Forum Replies Created
I can only tryMember
The little I know–
Very well put.
The last paragraph of an article (on a competing frum site) describing Rav Elyashiv’s statement states:
“When pressed for further explanation, Rav Elyashiv reportedly explained that the driver does not actually have a din of a rodef, but is very close to being a rodef.“
I can only tryMemberCorrection:
I did a poor cut-and-paste job in the third and fourth paragraphs of my previous post.
Here is the way they should have appeared:
I also see I typed “statues” instead of “statutes”. oy.
This isn’t worth correcting by itself, since it’s obvious what I meant, but the first correction was for a quote that was truncated, and much more significant.
I can only tryMemberFirst the reply to the accusations:
I’m tired of hearing you ask me the same questions repeatedly with slightly changed wording and then when I respond to your repeated question to help you understand, you only shoot out that I changed what I am advising you. (I am not.)
Judge for yourselves if this is a change in what’s being claimed:
On to the next statement:
The point is dina dmalchusa is inapplicable regarding monetary issues between two non-governmental parties, per most poskim including Rav Eliashev.
Next accusation…
And you’ve not only mischaracterized what I am relating, but you’ve done so as well regarding what Rav Moshe and what Rav Shapiro said.
There is enough information for anyone to look up Rav Moshe’s opinion and (lbclc) Rav Schapiro’s.
I absolutely deny misrepresenting anything; please check for yourselves.
Rav Belsky shlita takes a more chumradik position on this than most poskim, but he is not the posek hador like Rav Moshe was.
Next accusation, this one implicit…
(And do you use a Shabbos-clock on an AC, against Rav Moshe’s ruling? Do you drink unfiltered NYC tap water, per Rav Belsky’s ruling, which is permissive despite most poskim being non-permissive?)
Yes, I use Shabbos clocks on Shabbos and Yom Tov. This is a famous issue in which the oilam doesn’t follow Rav Moshe’s psak. I don’t know why not, nor do I know if his talmidim follow this psak.
If Rav Belsky is my posek, then yes, I’d follow his kulos and his chumros. If Rav Heinemann is my posek, I’d do likewise and use the Shabbos oven on Yom Tov. If I use unfiltered water (per Rav Belsky), use Shabbos ovens on Yom Tov (per Rav Heinemann), and wear a hat-cover on Shabbos (per the Klausenberger), I’m cherry-picking.
And Rav Eliashev did NOT give a “haskama” that printing such a tnai makes it prohibited to copy.
A half truth. Rav Schapiro’s interprets the haskoma that Rav Elyashiv gives on the tnai as not actually prohibiting copying in narrow circumstances.
The bottom line is that most poskim allow copying in a case where the producer takes no loss. None of the poskim mentioned so far, with the notable exception of Rav Belsky, bring a teshuva being non-permissive in a case where no loss is sustained.
Yes, I agree with all Rav Shapiro’s chumras, but they are not all what you presented them to be. The only essential difference, which you characterize as a “chumra”, is determining whether the person really wouldn’t have purchased the product if he couldn’t copy it.
Once again, what’s misrepresented?
Please read what he wrote, what I quoted, and try to find where there is a misrepresentation or mischaracterization.
I absolutely stand by my understanding of Rav Schapiro’s psak, which is makil where someone wouldn’t buy an intial copy, and machmir where he would buy a second copy.
He certainly sounds like someone worthy of respect. (Just in case anyone thinks I’m being sarcastic, I assure you, I’m not.)
All things considered, we are going in circles. So I will now honor your request to no longer currently discuss this in public here If you wish to have the last word (or two – or even three postings), the floor is all yours. I rest my case.
A cowardly way out.
= = = = = = = = = = = = = =
And now, the promised Igros Moshe (cut and pasted, I didn’t type it myself):
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I can only tryMembervochindik-
Thank you for the look-up info.
I read Rav Yaakov Shapiro’s posts, and now I see where most of your quotes come from.
I’ll b”n look up the Igros Moshe later.
