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  • in reply to: GOOD MIDDOS?!?!?!? #782933

    “Good Middos”

    anagrams to:

    G-d! I’d so Mod!

    in reply to: Is Being "Pretty" a Subjective Description? #783443

    Is describing someone as “pretty” a subjective description?

    Pretty much.

    Describing someone’s looks as “awful” or “terrible” is also subjective.

    And if you describe someone’s looks as “awfully pretty” or “terribly pretty”, then you’re being doubly, awfully, terribly, subjective.

    (Yes, that’s a clearly murky explanation.)

    in reply to: when it is permitted to lie. #782613

    In specific business cases (the example given was where a contractor demanded more money than was initially agreed to [not for a legit reason, he simply wanted to take advantage of the situation], and refused to complete his job until the person agreed to pay it. in this case, although the person agreed under duress to pay the higher rate that the contractor demanded, the person isn’t obligated to abide by that agreement and pay the higher rate. this case was in one of the “halocha pamphlets” distributed in shuls.)

    in reply to: Mazel Tov! #1223600

    yossi z.-

    Hatzlocha raba.

    in reply to: Interesting Day/Overnight/ Weekend trips for adults near NYC? #782663

    Please see the following threads for vacation ideas:

    Inexpensive Family Vacations

    Vacation Ideas / Experiences

    your best vacation??

    Seeking Vacation destination ideas…

    There have been several “vacation idea” threads.

    Maybe it should be a forum category?

    in reply to: when it is permitted to lie. #782611

    I don’t have the sources handy, but IIRC also the following:

    -For safety reasons.

    -For tznius.

    -In specific business cases (the example given was where a contractor demanded more money than was initially agreed to [not for a legit reason, he simply wanted to take advantage of the situation], and refused to complete his job until the person agreed to pay it. in this case the person isn’t obligated to pay the higher rate. this case was in one of the “halocha pamphlets” distributed in shuls.)

    in reply to: Which CD/tape did someone just rave about? #782625
    in reply to: What A Find! #782487


    Pac / Man

    Probably ?

    Ragachovers Assistant

    coffee addict


    Hallmark is looking for your contact info.


    We never lost it!


    minyan gal

    Once a thread’s been turned loose, it can go in any direction it wants.

    The first part of your post is just fine.

    in reply to: Older Single Males – Who Is At Fault? #782359

    What can possibly be gained by doing this?

    in reply to: Keep in Mind… (Important) #782328


    A trail of whose hands an email has passed thru can be left in the header – it depends on which email provider the message is being sent thru.

    in reply to: Mazel Tov! #1223596


    What we had here was a failure to communicate.

    I thought that “doesn’t work” meant that the link didn’t work, not that the page didn’t display properly.

    Try this:

    Here is <strong>Bold</strong> text

    which should result in

    Here is Bold text

    Your PC may have an older browser that could use upgrading; the current versions of Microsoft’s Internet Explorer and Google’s Chrome both show that page pretty much OK.

    in reply to: Mazel Tov! #1223593


    That’s the URL to a specific post in a “How To” thread which gives detailed instructions that answer your question.

    If clicking on the link on my original reply to you, clicking on the URL in my second reply to you, and cut-and-pasting the actual URL into your address bar all don’t work, please try it again on a different computer.

    BTW, how do you log on to this website (or any website for that matter) if clicking on links and even putting the URL in the address bar don’t work?

    in reply to: Keep in Mind… (Important) #782327


    Thank you for the info and correction.

    I thought the entire history of an email was retained in the header.

    I’ll have to do a little research…

    in reply to: Mazel Tov! #1223591

    That’s odd – it works fine with two different browsers on my PC.

    Try pasting the following URL in your browser’s address bar if you can’t click on it:


    in reply to: Mazel Tov! #1223589

    tracht gut

    Mazel tov!

    A positive optimistic outlook is one of the best brachos a person can have.


    Click ==>HERE<== for “how to format” instructions.

    in reply to: Keep in Mind… (Important) #782325


    Even if you delete text from a forwarded email, there will still be traceable data in the header portion of the message in all likelihood.

    If you really want to eliminate the possibility of the email being backtraced, cut the text you want to forward and paste it into a brand new email.

    If “mepal” is your friend, please let her know that we old timers hope she’s doing OK – hope she wasn’t driven off by something we said or did.


    What’s the big deal if someone sees my contact information?

    That’s a self-answering question – for someone who asks it, it’s probably not a big deal.

    Others may prefer to keep their name and email address to themselves, for privacy, to avoid being added to “reply all” joke lists, and so on.

    in reply to: Mazel Tov! #1223582


    Mazel tov!

    May you always be “active” with simchos.


