Forum Replies Created
I can only tryMember
The following threads may contain some useful ideas:
obviously, some places mentioned may not be open on the days/hours requested
I can only tryMember90 – 99 inclusive.
Refua shelaima.
I can only tryMemberbpt-
I can only tryMemberI used to bike extensively.
Just imagine the regret a parent whose child was injured now lives with.
I can only tryMemberWhoops!
Please delete my previous post – it will cause display problems for people with older browsers, and they may not be able to see potentially useful info on this thread.
Thank you.
I can only tryMemberGut Shabbos.
I can only tryMemberModerator-80-
You’re correct, but there’s probably an easier way.
All routers that I know of allow the wireless signal to be turned off via the setup screen, so you won’t have to potchke with disconnecting and reconnecting the cables.
(What you’re calling “lan” is a network cable.)
BTW, I don’t always get to post responses quickly, but I’ll usually try to do so within a day or two.
Occasionally I may miss something, but it’s OK for you to email me if you’d like to bring something I can be helpful with to my attention (no guarantees I’ll know the answer, obviously).
I can only tryMemberI strongly agree that staying in touch with good teacher(s) and/or principal(s) is important.
Staying in touch with high school friends is also important.
I can only tryMemberWhy wasn’t Bin Laden armed?(
Because he was on his way to a costume party, and he was going as Venus de Milo.
I can only tryMemberam yisrael chai–
BTW, I thought Whirlpool/Maytag was funny…
So did I, and the “Suffolk” one, too.
I was writing quickly and forgot to acknowlege it – sorry.
Hallel has even more if you count all the “amein”s – ve’hamayvin yovin (OK, corny).
BTW, you must be great at crossword puzzles – you got most of the answers on quite a wide variety of topics.
B”N, but I’m not sure when.
If you go to earlier pages on this thread, you’ll find “ronrsr” and “haifagirl” (and possibly others) have also supplied homemade word games.
I can only tryMemberRegardless of what the level of security on your router is, you also need a firewall on your PC itself. This way, even if an outsider gets onto your network, your PC will still be protected.
Use WPA encryption on your router, have a firewall and up-to-date antivirus and antispyware programs on your PC, and you should be safe from break-ins.
All routers that I know of can have their setup screens accessed thru a browser-based interface.
The included programs are to make things easier for people who may not be technical.
Once you are on the setup screen, you will be able to change the routers IP address (for instance, if it conflicts with the modem, as mine did).
I can only tryMember1) Krebs. Maynard G.
2) Ultra-expensive luxury car brand. Maybach (am yisrael chai)
3) Children dance around it. Maypole (am yisrael chai)
4) Not strict. Maykil (Mother in Israel, am yisrael chai with possible alternate)
6) Enormous U.S. Navy airship, lost in a 1935 thunderstorm. Macon (am yisrael chai )
7) Famous hospital. Mayo Clininc (am yisrael chai)
8) Richie Rich character (female). Mayda Munny
10) Consternation. Dismay (am yisrael chai)
11) A chaotic situation. Mayhem (Mother in Israel)
12) Expert. Mayven (Mother in Israel)
13) First baseman, played for the Astros, Royals, Blue Jays and Yankees. John Mayberry (am yisrael chai)
14) A pilgrimage was made in this. the Mayflower (am yisrael chai)
16) WWII U.S. Air Force General. Curtis LeMay (am yisrael chai)
17) A whirlpool, not the former centenarian senator. Maelstrom (not the Male, Strom) (am yisrael chai)
18) Cosmetics company. Maybelline (blinky)
20) Girl. Maydel (blinky)
Well done!
I can only tryMemberI can only tryMemberMayday!
1) Krebs.
2) Ultra-expensive luxury car brand.
3) Children dance around it.
4) Not strict.
6) Enormous U.S. Navy airship, lost in a 1935 thunderstorm.
7) Famous hospital.
8) Richie Rich character (female).
10) Consternation.
11) A chaotic situation.
12) Expert.
13) First baseman, played for the Astros, Royals, Blue Jays and Yankees.
14) A pilgrimage was made in this.
15) Armstrong explored this sea without getting wet.
16) WWII U.S. Air Force General.
17) A whirlpool, not the former centenarian senator.
18) Cosmetics company.
20) Girl.
I can only tryMemberbombmaniac-
That must have taken a long time to write and you clearly put your heart into it.
I wish you much hatzlocha.
I can only tryMemberThe following nominee isn’t a light-hearted or funny post like many (most?) of the others here are, and it’s also somewhat lengthly, but it’s well worth your reading time.
