Forum Replies Created
I can only tryMember
am yisrael chai-
“last word in the 1st message is decode?“
You got it!
“I’m not a proponent of getting drunk in the middle of davening on ???? ????“
Likewise, I just couldn’t think of any other situation that a person davened everything up until shemona esrai, and then had a sobriety issue.
Hmmm, let’s think about this one…
“How did u manage that?“
Back channel communications – that’s all I can say ?
I can only tryMemberSabzi-
“…what’s there to be embarrassed about?“
It’s not whats said or posted that’s embarrassing, it’s that many posters are shy and would prefer to remain incognito.
I can only tryMembergiggle girl-
Smile E. Face-
Mazel tov on your friend’s and sister’s engagements.
(I wonder how many are talking about the same person?)
I can only tryMember“deiyezooger” gets an A+
“happiest” gets a few spare smileys we have lying around.
take as needed ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? <== (enough for a minyan).
Get out of the house, go shopping, walk next to the water at Caesar’s Bay, go to the Grand Army Plaza library, do something fun.
I can only tryMemberam yisrael chai-
I assume some people will enjoy decoding more than being presented with the answer, so…
B’rshus “squeak”, here are two clues:
1) The code is a one-to-one character replacement.
2) The phrase “DR PEPPER” (no quotes, no period) is present in the first post.
My technique is to cut-and-paste the entire post into Notepad, then use “replace all” to change one character at a time. You can cut-and-paste one character at a time into the “Find What” window when replacing all, so you don’t actually have to type the funny characters.
I can only tryMemberhappiest-
Gam zeh ya’avor.
Assignment time, for anyone who has an idea:
Find something for “happiest” to do for the next two weeks that she will enjoy.
I can only tryMembersqueak-
Thank you for being understanding.
You’re right, I didn’t get the time. There was no possible way I could get it without any frame of reference. I assumed it was four different numbers without a colon, since you used no punctuation anywhere else. Upon further consideration, you may have used a colon or period for a time of 1:30, 2.15, 3:14 and so on.
I have no way of knowing for sure, but I believe “Dr. Pepper” was serious.
My initial request was more of a “Hah! I cracked your code.” than a real request, but if both you and “Dr. Pepper” has responded “OK”, I wouldn’t have minded being an attendee. While I’d be afraid of boring either one of you, as a fly on the wall that wouldn’t have been a problem.
And now the big question….
Is it OK if:
a) your posts are translated for all to see – I’m sure folks are curious.
b) I email an individual with the solution (confession – I already did so with a curious moderator).
c) none of the above, at least not right now.
I will b”n abide by your wishes.
I can only tryMemberDr. Pepper–
I clicked on your link above – cool!
Maybe one of these days I’ll try to get thru (or skim thru) the book “The Story of ?”, which I saw in B&N. A quick look at a couple of chapters showed an explanation of how it was calculated with some precision, which I think is similar to that site’s animation.
am yisrael chai–
If it’s OK with the moderators, it’s OK with me.
I’d prefer to use a disposable email address, though.
I’ll b’n try to come up with something new, or crib a puzzle from elsewhere.
BTW, we’re still waiting for an answer or hint to your “Coffee” riddle.
June 20, 2011 5:09 pm at 5:09 pm in reply to: Encryption � A Simple But Practically Unbreakable Trick #792525I can only tryMemberSabzi–
Good point.
Dr. Pepper–
Years later a Soviet agent defected to the U.S. and turned over the spy behind the nickel and the key to decrypt it.
The Soviet spy went by the name Rudolph Abel, and he was sentenced to a long term in prison.
You may have heard of this American defector. His name was Lee Harvey Oswald.
I can only tryMemberBusy As A Bee-
Unless there’s a constructive purpose (e.g. they’re revealing personal info), the answer would be a strong “No”.
In all likelihood, you’ll just embarrass the person.
