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I can only tryMember
???? Mishenichnas Adar… ????
And with it comes simcha, the joy and the fun
First Tanis Esther, a short half day of school,
Followed by Megilla, lained that night in shul
The next day all dressed up, shalach manos delivered
By eager young kids, who with delight shivered
Mordechais and Esthers, all doing their best
To show off the fine clothes in which they are dressed
Costumes with long trunks and gray floppy ears,
Three cornered hats worn by wicked viziers
A visit to Rebbe or Morah is next
Driven by parents (who never are vexed)
Then before the seuda, the division of nosh,
Who gets the Bamba, the big Hamentash
And then at the seuda, with guests coming and going
Many divrei Torah, and much wine is flowing
Finally bentching, then Mariv at last
And then some more nosh, for a final repast
Wishing you all happiness, mazal and cheer.
I can only tryMemberYankie Doodle–
The Goq–
Thank you – encouragement is always appreciated ?
That was quite a drop – you seem to have come out of it OK.
How many other people reread their posts and cringe at the number of spelling mistakes, missing words and bad grammar they somehow let slip thru?
This very much includes the OP on this thread.
Only extraordinary individuals can become President of the US.
Any loser can become Lee Harvey Oswald.
This is my opinion re: formerly frum people who now devote their energies to smearing their previous communities.
Thanks to all those who have so refrained when I was the one making that mistake.
Leaving work on a Friday afternoon and heading home for Shabbos, is one of the great pleasures in life.
Chocolate chip mint ice-cream is good in shakes, but the chips tend to clog the straw.
Inconsiderate behavior on the subway is all too common and expected; we often see people taking up more than their fair share of space.
Best inventions for the frum community over the last 100 years: 1) Shabbos clock 2) Hot water urn 3) Minivan 4) Air conditioning 5) (I dunno – Shaincoat?)
What global warming?
I can only tryMemberGut Shabbos & (for those off on Presidents Day) a nice loooong weekend, too.
I can only tryMemberI’ll B”N say 1-5 and 91-100, inclusive.
February 15, 2012 9:56 pm at 9:56 pm in reply to: Memoir called "Unorthodox" and its effect on us #868664I can only tryMembergavra_at_work-
V’ha Ana?!
I’m not mekabel ?
OK, you pretty much answered your own question.
I’d also add that over time chassidus has gained acceptance with the non-chasidishe crowd.
I can only tryMemberSaysMe–
I hope things have improved since you posted.
Think first–
Very nicely done.
February 15, 2012 9:39 pm at 9:39 pm in reply to: Memoir called "Unorthodox" and its effect on us #868658I can only tryMember1) I believe every single positive statement made by posters here about their own communities.
3) There is no such thing as a misnagid nowadays.
4) I have davened at shuls across the spectrum and I have never felt hostility or unwelcomeness because of who I am or what I look like.
For shame!
February 10, 2012 8:09 pm at 8:09 pm in reply to: Memoir called "Unorthodox" and its effect on us #868510I can only tryMemberyungerman1-
I hope so – thank you.
Unfortunately, being mekarev even one person is so difficult – I have all the respect in the world for kiruv workers and those who they are mekarev.
February 10, 2012 8:04 pm at 8:04 pm in reply to: Memoir called "Unorthodox" and its effect on us #868509I can only tryMemberThe interview itself was severely flawed. There were issues with both the interviewer and the interviewee.
Here are my observations:
Interviewer Issues:
There are different interviewing styles:
Interviewee Issues:
Every single statement she makes in the article puts Chasidim and frum people in the worst possible light. Some are true but distorted, some are exaggerated, and some are untrue. Every opinion expressed is negative (so disgusting! so awful!)
February 10, 2012 5:10 pm at 5:10 pm in reply to: Memoir called "Unorthodox" and its effect on us #868495I can only tryMemberFeif Un-
Where I work, people often come to me with questions about history, sports, miscellaneous trivia, politics, and opinions as well as work related technical questions and do-it-yourself advice.
I can only tryMemberShticky Guy-
I can only tryMemberHow about moish02?
I can only tryMemberWhere’s the wagoneer?
????? ??? ?????
I can only tryMemberRussian superstition, only applies for girls (Wikipedia).
not going under a ladder is christian superstition
I can only tryMemberSaysMe–
Refua shelaima.
Thank you.
I can only tryMemberKapitlach 91-100 inclusive.
Refua shelaima.
February 6, 2012 6:14 pm at 6:14 pm in reply to: TAKE TEHILLIM HERE – Rav Elyashiv In need of Rachamei Shamayim! #850772I can only tryMember91-100 inclusive.
Refua shelaima.