And now the rebuttals:
The poskim on dina dmalchusa state it is limited to issues between a person and financial responsibilities (taxes) to the government.
Who are “the poskim”?
Previously you said it applied for “non Choshen Mishpat” issues, but now that I’ve shown that it’s a crime as well, are you changing what you said and going back to that claim that dina d’malchusa applies only to taxes?
Rav Yaakov [Schapiro] directly posted his position I mentioned on his hashkafa website; google without quotes “shapiro halacha music downloaded unpaid for”.
I did. He mostly says what you posted, but you left out a few key points:
1) He is machmir more than Rav Belsky on copying a music CD that you bought onto an electronic device. He says that if you would have bought a second copy for your ipod, you’re obligated to pay for a second copy and you may not rip the music.
Do you accept that chumra?
2) He also says that if you wouldn’t buy even a different CD due to your ripping of that one, you may not do so.
Do you accept that chumra?
3) His full quote on the “yored letoch umnosoh…” includes the comment that “it is unethical and should not be done”.
Why did you omit this part of his quote?
4) My rav indicated it is not a halachic issur of either gezeila or dina dmalchusa. It may or may not be a problem of hasagas gvul depending on the circumstances. And if the circumstances permit it, there is no other halachic prohibition.
Did your rov say all of the above or are the last sentence or two yours?
4) Rav Moshe is O.C. 4:40:19.
As I said, b”n I’ll look it up.
= = = = = = = = = = = =
As I said, I don’t know Rav Schapiro (this may just be an indicator of ignorance on my part). When you have a rov issuing a psak that’s at odds with Rav Moshe and (lbclc) Rav Belsky, unless he’s your rov I think you’re cherry-picking.
He says he’s not disagreeing with Rav Elyashiv, but he is invalidating a tnai that way posted with Rav Elyashiv’s haskoma.
= = = = = = = = = = = =
I’ll repeat a couple of things I said earlier:
1) This is an attempt to be naval b’rishus haTorah. I’ll concede that with your example of $5,000 software, a person can make a convincing case that they wouldn’t have purchased it anyway. However, with the standard $10 – $20 music CD, that’s an iffy claim – one which Rav Belsky says is baloney.
2) I’ve personally lost money because of financial halachos I wasn’t aware of. I’m not a talmid chochom by any means, and I’m not all comfortable in the position of knowledgeably defending one particular halocha, especially if the opposing party is more interested in winning an argument (evidenced by omitting parts of quotes and changing arguments) than in an honest discussion.
I can only tryMembervochindik-
Rav Eliashev holds dina dmalchusa does not apply to Choshen Mishpat issues. Rav Belsky apparently disagrees, and that is his right.
Second of all, software piracy is a criminal act, punishable by a fine, jail, or both. It isn’t simply monetary.
Yes, I’ve asked my rov, and he holds there is no issue of gezeila. And hasagas gvul is conditional, as previously explained. There is absolutely no cherry picking. And the rov asked is a close colleague of Rav Feivel, and of the same great stature. Google Contact Bais Medrash of Bayswater to reach Rav Yaakov.
Now, let’s tie it all in a bow: Did your rov say it’s no problem of gezaila AND it’s not a problem of hasogas gvul AND it’s not a problem of dina d’malchusa AND it’s not a problem for any other reason AND you may therefore copy software, music, books or any other intellectual property for yourself without being oiver any isur?
You haven’t answered my question(s) re: Rav Yaakov Shapiro
1) Is there a source where I can look up his heter?
2) Did you hear him give it yourself? See it in a sefer of his? Hear it in his name?
Rav Moshe writes in the Igros Moshe that it is midas sdom for the producer to be makpid on copying if it causes him no loss.
Where? I’d like to see it in context.
Btw, looking at Rav Belsky’s position in greater depth indicates Rav Belsky holds the issue is hasagas gvul and not halachic gezeila.
Where do you see that?
It’s certainly possible he holds it’s asur for both reasons.
And I disagree with Menachem’s reasoning to not discuss this. You could use that reasoning to discontinue all halachic discussions here. And we are discussing the permissiveness on this issue exclusively limited to where the producer does not lose any sale. All other circumstances we all agree it is prohibited to copy.
