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  • in reply to: 'Old Fashioned' medical treatment or modern – which are better? #742737

    PB – They are also using maggots!

    in reply to: What would you have done? #828067

    Hadal – “I say approximately because when I asked the Doctor he said, he doesn’t count).”

    He’s not getting paid for how many. I didn’t count as a student and I got yelled at by my superior -“Don’t you know the hospital gets paid acc. to how many stitches”?

    in reply to: smokers #759006

    chayav -“ctrl alt dlt what proffeasion are u in?? radiation oncology??”

    He must be an undertaker -we in the medical field are busy enough without smokers making us busier.

    in reply to: accidents #742406

    chayav – Yes, a few times. But I responded to many.

    in reply to: cousins marrying each other #742644

    OOmis -“I personally do not recommend it, but don’t chassidic “royals” do this often?”

    Yes they do and sometimes they don’t have normal children, but not always. The Rebbish families only like their own Yichus.

    in reply to: HELP! horrible acne #743057

    Don’t be scared off from seeking medical care. Accutane is only used as a last resort. First there is retinoids cream or gels for comedonal acne. Then these can be combined with topical antimicrobials for papulopustual. Then the next step is to give oral cyclines or erythros. Accutane is last.

    in reply to: Divorce, Regrets, & Children #742169

    LMA -You’re right. But in divorce with kids, do you think it’s ever “Over”?!?!

    in reply to: Divorce, Regrets, & Children #742167

    cocacola – Even though you’re technically correct, but noone enjoys punishment. Equivalent to what you are saying is going to a cancer ward and telling the patients -Ya’know everything happens for a reason, so you shouldn’t have any misgivings that you got this illness and you shouldn’t regret getting it. I’d like to see the reaction. There is nothing wrong with regreting a bad marriage, but if you haven’t been there you have no clue. Did you ever learn the Torah concept of Nosay B’ol C’havero? Do you have any idea what that means? Are you the type of person that goes into a Shiva house were someone lost a kid and tell them -No biggy- it was Bashert?

    in reply to: Hechsher on soaps and sponges? #743874

    cherrybim “hello99 – You are misleading the CR readership because you make implications and assumptions and present them as definitive fact.”

    Funny you are doing the same thing here-

    “It’s all baba meisa, no hashgacha needed for soap or sponges. But once you have hashgacha for one brand, it creates the status quo.”

    I proved that the kashrus agencies hold there is a difference between hand soap and soap or dishwashing hand liquid/ soap sponges. I also found that they seem to hold that the powder or liquid going actually into the dishwasher doesn’t need a hechsher because it’s sufficiently strong that it’s poison. But it seems that all seem to hold that what you hand wash your dishes with- needs or should be kosher as opposed to body soap or actual dishwashing machine powder. Hence all the hechsherim on those liquid dish detergents. You might not have meant this in your above post, but you are misleading people!

    in reply to: Sitting in Starbucks right now. #756652

    Daas Yochid -Best thing to do is to contact him yourself. If you want me to guess, I’d say maybe this is the reason of the alert!

    I personally never drink coffee. I once had a cup of coffee from a starbucks in one of these service areas because I was really tired. I doubt there was a problem because it looked like that’s all they served.

    I do know that where I live a lot of frum people go to the starbucks and get cofee and cookies. I already posted that the cookies are treif, now there is a Shaila on their coffee.

    in reply to: Hechsher on soaps and sponges? #743869

    From th OK -Kosher Kitchen:

    “Also necessary are separate sets of draining boards, draining racks, dish sponges, scouring pads, dish towels, and tablecloths. Dish soap, cleanser, and scouring pads used for dishes and pots must have a hechsher (kashrut certification).”

    in reply to: Sitting in Starbucks right now. #756650

    Found this on a blog:

    Rabbi Fishbane offered the following guidelines for kosher Starbucks customers:

    in reply to: Hechsher on soaps and sponges? #743868

    From the cRc:

    “Bar-soap has always been made from (non-kosher) animal fat and there are respected halachic authorities that hold that one should not use such soap for washing their body. However, the common practice is to be lenient on this issue because (a) many disagree with the aforementioned opinion and (b) some argue that our soaps are sufficiently inedible that even the stricter opinion would agree that they can be used in spite of their being made from non-kosher animal fat.”

    in reply to: What would you have done? #828036

    Of course – “In my case, if I would have left the Shul, my husband would have had no idea where I am.”

