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  • in reply to: How often is Divorce the better option for the entire family? #739782

    Ofcourse – Like I posted previously -even a lot of those cases could have been prevented, if professional help got involved sooner than later.

    in reply to: Remarriage #740583

    I saw in a Sefer (I don’t remember which) that if a woman remarries after her husband’s death, in Oolam Haba she goes back to the first.

    Wolf – what’s your Mekor?

    in reply to: How often is Divorce the better option for the entire family? #739775

    Thank you Aries again, for your clear-headed posts.

    A voice of reason in a sea of insanity!

    in reply to: Window guards a fire hazard? #739806

    Always – Like I posted before management of chronic pain is one of the hot topics in medicine.

    In my Primary Care handbook it says “Addiction to narcotics are rare; dependence is common.”

    I don’t think low doses have anything to do with this.

    It also says – “Chronic back pain is treated with CBT & education & exercise & weight loss (if needed) & meds.

    Meds to be considered are SSRI’s, NSAID’s, Tylenol, Tricyclics, Gabapentin, and Ultram. The last one to consider is Narcotics.”

    Being that opiates have certain problems with their usage, they are only used as a last resort.

    I gave you recommendations in the other post and now you have more. Please feel free to make use of them and all your family can get off the opiates (if possible).

    in reply to: How often is Divorce the better option for the entire family? #739771

    ramateshkolian – You’re 100% correct. But unfortunately people don’t point people who have marital problems in the right direction. Also, we love to talk about these type of things -it’s a live soap opera. But, just realize your talking about this family will have repercussions forever.

    in reply to: How often is Divorce the better option for the entire family? #739770

    yaff80 – For the couple also almost never.

    Truth be told is telling the truth, even with me.

    Before I get yelled at -“What about abusers?”

    Even in abuse cases, the abuser almost never starts out this way. They just didn’t get the help they needed before they became this way.

    And No, I’m not an abuser!

    in reply to: Picking Lips #739667

    umm -You’re wrong- That’s what they mean. This isn’t mainly a sub-type of bipolar. This is a sub-type of OCD.

    I looked high and low for a reputable site, so noone could say -“Eh, you brought a proof from some guy who doesn’t know what they’re talking about.”

    deiyezooger – “men pulling their beard-sounds familiar whats wrong?”

    It’s only trichotillomania if you pull out tons of hair, that you have a bald spot or almost one.

    in reply to: Surprise Goodbye Party For Myself #976334

    Daas Yochid -That was your mistake. I tried posting a menchlich response to your post, but I guess the mods didn’t like the back and forth and closed the topic. There is a big difference between the generation growing up now and my generation when we were younger.

    in reply to: Anyone read shloimy dachs article in Mishpach about divorce? #740539

    I didn’t read the article; but many, many adults and children are affected negatively by divorce. I hope the purpose of this article was not to deny this truth.

    in reply to: Picking Lips #739660

    For all those in denial -This is from Mass. General Hospital OCD clinic web site, under glossary:

    This would include lip picking!

    in reply to: Window guards a fire hazard? #739804

    RB -Read my first post! I didn’t say not to get bars, just to make

    they open easily.

    in reply to: Window guards a fire hazard? #739802

    RB – Some thieves are professional -they can tell if you have an alarm and they can tell what type and so forth.

    in reply to: Picking Lips #739649

    s2021 & Smile E. Face –

    Why would I joke with a name like Health?

    Some people who bite their nails have underlying problems.

    This sounds to me much worse than that. It sounds as a very destructive habit. Could be a lot of people who do this have some underlying issue.

    in reply to: baby sitting #739430

    Understand – I don’t think you “understand” what goes on here. Almost No High School girl here goes to sleep @10:30. The problem at lot times is a few people have taken advantage of coming back later than the time they said. So a lot of mothers tell the kids to just say 10:30.

    “Yes, we know its a “zechus” to have you come to our house,

    I guess I should just say TY for doing me the favor of coming”

    Please don’t have this attitude because it’s very far from the truth. Also, posting this on a public blog just feeds some of these girl’s attitudes.

    in reply to: Picking Lips #739643

    I think people have to work on underlying issues, before trying to force themselves to stop. It might be a good idea to see a therapist.

    in reply to: Recipe for Trout Fillet #739266

    Trout recipe – Take slivered almonds and sautee in a little oil until crisp. Take whole trout and put butter or marg or oil on the outside. Sprinkle with the almonds and bake until soft.

    Is your recipe that you posted, sweet or sour? What is the reaction that a first timer has to eating the fish that way?

    in reply to: Shalom Bayis in our community #740453

    Ragachovers Assistant – Great story.

    I think that in our generation, it’s an offshoot of money.

