Forum Replies Created
Oh Shreck!Participant
What in heaven’s name is anyone doing up at this unearthly hour? I’m busy soaking a bad infection, might as well waste some time here…
Oh Shreck!Participant2qwerty: I really like the way you put it down.
Oh Shreck!ParticipantIs this about companies / stores who make black hats?
Oh Shreck!ParticipantDenominator = the one who ousts the nominated.
Numerator = the one who counts (I guess the votes)
Oh Shreck!ParticipantSyag, Are you actually wondering if I am myself? Administration here won’t allow me to either confirm or deny.
Oh Shreck!ParticipantFirst there’s a problem with the brocha on bread – hamotzie lechem min …?
Then, of course, once we’re up there, a lot of planets can get decommissioned (like Pluto alav hashelem).
Oh Shreck!Participant(and add to that my nasty cold I usually get this period)
Oh Shreck!ParticipantInteresting…
On the other thread (if a golem is possible), there were a number of posters who quoted some source that not everything is to be taken literally. So why not apply it to the issue at hand. If one does not have to believe a piece of Gemarah, I feel no need to believe what a bunch of irreligious bareheaded want me to think. Perhaps there was no independence. Maybe the whole ‘Medinat Israel’ is also a dream, some sort of vision. Oh.. those brave soldiers you saw, they were really Mitzvohs Yidden in somwwhere were performing. The planes, sure – that was the Tehillim of a kinus in Bais Yaakov. It only appeared as planes. Iron Dome?!? A fable, of course there’s no such thing. That’s a typical Yeshiva seder, at the ready. Yes, to some it looks like some sort of anti-missile apparatus.
Oh Shreck!ParticipantInteresting observation.
Oh Shreck!ParticipantChit-chat in shul is by far more disruptive and most disrespectful. In fact, the gemarah that discusses ????? ??? ??? ????? ??? ????? ???? ?????? ???????, has some commentators note, that it’s even worse to be INSIDE shul shmoozing while they’re davening!!
Oh Shreck!ParticipantNo. Make no mistake about it. We live in the Utopia a king long ago could not have dreamed of. Indoor plumbing, phones, lighting. Then the latest gadgets, like the hearing-aid one sticks in his ear to talk to the other side of the globe, hand-held human distractors that can do anything but hold its’ users’ attention focused at current task, and the list goes on. Yes, we have improved our external trappings greatly. No doubt about it. The comfort one lives in today is unparalleled to anything in history.
Are we better people? With all these energy and time savers notwithstanding, do we utilize the vast of extra time and energy to become better people, serve Hashem better? ???? ????? ???? ?????, is for real – in it’s true sense, is it not? That is our day’s machla. So much extra time and energy going down the drain (including posting!) How much of a person’s attention is truly tuned into Hashem, His Torah, character improvement etc. (and I have myself formost in mind – Oh Shreck!) I’m told in the times of old, here in America too, a man would sweat the day away in work, come home to some sort of meal, and devote the rest of the night to learning and avodas Hashem. Do we have that today? (maybe you, certainly not me, if I’m lucky maybe a measly hour)
Yes, I’ve got a long way to go. (cutting down my time wasted here is but one)
Oh Shreck!ParticipantToday maybe we take pause and contemplate the messages Hashem is sending us. ??? ??????? ??? ????? ??? ????? ?????. Two terrible tragedies in one week, in this ????? ?? ???, I would suspect there’s an important message being sent our way.
Oh Shreck!ParticipantAvi:
?? ???? ???? ????, When our true redeemer comes forth, when Hashem will effect the true geulah, then we will celebrate. If it’s proven then that any of these ‘chagim’ instituted by the bareheaded, are indeed installments of the awaited geulah, perhaps we will celebrate them as well. Until then, let’s not lose focus. Most clearheaded think it’s only getting in the way of the true geulah. (I can guarantee you, Mashiach won’t be bareheadedly declaring statehood “?? ????? ??? ????? etc.” five minutes to shkia erev shabbos)
The only meaning to these days I can think of is such hakaras hatov to Hashem. How he showers His nation with good DESPITE the great chilul Hashem from the armies, the not-yet-religious, the mass chilul shabbos ect. How he crowns success upon armies that DON’T EVEN CARE TO KNOW HIM, just because He is their Father, Great Shield. How he protects His people DESPITE THE IDF, because He so cares for each of us.