“You could use that reasoning to discontinue all halachic discussions here.“
Not really. This one has chilul H-shem potential that discussions of eruv, zmanim, cholov stam and the like don’t have.
I can only tryMemberThank you for reading my long megillos over the last few days.
AND for not posting the one I asked to be rejected.
I can only tryMemberREALIST–
Thank you for the kind words – flattery gets you everywhere.
I am perfectly fine with a moderator emailing you (and “yekke2” and “vochindik”) my rejected post. I stand by everything I said in it; I just don’t think it should be posted in a public forum for the reasons given.
1) Incorrect. The overwhelming majority of poskim who discuss intellectual property do NOT make a blanket prohibition against copying. And as I indicated above, nor is their a blanket heter to copy either.
That’s not what I said. Nobody said anything about a “blanket prohibition”. Rav Belsky explicitly allows copies to be made by the purchaser, both for backup purposes and for using on another device.
2) Correct. On an individual basis, with the rabbonim specifying when it expires. And this was based on hasagas gvul. Not geneiva (otherwise it would have been permanent, non-expiring.) And it didn’t apply to all works, unless the rabbonim gave the sefer a specific cherem. Furthermore, it applied a temporary prohibition only to *commercial* copying-to-sell, where obviously you are taking away business from the producer who would have otherwise sold it to the customers the copyer sold it to. Hasagas gvul. It did not apply to personal copying. (Obviously there was no personal single-copying feasible in those days.)
a) It was done on “an individual basis” whenever it was requested. A cherem (excommunication) is pretty serious – it shows how reprehensible rabonim thought copying someone else’s work was, regardless of what halachos it was or wasn’t based on.
b) “ And this was based on hasagas gvul. Not geneiva (otherwise it would have been permanent, non-expiring.)“
I’d like to hear this explained – I sure don’t get your logic.
c) “Furthermore, it applied a temporary prohibition only to *commercial* copying-to-sell, where obviously you are taking away business from the producer who would have otherwise sold it to the customers the copyer sold it to. Hasagas gvul. It did not apply to personal copying. (Obviously there was no personal single-copying feasible in those days.)“
This makes as much sense as saying “This temporary prohibition didn’t apply to photocopying”. Of course it didn’t apply to technology that didn’t exist in those days.
3. No it is not “genevia”. And very few of the poskim consider it halachic geneiva. They consider hasagas gvul.
If you look up the many frum sites that post this discussion, you’ll find genaiva and hasogas gvul the predominant issues.
Rav Moshe said it’s genaiva. Rav Belsky says it’s genaiva.
“vochindik” says “No, it’s not ‘genaiva'”. Period.
4. I explained above why dina dmalchusa is not relevant. So that only leaves hasagas gvul. And hasagas gvul ONLY is relevant if you caused a lost sale. If there was no intention of purchasing it (i.e. a $5,000 photo/video editing software), there is no hasagas gvul.
a) “I explained above why dina dmalchusa is not relevant.“
Rav Belsky told me that dina d’malchusa applies for laws that allow society to function and are for the benefit of society. Intellectual rights (patents, copyrights, trademarks) clearly fall with that realm. I have heard this explanation from others who know halacha as well, but they’re not rabonim. There are several explanations of dm”d that can be read online (with the authors noted), and they usually follow this explanation.
There may be those who disagree with this viewpoint – one of the write-ups I saw mentions a tosfos that says is much more limiting – but to simply blow it off is wrong.
“And if you want to “see it inside” from a halacha sefer, see Pischei Choshen, Geneivah, page 284.“
In the following page, poster “hello99”, who is much more knowledgeable on this issue, says that while the mekor you post does seem to show he is matir copying, a couple of pages earlier he quotes the Bais Yitzchok as saying it’s an issur gezel.
I don’t know who Rav Yaakov Shapiro is.
A couple of questions:
1) Is there a source where I can look up his heter?
2) Is he your posek?