    Previous generations life was extremly hard- just to survive.

    The “ME” generation is not happy with what ever they have.

    Yesh lo moneh, rozeh mohcyim!

    in reply to: baby sitting #739418

    eclipse – I understand Redzy and a lot of her friends. Tell me Redzy which High School you go to? I experienced this attitude more than once. I’ll make sure to tell everyone here that I know not to send there.

    in reply to: Window guards a fire hazard? #739796

    RB – Actually they can. If the Ganiv has a choice between a house with an alarm and one without, guess which one he will pick.

    in reply to: Window guards a fire hazard? #739791

    Only get the guards that can be opened easily. Get an alarm to prevent break-ins.

    in reply to: Pain killer addiction #738868

    Shrek – A psychological addiction would be more like crack/cocaine. Narcotics, smoking, alcohol, etc., usually are both. But it does sound like in this case, it’s probably not a psychological addiction, but it might be a physical addiction.

    in reply to: Surprise Goodbye Party For Myself #976302

    “yes,I have been published,b’h.”

    What type of book have you written- kids, young adult, adult?

    in reply to: embarassed to use food stamps #738834

    GAW – I don’t have much anger in me about everything. I just don’t like it when people use Gemorahs and other things to prove something, that L’masseh isn’t the Halacha. Actually, I almost never learnt in Kollel, but that doesn’t mean there is anything wrong with someone who does and has to rely on gov. programs or Tzedokoh!

    in reply to: Shalom Bayis in our community #740448

    Wolf- I already posted – “I just agreed with his general post, not with every detail.” I don’t agree that it is ossur all the time, unless the person wants to keep that chumra, which a lot of people do.

    in reply to: Doctor in Miami #739000

    There is also Zol -Sol, zein- stein, g’bencht -ben, enoch, bracha-Brocha or Boruch (since I’m not a Fro), kupf- Kupfer, Cooper. There might be more.

    in reply to: Police – and False Accusations #738436

    RB – Let it go. He didn’t do anything illegal. Let’s say you had your gloved hand on your face and he thought it was a phone. Since he thought it was a phone he has the legal right to pull you over. What they usually do in cases like this is -ask you for your phone. They open it and find the last number that was called or called you. Then they look at the time, if it matches the present time minus a few, then they issue a ticket. He didn’t even bother doing that to you.

    in reply to: Doctor in Miami #738998

    Aries thanks -You even used my name in the brocha, but I’m not going to say which one. There are a few.

    in reply to: Pain killer addiction #738862

    always here – “MRI.. & said he wouldn’t touch her because of the floating disc fragment… until after she has surgery for it.

    surgery is being considered, but her doctor isn’t advising it @ this time.

    did you see the dosage she takes? 10-15 mg approx. 4x (sometimes 3x) a day. that’s hardly methodone-type-programs necessary. (not that you suggested it was.)

    SHE thinks she has a problem… I personally don’t, but absolutely respect & admire her for wanting to get help.”

    Even with low doses a person can be addicted. The way to tell is if the person goes into withdrawl upon not taking the meds.

    I did a web search for spinal decompression in NY. They have one in the city called – The Spine Care Institute. The doctor uses a special chair to decompress, not his hands.

    Definitely also go for an opinion at HSS. They have helped many people with these problems.

    Again, I don’t recommend methadone as a narcotic treatment, only Subutex.

    in reply to: Shalom Bayis in our community #740442

    Wolf – “So, please enlighten me. Give me an example of when it is a “lack of Tznius” for a man to see his wife’s hair (assuming alone and not a niddah).”

    You actually answered your own question. I tried to be more specific in my post, but when I tried to write it -it was deleted.

    in reply to: Shalom Bayis in our community #740438

    Wolf – “Do you think it’s a “lack of Tznius” for a man to see his wife’s hair? Or arms? Or legs?”

    It depends on the circumstance.

    in reply to: Getting Rid of Mice! #994090

    600kilobear returns

    Posting until Peerim – “The traps or the bait? I remember Tomcat spring loaded traps going way back.”

    Read my first post!

    in reply to: Doctor in Miami #738995

    aries – So, what’s the question?

    I can guess -Let’s see -Why is there blood? Small amounts can be normal. Do I have to finish all medicine? Yes, on the antbiotics. No, on the quills -If you feel fine without the quills, stop taking them.

    I’ll take a Brocha as a thank you.

    in reply to: embarassed to use food stamps #738830

    GAW – Look in the Remah Y’D Simon 246, #21, where it starts out like you, but ends not like that. That’s why I posted -“Look up the halachos, before you Pasken!”