    Mazel tov!

    in reply to: Shtenders #1034412

    Derech HaMelech-

    -Dribble a football.

    -Bite my elbow.

    -Walk thru a revolving door with a refrigerator.

    -Eat just one potato chip.

    -Chew gum and walk in a straight line simultaneously.

    (I’m working on one or two of the above.)

    in reply to: Miscellaneous Electric Tips #781515


    I hope you weren’t skimpy with the seudas hoida ?

    A short circuit + wet area + ungrounded device = one dangerous situation.

    A few years ago a young man was electrocuted while doing work in a mikva in Boro Park – B”H you’re OK.

    Never trust wire color. Always verify.

    I couldn’t agree more.

    The two most dangerous types of home repair for someone who doesn’t know what they’re doing are electric and gas.

    Unfortunately, it doesn’t take much knowledge to get an electric repair job to work, and amateurs will sometimes think they did a great job, while what they’ve done can be something quite unsafe.

    in reply to: Have you ever seen a Ghost? I mean a real one. #781593

    “Pac-Man” knows a quartet of ghosts.

    Unfortunately, they are of the unfriendly variety, and constantly pursue him with nefarious intentions.

    Their names are Inky, Blinky, Pinky and Clyde.


    On a more serious note, supposedly President Lincoln’s ghost is sometimes seen in the White house.

    On the day before he was murdered he famously had a dream about mourners crying over his assassination.

    in reply to: Responsibility and the Jewish Blogger #781170


    Whether or not it’s explicitly stated in halocha, I’d assume shmiras haloshon applies equally to written or spoken speech. This is because the issue isn’t the physical method with which the words are produced (unlike brachos and shofar, where electronic transmission causes one not to be yotzeh), but rather the conveyance of info. That’s why LH applies equally by phone or in person.


    My assumption (which has zero halachik validity) notwithstanding, do you know of a place where written speech is paskened to be equal to the spoken word re: shmiras haloshon?

    am yisrael chai

    A better answer than my original one to your prior statement would be:

    Kudos to Klal Yisroel, who are aware of these issues and make an effort to do what’s right, as opposed to the secular world where this type of post would be laughed out of the room, and entire industries are built on gossip.

    in reply to: Miscellaneous Electric Tips #781512

    Just a bump, in case “Pashuteh Yid” missed the earlier reply.

    Actually, we haven’t heard anything at all from “Pashuteh Yid” since his post on this thread – why not drop in just to say “Hello” if for no other reason?

    in reply to: Shtenders #1034409

    Just a bump, in case “CollegeBochur” missed the earlier reply.

    in reply to: Shidduch segulah � One I have not seen before #858614


    We hope everything works out OK.

    Although we mostly don’t know each others real names, we’ve nonetheless gotten to know you to a large extent via your posts, which people enjoy for their sensible perspectives and humor.

    If possible to do so without mentioning specifics please keep us updated.

    in reply to: Please say tehillim:passing on a message #781153

    b”n 90-99, inclusive.

    Refua shelaima.

    in reply to: The Riddle Thread…. #1069725

    Ice Cream, You Scream – Answer

    The two numbers are 1 and 5.

    The following are the possible numbers that would give Alpha a unique result to “a * b”, assuming the two numbers are different and neither is zero:

    1-2, 1-3, 1-4, 1-5, 1-7, 1-9, 2-5, 2-7, 2-8, 3-5, 3-7, 3-9, 4-5, 4-7, 4-8, 4-9, 5-6, 5-7, 5-8, 5-9, 6-7, 6-8, 6-9, 7-8, 7-9, 8-9.

    Of the above groups, the following would give Beta a unique result to “a + b”:

    1-2, 1-3, 1-4, 1-5, 2-5, 7-9, 8-9.

    Of the above groups, the following would give Charlie a unique result to “b – a”:


    Delta is given the result of “((1 + 5) + (5 – 1)) / (1 * 5)” which is 2. Delta didn’t even need this result, as Charlie’s “yes” answer left only the one possibility, anyway.

    Yum, Yum. Blueberry, Cookie-Dough, Mint-Chip ice cream sundaes.

    (Unfortunately, the Garlick’s taste in ice-cream flavors wasn’t as astute as their logic skills.)

    in reply to: Good News! #805419


    Mazel tov!

    May you and your choson be zoche to build a bayis ne’eman b’Yisroel.

    in reply to: Tehillim for Chaya Sara bas Chava Breindel #803136

    26-35 inclusive.

    Refua shelaima.

    in reply to: Family vacation #780775


    You’re very welcome – hope you find some useful info there.

    in reply to: Family vacation #780772

    Please see the following threads for vacation ideas:

    Inexpensive Family Vacations

    Vacation Ideas / Experiences

    your best vacation??

