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It is Time for TruthParticipant
1) The Rif and the Rashba seem to disagree with that of Tosafos.
4) One could counter the main argument with the Meiri, the Teshuvos HaRosh, and a Mordechai. Examination shows that they are all address related, but slightly different issues. They therefore have little or no impact upon the main argument.
5) The argument based on Tosafos, therefore, is the strongest and should be accepted as dispositive.
This is of course with much oversimplifiction
It is Time for TruthParticipant3. While often a pesak is purely halachic (e.g. opening bottles on Shabbat) it is often the result of hashkafa.
This, as well,was stated by Avi K
Heaven Forbid.
This says more about the writer,than…
Halacha is a search for Objective Truth
That doesn’t mean it stakes place in a vacuum or an
Ivory Tower, but it would be subverted
It is Time for TruthParticipantAvi k,
Obviously you ,like most younger modox, glean your information from too many years on the blogosphere and regurgitate it convincing yourself” you have the light”
So it seems from all your posts over past couple of years
“Netziv felt constrained to write in the mitzva to appoint a king that different countries need different forms of government rather than different generations even though the mitzva clearly only applies to Am Yisrael”
What in the world?! Who told would have told you,other than your prior prejudices,he felt that modern generations would be better without monarchs?!
It is Time for TruthParticipantAvi K,
For the record ,even the early secularizing zionists were candid that their Aliya was meant for better or worse as an act of rebellion
they called themselves.. the ma’apilim
September 28, 2016 5:01 pm at 5:01 pm in reply to: Is Hillary too weak and fragile to survive the rigors of the presidency? #1190289It is Time for TruthParticipantFor what it’s worth,DT got $13 million in contributions in less than 24 hours after the debate. His single biggest day, money wise
It is Time for TruthParticipant??? ????? ???? ???? ??”? ? ?? ????? ????
The blood of our father [Rabbi Yosef Leib Bloch]
It is Time for TruthParticipantOne could contend, the SR and other personages like him
lived in the years of Labour Mapai Preponderance/hegemony [with a Mizrachi hechsher plumba]
Would he have somewhat toned down had he been here in these days?
It’s plausible.
Although everthing can be turned with one single election upside down
His followers/ chassidim [and others all over
the hashkaphic spectrum]are likely stuck in a freezeframe
It is Time for TruthParticipantAvi K,
You are a consistent cherrypicker,ay?
4.He and others also said we might yet blow the opportunity
5.He began speaking rather less positive and more cautious in the mid-70s
Joseph, what makes you think that you can give grades to gedolim?
Absolutely yes
Just as we could be aware which rabbanim of today
are greater than others
We could rely on those who were there to tell us who was greater then
It is Time for TruthParticipantBack to topic
The satmar rav was fighting an uphill battle and it seemed he was mostly losing
Young Israel almost put him Cherem in the ’50s
However, He said also that few of his all or nothing chassidishe followers were really fully capable of understanding
He said that
the yeshivishe
e.g R’boruch Kaplan,
understood him better than his own
Understanding the reality of that Era is crucial
It is Time for TruthParticipantThough this has veered off topic..
Avi K,yichusdik,
While it is worthwhile to have a healthy amount of skepticism regarding who might be regarded a Godol
and While the term
daat Torah
is of relatively modern vintage
Emunas Chachamim is from Chazal
It is Time for TruthParticipantbenignuman
“No one has had nevuah for 2400 years.”
Therein lies the error of benignuman, Avi K and Co.
cf Ramban BaVa Basra 12a
September 27, 2016 10:01 pm at 10:01 pm in reply to: Is Hillary too weak and fragile to survive the rigors of the presidency? #1190286It is Time for TruthParticipantThe most important part is the nonverbal
the focus
the consistent tone
the vibes
of a statesman
He better improve or he’s in big trouble
September 27, 2016 1:29 pm at 1:29 pm in reply to: Is Hillary too weak and fragile to survive the rigors of the presidency? #1190280It is Time for TruthParticipantWE need to raise this to both candidates[more so Hillary] ,first and foremost:
It is difficult to say this, but perhaps the first seedlings of the recession of the benevolent American experience are being seen. We have been seeing small signs in many areas. The recent ruling of the Supreme Court of the United States forcing states to redefine marriage is a wakeup call.