    Now we know one positive thing with the requirement that everyone nowadays has a cell!

    in reply to: What would you have done? #828034

    aries – You mean TE, not Purim. I just looked up the Halacha. For the other fasts, the SA brings down pregnant women should fast. For Taanis Esther, the Mishna Brurah brings down a machlokes and he comes out in the Shaar Tzion that you should do whatever the Minhag is where you are. I think most pregnant women don’t fast TE. And some pregnant women don’t fast the other fasts besides Tisha B’av.

    in reply to: What would you have done? #828032

    “I would have sat down on the floor”

    I hope your family would come looking for you afterwards because no way you would be able to get up by yourself. And you definitely can’t count on all the women around you to help!

    in reply to: Divorce, Regrets, & Children #742163

    canine – Yes you can. Do you have kids? I highly doubt it.

    BTW, Separate, not seperate.

    If you learn Chumash, you will see that Yehudah would never had had a relationship with Tamar -had he known who she was, but yet his yichus came through her. That being Malchus Bais Dovid & Moshiach!

    in reply to: Purim Costumes for Families #744564

    Why do families have to get dressed up? When I was a kid, it was only for Kids! And why does Misloach Monos have to have a theme? How about a fruit and a Mezonos (Hamentash) on a paper plate?

    The fancy ones also had a drink like a can of soda or wine or grape juice.

    in reply to: Drinking Grape Juice During the Week #1088357

    canine – “The Wolf: I don’t want to c”v make him think that I think he is a cheapskate.”

    Let’s say he is -why wouldn’t you make him aware of this problem? I let my kids drink it -if they really want and ask me first. My main problem is that I might forget that I need to get more for Shabbos because it’s not something I buy every week and it’s not something that is normally drunk in the house.

    in reply to: What would you have done? #828026

    aries2756 – “True but so was the pregnant woman, even more so a reason to give her a seat.”

    Pregnant women don’t fast Taanis Esther, as far as I know.

    in reply to: What would you have done? #828024

    You bring out some interesting points:

    1. That there is a lack of Derech Eretz in our generation starting at least twenty years ago. I don’t think such a thing would have happenned when I was a kid. But, even some shuls nowadays this wouldn’t have occurred. I know the Rebbitzin of my shul makes sure every lady has a seat!

    2. Not speaking out then to whomever -to complain and just bottling it up inside of you, has done nothing but cause you uneeded anguish. You proved the point -Never bottle up anything inside!

    3. When did it become more important to listen to Megilla than keep Derech Eretz? I find many people who have every chumra on every D’rabbonim but keeping D’oraysahs of Bein Odom L’chavero is non-existant! Who was Mechanech these people?

    Everyone please remember, even if you yourself have Derech Eretz, you should make a Mechoh (protest) if you see someone not doing what they are supposed to. My mother sometimes can’t believe certain behaviors. People jumping into a parking space, while she was waiting. Not letting her go ahead of them in line, being that she is old and only has a few items.

    in reply to: Divorce, Regrets, & Children #742161

    It’s simple. I don’t regret my kids, but I suffered for many years. If I would have known, how much suffering I’d have to endure- I’d not have gone there in the first place. Separate the spouse from the kids and it’s easier to grasp our feelings.

    in reply to: Smart or Popular? #988756

    I’m glad I’m not socially savvy. It seems from the description of them from the posters above, that a lot are two faced!

    in reply to: Abused Husbands #1001382

    TBT – “When obviously flawed studies are made, there is usually an agenda at hand.”

