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  • in reply to: No Makeup on Wedding Day? #1135328

    To Pashuteh yid,

    Look Rabbi Falk realized if he just put out a sefer based on halacha alone, it might not sell too well. So he put out a sefer that was full of chumras; this he knew would be a big hit in our ultra-frum generation.

    in reply to: No Makeup on Wedding Day? #1135327

    To ames,

    If you are judging up my character traits due to the way I posted here is ultimately judging me as a person. You should not judge up my character traits the way I respond. My response is just a small part of my character traits’, I (and every other human) have many facets to my/their middos. You really wouldn’t be able to judge up my middos unless you knew me well!

    in reply to: No Makeup on Wedding Day? #1135318

    To ames,

    You didn’t answer my question to you. The reason I want to know Squeak’s gender is because the torah says “Ko somroo l’bais yaakov v’saged l’bnai yisroel”. (I’m not sure if I got the posuk exactly right because I didn’t look it up.) If you speak to a female you have to speak more gently.

    in reply to: No Makeup on Wedding Day? #1135316

    To squeak,

    Where did I say I wanted to pique your interest? I understand from one of your previous posts that it’s grammaticaly correct to write TEH on the net, but must you do it -it’s so annoying?!

    in reply to: No Makeup on Wedding Day? #1135314

    To ames,

    Don’t denigrade yourself by calling yourself dumb. Also, why do you say I have disgusting traits- which post(s) are you refering to? Even if I was a little harsh in some of my responses, you should not judge me up from a few posts. 1. You probably never met me, so you should not judge me until you know me well. 2. Even if we ever met, which I don’t know because you use a Pen name, you should dan me l’caf zecus. Just like you want Hashem to judge you favorably in 2 weeks, so you should also judge me favorably!

    in reply to: No Makeup on Wedding Day? #1135312

    To Squeak,

    Not to be personal but are you a man or a woman? BTW, I post quite often all over the YWN including the CR, but I usually limit myself to health topics. Here I decided to post because it peaked my interest.

    in reply to: No Makeup on Wedding Day? #1135311

    To PM,

    Thank you for agreeing to me that it’s mutter to wear makeup to your chasuna. We still might be in disagreement whether there is an Inyan to be machmir not to wear makeup to the chasuna or the chumra would be to wear. Remember -I said might. As Joseph so aptly quotes always makeup is for the husband; and to me- Rav wosner’s psak makes sense too -only for the people in the street and not for the husband would be Prizous. But what I found in Hilchos Aveilos is that a women can go in the street with makeup if it’s possible that she will be seen by her husband or potentional spouse. There is no requirement that this is the purpose of her leaving her house. She could have gone out for other permissble reasons and she can still wear makeup. This you see from the words of the Mechaber which I quoted befoe -“Kivon Sheh Ohmedes L’nahsay”.

    in reply to: No Makeup on Wedding Day? #1135310

    To Bemused,

    I want to tell you -I like getting riled up. I just enjoy a good argument. But even though I enjoy it and use it as an outlet, I didn’t answer them for my enjoyment. I also don’t do it for them to see the light, I don’t believe people like this change unless they really want to. So why do I do it? Simply because of the Hamone Am, especially the women readers. A lot of people will believe someone who calls himself Rabbi and looks frum, so he must be telling the truth. A lot people think that they are being frum by taking on every chumra in the world. I live in a town where ya’know the restaurants have “catch of the day”, we have “chumra of the week”. There definitely is such a thing in Torah as chumras, but you have to know when & where. This is not one of those times!

    in reply to: No Makeup on Wedding Day? #1135300

    To PM,

    It wasn’t “unprovoked”. Now that you rested from the computer- did you look up the mechaber? Something that is posut pshat even without it saying it in big black print, is called arguing with the Shulchan Aruch. No one should argue with the posut pshat of the Shulchan Aruch. If you don’t understand posut pshat- ask someone. In this case I told you what posut pshat is!