3) Have you actually asked your rov questions about this? IIRC, Rav Feivel Cohen is someone you hold of – any idea as to his opinions on this?
My observations on this are:
1) You’re cherry-picking specific opinions to find hetairim;
2) I really wish you’d respected my request not to drag me into a public discussion on this halocha.
3) I also wish, if you insist on debating this on a public forum, that “hello99” would jump in here, since he clearly knows a bit about this issue and which poskim said what. For whatever reason, you’re completely ignoring all the points, mareh mekomos, and rabonim/poskim he brings down on that thread.
I can only tryMemberThere are a few things that are clear:
= = = = = = = = = =
What my previous approach was, and why I now believe it was wrong:
I now believe that this was the wrong approach, for the following reasons:
= = = = = = = = = = = = = =
You said you are a kid, which I assume means you are in yeshiva. Can you find any rov who thinks this is yashrus, or even muttar?
I can neither respect nor disrespect unnamed poskim.
Furthermore, what you are now saying is very different from your original post.
Which of the above two opinions are you asking me to respect?
I can only tryMemberModerator/Editor-
Please reject my as-of-yet-unapproved “megilla” post from last night.
I now believe that the approach I took in that post was not the correct one.
Thank you, again.
I can only tryMemberModerator/Editor-
My prior post has been languishing in limbo-land – neither approved nor rejected – for about twelve hours now.
I’m not sure if that’s because it’s such a long megilla that it hasn’t been read yet, or because it contains iffy content.
If there is anything in the post that is questionable or not allowed, please be so kind as to remove it and put “edited” in the place of the removed content.
Thank you.
Sept. 4, 2012 12:04 PM
Wasn’t read yet. I seem to be the only mod on duty for the last many hours and I don’t really have patience for all these megilos so they are waiting for another mod to decide to read them.
I can only tryMemberyekke2–
a) If I buy a program, I have now the rights to do what i like with it – think of a guy who buys a light for the top of his candle, and the seller doesn’t let him light any other candles. He smiles and lights twenty five candles. No problem in halacha. Once i have bought something, it become mine.
In Jewish, we call it a ????.
And if one uses something he purchased in a way that isn’t halachicly allowed, in Jewish we call it a ??
And there is definitely no ????? for me to go to somebody with a candle and ask him to light it for me – no matter where he got it from.
So there is clearly no issur to copy a sefer, book, CD, program or anything else that someone else has purchased. There is also no issur to make multiple copies and sell them for your own profit. Patents can likewise be ignored, and the patented item copied and sold with halachic impunity.
b) Even if the Jewish music manufacturers have started using ????? and not-whats, the Adobe Corporation haven’t. And as far as i know, clicking ‘Terms and conditions apply’ is not halachically binding. And even if it is, i don’t think this will affect anything.
c) It isn’t ????? or ????? to copy, because there is nothing. Like there is no problem of ????? of the ?? ???? – or … if we are digital – because it is a ??? ???? ?? ???, so to there is nothing to steal. I clicked a button; that is not a ???? ?????.
One isn’t yotzeh a brocha over the phone. Does this mean that loshon hora over the phone isn’t a problem?
d) After ????, let’s take on that the ???? is halachically binding [even though it is not – not for now – that will be for whoever bought the program and uploaded it online. I don’t need to keep to YOUR ?????.
What a great piece of logic! From now on, I’ll buy anything I want and then let a family member violate all purchase conditions. Conversely, I’ll have my wife buy Artscroll’s latest sefer and start running off copies myself!
I’ll sell the list of customers the bank I work at maintains to competitors (indirectly, of course, so I don’t violate any job-related tenaim).
I’ll sell the latest nuclear technology my firm has developed to North Korea!
It falls far short of that, however. It is merely an endorsement of genaiva, sheker, chilul H-shem and who knows what else.
Is there even one posek who accepts the claims and hetairim you made above?
I find your post disgusting, and to me personally it is a chilul H-shem that a frum person could not only think that way but actually try to get others to act shelo ka’halacha.
yekke2’s comments are halachicly correct and sound.
