Forum Replies Created
I can only tryMember
The difference is caused by counting either a precise number of minutes on the clock versus looking at the sun’s position in the sky.
You can Google “zman degrees vs clock minutes” or similar word combinations for additional and more detailed explanations.
If I were you, I certainly wouldn’t worry that I’d eaten too late if the OU says that 6:07 is the zman.
I can only tryMemberParasitic fly hijacks bees and causes them to abandon hives, could explain colony collapse disorder: study
The study is another step in ongoing research to find the cause of colony collapse disorder. The disease, in which all the adult honey bees in a colony suddenly disappear, continues to decimate hives in the U.S. and overseas.
The latest study by researchers at San Francisco State University was published Tuesday in the science journal PLoS ONE.
It says the phorid fly was found in bees from three-quarters of the 31 hives surveyed in the San Francisco Bay area. Scientists say the fly deposits its eggs into the bee’s abdomen, causing the insect to walk around in circles with no apparent sense of direction.
Wednesday, January 4 2012, 2:30 PM)
January 4, 2012 11:02 pm at 11:02 pm in reply to: Chemistry/Biology/Physics/Biochemistry/Math #841672I can only tryMemberPegger-
As the atmospheric pressure decreased, all water would begin to boil (the precise temperature at which each ocean, river and lake boiled would depend on temperature, salinity, latitude and elevation) until there was no water left on Earth.
I can only tryMemberSam2-
For the start, the list both 5:52 and 6:07 AM
On fast days they include more information, which includes (I think) everything you are looking for.
I can only tryMemberThe Goq-
I can only tryMembermghanooni-
One note about wood stain – even “stainable” glue and filler probably won’t match the shade of the wood itself when you stain it.
I can only tryMemberSam2–
Please expand on that.
Do you believe their zmanim:
-start the fast too early?
-end too late?
…and why do you think so?
One thing I like a lot about myzmanim is their extremely precise timing (to the second), locations, different opinions and sceintific reasons.
…how does the body react to a 5AMish breakfast?
With great satisfaction ?
I can only tryMemberIf you get up early and have something to eat and drink right before the fast starts, you are basically having an early breakfast, skipping lunch, and then having an early supper.
This can be extremely helpful for people who have difficulty fasting and/or need to have caffeine or they will get a bad headache. can give you precise beginning and ending times for your location.
January 4, 2012 4:39 pm at 4:39 pm in reply to: The Keep on Summering Sale – Fares as low as $44 each way! � for SALE at JetBlue #841552I can only tryMemberAnother JetBlue sale – today (Jan 4, 2012) only
Please click on the link for prices, eligibility dates, blackout dates and other info.
I can only tryMemberalways runs with scissors fast-
Please click the link below:
The page will say “You are using:” followed by your browser’s information.
Please post that information here so people can suggest how to adjust your settings.
I can only tryMember1) Which browser?
2) Did someone clear the browsing history?
I can only tryMemberState-by-state laws re: usage of snow chains:
Snow chains go on drive wheels only.
Maximum speed for a vehicle with tire chains is greatly reduced. If you will be driving on highways – even local ones – unless you can do a max of about 30 mph safely, you shouldn’t have them on your tires.
An improperly fastened chain, or one that breaks, can damage your car and be unsafe.
If the streets are clear and your only concern is getting into and out of parking spots, I don’t recommend chains. On clear roads, they will actually reduce your traction. They should only be used if the roads themselves are snowy/slippery. If the roads are bad, you probably should avoid diving anyway, if possible.
The heavier your vehicle, the more chains will help. A garbage truck or city bus will have their traction improved far more than a lightweight car will.
Speak to your mechanic instead of relying on anonymous posters for safe driving info. Yes, I include myself in “anonymous posters”.
I can only tryMember“Dear me, Mr. Holmes. Dear me!”
I can only tryMemberJothar-
Don’t beat yourself up.
While some of your posts and threads may have been a bit strong or controversial, there’s no question that you were always being mechavain letoeles.
It is a good idea to reassess one’s posting style on occasion, just to decide if an adjustment is called for.
If you still feel “physical mussar” would be beneficial, here’s a handy little poster that you can cut-and-paste as needed:
? kick me ?
? ???? ???? ?
? patearme ?
? m'expulser ?
? ?????? ??? ?
? ????? ?? ?
???????????????As you can see it will work for American, European and Asian voltages (thanks, Google translate).
Keep smiling and keep posting ?