    in reply to: No Makeup on Wedding Day? #1135297

    To Joe,

    Thanks for the Brocha, but B”H I’m very healthy that’s why I post as Health, Bli Ayin Horah. First of all, me calling him names, has nothing to do you with you. You however, started calling me names first. I guess that answers my question -why is wearing makeup ossur in the street? Because the Rov PM Paskened so. Is he also the Menahel of this Girl’s seminary? Or is that you? Did he turn this so-called Issur of makeup into a D’oraysa also? It’s not the first time I found a Rov that Krummed up the Shulchan Aruch. I live in a town where it’s done a lot. But I’m not as smart as them, they have the whole world calling them Rov and giving them money because they know how to put on the Frum show. I don’t know how to make myself LOOK Frummer than everyone else, but one thing I’ll never do is Krum up the Shulchan Aruch, no matter who tells me to!

    in reply to: No Makeup on Wedding Day? #1135295

    To Joseph,

    Is this the first time in your life that you were Up Geshlogged? Because it doesn’t look like you are taking it too well! I’m refering to your name calling, eg. silly, krum. Like I said before, I feel really bad for you.

    in reply to: No Makeup on Wedding Day? #1135293

    To Joe,

    I asked that because you both post similary. Which remark is silly? I suppose yours’ is -“Furthermore, no Taam Hadovor permits the impermissable in public”. I know the Taam Hadovor only pushes off Aveilos (A D’oraysah acc. to poskim), not the issur of makeup in the streets (A D’oraysa or a D’rabbonon or some Chumra made up by some Krumme mentchen -tell me which one is it?)!

    in reply to: No Makeup on Wedding Day? #1135290

    To PM,

    Are you and Joseph one and the same? edited. Can I ask you a question, if the husband goes in the street is it possible that he might see his wife (of course only in a time when it’s mutter for her to go)? So the Taam Hadovor is still there. Then it’s mutter to wear makeup in the street also. There is no difference; only with a Krum mind is there a difference. Also, as far a Boigeres is concerned, do you think they set people up with Shiduchim, like nowadays? Look up the gemorah I quoted. So it’s mutter to wear makeup anytime she went into the street -women at that time only went into the street if they had to. If you would have looked it up it says- “Kivon Sheh Ohmedes L’nahsay”.

    in reply to: No Makeup on Wedding Day? #1135279

    To Jphone,

    I hope you’re kidding.

    To PM,

    2 Posute diyukim. 1. If the mechaber held there was a difference between inside and out- since there is no other Simon that says B’fayrush that it’s ossur (to wear makeup) the mechaber would definetly have been mechalek – because of L’hafrish m’issurah and because a husband can see his wife when she’s outside the house also. 2. It says “A Boigeres should wear makeup (in order for her to look good around her potentional matches)”. Shidduchim was always done in the street in the time of the gemorrah. See Taanis 26:2 Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel says …

    in reply to: No Makeup on Wedding Day? #1135275

    To Joseph,

    You tell me not to assume any implications on your part, but then you say to me that I didn’t like the gemorrah or Rav Wosner’s psak. Where do you see any of this latter part in my posts? The reason I said you implied that wearing makeup outside is ossur, is because you quoted this on a blog discussing makeup on your wedding day. Anybody would come to this obvious conclusion. If this isn’t what you meant please inform us. Also, please tell us the reason why you quoted this gemorrah and shevet levy on this post? So from your implications, I wanted the readers to understand how the Simon I quoted previously can agree with this gemorrah and psak! EDITED

    in reply to: No Makeup on Wedding Day? #1135267

    To Joseph,

    I will be nice, even though you choose not to be. You are throwing all these things at me which I agree with. The only thing that the Shulchan Aruch disagrees with is your implication that women shouldn’t wear makeup outside. They are allowed to and they should if they go out. Again, look up the Simon that I quoted in my previous posts. You will see clearly that a Kallah should wear make up and even a Boigeres who isn’t married should wear makeup.

    in reply to: No Makeup on Wedding Day? #1135261

    To Joseph,

    I feel really bad for you. Even though you didn’t answer me, the readers are assuming that you hold it’s ossur to wear makeup outside on the street. You must have Grosse Platzos to argue with the Shuchan Aruch which I quoted in my previous posts. You see clear from that Simon that it was for the street also, not just for the home. That doesn’t mean this Simon can’t agree with this Gemorrah. Just when you go out -you shouldn’t over do it and it shouldn’t be only for the outside. It should be for the inside & out. When you’re looking up the Simon I quoted before, also look up the Halacha of someone who is Megaleh Ponim B’torah Shelo K’halacha!

    in reply to: No Makeup on Wedding Day? #1135257

    To Joseph,

    So what is your point? Do you agree with this Seminary?

    in reply to: No Makeup on Wedding Day? #1135237

    To NY Mom,

    You’re welcome.