The Supreme Court majority barely pays lip service to the religious rights of minorities and clearly shows that the far-left liberal ideologues who have been spearheading this battle for decades with ample assistance from the New York Times-led mainstream media will make use of the courts to force their views on the rest of us. It is clear that the next step is to make anyone who does not ascribe to these views a social pariah, one who is considered uncouth and uncultured, and thus unable to participate in the political and academic institutions of our society.
The Ultimate Assault on the Kodesh and the Kodesh Hakodoshim
What they would ultimately like to do is bring the assault into the kodesh and the kodesh hakodoshim of our society. Soon, any schools that seek government funding and diplomas for their students will be forced to teach about all kinds of abominations as if they are just another alternative and an equally legitimate way of living.
What is transpiring may be a transition from the best golus experience the Jewish nation has had since the churban to a more classical mode of golus where, as frum Jews, we must somehow walk between the raindrops of hostility, avoiding the pitfalls with a combination of cleverness and shtadlanus.
Leaving Benevolent Golus Behind?
.. It would appear that these kinds of outside government interventions in our education and other areas of life will increase and become more pervasive. We, as a community, must therefore fortify ourselves and prepare for the ensuing legal battles and to eventually make the sacrifices to be able to live as Yidden according to our Torah, even if the battles are lost.
IS THIS what is coming?
It is Time for TruthParticipantWhat about the Chillul HaShem?
When a British upper crust member of academia said years ago that their original support for the Jewish return to Zion was premised on their dream that through it would come about a new biblical covenant with the world,but instead all that we got was this … insipid secularist state.
It is Time for TruthParticipant??? ????? (???? ?’ ?’) “?? ???? ???? ???? ??? ?? ?????”.
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“???? ?? ??? ???? ???? ??? ????”, ??? ??”? ??? ????? ???? ????.
It is Time for TruthParticipantDown the Road [in another year or two]
6) Federalism (even in such a small country)
7) political structural stabilization
It is Time for TruthParticipantWould the Governing Coalition and the PM desire to make a long lasting impact on the nation’s bloodstream plus regain in the the polls, rather than surviving from month to month?
During the long Winter , what they and Bibi should do is some combination of
[ possibly launch a longer term movement and give the tools to expound] upon Isaiah based and/or religious based global utopianism that gives the country/people meaning
[e.g. akin to the yemenite children now being addressed]
Pre herzlian Zionism
[and the
hardships of the First and Second Aliyot]
4)Find old controversial discussions that will cause uproar but still have a wider consensus
[something identical to the Mufti discussion of of last year]
e.g Dhimmi;progroms;
5)Something more :While The ArmyDraft is in the process now of being reduced to 32 months
[Work a government plan
to] further reduce it down to 30 months of the coming years
For now they ought to step back for the atmosphere of the Holy Days
September 19, 2016 3:49 pm at 3:49 pm in reply to: Controversy In Israel – Woman says Sheva Brachos #1180943It is Time for TruthParticipantapushatayid,
Kaddish Yasom is an old Sha’aleh, going back to eurpoe
Women making A Beracha is totally different,besides ????? ???
It is Time for TruthParticipantdovrosenbaum,etc.
A big % of “people who mooch off government benefits” are former army veterans
And they 10x the avg. incarceration rate
they have risked their lives, for people like yourself to make money and lounge on your beachchair, on their backs
Did you?