Please see the original post on this thread:
I can only tryMemberI heard the Shalsheles Junior CD on while driving with the family on chol hamoed, and “Yafyafisa” is a fantastic song that the whole family really liked and kept replaying.
“Raninu” on the same CD is also an excellent song.
I can only tryMemberThe Goq-
What a sad post.
Although she’s your niece and not your daughter, it brings to mind the quote “How sharper than a serpent’s tooth it is to have a thankless child”.
Teens and young adults sometimes distance themselves from parents or other older relatives / acquaintances for reasons only they know, and in later years are sorry they did.
I think one of the most common feelings parents of teens have is regret about the way they behaved toward their parents and other relatives when they were teenagers themselves.
IY”H this will only be temporary, and she will be happy to have her uncle dance in the middle at her chasuna.
I can only tryMemberZeesKite-
I thought the story sounded funny, but answered seriously because I didn’t want to attempt a humorous answer, just in case it was a real question.
Glad to hear it’s not (any longer) a problem – B”H the guy didn’t electrocute anyone (and no, I’m not joking about that).
I can only tryMemberPashuteh Yid–
Unfortunately, enough knowledge to make the connection functional, without the knowledge to do it correctly and safely is not an uncommon combination.
To fix it properly, a fixture box should be installed, and the correct connector used to fasten the cable or conduit to the box.
1) This is not a new house (built in 1930’s). Was there ever a time when the code did not require a fixture box?
I can tell you that there are different code requirements even nowadays as far as cables and boxes, depending on where you are.
2) Can I install the box myself?
Yes, if you know what you are doing. The correct box and connector must be used, the box must be grounded, the box must be securely fastened, a bushing (a piece of plastic that protects the wire from fraying on the edge of the BX ) may be needed, etc.
The wire seems very short, I don’t know if the entire conduit line can be pulled so that there is more length, or if it is too short to go any more. ?
3) How would one splice conduit to make it longer, if necessary? ?
4) Is this common, that some guy will wire up something so dangerous, and just cover it up and hope nobody will ever find out. How did he get away with this. ?
5) Would you recommend an electrician to do all of what needs to be done, rather than doing it myself. I do not want to cut holes in ceiling and plaster and paint myself. ?
Based on what I perceive as your knowledge level and the fact that I can’t be 100% definitive without seeing your situation myself, I strongly recommend that you get a professional. Safety is the key here.
6) When I first bought the fixture, the guy in Lowes said they would install it, but would be 140 dollars. That is crazy expensive for a 6 dollar fixture, so I figured I would save big and do it myself. However, now that I see what a mess the previous installation is, what would you recommend? What do you think an electrician would charge to do all the necessary work here? ?
I recommend that a pro at least diagnose your situation before you try anything yourself.
No good reason I can think of.
Possibilities I can think of are:
-the foil is contacting the terminals of the outlets.
– the foil is contacting the uninsulated portion of the wire connecting to the terminals.
– there is a short in an ungrounded switch box, and the foil is now grounding that box and exposing the fact that the short exists.
All of the above situations are not good.
The person should ensure that the foil is clear of all outlets, after first cutting off the power to those outlets.
If after doing so there is still any hint of a problem, call an electrician.
I can only tryMemberHIE-
Gut moed to you, too (and all others, as well).
Nice thread!
I can only tryMemberAgreed, 100%
I spoke to a San worker to thank him, and he said that they were working long shifts on Erev Yom Tov for the special additional pick-ups.
This is one more thing we have to thank the medina shel chesed for.
I can only tryMemberIs there a private room you can excuse yourself and go into to be by yourself?
If not, is stepping out, maybe just onto the porch, maybe for a short walk around the block something that can help?
Just knowing that you have an “escape” available can be a huge help in calming your anxiety and reducing your stress.
Panic attacks are very unpleasant – way beyond normal anxiety and apprehension, which may be what you’re experiencing.
If you actually experience full-blown panic attacks due to relatives’ Yom Tov proximity, and simply removing yourself from the premises isn’t an option or doesn’t work, you may want to speak to a professional for other ideas.
Obvious disclaimer:
I’m no pro, nor do I know you or your situation.
I’m just a poster trying to give some helpful advice based on conversations with a pro about panic disorders and their triggers.
I can only tryMemberbinahyeseira–
As the years pass, one learns to appreciate the finer things in life.
Feif Un–
“Nobody cares about me :..(“
I’m pretty sure you aren’t being serious, but just in case there’s even a little seriousness in your post (like a prior President, I don’t do nuance very well) , please refer back to this thread, where many posters quite clearly do care about you:
I can only tryMembersmartcookie-
You’re very welcome – it’s my pleasure.
Hope it’s something you and your family like.
