Forum Replies Created
World Peace!
HealthParticipantE – You’re too complicated for me, but here goes -I’yh by you B’korov!
HealthParticipantE – I would return the Brochah, but I’m not sure if you’re from the group that wants this brochah or not.
HealthParticipantIMO – One is better than none!
HealthParticipantSac – For some reason you equate romance with spending money on the girl.
“If I offer to pay thats my decision, but a gentleman gets me every time”
The truth is there are romantic men who don’t have money to spend and vice-versa. Maybe you should try role reversal on a date and see if you can just drop whatever on the guy.
Trust me, there are a lot of fakers, many guys can drop tons of money while they’re dating and then abuse and starve their family after the marriage. Test the guy’s Middos, not how much he drops, during the dating process.
HealthParticipant“….when your child gets poisoned against you in a serious way…it takes a malach not to say anything. I’m not a malach.”
None of us are! But everytime I say something negative about my ex to my kids, I regret it; because it will be used against me in their mind because they are so brainwashed. I always try to stay positive because this is the only way I’ll ever get through to them!
But please, don’t be so hard on the posters here it’s not possible for them to understand. Only someone who is in the same Parsha can really have empathy!
HealthParticipantcshapiro – Every Jewish girl is worth it, but can the guy actually afford it? When you’re single- whether a guy or gal and working, there is a lot of money for enjoying yourself. But once you have a family in today’s day and age, even with both parents working, with tuition costs, life can be very struggling. It’s allright to live it up now, but it’s better not to- because it’s not that easy to live on a budget if you aren’t used to living that way. Start now and it won’t be so difficult later on in life.
HealthParticipant“nobody likes being told I”YH by u..”
Wrong – I do. I need as many brochos as I can get.
HealthParticipantYou must either be a PA or a NP. Either way, when did you finish school? It must be a long time ago. Anyway they still teach PE in school. They still teach percussion, but not many providers do it.
Today because of time constraints, most of us do focused PE’s. I’ve gone personally for that type of PE myself, where the provider does a ton of hands-on. But he charged good money and it took a good amount of time and it was his practice. In the reality of most exams, whether an ER or Primary Care office, you have very little time to do all you have to and move on. Most of the diagnosis will come from the history anyway. Of course, there are always those that basically skip the PE, just take a quick listen with the scope, and this is also wrong. You need to do a PE, even if it’s just focused and most do. As far as tests go, a practioner should only order tests that might be revelant. But again a lot will order everything under the sun because they are afraid of a lawsuit. I personally won’t, but a lot will. This issue is actually a hot potato in Congress. A lot of politicians are calling for tort reform, so providers will stop ordering anything they can think of. This, like you said, will lower the costs to the insurance provider!
HealthParticipantcs – So you agree with my previous statement -“Who says the guy in this case is cheap -maybe he can’t afford the exorbirant toll?”
Trying to save money when you don’t have a lot of it -is Not being cheap!
HealthParticipantAlways here – “it can cause defects in children” .. sorry, not factual.”
I’ll assume you are just ignorant, not one of those smokers in denial.
From the CDC:
“The dangers of smoking during pregnancy include premature birth, certain birth defects, and infant death. Even being around cigarette smoke puts a woman and her baby at risk for problems.”
HealthParticipantcs – 45 minutes seems a bit lengthy. How about 10 -15 minutes, is this cheap?
How much should one spend on a coke the first date or two?
10 bucks?
HealthParticipantcs -“i hate cheap guys too…”
I can understand hating someone who is really cheap – eg. has money, but won’t spend. Who says the guy in this case is cheap -maybe he can’t afford the exorbirant toll?
Or is it your opinion that a guy is cheap if he doesn’t throw money after the girl, even if it’s not necessary, like in this case?
HealthParticipant“She has serious and long-term conditions that are completely unrelated to smoking.”
Really? If you don’t mind me asking -which ones? Smoking is usually the cause or exacerbates many long-term conditions.
HealthParticipant“She wasnt even calling him cheap she was just saying what she heard.”
Whether true or not, the girl started it with her snide comment.
Even if her comment is true, which I doubt because there are probably a million reasons why someone would take the bridge as opposed to the tunnel, it definitely isn’t nice. Somethings are best left unsaid!
HealthParticipantDoesn’t sound true to me. No frum guy would throw out ten bucks to prove a point. Probably a joke. I just heard a joke on the radio today after you get married.