What’s your basis for saying this?
May I have your social security number? and your bank account number? If not, is there a halachik problem if I get them myself?
I can only tryMemberThe NYC DOT is aware of NYC’s bridges and their repair/maintenance requirements. There is no danger of collapse.
In every case of catastrophic structural failure in the U.S. (at least for the last several years) the cause has been poor engineering (the Minneapolis bridge, the Kansas City skywalks), an unforeseen and catastrophic occurrence (the WTC, the Schoharie bridge), and poor maintenance (the West Side Highway).
We can’t be 100% protected from unforeseen disasters – natural or man-made – but as far as design and maintenance, we should be OK in NYC.
(edited and corrected – icot)
I can only tryMemberFolks,
Just a suggestion-
Take a step back and depersonalize your disagreements.
Whether or not you end up agreeing with each other, it will allow this to be discussed more civilly, and is probably a good idea in mid-Elul, too.
I can only tryMemberThere are three separate issues here, and I think that is causing some confusion, especially since there is some overlap and contradiction between the issues.
1) Punishment of the guilty.
2) Protecting the guilty from unjust additional punishment.
3) Protection of the innocent.
Punishment of the guilty: Let him serve his time, pay restitution, and so on.
I can only tryMemberMy prior post on this thread was not approved.
Chaval that a frum site like this one should have posts advocating software piracy.
(please Google the above, with quotes, to see the full thread and its context.)
I can only tryMemberThe following is from the Torah dot org website:
Some software that can be downloaded for free from the Internet comes with a provision that it is free only for an “evaluation period”, let’s say for thirty days, after which the software must be bought or destroyed. How strictly must one abide by this provision?
If a person needs more time for the evaluation period, I’m sure the company will not mind. It can be thirty-one days, or thirty-five days — as long as it is still an evaluation period. When a person takes something for evaluation and keeps it, it is, as Rabbi Moshe Feintstein said, echt gezel (genuine theft).
I tell people constantly that no real success will come from something a person takes — a book, or anything else — that a person could buy, but which he figured out a way to get without buying. The person who produces the item wants to sell it. Typically the justification that the person who wants to use it gives to himself is that he wants to use it for some grand purpose. But think: what value does a grand purpose have that was achieved through gezel (theft).
There’s something called “share-ware” where a person is supposed to pay a $20 registration fee. I think the estimate is that not more than 5% of the people who use shareware actually pay for it.
But that doesn’t make it right not to pay for it. If a person steals, he affects himself; the act affects his soul. You can’t steal something and then hope to be the same person afterwards (emphasis mine – icot.) It is important to appeal to people on the basis of themselves.
So it is also between a person and himself?
I can only tryMemberDash,
You’re right that the screen size is important – I recommend that anyone using the “wmic” method of determining their model also measures their screen size diagonally, e.g. from the lower left corner to the upper right corner.
As far as resolution/aspect (is there any difference?) and screen technology, I’d be surprised if a particular model came with different default resolutions and screen technologies for the same screen size. Reseller sites seem comfortable suggesting a replacement screen based on the model and screen size.
As far as you know, are there manufacturers that sell the same model / screen size with different screen technologies?
I can only tryMemberaurora77-
Welcome aboard!
The plural for “Shabbos” is “Shabosim” or “Shabosos” – I’m not sure if one is more correct than the other.
Your efforts to avoid posting on Shabbos are appreciated, and I wish you hatzlocha (success) in finding out more about your background and heritage.
I can only tryMemberFinding your PC’s model number:
1) Click the Windows “start” icon on the bottom left of your screen
2) Type “cmd” (no quotes) in the Search programs and files box.
3) Hit enter
4) Type “wmic csproduct get name” (no quotes) in the window that appears
5) Hit enter
6) Your PC’s manufacturer and model should appear. Close the window once you have written down the info.
(the above info was found via Google)
I don’t know Lakewood, so I can’t offer recommendations.
Perhaps someone else can?
I can only tryMemberThere is one recent poster who seems quite self-satisfied with their own total lack of observance.
