Forum Replies Created
Dovid S.- “Please, now you are saying what the Arabs are saying, meaning that we “deserved” to be attacked by six Arab countries all because the UN gave us a medina.”
Noone said that -so don’t put words in our mouth. Do you really think that if the Tzionim wouldn’t have armed themselves to the hilt, that the arabs would have waged war so quick? The Tzionim brought their hatred out to the surface. I got some shocking news for you – All Goyim Hate Us! So why don’t all of them attack us? Because we don’t bring out their hatred to the surface, like the Tzionim did!
The reason I quoted the Chasam Sofer as I did was because I needed it to bring out my point that L’halacha that Gemorra that says you can divorce a wife for not coming with you to Yerushalayim couldn’t possibly apply nowadays. Even if there is kedusha there -definitely not as much as before -so you couldn’t force your wife to live there or else Get!
HealthParticipantDovid S. – I think they were talking about the cartoon, not Bris Milah!
HealthParticipantDY – He could still be a Mushmead. I heard he was Jew.
HealthParticipantOdAmiChay – Sorry to inform you. We don’t believe like you Tzionim that it has happenned yet. The Medina is not the beginning of the Geula. What we are saying in davening -is that Hashem should build up Yerushalayim with the Bais Hamikdash. It’s a one package deal! Where did you learn differently?
HealthParticipantJust like this Mushemad can post his cartoons -freedom of speech, we can perform Bris Milahs. I don’t think that if the law passes it will be upheld in Court because we have freedom of religion! This ain’t Europe. Hashem is watching these Europeans. I wouldn’t be surprised the reason that they are having an epidemic of E. Coli right now is because of their attack on Shechita! E. Coli has once again transformed -probably in the intestines of animals. How come this didn’t happen anywhere but Europe? Coincidence?
I think not! Noone gets away with evil; sooner or later there is judgment and then punishment!
HealthParticipantshlishi -Thanx for responding for me -well said!
HealthParticipantA zebra being eaten by a lion.
HealthParticipant“Have you ever seen someone on Shavuos night pour the coffee grinds and sugar into coke instead of water? This way it has more caffeine and more sugar!!”
You don’t need these homemade inventions anymore, the companies do it for you. They now make Red Bull and other such drinks. IMO, these drinks would have been made illegal due to their content, by the FDA; maybe s/o in the gov. was paid off to allow it through.
HealthParticipantPBA -“Now one of my Sisters in law became a nurse. So we decided she should put IV lines in us before yontif, and while we sleep, we could just hook it up to a saline drip.
We didn’t do it.”
Yea, because if she got caught, she could go to jail for practicing medicine without a license, besides losing her nursing license. A nursing license doesn’t give you a legal right to practice medicine, only to follow the orders of people who can.
A NP (Nurse Practioner) can practice besides the MD or DO. A PA can practice under the supervision of a DO or MD.
HealthParticipantravshalom – After you clarified your position, I agree with a lot of your post.
Let me clarify my points.
“2.Being able to live in Yerushalayim (a zchus so important that a husband may divorce his wife without a ????? if she doesn’t want to accompany him there)”
This probably doesn’t apply nowadays because we hold that Yerushalyim doesn’t have Kedusha nowadays. See Chasam Sofer.
Also, the Churvos could have been built before ’48.
“The fact is that after 1948 we were not able to, and if not for the ????? of 1967, we would not be able to daven there. Thank You Hashem for what happened in 1967!”
This statement I agree with, but most celebrating Yom Yerushalyim are celebrating the Medina and not Hashem!
Therefore I pondered if someone causes something and they do something to correct it, do you owe them Hakoras hatov?
I doubt it; they caused the Jordanians not to let us in the old city. So no Hakoras Hatov or Yom Yerushalayim or Yom Hatzmos for me!
HealthParticipantGoq – The only thing worse than losing a parent, is losing a child!
HealthParticipantShalom -I’m not interested in fighting with Tzionim, but your points have no validity.
“1.Being able to daven at the Kosel
2.Being able to live in Yerushalayim (a zchus so important that a husband may divorce his wife without a ????? if she doesn’t want to accompany him there)
3.Being able to rebuild ?????? ???????, which, according to the ????, is a prerequisite for ???? to come”
1. They davened at the Kosel before ’48.
2. & 3. As far as I know all of Yerushalyim this would apply to, not just the old city.