What is an example of mixed emotions? Your mother-in-law backing
your brand new car off a cliff!
HealthParticipant“It should be pointed out that my mother has an extensive medical history and takes quite a few medications for a number of different conditions”
It would stand to reason, any long time smoker will have many medical conditions. All the more reason to quit. Let her ask her PCP about combining the patch with Chantix and/or Zyban.
HealthParticipant“what would you tell someone to look out for when dating so they dont fall in like you both did?!?!?!”
Only deal with honest people. My Shadchan, even though a relative, told half-truths.
HealthParticipantShe didn’t say show it to them now. But TBT is what all the shrinks say -Don’t badmouth the other parent to your kids. Some do it anyway and the kids turn out fine, but it doesn’t make it right.
HealthParticipantWolf – I’m not here to call your mother names, but I would like to know has she tried quitting recently? There are drugs out there that really work. Even a few years ago we didn’t have these. The best approach to quiting is taking these drugs along with some sort of counselling.
HealthParticipantyoyo -“im scared to tell my parents i dont know what they will do they most prob wont let me out of the house how should i go abt telling them”
I don’t know why you would think your parents will disallow you to leave your house. This could be considered abuse. Have they ever abused you before? Perhaps, you do suffer from paranoia.
I think you should tell your parents. If on the millionth chance they forbid you from leaving your house, let the CR know and people here will guide you who to contact to deal with this.
HealthParticipant“So r the judges better in NY or NJ?”
I would assume they are both about the same. Both states are very liberal and have very liberal Judges!
I just thought someone who is supposedly “frum” would act different than the rest, if it wasn’t clear that his judgement would be illegal!
HealthParticipant“It is almost as bad as being overweight.”
It actually is much worse. While obesity IS a national health problem, by and far Smoking is the Leading cause of Preventable Death! (CDC)
HealthParticipant“I’m still broke just from ADVERTISING a film!!”
Unh-uh, you were broke way before you even dreamed of this film!
HealthParticipantMod 80 – I don’t know if this is from R. Nachman, but I did hear a quote on that. Perhaps this is the same what AOM was trying to say:
The gemorrah says “Yiush Shelo Meedas”. So whomever (possibly R. Nachman) explains -If you’re Meyouish in life (If you give up on life) -Shelo Meedas (because you don’t have [without] Daas -in other words -because you lost your mind)!
HealthParticipantI said they are about equal drugs (same class).
You could.
HealthParticipant“There is a natural product called melatonin-they are drops that go under the tongue. Anybody have info on that?”
I’ve heard of it. It’s supposed to mimic the body’s melatonin, which is the hormone the body produces during sleep. Does it work? Supposedly for some. I don’t need these products to sleep, B’H!
So obviously you haven’t -“I’ve tried them all”!
Read the chap. on Insomnia in the book I mentioned. You can probably get it online at the website I mentioned!
HealthParticipant“Rosa’s in the Empire State Building has amazing pizza!”
Where is this store (entrance)? I’ve been by the ESB many, many times and I’ve never seen it. All I know about is the pizza shop across the street on 33rd closer to 6th Ave.
HealthParticipanthappiest – “I think you are wrong about the criminal part.”
I’m not wrong. You’re very naive. Let’s say this a figment of her imagination (I’m not saying it is, but it could be), calling the cops could be (not definitely) considered harrassment.
Would you want someone calling the cops on you because you decided to stare at someone. I offered the most logical advice. I don’t think another high school girl is going to hurt her, nor do I think Frum managers at a grocery store are upto hurting other people.
First of all, she should tell her parents that she is not ever going back to this store and she should say why. Second of all, if she ever feels she is being followed by someone, she should call her parents immediately. They are adults -they can investigate. If they feel it is a matter for the police, they can call. If they feel she suffers from sort of paranoia, they can get her the help she needs. I feel a lot of the advice here is a disservice to this teenager. Noone here is able to judge up the situation and I don’t think anyone here except perhaps Aries is capable of judging up someone’s mental state. And this is difficult to do even for mental health professionals who do it in person.
I’ll reiterate my point – she should seek advice from her parents only and not from a bunch of anon. bloggers. Usually people can come here for advice and a lot of advice is on the mark, but I don’t see how anyone can accurately figure out what exactly is going on here. You need someone to be there in person to see how much this is imagination and how much is truth.