    Yea, and the name of the agenda is Feminism or Woman’s Lib!

    Many men are abused; I didn’t even realize I was until many years into the marriage.

    in reply to: Diabetes Support Group #980107

    Nurse – No D50 bolus?

    in reply to: Diabetes Support Group #980096

    allsgr8 – “huh? Does drinking coffee make one old?”

    Dunno, but I was eliminating myself from Cofeefan.

    in reply to: Smart or Popular? #988745

    For this world, I’d rather have been socially smart than Mr. Brainy. I suffered a lot because I lack Social Smarts. In the next world, who knows? Wait till I get there and then I’ll know!

    in reply to: Hair Loss! #741217

    popa – Benefits all around.

    in reply to: Diabetes Support Group #980087

    allsgr8 – “lol Cofeefan! you crack me up! I think im too old”

    That makes two of us. And I don’t drink coffee.

    in reply to: Hair Loss! #741215

    “First thing, go to an Endocrinologist to make sure that it is not due to any hormone irregularities.”

    A person shouldn’t go to a specialist on their own. First they should go to their PCP and if need be he/she will recommend a specialist.

    in reply to: Shalom Bayis in our community #740458

    MR – He wasn’t asking you. He was asking me- if I agreed with you.

    Everyone knows what you hold.

    BTW -Who wrote this “Kedushas Shoshanim” and when was he born?

    in reply to: What exactly is wrong with divorce again? #740223

    mdd – Being married before affects you in the next marriage. The reason you have to get remarried is because you got divorced.

    in reply to: Remarriage #740644

    twisted – “AND: MINOOS AlERT; our souls are not part of Hashem, we acknowledge the indivisibility of Hashem twice daily.”

    I found this on another web site:

    I guess you agree with that author!

    Perhaps all these Gedolim knew a little more than you and understood our Tefillos more than you?!! Kol Haposel B’momo Posel!

    in reply to: Hair Loss! #741203

    Man or Woman?

    in reply to: What brand of gefilte fish do you use? #1133861

    Freunds and A & B; the most expensive, but the best. Ungars and Meal Mart are ok. Don’t remember about Royal. The rest some people like them otherwise they wouldn’t still be on the market.

    BenZ’s used to be a good fish, but I don’t see it anymore.

    in reply to: Sitting in Starbucks right now. #756616

    So Popa -Are you still going to drink the coffee or wait for more clarification?

    in reply to: What exactly is wrong with divorce again? #740216

    mdd – With kids it’s for sure devastating. Even without, if it wasn’t so bad, how come these people have such a hard time getting remarried?

    And the Torah guidelines hardly ever apply nowadays.

    in reply to: Remarriage #740623

    anon for this – “Health, would you please clarify a question I had? Are you saying that in Olam Haba, Avigayil is married to Naval and Bas-sheva, the mother of Shlomo HaMelech, is married to Uriah? Neither can be married to Dovid HaMelech, since each married him after the death of her spouse, correct? Thanks.”

    I’m not the biggest Talmid Chochom in the world, esp. since I can’t recall names of seforim. But I guess it is better to have some of the knowledge, than just to make it up because they are unwilling to look into it.

    I’ll try and guess. The Gemorrah talks a lot about Zivug Rishon & Zivug Sheini. I think the Gemorrah says that Zivug Rishon is the main one. It could be those original marriages were those to their Zivug Sheini and Dovid Hamelech whom they were the Zivug Rishon to -married them secondary. There weren’t be a problem of Aishes Ish because once you’re not an Aishes Ish due to death, it wouldn’t come back. The reason, I think after Techias Hamaysim you go back to your first husband is because it is your main Zivug or Zivug Rishon.