So again what are you celebrating? Perhaps your political views are affecting your Judgment!
HealthParticipantMike – I hate to wake you up to reality, but I never said that. Go back and read that topic -now closed!
BTW, you don’t have to be Neturay Karta, not to hold from the Medina!
HealthParticipantDY – I’m not going to pasken whether you have to Dan businesses L’caf Zecus, but if you’re doing it for Mispacha mag, why not for YWN? Maybe they have a perfectly good reason for not removing the whole topic.
HealthParticipantAdorable – I’m more emotional than most men.
HealthParticipantmdd – “it is a matter of what the Torah says about it.”
Exactly; and I feel my opinions coincide with the Torahs’!
“And I do resent your (and of the like-minded individuals’) attitude. And you did imply that you wish many BTs remained non-frum and not be around to annoy others( re-read your original post).”
You resent my attitude because you aren’t being Dan L’caf Zecus and you have Sinas Chinum. Yes, I do believe some BT’s should have remained non-religious. Simply because they aren’t Ehrlich, not the ones whom are! People become BT’s for a myriad of reasons, not just because they have all “seen the light”! Some people have mental problems or family problems and become frum because of it -these type of people we don’t need in the frum community. If a Frei person is made aware of Hashem and his Torah and this is the reason he/she joins up, then by all means -the more- the merrier!
HealthParticipantSuperJew613 – Sorry to inform you but your statement of “Yerushalayim became under Jewish control”, is somewhat misleading. While it’s correct that the Medina took over, it’s definitely not under Jewish control. We are still in Golus and goyim still go up everyday onto the Har Habayis. This is a terrible disgrace. So what are you celebrating exactly?
HealthParticipant“health- he said that now he knows what type you are (joking).”
I don’t know what he/you are talking about, I haven’t made any jokes on this thread. N & BS Wilhelm, I know from Lakewood before they moved to Boston, unless there is another family there named Wilhelm. We even have mutual relatives and I have a family that I’m related to over there and other friends too. If I mentioned their names, it would be too easy to figure out who I am.
HealthParticipantflowers – So your post to me (“I seldom agree with your posts”) was based on your emotions rather than your intellect. Don’t worry it’s not just women who put their emotions first, some men do it too! (Not all women do it, but it’s more common amongst females than males!)
So this answers why my statements aren’t contraditory, because some males here feel so emotional about my opinions, they respond that way without using any intellect!
HealthParticipantBomb – Wow, what a conicidence! And if you believe that one -I have a bridge to sell you. I guess you gave them an idea how to make money and they figured out a way not to include you. If anyone who should be boycotted it’s Mispacha, not YWN! Totally disgusting!
HealthParticipantmdd – I’m not interested in speaking to my Rov -I have no Shailos, just opinions. If you want to prove me wrong -go to your Rov and post what he says here. Maybe I’ll agree, maybe I won’t.
I don’t belong to any FFB club anymore than you belong to a BT club. And just because I said there isn’t a great big mitzvah to make people frum, doesn’t mean I don’t want all Jews and Goyim to keep the Torah. As a matter of fact, some of my best friends are BT’s. I even married a BT and would still be married to her if not that someone convinced her to leave. Why couldn’t you be Dan L’caf Zecus? Do you have something against FFB’s?
HealthParticipantCA -“you are JK”.
IDK what this means.
HealthParticipantCA – I’m not, never was, but I have friends and family there. The Wilhelms are/were friends.
HealthParticipantWolf -“When YWN asserts it’s rights to monetize anything we write on this site, is it asserting *exclusive* rights, or just the right to use?”
I think I know the answer and you probably do to. INAL (I’m not a lawyer), but they can’t possibly have exclusive rights unless they have some sort of written agreement called a contract.
HealthParticipantadorable -“We moved to Boston with the Wilhelms”.
That’s funny, I actually remember when they moved there.
Even though I scratched my head to figure out who your family is, I can’t -too many years ago.
HealthParticipantflowers & smartcookie-
“I seldom agree with your posts (though I don’t post to let you know it). There are some male posters here, that I seldom disagree with. And my thinking doesn’t seem different in general with the males I interact with in general.
