Forum Replies Created
June 21, 2011 4:10 am at 4:10 am in reply to: Kula Creep – The Creation and Use of Non-Existent "Kula's" #779701HealthParticipant
apushatayid – “Health. Leaving aside Dina dimalchusa and when it applies or the pros and cons of paying taxes. You seem to be advancing an argument that it is permissible to lie. What happened to midvar sheker tirchak? Did I misunderstand?”
I see no problem in lying. Lying is Mutter for Sholom, for sure it would be Mutter for Parnossa. The only problem would be stealing, but it’s not because they are giving it away to those who meet their guidelines. So the only reason not to take it is because you are breaking their guidelines, but this would fall under Dina Dmalchusa Dina, which you don’t have to keep.
HealthParticipantDY – “This statement of yours answers the others. If someone is not ready to get married, why should that pater them? For the simple reason that the marriage will likely not work out!”
You misunderstood my point. I was being Melaned Zecus on why almost e/o waits till 18 years of age; I wasn’t saying it’s clear from the S’A you can. After 18, I felt you have to give them some time to look for what they put on their list, but this is my thinking -who said the S’A would agree with me.
One thing has nothing to do with the other. Being too immature for marriage isn’t the same thing as I don’t want s/o 20 years older.
“Until then, the rabbonim obviously don’t feel that the chiyuv to get married forces one to get involved in an ill advised marriage (and obviously feel that it’s consistent with S.A.)”
This statement is totally farfetched. No where does the S’A even come close to saying this. Like I previously posted the S’A is very specific what type of potentional husband you can deny yourself from marrying. Sorry, an ill advised marriage isn’t one of them (age gap). As a matter of fact, the S’A uses a totally different reason for Zakain and Yalda, the reason is because of Zenus. If the S’A agreed with you about ill advised marriage, why pick on Zakain and Yalda, any age gap like a 20 y.o. to a 40 y.o. would suffice? And most importantly, why come up with a new reason of Zenus, just quote the Braisa in Yevamos that says age gap can cause Ketotoh. So it’s obvious the S’A didn’t hold your Putter because the marriage is ill advised.
“I think so, but I wouldn’t push them into what would likely be a bad marriage.”
You aren’t, but the Torah is pushing them into an ill advised marriage that might end up bad.
“I know of an older single girl who on several occasions was close to getting engaged. She had reservations, and spoke, each time, to an adam gadol. She was not told to simply get married because she has a chiyuv! If she had a legitimate concern, the rov she spoke to told her not to marry him!”
I don’t even know why you brought this story -I’ve posted many times that the S’A specifically lists a few different reasons why a woman can deny a potentional suitor. Perhaps this guy had one of those problems. But, sorry to inform you, age gap isn’t one of them!
June 20, 2011 5:51 pm at 5:51 pm in reply to: Kula Creep – The Creation and Use of Non-Existent "Kula's" #779693HealthParticipantPac-Man/ Joe – Well acc. to what I read here on the CR, that Dina Dmalchusa Dina only applies in a country where they treat e/o equally, he definitely should have said it!
I’ll give one example -J. Pollard -1. Gov. reneging on their plea bargain for no apparent reason. 2. No spy who got caught spying for a friendly country ever got such a harsh sentence in the good ole USA!
I have many examples, including the way I was treated in court.
So unless there is another reason to pay your taxes other than Dina Dmachulsa Dina or that poster is incorrect about treating e/o equally regarding D.M.D., why should you, if you’re not afraid of getting caught? And this would go on lying on Gov. applications also. It’s not stealing because they give out the money anyway, it’s just not following their guidelines which only would be not keeping D.M.D., if D.M.D. applied! This isn’t a Psak Halacha, just looking for opinions.
HealthParticipantoomis1105 – !???
HealthParticipantDY -“He should. Although he may need to be makpid on her ability to have children, why should he get involved in a marriage which can easily be filled with ketotah?”
Well I’m talking about someone who doesn’t have any prospects right now and maybe women his own age can’t have kids. Why shouldn’t he be able to marry a much younger person even if there is a possibilty of Ketotoh?
“Good question. I guess there’s some type of sliding scale, with a larger age discrepancy as she gets older (in which case a larger separation in years may not indicate as large a discrepancy in maturity as when she was younger).”