June 20, 2011 4:47 pm at 4:47 pm in reply to: who do u think has 2 names in cr and wat r they? #780307I can only tryMemberAvram in MD-
Very well put.
I agree.
June 20, 2011 12:46 pm at 12:46 pm in reply to: Encryption � A Simple But Practically Unbreakable Trick #792519I can only tryMemberZachKessin-
The method described in the original post is basically the one-time pad (or one-time code pad) encryption technique. It’s very simple, but still pretty much unbreakable, simply because it’s variable and doesn’t provide a large enough sample to decipher. I guess you could say it’s similar to Enigma in that both use varying substitutions, but they’re really not at all the same – the Enigma was a mechanical device.
The stories of how Germany’s Enigma and Japan’s Purple were cracked are very interesting.
The effort to crack Enigma had two prongs – the Bletchley Park computers were working to decrypt it, and others were trying to capture a machine intact. Both groups succeeded. Polish codebreakers actually get the credit for first cracking Enigma.
U.S. codebreakers cracked Purple, but they kept this to themselves for a while, and let Japan go on thinking their encoded messages were secure. When the U.S. intercepted a message about a long flight that Isoroku Yamamato, Japans foremost military strategist and architect of the Pearl Harbor attack, would be aboard, it was time to finally tip their hand. A successful long-range intercept of his flight by P-38 fighters resulted in Yamamato’s plane being shot down, and Yamamato was killed.
I can only tryMemberam yisrael chai–
If I had a way to get the info to you and you only I’d gladly do so, as I believe you’d keep it to yourself.
However, since this is a public forum, and the puzzle is a private message intended for just one recipient, I can’t post it here if it isn’t OK with “squeak” (which I believe it isn’t).
Dr. Pepper–
Thank you for the kind words, but apparently in this case you’ve misoverestimated me.
Perhaps the synapses are showing the strain of age or work-related stress.
Maybe it’s just rust from not trying your puzzles for several months.
Sometimes my kludged solutions are the result of brute force grunt work, sometimes there’s a “Eureka!” moment, but regardless of how it’s done there is some satisfaction to actually figuring out the answer.
In any case, although logic and trivia are more my thing, your puzzles are probably better as true mental exercises.
Please keep ’em coming.
June 20, 2011 2:48 am at 2:48 am in reply to: Encryption � A Simple But Practically Unbreakable Trick #792515I can only tryMemberMother in Israel–
minyan gal–
This is pretty much the opposite of those puzzles, in that this is supposed to be unsolvable.
Ambitious idea, but no way!
Elliptic Curve, public and private key and other encryption methods I barely have a handle on are way beyond the scope of this thread.
I am simply trying to suggest a method for party “A” to securely exchange info with party “B” in a non-secure environment.
June 19, 2011 9:33 pm at 9:33 pm in reply to: Encryption � A Simple But Practically Unbreakable Trick #792510I can only tryMemberMother in Israel-
My original post contains an error.
“my second letter will be represented by 20.” should be “my third letter will be represented by 20.”
I can only tryMemberMazel tov!
yossi z.
Smile E. Face
Ad Dilo Yada
a mamin
yummy cupcake
Bli ayin hora – kain yirbu!
I can only tryMembersof davar-
We always read the report card comments. The time the rabeim and teachers take to add a remark is appreciated and shows they take an interest in the child beyond just getting the grading over and done with.
When I was in elementary school, I once brought home a report card with the following comment on it, from my rebbe:
“From outer space!”
That was it. Verbatim. Not paraphrased. I still remember it well, several decades later.
I don’t think it was meant as a compliment.
(I don’t hold it against the rebbe. He was reasonably nice, and I was a difficult student – his frustration probably got the better of him. Years later, when he was no longer a rebbe, I had business dealings with him and never mentioned this incident.)
I can only tryMemberam yisrael chai–
Thank you for the info / answer.
I never heard of:
-Buffon’s needle problem
-integral geometry
-probability density function
Are these taught in high-school level math?
