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  • in reply to: How can I find where to give a kvittle in Rochel Imeinu's Kever? #978024

    whatever the yeshuah you need, why dont you donate to something in a similar vein? for example if shidduchim, hachnasos kallah, children bonei olam, health, mekimi chai lifeline……

    in reply to: Ani Yehudi-Jewish pride #995936

    i am in full agreement with you! its so sad when you see these things…. its royal children trying to dress in tatters and rags! it hurts me to see it time and again, especially when i see my students act different when in the presence of non-jews. i have to hold my tongue from telling them “girls do you realize you are finding the brass shinier than gold.”(i know i need to let them be at times, i save my mussar for times that they are receptive to it…)

    in reply to: Song Lyrics #1155231

    you can download it from amazon..

    in reply to: Techeiles 🔵❎🐌☑️🐟 #1058093

    mi keamcha yisrael

    in reply to: What to do after high school? #977785

    its a great sem that doesnt focus on academics as the main thing. they give the girls very solid hashkafos.

    in reply to: Best & Worst Grade School Memories #977584

    can i cheat and say my funniest teaching moment? please? gr8! thanks for the allowance!

    one of my students came over to me and asked me, “where do you see yourself in 7 years?”

    flabbergasted, i had no clue what to answer her, i turned the question back at her. so she answered me that she sees herself sitting and eating chicken nuggets!

    so to humor her i asked her with ketchup or without and she told me without.

    and then she remembered that i hadnt answered her yet and asked me again. so i told her that in 7 years i see myself teaching her while she eats those chicken nuggets!

    my class had a field day!

    in reply to: This Thread for Mossad Secret Agents Only #977485

    all owls to the moon please…. backup is needed in wisdom

    in reply to: I got a subtitle, but… #1023481

    i wouldn’t mind a title…!:) please note, levaryehboy- i am NOT kissing up… see if i get it now!

    in reply to: What to do after high school? #977772

    i went to the wrong seminary for my needs, hated every minute of the actual sem, and tiyulim taken with sem, but i do not regrret going even for one minute! just being in the right atmosphere can do so much. i am definitely a better person in hashem’s view. its just the land the kedusha, the kosel, being away from most things that make it harder….. and, theres really no such thing as too much hashkafa….. no matter how much you’ve learnt, there’s always more to learn. were put herre on this world to grow, there’s no finish line. you gotta keep changing and becoming better.

    and those of you talking about the ice cream, let them its the final year where they can still rely on daddys cc. give them the pleasure, real life starts real quick, and its merciless….:)

    in reply to: Looking for short and inspiring divrei torah on Parshas Noach #977490

    torah tavlin- its an awesome source for my parsha lessons….. it has a page for a halacha, hashkafa, mashal, story….. its a great piece!

    in reply to: Three Made-up Words #994577

    i’ll quote what my student said today, “guys, listen, such hashgacha pratis, my nail polish, hair band and socks are all matching!”

    in reply to: Embarrassing Stories #1033410

    when i was in seminary, i was staying by my cousins house who had loads of guests every week, in a moshav. after the seuda when all the men went back to shul, me and my cousin got a little hyper and over tired and started singing all kinds of wacky made-up songs. one of them went something like this….

    who knows one? we know one, one is my bed…

    who knows two? we know two, two are my pillows….v’gomer

    we were still roaring with laughter when all the men walked in minus one…… turns out that one of the yeshiva bachurim guests was in the bathroom right near us the whole time! guess he didnt know what to do so just stayed in… needless to say, my cousin and i were really quiet the rest of shabbos!

    in reply to: The Power of Words #976622

    one of my siblings, quite a number of years ago, decided to be a “macher” and take out the air conditioning unit. being quite young, (and quite stupid!) she placed the unit on the window seat. early the next morning in my morning rush, i needed something from that area. while getting the item, the entire unit came crashing down on my foot! i have a scar til today because of this accident. so when later that day that sibling told me “you know, i took out the air conditioning” i was so tempted to really take it out on her, but instead i answered, “yea, i know, i felt it in my bones! “

    moral: humor always works in almost every situation!

    in reply to: Sticking to Kabbalos #976540

    hey there music is my passion, i can totally relate! so what u do, is i try to avoid anything that might get me to a tricky situation. pretty much like the concept of avak loshon hora… try to stay away from things that may tempt you…

    in reply to: Keeping life interesting after Yom Tov #976660

    are any of them in october?

    thanksgiving is together with chanuka so there we miss out on another break….:0

    i am quite in touch with reality, thank you!

    in reply to: Keeping life interesting after Yom Tov #976656

    king19- i am not a boy! lol!

    wiy- thats the tricky part! but being that i am a teacher its not so hard for me being that i teach in a non bais yaakov its easy to stay inspired…. im always looking for inspiration for my students and it hits me on the way…..

    i plan on reading an article tmrw about keeping to your resolutions…. its a great one from one of hanoch tellers books…

    i need action!

    in reply to: Jokes #1202391


    in reply to: Jokes #1202389

    there was once a man (a) waiting out of the delivery room pacing back and forth. a fellow chareidi (b) walks out dazed, his face in total shock. the first guyr runs over to him and shakes his hand and asks “so what did your wife have?” so the man (b) answered quads! incredulously the man(a) tries to make conversation and asks so where are you from… so man b answer kiryas arbeh and they part ways

    while he is still waiting and becming really anxious he see nother man walk out who looks like he’ll pass out. so mr a runs over to him and says mazel tov what did your wife have?

    and mr c answers , 7 babies!

    mr a said wow! and again tried to make conversation and asked so where are you from and mr c answered beer sheva

    when mr a heard that he fainted!

    when the nurses revived him they asked him “sir, why did you faint? its your wife in labor not you!”

    so mr a said “because im from meeh shearim”

    🙂 🙂 :)!

    in reply to: It's so hard #1001499

    thank you all for your encouraging words…. and i have tried explaining to them that this is me…. i’ll give an example, i dont like a specific accessory and i told one family member somehow they all knew and when one of them got angry, he said that watch and see that when your children will be my age theyll have it too and we’ll all laugh! so much for explaining….

    in reply to: It's so hard #1001494

    thinkngoutloud91- im more religious…

    burnt steak- true fact but the hurt after spending one day…

    whatever, i doubt anyone can understand…

    in reply to: What I've Personally Learned In The CR #976669

    its a beautiful thing, because if we would actually meet face to face, half the people would never take advice from the other, whereas here ages, stages, and levels are no matter.

    in reply to: Shelo Shonu Lishonam #976005

    “For those who believe “what the heck” is profanity, how do you feel about more old-fashioned expressions– for instance, “what in tarnation” or “what on earth”? They mean the same thing and are used in the same way.”

    they are so different- those are proper expressions of shock, whereas what the heck is a lowlife expression.

    i know someone who substitutes heck with a different word, she says, “what the CP!” cp, meaning nothing! but its not only the word itself, its the context…. whats wrong with saying what on earth? nothing its saying on this earth something is shocking. what exactly is heck? is it a substitute for hell? well then yes it is a profanity! but if it means nothing, does it make you feel good saying what the hgauhg? same thing ! ridiculous

    in reply to: Shelo Shonu Lishonam #975997

    its a form of profanity… jewfem, ur a princess, why would you want such impure words to come out of your mouth?

    in reply to: Shelo Shonu Lishonam #975994

    the point is not jewish sounding words…..

    in reply to: Guilt trip speeches #975567

    if you dont want to hear what they say, why listen in the first place?

    besides, i am very into not giving speeches, rather give over the feeling and the changes will happen much quicker

    in reply to: Shelo Shonu Lishonam #975990

    dubya- anything that you cant see moshe rabbeinu/ the chofetz chaim saying is nivul peh . can you see the steipler saying holy cow?

    in reply to: Shelo Shonu Lishonam #975988

    my feeling is that by being jewish we make a statement… so why not make a beautiful statement and show how pure we are and that we only use pure language and pure actions and that we are for one another…i am saying it now because i noticed an interchange between a yehiva boy and his non-jewish neighbor….we are not “cool” when we try to be like them! yiddishkeit is cool!

    in reply to: Shelo Shonu Lishonam #975982

    sam2 “I cannot seriously believe that someone blamed boys potentially cursing on women not dressing Tzniusly. Wow.”

    what did u mean by saying that?

    in reply to: Shelo Shonu Lishonam #975981

    sam2 i am not sure i get what you are trying to say, my post was an effort to increase the awareness that we are jewish and we should be proud of it by not using profane language. and that is in effort to speed up the geula. not in any way saying that tznius is not imprtant….

    in reply to: How do you manage? #975767

    popup, i completely understand you, but, like sharp said its a hard time of the year…. the people who are doin stuff without your permission, its probably not coming from a bad place. i dont know what you work/ do… but being that it is the beginning of the year they are probably anxious teo prove themselves and show their value. so just be very open to it and compliment them very often because otherwise it will just turn into open resentment…

    hatzlacha in everything you do! hope it all works out ok

    in reply to: Sesquipedalianism #1071204

    yes bookworm ta ta for now!

    in reply to: Burka #975423

    maybe esther hamalka wore a green burka…

    please note the depth in this comment!

    in reply to: Sometimes you just need to cry #975575

    whoops! 🙂

    in reply to: Sometimes you just need to cry #975573

    sorry, wrong person…! you can only take what comes YOUR way…:)

    in reply to: Inspirational Music #975012

    its great dancing music popup, but is it jewish dancing music? its not a wrong or right here……

    burnt steak, the guys voice played a big role, but as soon as people hear the first few chords and the techno, they go wild….its a wild song.

    in reply to: Inspirational Music #975008

    well it depends which secular music you are referring to and how secular it sounds. take the gagnam for example. people use it at weddings and dance to it for simchas chosson and kallah. is it wild? by all means yes. is it wrong? no

    but does it deduct from the kedusha of a jewish wedding? personally i think so…..

    its all about the hows and whys

    in reply to: Inspirational Music #975006

    popup some chasidic rebbes took russian marches and composed zmiros with them. they took the tunes and elevated the machsavos behind them for the most holy music…. its a possibilty.

    in reply to: Inspirational Music #975005

    popup, some of them

    burnt steak- i ttly see where you come from, and its okay as long as its not taking the fact that your feeling down, down a wrong road….meaning a wild song to bring out animalistic traits…

    in reply to: Sometimes you just need to cry #975571


    in reply to: Sometimes you just need to cry #975569


    in reply to: Inspirational Music #975000

    r9913- what are they bringing you closer to? the question is what was the song intended for and that is clearly seen on how it impacts your body, what parts it moves.

    if its wild and makes your body move in inappropriate ways, then it is not kosher. but, if it does nothing to you in the wrong ways and the words are ok, then there’s technically nothing wrong with it.

    i once asked my rav this question being that i teach music, and he told me that there is no psak on this, music is a sensitivity that each person has to decide for themselves.

    but i agree with you that some of the songs can most definitely move you, take “keep holding on” by avril lavigne…. there’s no words for the beauty of the song….

    in reply to: Is everyone wearing a mask? #974986

    nopes sorry! its a little more serious than that

    in reply to: Am I going to gehenim? #977214

    harri, put false nails on top of your nails they have ones that are ttally not notceable and then you dont have the ability to bite them

    in reply to: Did you ever try this with a baby? #974924

    its called the sunrise method its tried and true with special needs kids too. its when you enter into their own world and then they feel safe and on the same ground as you.

    in reply to: Sesquipedalianism #1071198

    this whole post is abderian, especially for abecedarians! so all you agelasts,or batrachopogous, here is the place to go for some knismesis!

    in reply to: Question from a public school student #974797

    well how about if they are still young kids and acting under influence of their homes will they also be given the choice of the sukkah? and how do we know that they will reject it/kick the sukkah walls?

    in reply to: Jewish sheet music #975067

    go to a store on foster ave in brklyn i forgot the name btw mcdonald and seton

    in reply to: Are you moichel me? #975270

    or when its those people who hurt you and they say/text if i ever did anything to you, YOU DID AND YOU KNOW IT so why put it that way it just angers me more and make it harder for me to forgive them

    in reply to: Talking to Cousins #976364

    well if your cousin is pretty then its a different psak but first you need a psak if shes pretty at all!

    in reply to: Are you moichel me? #975265

    maskim! and in a way if you werent upset at them till now, now just might be the time to be bec of the annoying calls and texts

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