When you write your S’A, I’ll take your opinion into consideration.
“I think that’s way over the top.”
Actually, I think my opinion is very Kulidik. The Gemorrah & S’A imply you would be Oiver right away after Bagress!
“You mention divorcees, but you lump it together with age discrepancy. I wouldn’t.
I also think 22 (as mentioned by a different poster) is a ridiculously low age to be so desperate.”
You seem to imply that your basing your opinion on what’s PC. The S’A is very specific about what a women can decline as a husband, eg. Rayach Rah, etc. No where does it mention divorced as an excuse. And age difference is an excuse only if it’s extreme, eg. Zakain to Yaldah. Like I posted before, Chazal say if your daughter has reached Bagress -Yelech V’yeesaw. This implies hurry up -it’s already late. I know that nowadays girls start around 18 to look to get married- maybe you can be Melamed Zecus that they aren’t ready yet for marriage beforehand-so maybe they aren’t Oiver anything yet. I still said give them 4 more years to be picky before they are Oiver not getting married. But you argued and said -“22 is a ridiculously low age to be so desperate”. I agree with that statement, but that isn’t my issue. My issue is at what point are you being Oiver -not being married. Women and Men have a Chiyuv to be married and you can’t keep pushing it off, year after year, because of your whims, such as age difference. If all that is being offered is something the S’A says you don’t have to marry, so maybe then you are Putter until you get something normal. But if in the eyes of the S’A the guy isn’t a problem, just it’s not PC, eg. age difference, then I can’t possibly see a Heter of why that person isn’t married!
HealthParticipantrebbitzen -As a Rebbitzen, you need to preach more.
HealthParticipantDY -“The Meiri I mentioned, as well as the Ritva, both learn that the gemara on mem daled is asking from the beraisa as an analogy, not directly.”
Do they both say that the Braisa is talking in the case of 1 Meyavem and one lady or can the Braisa be talking only the case of multiple women?
“Of course he is not patur from p’ru ur’vu, but there’s no chiyuv to marry the first woman you meet even if it’s a horrible shidduch!”
I was talking from the girl’s point of view. The guy usually doesn’t care how young the girl is. But a man might care about how old the woman is, due to the limited time of chidbearing years.
“It’s also not realistic to expect a girl in her 20’s or 30’s to give up on a normal marriage and agree to marry someone who might be decades older than her.”
Ok, so at what point, acc. to you, does she have to settle on an older man before she is considered being Mevatel the Mitzva? 40,45,50? I hold -by 22 she is Oiver because if there was s/o who wanted her -she would have found him in the last few years.
“I don’t think it’s fair to compare our generation to Rus and Boaz at all.”
Of course not, we live in a Hefker Velt. Any Motzay Shem Ra you hear on the boy is automatically true and vice versa. Also, any whim you have gives you an excuse not to get married for decades or forever. Eg. I don’t like the other’s looks (I’m not talking about ugly), too short, too tall, too fat (Again, I’m not talking about extremes) and of course too old (Again, I’m not talking about a 95 y.o. man with a 25 y.o. woman, like you hear on the news). I could go on & on with the list of things, but I think e/o gets my gist. What you decided is not worthy of marrying consistent with the Torah’s view?
HealthParticipantDY -“Also, according to you, it’s perfectly acceptable to marry someone quite a bit younger, so why would age be a criterion for elimination?”
They aren’t eliminated; just recommended against only when you have more than one to choose.
“One more thing – why does the beraisa say the issue is kettotah if the issue is finances?”
Kettoh means strife. In this case the strife is financial.
“The pshat I mentioned is the simple pshat, and it does not pose any of these difficulties.
The kasha on mem daled is how can beis din allow an ill advised marriage (multiple wives – assumed in the kasha to be unaffordable) even if there’s a mitzvah of yibum. We find similarly in the beraisa that based on the pasuk of v’dibru, beis din advises (insists) against an ill advised marriage despite the mitzvah (the example the beraisa gave of an ill advised marriage is to someone of a very different age, which will lead to marital discord”
Ok, let’s say you could learn your P’shat that they use the Posuk to tell you that you aren’t allowed to do Yibum with older or younger women. My P’shat fits in so you don’t have to learn your way, but let’s say you want to. Where do you ever see you don’t have to be Mikayim Pru OORevu because of age difference? You want to say the Posuk throws it out of Yibum altogether, fine; but now take it and learn it by regular marriage -impossible. And you can’t say I’ll find someone else -this minute you are being Mevatel Pru OORevu. The same is true by the woman -this minute they aren’t being Mekayim L’sheves Yeetzoroh.