September 18, 2016 10:15 pm at 10:15 pm in reply to: Controversy In Israel – Woman says Sheva Brachos #1180935It is Time for TruthParticipantThis is on top of the other ramifications
September 18, 2016 10:13 pm at 10:13 pm in reply to: Controversy In Israel – Woman says Sheva Brachos #1180934It is Time for TruthParticipant????”? ?????? ??”? ??? ????? ????? ????? ????
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???”? ????”? ?????? ??”? ?????? ????? ??? ???? ???????,
???????? ??? ??? ?? ?????? “?? ????” ???? ???? ???????, ?????
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September 8, 2016 2:10 am at 2:10 am in reply to: If Trump becomes president, I'm moving to Canada… #1190633It is Time for TruthParticipantA midwest talk show host said yesterday that if Clinton wins He’ll plan on moving
He told a canadian caller it will be someplace other than Canada
“Who would want to be in a place where if you say almost anything, you could accused of a Hate crime?!”
It is Time for TruthParticipantMy relative used to be an Organic Chemist
if you live in Baltimore ,you could contact him
It is Time for TruthParticipantShopping613,
Most of the comments are within of what come before.
you’re a johnny come lately
Secondly, you may have thin skin
who is to say it’s sinas chinum, maybe it is “tolerate and love?!
On the contrary, the Gemara says not giving reproof when it is called for is Sinas chinum
Psalm 97:10
It is Time for TruthParticipanthow to become more religious?
It’s a ever ascending Pyramid
Start with the Top
Read Messilas Yeshorim,
Each level will take a whole life
Try, however, to keep the first few levels each for about a half year
August 24, 2016 4:47 pm at 4:47 pm in reply to: Is there only one person whom you can successfully marry? #1174878It is Time for TruthParticipant“Who said that “Bashert” and successful marriage are one and the same? What if it is Bashert for your marriage not to be succesful? Or if you marry someone not bashert (zivug sheni, for arguments sake)?”
“Bashert” means something after only one dies ,then one could say it was “Bashert”
R’ Yaakov Kamenetzky said “Bashert” in English means you like each other very much
August 24, 2016 4:42 pm at 4:42 pm in reply to: Is there only one person whom you can successfully marry? #1174877It is Time for TruthParticipant“Don’t worry too much about Medrashim and Kabala when it comes to marriage. Rely on your common sense, marry someone you like who is a good person and makes sense for you, get married l’shem Shamayim with bitachon in Hashem, and whoever you marry is your beshert by definition of the fact that you married them!”
Well said
However people should worry about Medrashim and Kabala when it comes to divorce
Somehow it’s then they choose downplay them
It is Time for TruthParticipantJoseph,
Many distinguished individuals have had a problem with the story
-at least the way it’s related over
It is Time for TruthParticipantRav Aharon Kotler , already warned back in the 50s, that the greatest threat facing Jewry is [not inter-marriage or assimilation, but rather] perversion of the Torah,
(Mishnas Reb Aharon 1:2,3:6).
It is Time for TruthParticipantAnd WE deserve that he should come now ,because?
August 15, 2016 6:48 pm at 6:48 pm in reply to: women and guys in a not jewish college together #1175265It is Time for TruthParticipant“Kreivah L’Arayos might be Yeihareg V’al Ya’avor, but it’s still only a Lav. Shabbos is an Issur Skilah. Shabbos is more Chamur. Kreivah has one Chumra attached because of its status as Abizraihu, not on its own merit. “
Yeihareg V’al Ya’avor overrides Shabbos
However, k’reivah (touching) of a single girl is a machlokes whether it is at all Yeihareg V’al Ya’avor
It is Time for TruthParticipantyou have potential a as spider
It is Time for TruthParticipantSparkly,
“if there’s a rabbinic will, there’s a rabbinic way”
float your boat?
