I can only try

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  • in reply to: The other kids dont let my son play #808465

    One of the responsibilities the yeshiva and rabeim have is to be mechanech the boys in middos, not just learning.

    Let the principal announce that a school rule is that everyone who wants to play needs to be included, and let all rabeim enforce that rule.

    This way it won’t be obvious who “snitched”, or even that a parent made the request.

    in reply to: SUPPORT for WTC trauma survivors #809291

    It’s always a tough day.

    We just have to be thankful we survived, appreciate what we have, and keep going.

    in reply to: Flanken Kugel #808072


    Glad to hear that – you’re very welcome.

    in reply to: "borrowing" from a pushka? #808866


    Re: your case of someone taking the money as an ani and therefore not having to repay it – I believe that taking it whith that in mind may trigger a chiyuv of ma’aser on the money he takes, even if he later repays it in full.

    in reply to: Pass a Smile Day #983291

    Nice idea!

    ? ?


    😀 <– “bombmaniac” style

    :} <– “brooklyn19” style

    in reply to: Whats the heter to be a moderator? #807921


    FWIW I’ve seen enough of your posts that there’s zero possibility in my mind that you have any bad intent with your posts.

    This site being what it is, there’s strong filtering that’s done on several topics and types of posts.

    Personally, I’ve had posts rejected, too – so be it.

    (There are a variety of subjects which I’m interested in that I don’t post on or minimally post on over here, simply because it doesnt fit.)

    in reply to: GPS Tracking for School Buses #810214


    Besides, most parents have the cell phone number of the driver and the bus monitor and are welcome to inquire about the anticipated time of arrival.

    Not every bus has a monitor, and not all drivers are as willing to give out their cell phone numbers or as tolerant of getting calls are you are.

    The bus driver takes extreme care not to arrive at a stop earlier than agreed.

    The traffic situation could be much improved (and arrival times more predictable) if children would be ready at their designated time and the bus didn’t have to wait for them.


    in reply to: Whats the heter to be a moderator? #807901

    – People get money-saving advice and info.

    – People who have real problems get advice, sympathy and empathy.

    – Halocha and learning are discussed.

    – Career and job information is solicited and given.

    – Topics of interest and hobbies are discussed.

    – Recipes are exchanged.

    – Useful info on a wide variety of topics is exchanged.

    – Tehilim is requested.

    There is really no other forum where frum people can do the above in an acceptable environment.

    The moderators are accepting a level of responsibility by what they do, and they deserve thanks for that (as well as the time spent, obviously).

    in reply to: GPS Tracking for School Buses #810211

    I Googled “school bus GPS”, and my brilliant idea isn’t original after all (sigh).

    Still, I think this could be quite useful.

    I remember (sometime last century) frantically trying to find out what was happening when the bus was about an hour late after school.

    in reply to: "borrowing" from a pushka? #808848

    For an actual psak you should go elsewhere, but here is how I see it:

    Another point – if you’re a shomer of the money and you’re allowed to borrow it, does that make you a shomer sochor with the additional responsibility? If you do indeed borrow it, are you then a shoi’el with the even greater level of responsibility?

    (Also, I don’t know if the halochas with being shomer tzedaka money differ from watching a friend’s money as far as shomer chinam etc.)

    in reply to: Who Said It? #808526

    First question: Goldwater

    Second question: Daisy

    Word association, anyone? ?

    in reply to: 9/11 memories #1178162

    What shocks me is how quicly the world seems to have forgotten….”

    Here’s an editorial on that subject, from a couple of years back:


    in reply to: Who Said It? #808523


    Wow, is that an oldie.

    in reply to: The Riddle Thread…. #1069767

    Fix the Prefix

    (from a calendar)

    Use the same three letter word to complete the four words below:

    – – – FOLD

    – – – URE

    – – – ABLE

    – – – NIS

    in reply to: Fund for the family of R� Moshe Yosef Reichenberg, zt�l #825428

    Thank you.

    in reply to: Mazel Tov! #1223729


    I believe that “cucumber” may or may not actually know you, but regardless, is just looking to “chepeh” and shouldn’t be taken seriously.

    in reply to: 9/11 memories #1178148

    Please see the two threads below for more stories and discussion on this topic:

    Re: 9/11 Video

    September 11th

    (the story of someone who left a plane because he forgot his tefilin is [unfortunately] a “Jewish urban legend”. the story about United pilot Shalom Dadoun may be true – there is a registered pilot by that name.)

    in reply to: Mazel Tov! #1223717

    coffee addict-

    Mazel tov!

    (If any other posters see someone at a chasunah tonight, drinking coffee with pareve milk, make sure to wish him a mazel tov for his BIL & new SIL ? )

    in reply to: life stories… #805634

    A person has what they feel is a deep shameful secret.

    It can be a mental issue, it can be abuse they have undergone, or other situations.