Just a FYI – the “Pesach cholent” recipes usually have it cooked in a pot or crock pot, the kugel varieties, such as this recipe, will use an oven and baking pan.
I can only tryMemberreal-brisker-
Thank you for the kind words.
In actuality, the number of helpful posters is staggering; whether it comes to how-to info, situational advice, professional recommendations, commiseration and sympathy, a shoulder to cry on, ego-boosting, recipes and cooking advice, and many other categories.
I myself have been given helpful advice/info by several posters – just as an example – on the VHS to DVD thread I started, among them “Sacrilege”, “WIY”, “Dr. Pepper”, “squeak”, “DanUk”, “mybat”.
Also, the time “Dr. Pepper” took to explain (and quite well) math principles, Rabbi “PM” took to explain hilchos Shabbos, “Joseph” and “oomis1105” took to give their advice and opinions about offering rides.
Also, “charliehall” with his encyclopedic knowledge of history and politics, “anon for this” and her wide range of knowledge on books, columnists, etc, “Moderator-80” and his ever-vigilant efforts to keep things on the up-and-up, “YW Moderator-72” for his past efforts, all the other moderators who are more in the background, “YW Editor” whose brainchild this site is, “bpt” with his pragmatic and friendly posts, and “squeak” with his experience and knowledge on a broad variety of subjects are appreciated.
This is just scratching the surface, as I greatly enjoy many of the young energetic posters and especially all of the simchos (their own and their contemporaries) that they post about.
(Sorry for any omissions, but the day is too short and my memory too faulty to mention all deserving parties here.)
In short, a list of favorite posters is like a list of favorite potato kugels – there are so many great ones, there’s no way to acknowledge them all.
I can only tryMemberMazel tov to “emoticon613” upon her(?) engagement, announced here:
Much nachas!
Mazel tov again to “yossi z.”, who has posted many simchos here. May he IY”H continue to do so, including (besha’a tova) his own.
I can only tryMember!??? ???, ??? ???
I can only tryMembersmartcookie-
You can find a recipe we like posted here:
It and similar recipes are also sometimes called “Pesach Cholent” for obvious (non-kitniyos) reasons.
I can only tryMemberadorable-
The question:
& the answer (supplied by you):
Also, the posters here are a nice bunch, so with the upcoming yom tov it seemed a good opportunity to wish folks all the best.
? ? ? ? “Keep smiling and keep going.” – Rav Scheinberg, shlita.
I can only tryMemberBelated Mazel Tov! wishes to:
“yossi z.” on his cousin’s marriage (may they be zoche to build a bayis ne’eman b’Yisroel), and his nephew’s siyum (keep on shteiging!)
“ha ha ha ha” upon her engagement. May she and her choson be zoche to build a bayis ne’eman b’Yisroel.
“GumBall” upon her brother’s engagement. May he and his kallah be zoche to build a bayis ne’eman b’Yisroel.
Auf simchas!
I can only tryMemberGut Shabbos
Chag Kasher Vesamayach
to everyone.
April 13, 2011 4:23 pm at 4:23 pm in reply to: Free Prescription Glasses – VERY Limited Time #806986I can only tryMemberModerator-80-
Even better, thank you.
Please edit the original post so that your info appears at the top – it would be a shame if someone read the OP and snapped up the deal without scrolling down and seeing that you’d posted a better deal.
April 13, 2011 3:42 pm at 3:42 pm in reply to: Free Prescription Glasses – VERY Limited Time #806984I can only tryMemberHow to get this deal:
1) Go to coastalcontacts website
2) Select a pair of eyeglasses – any pair! (Make sure the frames don’t say “Coupons not applicable” under the title)
3) Enter your prescription details
4) At checkout enter coupon code: freeapr13 [Exp After 10,000 uses, First time users only]
Final Price: Free + $15approx Shipping + No Tax in Most States
I can only tryMemberBumped up, for “brotherofurs”, “Pashuteh Yid” and/or anybody else who may benefit from the above info and may not have seen it yet.
I can only tryMemberbombmaniac-
I don’t have anything to say that directly addresses your post, but here are a couple of thoughts:
1) You’re a very good writer.
2) When having troubling / disturbing thoughts, posting and discussing in the blogosphere can be helpful to an extent, but it’s usually better to discuss things that are causing you angst with someone in the real world (which you may well already be doing).
Hope you’re OK; as Rav Scheinberg shlita says, “Keep smiling and keep going”.
I can only tryMemberanon for this-
My pleasure – I hope the recipe book is good.
I can only tryMemberThis question has been addressed in several threads.