HealthParticipantThey are both from the same class of drugs. Some work better for some than others. Don’t forget IB (advil, motrin) at 3 or 4 at a time is a prescription dose, while the Naproxen dose you probably are taking is an OTC dose.
HealthParticipanteclipse – No, I live in Lakewood -a NJ Judge.
HealthParticipant“go to NYU they have the best emergency room care. i know from first hand”
Compared to which others? How many ER’s have you been in?
HealthParticipants2021 – Did someone throw you down the stairs?
HealthParticipants2021 – People just do shtick. People don’t have to do it, they want to do it. To them this is fun.
HealthParticipantYou can take 3-4 Advil every 4-6 hours. This works for teeth pain usually better than narcotics.
HealthParticipantMy .02 – You gotta to try all the suggestions. I just listed one. – “All the medical sites on the web are full of info on insomnia.”
There are so many, I wouldn’t have the time or energy to quote them all here. I recommend the book called “Doctors Book of Home Remedies”. Possibly for free on the web called “Mother’s nature”.
HealthParticipantI think the OP has a valid point. I don’t think most people give 10% of their earnings to Tzedaka. This would include all money coming in, not just what you put “on the books”!
HealthParticipantshkoyach – I haven’t tasted a decent pizza here yet. If you want good pizza – go to Deal.
HealthParticipantGo to your PCP and if there aren’t any red flags, you will be put on a trial of PPI’s for 2-4 weeks. If this doesn’t control it, you will have to be worked up.
HealthParticipanteclipse – That is part of life. The manipulator will always manipulate and the one pushed to the limit might end up looking bad. I was in court yesterday and her lawyer was antagonizing me on the stand -I perhaps didn’t remain as cool and collected as I would have wished. She, when on the stand, wasn’t attacked by my lawyer (because he’s a mentch), acted totally quiet and appeared very earnest. The supposedly orthodox (frum) Judge sided with her. I definitely was a little distressed, but I told myself -Gam zo l’tova. Everything comes from Hashem and anything that happens is his will. We can only better ourselves and at the end of the day -we will be successful in the Final Judgment. It doesn’t really matter what we end up looking like in front of others. They will have to answer for their behavior, just like we will have to. And their position that they had in this world won’t make the least bit of difference -whether they were Court Judges, Dayanim, Rosh Hayeshivos, it won’t matter. Only the truth will matter! I hope this helps a little bit.
HealthParticipantbrotherofurs – That’s your mistake. We are allowed to live normally and do normal things like going out shopping, even if we end up seeing things we shouldn’t. But why does a person Need to watch a movie?
HealthParticipantyoyo – Do not come to a public forum and expect strangers to solve your private problems. Noone here knows whether this is a figment of your imagination or not. If something like this occurs again, get on your cell and call your parents. This is what parents do. Do not call 911, unless you have reason to believe your life is in danger. Even though Aries means well and she takes you at your word, you might not be explaining the situation properly. If you call the cops and you accuse someone and they investigate and find nothing wrong, you have just committed a crime. Whether they will arrest you or just shrug their shoulders, will depend on a lot of factors. If this happens again call your parents immediately and follow their advice. You do have parents, don’t you?
HealthParticipanttzippy -“(Despite what drs push, the best treatment is not nuking the thyroid and leaving a patient hypo for life but anti thyroid drugs.)”
Is this your own medical opinion, due to your vast medical knowledge or did you get it from somewhere?
HealthParticipantI agree with ZK and Goq. There is nothing to be jealous of. They are trying to manipulate you. Put them to work cleaning and they will quickly forget everything including her!
HealthParticipantallsgr8 – Maybe she meant that her vomit was vile, like disgusting.
HealthParticipanteclipse – I can’t believe your own sisters turned against you!
HealthParticipant“Then again,gallons of unfair criticism is what gets a person so self-critical in the first place!!”
Too much criticism whether true or not- is Unfair! Noone deserves to be criticized their whole life! The way to combat this is to have a lot of self-esteem. Sometimes it requires professional help!
HealthParticipantcommonsense – Ya’see we have the chumash and then we have the gemorrah. Interesting concept, no? Look in the gemorrah when this Posuk applies and when it doesn’t. Pirrurim Botlu Mayeiluv.
HealthParticipant“i heard they have manicures to match the shoes”
Ya’know, I can understand why a person would want shoes to match a dress, but nails to match shoes is beyond me!
HealthParticipantSC – Nu, you tell me. What did you learn in BY?