Now that is cause for celebration.
April 14, 2013 5:28 am at 5:28 am in reply to: Possible reasons Orthodox man sat in plastic bag on plane :-) #956090Oh Shreck!ParticipantWIY:
I really enjoy good humor, no, I thrive on it, it keeps me going.
I would just humbly suggest that one not make light of the name of a Tanna found in the Mishna. It doesn’t measure to the Yeshiva World.
I’m sure it was done inadvertently.
==>> Please be mochel if I hurt your feelings.
Oh Shreck!ParticipantThe size of man – his Middos, (measurements). That’s the true way to measure man. All else are meaningless dimensions.
Oh Shreck!ParticipantIf I’m not mistaken, to purposefully damage another’s property is not allowed (even with the intent to pay). To bump another’s car lightly is not considered damaging, that’s what a bumper was made for.
April 9, 2013 10:35 pm at 10:35 pm in reply to: BDE: Sudden Petira Of Itzhak Schier, 47, Z”L – Frequent Commenter On YWN #944895Oh Shreck!ParticipantA sobering thought.
He was lucky. I don’t recall seeing any run-in from him. (I don’t keep track of posters, it just appears so.) I don’t recall any nasty comment from him towards anyone, requiring a mechilah on his part. ??? ?? ???? ????? ?????, if one does wrong / hurt another fellow here (which I see countless times) he should be quick to apologize, to be beg mechillah. ??? ??? ??? ???? ?????. One never knows…
Oh Shreck!ParticipantI’ve heard, cannot confirm, that this inyan is to commemorate the ness that happened to the Maharal. According to this version one of his shamos’s keys (to the Aron Kodesh) kept dropping off the shelf. The Maharal instructed him to visit the shul and check to see if the Aron Kodesh was all in order. Upon inspection he noticed a bottle of blood, replaced it with wine, thereby saving his entire kehilla. Again that is this version.
So in order to commemorate the ness they form a key on the challah on the Shabbos immediately following pesach, because one is not allowed to make a form on a matzah.
Again – cannot confim.
Oh Shreck!ParticipantI’m not sure exactly what you intend by sitting in one place to say the entire Tehillim. In my opinion saying a little, a select few, with devoted concentration would do. ??? ??? ?????? ?????? ??? ??? ??????.
Oh Shreck!ParticipantMay I suggest we heed the lesson of Sefira, and care for each others’ feelings.
There’s never a need to purposefully “shtech”, so many aveiros can be committed with the stroke of a few keys (onaas devarim, lashon hara, rechilus, motzie shem ra, halbanas panim, nekamah, netirah, choshed b’ksheirim, lo sisnah, machlokes, megaleh sod, to name a few). This period of the year one should be ever watchful.
Hashem – the Supreme Moderator – does not like anyone hurting His beloved children.
Oh Shreck!ParticipantWOW – I heard something I’d like to share.
We say in the Haggadah ??? ??? ???? ?? ????? – a complicated, far reaching, scary task to attempt in today’s times. Tools of the trade have somewhat changed, what may have worked in the past now give different results.
I heard in the name of some Gadol – “bang out his teeth” means to take away his bite. Soften him up – try to take away his bitterness. ???? ??? ?? ?? ??? ???? – long ago it was each for his own, he wouldn’t have been let out. Nowadays however we’re all in it together – we’ll stick it out – together.
Oh Shreck!ParticipantI can’t understand why honoring the Torah – ????? should be a dishonor to one. Why should one need to apologize?!? I’d do it gladly. Over and over again. I’d grab the zchus with both hands.
Oh Shreck!ParticipantIn my humble opinion it is important to emulate a Gadol’s actions. Therefore it’s VERY IMPORTANT to question and analyze every action for the reason it was done. We find that all over shas – ??? ????? ????, and generally a different reason is given.
Oh Shreck!ParticipantMod, Why the “shtech”? Aren’t mods moderate?!?
Oh Shreck!ParticipantThe were ?? ??? ???? (Upside down according to photographer Gadi Pollack)
Oh Shreck!ParticipantThe book – I heard that learning from it is a segulah against certain machlos r”l.
Oh Shreck!ParticipantYeah, we did that. I finished at 6:15. (A.M. !!!)