I can only tryMemberThe ads on this site are very CPU-intensive.
When you open or refresh a page you can see the CPU usage go way up in the task manager, then after a minute or so it goes back down.
This isn’t the only site that has this issue.
For whatever reason, some of the “blinking” ads are flash-based, some are .jpeg and some are .gif; they all seem to be demanding CPU-wise.
Turning off flash will help somewhat, but it will reduce the CPU usage by less than 50%
My old laptop gets quite hot and the cooling fan speeds up and becomes noisy if I open several YW pages at once.
A newer PC with more processing power will be far less likely to have this issue.
No, this is not a sponsorship offer ?
I can only tryMemberDid you speak to a lawyer who specializes in mortgages?
Even if your credit isn’t great, your home’s equity may help with a refi.
Try speaking to your local councilman.
They may be able to put some pressure on the bank if you are being treated unfairly.
Google and document any laws and regulations that you think are being violated.
This documentation will help bolster your case.
Provide the documentation to your coucilman.
I can only tryMemberThink BIG – who was only here for a month or two, but was one of the most thoughtful posters here.
moishy – well worth a mention here.
I can only tryMemberkapusta-
Thank you, again.
I can only tryMemberam yisrael chai-
I believe that, unfortunately, your departure is permanent.
I am very sorry for the difficult time you had, which was not something you deserved.
If you ever do decide to return you will be welcomed by one and all.
Thank you for the time you spent here. The CR was more a enjoyable place when you were posting.
Wishing you all the best in the future,
I can only tryMemberstamamen-
Okey-dokey, you want more answers.
Here you go:
b) The balloon will move forward, stay in the same place, or move backward relative to the car. Since gas (i.e. regular air in this case) is compressible, it will undergo slight compression toward the read of the car due to inertial drag. Therefore:
B1) Under normal acceleration, the compression is negligible, so the balloon will move forward as initially explained.
B3) Under extreme acceleration, the air in the car will be compressed backward and the balloons inertia will combine to such a great extent that the balloon will actually move backward.
6) a) You saw the table in half. You then put the two halves together, making a whole. You exit the blender thru the whole.
I can only tryMemberWe had a similar situation where a bank was not dealing with us reasonably or in good faith.
We ended up refinancing with another bank.
I can only tryMember=========================================
Here are several things that may or would be different:
The creation of Israel and Jordan from the Palestinian Mandate
A Jewish state would probably never have been allowed to exist, or been allocated in some other resource-poor area.
Arab Aggression and Sino-Soviet Interest
Despite the fact that Israel is tiny territorially and controls almost no natural resources, it is the target of aggression, including several wars, from the Arab and Moslem world. How much more motivated would those attackers be if there was a rich oil prize to be won?
Furthermore, what would the Soviet Union have done to advance their interests?
Nowadays, what would China be doing?
The 1973 Arab Oil Embargo
This had a crippling effect on the US economy and caused day-to-day hardships with the long gas lines and the odd-even license plate gas rationing system. Had Israel controlled the reserves Saudi Arabia did, the embargo would have been far less severe.
The Exportation of Wahhabism and Terror
Saudi Arabia is by far the biggest exporter of violent Islam. They sponsor madrassas, camps, cultural centers, mosques and the like worldwide that preach intolerance toward other faiths and advocate violence and terror as legitimate tools in the spread of Islam and defeat of the infidel. Without the billions of petrodollars they have available, their influence and ability to sponsor the above would be severely curtailed.
Furthermore, the State Department would be far less beholden to Saudi Arabia, and less willing to turn a blind eye to their racist and misogynistic government policies.
I believe Israel would have been far more receptive to a request from its greatest ally and benefactor.
Furthermore, Israel would never be permitted into OPEC.
The Israeli Economy
The Israeli standard of living would be much improved. IMO, they would probably follow the Norwegian model of spreading the wealth derived from its natural resources to their citizenry. Furthermore, gasoline and power would be far more plentiful and affordable for the non-well-to-do.
A potential consequence would be fewer innovations and technological advances due to the lessening pressure to make a buck with no natural resources.
Israel would charge market price. They would produce as much as they could, thereby lowering the price worldwide and helping the American (among others) economy.
They would not curtail production to maximize price because:
b) They need friends.
2) Ona may not apply even if they somehow found a buyer, since the buyer would be aware of the price discrepancy (this is a machlokes).
Two Saudi princes pull up to a bank with a tractor-trailer full of cash.