Now you know why Boaz said what Rus did was such a big chessed- marrying an older guy can cause marital strife and even so she wanted him. And in her case, not like nowadays it was Only chessed because e/o wanted to marry her. But in our generation they will sit aroung waiting in their twenties and thirties, not necessarily having s/o who definitely will marry them but as long as they won’t marry s/o older. Maybe the older guys aren’t Tzadikim like Boaz, but the girls aren’t like Rus either were e/o wants them or they would be married by 22!
HealthParticipantoomis – Thanks. Since I think like your father you must know my personality, so you can find me a Shidduch.
HealthParticipant1. I was talking where it isn’t.
2. “What about the possibility of the suction of the squeeze bottles sucking in the fleishik fluid.”
To suck in you would have to keep it on the meat after you squeezed -not done -noone keeps it there that long.
“embarrass a guest (Dioraysa)who touches it to the hot-warm-cold meat.”
Why embarrass? That bottle just became Fleishik.
“or have 2 separate ones and explain to them that out of a sense of Yiras Shamayim we would not to chas vshalom mix”
An unnecessary Chumra, unless you eat your meat like YOU eat your pizza. Most people don’t eat like this, even kids, and one bottle is just fine. You pour from away the hot food a few inches and if ch’vs something touches -then it becomes either Fleishiks or Milchiks!
HealthParticipantMod -80 -Squeeze out a bit.
HealthParticipantMike – Remember -we all don’t have to be Neutrai Karta to be against the Medina. There are many of us who are and don’t believe in kissing up to our Muslim enemies like Iran.
HealthParticipantMike –
“charlie: Did you ask this shaila to the Rabbi (Avi Weiss) where you pray?
we all know where Pacman was going with this…it was meant as a passive aggressive personal attack.”
While we all realize this is a put down -I don’t know what Charlie posted -it was deleted -maybe the put down was warranted.
“Packman…a Jew should lie to a judge? Doesn’t sound very frum to me”
There are times when one is allowed to lie. Lying to prevent being Oiver an Issur would be one of them. In the Court system -this would depend on the situation. I don’t think Joe holds that you can lie to a Judge whenever you feel like it.
On a funny side note -there is now an ad for some bank card I saw on the net. The viking kid (with a beard of course) standing next to a chopped down cherry blossom tree with his ax, with Wash., DC in the background, says to his father -“I cannot tell a lie” and points to his goat and says -“He did it”. Very funny!
HealthParticipantMod -80 – How about wiping/washing it off first?
HealthParticipant“The problem exists also when squeezing ketchup or mustard form a container. People, especially children accidentally touch the fleish on the plate.”
I know, my mother is always screaming at my kid about this.
But what kind of possible problem could there be if the meat is cold?
HealthParticipantDY -Sorry I didn’t get back sooner – I was busy.
“The Tur does not say one word about more than one yevama, because the beraisa was not only talking in such a case.”
The Tur is talking about the case whatever the Braisa is -so it doesn’t have to specify.
“I completely fail to follow your train of thought.
I now understand how you are learning, but let us analyze the Gemorah on Mem-Daled and see how your P’shat can’t be P’shat.
You say the Gemorrah asked from the Braisa on the Mishna-
“The gemara quoted it to ask a kasha. The beraisa was talking about regular yibum.”
Ok, so acc. to you what is the Kasha? The Mishna says that a person can marry more than one Yevama and the Braisa says you shouldn’t marry age difference (by one Yevama or more)(And I guess Kettoh means fighting because of age)? This isn’t a kasha because you can just say the Mishna was talking about a case where they were all the same age, so no problem.
The way I’m learning is like this -the Braisa and Mishna are all talking about marrying more than Yevama. So how could the Mishna say you can marry more than one, the Braisa says when you have more than one Yevama you look to get rid of the others by looking for age difference or any difference? With my P’shat there can only be one answer -that the Mishna is talking about a rich man and he can afford to marry a few. You can’t give the simple answer that the Mishna was talking about no age difference because that isn’t the point of the Braisa. The point of the Braisa was – get rid of as many as you can and only marry one (because the Yovom can’t afford it acc. to the Maskonoh).