    Then they see other people posting here with the same and similar issues.

    Of course this would encourage others to open up and discuss their own situations.

    Some of the tzorus that have been posted are very hard to read, because part of being rachmonim is that we sympathize and empathize with others and our hearts go out to those who have posted.

    in reply to: Who is your favorite member, responding to threads? #807131
    in reply to: Webcam Warning #805335


    (A couple of decades ago, when I potchked with old MS-Basic, I remember there was a way to turn the caps-lock on and off without the indicator light being lit.)

    in reply to: The Riddle Thread…. #1069765

    Tongue Twisters

    If you must cross a coarse cross cow across a crowded cow crossing, cross the coarse cross cow across the crowded cow crossing carefully.

    Does this shop stock short socks with spots?

    The sixth sheik’s sixth sheep’s sick. (according to “The Guinness Book of World Records” this is the toughest tongue twister. I’m not great at tongue-twisters, but for some reason, I never had a hard time with it.)

    The bun is better buttered,” Betty muttered.

    Seven sleek sleepless sleepers seek sleep.

    Sixty-six sickly chicks.

    The sun shines on shop signs.

    The shady shoe shop shows sharp sharkskin shoes.

    The bootblack brought the blank book back.

    A noise annoys an oyster, but a noisy noise annoys an oyster more.

    Rush the washing, Russel!

    The seething sea ceaseth seething.

    Awful old Ollie oils oily autos.

    Mummies munch much mush.

    This is a zither.

    Ike ships ice chips in ice chip ships.

    She says she shall sew a sheet.

    Feed the flies fly food, Floyd!

    Miss Smith dismisseth us.

    Ted threw Fred thirty-three free throws.

    Rex wrecks wet rocks.

    in reply to: Mazel Tov! #1223688


    Mazel tov!


    Thank you – I don’t read all threads and missed that one.

    Mazel tov to “adorable” and her chosson!

    May they be zoche to build a bayis ne’eman beYisroel.

    in reply to: Asking Mechila #805166

    am yisrael chai

    Thank you, but only one of us is worthy of your kind words. Hint – it’s “Moderator-80”, who was actually able to be mochel both the financial and personal offenses.


    Your way of thinking works to an extent, and I try to employ it, e.g. “take it from whom it’s coming”, “he/she has issues” and so on.

    But I’ll say this too – even good things can have a downside, and a good memory has the disadvantage of being able to recall offenses all too well.

    in reply to: Mazel Tov! #1223684

    yossi z.

    After rereading, I think you’re correct.

    That makes it two strikes on me – both writing skills and reading comprehension. Oh, well.

    Thank you for the correction.


    Mazal tov, adorable!

    Did I miss something?

    in reply to: Hangman! Join the fun! #1132021


    in reply to: Webcam Warning #805333

    The Goq-

    Thank you! ?

    Tizku lemitzvos.

    in reply to: Asking Mechila #805162


    This is clearly beyond the halachik requirement of mechila.

    …the mechilah became fuller each time, especially as time passed.

    Sounds like a good way of doing things.

    in reply to: Asking Mechila #805160

    Mechila is one of the toughest things to do.

    in reply to: Webcam Warning #805331

    The Goq


    For cracking wise on my thread, the icot kangaroo court fines you both.

    Amount: at your discretion.

    Payable: click ==>HERE<==

    You too, bombmaniac.

    Gut Shabbos.

    in reply to: Webcam Warning #805325

    There’s a story in today’s Daily News (Sept. 2, 2011) about a creep who set up fake songs for downloading and then was able to take over the computers of those who downloaded them.

    He then was able to steal personal info, photos, and documents, as well as remotely watching people thru their webcams.

    He would then contact those people and blackmail them.

    The graphic details of the story are not appropriate for this site, but suffice it to say they are pretty bad and the perp is now going to prison for several years.

    Please be careful which sites you go to, what you download, and it may not be a bad idea to treat your webcam as a window – leave it open when you want people to see in, and physically cover it (or unplug it, if possible) when you don’t.

    in reply to: Fund for the family of R� Moshe Yosef Reichenberg, zt�l #825425

    Climbing mountains

    Thank you.


    Thank you – tizku lemitzvos.

    I, too, sent something in.

    Not as much as I would have liked to, but every little bit helps.

    in reply to: Mazel Tov! #1223681

    kol daveed


    yossi z.

    My reading comprehension was fine, but my writing skills left something to be desired.

    What I meant to say was “Hatzlocha raba to ‘PrincessEagle’ with getting into the right college.”

    in reply to: Hangman! Join the fun! #1131983

    am yisrael cha-

    I only remembered it because it was the last one.

    I think I guessed your word – how about an h?

    (my first thought was “Obamacare”, but then there would be two more “a”s.)

    in reply to: Hangman! Join the fun! #1131981

    “am yisrael chai” solved the one-year-old hangman game, and (true to my word) I was the first to congratulate him. ?