    To Working,

    Not only is it not special, it’s wrong! If the Shulchan Aruch says it’s an Inyan to do something and you don’t do it because of your Frumme Yezer Hora, it’s not “good for them”, it’s bad for them!

    in reply to: No Makeup on Wedding Day? #1135233

    To mazal77,

    You didn’t understand my post. If the Shulchan Aruch says something -that is the halacha. Doing opposite from the Shulchan Aruch isn’t a chumra, no matter what your seichel (sense) tells you, it’s krum and wrong. I wasn’t talking about always wearing makeup, especially if your husband doesn’t care, I was talking about in these specific cases. A kallah is one of those cases. The Shuchan Aruch says even after the wedding she should wear makeup- for sure during her wedding.

    in reply to: Swine Flu in the Frum Community #657027

    To mazal77,

    You are correct about immunity, but you need to be exposed to the antigen first. You can be exposed by either getting sick or by getting a shot. I prefer the shot it usually doesn’t make you feel sick or cause death. Also with regards to this swine flu,

    it can be different than the regular flu. So far bli ayin horah, it’s acting like a regular flu or even milder; not too many deaths. But in 1918 this strain -H1N1, called at that time the Spanish flu, mutated and turned very deadly. This is why a lot of people are hyping this up -they are afraid of some sort of deadly mutation. We really don’t have anything to fight the flu with- the meds (tamiflu & others) don’t work to well. The best protection we have against the flu is vaccination. Two reasons a shot will help in this case. 1. The less people that get sick- the less of a chance the virus has of mutating. 2. Even if it mutates, the shot will probably give you some immunity, so you probably won’t die chas v’sholom from this deadly strain. I hope this clears some stuff up for you.

    in reply to: Swine Flu in the Frum Community #657024

    Now I know why you guys post in the coffee room and not on the main site. Thanks for a good laugh. Reminds me of the movie Conspiracy Theory with Mel Gibson, but that was more believable. It’s funny- the British who have horrible socialized medicine are worried about a complication that happened in the seventies. Don’t they think that maybe the pharm. companies have improved the vaccine since then? And don’t tell me be Makish H1N1 to H1N1, this isn’t a Gezairah Shoveh!

    in reply to: No Makeup on Wedding Day? #1135215

    To Mod. 80, You are correct it does say that in the gemmora, but you left out a few things. Also, I would never send my child to such a school -this is crumkeit not frumkeit. I hope all the posters agree that a frum yid is someone who follows shulchan aruch, not someone who makes up chumras, to look better than someone else or for whatever reason. Why don’t they give scholarships to girls who will marry bochurim who are having a hard time getting married. Just because they don’t have a good shem isn’t a good reason. Every yid has a chezkas kashrus and more than half of what people say about these bochurim isn’t even loshon hora (true), it’s pure motzay shem rah (false). All right back to the halacha to explain why this is crum. I’ll write in English, so even the women will be able to understand. The Shulchan Aruch in Hilchos Aveilos -Yora Deah -Simon 381 -Seif 6 (some of this is based on the gemorrah in Kesubos) says: “A woman should not put on makeup & fix hair when she is during her aveilos (mourning). A married woman is just not allowed to put on makeup & fix hair during shiva, but after that she is allowed to, in order that she shouldn’t look unappealing to her husband. A Kallah who became an aveilah and is within 30 days of her marriage is allowed to put on makeup even during shiva. A Boigeres, (Girl of marriagable age- usually 12 and a half or older)(She might not even be a Kallah yet.) since she is waiting /about(Ohmedes -literally -standing) to get married, is allowed to put on makeup and do her hair.” If there was a reason or Inyan to be Machmir not to put on makeup -the Shuchan Aruch would never have said you are allowed to do it when you are during aveilos. So you see just the opposite, it is such an Inyan to put on makeup -it is Docheh (pushes off) the Issur (Prohibition) of Aveilos (mourning).

    in reply to: Swine Flu in the Frum Community #656981

    To Jax,

    I copied and pasted right out of the microbiology textbook:

    pandemic (pan-dem_ik)- An increase in the occurrence of a disease within a large and geographically widespread population (often refers to a worldwide epidemic).