So now you see why I’m learning in regular marriage or regular Yibum there is no problem marrying age difference. (At least, you don’t have any Rayah from this Gemorrah that there is.) It was only a problem because we needed to help this guy get out from marrying more than one Yevama because he couldn’t afford it.
HealthParticipantOfcourse -I’d like to add -your post should be in the topic of “chumras” because a lot of chumras people do is because s/o else is doing it. Not only do people do the Torah & mitzvos by rote they also do chumras the same way and have no clue why they are doing them!
HealthParticipant“”assu syag laTorah” to make a fence around the Halchos so we do not violate them. Chumra has a real place in Halacha….”
While this is true, I find that a lot of people have made the Ikkur Toful and the Toful Ikkur. In other words, you want to have a chumra fine, but don’t push it on everyone else. Also, don’t keep your chumra better than you keep the real Torah. Eg. -Someone speaks a lot of LH, but they aren’t even aware what they do because when they do introspection they don’t even begin to see their own bad actions because they say I don’t do anything wrong -look at all these chumras I have. I’m much better than so and so, they don’t keep any of these. Meantime the other guy doesn’t hardly ever speak LH and they do it all the time.
HealthParticipantSarah Radcliff wrote a whole book similar to what was posted above. I just don’t think too many women in our generation follow the advice, even the ones who don’t work.
HealthParticipantMiI – All my teeth came in straight.
E/o is right and e/o is wrong. There are lots of different types of people. So let’s all stop with the generalizations. Some people aren’t addicted and marriage will cure their Taavos. And some have a major addiction and serious mental help is needed before any attempt at marriage. If you’re not sure which catergory you fall into, seek advice from a professional.
HealthParticipantDaas Yochid – IDK; Did you read my post on the previous page? Why in the world would you think this applies to a regular marriage or even regular Yibum? The Gemorrah says quite clearly that it’s going on that case of more than one that needs Yibum.
I completely fail to follow your train of thought. If you look at the Gemorrah over on Mem Daled, you see clear that it’s not a problem only in this case because the Gemorrah says if he is wealthy, he can marry more than one and we don’t tell him anything like -stick with your own age buddy. (Acc. to you why not?) The gemorrah says we only tell him this when there will be conflict (Kettoh). So why do you keep on pretending that this is just like a Chok in Torah Sheb’ksav. You keep insisting that this Eitza has no reason and applies all the time, in every type of marriage. And of course it’s brought down in Tur because this is the Halacha with more than one women to be Meyabim. Even when the Torah says something which is a Chok, Chazal tried to find some sort of reason and here where the Gemorrah says clearly what the reason is, you pretend there isn’t any.
And btw, how did you come across this Gemorrah -did you learn it now or recently, or did you do some Talmudic search on the net looking for something to prove me wrong?!?
HealthParticipantDY -Go back and look again, but the main Gemorrah explaining it is Mem Daled. The gemorah on Kuf Aleph had a problem with numbers because we have this posuk that if you add it up -it equals 7, but the Rabbonim hold 3. So the gemorrah answers we need it to teach you that you have to give the guy a good Eitzah (advice) (on whom to marry -same age or older or younger), so now that the posuk which R’ Yehudah uses to add 4 more to the Bais Din, the Rabbonim use it for something else, so they don’t have to add 4 more to the Bais Din. So now the Rabbonim could hold 3 on the B.D.
Enough with Talmud 101!
HealthParticipantca -“who wants to have the responsibility of raising moshiach?”
You always have to look at our forefathers and try to emulate them. You probably won’t get there, but they say if you don’t even try you won’t get anywhere.
June 14, 2011 6:05 pm at 6:05 pm in reply to: Guys who reject most of hundred girls they date- are they "ON the Derech"? #777008HealthParticipantWhat I think is worse than being picky, is all these men & women in their 40’s & 50’s (some even 30’s) whom have just given up on marriage. Where are the parents/family members to get them the help they need?
June 14, 2011 5:58 pm at 5:58 pm in reply to: Wouldnt the Mekubal see whats in store for Weiner? #776417HealthParticipantThe Goq – And how do you know what he told or advised Lebron?