February 5, 2012 10:04 pm at 10:04 pm in reply to: You have the option of going back in time to any date and meet any person…? #849291I can only tryMemberWolfishMusings–
The President who forgot to duck was (by his own admission) Ronald Reagan.
Oswald was in the book depository because he worked there. His presence alone wasn’t suspicious.
The assassinations were largely bad luck. The chauffeur took a wrong turn down a dead-end street, a 19-year old nut took the opportunity to shoot while the car was turning around, and he was “lucky” that his two shots killed both the Archduke and his wife.
Shticky Guy–
Thank you.
One more: “Captain Smith, you do realize it isn’t really unsinkable, right?”
I can only tryMemberWelcome back.
A couple of months ago we were in the Museum of the State of New York.
There’s a huge room there with several fire trucks from several different eras, including one from the 30’s or 40’s from the Otisville Fire Department. Guess who came to mind?
I can only tryMemberThink first–
Good point, I hadn’t thought of that.
Thank you.
Error du jour: “yielding” in the last paragraph should obviously be “unyielding”. Edit!!!
I can only tryMemberHoudini
The great magician smiled
As he stepped into his cell
Unadorned and simply tiled,
He just knew it would end well
His great skills barely tested
The door clanged shut behind him
He quickly got to work
The confidence which defined him
Apparent in his smirk
On his knees, next to the door
He got busy with his pick
Yet time went by and then some more
For the first time in several years
The magician had a doubt
Could this simple lock with so few gears
Keep him from getting out?
Hours later, in despair
He realized he would fail
His reputation left in disrepair
By a simple county jail
Beaten, he collapsed against the door
Feeling the full weight of defeat
But there was a surprise left (just one more)
That brought him leaping to his feet
It had moved slightly (to his shock)
The sly small town cop never turned his key
This story is supposedly true, although
The lesson I take from it is to know
You should never, ever despair
Obstacles, you may come across
Locked doors yielding and unkind
Some are only in our mind.
February 3, 2012 7:06 pm at 7:06 pm in reply to: You have the option of going back in time to any date and meet any person…? #849281I can only tryMember1) “Please step away from that apple, Ma’am. You too, sir.”
2) “‘Our American Cousin’ got lousy reviews.”
3) “Mr. Kennedy, your shoelace is untied.”
4) “I’d hide that fellow’s ax this erev Shabbos.”
5) “Yes, American planes are scheduled. But not that many.”
6) “Ask again, Moshe.”
7) “Throw over to first, Scott.”
8) “Maybe you should wait for reinforcements, General Custer.”
9) “Kamtza, Bar Kamtza, big deal! Let him sit and eat.”
10) “You’ll have a lot more free time avoiding the CR.”
I can only tryMemberSaysMe–
I hope things work out well for you.
Is it possible that once things calm down after the chassuna you can resume your seder over the phone (even if it’s not every night)?
Thank you, again.
“Struggling” isn’t quite as good as “going smoothly”, but it’s infinitely better than “giving up”.
B”H you’re OK – keep it up.
I can only tryMemberCongrats on your first year, Mod number Twunny,
Sorry for spelling your SN funny
But we’re in the U.S, the land of plenty
Unlike the U.K, where they say “twenty”
I can only tryMemberyossi z.-
Mazel tov!
IY”H b’sha’a tova you, too.
I can only tryMemberSaysMe–
Thank you.
Think first-
Thank you – to return the compliment, yours was very good.
Thank you for the kind words.
I can only tryMemberCtrl Alt Del-
Now, the editorial:
I can only tryMemberOneOfMany-
Sorry, I’m not familiar with any of these issues 🙁
I suggest Googling – that’s what I always do.
I can only tryMemberyossi z.-
Mazel tov to all of you on your simchos. Kain yirbu!
I can only tryMemberCtrl Alt Del-
They are both underpowered machines, but the second one isn’t even worth consideration.
For photo and video editing, I suggest a better and more powerful machine than either of the two above.
CPU speed and memory are both important.
Also, get the 64-bit operating system to fully utilize your system.
A dual core machine is not at all like a single core at twice the speed. For some tasks it is much more effecient (such as virus scan while simultaneously performing another task) while for others you may not get much of a performance boost. It also depends on if the program is written to use multiple cores.
I can only tryMemberSaysMe–
Thank you.
“The Club” is for you – I hope things look up.
Thank you.
(honestly, my stuff is strictly “amateur hour”)
I can only tryMemberThe Club
A long time ago (at least three weeks past), I was happy and content
I suppose I should have felt good for her, but our friendship had been purloined
I still would see my friend around, (though not as often as before)
Her happiness was clear to all, since she passed thru that magic door.
She was still my friend, the one with whom I could relax and simply just be me,
But every now and then a look would cross her face, her discomfort plain to see
Whatever was going on behind that door which to me was always barred?