College level?
Doctorate programs?
I don’t remember any of them from my high-school days, although I never took calculus or college level math courses.
Based on my level of knowledge, I was trying to work out a formula that would account for the perpendicular distance covered by the pencil as the degree of the acute angle between the pencil and the bottom line increased.
A longer pencil would mean that the 100% likelihood of at least one line being crossed would be reached at a smaller angle.
I had no idea how to account for the infinite number of angles that exist between zero and ninety, and the likelihood of the pencil crossing the line in each of them.
Dr. Pepper–
Sometimes, I’ll ask for more time and/or feel I missed something that I should’ve caught if I can’t figure out an answer.
This isn’t one of those times – I don’t think it was possible for me to get the answer to this one based on what I knew.
Thanks to both of you for showing/teaching me something(s) new.
I can only tryMemberDr. Pepper–
If it’s because of me, sorry. Apologies to “squeak”, too. I b”n won’t horn in in the future.
Sorry, I ain’t buying ?
(? <== just a smile)
I can only tryMemberModerator-80-
I can’t blame you for thinking that, but it’s “real”.
I’d send you the info (I trust you’d keep it secret) but don’t know how to do so since your mailboxes are no longer used.
I can only tryMemberI have no idea what software interface “squeak” is talking about (I had to use standard decryption methodology), hence the above.
I can only tryMemberJune 16, 2011 7:46 pm at 7:46 pm in reply to: Yet another tznius issue (but probably not a crisis) #778284I can only tryMemberTo give credit where it’s due, my opinion basically echoed “ChanieE”s post, but less succinctly.
June 16, 2011 7:44 pm at 7:44 pm in reply to: Unbelievable Video: Thief Axes Tree To Steal Bike In Kensington #777380I can only tryMemberaries2756-
Former Parks Comissioner Henry Stern was very makpid about his trees’ welfare, to the extent that he had large fines given to people who locked their bikes to trees.
June 16, 2011 7:42 pm at 7:42 pm in reply to: Unbelievable Video: Thief Axes Tree To Steal Bike In Kensington #777379I can only tryMemberPlease supply honest answers to the following questions:
June 16, 2011 6:58 pm at 6:58 pm in reply to: Yet another tznius issue (but probably not a crisis) #778279I can only tryMemberI don’t have an opinion either way regarding the issue raised by “haifagirl”s original post.
However, she has every right to bring it up, and furthermore I agree 100% with “Moderator-80” that while you are entitled to disagree, doing so in a way that mocks and/or belittles someone else’s opinion is wrong.
June 16, 2011 5:52 pm at 5:52 pm in reply to: Unbelievable Video: Thief Axes Tree To Steal Bike In Kensington #777377I can only tryMemberPac-Man-
Who said I’m anti-southern?
Some of my best friends are penguins.
June 16, 2011 5:44 pm at 5:44 pm in reply to: Unbelievable Video: Thief Axes Tree To Steal Bike In Kensington #777375I can only tryMemberThe Goq-
It isn’t racist at all – that’s a southern accent.
(C’mon you should know me better than that.)
I can only tryMemberDr. Pepper-
Thanks for the hints.
I already realize that only angles 0 – 90 need to be factored, because 91 – 180, 181-270 and 271 – 360 just duplicate the coverage the pencil achieves with 0 – 90.
B”N I’ll give it some thought.
(I hope you’re still active in teaching and/or tutoring in some capacity – you have a real talent not only for math but also for making it interesting and conveying the required knowledge and methodology.)
Oh, here’s something that maybe you can use: ??
If it didn’t come out well, it’s because I never tried it before – you can call it my beta theta <gong>.
(cut-and-pasted straight from Wikipedia)
June 16, 2011 5:32 pm at 5:32 pm in reply to: Unbelievable Video: Thief Axes Tree To Steal Bike In Kensington #777374I can only tryMemberaries2756-
Serious answer:
(This being New York, no one even questioned me. True to Murphy’s law, the keys turned up shortly after the locks were cut – in one case, within minutes.)
