Forum Replies Created
There are specialists called Allergists. It’s a good idea to ask their opinion -they have many solutions.
HealthParticipantUnfortunately GH shots are from the family of drugs that are abused (eg. athletes). Only to be taken under a doctor’s care, preferably an endocrinologist!
HealthParticipantThanks everyone – Good Shabbos.
HealthParticipantLSS – Breaking ribs can be a side effect of CPR, but not doing CPR in a patient in cardiac arrest -you probably will have the side effect of death.
To all: The breathing portion has been removed for layman CPR.
So if you’re not a medical professional – if you see someone fall on the floor -Tap and shout “Are you ok? If no response, call for help -“You call 911”. Check for movement, breathing, coughing -if none, begin compressions. Place one hand on top of another -for an adult patient. Place in the middle of the chest -on the breastbone between the two nipples and Push. Push down about 1.5 -2 inches and count 1 and 2 and 3 and so on. Do this until the guy/gal starts moving, breathing, coughing or until someone else says “Ok- I’ll take over know”. Anybody, including kids about 8-10 years old (normal size kids) can do this -it’s easy!
May 6, 2011 8:33 pm at 8:33 pm in reply to: Is Osama Bin Laden Dead or Alive in America's Custody #764925HealthParticipantFrom the news today all around the world, the muslims are revolting. He is becoming another Martyr. Now all the fanaticals want to do something to be just like Osama, Ymach Shemo…
The Americans made a mistake by telling anyone that he was killed, who needed to know? The gov. should have kept it quiet. The executive branch had no business using this as propaganda to boost their standing. This terror org. is not like a country, eg. Iraq, were if you wipe out the dictator (Hussein), you facilitate a change of gov. Al Quaida will always have another snake in the bush willing to take over. This war has to be against this ideology and anybody who proscribes to this way of thinking, just like in WW2. There it was against fascism, not just the country of Germany. Until people realize this, we are very far away from winning this war! There is nothing to gloat publically about this terrorist’s death!
HealthParticipantBina – I really have to thank you, if you wouldn’t have started this topic – I wouldn’t have known that I was reactivated. I didn’t receive any emails regarding my status. I thought the inactive status was permanent.
Thank you for thinking of me. Did you once say that you lived in Balto., if so, now I know why you were thinking of me(Landslieght).
Gut Shabbos.
Your threats and insults are not acceptable.
HealthParticipantallsgr8 – The most likely scenario is – way too much “Carbs”!
HealthParticipantE – and what about business writing for Yiddish speaking clients?
Who made YOU the official medical expert here?
As well as the arbiter of who here has the right to make medical suggestions?
HealthParticipantHIE – Yes, I found Pupa to be the thinnest, like every year.
HealthParticipantHey maybe you can get that org. to subsidize me. I’ll be moichel on the Prizos. As for my kids, whatever it is, it’s a lot better than at my ex’s house.
HealthParticipantLia – Why the guilty complex? Noone accused you of being that friend. This is a case for therapy; I don’t see what this has to do with Daas Torah. There are many frum therapists nowadays whose Haskafos are consistent with Daas Torah.
HealthParticipantHey Charlie – Wouldn’t you agree that my picks are more pro Israel, than Mr. Obama?
HealthParticipantmewho -“could also be rosacea….”
If you want to play internet doctor, at least Google a normal site. If you would have, you’d have seen rosacea is only on the face. You are another proof why people like me have to go to school to practice medcine. Why can’t everyone just use the net? What do we need medical professionals for? If you don’t know how to sort out the garbage on the net, you end up doing more harm than good.
HealthParticipantEveryone who isn’t on meds needs to be worked up to rule out autoimmune disorders. Can’t just say I’m allergic to the sun. Look up photosensitivity protocol.
HealthParticipantWolf – Where did you ride/belong?
HealthParticipantNo reason to run out and get chometz ASAP. Not the same thing as drinking beer for Havdalah. Our generation has to answer up every Taivah with an Excuse, IE -The Gra’s havdalah! Be honest -You do it because you Want It!
HealthParticipantI want either Huckabee or Gingrich as pres. And Palin as VP.
HealthParticipantYou can buy products made by companies and that isn’t mishing. Not eating manufactured stuff is a different chumra. Not Mishing started because of so many different minhagim and it’s like next to impossible to find someone who does the same as you. Instead of grilling other people about their minhagim, if they invite you to a meal, people just said I don’t Mish and solved a lot of problems. (My version of Mishing.)