    Seeking Vacation destination ideas…

    There have been several “vacation idea” threads.

    Maybe it should be a forum category?

    in reply to: Responsibility and the Jewish Blogger #781167

    Just to be clear – none of the original post was addressed to any individual or about any particular blog or website.

    I deliberately used the word “Jewish” and not “frum” because these are concerns regardless of where one sees ones self in the broad spectrum of Jewish society.



    Some of the original post was written in response to things posted on this site, but quite a bit wasn’t. There are many Jewish bloggers who post on other sites and/or maintain their own blogs and this was addressed to those, too.

    The “loshon hora” reference was not about one anonymous poster regarding another, but rather discussion of “real world” people.

    As you said, “Loshon Hora” and “malbin pnai chavero berabim” may well be different if the target’s real name is unknown (IMO, anyway – I’m not a rov). As others have pointed out though, it may not be an unknown target, since some people may know who a SN belongs to – certainly on this site the moderators may know it.


    Thank you.

    Many other people have written similar posts previously – this isn’t the first such post, just the most recent.


    Thank you.

    I respectfully disagree.

    am yisrael chai

    Thank you.


    We certainly see cases where every single word is part of the cheshbon – Yosef lost years of his life for every “avdecha avinu” he allowed, Yaakov lost years because of his “me’at vera’im” response.

    600kilobear returns


    The original post included things I haven’t seen on this site.

    in reply to: Shtenders #1034408


    There are some designs that are more suitable for metal than for wood. Depending on the degree of adjustability, your requirements may fall into that category.


    1) Height adjustment – would you like the entire shtender-top to be adjustable, or just the back portion, which will adjust the height and angle at the same time?

    2) If the answer to “1)” is the entire top should move up and down, what is the range of movement you would like? Should it be variable or only two ranges – e.g. 3″ for sitting, 12″ for standing?

    3) What angle adjustments and range do you have in mind? I assume zero (flat) to about 45 degrees is what you have in mind.

    4) Is strength a requirement? Will you be placing a shas-gemora on the shtender? Leaning on it?

    The most common table-top shtenders I’ve seen are the popular store-bought kind that have a base and sefer support, fold flat, and have a hinged piece of wood that fits into notches in the base to adjust the angle and height. These don’t have any type of storage compartment.

    I’ve also seen a a similar design, but with three hinged pieces – the base, top, and an additional piece between them that allows the shtender to rise significantly higher. The supports for this one are metal, probably due to the need for greater strength and stability.

    Have you seen anything that looks like what you’d like to build?

    One thing I always try to do is see other designs and copy features I like.

    in reply to: Mazel Tov! #1223563

    yossi z.-

    Mazel tov!

    I’m beginning to think that a segula for a shidduch it to be your friend ?

    in reply to: Getting Rid of the Status of Moser #780503

    A couple of points / thoughts:

    in reply to: Flatbush- why are the streets so empty after dark? #780430

    The streets aren’t empty.

    It’s just tougher to see the men at night with colored shirts.

    in reply to: Mazal Tov. #780174

    doodle jump

    Mazel tov!

    Amen to your brachos.


    Mazel tov!

    May you and your family continue to have simchos.

    in reply to: Sefer Tehillim Worldwide Daily #1229455

    Boruch dayan emes.

    in reply to: Air Conditioner Suggestions #780758

    mark levin-

    There are so many different models available that it’s difficult to recommend one specific unit. Even online reviews tend to be skimpy because of the great variety available.

    The best thing to do is measure your room’s width, length and height (yes, I saw you already have a BTU preference), then speak to a knowledgeable and honest salesperson.

    Our experiences with Duddy’s in Boro Park have been good and I’d recommend them if you’re from Brooklyn or nearby.

    I don’t know where you live and I’m sure others have recommendations too.

    in reply to: The Riddle Thread…. #1069724

    am yisrael chai

    Not bad a-tall – you got it!

    (Funny??? I never joke about potato kugel ?)


    Spud Pudding = Potato Kugel

    Spud = Potato and potato kugel is sometimes called potato pudding.

    I thought it might be too obscure, but “am yisrael chai” proved otherwise.

    in reply to: The Riddle Thread…. #1069721

    am yisrael chai-

    You’re 3-for-3 with the “Food for Thought” puzzle.

    The one you’re missing is a popular fast food.


    On the “Ice Cream, You Scream” puzzle, there are only two numbers that work for all four children to correctly get the answers.

    The order of the “Yes” answers is important – Delta couldn’t have solved her part without the prior “yes”s.

    If you would like a bit of a hint:

    – neither number is zero (Alpha’s product must be unique)

    – 4 and 2 aren’t the numbers because their product is the same as 8 and 1. This can be extrapolated to other numbers, too.

