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  • in reply to: Summer Seed Programs #710819



    as a Rav once said when asked:

    “When a broom sweeps the floor, the broom will inevitably get dirty… But if the broom won’t sweep the dirt, who will?”

    this is a bad Mashul becaus brooms are something that we are willing to sacrifice to get dirty

    are our yidishe children something we are willing to use to sweep floors

    not that seed is a bad program but the people running the programs should make sure thatthe “brooms” are “stain proof” brooms. meaning they should only use boys who are advanced in their self control that there is no chashash they will chas v’shalom be effected in any way

    in reply to: Davening on Airplanes #647505

    i never said that one can barrel over someone on his way to shul that is clearly wrong but to refrain from davening shemoneh esrei on an air plane just because some shmutz shikcsa thinks its strange thatz crazy who cares what they think of us do they care what we think of them nooooo, once again there is noothing wrong with doing what hashem asks us to do in front of goyim

    in reply to: Missing your Bashert #646783

    as an experienced shadchan i try never to ramble about the girl i am proposing and only let the parent ask questions and only answer what they are curious about, mostly i let them search most of the information, better safe then sorry at least i dont want to be the one to say something wrong we’re deeling with peoples futures you realize.

    in reply to: Working from home, browsing the Web #647109

    try getting a fellow employee or even your boss to check up on you this way you won’t think of slacking off-

    in reply to: Davening on Airplanes #647486

    my rebbe once said here is no problem of chillul hashem, there is only a problem of chillul Hashem if someone sees you doing something wrong, if you dou something that is correct it doesnt make a difference if a goy thinks your doing something wrong, IF ITS RIGHT ITS NOT A CHILLUL HASHEM,

    in reply to: Funny Shidduch Stories #1226782

    Heres a funny story my friend asked his date what she wanted to do and she said she wanted to go skydiving he dint know if she was joking but they found some place online taht wasnt too expensive and they went skydiving and he proposed on the way down but she had passed out so she didnt hear the proposal! lol baruch hashem they got married

    in reply to: Summer Plans #645030

    im going to shteig this summer

    in reply to: General Shmooze 2 #678881

    lets try getting to a topic

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