HealthParticipantSilentOne – Listen to me, how fast you get a civil divorce is really up to you. Did she file for divorce or did you? You would be surprised that even though they want the world out of you, their lawyer usually brings them down to earth. Don’t be scared and do what you have to do for yourself and for your kids. Even though I’m civily divorced, I’m always back in court. You always will have to deal with her or at least until your kids are grown.
Get yourself a Good lawyer, who A. won’t drag it out forever and B. puts your interests first. This isn’t too hard to find. And don’t worry, it’s not the end of the world. The hard part is finding someone else to marry, not getting the civil divorce!
HealthParticipantE – So where were you the last days- home? You never went to a hotel before? I’d assume going to a hotel would be lax in certain areas -all types of people go. I never went to a hotel for Pesach – can’t afford it, but that’s my assumption.
April 27, 2011 8:39 pm at 8:39 pm in reply to: If you could live anywhere, where would you live? #891007HealthParticipantdancinggirl -He didn’t say everything here is fake, just a lot of fakers; and I agree!
HealthParticipantWolf -“Since this is outside my field of medical expertise”
So what area of medicine are you an expert in?
HealthParticipantEclipse – If you aren’t on any medications, you should be worked up.
HealthParticipantYC – Neat, someome could make a lot of money working up your issue.
HealthParticipantLia – Obviously you are only painting one side, but this is definitely a case of needing family counselling. I’m actually appalled at the friend’s advice to the parents -disown their only child?!? I never heard something so disgusting. If the parents don’t want to or can’t support, let them “Just say No”! Where do the friends have the right to get involved? What do they know about family relationships? It’s a lot of times the outsiders who can permanetly ruin other people’s lives. There is a purpose why there are therapists and this is a classic case of people needing to go to therapy. Friends mix out!
HealthParticipantIf the hosts use that bathroom while you were there, you must ask them first before removal. If there is no way they are going to use that restroom, then it’s like your bedroom which they gave you, which entitles you to remove or hide anything that’s in there.
HealthParticipantYou could ask the doctor, but he/she charges. Here the advice is free.
Sounds like sun photosenstivity. Certain drugs can make you more sensitive. Photosensitivity is a burnlike dermatitis. Treat it like any other dermatitis.
April 24, 2011 9:57 pm at 9:57 pm in reply to: If you could live anywhere, where would you live? #890994HealthParticipantboredinoffice – I agree with you. I grew up OOT, but when I go back there once in awhile, it’s the same there now as NY/ Lakewood. They have spread their ideology all over the American landscape. Waiting for Mosiach -to move to EY!
HealthParticipantChayav -Forget 30 grand- for my next time I want 300 Grand. I made the mistake not demanding anything my first time around.
HealthParticipantBrooklyn Yenta -“health, siblings are the biggest brocha in the world! if you don’t feel that way, you should really start looking at your sister in a different light. look at the good that comes from having a shared history. i wouldn’t give up my sibs for anything in the world!”
Just like you are entitled to your opinion, so am I entitled to mine!
April 24, 2011 4:05 am at 4:05 am in reply to: How many times did you say Sh’monah Esreh tonight? #1012073HealthParticipantPopa -Didn’t think anybody needed a finger Not to say something. Oh Well!
HealthParticipantAries -Before you decide what they are scared of -You say the big bad wolf -and I say scared of change -why don’t you make a poll? Start with your daughters -ask them and any other women that you know what they were scared about and come back here. I don’t believe most are scared of the big bad wolf -I think you are just pushing an agenda of pre-nup.
HealthParticipantamichai – “try to build a relationship.”
And who says -I don’t have one? And maybe I put in as much as I can?
Just thank Hashem for your rosy life and don’t judge up others unless you walk in their shoes!
HealthParticipant“Like a fine wine I get better with age.” – IE – more demanding.
People who are demanding, become more demanding as time goes by. This occurs regardless of the person’s marital status.
HealthParticipant“Nice young men can turn into monsters when it comes to giving a get. For no reason at all they can become very vicious when it comes to giving a get.”
I’m not per se going to argue the concept of a pre- nup in the frum community, but your statement above is very off. These “nice young men” were never nice and it isn’t “for no reason”.
People turn vicious for one of two reasons -either they were spoiled as children and really have bad middos, but the girl and her family didn’t see through the fascade before the marriage. Or
the hubby was abused by his spouse and becoming vicious is his (abnormal) way of revenge!
HealthParticipantAries – Being that you’re a woman, you seem to take a defensive stand. I’m talking from pure logic. While it’s true such a possibility does exsist, I don’t think that this floats through the mind of the avg. frum Kallah. I think, as opposed to the current trend of thinking, that the girl is less mature and ill-adapted for marriage. I think by the time a boy is dating, he has usually seen life in different places and with different people. I personally changed yeshivos quite a few times. The girl on the other hand has probably lived at home during her high school years and perhaps lived out of town or in EY for one year.