This post, and the URL within it that points to illustrated step-by-step direction for installing Hebrew on Windows XP, Vista, and Windows 7, is the most helpful:
I can only tryMemberanon for this-
Today’s (March 27, 2011) NY Daily News web site has an article about a new Gluten-Free cookbook.
The title is “Gluten-Free on a Shoestring” by Nicole Hunn, published by Da Capo Lifelong Press.
If you Google search the article’s title, “Gluten-free chocolate sandwich cookies” on the NY Daily News’s website you should find it.
(I think posts with direct links are being rejected, so I can’t post the URL here – sorry.)
I can only tryMembereclipse-
Parents fighting is the toughest thing in the world for kids to witness.
This is even true for older kids, much more so for younger ones.
If you don’t allow your kids to go, they may feel that they had to choose between their Abba/Tatty and Ima/Mommy, and feel very guilty for having hurt their father.
As painful as it will be for you (and I am not minimizing your tzar at all), your kids will probably be much better off if they know they can do something good for and show love to one parent without betraying the other parent.
I can only tryMemberadorable-
If a doctor gives you advice you’re not happy with, or simply says “I don’t know” about your problem’s cause, a second opinion from another doctor/dentist is the most obvious course of action I’d take.
Refua shelaima.
I can only tryMemberkapusta-
You’re one of the nicer posters here – careful with what you have to say so as not to denigrate or upset others.
It’s a shame if and when posters like you decide to leave.
Nothing’s perfect; even with vigilant moderating, sometimes things slip thru – often unintentionally.
I can only tryMemberLuvBrooklyn-
I suggest that you go to a hardware store and buy passage doorknob sets (no lock in the handle) for about $10.00 – $12.00, and privacy doorknob sets (simple lock in the handle, such as for a bathroom) for about $12.00 – $15.00.
These are quite simple to change – you may need to do minimal chiseling for the tongue, but the knob hole is standard, and the old strikeplate will probably work fine.
If you (or a friend/relative) buys the hardware and you change it yourself, your appreciative landlord will probably be more than happy to deduct the cost from your rent.
(If he isn’t I’m sorry you’re stuck with that type of landlord.)
I can only tryMemberThere are some things that the average car owner can do themselves, but changing headlights, taillights, turn signal bulbs and hazard bulbs may or may not be among them.
Different models of vehicle may have bulbs that are simple to access (like the OP’s), or may require a bit of disassembly and reassembly.
If you want to know the work involved for your particular vehicle, just google it. You’ll almost definitely find detailed step-by-step info, and even video directions for the required work.
I can only tryMemberI strongly recommend the children’s computer games made by Humongous.
That includes the Putt-Putt, Fredi Fish, Pajama Sam, and Spy Fox series.
I bought these in the mid-late 90’s for the kids, and still have most of the games.
They are fun, non-violent, cute and imaginative. All kids from about 4 thru 13 (and some older) really enjoy them.
I don’t know if they are still available, since IIRC Humongous was bought up by Atari several years ago.
Oh, and to address the initial post – solutions can easily be Googled, or just hit the F1 key within the game, and a help menu which has how-to and solution info appears.
I can only tryMemberGut Shabbos.
Ah freilichen Purim.
Here’s a link to the past for the occasion:
I can only tryMemberMeow meow meow meow
Thank you, Dan iel,
Meow meow meow meow
Meow meow meow meow
Meow meow meow meow
Slight ly ha zy
Meow meow meow meow
We would miss you
Meow meow meow meow
Meow meow meow meow
Meow meow meow meow
Claw your ta ble
Meow meow meow meow
Who would feed us
Meow meow meow meow
Meow meow meow meow
Who will buy us
Meow meow meow meow
Kit ty lit ter
Meow meow meow meow
Stay here, Dan iel
Meow meow meow meow
Meow meow meow meow
Now, on your knees and
Meow meow meow meow
Rub my tum my.
I can only tryMember
Is this openness extend to “bikers” aka motorcyclist? Even if tattooed?
No. Negative. Non. Nischt. (Unless I get to ride one. Without training wheels.)
Apparently, you’re rather outspokin’ yourself, ICOT!
? ? ?
I used to bike quite a bit, but that was a long time ago.
I can only tryMember#1
Head and tail are equal;
Right side up or upside down
The same I do appear
(but if you cut my head off, nothing would be there)
Answer: the number 8 (Daas Yochid)
I am very small,
But I help carry a great weight
Although I walk upon my head
Answer: A nail in a horse’s shoe (I didn’t get this one, either)
I can only tryMemberWhat am I?
Head and tail are equal;
Right side up or upside down
The same I do appear
(but if you cut my head off, nothing would be there)
I am very small,
But I help carry a great weight
Although I walk upon my head
(from a calendar)