So I really don’t think your arguments with women here has anything to do with the different way men and women think. Only that “I” (and the ones arguing with you here) and you, just don’t think the same.”
“Health- do you only find yourselves disagreeing with the woman here?”
Everyone here has the right to disagree with posts. What I’m saying is I don’t follow the logic from a lot of female posts, while the males are usually logical even if I don’t agree.
If you notice I don’t have that many disagreements with men here.
So IMO, logic isn’t the same between man and woman. Then again some men here I constantly disagree with, perhaps they think like women.
HealthParticipantHalivei – “Health,
Where do you take this this idea from, that it doesn’t matter if Yidden are transgressing Aveiros!?”
I never said that. Anytime any creation isn’t following Hashem’s will it’s a Chesoron in the Briah. I just said you aren’t really required to do anything about it.
HealthParticipantSac – “Basically you are saying that the only level on which you can connect with a female is physical . Intellectual level? Na. Wit? Who needs it.”
Look even just here in the CR, everytime I try to have an intellectual discussion with a woman, it turns into an argument. Just look at my posts under “Help me try my tears”! We don’t think the same as the opposite gender, so by process of elimination there is only one way to connect.
HealthParticipantHere are the current guidelines from the AAP. I didn’t copy all of it -it’s 11 pages. If you want all of it, it’s on their website. They now say that side sleeping is not recommended as an alternative to back sleeping, but still better than prone (belly) sleeping. So I guess if the baby really is choking on the spit up -use the side position but make sure they can’t turn on their belly -use the rolled up blanket to position that he/she can’t move. Anyway here it is:
“1. Back to sleep: Infants should be placed for sleep
in a supine position (wholly on the back) for
every sleep. Side sleeping is not as safe as supine
sleeping and is not advised.
2. Use a firm sleep surface: Soft materials or objects
such as pillows, quilts, comforters, or sheepskins
should not be placed under a sleeping infant. A
firm crib mattress, covered by a sheet, is the
recommended sleeping surface.
3. Keep soft objects and loose bedding out of the
crib: Soft objects such as pillows, quilts, comforters,
sheepskins, stuffed toys, and other soft objects
environment. If bumper pads are used in cribs,
they should be thin, firm, well secured, and not
blankets and sheets may be hazardous. If blan-
kets are to be used, they should be tucked in
is less likely to become covered by bedding. One
strategy is to make up the bedding so that the
(feet to foot), with the blankets tucked in around
the crib mattress and reaching only to the level of
clothing with no other covering over the infant or
infant sleep sacks that are designed to keep the
infant warm without the possible hazard of head
4. Do not smoke during pregnancy: Maternal
smoking during pregnancy has emerged as a
major risk factor in almost every epidemiologic
after birth has emerged as a separate risk factor
in a few studies, although separating this variable
from maternal smoking before birth is problematic.
hand smoke is advisable for numerous
reasons in addition to SIDS risk.
5. A separate but proximate sleeping environment
is recommended: The risk of SIDS has been
shown to be reduced when the infant sleeps in
the same room as the mother. A crib, bassinet, or
cradle that conforms to the safety standards of
the Consumer Product Safety Commission and
ASTM (formerly the American Society for Testing
provide easy access for the mother to the infant,
especially for breastfeeding, but safety standards
for these devices have not yet been established
by the Consumer Product Safety Commission.
Although bed-sharing rates are increasing in
the United States for a number of reasons, including
facilitation of breastfeeding, the task
force concludes that the evidence is growing that
bed sharing, as practiced in the United States and
other Western countries, is more hazardous than
the infant sleeping on a separate sleep surface
and, therefore, recommends that infants not bed
share during sleep. Infants may be brought into
bed for nursing or comforting but should be
returned to their own crib or bassinet when the
parent is ready to return to sleep. The infant
should not be brought into bed when the parent
is excessively tired or using medications or substances
that could impair his or her alertness.
which, when placed close to their bed, will allow
for more convenient breastfeeding and contact.
Infants should not bed share with other children.
Because it is very dangerous to sleep with an
infant on a couch or armchair, no one should
sleep with an infant on these surfaces.”
HealthParticipantMod 80 – You are correct -that medical practice is changing all the time. But right now the current recommendations are “Back to sleep”. As far as I remember, all my kids slept on their bellies.