I can only tryMember$8,000 – $10,000 is most common in my circles.
Brooklyn, NY
June 16, 2011 4:37 pm at 4:37 pm in reply to: Unbelievable Video: Thief Axes Tree To Steal Bike In Kensington #777369I can only tryMemberHah, Preachuh.
Whups, mah bad theah.
Waal, no problem – Ah guess me an’ mah axe got anothuh job tuh do…
I can only tryMemberBusy As A Bee-
There are several famous cases where a lie ended up being far worse than the misdeed it was meant to cover up:
-Richard Nixon lost the presidency due to engaging a cover-up of someone else’s crime.
-Bill Clinton was humiliated, impeached and disbarred for lying to cover inappropriate behavior.
-Best-selling British author Jeffrey Archer was imprisoned for lying to cover inappropriate behavior.
-Baseball superstars Roger Clemens and Barry Bonds are facing prison for allegedly lying to Congress about their cheating.
-Anthony Weiner’s lying about his inappropriate behavior certainly hasn’t helped his cause.
These are just a few cases off the top of my head where lying made thing worse – in some of them much worse – than simply ‘fessing up to the original misdeed.
The specifics of some of the original misdeed are inappropriate to discuss here, and if the girl is a child (as I suspect she is, based on what you said), you will probably have to gloss them over or use a euphemism – e.g. “He took something that wasn’t his”.
I intended to write something in the form of a short children’s story and incorporate one of the above cases, but didn’t have the time – sorry.
June 16, 2011 11:13 am at 11:13 am in reply to: Unbelievable Video: Thief Axes Tree To Steal Bike In Kensington #777367I can only tryMemberHah, y’all.
Ah needed a bahk, so Ah went to mah preachuh tuh fahnd out what tuh do.
He tol’ me “Axe, and yuh shall receive”.
So, Ah did.
An’ Ah did.
-Jimmah from Geojah
I can only tryMemberreal-brisker-
100 ==> Page found
300 ==> Page not found
150 ==> Page not found
125 ==> Page found
137 ==> Page found
140 ==> Page not found
138 ==> Page not found
Therefore, 137 is the last page.
I can only tryMemberreal-brisker-
Thank you, but I’m afraid you’ve got me confused with some other icot.
My claim to fame is my rugged good looks ?
Here’s a guessing game:
How many pages of threads do you think the CR contains?
Click ?HERE? to find out what the last page is.
(Disclaimer – although the link above pointed to the last page on June 15, 2011 at 1:00 AM, it’s sure to change pretty soon as new threads are added)
I can only tryMemberPac-Man-
It’s my pleasure.
“Did you find that by giving it a shot to see if it would work?“
Yes. That’s how the URL changes when you go to any page besides the first on a thread, so I gave it a shot here, not expecting it to work.
Surprise! It worked.
“Like I said, a clickable link to the older pages should be easily added to the CR with, probably, a very simple config file change of a simple bbPress setting from a ‘0’ to a ‘1’.“
I’ll take your word for it since I don’t know bbPress at all.
I did notice books on bbPress in my version of candy stores (Barnes and Noble, Borders), if anyone is interested in learning how to work with it.
I can only tryMemberhappiest-
B”H for your good news.
Good for you for sharing and (without any doubt) giving encouragement to others who are in similar situations.
I can only tryMemberyossi z.–
Thank you for the correction. Bli ayin hora, there have been so many recent simcha announcements that I got a bit confused.
Mazel tov on your friend’s upcoming (IY”H) chasuna.
yummy cupcake–
Mazel tov, mazel tov, and mazel tov!
May you (and all of us) be zoche to keep sharing many more simchos.
I can only tryMemberquark2-
YW Moderator-42-
The feature you are looking for may exist, it just needs to be entered on the address bar instead of having a convenient clickable link.