    – It can’t be a double number (11, 22, 33, etc.), because those will always subtract to zero.

    If you’d like to cheat:

    1) Create a list of all unique two-number combinations in columns A and B of a spreadsheet. You can omit zeros, double-numbers, and revered combinations (e.g. 18, 81).

    2) The formula for column C will be A*B. All rows that have non-unique column C values can be eliminated.

    3) The formula for column D will be A+B. All rows that have non-unique column D values can be eliminated.

    4) The formula for column E will be A-B (or B-A – whatever the larger minus the smaller is). All rows that have non-unique column E values can be eliminated.

    5) The formula for column F will be (D + E) / C. All rows that have non-unique column F values can be eliminated. Only 1 row will be left.

    in reply to: Encryption � A Simple But Practically Unbreakable Trick #792537


    The book that you mentioned – “The Code Book” by Simon Singh – is one that I really enjoyed.

    I’d recommend it for its technical information, its stories and historical information, and the easy, readable style in which it’s written.

    in reply to: The Riddle Thread…. #1069718

    Ice Cream, You Scream

    The puzzle is as follows:

    Alpha was given the product of the first number multiplied by the second.

    Beta was given the sum of the first number plus the second.

    Charlie was given the result of the first number minus the second (it was not a negative number).

    Professor Garlick then asked his children if they knew the numbers.

    They answered in the following order:

    What were the numbers that allowed the Garlick children to enjoy their favorite Blueberry, Cookie-Dough, Mint-Chip ice cream sundaes?

    (from a puzzle magazine. except for the ice-cream flavors)

    in reply to: The Riddle Thread…. #1069717


    serves them right to think of writing a private message to each other, thinking that us mere mortals wouldn’t understand.

    thanks for representing us mortals!

    That’ll teach them to be smart!!

    Lets hear it for the proletariat!


    “1. puffed wheat” ==> pretty close, actually

    “2. my brother” ==> hi, bro!

    in reply to: The Riddle Thread…. #1069715

    Food for Thought

    1??????? ?????????

    ??????? ?????????

    2??????? ???????

    ??????? ???????

    3????????? ?????????

    ????????? ?????????

    4??????????? ???????????

    ??????????? ???????????

    5????????? ???????????????
    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
    ????????? ???????????????


    1) An explosively-formed snack.

    2) Soemone who is an expert at stunts; a show-off.

    3) Soft drink “Tab” was an early type of this.

    4) “Oaf” and “Punchy” were cartoon characters who promoted this drink (the generic name of the non-alcoholic variety).

    5) Use the letters that go in the dotted boxes of the first four answers to form a two-word description of nature’s perfect food.

    Bonus: list the common name of that food.

    in reply to: Is buying second hand funiture second class? #778984

    Bedbugs are a concern with any used furniture.

    Bedroom furniture is more likely to have bedbugs, but living room, dining room and kitchen furniture can also be infested.

    This is true for cushions, frames, shelves, chairs, picture frames, etc.

    Wood furniture is especially problematic, as it’s likely to have nooks and crannies where bedbugs can hide and/or lay their eggs.

    in reply to: The Riddle Thread…. #1069703

    No potato kugel? How uncivilized.

    (Yes, I was kidding. If you’re starting to think like me, get help. Fast.)

    in reply to: The Riddle Thread…. #1069700

    Ahh, but it says the chef was preparing dinner, not cooking it.

    Therefore, since the chef, butler and maid all deny it, and they have a chezkas kashrus, they must all be innocent.

    The daughter comitted suicide after misbehaving – she was told to stand in the corner and went mad trying to find it.

    in reply to: The Riddle Thread…. #1069698

    The chef.

    If it was a round house, it must have been an igloo and the heat of cooking would’ve melted it.

    (Why did they need a chef? For the sushi, of course.)

    in reply to: Denial #784968


    A few things:

    1) I’m glad this site isn’t the problematic one ?

    2) Stop apologizing! There is nothing wrong with anything you posted here.

    3) Please make an appointment to see the doctor, sooner rather than later. A change in meds or dose level followed by this type of problem needs to be addressed.

    4) We hope you snap back soon – refua shelaima.

    in reply to: Denial #784956


    Those are very serious and important questions.

    If you are currently taking medication, I assume you have a MD with a degree in psychiatry perscribing them – that’s who you should be asking, especially about meds and doses.

    Speak to him about your concern that this site is acting as a trigger. If it is, then abstaining from it is probably a good idea. Even if you have to stay away, folks here will keep you in mind and gladly welcome you back when you are IY”H up to returning.

Viewing 50 posts - 801 through 850 (of 2,966 total)