But that was before the current recommendations. Acc. to the Torah you have to make Histadlus; following the current recommendations is called doing your Histadlus!
HealthParticipant600kilobear returns – I can understand your post except for the part of cruel. I don’t consider their denial of his request-“cruel”!
Perhaps you are Nogeiah B’dovor because you are a “shrink”!
HealthParticipantSC – “Health- as a side note- I watched 2 different newborns recently laying on their back and choking while spitting up. They couldnt swallow and it was choking them. If i wouldnt realize in both incidents, Im scared to think of the consequences.”
WOW! So you decided because of two incidents that you know better than the medical establishment. Was the kid really choking – no breathing/turning blue or just gurgling/coughing? Even if it was a real choking, had you gone to your PCP (if you have one)- they might have suggested to wrap up a baby blanket and keep the baby on its’ side, instead of its’ belly! It has been proven to cause more SIDS -laying on their belly than their back!
Not too smart – Cookie!
HealthParticipantm in I – “Health — The medical information you quoted actually contradicts your original post. The AAP recommends AGAINST supplementing with bottles in the early weeks, except when necessary. It is also not uncommon for young babies to refuse bottles (as you quote “this increases the likelihood that the baby will accept it”, meaning sometimes the baby does not accept it), while many babies who are exclusively nursed when young have no trouble switching to bottles between 2 and 4 months. A lot depends on the individual child’s personality and sucking habits. Your comments of “Your kid is way too young to be only demanding to have you” and “If you keep giving her your milk everytime she cries, she will never get used to a bottle” are not supported by the medical establishment — nor are they true in the experience of myself and many other nursing mothers who I know. I have also never heard the idea that an exhausted, starving baby will be more likely to accept a bottle then a calm one (” Eventually the kid will be so exhausted- she will take the bottle.”) It is more likely that eventually the baby will be so exhausted she’ll fall asleep — and wake up even more hungry after an hour! I usually enjoy all your medically sound posts, but it seems to be that this time you went with your personal feelings or perhaps experiences, without stopping to determine the current medical position on this issue.”
What a long winded post about nothing! Why do you think perhaps I posted the second time, if not to correct my OP?
HealthParticipantBSD -“Are you saying that the ones who lack quality are ruining it for the others or that it is not even worthwhile for the unqualified person himself?”
The first one!
“And by what measuring stick do you gauge quality?
Bain adam lichaveiro? bain adam lamakom?”
It’s not one or the other, everything.
“sincerity? integrity?”
Both! They said in Europe – “A Bishop is Frum, a Yid is Ehrlich”!
HealthParticipantDid she really add -“fix my flat during the time that I’m in the store when I come out I expect u will be done”? Or did your friend perhaps exaggerate to make the story juicy? I doubt she used the tone that you are conveying, noone talks that way.
HealthParticipantSC – You can pick and choose -it’s up to you. As long as you are aware of the consequences. Eg.- Putting babies to sleep on their bellies has a higher incidence of SIDS than if they are put on their backs. Therefore the medical profession says “Back to sleep”. Lots of people don’t wear seatbelts, even though it’s the law. Because they do what they want -doesn’t make it logical. But it’s no skin off my back! :@
HealthParticipantI think the only chance of the repubs winning is if they put up a staunch conservative. I don’t think anyone mentioned by you or anybody running is within that catergory. Maybe S. Palin, but the hypocritical media who loves women and minorities, made her look like a fool, which she can’t possibly reverse. They only like minorities and women who are libs. If you’re not a lib, then all this equality stuff goes out the window. Gingrich used to be that way, but I think he’s been out of politics too long and he’s a bit mellow. Yet, he still might turn himself around. My reasoning is because you see from the last election -if it’s between two guys in the middle, even though Obama really isn’t in the middle, the dems will win. The only chance for the repubs to win is if they pull out a conservative, so their conservative base will come out in droves to vote.
HealthParticipantJothar -“And I’m within my legal rights to boycott ywn and ywn coffee room until bombmaniac’s request is granted.”
While I see your point, the main problem is the Mag (Mispacha). Why won’t they print something that’s online? If they are scared of it being someone else’s property, I’m not a lawyer, but I don’t think that the actual story becomes YWN property, just the words that are posted. I see no reason he can’t print it anywhere else.