HealthParticipantzahavasdad -There are many frum, female therapists. Maybe they wouldn’t be so antagonistic towards them.
HealthParticipantchalilavchas – Thank you. It sounds like you’re the parent, maybe you can have a sibling or s/o else your child is close to -to try somehow to get him/her to see s/o!
“Another very painful thing about this is being judged and nitpicked by frum people, who analyze how the parents are to blame (until it happens to them).”
Ignore them -they will have to give a Din v’cheshbon on all their talk! I’ve learned to ignore the world. In my situation, it was my own family (not immediate) who caused the whole situation which I have now.
HealthParticipantJoin the crowd, between 50 & 75% of Americans (med. literature) are somewhat lactose intolerant, including me.
June 14, 2011 5:38 pm at 5:38 pm in reply to: Wouldnt the Mekubal see whats in store for Weiner? #776415HealthParticipantOf course -they write in that article -he puts death curses on people he hates. The gemorrah says it’s not good even to have a death curse from even Resoyhoim because they can come true.
HealthParticipanttwisted -In order to be a mother of Moshiach you have to be a great Tzadaikess, like Rus who was full of Chessed. One of her best Chassodim was marrying an older guy. So who wants to be like Rus?
HealthParticipantDaas Yochid -“It’s on kuf aleph, amud beis, sixlines before the wide lines.”
Oh, so you weren’t joking. I don’t know what type of gemorrah you used, but take a regular one and go to Kuf aleph and there you’ll see a star -that points to the main gemorrah on (I think) Mem Daled -there you will see what I posted above is the Pshat!
June 14, 2011 5:15 pm at 5:15 pm in reply to: Wouldnt the Mekubal see whats in store for Weiner? #776413HealthParticipantFirst of all, they say Rabbi Pinto is the real deal; so be careful what you post -you might be Mevazeh a Talmid Chochom.
Second of all, Mekubalim aren’t Neviem, unless they are Shoitim, because when the Bais Hamikdash was destroyed, Neivious was given to Ketanim, Shotim and Chershim.
What they are good at is giving good Eitzos (advice); that’s why Rabbi Pinto has a very rich and famous and celebrity following.
HealthParticipantchalilavchas -I have similar with most of my kids. Love is unconditional, put your own Neigious away. You love him/her, not his/her actions. Let them know you love him/her and work on yourself to mean it. If at all possible, try to get them to see either a frum therapist (they work on Hashkafah too) or someone who works on being Mekarev people. Hatzlacha!
HealthParticipantDY – “And even if the gemara strongly advises against it?”
I looked it up. The main gemorrah is Mem Daled (I think). You must be joking because otherwise you just Crumed up the Gemorrah. You do realize that was an Eitza for someone who had more than one woman he had to marry, it has nothing to do with regular marriage or even regular Yibum. It costs a lot of money to marry a few women, so they helped him choose.
June 14, 2011 4:56 am at 4:56 am in reply to: Need remedy for crazy pregnancy hormones during last weeks…. #777673HealthParticipantalways – “its a little over done and weird you’re advice is to give me to see a mental health professional”
I sorry, but I never posted that or had an opinion on that. But now I’m begining to think that maybe you should. My post clearly states that Cum Laude should post that instead of trying to practice psychology over the net, which he/she is clearly trying to do.
“After all your name is Health.”
Because I’m a health/medical professional, no matter what the opinion of some posters are here.
June 13, 2011 3:20 pm at 3:20 pm in reply to: Need remedy for crazy pregnancy hormones during last weeks…. #777668HealthParticipantcum laude – Your post sounds like you’re a student in some sort of social work or psychology program. The CR isn’t the best place to try out what you learned. How about suggesting she go see a mental health professional?
June 13, 2011 3:13 pm at 3:13 pm in reply to: Guys who reject most of hundred girls they date- are they "ON the Derech"? #776984HealthParticipantOfcourse – “I ~ A S K E D ~ “are they “ON the Derech”?”.
This you asked in the OP and then you STATED:
“I just dont think they’re ON the Derech either! They’re somewhere in the middle”
To this I responded -“It’s not your place to decide who is on the derech and who isn’t!”
June 13, 2011 8:06 am at 8:06 am in reply to: Guys who reject most of hundred girls they date- are they "ON the Derech"? #776979HealthParticipantOf course -“I didnt go as far as calling them OFF the Derech, I just dont think they’re ON the Derech either! They’re somewhere in the middle. I guess you can call their malady- Serious-dating-prax (similar to Orthoprax)!”