Six hours later, the president approaches the two men.
I can only tryMemberDerech HaMelech–
You can place the hinge(s) on the bottom, left or right of the door, depending on whether you want it to swing down, to the left or to the right.
You can use a couple of small hinges or one long hinge (called a piano hinge).
You will need to make sure the door clears the downward-angled shtender top when it opens. If you don’t want a gap above the door, you can add a small lip to the underside of the shtender top that is even with or lower than the lowest point of the shtender top.
You can use a cabinet-door latch to hold the door shut.
If you have additional questions or would like clarification on anything, don’t hesitate to post here.
I can only tryMemberstamamen-
1) ?
2) The balloon will move forward. Since the denser air will move back, it will move the less dense helium balloon forward.
a) Turn both hourglasses over.
b) When the four-minute glass is emptied (4 minutes elapsed, three minutes left in the 7-minute timer) turn it over.
c) When the seven-minute timer is emptied (seven minutes elapsed, one minute left in the four minute timer), turn the seven minute timer over.
d) When the four minute timer is emptied (eight minutes elapsed, six minutes left on the seven minute timer), turn the seven minute timer over, and one minute’s worth of sand will now run out.
4) 9 pages with 1 digit for a total of nine. 90 pages with two digits for a total of 180. 1095 – 189 = 906. 906 / 3 = 302. 302 + 90 + 9 = 401.
5) answered by “blinky”
a) If there is no liquid in the blender: Is there enough clearance to lie down below the blades? Is there clearance to stand between the blade tips and the blender wall?
b) If there is liquid in the blender: Is it high enough that he can climb over the top? Hide in the top? Can he pop the blade off of the base? Can he bend the blades? Can he hold the hub of the blade while it spins? Can he rock the blender so it falls over? Can he say Shema within sixty seconds?
I can only tryMemberThe El Al Matmid program can save you significant money on a non-stop flight, but not all flights have openings.
Call El Al about joining the Matmid Club for free.
Google “cheap flights Israel”.
Sites like Kayak and TripAdvisor compare many different flying options. If you’re willing to take flights that have stopovers you can save money.
I can only tryMembersupergirl613-
…how do you know my age?
You mentioned either your age or your grade on a different thread – I don’t remember which.
Not to hijack this thread, but as others have pointed out (specifically “Charlie Brown” and “Jothar”), that’s info you should be extremely cautious about sharing. I am deliberately not repeating the approximate age/grade info here.
2nd what is b? like i’m having a hard time understanding what you wrote, because I don’t know what all those words are. Can you explain them?
Sure. I won’t bore anyone with in-depth explanations, but briefly, here’s what they mean:
-shutter = how fast the camera’s shutter opens and closes. the faster it is, the less “blur” will be created by a moving subject.
-aperature = how large the opening in the lens is. the larger the opening, the less light is needed for the picture to come out.
-white balance = color adjustment for when the lighting isn’t quite right.
-ISO adjustment = sensitivity of the sensor to light. this is a holdover from film cameras.
Your questions confirm (to me, anyway) that a nice point-and-shoot camera is what you are looking for.
“whatrutalkingabt” and “Toi” may be able to answer whether the cameras they recommend are good fits for what you need (and how much they cost).
I can only tryMemberI am hesitant to post the following, but leaving what I consider inaccurate advice unchallenged wouldn’t be right.
No offense to “Baal Boose”, but the ideas he posted for building a sukkah aren’t ones that I agree with.
Here’s why:
-1/4″ plywood isn’t rigid or strong enough for walls. It’s more suited for furniture backing.
-ignoring factors such as weight, splintering, and other things isn’t a good idea. It’s better to consider all factors when giving advice, even those not explicitly mentioned.
-Hinging a 4’x8′ piece of plywood will require bracing so the wall it’s fastened to doesn’t move.
-screws aren’t a good idea here. nuts and bolts, with washers, are much more practical.
If anyone has specific “how to” questions about sukkah construction, or would like my opinion about whether or not an idea you have is practical, please post it here.
Although I’m not a professional carpenter, I do have a bit of experience with building and repair.
December 25, 2011 7:54 pm at 7:54 pm in reply to: The Easiest & Best Sukkah Shlock (Roof Covering) #838054I can only tryMember(the info below was sent to “Feif Un”s email address, which he supplied in another thread. it’s being reposted here, just in case it is useful for anyone else.)
I looked up Leiters phone number and called them for the shlock info.