There is a different poster who comes from a non-observant background and is interested in finding out more about Judaism.
Regardless of my personal opinion of these posters (I’ll just say that I believe significant respect is due the second), my concern is about either of these types of poster writing something here on Shabbos.
“…that would be such a pain for the mods to check everyones IP address“
True. My suggestion / request may not be practical or even feasible. I don’t even know if moderators can see the IP address of posts.
“And what about non-Jews? Are they not allowed to post (here) on Shabbos?“
I’d think that isn’t a problem, but I’ll defer a definitive opinion to those who are more knowledgeable than me.
I can only tryMemberWould it be possible to not approve posts that were written on Shabbos?
I realize that there are posters from Eretz Yisroel, Europe, Australia, the U.S. West Coast, etc. (posts from those areas may have been written when it’s Shabbos in NYC but not where they live), but perhaps those could be approved or disallowed based on the IP they are sent from.
It would be too bad if anyone was mechalel Shabbos (accidentally or otherwise) by posting on this site.
I can only tryMemberMiddlePath-
I finally heard what you posted on soundcloud.
It sounds good, but one thing that I noticed is that all of your music is solo – is there such a thing as a “garage band” or the like in the frum community? It seems (to me, anyway) that getting together with other music hobbyists and working together could be a lot of fun.
I can only tryMembercshapiro-
I assume the “rossmannsupply” screen name is legit, but nonetheless it would probably be quicker and more efficient to just Google the company for their phone#, call them, and get your questions answered.
Don’t worry about sounding non-PC-literate – I’m sure not all their customers are super-techies.
I will caution you that if you have no one who is reasonably proficient with simple assembly and disassembly, your best bet may be to just bring it to a service place.
I can only tryMemberBoruch Dayan Emes.
I’m sorry.
I can only tryMemberCuriosity-
Thank you.
I already knew the “real” answer, but didn’t want to steal it from someone else who could solve it.
There are two possibilities. Let’s name the two people “X” and “Y” (such imaginative names, I know):
1) Ask X “which door would Y tell me is safe?”, then use the other door. If X is the honest one, he will point to the door that Y (the liar) would have indicated, while if X is the liar, he would dishonestly point to the door Y would not indicate.
2) Ask X “Hypothetically, if I asked you which door was safe, which door would you point to?”, then use the indicated door. If X was the truth-teller, he’d honestly point to the safe door that he’d point to if asked. If X is the liar, he’d dishonestly point to the safe door that he wouldn’t have pointed to if he’d actually (not hypothetically) been asked.
I can only tryMemberThink first-
Mazel tov!
(sorry if I got the choson/kalah wrong on the “Mazel Tov” thread – it wouldn’t be the first time 😛 )
I can only tryMemberRossmann Supply Group is where I bought a replacement LCD.
Their prices were the best, and they shipped it quickly, wrapped in several layers of bubble wrap.
They help you determine exactly which LCD is needed for your particular PC. You can also call them to speak to a real (and helpful!) person.
I can’t post the link here, so please Google “Rossmann Supply Group” for their contact and ordering info.
I can only tryMemberMazel tov to “musser zoger”, “midwesterner” and “Interjection”.
I can only tryMemberMazel tov to “Think first” on her engagement, announced here:
May she and her choson be zoche to build a bayis ne’eman b’Yisroel.
I can only tryMember557-
Thank you for the answers and for taking the time to write detailed explanations of all the terms I wasn’t familiar with.
I’m still not 100% percent clear on the “bounded” calculation, but I’ll b”n take another shot at “getting it” after Shabbos.
I can only tryMember90-94 inclusive.
Refua shelaima.
I can only tryMemberCuriosity–
You are in a closed room that has two doors and two other people. One door leads to death, and one leads to life. One person speaks only the truth and one person speaks only lies. You do not know which person is which or which door leads to what. You are allowed to ask one question to either person of your choosing to help you exit through the correct door. What question can you ask to guarantee your survival?
Select either of the other two people at random and ask him “Which door leads to safety?”