Please try the following:
I can only tryMemberWolfishMusings-
Always a pleasure – I remember the Bronx Zoo days well.
I can only tryMemberMazel tov!
Toi– upon your upcoming chassuna. May you be zoche to build a bayis ne’eman b’Yisroel.
Sister Bear– for your friends’ and family’s simchos.
yossi z.– for your new cousin and your friend’s chassuna.
SJSinNYC– for her new baby daughter that her big brothers can and IY”H will spoil. May you be zoche to be megadel her l’Torah, l’Chuppah u’l’maasim tovim.
…and of course all the graduates!
Much nachas!
I can only tryMemberConversation between two ballplayers:
Reggie Jackson: “I have an IQ of 160!”
Mickey Rivers: “Out of what, a thousand?”
supposedly this actually happened
June 14, 2011 5:32 pm at 5:32 pm in reply to: Unbelievable Video: Thief Axes Tree To Steal Bike In Kensington #777365I can only tryMemberI think that I shall never see
Something as ugly as that tree
Since I saw no official warden
I went and made like Lizzie Borden
With my mighty gleaming ax
I felled that tree with several whacks
Now I no longer need to hike
Thanks to my liberated bike
If using my ax breaks the law
Think President George W.
I can only tryMemberBusy As A Bee-
Why do people lie?
1) To escape punishment.
2) For personal gain.
3) To protect someone else.
4) To hurt someone else.
5) Because they don’t value the truth enough.
There may be times an untruth is allowed – to protect someone else’s feelings, for tznius reasons, for safety and so on.
I assume this case doesn’t involve any of these reasons.
This isn’t a magic cure-all for lying, but I’d emphasize how strongly you value the truth, how disappointed you are when told a lie, and how unfortunate it is to not be trusted because of a reputation as someone who is untruthful.
We do the above, and also stress how the lie itself is almost always worse in our eyes than the original transgression.
I can only tryMemberGut yom tov to all.
I can only tryMemberThe Gemoroh is actually the first mishna in the third perek of Nedarim.
It states that four types of neder don’t even need a shailoh asked, but can be “broken” without any violation.
One of those is a “neder zairuzin” – a neder made to pressure someone to hurry up and deal.
The case given is that the seller makes a neder that he won’t sell for less than four, and the buyer makes a neder that he won’t pay more than two. It’s explained that since each really meant a price of three was acceptable, they can make the deal.
I can only tryMemberShticky Guy-
“…how come you didnt post a picture on the “happy 5th birthday to yeshiva world news” thread last week?“
Asleep at the switch, I guess.
“Doesnt this site also deserve something special on its birthday?“
But of course!
“Show us what you can do.“
Without cut-and-paste? Not much:
| H.B. |
| 5 YWN 5 |
We found a photo taken of your bottle before it fell:
( _ _ _)
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( '-.'''''--....--'''''.-' )
''--.._ _..--''I can only tryMemberbinahyeseira-
always here-
Thank you – glad you enjoy my cut-and-paste talents ?
Your first picture is nice, but I have no clue what it is – any hints?
Your second one needs to have all imbedded backticks replaced with ‘ or it won’t show correctly.
Also, put a period after the first backtick before your picture. This will prevent the first line of the picture from left-justifying.
Shticky Guy-
The rest of the candles were on the fourth level.
I ate it ’cause I was hungry, and hoped no one would notice.
Shhhhh, don’t tell “popa_bar_abba”.
Happy birthday to you too.
“popa_bar_abba” will pass a slice over the mechitza.
I can only tryMemberThe Gemorah specifically says that when a seller swears he won’t sell for under two, and the buyer swears he won’t pay more than one, the sale may take place for $1.50.
Even though they both are violating their oaths, it was understood that this was just normal mekach u’memchar hyperbole.
This type of advertising seems to fall within the same understanding – it’s understood to be hype, not a factual statement.
(p.s. I don’t recall the actual amounts in the Gemorah)