    in reply to: Swine Flu in the Frum Community #656977

    I’m sorry that this flu turned into a pandemic, but I’m not going to say I told you so. But, what I don’t understand is -ok you disagreed with me, but why did you have to put me down while doing it?

    in reply to: Swine Flu in the Frum Community #656967

    Bemused -I don’t think I need to apologize, but I did try to expain to you my reactions. Also my comment about not being in the medical community- granted was partially an insult, but mainly I didn’t want to get into a debate about it because to explain what I wrote at that time would have taken a large chunk of time. As far as “playing telephone” even if they heard it firsthand, you have to know the context in which it was said. But I welcome anybody in the medical community who disagrees with anything I wrote to please comment and I will try to answer them.

    in reply to: Swine Flu in the Frum Community #656965

    To Bemused,

    I’m not a mind reader, but from the tone of his post it seemed that he marginalized my comments by associating me as a female. Why don’t you ask him -why he posted the way he did?

    in reply to: Swine Flu in the Frum Community #656962

    To Bemused,

    The reason I answered Squeak the way I did was because he basically called me a woman. As far as my knowledge trumping any physician, I don’t know any doctor who responded to any of my posts. I don’t think they would disagree but if someone in the medical community doesn’t agree with everything I wrote, they are entitled to their opinion. All the people who commented on my posts only said what their doctor told them. They might mean well, but everyone heard of the game “telephone”.

    in reply to: Swine Flu in the Frum Community #656959

    To Aussie,

    No, I’m not!

    To Ames,

    No to both, but I’m in the medical field. Also, any doctor can post any comment he wants on my posts and I’ll discuss it with him. Anybody can post here, as long as you register with YWN. You aren’t your doctor’s spokesman.

    As far as your last question- it’s possible, but there’s no guarantee. It depends on what the antigenic shift is. So let everyone expose themselves just in case. The CDC calls this “flu parties” and they recommend against this because even this flu has caused fatalities in people. They say since we don’t know who will die from this flu (even though it’s a small percentage), even young people without other illnesses should not expose themselves on purpose.

    in reply to: Swine Flu in the Frum Community #656955

    To squeak,

    I didn’t know this word till now. It’s an internet slang, not part of the english language. Why use slang on this site?

    To n-devorah,

    You’re obviously not part of the medical community, so you didn’t understand what I wrote. You (and others) should educate yourself by going to these sites- the pages on H1N1 flu, not on seasonal flu. Also, and

    in reply to: Swine Flu in the Frum Community #656944

    To yankdownunder,

    Acc. to WHO- swine flu is a pandemic level 5. The CDC doesn’t know yet enough about this virus to say if any part of the population is more susceptible than others like they do with seasonal flu. What you read on news sites about weak & debilitated being more susceptible isn’t necessarily true. As far as the other questions -go to the CDC web site and you’ll find the answers. It’s too much info -for me to get into here.

    To Squeak,

    First of all- I’m a Rabbi to you (no ms.) -not even a Mister- I’m sure you’re just a typical am haaretz. Second of all, you’re the one that should relax- you’re so nervous you’re writing teh instead of THE. I don’t know why you’re saying I hyped this up- where in any of my posts do you find any hype? Also, I don’t own any web sites, so I didn’t decide swine flu was newsworthy -they did. All I did was answer commentors who I felt were not saying truthful comments. Also, my comment about MMC was directed toward someone else’s comment about his doctor having to see 200 patients in MMC who thought they had the flu. I was saying that he shouldn’t complain about his workload since his hospital thinks they have too many employees and just fired 3 PA’s. I personally wouldn’t work for MMC – I think the administration there are all a bunch of typical liberal Jews.

    in reply to: Swine Flu in the Frum Community #656941

    To ambush,

    When you know so little about diseases, why would you comment? How do you know strep is more serious? How do you know how strep is spread? Do you even know why they give antibiotics for strep throat? What is the difference between swine flu and bird flu?