    I’ll guess e

    in reply to: Mazel Tov! #1223678

    Mazel tov to “amazingirl97”, “yummy cupcake”, and “yossi z.”

    It’s nice that “candy613” finally got her yearbook.

    Hatzlocha raba to “PrincessEagle” with college.

    in reply to: Fund for the family of R� Moshe Yosef Reichenberg, zt�l #825422

    Just a bump for a very worthy cause.

    If you’re thinking of giving something, it’s best to do so ASAP before it slips your mind. If you’re not sure how much to give, even a small amount now guarantees at least something is contributed, and you can always send more later.

    in reply to: The Riddle Thread…. #1069763

    Let us count the ways – (some) Answers

    – see how well it floats objects (Moderator-80)

    – measure the specific gravity with a urine dipstick (Moderator-80)

    – put a goldfish in both, see which survives (Moderator-80) [along those lines, water a plant with it, or see which one a pet will drink]

    – see which conducts electricity better (Moderator-80)

    – heat it up or let it evaporate and see if there is a residue of crystallized salt (Moderator-80)

    – put a cathode and anode in it and see if chlorine gas is released (Moderator-80) [interesting]

    – put salt in both and see which one precipitates out first (Moderator-80) [yep, the one that has already dissolved the max amount wont dissolve any more]

    – put a little more liquid in and gauge the meniscus (Moderator-80)

    – cool both, the salt will come out of solution, that might be the same as a prior answer I gave. (Moderator-80)

    – measure the osmolarity (Moderator-80) [say what??? ]

    – have someone else taste it and report their findings (Moderator-80)

    – Cut your finger and pour some water from each glass on the wound. (ronrsr)

    – Put some in your eyes. (ronrsr) [ I never swam in the ocean. Does it sting?]

    – take 2 portions of unsalted meat

    pour one glass on each piece

    rinse it off

    take both pieces to the Godol Ha Dor and ask which is kosher (Moderator-80)

    Also, saltwater freezes at a lower temperature and boils at a higher temperature than fresh water.

    in reply to: Good Shabbos! #1135724

    Gut Shabbos & Gut chodesh.

    Stay safe, everyone.

    Q: What did Abel say to his brother who was walking too slowly?

    A: Hurry, Cain.

    in reply to: The Riddle Thread…. #1069757

    Let us count the ways

    You are presented with two full glasses of water.

    One glass contains 100% pure fresh water.

    The other glass is saltwater, containing as much salt as can be dissolved.

    How many different methods of determining which glass is which can you think of?

    in reply to: Mazel Tov! #1223669

    yossi z.-

    Mazel tov, mazel tov, mazel tov!

    Thanks for the simcha news.

    (I’m guessing it’s your cousin’s wife’s sister who’s a kallah, otherwise you’d just say “my cousin”)

    in reply to: The Riddle Thread…. #1069756

    am yisrael chai-

    The answer to One word answers the following: is “Nothing.”

    I saw that one several years ago and didn’t want to chapp it, but no one else answered it.

    Icot, it’s been a long time since you posted an original…

    Sorry – this is the thread I enjoy most, but I’ve been busy lately. B’n I’ll post something reasonably soon.

    in reply to: please say tehillim #799425

    yummy cupcake-

    …gefen came out of the tests fine Baruch H-Shem…

    B”H for that.

    Just for moral support, you should know I said a kapital or two of tehilim for her, and I’m sure others who also weren’t able to post did so as well.

    in reply to: How are you feeling, Feif? #803912

    Feif Un-

    Refua shelaima.

    Hope you’re back to full health soon.

    in reply to: Need music suggestions please! #798072

    The “runners” thread may have useful info.

    The following post had several responses that might be helpful:


    in reply to: Wish me luck this week #800385

    ???? ??? ???? ????? ??? ????

    ???? ??? ???? ????? ??? ?????

    in reply to: Good Shabbos! #1135718

    Q: What did the Southerner say to the sailboat Friday afternoon?

    A: Gut Shabbos, yawl.

    in reply to: Mazel Tov! #1223661


    Mazel tov on your brother’s engagement.

    (Future SIL w/ “kylbdnr”? It’s a small world.)

    in reply to: Mazel Tov! #1223648


    Mazel tov ? Mazel tov!

    …to you & your choson & your families.

    in reply to: Can someone revive the "how to build my self esteem" thread? #796886

    am yisrael chai-

    I think this is what you’re referring to:

    Go to Google, and in the search box type the text that you’re searching for, followed by “site:www.theyeshivaworld.com/coffeeroom/” sans quotes.

    For instance, to find the “flanken kugel” thread, I put the following in the search box, verbatim:

    flanken kugel site:www.theyeshivaworld.com/coffeeroom/

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