HealthParticipantyaakov doe -“We use the Shabbos clocks to turn the units on a few times daily on Shabbos. The built ins don’t allow more than one cycle.”
I did a net search, which you can too. There are models that are 7 day programable which allow 4 on/off cycles per day. There are also many models which have the auto restart. Just be aware the more features a unit has -the more it costs.
HealthParticipantYaakov -What do you need that feature for? The Sharp AF 8,000 BTU, Fridgidaire also these BTU have built-in timers. The Fedders models have built in 24 hr. timers, so you don’t need a power interup restart!
HealthParticipantsmartcookie -“Health- most moms cannot follow books. We do what WE feel is best for the child. Yes, moms do know best.”
This is fine with me. You don’t have to follow professional medical advice. But I hope you practice what you preach and when your kid ch’vs gets sick you don’t run to the doctor with the kid.
Most people in the world do like to follow what medical professionals say -so they will appreciate what I posted above.
Are you also from the types who don’t give immunizations to your kid?
HealthParticipantMiI – I looked it up. The AAP recommends not giving a supplemental bottle till around 3 -4 weeks after delivery. The exception would be if illness causes you to have lack of energy or stamina to feed without interfering with your own recovery. I don’t know if this is the case by you. If and when you do decide to supplement, here are some pointers. Try to use something like a playtex nurser with a silicone nipple. The bottle should be held that the milk fills the neck of the bottle and covers the nipple. Stimulate the “rooting reflex” by stroking the nipple against the lower lip or cheek. Someone besides the mother should offer the bottle. This increases the likelihood that the baby will accept it. The mother should be out of sight of the baby. Once familiar with the bottle, the baby might take it in the mother’s presence, possibly even from the mother herself, but not for sure. If you want you can wean straight to a cup or you can go to a bottle first. If you go to the bottle, it should be offered at least once a week from the begining of the baby’s second month.
HealthParticipant“What are brains for??”
IDK; Ask someone who has them!
OMG, Wait a minute – Did I just post this before?
Yea, I sure did. But how would I possibly remember?
I don’t have any brains!
HealthParticipant“What are brains for??”
IDK; Ask someone who has them!
HealthParticipantMiI -“The hospital is not to blame for the infection. They didn’t do anything to me to cause it. I was just lucky enough to pick it up there.”
Here you definitely can sue. The theory is if you got it while at the hospital, the hospital gave you that bug. Don’t forget microrganisms are invisible. I’m not saying they did it on purpose, just they probably gave it to you.
“My husband and my mother have both tried a few times but my stubborn little girl will eat only from me right now.”
Your kid is way too young to be only demanding to have you. Whomever should take the bottle and you go into another room to sleep. The kid will kvetch and won’t take. Put the kid down and wait. The kid will start screaming. Eventually the kid will be so exhausted- she will take the bottle. If you keep giving her your milk everytime she cries, she will never get used to a bottle.
HealthParticipantAries – Could you explain your post? I didn’t hear any declaration from Agudah. What are you talking about?
HealthParticipantGoldekint – “Another issue is abuse. children who have been abused often leave the fold if the abuser was/is frum and wasn’t ostracised. who knows what these kids went through or still go through. sometimes it’s parents or close relatives who are the abusers.”
Your last line -is this an oversight or you didn’t mention them on purpose? A good portion of the time the kids are abused by Mechanchim or teachers!
HealthParticipantMazal tov! Idk the laws over there, but here you could be suing the hospital for giving you that infection. That would stop the tears! Also, give the baby a bottle overnite (someone else can feed), so you can put in 8 hours of sleep. Not to knock the other suggestions above, but sleep deprivation is usually the main cause.
HealthParticipantInjections are not the way to go (for many reasons).
Mayan_Dvash -Your case is the exception rather than the rule.
Obviously the practioner felt- better to give a shot than not to give the med at all.
Believe it or not, there are protocols on which antibiotics to give for what. It’s not a mix and match game. There are books written on this. It’s a big part of medicine.
I would say get the chewables, but they too probably have the additives you don’t want.
What you do is get something called a pill crusher, crush an adult pill, it obviously has to be the same strength and then add it to some spoonful of applesauce or something similar.