What happiness was I being turned back from by the ever present guard?
Then just yesterday, I heard my friend, speaking to a fellow member of the club
The subject of their talk was me, quickly I pricked up my ears
Was I the subject of gossip now, this would confirm my worst fears
Instead, what I heard was my true dear friend, talking earnestly and low
Doing what she could to get me in the club, I felt my heart begin to glow
It is a happy and joyous place to be, and they wanted to have me, too
We are all only human, and from feeling left out (at times) no one is immune
I can only tryMemberThink first–
Thank you.
“The Producer” was for you.
None of know how our lives will turn out, what ups and downs are in store for us, or even what may be done years, decades and even centuries down the road due to our actions.
Please keep in mind that you’re not just responsible for yourself, but for all future generation you (IY”H) will have and all the things they will accomplish.
As “SaysMe” stated in such a heartfelt manner, please never, ever hurt yourself. Get whatever help is necessary, each and every time you need it – you’re far from the only person who has this type of struggle and there are people who have experience helping. Your happiness and well being matters not only to yourself, but also to those who care about you.
Please keep posting here and let us know how you’re doing.
I can only tryMemberWikipedia is back to normal!
We waited them out, and they caved!
We won!
? ? ?
Your point that the “Wikipedia editors and community” had voted on the blackout was one that I wasn’t aware of before you mentioned it.
I should’ve acknowledged that at the top of my prior response – sorry for the omission, and I’m acknowledging it here.
I can only tryMemberNoach–
I must’ve missed that.
I can only tryMemberThe Producer
The Producer sadly shakes His head
As His guest gets up to leave
Because there was still much to be said
More of the tale to weave
Though He worked long and hard on this tale
A brand new show to premier
If the watcher now wanted to bail
Up to this point the film was bland
The story standard and mundane
It was leading up to something grand
A random chapter picked would show
A hospital ward full of joy
A yeshiva filled with bright young men
Learning each and all day long
Their studies supported yet again
By the saved boy, now rich and strong
At the weekly Shabbos table
Their family content, happy and stable
A great-grandchild 100 years hence
May cure the common cold
If we saw the full tale unfold
Another descendent, a less famous one
With an important role to play
Picks up schoolkids on his morning run
And drives them home again each day
Which is what he prefers
With the kindness he confers
The last clip shows a child in a scary place
Lost in a large and busy crowd
He turns; you see he has your face
So many faces go spinning past
Like snowflakes in a storm
In a world so chilly and so vast
The ones you know can keep you warm
The present is just one small piece
I can only tryMemberA couple of additional ways to access Wikipedia today:
That vote was taken by a few hundred voters out of the million plus contributors to the site.
Several voters disagreed quite strongly.
This is something that was built with public financial support and public editorial support for a private owner, who is now deciding to withhold its usage from the public because of a personal issue/opinion.
I decide to build a playground on a lot that belongs to me.
I proclaim that although the playground and all of its equipment will belong to me, it will be open for public use.
I do much of the work myself, but also have several neighborhood volunteers who assist with the construction efforts.
Funds are solicited to help pay for the construction, permit and upkeep costs.
After being a popular neighborhood attraction for several years, the other workers and I decide to close it for a day, as a protest against a piece of legislation I perceive as harmful to the playground.
There are several people who fell that Wikipedia and Google are now entering the advocacy field, which is a bad idea.
Newspapers, magazines and broadcast media already are engaged in promoting or hurting political candidates, based on their views and (much worse) who they perceive as being most helpful to them.
I can only tryMemberRefuah shelaima. I hope things improve for you.
I can only tryMemberblabla–
I agree 100% with what “SaysMe” posted.
Keep going, you can do it!
Not for the first time, I’m impressed with your kindness.
May you be zoche to the brachos and happiness you richly deserve.
I can only tryMemberThe Goq-
Thank you for the kind words and encouragement.
I can only tryMemberThe Massacre of Basel, Switzerland’s Jewish Community
(from the Jerusalem Post’s website)
On January 9, 1349, nearly the entire Jewish population of Basel was massacred by townspeople as Jews were blamed for the Black Plague.
At the end of the 14th century in Europe, scores were dying from the Black Plague and nobody knew why. That is, until a scapegoat was found. On January 9, 1349 (11 Shvat – icot), nearly the entire Jewish population of Basel was massacred by the townspeople. Ignorant to the causes of the plague, the people and local leaders of modern Switzerland, France and Germany accused Jews of poisoning wells. Most were burnt alive.
Despite a papal bull by Pope Clement VI in the second half of 1348 clearing the Jews of responsibility for the plague, the blaming, burning and banishing of the Jews did not stop.