    Or you could say Ain Hochi Nami, in the next world they will go back to their first marriages. So why did Dovid have to marry them at all? Maybe Hashem wanted these children only to come out from these Zivugim.

    in reply to: Sitting in Starbucks right now. #756591

    Shmuel294- I don’t know what you’re talking about. No starbucks that I know of has a hechsher. The store put up a sign advertising that the cookies that they sell there are kosher. Well they might have been kosher until starbucks got a hold of them. Do you work in a kashrus org.? How do you know their coffee is kosher? If the cRc says there might be a problem, before you or anyone Machs Avek at least contact them to see what they have to say. Sitting around and Maching Avek is easy thing to do, esp. if you think you’re the Grose Talmid Chochom. But watch out, if there is a problem, you can’t claim shogeg anymore!

    in reply to: Remarriage #740610

    It’s not that poshut -what a zivug means. Also, supposedly every Neshama is a part of Hashem. A person has to do, what they have to do in this world, let Hashem worry about the rest. If someone made their proper Histadlus and still didn’t end up getting married, Hashem isn’t going to hold it against them. But remember I said proper, it might not be what you consider proper. A lot of people are just way too picky!

    in reply to: Remarriage #740608

    Wolf – The problem is the Torah’s logic is not based on your logic. The Torah for this world says if a spouse dies, the women can remarry. You went ahead and carried this logic on for a different world. It’s not anymore logical than what I read in the sefer. Obviously the mechaber of the sefer knows more than you. It wasn’t a sefer written by someone in our generation.

    in reply to: Sitting in Starbucks right now. #756587

    I know a problem that I’ve been told about Starbucks, that a lot of people are Nichshol in. They sell this cookie and people found out that it’s kosher. The store even hangs a Tzeteil (paper) about the hechsher. So a lot of frum people eat it. So what’s the problem? It’s treif -the cookie- because what they do is heat up their cookies beforehand to make them crisp in the treif oven and rewrap them. Noone asked except for one person I know. So everybody eats the cookies because they are “kosher”!

    I wouldn’t underestimate a chusuver hechsher like cRc. You don’t know what goes on behind the scenes.

    in reply to: Remarriage #740605

    Wolf – That’s funny -because I don’t remember which sefer I saw it in, my point is less valid than yours. Even if you think I’m lying about seeing it, it’s a least as good as yours which came off the top of your hat!

    in reply to: Diabetes Support Group #980068

    Coffeefan – I think I mentioned this to you awhile back. What about increasing your Lantus? Discuss with your doc. 8.3 is way too high. Your goal in a month and a half should be 7.5.

    in reply to: Handed a Pen during Shiva – anyone know the story? #1006692

    It’s probably some guy, who wants every Aveil to write down the stories he/she hears about the deceased. But since he doesn’t know them, he is embarassed to say anything in public, hence the pen. Enough with the conspiracy theories.

    in reply to: Remarriage #740603

    Wolf- “I’ll tell you what. You find me the sefer so that I can research it, and then we’ll talk.”

    I’ll tell you what, you find it and research it yourself. In my first post- I said “I don’t remember which.” The only reason I even remember what it says is because it was a chidush to me. I would have thought like you or she stays with the second.

    in reply to: Window guards a fire hazard? #739808

    always here – Did you mean Subutex, or Suboxone?

    Suboxone is the one I have the most experience in.

    in reply to: Any ideas for a good entree to serve Purim? #739876

    Serve leftovers -Alcohol numbs any taste.

    For Kilobear – Bear steaks are yummy.

    in reply to: Remarriage #740587

    Wolf – “and when moshiach comes, who will be her husband?

    Neither, since her last marriage was terminated by her death or her husbands. Therefore, when she is resurrected, she will be able to marry whichever one she wants (or even someone else entirely).”

    No, you need a mekor for the above. If the sefer says Oolam Haba, I doubt there is a difference in Moshiach times.

    in reply to: how many frum yidden? #886112

    Isreal Is Really spelled Israel!

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