July 31, 2016 8:06 pm at 8:06 pm in reply to: Within the next 10 years, Israel Will be mostly religious #1160974It is Time for TruthParticipantzahavasdad,
even prior to last Gov’t the income of religious was going up, the attacks on charedim was BECAUSE of, rather than in spite of, their going to work
July 31, 2016 8:03 pm at 8:03 pm in reply to: Within the next 10 years, Israel Will be mostly religious #1160973It is Time for TruthParticipantzahavasdad,
the income of religious is going up by leaps and bounds
So it’s a red herring for something else!
July 31, 2016 7:55 pm at 7:55 pm in reply to: Does a reform rabbi do anything other than attend funerals? #1161035It is Time for TruthParticipantSparkly ,The Wolf,
The passuk in Hoshea states”those who kiss the calf ,will kill a/the man”
July 31, 2016 7:51 pm at 7:51 pm in reply to: Should religious girls learn halachot and mussar on a frequent basis? #1164464It is Time for TruthParticipantBu they need to be taught how to weigh everything properly Girls(across the spectrum) have a way a taking what they glean without proper balance
Judaism is ( for lack of a better term)
a Pyramid
July 31, 2016 7:47 pm at 7:47 pm in reply to: Should religious girls learn halachot and mussar on a frequent basis? #1164463It is Time for TruthParticipantOF Course
It is Time for TruthParticipantDoes TRUMP desire to lose?
HE better get MOVING,and Stop saying OUTRAGEOUS things!
It is Time for TruthParticipantJfem,
Really this is all moot, even in a bizarre case where someone has zero attraction to the opposite gender.Does it matter ?
Such a person should stay behind the shtender
or devote themselves to the klal
There have been, in the past, more than a few such cases
Do you believe in the cardinal precepts of your religion for
all Humankind ,or.. ??
Do you believe these these developments cause downward spiral and degradation of every society ??
For your own enrichment
perhaps you also ought to read up on the research of Thornhill and Palmer referenced above
More importantly,that anything is inevitable due to genetics,environment,etc.:
“The findings of science have nothing to say about what is morally right or wrong.. The identification of the evolutionary basis of a trait implies nothing about the moral rightness of the trait. To think otherwise is to commit the “naturalistic fallacy”, a fallacy that some critics of our work continue to make despite having the fallacious logic of their position explained many times by evolutionary scientists. “
It also should further satisfy who gets to define the consensus:
“Thornhill and Palmer consistently state that their theory does not justify rape and argue that their aim is to eradicate the behaviour, but they have nonetheless encountered vehement opposition wherever they have gone. Scheduled lectures have been cancelled..
Almost as contentious as their theory of why men rape has been Thornhill and Palmer’s recommendations for how to prevent it. They have drawn fire for their suggestion that young women be advised of the dangers of plunging necklines and short skirts.”
It is Time for TruthParticipantAddition to the Democratic Platform:
Supporting the removal of (gender,etc.)
exemptions for religious and any other institutions
It is Time for TruthParticipantWolfish Musings,
with the active participation of a Creator
On Har Sinai, Torah given to us for all times
Included in this is not to willfully, intentionally violate any aveira that is liable for Capital Punishment and Kares
And not to scoff at any single Halacha, even the most minuscule details
This includes the concepts of Schar V’Onesh, Judgements, punishments,rewards and eternal final destination On an individual level, on a national level, and on a global/cosmic level.
These are further elaborated through the 13 Ani Ma’amins
It is Time for TruthParticipantjewishfeminist02,
If you’re from the few who are unfazed and hardened you could probably manage
A friend who went to a left wing school had to write a 7000 word dissertation on discrimination
He wrote on dicrimination against conservatives in Higher Education
It is Time for TruthParticipantcont..
Practice takes a lifetime and even that is too much for some
Rav Aharon Kotler, warned that the greatest threat facing Jewry is
[not inter-marriage or assimilation, but rather] perversion of the Torah,
(Mishnas Reb Aharon 1:2,3:6).
It is Time for TruthParticipant” Judaism isn’t all or nothing.”
