hiram king of tyre

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  • in reply to: "frum" boys who smoke #1179130

    syag hear that no offense taken personally, just dont think think its a rational forum with that kind of talk

    in reply to: "frum" boys who smoke #1179127

    none of us is perfect so one action does not define who we are. so if u have a hangup about smoking (its debatable whether its assur or not) then please refrain from broad brush painting ppl

    in reply to: "frum" boys who smoke #1179125

    i dont understand the label otd, as jews we do many things and are not allowed to do many other things. some ppl have failings in some things and some in others but we are all jews tryting to be good jews so why the hate and labeling

    in reply to: "frum" boys who smoke #1179124

    i smoke and am pretty religious dont think im otd

    in reply to: Name That Tune! #1194332

    good i love guessing these types of things! im new to the whole yeshivaworld but it looks like a nice group of people from all walks of life with a true sense of camaraderie!

    in reply to: UBER #1115916

    read their website mefurash in the fine print

    in reply to: The NASI Project – an updated assesement of this shidduch initiative #1116079

    to me the whole shidduch crisis seems very much like the debate on global warming, namely that anyone who dares question the supposed facts gets slammed down and shut up by everyone as they start screaming oy vey all those poor singles! thats very nice when your saying tehilim but its totally removed from a rational debate.

    in reply to: The NASI Project – an updated assesement of this shidduch initiative #1116078

    DY, did anyone ever offer a single shred of evidence that there are more single girls than boys? they always just bandy about numbers which i admit do add up on paper but who says their true!?

    in reply to: Trump – Fascist Demagogue? #1117684

    Not sure what the whole debate is about, trump is just a very successful businessman who did wonders making brands and buying up projects and turning them over to good which is exactly what he’s doing. he is just making a brand for himself as the strong anti-washington outsider and as soon as he wins the nomination he’ll tone it down and after the presidency is his he’ll stp altogether. its just a way of him being unique which no one can deny that he has been his whle career

    in reply to: The NASI Project – an updated assesement of this shidduch initiative #1116066

    whats the difference fact is theres no set age for a boy to get married and their numbers only work if its exact my sister married a guy 27 and was 20 and 2 other sisters got married around 22 to guys maybe a yr or 2 older

    in reply to: The NASI Project – an updated assesement of this shidduch initiative #1116065

    i once saw an ad from them that if your son is ready to go to eretz yisrael then hes ready for shidduchim. obviously either nobody at NASI went to EY or none of them got married because they have absolutely nothing to do with each other. i plan on going to EY this coming zman or the next and dont feel ready at all to get married not for a good few yrs and all the guys my age feel the same way!

    in reply to: The NASI Project – an updated assesement of this shidduch initiative #1116063

    the head of NASI is now on the Yated shidduch forum not sure why hes an objective panelist, NASI seems to only deal with the girls in shidduchim

    in reply to: The NASI Project – an updated assesement of this shidduch initiative #1116062

    i dont know why your bringing articles from time magazine they’re just a lib rag. and as far as the age gap being the cause of the supposed shidduch crisis, the theory might make sense if it were carved in stone that every boy got married at 23 to an 18 yr old but think for a second, of the last 5 people that you know that got married recently how many fit that 5 yr gap?

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