They do sell the accordion-fold style shlock, but it’s no longer made of corrugated white plastic – it’s now made of vinyl.
It is sold by size, and the size is customizable.
The sukkah itself has to be strong enough to support the frame; the person I spoke to said it isn’t suitable for a canvas sukkah. (Personally, I’d probably try to jury-rig something, but that’s what he said.)
He also confirmed that it’s the design I remember, which is based on the patented design of Tzvi Goldman from Lakewood.
Here is their contact info, copied from their website:
SHOWROOM: 1346 – 39th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11218
Phone: 718-436-0303, 718-436-0909
December 25, 2011 7:46 pm at 7:46 pm in reply to: When asked Shiduch info: Do I have to tell the girls side that my friend smokes? #838354I can only tryMemberThis is a halacha question, not an opinion question.
When is it “loshon hora” to tell?
When is it “lo sa’amod al dam reyacha” not to tell?
Is there a “right time” and “wrong time” (before they first meet, or after x number of dates) to tell?
Are there other factors to include in the “tell” decision (i.e. he promises to quit, she has asthma, etc.)?
“davidz”s approach – ask a shaila – is the correct one.
I can only tryMembersupergirl613-
I strongly recommend you research specific models with your parents and/or older sibling(s).
I haven’t researched specific models recently, but here are a few general rules I previously posted on this topic that still are true:
The most important question is: digital, film, or whatever’s best?
Assuming digital (most people want that), for a snapshot-taker (as you seem to be) the three major criteria are:
a) portability – if you can’t easily carry it in, say, a shirt pocket, you won’t use it much.
b) ease of use – shutter / aperature / white balance / ISO adjustment are nice to have, but if you can’t simply point-and-shoot you probably won’t want to bother potchking with it.
c) picture quality (most important) – sharpness, color accuracy, fuzziness around the edges, red-eye reduction, image stablization (both digital and mechanical), zoom (optical and digital) for both indoor and outdoor pictures.
Other factors:
price range
stills only, or occasional video as well
Based on your age, I assume you are most likely a snapshot-taker, too.
If you would like to see past threads on this subject, go to Google and past the following into the search window:
Digital camera site:
If you have specific questions, please post them here. Good luck.
I can only tryMemberpuppy-
I’m not sure if this is something that would interest you or fit your schedule, but here’s something we considered doing, so I’ll share my research.
Washington DC is about a four hour drive from NYC.
Many of the interesting museums, such as the Air and Space, Arts and Industry, and other Smithsonian attractions are open late this week.
There is a Days Inn that’s only 4-5 miles from the area the Smithsonian, White House, Washington Monument and other major DC attractions are located in.
The “Days Inn Washington DC Connecticut Ave” (Google it) only charges $59 per night, even less if you have triple-A.
This would be a very affordable family trip for a day or two.
The motel has free parking, a 4-sunburst rating (and is also rated highly on trip sites), and had a Metro (DC’s subway) station nearby, so you can easily travel to the tourist sites.
There are Kosher places to eat in DC, Silver Spring, and other nearby areas.
I can only tryMemberThere are now 200 pages of threads in the coffee room.
To spell it out, that’s TWO HUNDRED pages worth of threads:
That’s about 1,000 threads, just counting those that were approved.
Wow (or whatever sentiment you feel is appropriate).
I can only tryMemberYW Moderator-20-
Thank you.
Hello to you, too – thank you for moderating here on erev Shabbos.
(and now, anyone who “Hello”s either of us will have to include at least one other poster ?)
I can only tryMemberWhoops!
the “inspiration” thread is this one:
(sorry, popa_bar_abba)
I can only tryMemberclick ==>HERE<==
I can only tryMemberonegoal-
Hatzlocha rabba!
I can only tryMemberyentingyenta–
Queen Bee-
Thank you all for the kind words.
Just to be clear, the ascii art is not mine – I copied it from elsewhere.
I can only tryMember.
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Puzzle: find the hidden message in the above graphic ?
December 20, 2011 7:57 pm at 7:57 pm in reply to: Did your parentls let you gamble on Chanukah? #836558I can only tryMemberPlease see this related thread:
(even if you aren’t interested in the discussion, you may get a chuckle out of my [ignored] requests on that thread for various corrections and edits.)
I can only tryMemberZeesKite-
That’s worth a +1 to your original post.
I can only tryMember“(also how could someone post something nasty and then smile?)”