In Belief, IT SURE is
In Practice,far from it
It is Time for TruthParticipantZehavasdad,
“And the pride parade is only about self esteem.”
David Rubin
..most of the worldwide LGBT organizations have a much broader, even aggressive political agenda that goes way beyond ensuring individual freedom. In recent years that agenda has intimidated many Americans, restricting freedom of speech and religious ex?pression by those who oppose .. marriage…
The traditional family and traditional religious social values are under attack in Western civilization. The international LGBT movement, as an integral part of the Left, is at the forefront of those attacks, which often are quite aggressive, and ..violent.
It is Time for TruthParticipantjewishfeminist02,
Do you follow the medical consensus of the 1950s ?
The consensus of the 1960s ?
The consensus of the 1970s ?
The consensus of the 1980s ?
The consensus of the 1990s ?
How come?
In a 2009 in Canadian Medical Association Journal, Tom Koch discussed the Polio epidemic in the 1950s.( He noted how everyone scrambled to save every life. Gymnasiums were turned into wards and cots were lined up from wall to wall. Steel lung machines were made and people were kept alive in these big negative pressure boxes. It was an imperative to save as many lives as possible. Nobody considered the costs or the quality of life of the people that were saved.) He lamented that “in todays society the polio victims would be counseled against seeking treatment and most would die.
There is a drift in values that would have been unthinkable has become the norm”
It is Time for TruthParticipantjewishfeminist02,
People are born with predilections for EVERYTHING
Are you deluged by the zeigeist?
Or are you so deluged by your elegant brainwashing which you mistook for higher education?
People are born with predilections for EVERYTHING under the sun
When two scientists announced that rape is a “natural adaptation”, controversy was bound to follow. But with weeks still to go before the UK publication of Randy Thornhill and Craig Palmer’s book, A Natural History of Rape: The Biological Bases of Sexual Coercion, there has already been an eruption of criticism…
All aspects of living things, including morphology, physiology, cognition and behaviour, result from a complex interaction of genes and environmental factors. Genes alone do not determine any aspect of living things, and neither do environmental factors. Indeed, the interaction of genes and environment is so intertwined that no aspect of a living thing can be accurately depicted as either primarily genetic or environmental..
Neither does the identification of the evolutionary basis of a trait imply anything about the inevitability of the trait, a point many recent critics of our work also fail to comprehend. Instead, identification of the specific ways that genes interact with the environment to produce a behaviour can increase our ability to change the environment in ways that will decrease the chances of the behaviour taking place.
It is Time for TruthParticipantzahavasdad,
David Rubin
David Rubin
..most of the worldwide LGBT organizations have a much broader, even aggressive political agenda that goes way beyond ensuring individual freedom. In recent years that agenda has intimidated many Americans, restricting freedom of speech and religious ex?pression by those who oppose .. marriage, and ultimately leading to the recent U.S. Supreme Court decision legalizing .. marriage.
Israelis should be concerned, as well. In a blatant show of LGBT intolerance, and as evidence of the aggressive focus on that political agenda, Minister Bennett – along with Jewish Home MK Yinon Magal – were reportedly prevented from attending the Tel Aviv rally by the Israeli National LGBT Task Force, while Energy and Water Minister Yuval Steinitz (Likud), who did attend in support of the LGBT community was booed offstage by thousands of attendees. Only those public figures on the Left were allowed to participate, because they support “the agenda”, which aims to fundamentally change society by blurring gender identities, eventually leading to public acceptance and legalization of gay marriage in Israel, giving such sexual deviations an equal social status as the traditional family structure, the marriage bond between a man and a woman.
Social laws in a society are based on values, which generally are based on the heritage of the civilization. The traditional family and traditional religious social values are under attack in Western civilization. The international LGBT movement, as an integral part of the Left, is at the forefront of those attacks, which often are quite aggressive, and in some cases, even violent.
It is Time for TruthParticipantzahavasdad,
Who are You trying to fool ??besides yourself??