronizing attitude towards those who say it is (in my opinion) a bit inappropriate (as is the patronizing attitude of posters who assume that those who don’t say the tefilah lack hakaras hatov). “

    Are they somehow wrong??

    You expect others to change their tradition based on some peoples’ agendae or johnny-come-lately naivete?


    “There is nothing wrong with composing new tefilos. “


    Wonderful .Please give your email.

    There are endless possibilities

    And there is nothing wrong with saying a tefilah that was politically motivated when composed.

    Really ?!?!


    My family built klal Yisroel In America

    I personally find it to be a lack of Hakoras Hatov in the heigest degree when klall Yisroel refrain in saying on Shabbos the Prayer for my family


    in reply to: The first flowering of our redemption. #1138739


    Well Said

    But relevant?

    Maybe start another Thread

    in reply to: The first flowering of our redemption. #1138738

    “Can there be a doubt that the king in question is Hitler ym”s?”


    “What is the process of Am Yisrael’s teshuva? The Tora (Devarim 30, 5-6) describes two stages: first return to Eretz Yisrael and then return to Tora:

    ?) ????????? ?’ ????? ?? ????

    (?) ??? ?’ ????? ?? ???? ??? ??? ???? ????? ?? ?’ ????? ??? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???

    We now see that it is incontrovertible that the State of Israel ????? ????? ???????.

    WoW! What Fun!

    Or ,Probably ,it’s in spite of the State,(and possibly would have happened swifter minus a state)

    in reply to: The first flowering of our redemption. #1138737

    Avi K & Co.,

    WoW !Rehashing Old Topics ad infintum?!

    Every word that will written here ,has already been written and printed over and over!

    in reply to: Donald Trump is a jerk. #1137658


    Just say that you’re for Trump.

    There you have a rather easy way to get people here to stop supporting him

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