Oh Shreck!ParticipantOK, I don’t want to hijack this important thread with these arguments, let me try a quickie (I really have to get back to my cleaning..)
1) a black hat and all other minor nuances of our religion have nothing to do with evolution or invention of the essence of Orthodox Judisiam. Just another flavor, another expression of service to our same Creator. No, nothing new at all. They all worshiped our one and only G-d.
2) I really don’t know what you want from the Chasam Sofer. So many other Torah giants in his day were all against haskalah. He invented NOTHING. Again, nothing was construed, innovated, originated. Last I know, the Rema was Orthodox. So was Rambam. Rashi too. Ravina and Rav Ashi. Again they may have said different piyutim than us, different minhagim, but they were all directed with a fundamental motivation – towards the service of G-d.
Oh Shreck!ParticipantNo. I aint kiddin.
It is a magefah, to someone who suffers, it’s quite real. It’s felt all around. Subject and family members – a deep, deep pain. And upbringing often plays no role. And it’s a bit more than “a bunch of teens challenging authority.” ?”? No one should have to go through it.
And no, “Charedi Judaisim” is no “invention”. Actually – yes, at Har Sinai. Nothing new has since been introduced or “invented”.
Oh Shreck!ParticipantWhy am I here? To show that I, too, care. Someone else to share your pain. I’m sure you’ve received enough instruction, direction, advice here, you don’t need mine. Besides B”H I’ve no experience in this field.
Why don’t you ask my teenage children how they deal…
Oh Shreck!ParticipantWOW, Thanks too. And I certainly didn’t think I was the only one. (actually she helps me with the “dough”, so I help clean it up)
We think of Pesach preparations as a glad and delightful way to show HaShem how we appreciate all he does for us. We try to do it in a happy, cheerful atmosphere, all of us. We’re all in it – together.
(oops, here she comes…)
Oh Shreck!Participant,rotidE .W.Y seY
.revodenrut ylud neeb sah moorswen ehT
Oh Shreck!ParticipantTo you WOW.
No. I’m not going to tell you any advice, direction, instruction. I’m the least qualified. Just a consoling thought.
One of the messages of Pesach Haggadah is the important piece of the arba’ah banim. Everyone belongs, and there’s a way for everyone. The correct tools are sometimes not readily at hand, it may take time, but the Torah had him, and how to approach him in mind. Do I know how to interpret its message? Of course not, as I wrote before, but seforim do deal with it, caring and kindhearted Gedolim and Manhigim can guide and steer you in the right direction.
One more point, I’ve heard in the name of a Godol, one who is into this field too. HaShem, the Yodeah Machshavos, the One Who knows what’s in a person’s innermost thoughts and conscious, and the Korei Hadoros Merosh, Who planned and effected generations and histories, is the one who brought this terrible OTD “phenomenon” into existence. We don’t know His cheshbonos, but it’s a modern “mageifa”, a plague not witnessed in any of the previous generations. So He certainly understands the nisyonos you and him are going through. No need to be extra, needlessly hard on yourselves.
Again, be strong, ??????, we’re all standing and rooting for you.
Oh Shreck!Participant????? ???? ?????
Oh Shreck!ParticipantWhat are my choices?
Oh Shreck!ParticipantOK. Tonight’s my night off.
“Turning Over Your Kitchen”.
Yeah. That’s the easiest way to clean it. Thoroughly!
Oh Shreck!ParticipantIs it something taken from the gentiles?
Sure. ????? ??? ?? ?? ????? ????? ????? ?????
Oh Shreck!ParticipantYou’re asking MY opinion? In my opinion yes, there is something wrong. Now don’t get me wrong, a talmid chacham should definitely be dignified in his mode of dress, everything should be spotlessly clean, fresh. He should illuminate a sense of holiness and purity about him. We find Rabbi Yochanan gave attention to his clothing – ??????. Gemarah also discusses the serious offense of a talmid chacham wearing sullied clothing.
But paying too much attention to clothing is wrong – that’s the lesson of ???? ?????? ???? ?????, where R. Yehoshua answered, had they paid less attention to their beauty, they would be more learned. (As seforim expound, there’s nothing wrong with natural beauty, it’s an adornment for the Torah, it’s the exceedingly extra attention afforded that takes away from one’s ultimate goal)
– My opinion (you asked for it, didn’t you?)