High Court Refuses to Consider Appeal of Death Row Inmate
March 01, 1994 Associated Press
Lower courts previously had rejected the challenge of Robert Drew, who was convicted of fatally stabbing an Alabama teen-ager in 1983 and sentenced to die by lethal injection.
Drew’s attorney, Ronald Kuby, said lower courts dismissed the case on a technicality and never ruled on whether District Judge Charles Hearn should be allowed to use the smiley face as part of his signature.
Hearn has insisted that he had used the smiley face for years as a symbol of his faith in God. “The ruling speaks for itself,” he said Monday. “It’s part of my signature.”
Drew, 34, came within hours of execution in October before being granted a reprieve by a Texas civil appeals court. No new execution date has been set. He maintains he is innocent.
(Drew was executed later in 1994 – icot)
Serial killer extradited to Calif. to face charges
December 10, 2009 The Associated Press
RIVERSIDE, Calif. – A serial killer has been extradited to Riverside County to face charges in the killing of a woman whose body was found in the desert near Blythe in 1992.
Sheriff’s officials say Keith Hunter Jesperson, known as “The Happy Face Killer,” arrived in Riverside County on Tuesday from Oregon, where he was serving a life sentence for a November 1995 murder.
Sgt. Michael Lujan says Jesperson has also admitted to killings in Washington, Wyoming, Oregon and Northern California.
Jesperson is known as the “Happy Face Killer” for drawing happy faces in letters in which he boasted of his crimes to prosecutors and an Oregon newspaper.
Jesperson was charged with the latest felony murder in September and is scheduled to be arraigned on Friday.
(I couldn’t resist the juxtaposition of the above two cases with that comment. I also couldn’t resist the chance to use the word “juxtaposition” in a post.)
? ? ?
I can only tryMemberThe Yitty Leibel Hotline is anonymous – (718) 435-7669
I don’t know about it firsthand, but I’ve heard good things about it.
Please call.
I can only tryMemberThe Goq-
It’s my pleasure – thank you for the kind words.
Since I never know who might be interested in some of the topics that interest me (or if anyone is), the encouragement is appreciated.
I can only tryMemberI think there’s a bit of confusion here.
When “real israeli” said “gefen: check out the 2nd post on the AYC AYeCo thread“, I think he meant the second post on the second page of that thread, namely this one:
That post makes it appear as if “am yisrael chai” has returned. Unfortunately, that’s an old post – since then, due to circumstances that need no repeating here, he’s left and hasn’t been back.
I can only tryMemberooooooEEEEEEEEEEOOOOOooooooo
I can only tryMemberThe Last Man On The Moon
The United States took many more safety precautions with their space program than their competitor, the Soviet Union, did with theirs, resulting in only one fatal accident during the Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo programs.
There were an additional five successful lunar landings after Apollo 11.
There was also one failed mission when Apollo 13 exploded on the way to the moon. Fortunately, all crew members survived, as the crew resourcefully overcame several hardships and successfully returned to Earth.
The last manned mission to the moon was Apollo 17.
It was launched December 7, 1972, landed on December 11 and departed for the return to Earth on December 15.
In the early morning of December 15, 1972, thirty-nine years ago today, Eugene (Gene) Cernan took a final walk on the moon, then left the lunar surface and returned to the landing module.
Subsequent Apollo missions were cancelled, and neither the U.S. nor any other country has ever attempted another manned mission to the moon or any other non-terrestrial body.
Despite technological advances, there have been retreats in some areas as well.
Over the last decade, we have seen the retirement of the Space Shuttle program (now we pay other countries to take our electronics into space) and the Concorde is no longer flying (now even the super-rich must fly at subsonic speeds).
I can only tryMemberam yisrael chai-
A week from today is the first day of Chanuka.
As an early present for for us posters, how about dropping by?
We’d like to hear from you.
December 7, 2011 6:37 pm at 6:37 pm in reply to: Separate Times For Bochurim & Sem Girls In Gateshead #1029642I can only tryMember“mr p i staker” is a double entendre obscenity.
I can only tryMembermidwesterner-
I understood your earlier post – I certainly didn’t think you were saying he shouldn’t return, only that you thought he wouldn’t.
Sorry if my previous response wasn’t worded clearly.
I can only tryMembermidwesterner–
I hope he does return, although it is understandable if he doesn’t.
If not a “full” return, a post granting mechila to us would be appreciated – even indirectly, e.g. thru a friend or moderator.
Well put.