    J & W 22 was using that Gemorrah to prove a point Halacha L’masseh, but it isn’t how we come out at the end of the Remah, but nice try.

    in reply to: Shalom Bayis in our community #740427

    eclipse – “Health–I gave plenty of respect

    “demand” respect,no

    I would have held out for it,and not allowed the blatant dismissal of it to be tolerated for so long.”

    There is nothing wrong with demanding respect; if you give it, then you should get it.

    “Third parties need to learn to see through the Jekyll and Hyde persona of MOST ABUSIVE PEOPLE.”

    My ex wasn’t Dr. Jekyll/ Mr. Hyde. Her so-called “ultra-frum friends” are. They will never see (at least in this world), what they really are!

    in reply to: Shalom Bayis in our community #740423

    Wolf – “Do you think he’s even remotely right that a man looking at his wife’s hair (a perfectly permitted activity according to EVERYONE except MR) is the cause of shalom bayis problems?”

    I just agreed with his general post, not with every detail. I do believe that sholom bayis problems can come from lack of kedusha in the home, which would include lack of Tzinus.

    in reply to: Pain killer addiction #738854

    always here – This is a very controvesial, hot topic in medicine right now. IMO, once the person, like in your family’s case, become addicted, this addiction takes precedence over any real or percieved pain. The only exception is terminally ill people. An addiction is a lifelong problem. There are many ways to deal with back pain without narcotics. A. High dose NSAIDS. B. There is a special machine that some chiropractors have, that decompresses spines. C. Certain hospitals like HSS have programs usually surgically based to correct back problems, even where others have failed.

    The addicted patient needs medical help, not just an addiction therapist and/or NA. You need to go to a doctor that treats addictions. The methadone programs don’t work. The only medication programs that work nowadays are Subutex/Subloxone programs!

    in reply to: Getting Rid of Mice! #994083


    “3) Very few of the commonly sold products work. Best to call the pros.”

    Yea, and the one that works is Tomcat. A lot cheaper than the “Pros”.

    in reply to: embarassed to use food stamps #738826

    jewish and working 22 – Sorry you are wrong! That Gemorrah doesn’t apply to people sitting and learning all day! Look up the halachos, before you Pasken!

    in reply to: Shalom Bayis in our community #740418

    Wolf – Please!; but it is brought down such a shittah. A woman didn’t let the walls of her house see her uncovered hair and it says very nice things about it!

    in reply to: how do you improve your middos? #747399

    Mytake – Mesilas Yeshorim talks about Zerizos.

    in reply to: baby sitting #739386

    boredstiff- Actually it does NOT fit into the definition of Chesed. But yes, even so you have to have Hakoras Hatov to babysitters. (Like any employee.) This doesn’t mean people OWE babysitters anything.

    It sounds like some of the posters here are from the “ME” generation.

    BTW, it’s because of the “ME” generation, that there is even a problem finding babysitters, eg. -“Oh, I don’t feel like it”, “I want to hang with my friends”, etc.

    Usually babysitting is one of the person’s first jobs. If you take the job responsibly, this will help you later on in life when you need to be responsible.

    BTW, in the Greater NY area, I’ve found only girls/women babysit.

    Where I come from originally, boys also babysit!

    in reply to: Where's The Mentchlichkyt?! #738216

    TheLargeWhiteUrsineReturns – I hope you said NO!

    What’s a “White Ursine”?

    in reply to: Doctor in Miami #738990

    mbachur – How’s your kid doing today?

    in reply to: Shalom Bayis in our community #740416

    eclipse – “I wish I would have known early on that every person deserves to feel respected.For the human being that h/she is.”

    Would you have given more respect or demanded more respect?

    in reply to: Shalom Bayis in our community #740415

    mosherose – You are right, but this is one of many reasons. Everything in life boils down to Ruchniyus. Tzinus is but one facet of Torah. Why does everyone always focus only on this aspect?

    Menchlichkeit and good midos are essential for sholom bayis!

    If you don’t know how to be Mevater, forget about ever getting


    in reply to: Surprise Goodbye Party For Myself #976268

    Addictions to things like blogging -just throwing out the computer, doesn’t address the underlying problem.

    in reply to: Getting Rid of Mice! #994071

    My Granparents had a cat in their store to get rid of mice.

    But that was before they had effective ways to get rid of them.

    in reply to: Getting Rid of Mice! #994070

    cherrybim “And, cats stink.

    Glue traps are only good while the glue is still very sticky, which is not very long. And with poison, the mice get immune to the poison and start to eat it for snack.”

    Only the Decon brand, not the Tomcat brand.

    in reply to: Getting Rid of Mice! #994069

    AinOhdMilvado – I stand corrected. I don’t know where they go, but with the poison, you usually don’t have to clean up the mess.

    As opposed to traps.

    in reply to: Doctor in Miami #738986

    What is :p> & <d:?

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