Oh Shreck!ParticipantWIY, Obviously in the Jewish sense ??. He writes that it should be completely out of the dictionary, never, ever mentioned c”v even as a joke. Once that word is uttered, a certain defensive “barrier” has been broken.
Oh Shreck!ParticipantIt’s a valid question. And as wanderingchana wrote, sometimes we need to go through the stages of ????? ????, to stand back in humbled awe, stunned shock and grief, to contemplate the tragedy that befell all of Klal Yisroel (we’re all in this, together). Then there needs to be a time for each and every person saddened by this great calamity to better himself/herself in an area that requires ????, ammending, whether bein adam lamakom or bein adam l’chavero. Each person for himself, what he needs to fix. It’s when some come and tell you for this reason, for that reason, that is problematic (unless by one divinely inspired).
So yes, every one should definitely take on kabalos, privately, after witnessing such a great heartbreaking tragedy.
Oh Shreck!ParticipantSam2:
Second request. Mind sharing with us any of those six. Thanks
Oh Shreck!ParticipantCould be some shuls take davening seriously.
Could be you just happened to meet someone who had a terrible week and wanted to reconnect with HaShem, your interference was maybe disturbing him.
Could be you just happened to meet up with a blunt person. There are plenty of them, everywhere.
Oh Shreck!ParticipantTorah.
I wasn’t at all referring to you. I don’t know you or your circumstances (I have no need to), I was just writing in the general sense. As I wrote in my post, where it’s not feasible, of course it should be done while riding (without the LEAST SHAME), it’s just not the preferable method, l’chatchila. Mishna too writes of workers who pray while in midst of their work etc.
But the preferable method is to daven first, and then ??? ???? ?????.
Kal Hakavod to you for doing it in YOUR best possible approach.
Oh Shreck!ParticipantMaybe I’m missing something? What’s this all about? Isn’t the mitzvohs of Purim supposed to bring us closer to one another, more Ahavas Yisroel? Isn’t that the theme of the day – Ahavas Hashem and Ahavas Yisroel? Why all the criticism, snide remarks, bitter feelings about this most wonderful day?
Like it says in seforim, the truly fortunate understand it’s a day to be totally giving. Giving to a fellow Jew, giving to HaShem. A one day opportunity to bring simchah and pure nachas to the Creator by being so benevolent and compassionate to His children. This thought alone should be enough to dispel any personal negative feelings.
Purim is all about giving, not getting.
Oh Shreck!ParticipantSam2, Mind sharing some of those. I also heard likewise (Minchas Yitzchak), with a reason I myself cannot understand.
Oh Shreck!ParticipantTo keep myself off the streets..
(I’m here less now, because of the “Mesillas Yesharim sense”)
Oh Shreck!Participantto add:
Sometimes a truly good chavrusa is worth a bit of patience. ??? ?? ???, with forbearance, patience.
Oh Shreck!ParticipantActually Medrash Aicha says on the passuk ??? ???? ???? ???? ?? ?? ???? ?????, a person stands a whole day on his feet in work and does not tire. Yet his friend begs him to teach him one perek and he says he’s too tired.
It’s an old story…
(Just kidding. It certainly depends on the matzav, the person, the circumstances. Cannot be analyzed by our professional staff here in one “blick”)
Oh Shreck!ParticipantI know, I heard about that, I don’t understand it. I spoke to some about that heter, they cannot understand it, too.
Oh Shreck!ParticipantThe proper attitude should be to afford the Creator more than a harried, mulitasked mumble while commuting or doing any other chore. He deserves more. Of course there are heterim, but it’s just that – heterim. The proper setting for tefillah should be indoors, in a place conducive to proper kavanah.
Should one be in a circumstance where that is not viable, then it should most certainly be done publicly. No, no need for shame. ????? ?? ????? ??? ???????? ???????, they have a need for shame, MOST CERTAINLY not us.
Proper attention to the Alainu tefillah will most certainly set the standards straight. We thank HaShem for the opportunity and role to call out, to know and to serve Him. We thank Him for not have made us as the nations… For they bow… And then the powerful tefilla of v’Al kain nkaveh. Every word, so precious, it’s worth paying close attention. It will disperse any imaginary “inferior complex”, one may feel in contrast to our neighbors.