    You don’t have to be in the medical field to comment, but at least go to a reputable medical web site and see what they say before you do.

    in reply to: Swine Flu in the Frum Community #656938

    To ames,

    I personally don’t know what schools do. I can tell you that administrators usually base decisions on a few factors namely – Dept. of Health regs., what they think their parents and community wants, and if they have a school physician -they might ask his/her’s opinion.

    in reply to: Swine Flu in the Frum Community #656932

    To ames,

    What aspect does he think is overblown? The aspect that 200 patients think they are infected or the medical community’s response to it? Why does he think that is crazy for schools to close -does he want this to be a full pandemic? When he went to Downstate -didn’t he have to take epidimeology 101? And why did MMC just fire 3 PA’s if their doctor’s can’t handle the work load? Everyone else is grabbing up PA’s and they fired them. I’m not friends with these PA’s but I heard about it from my friends in PA school.

    in reply to: Swine Flu in the Frum Community #656927

    What are you worrying about? Do you go to those yeshivos?

    in reply to: Swine Flu – Are We Overreacting? #646191

    And your point is?

    in reply to: Swine Flu – Are We Overreacting? #646180

    What is really scary is that our gov. doesn’t take any transmittable disease seriously-

    when AIDS first came out there were only a few hundred people who had it. They could have easily quarantined them and any of their contacts. The rest of the world would have followed suit. If they would have done this, AIDS would either not exist or we would have a lot fewer cases- not the epidemic we have now. Remember Typhoid Mary! The reason I mentioned the similarity to the Spanish flu is to warn people that this might not be the big bust like we had with the swine flu of the 70’s. The Spanish flu mutated from a regular H1N1 flu to become a killer in the fall. One particular difference this flu did was to attack people with robust immune systems more than others. The elderly seemed to survive this flu better than young people, which isn’t the case with the flu usually. There are two theories as to why this happened, but I won’t go into it here. That was the purpose of my original post -that don’t believe the gov.-media complex- they may be correct, but there is no way of knowing for sure.

    in reply to: Swine Flu – Are We Overreacting? #646172

    Miami- you sound like your more scared of the vaccine than of the illness. Don’t use data from thity years ago for safety & efficiency for today. All vaccines are relatively safe nowadays. (Nothing in this world is 100% safe) A lot of people in the frum community don’t vaccinate -you might have that legal right, but then don’t send your kids to school because you will spread the disease. “How can you spread the disease if everybodies vaccinated?” Because let’s say your unvaccinated child gets the measles and is still infectious while in school, another vaccinated child can pick it up even if he/she won’t get ill. This child can bring it home and spread it to siblings. If there is an infant at home, the baby can pick it up and get sick! We don’t vaccinate for measles till over a year of age.

    in reply to: Swine Flu – Are We Overreacting? #646169

    Dear YW editor,

    I don’t know why you even wrote the article on the NY Post, but from the medical standpoint V.P. Biden isn’t wrong. If you decrease your exposure to public places which include -planes, trains, subways, busses and other places, you decrease your potential exposure to the virus. BTW, if our Pres. and VP cared about the safety of US citizens, they would have closed the US- Mexican border. This line about closing the stable door after the horse has left is nonsense! The more people infected in this country with the disease- the more of a chance to spread it to more people. This is Epidmieology 101!

    in reply to: Swine Flu – Are We Overreacting? #646167

    Dear Ames,

    I don’t want this socialist gov. to take over all business in the US, like they did with the car and bank industries; but they can push the pharm companies. Eg.- They can give them financial incentives and also to ease the regulations- like allowing vaccines to be grown in cells not just in eggs, which is a faster process!

    in reply to: Swine Flu – Are We Overreacting? #646165

    Dear Aussie boy,

    I did make a mistake -I meant to write 1/3 of the world was infected.

    BTW, you get your facts straight- 15-20 million deaths were the old statistics, the new statistics are 50-100 million DEATHS!! You’re online- look it up!

    in reply to: Swine Flu – Are We Overreacting? #646160

    Not to be alarmist but I find it very disconcerting that about a week after this hit the news -the media-gov. complex is saying there is nothing to worry about. Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it. The Spanish Flu of 1918 that killed 1/3 of the world is the same flu -H1N1. At that time they say it started in the spring time like this one and it was mild and it turned deadly in the fall. I’m not saying we definetly have a killer on our hands but whose to say we don’t? The US gov. at that time also played it down. If we don’t take precautions it could be a fatal mistake. Those masks don’t do anything for the flu- you need n-100 protection. If our instant-demanding generation out there puts our heads in the sand -who knows? All you people out there should demand your elected officials to develop the vaccine for as many people as they can before this virus mutates- possibly in the next couple of months!

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