Yea, you’re right -it’s not 6 eggs, it’s half a dozen. And btw, s/o who is orthoprax is OTD. Just because you don’t like their behavior doesn’t give you the right to call them OTD! I personally would be happier if you called them mentally ill, than Not On the Derech. It’s not your place to decide who is on the derech and who isn’t!
HealthParticipant“Is it crazy to start school at my age?”
In the Yeshiva world, most start even later.
June 12, 2011 7:24 pm at 7:24 pm in reply to: Guys who reject most of hundred girls they date- are they "ON the Derech"? #776959HealthParticipantmorah reyna -I never heard of this “field”. Maybe some frum shrinks are doing “dating therapy”, but doesn’t make it a separate field.
HealthParticipantmorah reyna – Now that you know the definition, you know in which direction to go.
June 12, 2011 5:18 pm at 5:18 pm in reply to: Guys who reject most of hundred girls they date- are they "ON the Derech"? #776955HealthParticipantOf course – I know plenty of girls who were sooo picky and now in their 40’s and 50’s aren’t married. So this is an across the board problem. I also don’t think anybody has the right to call them “off the derech”. These people probably should see mental health professionals, but to call them OTD is wrong! I also believe it’s the responsibility of the family to get them this help, not the yeshivos. Even though I’ve posted before that I think Yeshivos & Bais Yaakovs should have in-house mental health prof., that wouldn’t be their responsibility -to get them married, unless there isn’t any family to speak of!
HealthParticipantZeesKite – You’re correct. I didn’t mean to imply that she wasn’t a Tznuah. He did notice her because of what you wrote. But this isn’t the reason he wanted to marry her. The posuk says very clearly because of her Chessed. It seems from learning it with some Meforshim, it definitely was a Maaloh that she was such a Tzunah, but the main reason he wanted to marry her was because of her Chessed!
He didn’t call her An Aishes Chayil until after he saw all her Chessed. So whom wants to be An Aishes Chayil like Rus, in our generation?
HealthParticipant“Yes I totally fell in love with the Negev!”
Speaking about the negev, on the way to Eilat there is a open wilderness area, something like a national park, where you can see beautiful natural things and wild animals. The gov. actually charges to enter – it’s on the right side going south.
HealthParticipantOk, wait till next year Pesach and bring the Korbon Pesach. Trust me this will top any of your friend’s adventures.
HealthParticipantPBA – I knew your post coudn’t be true, but I was curious what type of link you found. So I did it -very clever. You must know computers well.
HealthParticipantanon1m0us – A Ger/geyorus has a Din of a Koton just born. There is no Yichus except for the Din of Ger!
HealthParticipantbinahyeseira- “my point was that in this way i don’t think people in those days were much different than we are (except that a woman wouldn’t divorce so easily, even if she was miserable)- that’s the gadlus of boaz and rus; they did the right thing even though people would talk.”
Yes, I understand your point, but this is our fundamental disagreement: There are two types of talking. One someone doing an Aveira and one someone doing something not PC. The community in that time never heard of the Din -Moavi V’lo Moaviah. So if Ploni Almoni would be Mechadesh it, noone would accept it and say he is being Oiver an Aveirah, as opposed to Boaz (the Godol).
In our generation, if you do something not PC, like marry a girl 20 years younger, the world will talk. They didn’t have these kind of hang ups in that generation!
HealthParticipantcoffee addict -Time to start on decaf.
“(mashma in those times too you married within your age range)”
“That’s just an assumption,(you might be thinking about the time of the Tannaim)
let’s look at the avos and gedolim,
Yitzchak got married when he was 40, Yaakov when he was 60, Moshe was somewhere between 60 & 80, Yosef when he was 30.”
You just contradicted yourself. Did they get married within their own age range or not?
I tend to agree with your latter posts- that it was commonplace to marry a girl much younger than the man -taboo in our generation!
BTW, my post I was saying even if you say they married within their own age range, doesn’t mean they held it had to be that way!
HealthParticipantBSD -“It is precisely that-Rus’ tznius-that impressed Boaz.”
I doubt that- the posuk says “Shocheves Margulosuv”.