In the beginning of 1349 in Basel, the Jewish community was rounded up. The children were separated from their parents and forcefully baptized. The 600 remaining adults were brought to a specially-built wooden structure on an island in the Rhine river and locked inside. The building was set ablaze, burning the Jews alive. Following the mass murder, the city of Basel resolved that no Jews were to be allowed in the city for 200 years, although this was revoked some decades later.
Black Plague.
January 8, 2012 3:52 am at 3:52 am in reply to: Very disturbing, please only kind people read. #842284I can only tryMemberFrom the top of the “Shalom Task Force” web page:
1 888 883 2323 (718 337 3700)”
You will not be giving away anything (such as who you are) by simply calling and talking with them.
You will not be taking any irrevocable step if you call.
Your husband may be a decent guy who just needs help – we don’t know him or you.
Regardless of the reason for the situation you and your kids are now in though, you do need to take steps for safety’s sake.
Please call now.
January 8, 2012 2:56 am at 2:56 am in reply to: Very disturbing, please only kind people read. #842275I can only tryMemberalways runs with scissors fast-
Forgive me for saying this, but you fit the typical profile of an abuse victim.
You are making excuses for him – “He is really a very sweet kind person when he is his usual self… I also feel bad to “take action” against him because he has had such a hard life, and needs my help as a wife, and needs a base as a home and his family/kids. He could /chas v’shalom have a heart attack if I punish him with a break up. It would very much stress him out.” – and thinking that things can be worked out.
I asked “Mrs. Try” to read this thread to see if she agreed with me.
Her response: “She needs to get out before she or one of the kids ends up dead (c’v)”.
We’ve seen abused wives, and this advice is based on friends and family members who went thru this.
At the very minimum, please follow the advice given by several others here and call the numbers “poppa_bar_aba” gave – don’t delay and don’t make excuses. Your kids need your protection.
January 8, 2012 1:04 am at 1:04 am in reply to: Very disturbing, please only kind people read. #842249I can only tryMemberGet out NOW.
Get away from him NOW.
This is potentially dangerous abuse.
I have seen this type of thing with family and friends; there may be treatment, counseling and reconciliation in the future, but right now it’s dangerous, both for yourself and your children.
There are people and agencies who help frum people. I’m sorry I don’t know of any firsthand; hopefully other posters can make suggestions.
I can only tryMemberwritersoul-
1) Clearly “It was during the day” is too obvious an answer. Therefore, the correct answer is, the man used to work in the Chernobyl power plant, so he now glows in the dark (boy, that was easy).
2) Same man. The activated charcoal he swallows daily for the radiation absorbed the poison.
3) The Chernobylian man wrote the paragraph. It’s very unusual – how many paragraphs do you know that are written by glow-in-the-dark men?
I can only tryMemberGut Shabbos ? ? ?
I can only tryMemberI need to point out that when kicking “Jothar” over Shabbos, be extremely careful not to cause a chabura, as that can be an issur d’Oraisa.
Also, be careful not to wear anything on your feet whose only purpose is to assist in the kicking, as that can be a “carrying” issue (obviously, if you hold of the eiruv you can ignore this).
“Jothar” would not want to be machshil anyone, so please keep the above points in mind.
Jothar – please be moichel the “cheppeh” – we really do appreciate your posts.
I can only tryMemberalways runs with scissors fast-
Back to your original question…
I don’t know the answer, but my best guess is that your favorite websites came up when you started typing a URL because they were in “history”, and then someone cleared the history.
Per Google’s FAQ’s, history, bookmarked sites and Google searches are all used in attempting to finish what you begin typing in the address bar – here’s the link:
I’d suggest trying a “clean start” by deleting all history, then going to your favorite sites one by one.
After going to a few of your faves, try typing the first few characters of the first address or two you went to and see if Google completes it the way you want.
Re: Chrome vs. Firefox vs. IE – I prefer Chrome because it seems to be the fastest to load on my older PC.
I can live with any of the three, though – they’re all fine.
I can only tryMemberSam2-
“I really, really don’t like that that site tries to pass off the degrees as the main Shittah.”
That’s an unfair and inaccurate statement.
“tries to pass off” connotes a deliberate attempt to deceive.
That’s not the case at all – on taanasim, all zmanim come up by default without any additional clicks needed, while on “regular” days, you can simply click the “Not all zmanim and opinions have been displayed. If you can’t find the zman you’re looking for click All Zmanim” link at the bottom of the page to see all different zmanim and opinions.
He gives his reasoning for listing the degree-based zman he normally lists as the default here:
If the majority of poskim disagree with this measurement (I don’t know either way), it’s entirely legitimate to question why he prefers this listing, and/or to ask him yourself.
I can only tryMemberHaLeiVi-
They’re allergic. It gives them hives <ducking>