This is not enough to be accustomed to change and right before they are getting married- this fear of permanent change sets in. Maybe it’s time to re-evaluate the age that girls in the frum community are getting married. I’m not talking because of age gaps or because of the shidduchim “crisis”; I’m talking that the girls nowadays are ill prepared for marriage. This I believe is because the girls nowadays are not maturing as fast as they did 25 -30 years ago. So they need more time to grow up before they are ready for marriage. But the frum community will laugh this off
– A. because you have to keep up with Joneses, & B. because they are in denial and refuse to re-think and challenge this conception of girls being more mature than boys!
HealthParticipantI’d would have rather been an only child -I don’t know why I need a sister!
HealthParticipant“If she is breaking the halacha (ie, above elbows/knees exposed) then yes, something should be said.”
I, and probably most people think that it’s Klorr (clear) that she won’t listen if she was given Mussar, so therefore you aren’t Mechuyav to say anything.
April 22, 2011 1:42 am at 1:42 am in reply to: How many times did you say Sh’monah Esreh tonight? #1012068HealthParticipantBar Shattya – “health- you forgot to say atah chonantanu”
Either you don’t know how to read or how to count.
Let’s see if you’re davening Nusach Ashkenaz – Don’t say Morid Hatal so nothing to count. 1. Atah Chonantanu. 2. V’Sain Berocha
3. Yaleh V’Yawvoh
HealthParticipant“unfortunately i find this to be a very untrue statement.”
If you find all the fat guys want skinny girls, time to look in different cirles. The circles that you are in aren’t realistic people. Why would a fat guy “demand” a skinny girl? Want yea, but demand, unh-uh/no way!
HealthParticipantSac – Everyone has their weak points, that’s why we need Siyatah D’shmya! In the frum world, the ones I’ve seen throwing a lot of money around – are the two-faced guys. I’m sure every girl wants to be wined and dined, but there are ways to have nice dates without spending a lot of money. As matter of fact, the guys I know/knew who spend/spent a lot of money on their dates didn’t make better husbands and some made horrible husbands.
I get a kick out of a lot of the married guys in my town who buy their wives flowers for Shabbos. Not that I’m against buying your wife flowers, I just think it’s very silly that they get everything from their wife, eg. house, car, furniture, etc. and they think they’re great husbands by buying a little flowers.
I got next to nothing from my wife’s family -well, maybe next time, BE’H B’korov.
HealthParticipantI can’t understand why the girls on this post are sick over the fact that a lot of guys want skinny girls. If you’re a girl who is overweight just accept this fact and go out with fat guys. Very few fat guys demand skinny girls. Stop with the double standard; noone goes for that kind of manipulation.
April 21, 2011 6:19 am at 6:19 am in reply to: How many times did you say Sh’monah Esreh tonight? #1012064HealthParticipantPopa – You must daven Nusach S’fard, otherwise you’d hold out only three fingers.
HealthParticipant“Some people i know get quite intoxicated by the end of the seder.”
You seem to be “Dan them L’caf Zecus”, the ones I know who get drunk is because they want to. Some frum people look for any excuse to “Shikur Zich On”!
HealthParticipantIt shows that the world never speaks the truth. The world always says that girls are more mature than boys (even the same age), so how come most of the stories of cold feet are the girl’s issue? Perhaps the “girls” aren’t as mature as the boys- right before they actually are getting married?
HealthParticipantSac -“It doesn’t even have to be about the money its an attitude, maybe some girls are ‘woo-ed’ by a $5 watered down drink in a noisy hotel lobby, I am not.”
If all it takes for you to marry someone is that you should be “wooed”, I’d be very careful if I were you. I know a lot of smooth, un-savory characters/con-men, whom are very good at this, but marrying them is probably not the best idea.
” Come to think of it, he will be using his dates parents’ money (should all things work out) for the next X amount of years, so its in his best interest to sweep her off her feet. ;)”
Too bad this didn’t happen to me the first time around -well, you never know -maybe I’ll have better luck the next time!
April 21, 2011 4:19 am at 4:19 am in reply to: B'chor Doing Avodah in Beis HaMikdash & Yerusha #1050360HealthParticipant“I’ve heard that when Mashiach comes, the b’chorim will do the avodah. However, there is a famous story with the Chofetz Chaim that showed he held that when Mashiach comes, he, as a kohen, will do it. Maybe both will?”
I hope you’re wrong and only the Kohanim will do it. I don’t like to work because I’m fat and lazy!
HealthParticipantWhere does he live?