Wait until that person falls asleep (this may take a while), then quickly drag him to the door that he pointed to, open the door, and throw him out. If he lives, he told the truth, and you can follow him. If he dies, serves him right for lying to you, and you can quickly slam the door and exit via the other door.
frummy in the tummy–
I can only tryMemberParshaman-
If your only requirement is “something small” to take notes on, the cheapest computer sold should meet your needs.
Even a netbook may be good enough for your intended usage, and I just saw a new one on sale at Best Buy for $200.
As far as a program to use for taking notes, the “Open Office” suite is free and it includes a full word processor.
I can only tryMemberfrummy in the tummy –
Let’s name the three people X, Y and Z.
I can only tryMember557-
A Google search for your puzzle shows that the question was first posed by Richard Rado, and the solution you described was given by Abram Besicovitch.
Google Books allowed me to see a sketch of the solution in action, so you can disregard my request for clarification.
I did notice that the solution has X getting closer to Y as well as Y getting closer to the circle’s edge with every move, so in the “real world”, even if X and Y were microscopic, X’s edge would eventually touch Y’s – it’s just that their exact centers wouldn’t ever be in exact alignment.
I’d still appreciate an answer to my “semicircle” and “diameter” questions.
Also, since maintaining distance isn’t what’s important, but rather just preventing X and Y from occupying the same spot, couldn’t Y use a similar or identical plan to evade X inside a square?
Just for your amusement, here are terms I don’t remember hearing:
radius vector
{t_1, t_2, t_3, …}
Furthermore, your application of the Pythagorean theorem and R_i’s being bounded was way over my head – oh, well.
I can only tryMember557-
Please let me know if the following are correct:
2) Do you mean half the diameter of the disc?
Please provide the following:
2) The values of t1, t2.
3) What direction (if any) is Y moving in during the non-nth time periods?
I realize the values are variable, but applying specific numbers may help me understand.
Thank you.
I can only tryMember1) Future First Lady Martha Dandridge married this man on May 15, 1750.
2) If someone awoke in Brooklyn, NY at 7:00 AM on September 14, 1752 after a ten-hour nap, when did they fall sleep?
Obvious (and incorrect) answer: September 13, 1752 at 9:00 PM. Correct answer: September 2, 1752 at 9:00 PM. Sept. 3, 1752 thru Sept. 13, 1752 were skipped in British territory. [credit: shmoel]
3) What is the reason the Staten Island bridge that is outermost from the other four boros of New York City got its name?
[credit: shmoel]
4) These two brothers achieved the first manned flight.
5) What is the predominant metal in a U.S. nickel?
Obvious (and incorrect) answer: Nickel. Correct answer: Copper. The nickel is about 75% copper, 25% nickel.
6) Current U.S. coinage includes the penny (one cent), nickel (five cents), dime (ten cents), quarter (twenty-five-cents) half-dollar (fifty cents) and dollar. Has there ever been a three cent piece? If so, when was the last U.S. coin with a three on it minted?
7) Where did French’s mustard originate?
Obvious (and incorrect) answer: France. Correct answer: In the U.S. It was created by Robert Timothy French.
8) What is the U.S. capital?
[credit: shmoel]
9) Which one-word salutation did Alexander Graham Bell reccomend for use when answering a phone?
Obvious (and incorrect) answer: Hello. Correct answer: Ahoy! (really!)
10) Information gathered from all points of the compass is called “News” because it has this characteristic.
Obvious (and incorrect) answer: Because it comes from all directions – North, East, West and South. Correct answer: Because the info it contains is new.
11) The two things that stick out of the sides of your head are known as this (your glasses hook over them).
[partial credit: shmoel]
12) Scotch Tape’s country of origin.
13) Who is in the first photo of a human being on the moon?
I can only tryMember1) Future First Lady Martha Dandridge married this man on May 15, 1750.
2) If someone awoke in Brooklyn, NY at 7:00 AM on September 14, 1752 after a ten-hour nap, when did they fall sleep?
3) What is the reason the Staten Island bridge that is outermoust from the other four boros of New York City got its name?
4) These two brothers achieved the first manned flight.
5) What is the predominant metal in a U.S. nickel?
6) Current U.S. coinage includes the penny (one cent), nickel (five cents), dime (ten cents), quarter (twenty-five-cents) half-dollar (fifty cents) and dollar. Has there ever been a three cent piece? If so, when was the last U.S. coin with a three on it minted?
7) Where did French’s mustard originate?
8) What is the U.S. capital?
9) Which one-word salutation did Alexander Graham Bell reccomend for use when answering a phone?
10) Information gathered from all points of the compass is called “News” because it has this characteristic.
11) The two things that stick out of the sides of your head are known as this (your glasses hook over them).
12) Scotch Tape’s country of origin.
13) Who is in the first photo of a human being on the moon?
I can only tryMember557–
Unless Y can move away from X in a straight line, X can either cut the corner or turn inside the radius of the path Y is taking, thereby closing the gap and eventually catching Y.
Even if X and Y are both on the outer edge of the circle, X can still turn inside a smaller radius.
If there was an obstacle (such as an inner circle) within the circle or square, then Y could dodge X forever, since they would both circle that obstacle at the same speed.
Rough Rider–
It depends if the roach is the thing you went to get.
7 letters are in my name
If you subtract one 12 remains
What am I?
Twelves (or drytzen).
I can only tryMemberMiddlePath-
Thank you, too.
I hope you’re doing well – good luck with your new song.
I can only tryMemberSyag Lchochma-
I can only tryMemberI can only tryMemberZeesKite-
The only folks who I avoid
Your efforts have all been umzist
I can only tryMemberI can only tryMemberSaying “carpool” to the toll collector when one isn’t truly eligible for it seems to be a problem for the following reasons:
1) Sheker
2) Genaiva
3) Chilul H-shem (if caught)
If my concerns aren’t valid, I’d appreciate it if someone could point out why.
I don’t want to embarass the poster who suggested this – if I’m correct and this is a problem, perhaps that post can be removed.
I can only tryMemberAn article I read several years ago said that people attending class reunions revert back to the social structure and standing that existed in school.
Your feeling awkward around a class leader is completely normal.
I can only tryMemberLuna Lovegood–
Thank you.
I enjoyed yours about an event that gave chizuk to hundreds of thousands of people, whether they personally attended or not.
Syag Lchochma-
Too Cool-
Think first-
Song of Blessing-
No One Mourns The Wicked-
I can only tryMemberThe morning was quiet, the air clear and still
A great day to sleep late in the winter chill
Sometimes it steps softly, in shoes made of felt
Or loud crashing brass boots, held with a steel belt
All they do is march on, all day and all night
Each footstep is even and perfectly timed
The same distance travelled for each hour chimed
Billions of marchers, each stepping in sync,
Not stopping to rest, not pausing to drink
But none can speed up and none can go slow
Each marcher steps off our allotment of time
Though tempted to sleep on, I quit my sweet slumber
Before the soft footsteps were booming like thunder
We age with its passage, no shame and no crime
Some change their appearance, look younger by far
Splashing some new paint on the same old car
Whether time is spent wisely or frittered away
Tomorrow will come, and it may look the same
But before we know it, the decades have passed
Our long march begins at the moment of birth
march, march, march
March, March, March
I can only tryMemberkapusta–
Thanks for the lift ?
You’re welcome.
Good advice / info.
Syag Lchochma–
“ One of my kids put on 8 shirts at the same time and got stuck in them.“
Now that’s a Kodak moment.
YW Moderator-42–
The Ohr Somayach page I linked to on the “towels” thread discusses wearing fresh clothing on Shabbos for later in the week. It says that if the clothing is Shabbos-appropriate, it’s OK, otherwise it has the hachona problem that “YW Moderator-42” asks about.
Now we can discuss whether blue/striped/colored shirts are appropriate on Shabbos. That would be an interesting topic; I wonder if it’s ever been discussed here before?
Gut Shabbos.
Friday July 20, 2012 8:42 AM
I can only tryMemberSource: